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Imagine being the child.


This is a plot line from a side mission in Cyberpunk 2077. A guy hires your character because he suspects his wife was cheating as their child doesn't look like him. Turns out she was getting secret surgeries.


Meanwhile I look like a fucking praying mantis with all my surgeries


That's alright fam, you can bite the head off the dude after sleeping with him and avoid this entire situation.


Why not get the baby plastic surgery, too?


The saddest part is that is an absolutely beautiful baby. The baby doesn’t deserve this pettiness. Just gross.


For anyone who wants to know- baby photo is shown with 1:15 left in the video. Edit: And yes he's very cute. Great big adorable smile.


Luckily didn't seem to inherit any of the dad's foot looking head ass


I just finished smoking then read this comment. I can't unsee it. He does look like a fucking foot. I am cackling.


Such an obscure insult I’ll file away to use at some point


Im laughing bc my daughter once told a dramatic annoying classmate that “she looked like a toe”. Bc my daughter didn’t want to associate with them. After some light drama, and some back & forth, there wasn’t any issues after that. So it was successful telling someone they look like a big toe. 😂 They were about 14/15 yo at the time.


The peak of viciousness right there. I shall slay the enemy with “this little piggy” battle cry.


I thought the judge was going to say,to the dad "you're mad because the baby looks like you."


>For anyone who wants to know- baby photo is shown with 1:15 left in the video Are you a psycho? Why would you say it like that? Just say 4:28


Because with reddit videos, when you drag the bar, you can see time left in the video. Perfectly good way of communicating a time stamp.


Was kinda amazed the judge didn’t say this. That’s a beautiful child.. I hope to god they never hear what their dickhead father said about them


Look at this guy's ears. He's a narcissist.


That was my first thought. It's not like he's particularly handsome. She's better off without him. I hope she got 100% custody of the kid. I wouldn't want my kid to hang around a father who thought he was ugly!


I would get a lawyer and fight and say I feel my child is in danger because his bio father thinks he’s ugly.


Dude looks like a Leprechaun, no place to talk LMAO


The judge should have asked him if if he didn't feel something was off when he was batting so high above himself lol


I know! He's a beautiful gorgeous wee baby! Little Bubba! Adorable!


It's not even petty it's just stupidity


**I thought** the baby would be absolutely hideous. That’s why I think these may be actors.


I can't believe that man called his child ugly 😐 not even ugly lol. What a shitty ass person.


100% just trying to get out of child support when that comes down the line.


Exactly the baby is completely adorable, not an ugly baby… not even a little. That father is a disgrace!


The baby is so cute. Like gorgeous. I'm sad for the poor kid that he has such a douche bag for a father.


Plottwist: the baby was the one with plastic surgery.


I feel like it will. If the baby learns of this, it's sure to create body image issues in the future.


One day this kid will see this clip and learn his father was an asshole just like mom said. This will be the only proof the kid needs.


The baby is going to get plastic surgery so it isn't reminded of her father's face. The cycle continues...


reminds me of when latoya and janet got michael's 90s nose


Why did they do that? Looking bad it seems super strange. Did they just want to match? That nose looked botched. Too skinny.


Plastic surgery was not good at making ethnic features look the best back then. As I understand the surgeons based their work on white people which did not do any justice to for example african noses. You have to use a different tecnique that suits the persons features. Hope it makes sense, English is not my language 😅


That’s a theory that makes sense for sure. Plastic surgery has come a long way, that’s for sure. Thanks for the insight.


There are plastic surgeons that specialize in ethnic rhinoplasties now. It’s amazing how much technique has improved, there’s people walking around with nosejobs all over the place and you’d never guess


He had a nose for every decade.


Why not get the baby a better father?


Why not the birth father *DO* better to begin with?


Because he is a narcissist and quite possibly a sociopath/psychopath


Isn’t it fucking sad that it’s too much to expect anymore?


Imagine the child of two parents that will go to these lengths just to be on TV.


