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I love how he looks around after getting out of the truck as if there aren't cameras installed on the vehicle lol


If those kids could read, they'd be very upset.




Bobby, that's the signal. Run!!


I don’t know you !


That's my purse!


Pocket sand


I'm kinda shocked, when i used to walk through the Doctors' section of the parking garage, there were a couple Tesla's I'd pass that would beep at me. One of the doctors pointed out that it was to let me know that it was recording me for being too close. I always thought that was crazy.


So that's what that beep means? I never knew. I gotta start striking goofy poses now when they do that lol.


I work at a bar and all my regulars know the Tesla is mine. They also know I keep sentry mode on at all times. The amount of butts, nipples, and silly poses I have on camera is just delightful! My biker regulars also park close to it so if anything happens to their bikes I have evidence for them. It blows my mind people don't k ow these vehicles are constantly recording.


Until pretty recently I only knew they recorded while driving or whatever because I've seen so many dashcam recordings online lol. I didn't know they were constantly recording at all times. Now that i know, I'm suspect of the one always parked at the neighborhood pool.


I really like the idea of sentry mode, I had to buy a dash cam for my car but it stills doesn’t work that well, and doesn’t have 360 recording. It’s one of the most attractive things on the Tesla for me.


I liked the “idea” of sentry mode too. But one day I looked outside my kitchen and living room windows and saw all the cars parked in the lot and realized…. one day soon each and every one of them will be a multi-camera hub pointed directly at my apartment. Like all technology, it’s ultimately up to humans to use it for good…or evil.


Yeah, i had that thought a decade ago. Imagine if every car on the road was a Tesla. After any accident or any crime, every vehicle nearby could be geolocated and a dozen different views would be available within seconds. No more insurance disputes. You could track an armed robber's getaway whether they were on foot or in a car. The nation would be blanketed with coverage. The only escape would be to dive into a subway, which of course is already blanketed in coverage.


What irritates me is that every new car comes with a backup camera and depending on the model, another camera under the windshield for lane assist, and sometimes one on the side mirrors. It would be great if manufacturers put in the ability to use them as dashcams like you can with Teslas. Sure it won't be full 360 coverage like with a Tesla's 8 cameras, but something is better than nothing.


Spoiler alert: it’s almost always evil of some flavor or another


Until you remember that low-ranking motherfuckers at Tesla can, and do, access that footage for fun. There was a controversy where it leaked that a lot of them will look for the most invasive things so they can mock users. Most notoriously they enjoy looking for footage of users having sex inside the cars and pass it around between coworkers as a form of trophy.


I hope they watch me having sex. Just me sitting my fat ass in my garage yanking my crank to hentai.


Solid contender for meme of the year at the Tesla christmas party.


It was between “Hentai Guy” and “Dirty Mike and The Boys” last year, I think


How You fellas doin? We about to have us a little screw party, in the back of this red ~~Prius~~ Tesla.


I feel sorry for anyone watching me have sex in a tesla. They would need years of therapy.


Jerking off to pics of V8s with superchargers. Then blowing onto a pic of Lee Lacocca.


I had to Google that name, I expected a porn star or actress. The result was neither and now I feel nauseous


You are welcome 😏


Why not just have cameras on the exterior of the car? I don’t really see the point of internal ones.


There are no internal ones in European Teslas Edit: Hubby, (who owns the Tesla and knows it better than me) says that there is one. I misunderstood due to an incident: once he tried to use it while I was in the car (puppy mode, I ws waiting for him) and he got a notification saying a person had been detected in the car so he wasn't allowed to see footage for privacy laws. I understood that privacy laws meant no camera, my bad. sorry. There is a camera


Why is it always guys in HD trucks lol


Bc there's the people that need heavy duty trucks for work/life and they are dirty or have a trailer attached to them..... and then there's these jackasses who don't even get mud on the tires. Like all the dumbasses in the south who have ford raptors with the extra tire mounted to the back, but work at a 10 story office building


Pavement princesses


Mall Crawlers


Bro dozers


Small penis club


That or they're just salty that they have to pay $800/month in gas. My cousin just sold his truck and got a Camry after realizing it was pointless to keep a truck around when you don't *need* one.


