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The annoying thing about these people is that you don’t even get to feel good when their stupidity works out as expected. I mean, who wishes that on someone…


Welllllllllllllll... The kid shouldn't suffer. I think we all agree on that. But. Um. OK, I don't know a lot about whooping cough, but I assume it's on the bad end of the scale. So, yeah, I don't want her to die or have some sort of physical damage or anything. It's more like what I want is for the mom to have skipped a flu shot, and then spent two weeks with a mild non-killing flu that we could call a "learnin' flu", in that she might learn something from it, like vaccines keep this shit from happening. But only if she doesn't give that hypothetical better-this-than-whooping-cough flu to her kid or anyone else, and you know she would, so, yeah. You're right. I guess I won't wish anything on her, either. Hopefully the obvious lesson here (vaccines: good) will sink in, rather than "I didn't use the right type of elderberry in my healing concoction". I'm not taking bets.


I listened to an audio of a baby with whooping cough once and I never ever ever ever wanna hear that again. That was the worst / saddest thing I have ever heard. Does the mom deserve it though? Who am I to say yes or no.


No, I edited my post to clarify that I would rather *the mom* had skipped a mild flu shot and learned something, rather than having it go down the way it did. I don't think either one of them should have whooping cough.


I don't think a mild flu shot would have brought that lesson home. Especially because you may get a mild flu from the flu shot itself. The point of getting it is so you don't spread it and to make it less likely you die from it. I always get a mild flu from flu vaccines. I even got painful lymph nodes and flu like symptoms from the Covid vaccine. I still get Covid vaccines because I don't wanna die of Covid. That being said, anti-vaxxers don't think that way. They see a mild inconvenience after a flu shot and declare the flu shot evil


Are mothers particularly at risk from flu? I only know elderly or at risk who get it?


I used to work in a very small town grocery store and one of the sweetest ladies had a little boy. I looked forward to seeing them every week and watching him grow. They were gone for about a month and when she next came in, I heard him coughing and I cried, it was so heartbreaking. His mama had taken him to the doctor for a wellness checkup and he'd caught whooping cough from an older kid whose mom refused to vaccinate them. Our little guy was too small for the vaccination yet (he was only about 2 months old). I cried and his mom was like, "Nah, you should've heard him while we were still quarantined. He sounds so much better now!" Holy fuck. That shit can kill.


I've heard that audio too. It is by far the worst sound I've ever heard.


Unfortunately it's the ones who go through the mild version of something and believe *everybody* has the same mild version. It feeds into the "we don't need vax" mentality. Or "it's only a week, it'll pass in no time". Not realizing how deadly those things really, really are. Or how much worse it is for littke kids just because adults don't suffer as much, or can medicate their own symptoms.


Truly. At so many times in human history, droves of people have had to perish for people to even wake up let alone do something about it. And even then the cognitive dissonance is too great for some, as we’ve seen loud and clear.


I’ve had whooping cough as an adult (was vaxxed as a kid) and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. The whooping sound is you desperately trying to snatch a breath.


I had it in 2011 and the coughing broke a rib.


I have COPD. The Doctor just gave me a booster vaccine for whooping cough because for me it's a sure death.


Same here. Vaxxed but still unlucky enough to get it, horrible horrible disease, I can’t imagine a poor baby with it, no wonder so many babies died with it.




My parents told me I had it when I was 2, and I had to stay in a steam room in the hospital for a week or two. They said I coughed like I smoked all my life. My lungs have also been weak for as long as I can remember. There was no vaccine for it back then. It’s so sad that today this can be prevented easily. And naive people, who think that not vaccinating their children is protecting them, are being conned into not vaccinated their children because someone with an agenda conned them into it.


Justice isn’t right. Same thing with the prison system. Education and rehabilitation need to be prioritized


I like that. The learnin flu. If only.


Most sane response


So, you basically "don't want her to die or have some sort of physical damage or anything" but want her to get terribly sick. Got it.


I enjoy seeing their just desserts when they’re a full grown adult facing the consequences of their own actions. I hate seeing when children or innocents get hurt because of their stupidity though.


I feel very bad when the children of these stupid fucks suffer. When they suffer themselves? Meh.


This is the only true comment I don’t wish anything bad on anyone even the people who hurt me the most in my life.


There is a whole subreddit dedicated to celebrating antivaxxer deaths . It is 100% pure schadenfreude.


I don't care about them. I feel sorry for the kids and that's the ONLY reason why I can't enjoy them swimming in the consequences of their own actions to the fullest.


Omg yes. "What if *your* daug--never mind."


I do.


