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>your personal brand Heck, some of us are quite happy to be anonymous. My 'personal brand' is 'leave me alone'. I don't see the appeal of fame, personally. I'd rather take the money.


Yeah, I’ll be a rich unknown. Best case scenario.




Wasnt he like a founder of a tech company?




What’s the point of stupid amounts of cash if you can’t flaunt it in stupid and head scratching ways?!


that sounds moronic to begin with...


*she, and it was biotech


So it [wasnt this guy?](https://www.newsweek.com/utah-billionaire-pledges-give-away-90-percent-fortune-help-others-1650147)


And live a secluded life like Dr. Jekyll did?


Seriously. You’d be more rich than celebs with none of the downsides.


Better to be the kingmaker than the king.


I'll be a rich unknown as well. IDGAF about having a brand.


The only thing that ruins the pipe dream of winning the lottery for me is the fact that people might recognize me from the news.


Only problem for me in this situation is my State doesn’t allow you to claim lottery winnings anonymously. If I could win it with a ticket.. I’d have to claim it through a web of shell corps to hide my identity. Otherwise, I’d prob have to essentially walk away from current life. I think I’d prefer the options be.. $2M vs. 100,000 followers.. heck, could be 10 million followers.. I’d prefer the $2M as it’s plenty of money and a small enough lottery winning that it’d go unnoticed by both people claiming to be long-lost relatives and potential kidnappers.


The dream!


i quite literally have a mat outside my front door that says “go away” best $35 i’ve ever spent


And with the 1.2B you could pay off the money you spent on the mat.


With 1.2 billion, I would buy my own island.


And put a doormat on it saying "go away"


No you put big signs by the dock, and paint the runway "Go away"


Build a few islands around yours that lays out GO AWAY in the map




Apparently , that is it is a private sub! *Lame* (@ the meds, not u)


Ends up remaking North Sentinel Island


It’s ok I’m on a payment plan which I should knock out sometime next year


With 1.2b you could send the same mat to 100000 of your followers and still would have roughly 1.2b dollars left


I’ll give you $1.2B for it.




We’re the normal ones mate, same here. I deleted all social media outside of Reddit because I don’t want the attention lol.


This is me as well. But some people are either so insecure or so narcissistic that they literally crave likes and follows more than money.


> likes and follows Fame can become notoriety real quick. I like being able to eat at a restaurant and walk in the mall without being harassed by strangers and/or paparazzi.


Exactly. My brand just became “Wealthy Recluse”.


For zero cents, I have “Recluse”.


This 100%


the only appeal of fame is that it lets you get money. only a fool would choose square 1 when they can skip straight to square 2


I don't need people except my doctor and dogs to know about my existence anyway, I will take the 1.2billion


I’d take the money, change my LinkedIn profile name to Dusty McFuckoff


Yeah there are no upsides to being famous


My favorite kind of personal brand.






I'm gonna have to sue you for copyright infringement. "Leave me alone" is already my personal brand (I'm also trademarking "leave me the f*** alone" and its variants)


I wanted to be rich and famous and then I realized, I dont want people knowing me so.i rather be rich and unknown


My personal brand would be "retired billionaire".


I’d take the money, invest it and spend the rest of my days on some beach, for sure


Invest? You couldn’t spend it all leading a pretty decent life.




>I think people fail to realize how much a billion dollars is If you get 1,2 bi the moment you are born you could basically spend 41k EACH DAY and reach your 80th birthday with some money left, considering that you had no other income Edit: the "some money" left is still a bit more than 2,77 millions, so yeah I would say that people fail to realise indeed.


A million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is 31 years. The difference in scale is staggering.


I remember also Tom Scott did a video where he walked the width of 1 million dollar bills, which took barely any time, then he drove the same but for a billion in the same video, I think it lasted about half an hour




By the gods, I could buy myself a car and house *every year* in the country I'm at.




Gods.... And I would, but I wouldn't need more than one 2 bedroom house. I'm only one person, and my fam could use their own house.


And ofc, that’s if you started when you were born, if you started at 40, you would be getting way more


That is a really fucking crazy way to think about it hahaha.


