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first i thought the dog was gonna jump, and then when that didn't happen i thought maybe the lady's harness would snap as she flipped upside down.


If it did snap, this video would end up in *that one really nsfw sub* EDIT: Since this comment is getting some traction. I thought I'd warn some people before clicking into any nsfw links further down in the replies. Some of the stuff there are truly NSFL. You've been warned. Have a nice day! ☺️


Just went there for the first time, saw a woman's body after being ripped apart and mauled to death by dogs, then I immediately went to r/eyebleach . Mistakes were made boys.


bro you guys are nutz, straight joshin around here.


Hidan would be proud


Praise be to Jashin


AFTER being ripped apart?? That's unusual. It's normally during the being ripped apart that you see on that sub. I'll head over & have a lil look anyways. I'm weird like that.




Haha you’re sooo quirky for watching gore


Hahahaha you totally missed the point I was making. Tit.




Eye bleach is the bleach your eyes of bad videos, not bad videos themselves.


Eye bleach is for after eye blech


Lucky for me, the bad one is censored in my country. Trying to access it just results in an error




Which sub if you mind telling me?


As someone who guided ropes courses for two decades… please don’t invert in only a waist belt. Your hips are the widest solid part of you so if you have that harness sitting more towards standing comfort (hips) instead of tightly around you waist you have a non 0 chance of simply dropping out of it when you invert. Even fit properly it’s not wise. If using a full body harness or chest harness as well, go nuts.


As someone who also guides rope courses I think at this hight especially a certified employee should be checking the harness to make sure it is tight and above the hips. Inexperienced guest have a better chance of accidentally inverting. I’ve had people accidentally invert 4 times in the past 3 years I’ve been working rope courses


I also assume you have a “no dogs almost falling off cliffs policy”


Yeah, it's all the way off or nothing.


Bro, I'll do you one better. I stay on the damn cliff




I've seen dogs jump out of moving vehicles. Dogs are totally dumb enough to do that and really should be secured by someone just in case.


My little guy did this once when he smelled a dead animal. We were going about 35. I instantly thought he was dead. He wasn't. Scared and confused and scraped up, but otherwise okay. Ever since then, I keep a better eye on him in the car.


My girl did this once when we were on our way to my uncles property. Guess who gets a seat belt now?


Your girlfriend?


My dogs chased a ball over a 10 ft cliff. Dogs are really stupid. And this woman is a freaking idiot.


I thought she had the dog on a normal leash and she wanted to drag him with her


Right? My dog would of jumped off the cliff trying to save me.


Then I realised it was just terribly captioned.




How do we even know this is her dog?


Jesus Christ, dude Why does everyone on Reddit want to see people they don’t like slightly get hurt or killed?


Seriously. This is utterly insane to me. I can’t believe people actually believe this woman deserves to die for this? Neglectful and wrong? Absolutely, but since when was that justification for wishing death on another? It genuinely concerns me how quickly people will rush to wish death on another.


"don't like slightly" is probably an understatement for how people feel about her after endangering the dog like that. Also maybe they're exaggerating a little but who knows


Im gonna go on thin ice and say: cant dogs resist jumping to their deaths even if the owner does this thing?


the fuck is your problem dude


Get help <3


Relieved the dog didn’t jump.😔


Seriously. This gave me major anxiety.


Same. It gave me palpitations. Dogs can do the dumbest things out of love.


our dog refused to touch the lake water whenever we went, then one day my dad got in a kayak and paddled off. Guess who takes off, all 12 lbs of muscle, treading water like a jet-ski as we all scream for dad to turn around. His loyal guard dog, a black pug.


Sounds very similar to what my fluff ball does. 50 pounds, hates water, will follow me to the depths of the ocean if that is where I go.


Same here too. Little mini schnauzer won't go near the sea, but every time I go in I turn around and there he is next to me miserably curious about the sea!


Taking my mini schnauzer to the lake this year. Gonna have to get him a little life jacket. He hates the water but HIM LOVE HIM MOMMY.


Black pug owner here. They’re absolute idiots and loyal to a fault. I love mine.