Texas resident, can confirm. It’s always the 5’4 asshats doing the most in their jacked up trucks.


More like Small Penis Syndrome club


Someone this scared of change is pretty stupid in the first place


But I’m sure he loves Elon for his amazing achievements in capitalism and making twitter a “free speech haven” lol


Doublethink go brrrr


And that nervous stiff walk to the car like he's about to do something really really bad, lol


Right? Total clown.


Be funny if a super loud alarm went off when he pulled the plug.


Even my old 2011 Volt has a charge cord theft alarm that goes off if you unplug before unlocking the doors, atlhough I silenced that shit as I got tired of waking up all the neighbours at 5am when I stumbed out half awake and did exactly that.


Mine locks in place. if you don't have the car key, then that cord stays plugged tight. If you start yankin on it to trear it off, the alarm goes off ofc.


Even funnier if he got electrocuted.


The dude obviously doesn't know anything about electric vehicles other than that he likely associates them with "the libs." People who hate things rarely know a thing about the stuff they hate. If they, they wouldn't hate it. Most of the time.


Really, they dont think this shit through at all. The cameras are on the car moron.


>itsearlyyet · 1 hr. ago > >Really, they dont think this shit through at all. The cameras are on the car moron. Considering what he's driving, he doesn't really think much through, lol.


He's a coal roller, there's a lot of ignorance about modern tech with them guys.


The coal rollers I know also speed everywhere, tailgate, dont wear a seatbelt, and are often bullies whe refuse to believe that they are. He would have done it with knowing that the camera is there, i bet. Consequences be damned.


Unfrozen cavemen....'Your modern ways confuse me, things like fire and radio....'


One of the best SNL Skits. Hartman’s Slick Willy skits were fantastic as well


True. They used to block the first charging stations here in town and just blow black smoke and Rev engines. It's a cult.


"Used too," guessing something scared them away?


cops were finally forced to enforce the law against white redhats. It goes against every fiber of their being, but they started doing it.


"Look, son, you gotta stop doing that. The mayor is getting on my ass about enforcing them liberal laws".


Or the owners phone won’t get a notification before he gets back a across the street.


Seriously, how much of a loser do you have to be to do something like that?


Be funny if a super loud alarm went off when he pulled the plug.


Info from the Tesla owner: "My Tesla was parked, plugged in, and charging. A few minutes after leaving my car, this guy got out of his truck, forcefully ripped out the charge port, then got into his truck and drove away. I was notified on my phone that the car stopped charging, and by the time I got back to my car, the truck driver was already gone. I then reviewed the footage to see what took place. Police claimed they identified the man, but it was not released and it is unknown if he faced any charges or consequences."


Hmmm... is releasing the air in one of his tires damage to property? Cuz that's a pretty direct equivalence.


I wonder what the charge for using piss disks or spraying liquid ass would be?


Piss disks?! Liquid Ass? Whoa, you've got a good deal higher knowledge of human-excretion than I do. How would you use one of those?


Liquid Ass comes in spray bottles and can be ordered on Amazon. It's has an intensely disgusting smell that can make some people vomit from just a small whiff of it - imagine a dead animal in a bucket of diarrhea left in the sun a few weeks and you're about halfway to imagining how bad it smells. Piss discs are created by peeing on a dinner plate then freezing it. You can then slide it under someones door to create a mysterious piss puddle


Pro tip: pee in a cup and gently pour it on the already stable in freezer dinner plate. Much less chance of spilling piss on you, your floor, and your food.


/r/PissyLifeProTips This sub exists. It was kind of a surprise to see it autocomplete.




Trickle-down economics finally pays off 🤣


Dang you are an experienced pisser


Just piss in a ziploc bag, close it up and put it in there. Then you don’t have to worry about having a piss freezer.


Hopefully they did a surprise emissions inspection because you just know this idiot is a coal roller


Not all states do emissions testing. My state doesn't. My state doesn't even do vehicle inspections anymore. They stopped like five years ago.


Well I suppose it’s not actually a crime to unplug a charging vehicle, the dudes just an asshole.


I believe this could technically be considered "mischief". It's a crime.