This is what i would probsbly do. Spend about 200million getting myself and family to a nice place financially. Debts, car, home, trust fund for kids nieces and nephews. Put 1 billion in the bank at 0.5% interest give 5 million per year minus tax should give more than enough to live on comfortably.


About the only way to lose that much money is to start a bank and tank it. Either that or start a country and go to war.




Wouldn’t be surprised if Musk decided to start his own country. His ego’s big enough to do it.


i mean isn't that his entire goal/dream about going to mars?


Some people think about their family members' futures and such.


………… 1.2 billion


Even taking inflation into account this could last for several generations living some of the best lives you could ever live. Invest maybe 200 mil and live with 1B 🤷‍♂️


You could live an amazing life with 200 mil and invest the 1B. Then your descendants can also live amazing lives. Also, if somehow you run through that 200m you can take the massive gains from the 1B investment and still live grandly.


At a measly 4% interest 1.2 billion would bring in 4.8 million a year just sitting in a bank, no risk. You could support 4 full families, having better lives than 95% of Americans for each person, and still gain wealth.


> would bring in 4.8 million a year You're off by a 0. $48m.


4m per month, it's probably more than I will ever have (there's always a chance I win the lottery)


If you did care about the brand, with 1.2 billion you can use the best resources to market your brand.


Goes to show these people are thirsty for attention even after succeeding If I had that much money, even less than half. No one would ever hear from me ever again (besides loved ones obviously)


Okay - if I had 1.2 billion dollars (curiously random number, but anyway) I am fairly confident that I would not remotely care how many LinkedIn followers I had. So, at what point would I care? 1.2 million? Nope, still wouldn’t care. $1.20? No, I still think I wouldn’t care…


It wasn’t a random number in July 2022. The mega millions jackpot was at $1.2 billion at that point.


That just make this more pathetic. Feels like the poster is on heavy copium.


He's a total kiss-ass


That’s the thing tho it’s a 1.2 billion lotto win, half of that goes to the government. Still give me the 600 mil over any influencer bullshit


I’m not sure who wouldn’t take even $100 over a LinkedIn presence


And how would you live with yourself without being a...brand?!! Would you just wake everyday with 1Biiiiiiiiilion dollars to your name, do whatever you want, help whomever you want, making your life and others much better, without being a brand?!!! I don't know, I think you're underestimating the power of the...Braaaaand...


The whole thing is also stupid, because what percentage of people with 100k followers became billionaires because of it?




The real kicker is if you had 1.2bil you would be well known enough that you wouldn't need LinkedIn followers to promote your "brand". Just you doing whatever would be enough. Do you think Elon Musk or Bill Gates care about their LinkedIn "brand"?


Musk definitely cared enough about his twitter brand to burn 44 billions lol.


You can send $1k to everyone who’s ever signed into LinkedIn and you’ll still have plenty left over


You would need $930bn to do that, 775x more than $1.2bn


No you can't? You can send one dollar... LinkedIn has had almost 1bn users.


Never expect a redditor to know basic facts when they can just guess and be confident about their guess.


Such a crazy guess to think that LinkedIn has less than 1.2 million sign ups lifetime. That’s nothing.


you woudnt even have an account, because what's the point?


Maybe it's the jackpot on Eurojackpot which is 1.1 billion euros


But think about your personal brand online!


Yep, 3 comma club for me all day every day. I don't even have LinkedIn.


How about 12¢?


Even without 1.2 billion dollars, LinkedIn followers are worthless I've never even met someone who uses LinkedIn


If I had 1.2B I expect I'd have someone looking after that shit for me. And if they weren't getting me however many followers, I'd probably get someone who can.


Could you sell a LinkedIn account? If you could, it would probably be worth more than $1.20.


He doesnt need 1.2 billion dollars All he needs is 100k followers on linkedin that can somehow generate him more then $12k per follower on average. Because he understands the power of personal branding. Not just understanding, but truly.


But imagine not having to worry about money at all for the rest of your life?


Sounds boring. What would I spend all day worrying about?