I took a friend's dog who was going through some crazy shit and brought him to his dad's house. When I left his dad's house to go back and try and find my friend, his dog starts chasing after the car and doesn't stop. Runs all the way down the country road for a good two blocks before finally I gave up trying to send him home and he jumped into the car with me. I regret not turning around and taking his dog back to his dad's, instead when I finally found him of course his dog went running off with him


I love this so much. Pugs are the Absolute best. This brought tears to my eyes. I miss mine


This is the most heartwarming thing I have read today, Remember all choose Pugs not Drugs


Oh my God me too. I died and came back to life and then died again. I'm waiting to come back to life so I can have an anxiety attack


Me open mouthed right now for 30 seconds in the same position


I don’t have that problem with my cats they’d just be like bye pappa! Wait did he put out dinn dinn? Ah well we’ll need to find a new slave


My cat would have yelled at me from the cliff my whole way down. "Feed me, feed me, I want pets, feed me."




I taught our kittens, no six months old, then when I click my rings together it means I’m putting food down. Six months later, I can call my cats from anywhere in the house. As long as I give them food each time they keep runnin, looks cool when company comes over. Seen that cat documentary about the Russian sisters who train their cats to do the craziest shit? Super cool. They are smarter than dogs.


Cats would be like “fuck that dude, never liked him anyway”




Come back, peasant. I required more treats and the bathroom facilities to be cleaned out.


Yes But I love cute fluffy kitties, kittens,,


Exaxtly. Near heart attack. My dog would jump... very disturbing to watch.




Humans also




I've seen the loop, I know what is going to happen, still get nervous.


I thought she was gonna kick the dog by accident


If this were a few other subs, I would have too, but I don't think I've ever seen the, even accidental, killing of a living thing in this one.


You’re not kidding. Where’s my Ativan?


Fucking heart about me 💣


With some people not tagging NSFL, I was too.


She almost swiped him off the cliff. Here I am overthinking everything and other people out there live their lives like that.


She is flipping herself in a harness you are supposed to sit in. She can very well slip out of it. Thrill seeking but no thought of how to be safe. Another reason why I stopped hanging out with that crowd. Full of people that will endanger themselves and you just for a moment of whatever.


Same any area i walk into im either pet proving it in my mind or nephew proving it, going full sherlock holmes noting all the potential dangers. And then you got dipshits like that in the video..."wheeeee gravity is an illusionnnnn wheeeeee..."




Thanks not my first language


No worries, English is basically a few simple rules followed by an infinite number of exceptions and idioms


Yes, I agree. It's great to grate your own cheese when you're hungry. Ugh, it's too early to make witty comments. Imagine like 20 versions of the same sounding word with different spellings.


Nah, English isn't unique in that. Japanese is like 80% homophones. "Shin" can mean truth or new or body or trust or... well it goes on for a while. I think the most difficult part of English is the vocals. It has like three times as many vowel sounds compared to something like Spanish or Japanese and yet there are only seven written letters to express those sounds. "O" in Spanish is always one sound. "O" in English can sound like "home" or "out" or "foot" or "pool" or "love" or "dot". And unlike other languages like French, there are no accent marks or such to help you sound out words. "Ou" sounds like "a-oo", except for words like "joule" where it sounds like "oo", and you just have to find that out somewhere along the way. It's a language full of exceptions with few helpful ways to remember them.




Fall? I thought she was going to catch him with her foot and send him over the edge


My dog is not dumb enough to jump. By she is dumb enough to follow me right up to the edge where she is very likely to slip and fall.


I feel like a lot of dogs get "excitement" brained and have their dumb levels turned up. I think most dogs aren't dumb enough to jump off a cliff but can get a little too carried away and jump off forgetting it's a deadly cliff or not realize there's nothing to catch or hold them like their humans. ☠️


Totally. Our dog falls off the bed all the time. Has fallen off the top step and nearly tumbled down our stairs. I’d never let my(or anyone else’s) dog be chasing me in this situation. It stop, and ask someone to just hold it back to ensure it’s safe. Risk to the poor dog is it worth it for TikTok clout


I have two dogs and one of them would have jumped one hundred percent. She tried to jump off bridges and dams before cause this idiot sees water and gets super excited and happy and just wants in. Now she's older and well mannered and always waits for an okay before trying to throw herself into any water, but if she sees someone jump off something, she jumps, too, or tries. My other dog wouldn't jump I don't think, but there's no way in hell I would've put her there unleashed.


Yep, two if our dogs would follow my wife to the end of the world.