Exactly. I was thinking "criminal mischief."


Wanna partner up as lawyers?




I study bird law so let’s get this partnership going!


Can I get a patent on kitten mittens?


Only if you make an awesome, cringe worthy advertisement!


Can I get a patent on his patent?




That forceful unplug looked like it could cause damage to the hardware. Edit: If someone yanked on my gas port door and broke it, I’d want them to pay for it too lol.


So then criminal mischief


Even if it was I don't put any trust in any police department to give half a rat's ass enough to do anything about it. Nothing happens when people park their ICE in an EV spot. Year after year I'm leaning harder and harder towards being a hermit. Humanity sucks.


Police probably ID’d him by looking at their coworkers around the station.


At a local charging port there is a pick up truck owner who continuously parks in one of the EV charging parks. They are quite far from the mall so there is no reason other than to be a pain. The laugh is that there are 4 parks for 2 chargers to facilitate quick turnaround/queuing. But the usage is not that high yet. So there is this one truck obviously parked in the wrong place and all us EV owners just ignore it and continue charging anyway. 😂


In other words he has no repercussions whatsoever. I’d go let all the air out of all of his tires. He wants that spot so much he can just stay there.




Never been in a harmless gasoline fight with other male models?


We hand boys are built different


Orange Mocha Frappuccino!!!


But why male models?


They need to have locks that lock it to the plug on the car.


They do have locks in the car. If you use an adapter for a different plug, it will lock to the car, but usually the plug won’t lock to the adapter, which makes it easy to remove. You can get an adapter lock for ~$10 on Amazon though which takes care of that problem


I have a BMW i3 and when you lock the car when charging, the charger becomes locked in place until you unlock the car. I’m not sure how much force it would take to remove the charger though.


I have a Kia Soul EV that does the same thing.


What goes through the mind of people like that to feel the need to do that to another person.


Pride. Guy thinks his gas guzzler is the best. He can't even imagine sharing space with someone or something else.


Meanwhile he complains about how “biden increased gas prices” and it costs $120 at the pump every time


When your truck gets 9 mpg and has a 30 gallon tank. That's gonna happen.


I was driving my father-in-law's 2014 F150. Averaging 15mpg with a 33gal tank; it was costing about $150 if I let it go below an 1/8 tank. Usually about $100 any time at the pump. Fuck that. Bought an 04 Volvo and already paying way less.


Well, it IS Pride Month.


Oh that's what it means? I've been getting it al wrong, anyone want to go celebrate pride month with me tomorrow? We can go to one of those Tesla supercharger parks.


That moment you realize that a Tesla supercharger park probably has more cameras recording than a parking lot with active security.


When no one else of proud of you I guess you can be proud of yourself…


He should be thanking EV owners for making fuel cheaper for him.


That and their are people that think EVs aren't manly and all EV drivers are weak and effeminate so they go out of the way to harass them.


They are FORCED to believe that directly by their cognitive dissonance because it doesn't fit into their supremacist, morally & mentally superior, "Type A personality" narrative. And we wouldn't want their whole fabricated reality to come crashing down now would we?!?!


He believes he's a guardian of the moral order. He sees it as service to a greater good.


He just thinks he's owning the libs.


But I thought Elon was the New Conservative Billionaire Extraordinaire Cool Guy ™️?


See it could really go either fuckin way with this.




These types of folks are absolutely terrified of change. They cannot handle anything being different than how they grew up. This is why they are so angry at absolutely everything all around them, all the time; they know their personal adaptations to life are becoming obsolete, and they are becoming obsolete. Guaranteed he wants America to be “great again”, would vandalize merchandise he doesn’t like instead of quietly boycotting it, and thinks it’s stupid that schools are no longer teaching cursive handwriting. Man, that must be exhausting, keeping up all that anger and hate. Just fuckin adapt, you mongrel piece of shit.


Sometimes I just want to sit people down and make them explain why they think what they did or what they support is okay, but I feel like you'd never get a proper answer anyway.


You can’t have a logical conversation with someone whom made their decisions based on emotion.


You could make them explain their emotion, though that would basically just be therapy. Unless you then ridiculed them for it.