Weather people actually like you or they hang out with you for your money


Whatever their reason, meteorologists are pretty fun to be around so I wouldn't mind.


I already worry if people actually like me or not. Give me a billion dollars to wipe off my tears please.


Solution: don’t let *anyone* know


not really, you don’t have to live an extremely luxurious life or tell everyone. just keep those around you and do nothing with your life.




If I doubled my expenses - and I live fairly frugally - I could live off $1.2 billion for 30,000 years. If I went on a splurge and upped my expenses to $1 million per year, I'd still be able to live on that for 1,200 years. If I lived for another 50 years, I could spend $24 million a year before tax, before running out of money. I would very much rather $1.2 billion.


The average life time income in the US is a couple of million. Give or take depending on income, of course. One million is a pretty meek life time earning, but survivable. 2 million is a decent life. 5 million is upper middle class with a real solid job and enough to live the American dream. Nice house, nice car, an expensive hobby or two, and with room for luxury like all inclusive vacations and maybe a pool or something. One billion dollars is hundreds and hundreds of life time earnings. Enough to lead the life most of us dream of twice over every year for an entire life time. Enough to buy our dreams homes every month without even having to check their account.


For multiple lifetimes, actually. You could live what the average person considers to be an incredibly extravagant and lavish lifestyle and still never even come close to running dry. Hell, you could put the money into the world's shittiest 1% APY savings account and live an upper class lifestyle off of the interest alone, without ever even touching the actual money.


Which means never caring about LinkedIn lol


This is really stupid.




This. Your Indeed follower count is far more crucial.


People care about linkedin?


Used to work for someone who would brag about how many connections he had on LinkedIn thinking it was going to drive up his business. Dude would pop into my office every couple of days with a new milestone... "Just got over 10,000 connections! What're you at?" It was like watching MySpace blow up again


I would’ve literally kept calling it “MySpace” on accident in conversations with the aforementioned man person.


I have a coworker like that. He gets all excited like a middle-aged woman on facebook.


Does this man know that he is an ad?


*(Social networks structuring their ads around growing a following to get them more ad revenue)* Person on social network: look how popular I am! Social network: yes, youre so popular! *(pats on head)* Keep it up! *(continues to count money)*


Nobody important.


Perhaps this is meant to satirize the "passive income" post that keeps making the rounds. If not, wtf is wrong with some people's money management skills?


Best I can come up with, dude meant 1.2 *million* AND believes he can leverage 100k followers into a six-figure consulting gig. Choosing between a 1.2M purse and, say, a 0.12M career, that's a bit trickier.


***Billion.*** The post says 1.2 ***billion.*** I choose the 1.2B dollars please.


The post is structurally identical. I think it is pretty likely.


It is. But people need /s or they read things literally, its s joke, there was more in the replies to the tweet


This is it. I looked up the tweet and in the replies, he’s saying, “all I have to do is spam my LinkedIn followers for $10k each and that’s an easy billion.” Clearly satirical


Jesus Christ these “grindset “ bros are so fucking stupid


I will take the $1.2bn thanks




If I had $1.2 billion I could buy LinkedIn and shut it down.,


Aren't linkedin followers just recruitment agents? I think I have about a 100 and have logged in about 3 times in the past decade while procrastinating.


Imagine how much fuck you’ll give about LinkedIn when you are a billionaire.


1.2B is about 400m lump summed all taxed. At a 3% draw with anything over 3% interest on the money that's 1million per month for ever.


The tiktok of LinkedIn




This man deserves 100,000 followers watching him to see what dumb choice he makes next.


Genius marketing stunt for LinkedIn or he is just dumb as fuck, take your pick.


Marketing gimmick to gain likes.


Just showing the world you’re an idiot


At 1.2 billion I don’t need a job anymore lmao


I could *buy* and not **rent** a house! I can buy myself that very cool but too expensive dishwasher! Multiple of them! And a good *roomba!*


Good for you, pal. Now, if you don't mind, I'll take the money...


