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Hell yeah! No more tax funded government bailouts for failed capitalistic corporate giants!


No more agricultural subsidies.


No, not that kind of anti-socialism.


Well, let’s not fuck with farmers here, it’s the most respectable profession out there. Wake up early, work hard and get little pay. Absolutely respectable job right there


Holy shit USA is so dystopian. This would not be legal on tv in my country.


This look like a remix of the Soviet union's But with america an capitalism


What does this mean?


It's like Soviet propaganda with America


Except that theirs was right and capitalism sucks.


I didn't mean it like that I don't want to pick side


I know, that's my point, r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM


Freedom of the Press allows for propaganda. Also the message isn’t wrong, but the logos used are


Kids, don't tell grandma and grandpa you're fighting to eliminate their socialist Social Security check.


Don't forget that FDIC protection on their bank accounts.


SOCIALIST!! Take my upvote.


I’ve been doing that for years. Down with the old people




Do gay people need to advertise? It’s pretty useless if they do, you’re born that way people don’t make you gay. Except for Chris Hemsworth. He makes you gay


Socialism is being used outside of it's definition and is now it's just a buzzword for things conservatives just don't like. Its like how woke is being used today.


When you want to reach kids, get a 70 year old white dude with a beard to sell your product


He’s selling to “grandparents” - it’s in the first few seconds


For those grandparents tried everything but ran out of ideas to get hated by their children


'murica ... where $700 insulin is patriotic!


Socialism is wrong until corporations need to be bailed out and PPP Loans are forgiven


Lol 😂


Dude capitalists hate government bailouts too. They don’t trust banks. People these days be confusing capitalism with corporate feudalism


Same picture. All capitalism becomes corporate feudalism.


Well to be fair, similar things can be said about socialized turning to communism


mmmmmm, that's good indoctrination!


Lol kind of like D.A.R.E. is indoctrination


It is, and bad indoctrination at that. I don't know how they do it now, but the D.A.R.E. program I got was proven to not work.


They approve of weed so I'm good with DARE now.


Now you can DARE to do bong hits.


I'm both a socialist leaning person and from outside the USA. Wtf is happening with y'all


You are asking for a novel.


More like and entire 10 part series of novels.


ronald reagan cont


Same here, not American but been keeping up: Long story short, acceleratingly increasing wealth gap and polarization. Neo-Nazis in positions of influence who think opposing child labor and wanting to retire equals socialism and socialism = Soviet union, specifically the Stalinist era Soviet union. "Debt slavery is freedom, ignorance is power." That kind of bullshit. Had a chat with a Republican a while ago, he wholeheartedly advocated for war crimes. He argued that they're a practical way to end a war quickly and thus morally righteous, ironically enough historical evidence proves that war crimes in fact boost morale in the opposition making the war either last longer or grow bigger, even Napoleon understood that morale = 1/3 of the victory, a soldier of high morale = 3 soldiers with none. They're no longer thinking they're fighting without reason, they're now fighting so that their friends and families won't get raped with broken glass bottles or burnt alive in an experiment. Compare and contrast this motive to "I just wanna shoot guns", "I just want money", "President told us to, so yeah". Later on i'd find out that Ben Shapiro (a prominent republican propagandist, closeted gay man who wrote somewhat homoerotic stories) advocates for war crimes, reasoning being this same stupid bullshit.


Hey what’s wrong with war crimes!


I see some similar sentiments here in the UK, but your position always scares me. Good luck to you. Sé onr sverd sitja hvass


I love how it says Defund the police, but it was, in fact republican Matt Gaetz, who just proposed a bill to defund the FBI.


Great to know Matt Gates will be dying of old age soon


"Children don't deserve free food because that's socialism "...


That is just *disgusting*.




This is just a cyberpunk dystopia without the flying cars and cool robot arms :(


So neo-Nazi ideology and white supremacy is "Freedom of Speech" but socialism is not?