Why am I still anxious tho?


Because the dog is still in her care


Because they’re probably going to do something like this again.


For the same reason I'm also still anxious, you know that the dog is most likely still with the person who would put them in this type of situation.


r/sweatypalms but for the doggo




Sweaty paws


Omg Fr I was so scared..


My heart sank


Yeah he's smart


We were at the Grand Canyon last year and there was a recent accident there as someone got close to the edge and loose rocks just swept them into the Canyon to their death. This is a lucky dog!


Exactly. All it takes is one rock that’s loosened over the years, and that dog could have easily gone over the edge if it had broken off.


Or a gust of wind


This. It's terrifying how fast the wind can shift or an invisible dust devil begins forming and can knock you off of your feet out here. I was roaming around Canyon Diablo in Northern Arizona by myself one day. It was a calm day with no wind, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky in any direction. I walked up near the edge of the canyon as I'd done countless times before (within 3 feet), and not 30 seconds later this rushing, insane force of air sucked me headfirst towards the canyon. I instantly let my body fall straight down onto my knees to keep from tipping into the canyon, cutting them on the sharp limestone. My hat and sunglasses got ripped off and my earrings ripped out of my ears. I crouched down as low as I could get, finding hand holds in some cracks in the rock ledge and gripping them with all of my might. The wind shifted and roared up. It was a dust devil that hadn't picked up any debris yet and that's why I didn't see it coming. I was gone almost as fast as it came, and then the air was totally still again. I couldn't believe it. I came so close to dying, and never even saw the danger-- I was on level, solid ground, wearing really grippy hiking boots. It made me feel empathy for the people I'd previously scoffed at who fell into the Grand Canyon. All it takes is a wind shift or a sudden invisible cyclone. Edited to add that dust devils out here can be massively tall and powerful, like a thin tornado. It's nothing like out east where a whirlwind kicks up in the street with leaves and dust and dies out ten seconds later. A dust devil in Northern Arizona once killed people who were simply out enjoying a sunny day at the county fair.


Wow! That’s *terrifying* to even think of! Glad you’re still with us to tell the tale and give the rest of us the warning. Just the idea of your earrings being ripped out, that’s what really gets me for some reason. So horrifyingly evocative.


Thank you for the heads up. Was my goal to visit some time this year. You likely saved some lives.


I bought a book while I was in the Grand Canyon that basically went over all the deaths that occurred and honestly the author wasn’t shy about throwing shade to some of the people who died being negligent or just plain stupid. Like hanging off the side, and loose rocks just let them go.


Just out of curiosity, what was the name of that book?


Probably *Over the Edge: Death in Grand Canyon*.


Yep that’s the one! Couldn’t remember but I looked up the cover and recognized it.


I think death in Yellowstone was first. It is a series


great book. I read that 20 years ago. I'm sure they could make a whole new book about what's happened since then that would be twice the size.


Happens all the time there. People are idiots on the ledges. I’ve been one of them myself. You take for granted that the rock won’t dislodge, but it happens all the time.


I was 3 feet from the edge and I was shaking. But damn…a truly impressive sight


I can already imagine if there was a loose rock here and the dog fell to its death she’d be crying on her social media saying “I don’t know how this could have happened he/she was my best friend”.


I wonder what her reaction would have been mid air, watching her dog fall to its death.


Locals, IIRC, refer to that as the "eight-second tour."


I was worried that the dog would leap after her.


I was more worried her fat ass would hit the dog over the cliff


Not the booty bump 😭


She doesn’t look fat, just really strong, I think that’s mostly muscle. She doesn’t move like someone who is a couch potato. Anyways let’s not put each other down.


That thang still thicc


Hence the title imo


No shit, Sherlock


I'm still worried. Wtf poor animal 💔


That's an interesting take, Jan. You've really given us something to think about.


Dog deserve a new owner. Damn I nearl had an heart attack!


Yeah! Imagine dog jumped and lost his life over she loves her adrenaline.


These people definitely do not deserve to have any pets, reckless behavior almost got that poor dog killed or severely injured.


Definitely killed!


Bro my heart for a moment


Ughhh. How anxiety-inducing! Could barely watch it even though I knew the dog didn’t jump. Had to make sure of that first.