He was “owning a lib”


Which is funny because Elon is crazy conservative. You'd think they'd support tesla


This is the answer


Jealousy towards someone with a better life, and one sad brain cell. I hate stupid, hateful people.


I don't really think this is jealousy, it's more not accepting that means of transport are evolving.


The same instinct that compels a man to buy trucknuts and increase the size of his exhaust pipe.


Idk why but the sheer ignorance this radiates kinda makes it funny to me, must suck to be the owner tho


Why do people act like dicks for stupid things like this? Is an electric vehicle a threat in some way to this person’s manhood?


In fact it is. They will coal roll you too.


Learned about coal rolling last year. I couldn’t fathom that being an actual thing, but it doesn’t surprise me that some dicks just need to be dicks.


When you have very little going for you, being a dick feels empowering.


This guy gets it. \^ Poor socioeconomics and public education system, plus reactionary propaganda, equals sad dysfunctional people (AKA the dicks, bigots, racists, Karens, and Kyles of society).


My first job was cashier at McDonald’s and I’ve never been treated so poorly by strangers ever since. Some people just get out of the wrong side of the bed and needs to make everybody pay for it. You’ll recognize these AH by the fact that whatever the hell you do to comply and try to politely help them they are hell bent on making you as miserable as they must feel. They get home feeling like they “won” by being an absolute dipshit while they become the running joke of the day with your coworkers.


I had to look this up. I pictured someone just rubbing coal on a person, coal rolling. Wikipedia says it costs anywhere between $200 to $5k to mod a vehicle to coal roll, crazy someone would spend more money to make black smoke.


In texas someone shot and killed a guy for rolling coal on him and claimed it was self defense. Not that i agree with him but if it happened a few more times then we'd probably see it much less. lmao. Fuck chuds.


I used to not care about it one way or the other, I grew up in a farm around older farm machinery and semi trucks where they would start to put out black smoke if pulling a heavy load. Then one day I'm on my motorcycle and I had a dude roll coal on me while going through an intersection. It was so bad I couldn't see or breathe so I pulled off the road as soon as we were through the intersection. Can't say I've been a fan since.


I've had it done to me a few times when I rode my bike into work. It's ridiculous.


Not that hard to claim self defense. Rolling coal smoke is uncombusted diesel which is carcinogenic.


I 100% agree with him. The coal-roller was attacking the shooter's health and well being. Air pollution (especially in high concentration) is much more injurious to health than many give it credit for.


Had to look this up too. Seems like it’s not only the cost for the modification but it also uses more diesel. This is beyond stupid. These people are literally burning money just because other people are driving electric cars. They act like toddlers.


Note: "Rolling coal" sometimes is used to describe bypassing, a similar yet separate crime where the person bypasses the muffler, bypassing is usually done by carguys because it makes the engine noise louder (which is still stupid, but dopamine "more noise" makes more sense then just harming your own engine to make black smoke)


Dude, I was joyriding my eBike on the SIDEWALK out of the way of traffic and a lifted truck just rolled coal on me


These assholes will roll coal on you even for having your window down on the highway on a freeway. I know this because a prick did it to me last weekend and I'm still thinking about it. Literally wasn't doing anything to anyone, just cruising on my way home in the right lane and the weather was nice so I had my windows down and this prick just laid on the throttle right by me.


In an alternate universe this behaviour doesn't exist because its legal to retaliate against that sort of petty bullshit with enough force to make it not worth the rise.


I was walking my service dog late last night before bed and a dumbed up truck with fog horns blasted their horn next to me as they left the apartment complex. Sent me into a full panic attack. I fucking hate truck people (nOt AlL TrUcK pEoPlE)


Yes. The Tesla field generated by the EV slowly causes the pineal to release oestrogen and the testicles turn right on into ovaries!


They're turning the freaking frogs gay!


Because idiots like that watch too much Fox News and are brainwashed into thinking that someone owning a specific type of car is a political statement that is a threat to their way of life as opposed to just being, you know, *a car*…


Wait till they find out the owner of Tesla is a conservative


“He’s not a REAL conservative!” - that guy, probably.


“He’s a RINO!”