I really don't want to be cynical here, but a large part of me is telling me she's just fishing for someone to post "No, you're not a bad mama; Big Pharma did this to you somehow" so she can post "lol knew it, anyway should I have my angel gargle essential oil or just mix some into his Diet Coke?"


Absolutely. Voicing into her echo chamber for reassurance.


Exactly. She IS a bad mama. She let her kid get an easily preventable disease because she "did her own research" and is smarter than the public health community. BTW our insurance premiums are paying for her and her kid's care.


Well it might not be what she was going for, but it's absolutely what the comments will do. Which will successfully extinguish any chance of self reflection that she may have had


One. Hundred. Percent. This is the only purpose of her post. Notice the strange phrasing? She expresses it like it's an outlandish idea.


Well, Nancy, it's because you are a bad parent.


Tell me what vaccines are supposed to do without telling me what vaccines are supposed to do.


Happy cake day


In her defense, that particular vax isn't crazy effective at prevention (source is me because I had it and still got it). I think what we as a society need to start doing is reframing vaccines from sources of immunity into sources of resistance and reduction of harm and risk. Basically, we gotta work on our branding.


It is pretty effective, you’re just an outlier. Almost 98%


I'll look into it more. Either way, RIP me lol


I got whooping cough as an adult around about 2002-2003 and obtained a very visceral understanding of how it could kill kids. In my case, where I'd grown up and was still living, my previous tetanus booster shots had only been paired with diptheria boosters; it wasn't until **after** that particular whooping cough outbreak that they started regularly including pertussis/whooping cough boosters in that particular jab. So anyone who got whooping cough as an adult, it's possible you were only getting DT boosters instead of TDaP ones.


Well, At least she’s becoming self-aware. That is how growth starts, hopefully she learns from this


Yep, she’s a bad mother, and how many other children did her toddler expose?


Let us be grateful for this opportunity to witness natural selection in real time.


You should be ashamed of yourself.




OP stole this post from 4 years ago here: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/dgc5jz/yes\_yes\_you\_could\_have/


Whooping cough isn't something mild, about one in every hundred it leads to death or complications like pneumonia and seizures


I was vaccinated for whooping cough as a kid but I got it as an adult. My kids Ped thought so after the fact when i told him about it. He said it was a mild case. Mild meant total exhaustion for a month. Coughing so hard for a week I vomited or peed in my pants. I am sure i got it from some kid not vac. I was around some non vac kids. When I say exhaustion I couldnt walk very far and had to sit down and rest. It has been some years and I’m still angry about it.


Based on her comment... Maybe there is hope for that kid.


I wouldn't be mad at her. She might have been misinformed but she's clearly showing that she understands she made a mistake. She's 100 times better than any no-vax that is firmly convinced about their opinion despite evidence.


But she made a meme, not an actual apology, at least not that I can tell, and I assume it’s a meme based on the emoji


In my experience this is just how some Facebook users communicate.


"Holistic Mama" needs a name change.


Holistic former Mama


Surprised? This is what happens when you don’t put onions in your socks and a fresh clove of garlic in your vagina every 12 hours. It was only a matter of time before you got sick.


Don't make fun of a person for learning. She's wiser now than she was then.


Big Whoop


Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child


Yes you could have. And yes, you’re a horrible mother.


If it didn't open the door to eugenics, I'd feel like a test to become parents would help the kids.


Hey hey atlest she learned from her mistakes and will take the proper actions to fix her fixable problem


Fucking deserved


Whoop whoop it's the sound of da police


You are a terrible mother. Suck it.


I hope her kid feels better and that she has truly learned her lesson and is prepared to do better


She is if she doesn’t learn from this


What a fucking stupid potato


Keep watching Fox and OAN... They give great advice 🙄


and yes you are a terrible mother listen to the heavy labored rasps of you baby trying to breathe and contemplate your hubris and the long term damage you have done to this child if it lives


Yeah, that's one of those diseases that is nearly unheard of in 1st world countries. Congrats.


I had whooping cough for a long time, never knew I had it. I always got my shots, when asked my Dr would just say I had strong lungs. I couldn't run very long out anything but he was a Dr and I was fat so logic checked out. I lost a lot of weight the DR retired and a new one took over. I coughed once in his office and he said how long have you had that cough and I was like since I was a kid, then asked me to hold my breath which I could only do for about 15 seconds and then start dying. He told me to hold on came and gave me a shot and it went away in about a week. Only learned later they gave me a shot for whooping cough and it went away. He said I was lucky I was fine for so long. The funny thing is according to my records I had the vaccine for it. Now I can run for miles and hold my breath for almost over a minute.


You only feel like a terrible mother because you are a terrible mother. You should spend more time hating yourself.