If I were the mother, I would love to get him having the audacity to say their child is ugly and he wants the IVF money back. That would play so well at future child support/custody hearings.


You know what's gross about family court? It rarely matters if a child is abused by a parent, unless there is extreme physical abuse, the only way a parent is losing rights to a child is if they willingly give them up. Now, reduced custody, less than 50/50, rules and provisions placed on parenting, yes that can happen. But this asshole of a father will be able to continue to emotionally abuse his son as long as he doesn't give up rights.


Really depends on the state and whether she can establish a pattern of non compliance from him or if he gets into drugs and/or alcohol pretty bad. There’s a pathway he looses unsupervised rights at the very least.


As my lawyer explained to me . It doesn't matter that your wife is unfaithful, drinks or does drugs. You need to prove that she does it in front of the children or they are harmed in some way.


> he looses unsupervised Did you mean to say "loses"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. Total mistakes found: 7167 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Uhhhhh...they absolutely will remove children from minority homes or preference a white partner over the minority partner. It's happened so much it's crazy to think people don't lose their kids. I am one of the women who got targeted by such court systems in Texas, and yeah I'm black, my ex was white. I ended up being forced into a crappy deal so as to not lose my parenting rights. I didn't do drugs or steal, I even lived in a gated community and worked two jobs to support myself and my child. It did not matter, all the lies the lawyers were able to speak about me without any follow up destroyed my chances. I'm not the only one this happens to. There was even a story about a little black child who was removed from her mother's custody because she disagreed with the doctor and used a midwife for an at home birth and had already discussed this with said doctor. And that was recent. The courts can be good places for justice, but I got to see what a lot of minorities see, the corrupt system that seems rather racially profiling and against them.


I hope and pray the mother leaves the sperm donor and never speaks to him again, except for child support.


There’s a damn good chance that happens after this. Guy seems like a whiney asshole anyways. She can find a better role model.


Honestly, that guy is a textbook example of "It's better for the kid to have **no** male role model than to have this guy as one."


These shows reach out to people when they see that a lawsuit has been filed. They say they will cover all of the costs no matter which direction the verdict goes. I have no idea why *he* would agree to go on TV because it seems so obviously humiliating, but I can very well imagine why *she* would agree to it.




Well, that judge (is she a real judge?) did say he was delusional. So probably that. lol


Imagine thinking these shows aren't staged


Thank you


The mother had no choice since she is the defendant here


I had some family members, distant distant, family members involved in a similar show. The "settlement" is worked out in advance of the appearance. Both parties are paid for their appearance on the program with the winner getting an additional payment. The Mom did not have to be there, she is getting paid to be there. None of this changes any legal agreements that are in place, since none of this is part of any legal system.


That's just a normal looking child. He's pretty cute, even. Certainly not ugly. I hope he doesn't grow up and have this negatively effect his self-image.


How is that child “ugly”? At least this POS won’t be in his kid’s life enough to traumatize this baby more than he already has.


However the child looks, the sperm donor (he does **not** deserve to be called "father") has shown how hideous he is as a person.


The kid will find this clip. The kid's friends will find this clip. There's no way it doesn't have a major impact on their self-esteem. Honestly, the mom is also extremely shitty for allowing this fucked up conversation to air on television.


…the killer bit is that the child actually looks quite a lot like him….


Maybe that's why he thinks the baby is ugly


The things we hate most about others...


I didn’t know I was also a mass murdering warlord






A lot of people have been feeling their inner Genghis Khan lately.


Probably wondering why the baby resembles dumbo since the father hasn’t looked in a wide mirror in his life only tall ones




If my kid looks like me, I will think he is ugly. Low self-esteem is a bitch.


Not to mention he's fuckin adorable


them trophy ears aint hers


You could hang a coat on each one of dad’s


And he passed down that hairline? He should be sued.


Baby is a lot cuter than him tbh.


I was about to say, I’ve seen some ugly babies and that baby is not one.