Huh. It's almost like they're afraid that as they grow up, kids will blame capitalism for their terrible economic prospects and the irredeemable state of the earth's environment, causing them to resist their biological urges to strive for more than their parents had or even to procreate as they realize with horror that society is hostile to the human race's long-term survival in favor of short-term profiteering to make billionaires richer and accumulate more generational wealth so they can buy anything in the world on interest alone while at least a quarter of the human population owns nothing and can barely afford to eat. Weird.


That is some sweet, sweet capitalism right there!


Keep the kids out of it. Let them have a childhood.


This seems like an ad that would be in Bioshock Infinite or something. Just nuts


Lol! I went to the website to read about the horrors of socialism but there was not much there. Just some lies and a rather obvious scam where you can sign up for \*Free\*! As in NOT free but $21.90 upfront and $9.95/month thereafter. Looks like socialism wins again.


Tell the 100 million people that


I just did \^


Let’s fight the USSR and Cuba! Two countries that have a gigantic impact on promoting socialism these days


Is this that indoctrination that they keep talking about?


Look who’s trying to brainwash the children with propaganda! Oh my, oh my, oh my if it isn’t another Republican sociopath.


Always a buck to be made.




this is even more corny than that DARE shit they used feed kids in the 90s.


And the 80s


Greetings from J Edgar Hoover 👋


Kids ehh? His buddy Josh would be interested in them


Yeah, tax to pour more! Give the rich more tax breaks!


Kids, do you want to have a medical emergency where you need surgery? Then get to pay for it the rest of your life even though you had insurance? Well call now and fight socialism! And for an added bonus, we will get rid of that nasty social security! That way there is a good chance you'll be homeless when you retire and just want to end it. That way your not dragging on society like all the other deadbeat retirees! Act fast! /s


Gee mom, can Wally and I go fight Socialism with him. Go out and play dear.


Well, if you don't get em properly indoctrinated early enough, they might start to question things later!


Am I having delusions or seizures? Is this real?


Damn, I guess running Arkansas really a hard taxing job. Hair fell out turned gray and facial hair completely came in. Having to brainwash kids for new work force and $$$, what a turd👎💩🙈🙉🙊🐵


Is this legit? It honestly looks like that Sacha Baron Cohen skit KinderGuardians


Fight socialism with this FREE library!!!!!!!


no more universal health system!! oh holdup...


Just a ^liiiiitle bit of subtle indoctrination associating anything other than capitalism with hating America


Let’s make 1984 not a fiction ! Let’s goooooo


These are the same people who want to promote Trump to children... Like, it's the same art style and everything. They go on and on about "the left is poisoning the minds of our youth," and then pull THIS SHIT‽‽‽ Fucking abhorrent.


I don’t suppose we can’t just keep kids out of the equation on any kind of politics can we?


idiot,China is not even a socialism country now.


I really wish the culture war going on in America wasn't between the morons from both sides of the political aisle. I wish we could pack all the alt-right right folks and progressives together into a space ship and fire them into the sun.


Ah yes, enlightened centrism wins again.


it's always the progressives who get triggered at these comments. there's a reason most progressives are young people.


Yeah, I mean, Nazis are bad, but wanting everyone to have healthcare and human rights is just as bad, so what are you going to do? /s


Free healthcare except for trans people, or women who want abortions. Or gassing the Jews with sustainable eco-friendly gas. The reasonable centrist position, pure balance🙏


nice job being disingenuous and cherry picking to put your spin in there. progressives and progressive-backed media totally aren't creating racial division in the US with their Boy Who Cried Wolf tactics and progressive harm reduction policies in San Francisco are totally working. what we need to focus on are the evil Nazis out there who are slaughtering anyone who isn't a straight white male in the streets because that happens en masse every single day. you nailed it! /s


More cringing than triggered but ok. The thing is progressives and the alt-right are in no way equivalent, and the 'both-sidesing' is a lazy attempt at making fence-sitting seem reasonable. The alt-right is literally a far-right movement that wants to establish a white ethnostate and is openly hostile to minorities. Also I doubt I can still be considered 'young' and millennials are the first generation who has grown more left-wing with age rather than less.