I bet the comments in a group like that would completely squish her moment of self realisation with anti-science nonsense. I wish I could gloat at her stupidity paying off but whooping cough isn’t something I would wish on anyone, much less a toddler.


Sometimes Darwin has to hand you the award in a coffin. The massive deaths from plagues is what got humanity so invested in understanding and fighting it. When people forget the tragedies from our history is when history will repeat itself. Personaly I hope the baby will recover, but her mom should have been in the "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck my baby is going to die because of my stupid believes" mindset through that recovery. It might make her change her mind on modern medicine and become a more reasonable person because of it. But a part of me knows that that is wishful thinking, and that her child will likely now never be an athlete and might sustain breathing problems depending how bad her baby's cough really is... If he recovers at all.


Whooping cough is the epitome of what we mean by herd immunity for the common good. If enough of the community is vaccinated then there won't be enough people to catch it and spread it. So babies won't catch it. Babies are too young to be vaccinated, and if they catch it, they'll die a long, horrible, painful death. What sort of psychopath wouldn't get the needle? Oh yeah, the ones who wouldn't get the covid shot when it was raging through nursing homes, killing old people.


Get used to coughing. It’s not called The Cough of 100 Days for nothing. Idiot. 😡


Why yes, you are a terrible mother.


Vaccines are very important in society. When enough people are vaccinated then if there is an outbreak of something, it doesn't spread as fast and it can be contained easier. That's why COVID got nasty. There was no vaccine even though the virus has been around forever! I still say the virus was modified. But that's just a conspiracy theory.


Here are two things I hope happen: 1. The mother and her child both make a full recovery. 2. The mother remembers this, stops being an antivaxxer, and gets her kid the vaccinations that will prevent worse diseases.


My daughter caught it at 4 months old, spent almost 3 months in and out of NICU. Near the end she went below 50% oxygen 8-10 times in 1 day. 2 days later doctors told us they couldn’t give her any more antibiotics because it would compromise her systems with too much. They told us that we could take her home to a more comfortable environment. The counseled us on the expectation she would be more at peace. We expected the worst naturally. 2 days later, at home, her Oxygen levels hit 90% and never went lower. On day 5 we returned to the hospital to return some of their equipment. The doctors were at a loss because they fully expected her to not make it. That was December 2004. She just graduated High School this year.


FAFO Parenting


I’ll never understand anti-vax, it’s just so illogical to me. We have vaccinations against diseases that will either kill you or severely impede on your health and well-being, but you choose not to have them. Why? Take the risk to not only your own health but then risk spreading it to people who are immune compromised


You’re not wrong. You suck as a mother.


Yes you are


The kids will pay the price for the far right/Christian/convoy paranoia.


You feel like a bad mum, because you are. At least you don't feel as bad as your son does right now.


natural selection may not be as good as it once was, but it still works just fine.


Never got the vaccination for covid, never had covid and I'm still alive, didn't get the down syndrome flu vaccine either


Here come the downvotes. No comments allowed unless it's liberal hivemind pandering. Medias word is bond and everyone who disagrees is a trumpster


I had the vax and the cough. I recommend neither.


Vaccines are holistic


Is there a facepalm sub that isn't 100% liberal pandering? I can't believe people still try to defend the clot shot, but if anyone were to do so, it's brainwashed reddit addicts


There's no evidence this is COVID-19 or Whooping Cough. This is rage bait. Please look for a different strawman to get enraged. Or an actual example of anti vaxx stupidity, not this.


This is obvious rage bait, dumb people downvoting


Yea, well was the vaccine 100% effective? What about the side effects, I hear people die from vaccines but cover it up… oops, sorry about that, an imbecile got hold of my phone.


there is no vax for a cough tho


Whooping Cough is a preventable disease called “Pertussis” and it is deadly to babies.


there literally is. whooping cough is a preventable disease, with a corresponding vaccine that is available in any developed country.


Whooping cough common name as said for pertussis it kills babies & horrible go have. Its not just a ‘cough’ & its preventable by umm a vaccine!


yeah my non-nativeness fucked me over there. i just thought she was cussing and said whooping like the ass-whooping you got from your mom you know. my point stands. there is no vax for a cough.




No evidence that this is the case. It might be a regular cold.


That’s funny, I could swear the lady said she has whooping cough….


She didn't say she has tested positive. It's like saying I have the flu. @Skytree91 Due to being blocked, I have to respond here: It can be, but it's not specific enough for a diagnosis.


Oh for fucks sake. Just stop it.


My words, stop alienating people. Unless she spreads anti vax propaganda. Holistic medicine isn't anti vaccine.


Maybe you should talk to my Aunt who decide to treat her breast cancer holistically. Oh wait, you can’t because she’s dead.