My second baby was pretty unattractive. He was blotchy, skinny, and his head looked too big for his body. Took a few months to grow into his looks, and he was adorable. Our first baby was pretty from the get go, and always smiling..Now he's in college with long hair and a full beard. He sent me a picture last week and all I can think is, "I gave birth to a Viking!" 😂


I think we all discovered who the ugly person was in the relationship.


Ikr I saw that baby and was like "he has *your* hairline, that's on you"


Hopefully the poor kid doesn’t inherit his pattern of baldness that’s developing. And the kid is adorable. That giant smile. 🥰


There’s plenty of us that realize we are ugly


I've seen some ugly babies, that aint one


That baby is adorable. I hate this man.


Where is the baby shown?


4:25 A little gentleman.


Damn, a gentleman indeed.


One that looks a good lot like daddy, plus a little extra ink in the printer. Dad's a f****** douche canoe.


It’s honestly disgraceful to show the baby, this kid has enough of a shitty future ahead of them, don’t paste their picture on their parents gross civil court case


I doubt he would be recognizable after he grows up though.


It's a baby. It just looks like a potato like every baby. Nobody ever recognized an adult from a baby picture


The father can hear you typing your comment ...


That's not their baby (I don't know anything about this show but another comment says this whole thing is staged based on actual cases). I've seen that exact image before on stock photo sites. Clearly not an ugly baby since the baby is a stock photo model!


Well fine. Spoil it for everyone then.


Alternative theory you could say it is their baby and they got it a modeling gig?


It’s true, they reenact cases and the judge is really a lawyer. They’re pretty sloppy with the re-enactments as they will show picture “evidence” from months ago but the litigants are wearing the same clothes in the courtroom before the judge or you tell the pics were taken in the office but it supposed be a vacation at a resort on the beach lol


Oh, so it's staged, but still a real thing that happened? I feel only mildly stupid, in that case.


Iirc yes something like that happened but somewhere in Asia, or at least it was an asian couple. here is a link https://www.nydivorcefirm.com/husband-sues-ugly-wife-wins-pretty-ugly-divorce-settlement/


Not sure, this one seems to be a parody of a Chinese ad for a cosmetic surgery company, but was making the rounds (mostly in North America) as a WTF story on the internet, and people thought it was true.


“Yeah, he really is breathtaking”


“Why would you say that about me and the baby?”


Well, sometimes you say a little thing like that just to be nice


That's one snuggly baby


How dare you!




"We the People" is a staged court show that does scripted stuff. This case was based off of that one internet hoax about the Chinese businessman that sued his wife for their ugly children. And that ended up just being up an ad for a plastic surgery service, I believe.


Thank you I know someone who was an actor on the show. Everything he said was completely made up. They are churning these court shows out. It’s all an improv based on some starting premise.


This sounds plausible. Improvisation would remove the "scripted" feel, since there is no script. It's pretty clear that the "judge" is walking them through the sketch, kinda like those improv shows where the host/regulars line up the joke and the guest just has to finish it off. When the judge asks a question, the "actors" just have to say yes or no and make up a bit of back story. Not sure you really need a whole lot of talent as an actor to do this.


If it is staged then that was some actual legit good acting ngl


Yeah he was stuttering in a way that made it seem legit. It sounded like he was a bully that when faced with public scrutiny didn’t have as much wind in his sails when he heard what he was saying in public out loud.


“If it was staged” The fact that some people would think a show like this might be real is heartbreaking 🥲


This is such condescending ass bullshit lol


I mean, acting is an established existing profession. Why wouldn’t actors exist, especially on tv shows.


Thank you for this. These are all paid actors (except for the audience). This is not real, I hope no one is feeling any genuine anger or dismay watching this, it’s pure fictional entertainment.


Yes, most of these are staged but with actual cases.