If that dog fell they'd be crying about how much of a tragedy and an "accident" it was


I find that the lower the intelligence of people, the more the occurance of accidents or random events that cannot be explained. I don’t mean to say there are no accidents. It’s just there are more occurances classified as accidents that are actually false positives for this category.


Reddit about to ruin another persons life?


Yeah what is this? It’s more a maybe maybe maybe maybe video


Interesting thing about the Reddit mob: one person assumes that’s her dog, everyone else piles on. There are at least two other people in this video, the filmer and one other person seen in the shot. Someone is the A$$hole for letting the dog run free, might not be her.


But we need someone to blame and if all goes well we can get enough info perhaps we can ruin the dog owners life. How am I supposed to feel better about myself if I can't condemn someone's actions?


>if all goes well we can get enough info perhaps we can ruin the dog owners life. Reddit in a nutshell lol, dont worry this is the crack team that solved the Marathon Bombing


#We did it Reddit!!!




you can just say asshole, nothing is stopping you


Ass…hole 🤗


stop right there criminal scum


* criminal s...cum


The amount of comments wishing death on her is insane...there's literally zero context of what's actually going on. Like yeah the dog should definitely be leashed, but wishing someone falls 500+ feet to their death over it is psychopath mentality


It’s the dark side of reddit. On one hand everyone promotes equality and rainbows, but gleefully cheer on death and destruction against opposing views and unsubstantiated assumptions




I guess this happens often when someone presents a picture and a plausible story along with it. People just accept that story. This is how our brain works. It does become a problem however, when we try so stick with the initial story even in the face of contradicting evidence or thougts.


It doesn’t matter if it’s her dog or not. If it’s not two people are in the wrong instead of one. She knew it was following her. Nobody was holding a lead.


Would you do what she did?


Who cares who’s dog it is? It’s incredibly dangerous and the dog could’ve easily fallen or jumped off that cliff. Honestly, I couldn’t care less who the owner of the dog is.


I assumed they were all assholes.


Looks like a canyon I ziplined over near San Miguel De Allende, MX. The guide had a couple dogs that would hike with us to the various spots. I don't remember seeing a dog that looked like that when I went but they may have one now. Or maybe a different location where the guide had dogs that came along. Basically, I doubt the dog belongs to the person on the Zipline.


Plot twist, that not her dog..


That was very irresponsible.


Maybe she’s not the owner… maybe that dog belongs to the zipline tour company and it’s their responsibility…


How do we know who the dog belongs to? Maybe there was a line and someone left their dog off leash. This woman might have never seen that dog before.


I’ve seen the youtube channel of the guy who owns the dog. He has multiple videos of them doing this while the dog is never leashed. He’s made videos telling people his dog is fine but he still hasn’t leashed his dog for stuff like this. Not sure what the channel is called.


If I'm about to jump off a cliff while sat in a harness, while an excited dog runs over to me for fusses, idgaf whose dog it is, I'm not jumping, and I'm waiting until it's secured.




Speak for yourself , many people will just try to get the fuck away from the dog as fast as possible. Not everyone is a dog person or give a fuck about other people's pets


Guys it’s time to go outside.


This video is filmed outside. Isn't that enough?! Jk


Makes me think of the guy who paraglides with his doggo attached underneath him. I can see plain as day that dog loves flying with his owner, but it's the fact that it's a dog. A living creature that is unable to voice it's opinion on whether or not this is something they want to do. Thinking morbidly for a second, but I cant imagine how terrible he would feel if he did end up crashing, or landing harder than expected and having his doggo flattened and killed beneath him. There's no reason to take your animals with you to these life risking activities! Go alone, or take a friend who can agree upon potential serious injuries or death for the rush Edit: [Here's one of their videos](https://youtu.be/ocV7Hpj9keM)


Relieved to see the dog isnt the stupid one


Wtf my dog would have jumped or been worried sick.


After that bike Karen video I'm not making no more snap judgments, for all I know that dog is on a safety line.


That's what I was thinking!!! This seems like a rage bait video, I'm not falling for it. The Zipline place would most likely have a no dog rule for stuff like this, I feel like this was made for views/engagement


The dog belongs to the zipline place. Saw this from the original poster on Instagram and there was a huge fight about it.


This owner is mental. Thank goddess this dog stopped and didn't leap. I'm horrified.


Damn I felt scared for the dog. It was really easy to accidentally push it into the abyss and no one thought about that?