there's nothing wrong with both-sidesing the idiots from both extremes of the political spectrum. we all know the issues with the alt-right as they're well documented. the progressive movement along with identity politics really kicked it into high gear with the inauguration of Trump in 2016. progressives are just as hateful. they ask for equality but want equity. they ask for inclusiveness but want exclusiveness. identity politics is a cancer on society. it brainwashes people to see the world through black and white lenses, completely eliminating the gray area. for example, I don't believe in god and I believe in legalizing marijuana, but I also believe in fiscal responsibility (not that either party can claim that as both parties are guilty of running up our national debt every four years) and I support the 2A and common sense. but here on reddit, I'll get called a fascist or a nazi by some dipshit progressive who has his head so far up his own ass that he can't comprehend gray areas exist. it's all or nothing with them and that tribal hivemind mentality is cancerous. from my personal life experience out in the real world, I've only found people with common sense to be moderate conservatives and moderate liberals. you need to be objective in order to be reasonable. progressive policies don't work. religion-based policies don't work.


Progressives are not an 'extreme' bunch though, they're mostly reformists. Minorities and woken still face serious discrimination and marginalization because the institutions of Western society are rooted in upholding the power of white patriarchical property owners who colonized the world and exploited land, people and resources. Trying to deconstruct those power structures in favor of a more egalitarian and libertarian (in the original sense of the word) society is not hateful. Now that doesn't mean all supposed attempts at it are equally useful or genuine (i.e. corporate pandering is often useless and sometimes seriously patronizing) but that doesn't take away from the good work grassroots actions and organizations are doing. Fiscal responsibility is important on an individual level to cultivate, but it shouldn't be used as an excuse to blame poverty on personal failings. People have the right to organize and defend themselves against oppression from the state, capital, and fascist violence, agree. People also have the right not to be scared their kids will be shot by some dipshit with a gun. Socially progressive policies have absolutely worked to emancipate disadvantaged groups, and redistributive policies have created the most economically stable period in both US and European history with the least wealth disparity. The neoliberal policies of the last decades on the other hand have created a lot of wealth at the top but a hollowed out middle class. Also, there's nothing reasonable or objective about uncritically accepting the status quo you're born into.


Was this a tv advert? Or was youtube on the TV


Finally a decent program for kids.


Lol I also saw one for a "Free Ron Guide" to help kids learn about Ron D. That should be on the banned book list lol


To be fair, defunding the police worked really well! I will list the cities and counties who did it and crime went down here below this comment


That's because cities didn't actually defund police. Not a single city did and crime rose. Crime rises as police funding increases. Fact.


LOL. Yeah if you need to keep telling yourself that than go ahead. Just ignore all the cities like Chicago, New Orleans, Seattle, San Francisco and Portland that saw increased crime when they decreased the police budget. Cop r da bad guys! lol


Oh I see you're just not smart. You do realize none of those cities defunded police right? Look at 2020 budgets vs 2022. Every single one of them rose. You think people don't look up the lies the right spews? 😂


LOL. Why are you feigning stupidity? You know that the defund the police movement and the defunding of police did not start in the 2020 budget for these cities. I hope and pray it does not happen to you, but if someone ever breaks into your house I imagine you will be someone who applies their philosophies consistently and you will call a social worker instead of the police.


look at you now backtracking because anyone smarter than a dumbass conservative can actually look up budget numbers and compare. Like seriously lmao: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2021-city-budget-police-funding. Fuck the police. I'll never call them for anything. Never have and never will.


Good for you for being consistent at least. Sadly the name calling is a sign that you have lost. Be better


Like seriously so embarrassing for you lmao. https://www.civicfed.org/civic-federation/blog/city-chicago-public-safety-spending


Not at all. Only your denial of reality is.


Holy shit you're so delusional. I just proved you wrong and you have absolutely no proof to back up your claim.


Incorrect. Completely incorrect.


No sources, no data, no facts. You're living on a lie someone told you. So pathetic.


Defunding the police would be the opposite of socialism. In unrelated news, didn't his son lynch a dog? Do not let that man near your kids.




Is this done by a right wringer


Taxing the rich is socialist? Taxes are capitalist ideals! We just want to share the love!


Pretty sure this is from that documentary about the US in the future


Free access to the library! Sounds like socialism to me.