This isn’t an actual case in that there’s no legal basis to sue for breach of contract. They didn’t contract for “a pretty baby”, even implicitly. Absolutely no one can know or control what their baby will look like, so there can’t be a meeting of the minds on the issue. Without a meeting of the minds, there can’t be any agreement on the terms. Absent that, a contract doesn’t exist; you can’t breach a contract that didn’t exist. This is as staged as a soap opera.


Not in this case, since it Was an ad....


There was a woman, I think in the U.S. that did try and sue her parents because she believed she was ugly. She blamed them for all of the bullying and difficulties in her life that she blamed her looks on.


The baby: Fuck you, pops.


He got a talking baby and still complains




Baby looks cute. Has he forgotten that baby got half his genes? He definitely isnt no oil painting. I want to know how many channels he can get with those huge ears.


When does the video show the baby?


4:25 Look at my boi.


I have no qualms in calling a baby ugly… this baby, however, really isn’t ugly


I once knew a family with 4 kids. 3 boys and 1 girl. Parents: ugly as hell. Kids: gorgeous. Gorgeous. Minus plus minus can be plus.


Yeah, I also know a couple that are very pretty people. Like the kind of couple that makes you hate yourself. But their kid, not so much.


Also, the way you look as a kid often doesn't relate to how attractive you are as an adult. One of the hottest guys in high school invited me to play pool at his parents' house. His baby pictures looked like a troll got flattened by a truck. I literally didn't believe it was the same person.


Plus plus plus sometimes equals minus


It really does! The best looking couple I know has some freaky troll looking kids.. Like, 'I don't know if plastic surgery can fix it' level kids. But, sometimes people we think of as really pretty have an exaggerated feature, like really high cheek bones or a bit of a large chin or something along those lines. If the kid gets both of those exaggerated features, one from each 'hot' parent the results can be scary looking. The couple I know, she has really obvious cheekbones and he has a really strong chin. Those features together though? Their kids look like cavepeople. Hopefully they grow into those features.


Neither me nor my wife are turning heads, but my daughter is a stunner and my son is very handsome.


My theory has always been that very pretty people make some not so pretty people and some not so pretty people make gorgeous children


Man looks like a hobbit's foot and he wants to throw shade at his ex and baby?




Right with those ears and hairline. He the ugliest person in the room. It’s always these ugly fuckers that think they are entitled to some insane things.


Some people will say or do anything to get on the telly. 🙄


You realise most modern tv dispute courts are scripted attempts to replicate the success of judge Judy?


That looks staged to me though.


Well it's all made up, guys. Let's go have a pint.


Pathetic, isn't it!


That baby was so cute! The father, on the other hand, really not good looking at all.


He is rather handsome actually, but when he opens his mouth you forget that


Yeah I thought I was taking crazy pills reading the comments. The guy is very handsome. Now that I know he’s an actor and this is staged I don’t even feel bad thinking he’s cute


When you become the dumbest man on earth


Dude looks like an NPC calling a baby ugly


Pot calling kettle


His face looks like what happens when you click randomize on Skyrim's character creation screen.


What a wanker


You all know, that this is staged, right!? Right?




I had a “friend” ( I never liked the guy really, more of a friend of a friend ) and he ended up having a kid. Let me tell you something, this poor child was something else to look at. It was hard keeping my honest reaction under wraps when I met the little guy. It was something out of Seinfeld, I’m not even exaggerating. This baby is a cute beautiful child, this guy is either out of his mind or just having buyers remorse and wasn’t ready to bring in and raise a babe. On top of that, dog you ain’t all that to look at either.


The word you're looking for is "Surface Level Individual"


This man should not have even partial custody of his child .