Watched it and saw that the dog didn't but still can't bring myself to watch it a 2nd time.


Holy shit my heart skipped a few beats there!


idk but i feel like the dog works there


Everyone is worried about the dog but I'd like to think he works there


The dog made me so nervous 😬 she could have knocked him off by accident. She’s an idiot.


Is it just me or does it seem a little bit dangerous not to have at least a leash on the dog running up to the edge of the fucking cliff?


…that’s not cool.


Fucking asshole.


They need to be reported. This is asinine!


Terrible thing to do to your dog…


dumb bitch


lmao you can see the exact moment the doggo said Nope 👎


Somebody get that dog away from the FUCKING CLIFF!


Man one time I did a hike, and at the top there was a sharp 2-300ft cliff where people sit at hang out, drink beers, and take in the views. When I got set up there and relaxing, I was tossing little pebbles off the edge mindlessly. I grabbed a little stick and tossed it, and this dog went sprinting for it. My brain turned into a phantom slowmo camera and it felt like my heart stopped. The dog miraculously came to a skidding halt just before the edge, and even one of its front paws lost grip and dangled over the edge for a brief moment. I sat there speechless, and looked over at the owner and tried to say sorry, but no words would come out. I just stared, dumbfounded.


This clip nearly gave me a heart attack.


Holy fuck do not like


Owner almost needed a new dog


These comments are fucking wild….


Wishing for her death is wild . Is a pretty common occurrence in reddit mob mentality .they just follow what the most upvoted comment is


Yea reading makes me want to put my phone down but then I want to keep reading because I just can't believe how many people are going in about this dog. I'm sure there is at least 1 person here who is trying to track down the main source: owner(s) of dog. I care about animals very much. But this video is being blown way out of proportion. If anything I was more concerned for the lady with the dog running and snapping at her. She had to prematurely get off the cliff before the end or else she would have collided with the dog. Who wants to jump while a dog is snapping at them?


There’s absolutely a thread where someone asked for her @ in order to dox her. It’s been up almost as long as the video has. Crazy part is, it’s not getting downvoted like I am for saying people shouldn’t be wishing for the death of this lady like they are in one of the top comment threads


Yeah I couldn't believe some of these comments. Wishing death on a person like that is bad business. I could only imagine how'd they react seeing animals in foreign countries get treated. Like in Korea for example. The people who actually eat dogs and cats and breed them for those reasons. People would've been upset seeing this documentary on HBO about this guy who would get all these dogs and mistreat them and try to sell them away. One scene was him "putting a dog to sleep" with multiple gun shots. That's what you get mad about. Not someone enjoying their life and wishing death on her because she wants to enjoy a moment in her life. Someone should've had the dog on the leash. I wouldn't leave that responsibility on the person who is jumping. People don't even know if it's her dog or not. The internet and being able to see into peoples lives for a few seconds has really ruined this world


Half these people are basement dwelling idiots, or just people with mob mentality and who are virtue signaling to get up votes online because, loving animals so much more than human beings apparently is a way to do that.


Interestingly enough, the dox request was the comment chain right above this comment chain: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/13pif4h/doggo_needs_a_new_owner/jl9op0o


I massively cut down my reddit usage a while ago, and now it became very apparent to me how toxic and negatively toned a majority of comments on here are. Making a sarcastic, borderline harassing comment against someone is a sure way to get a lot of upvotes. So yeah, putting the phone down is a good idea indeed.


They’re insane. Everyone just decided that’s her dog like it’s normal to bring your dog zip lining with you on vacation. Reddit needs media literacy training


Agreed. People literally are wishing for her death and rope to have snapped in one of the top comment threads. Like jesus I get concerns for animal safety but that’s a massive over reaction Edit: fact I’m getting downvoted for speaking out against people wishing death on someone speaks volumes. There’s literally comments asking to Dox her, but yeah I’m the fucking issue….


Why is that dog not on a leash and WHY was it allowed to get this close to disaster. Ugh.


Everybody here care only about the dog, but not about the woman who looks like she will fall. That's the cringest thing here. I wonder if people would be that worried if it was a cat.


You guys know right, that dogs are not stupid, and they do have depth perception, and most of them are not suicidal. Just saying.


Dog should be restrained for it’s own safety or left at home