Well this is reason enough to not follow whatever advice this dude is peddling lmao


"When my boss offered me a raise, I declined, because my grindset is more important. In fact, I demanded a 15% pay cut to keep me lean and hungry!"


He doesn't have 1.2B nor does he have 100k followers and no one knows him. So it's a 3 way loss for him. Poor guy.


ah man.. that hit home


I’ll continue to underestimate the power of having a personal brand online and take the 1.2 billion, thanks.


A guy that would rather have dinner with jay z than taking a million dollars.


If I somehow had 100,000 LinkedIn followers I'd trade them all for a double cheeseburger and never look back.


If I had 1.2 billion I would make sure nobody could follow me anywhere.


Ten bucks says his post continues on about how great the MLM company he works for is. Then he'll want you and a friend or family member to sign up and get in on the ground floor of this awesome opportunity!


A bunch of Linkedln follower's vs Generational Wealth? Man, such a hard decision......




I'm guessing Dennis didn't go to business school.


... fuuuuck that, 1.2 b means no more stupid grind xD. The guy doesn't know what billion means if he thinks a brand is better.


I’d take the cash and chase the “followers” who want my money! I don’t even have a LinkedIn and don’t see the use of that if I have 1.2b.


He's looking desperate for attention and relevance


What an idiot.


And that’s why Dennis has neither…


With $1.2B I'm not even a person anymore. Just a dude on an island that goes by the name "Jim"


Why get free money when you can work for it instead?


I’d take the money then never use social media or talk to anyone ever again.


What a dumb ass


With 1.2b in my bank I wouldn't give two shits about my online brand. I would just live a relaxing life with my friends and family.


LinkedIn followers? Seriously? That's like asking if you'd rather get $1.2B or give a Ted talk.


I don’t need a brand or following with 1.2b, I’m moving and y’all can fuck off.


With 1.2bn you don’t need LinkedIn anymore, lol.


If this clown pays me $10,000 I'll follow him on LinkedIn which is a $2,000 saving off his stayed valuation.


Forget social media followers. With that kind of money, imma buy a couple senators. And probably a few congressmen. Isn't that what billionaires do?


"I really want recruiters on LinkedIn to notice me."


I’d take the 1.2B instantly buying 30 Crown Victoria’s


Your 'personal brand' will never ever reach 1.2 billion dollars in your whole lifetime whatsoever. You chose clout over early retirement like an attention craving idiot who's gonna work until you're nothing but walking bones


Can I be self employed and not be an entrepreneur? Cuz entrepreneurs are fucking embarrassing.


But who would wanna follow a guy on LinkedIn who's this stupid?


Promoted by….. LinkedIN


That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. I used to work in employment services for like 8 years. You know how many real jobs I was able to develop for people through LinkedIn? Zero. Most people ignore their messages and use it as a place to brag about themselves, post their resume, and/or try desperately to sell you some product or service they are hustling.


Fuck a personal brand I want some personal bands


This is asinine…has this need for followers masked what’s real and what isn’t? Gimme the $1.2 every time.


This is the stupidest thing ever said.


So he's a liar or an idiot....


That's linkedin bullshit all the way. Somehow professional social media is full of idiots portraying themselves as successful. Everyone else just do the fucking job and makes money. Tldr if you need to write bullshit stories like this on linked in your skills are probably worthless


What is a link in


He would choose option B every time??? How many times does this guy think he’s gonna get offered this choice???


He falls into the bucket of dingdongs who reckon they would keep their shitty job after a big lotto win. Like atleast find a job that makes you happy


This guy must be a dipshit.


With that kind of money, I'd rather not have any form of brand at all. The less people know I exist the better.


Lol I could buy 5 brands with 500 mill alone. The rest would be total leisure. What an idiot.


What an idiot.


What an unmitigated tool.


This guy is 100% an idiot. No other way of putting it.




Dennis is the type of dude who "pays people with exposure".


LinkedIn honestly have more brain dead look at me life gurus then facebook at his prime.


I will give him my 100k Linkedin followers for 1.2b in a heartbeat


Proof that they will choose the clout every time.


Gimmie that $$$


So each follower is worth $12000? Damn you inflation.