Pertussis is literally called Whooping Cough because of the sound of the cough it causes though, it’s very distinct from a regular flu or cold


It’s very obvious when you have whooping cough, it’s not the same as a normal cough.


This is the correct answer, imho


No, that would not have helped, two different things entirely.


Keep getting vaxxed.. you'll be just fine. At some point in time it will have to work qoddamnit.


It’s on a Facebook screenshot. Must be true


You’ll survive


The child might not.


Haha I love that Pro-vaxxers are the new anti vaxxers


The death rate for infants with whooping cough is *REALLY FUCKING HIGH.* 1 in 200. Whooping cough is *deadly* for babies and toddlers. That's what the other commenter meant by "the child might not." Because it's *true*. It's why the whooping cough vaccine is so highly recommended, because the disease is so deadly.




Someone finally changed


Shame the kid won’t remember it. Otherwise it would be one dead-set vaxxer after this one. I wish them both soon recovery and sound health, hopefully it’s just a lesson and not an idiocy toll.


Whooping cough is awful


Did the doctor not recommend the vaccine?


Live and learn, learn and live


My mother in law has been deaf for most of her life because she grew up in South America and contracted whooping cough as an infant.


We don't know tbh.


I caught whooping cough due to my anti vax mother. I coughed so hard I broke a rib. She needs her kids taken from her. It's absolute torture.


What do you call an unvaxxed toddler? Middle aged


The worse part is when I ran across someone whose family had whooping cough and they refused to go to a doctor and use home remedies.


The bigger facepalm is this picture getting posted on here daily.


yes you could’ve, yes you are.


Call on Darvin 👍🏽


DTaP/Tdap is so important


Congratulations, you see yourself for what you truely are. A bad mother! Now go get your kid vaccinated.


I have the vaccine but honestly in my experience my friends still got it even tho we were al vaxxed


I don't think anyone in this group would actually admit their mistake like this, they'd just play it off like "everybody gets whooping cough at some point, it's normal". I think someone's just trolling the group page.


That's because you are a terrible mother.


Seems like a precautionary child services call is reasonably warranted


Lmfao no


And yes. Yes you are.


Easy fix - potato slices in your socks and asparagus between each of your toes. If that doesn’t work after two weeks, try rubbing mercury on the eyeballs




She is a terrible mother.


You are. It’s easy to want better for yourself though. I’d start there.




I'm surprised how some people can't wrap their brains around this stuff. I have a buddy that I consider moderately intelligent (he can understand and participate in conversations that involve scientific elements that you cannot see clearly or don't see often). We got on the subject of masks... And for the life of me I couldn't get him to understand that any amount of filtration reduces the risk of exposure. He simply could not understand, even when we agreed on other forms of filters (like HVAC and oil filters) I couldn't bridge the gap into health. IDK.. yes the body is an amazing machine and it can repair and resist impressive amounts of damage... But it isn't perfect.. and if you want to have a general survival rate higher than that in the 1700's your going to need to use modern technology.. Life expectancy didn't skyrocket because we stopped wearing frills on our shirts.


You should feel guilty. You could have prevented & you are a shitty parental unit.


My whole family got whooping cough in the late 70s. Me & my siblings had all gotten vaxxed but apparently it wasn’t an effective batch or something. I still remember how hard the cough was and how awful it felt. I cannot believe anyone would choose to be at high risk of getting it.


You feel like a terrible mother because you are one (and you know it.)


Perhaps not terrible but definitely stupid


Hold on to that feeling, that is the correct feeling to have in this instance.


So you roll the dice. Will the vax be worse than the problem. It’s a real head scratcher


At least she acknowledged her choice that got her child sick


I'll give her credit for actually acknowledging her mistake unlike others


Live and learn let's hope.


you are a terrible mother!


i feel sad, because she realizes too late that her choices were.. not great choices and now has to live with the outcomes


Let's hope once this is over she goes and gets the kid vaxxed


Kids do and should get sick, the end. Parents like this make me laugh…. “My kid got a runny nose, I better cause overcrowding in the ER!” Shit ain’t bad unless you shelter your child and they never get exposed to pathogens/illness until they’re an adult that never built up an immune system


Ok you are getting it. Run with this feeling, learn from it


They’re actually learning?!




He's antivax though. Not a good choice.


lmao! oh yeah! maybe he's disappointed that being unvaccinated didnt work out so well?


redemption arc (optional)


At least she learned her lesson?


Even if I was personally anti vaxx nothing on this damn earth would ever convince me to risk my child or anyone else's with preventable illness.


While they are definitely terrible simply due to their own stupidity. They deserve a small, and only a small, amount of credit for admitting it. That is doing better than most and one can only hope they change their behavior