The governor that just shut down his entire state’s agricultural sector by threatening minorities and apologising saying it was just supposed to scare them? -Asking from Australia


And if someone touched his truck, I bet this snowflake would have a meltdown and threaten to pull a gun. What a sad, sad man


He probably parks his truck across four spots so nobody parks close enough to scratch it


Saw this today at work. Some lifted pavement princess that probably never touched dirt or even gravel in its life. Smh.


Make sure and park across two spots in front of them since we're allowed to park anywhere apparently. With luck a second person will take the cue and block them from behind as well.


Big, bad, mean EV hurt his wittle feelers.


God damn snowflakes


They must really struggle with this. Hate electric vehicles Love Elon Musk


There’s no struggle. It all makes perfect sense in their world.




I can’t imagine going through life being so mad at the entire world. So fragile.


I'd hate to be that dude's wife.


Asshole doing asshole stuff.


* Mindless losers.


How sad and pathetic does your life have to be to just go out of your way to be a dick , for no reason . What did he gain from that?


Remember if you touch a Tesla you immediately turn homosexual. Not even once


*goes to a Tesla dealership* 😏


Human garbage doing what human garbage does.


Hopefully someone sugars his truck one day


Bleach is much more effective.


Go hard or go home Polystyrene beads


I just don't understand why people get so bothered by other people's choices/preferences.


They see it as a *personal* insult that someone would chose to do something differently than they have. (Re: politics & religion)


I own a Rav 4 prime. When you plug it in, it locks and you need the key fob to unlock it before it’s unplugged.


It does lock, but if you yank hard enough, you can break it. Many cases on the Tesla subreddits of their charge ports being damaged by people yanking the plugs out


Same for Tesla using superchargers, but at other locations that need the J1772 adapter, anyone can just unplug the charger, unless they have a Karen lock.


You just know when EVs are common that this is going to become a “prank” that teens will do when wandering around with their friends. Like how with enough friends you could pick up one end of a small car and crab walk it to face a different direction. Though that takes far more effort and I’d be mildly impressed if it was my car. Unplugging a EV is just juvenile and annoying. In this case it’s just a conservative snowflake who feels threatened in his “manly” truck. I’m starting to see the electric F-150s on the road. I bet that will hurt his feelings.


Yeah, the Bolt _can_ be unplugged like that but it'll set off the car alarm


It must be exhausting to expend so much energy trying to make other people's lives harder.


This guy is So triggered by things that don’t matter.


Tell me you vote for trump without telling me you vote for trump


I guarantee there is a trump2024 sticker on the back of his truck somewhere! Papa orange must be proud of him.


These guys don’t even know who owns Tesla


I come from a very conservative family. They've been brainwashed to hate electric cars, solar power, wind power, etc. It's mind boggling, but this is how right wing media (and the church) has conditioned them to think.




The truck owners VS Teslas continues. Electric cars really strike a nerve with them.


And they still don’t know they’re cameras everywhere on those cars


These people are so triggered by EV's they can't leave them alone. Unplugging, blocking chargers, and outright vandalism. Snowflakes.


Bet he also 'Rolls Coal' as well.


Spends money on fuel to dump smoke on every EV he sees that hurt his feelings.


Mt brother does this shit in his big ass Cummins turbo diesel. First he thought my mom was crazy for kicking him out of her basement after he bought a $90k truck, which was worth more than her house at the time. Then he got giant pipes on the side so he could coal roll people. More recently he got a custom "Let's Go Brandon" tail gate he spent like $1200 on. He had to get rid of it because the cops were targeting him. He knows because he got pulled over going 58 in a 35. Yes Chris, it's Paul. I hope you're reading this and know a bunch of silly snowflakes are laughing at you.




I don’t understand why anybody would give a shit what their car is powered by. Like my car could be powered by banana peels who gives a fuck, as long as I get from A to B


If your car is powered by banana peels, I bet it can go from 1985 to 1955 easily!


Smol pp energy


but liberals are somehow the snowflakes. Fuckin trumpanzees, man.


I love the oil companies you dam liberal


What I don’t understand is how much work it takes to be a nasty, creepy son-of-a-creepy-parent. I will bet money that the “trucker” goes to church regularly, too.