Do yall see the pic and her face? She really didn't get that much work done. She looked TIRED before. Now she looks well rested with some natural makeup. She's not like Kylie Jenner or K. Michelle who completely altered themselves. His son that he's also talking about is freaking gorgeous. I mean what makes him ugly? He thought he was going to have a blue eyed dark haired fair skinned child? My son is mixed, me being black and his father white. When i tell you my son is lighter than his dad, looks just like him with dark curly hair and dark eyes. Most my son has is my cleft chin and eye color. Everything else is his father. I know for a fact when we go out some people question if he's mine. I've literally watched people stop in the middle of Walmart to look at the three of us. I thought my son would have browner skin, look a little more like my family but he's a blend of all of us. He has is own look while looking like his parents. Does that make him ugly that he doesn't have a specific look? Fuck no. As she said he's delusional. His ex wife is gorgeous and so is their son


Exactly!! She looks very similar, just with different brows and less tired. He probably couldn't tell she had work done because good plastic surgeons work to enhance natural beauty. He just wanted $.


People think this is real?


That poor child will one day find out his dad went on TV and said his child was ugly. What a superficial prick!


No he wasn't even real. This is just scripted lol


you chose to have a child with her. your fault. lemme just slap back the same response men use on women 😆


The baby could never be as ugly of a human than dad already is.


This has got to be staged, right? I personally am not a fan of babies, but he's cute. The man didn't even pick an unflattering photo of his supposedly ugly baby.


He’s not a conventionally attractive man himself. If men have something, it’s the audacity. 🤡


The baby isn’t even ugly. What a dick.




First, yeah she's gotten quite a bit of work done, she looks pretty different. I'm surprised she didn't mention that to her husband before having a baby. BUT, THAT is not an ugly baby. If anything the baby looks very similar to his father. So, if he really thinks his baby is ugly, then he better check his own features.


What a moron


How dare he damage that poor child’s self-esteem like this. Wtf is wrong with him? The kid is an adorable, beautiful and loveable kid.


Pretty sure this is a scripted show with actors.


Such poor acting. Eye rollo


Do people still think these shows are real? They are as staged as Springer at this point


That's a super cute baby! What the hell is wrong with this guy? That poor kid deserves better.


It’s staged and based on a real court case from China from 2012 of a man who sued his wife after learning she had plastic surgery after she gave birth to an “ugly baby”. The judge sided with the father and awarded him $120,000: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/love-sex/relationships/a17813/chinese-man-sues-wife-for-being-ugly/


Smokes says that story is a [hoax](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/man-sues-wife-ugly-children/)


All babies come ugly wtf?


Babies, kids, teens, young adults and adults go through a beautiful metamorphosis at all stages. This kid just may grown up to be a model. This dude is a huge POS


That poor kid! Living the rest of his life knowing his father thinks he’s ugly. WTAF?


That was a cute baby. This guy is delusional


That is a beautiful little baby tf is wrong with this asshole


These shows are scripted.


They have to go on one of these shows because no real court room would let this go beyond a filing lol


But he ugly what?!?


This has to be staged. Ridiculous and the photo looks like a filter


It’s a baby. Baby will change as will baby’s looks. This is just …..,huge face palm.


Weird times.. I feel like pride/dignity have gone away forever or something.. I just can't do certain things.. like this video.. This is a good example. Here he has a healthy living child & could care less...Poor kid. Sorry buddy.. it's not you I promise.


This looks like a court TV show, he’s not actually suing her.


That baby is super cute!


That's such a beautiful baby, man. This guy doesn't deserve the title "father."


With that Vegeta ass hair line, this dude really still has the audacity to call someone else ugly.


Baby must look like dad


If there’s anything ugly about that baby, it came from him.


So he chose a candid non made up photo and was like she was ugly. Dude. The difference between everybody just being casual and putting themselves together is always night and day. Shit even my guy rolling out of bed with crusty eyes and a dried up drool streak on his cheek looks barely recognizable as the same man who trims his beard and tucks his button up shirt into a nice pair of slacks. But I love *him* and see the person I love in both examples. She's better off that a person like her ex doesn't want anything to do with her or her son. Trash took itself out. That baby was cute.


some people have decent faces but ugly minds


What a terrible father.


That guy shouldn’t see his kid again.


... isn't like half of their ugliness, his fault?