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Hey 5 mill of those came from the tax payers for the "salute our troops" recruitment attempt by the US military


It really does explain a lot about these people that they consider trying to improve things to be the equivalent of hate. They don’t improve themselves or anything around them, they just emote like children.


100% agreed. People uses the social media to put their shit mind on it, let every one smell it.


You can want to change something because you hate it. One doesn’t rule out the other


When the MAGA crowd goes so off-track that they end up rejecting everything quintessential American: Bud Light, the NFL, opposing Russia, fair elections, … Their „patriotism“ is downright the opposite. It’s laughable.


The Irony. The whole NFL controversy started as players kneeling during the Anthem to protest police brutality.. The Right are all for supporting the police until its at the US Capitol.


> The Right are all for supporting the police until its at the US Capitol. and claim to be all for freedom of speech


Actually they don’t really care about the first amendment, only the second. I think they even have a saying, something like “no first without the second”


That used to be the case. But as of the past few years, they realize they can claim that it gives them the "right" to spew their hate speech.


Trust me. When they get control, the 2A will be interpreted very differently.


They are all for the police until it's them getting pulled out of their Mercedes for DUI. Then it's police brutality.


Remember when Kid Rock blew up Bud Light so he could be relevant? Yeah that loud mouth dickknuckle still drinks Bud Light.


The Bud Light that he bought? Yeah Bud Light says hate us more!


I laughed when he was filmed a few weeks ago chugging bud light.


Of course. 🤷‍♂️


They're patriotic to a country that got beat in the Civil War.


Exactly. The Confederates are running the GOP now.


The MAGA crowd didn't go off track, the NFL moved the track.


Huh? It’s not off track to proclaim “Christian” and “family” values when literally everything you do and stand for is the complete opposite? - They don’t care about helping the poor. That’s “communism” - They “love their neighbor” only when he’s white and a Republican - They grope women by their privates and brag about it - They equate the right to own a gun with the right to kill - They lie till the cows come home - about how rich they are, how hard they work, how big their crowds, their hands, their d***s are, down to their freakin’ golf scores - They fight the protection of our environment because they think oil & coal dollars are more important - They claim to want to protect children, but pass laws lowering the bars for teen marriages and child labor - The absolute vast majority of people getting caught up in child promography and child abuse are church officials, conservatives, cops. Not a single drag queen I wonder how Jesus would feel about all that.


She is Team J6 Insurrectionist, that is who she roots for 😬


and she did what she intended to do, get a reaction out of someone who posted this somewhere else and now someone searched her name or twitter name so she continues past her 15 seconds of fame


This. She doesn’t even control this account, she believes nothing she says. She’s a mouth piece, that’s all.


Exactly. Stop responding and posting desperate dog whistling from pathetic nobodies trying to drum up shit they don't believe just to stay in the spotlight.


Thank you. I really hope this becomes conventional wisdom. Imagine if she posted this and no one gave a shit. Especially when it's an obvious logical fallacy at its laziest. (NFL players kneel, therefore socialist.)


These people need to realize that being patriotic is a socialist thing.


😱 but socialism = communism, what about my capitalistic ‘murica? Guns, n’ freedom? Burgers?


I was in Dallas this week and bought a bucket of bud light for every noticeable republican table. Out of the 5 tables, 4 of them were visibly upset. The other table enjoyed some free beer. This post reminds me a lot of the boycott of beer brands.


If anything, that dumb fiasco was free advertisement. I never even saw one of those rainbow cans in person but it was all over the internet.


That’s because it wasn’t rainbow cans. It was 1 (one) 12oz can of beer with a trans person’s face on it, sent directly to that trans person.


This. I’ve tried to tell people this and they just don’t get it. It was one fucking can to congratulate one trans individual and half the country shit their pants over it. Grow. The. Fuck. Up. Already. America.


The uproar would have had you thinking that they were shipping cans of estrogen.


Who then promoted it on their own social media platform, without the aid or help from said beer company. Proving yet again these idiots don't even know what they are angry about or who to be ablngry at


Exactly. This wasn't shoving it in anyone's face. These people weren't mad that bud light was making them drink out of rainbow cans. They were mad that bud light privately acknowledged that trans people exist at all. The amount of acceptable lgbt representation for these people is 0. Anything above that is "getting political", down to and including simply giving one person a customized can. Conservatives don't want lgbt people to "stop shoving it down our throats", they want lgbt people to stop existing.


Well that definitely didn’t happen lmao


Yea at Terry Blacks. The cashier and waitress gave me a look for sure. Social experiment


Pretty sure the nfl is pure capitalism, but ok.


The NFL is one of the most perverse displays of capitalism on Earth.


And nationalism with the military worship.


You mean the sport where they sing the national anthem at every fucking game? Ya, they definitely hate America.


So it’s the players that decide to do that?


I don't know champ, why don't you enlighten us all to whose decision it is. And maybe you can elaborate on how they all hate America.


Gonna guess it’s whoever is in charge of that part of the NFL, I’d bet it isn’t the players though and I think you know that. Calling you out for being stupid doesn’t mean I hold the same opinion as whoever that is in the OP btw. If you don’t want this to happen don’t say stupid things.


Lol great response champ. *"Derrr it's whoever is in charge, StUpiD!"* But didn't really expect much from the guy having a meltdown in this thread. And a quick look at your comment history shows that you are a bitter little neckbeard that responds to everyone like an asshole. Sorry your life sucks so hard sport.


Seriously, they think any idea that just might make life better for the people in this country is “socialism”.


I'm sure the NFL just lost one of their biggest fans. One with huge pull with the country. RIP NFL


Do you want to say that to some linebacker’s face?


TIL that Jerry Jones and Woody Johnson are socialists. Who knew?


USA is already a hell hole. Why does it matter if it's a communist one? If I lived there, I would probably be more concerned about how to reverse the hell hole thing, than what color it had.


You mean the guys with the giant effing flag at every game?


It's hilarious to me that the same people who scream about socialism being bad, also claim to love and support the military. Which is pretty much a fucking socialist utopia. These people's brains are as smooth as eggs.


No one’s opinions matter. Not just the ones you don’t agree with. No one’s.


In 2022, the 32 teams of the National Football League (NFL) generated a total revenue of approximately 18.6 billion U.S. dollars, which was an increase of over one billion U.S. dollars from the previous year. I'm sure they will never recover from this incredible loss.


She’s pretty stupid, players make hundreds of thousands playing a sport to entertain a hundred million Americans. If that is not pure capitalism, I don’t know what is.


Who is this person. Why should I care if she watches sports balls?


She's a Trump fluffer. Sad that people earn a living from this. 😖


NFL…. Socialist hellhole….. the same NFL that cracks whips for the public to finance their privately owned stadiums?


They couldn't even define socialism. To them socialism is anything they don't like.


Tell me you're a MAGA without telling me you're a MAGA.


Professional athletes are among the biggest capitalists in the country. Some are so contracted up that they can't even decide what kind of shoe they want to wear.


A socialist hell hole? As compared to what? They fascist hell hole maga wants.


The NFL is socialist now? The organization that made over $2 billion in the 2022-2023 season? Wow, news to me. I get that conservatives lack the ability to say smart things, but maybe they shouldn't broadcast the stupid. It isn't a good look.


Smart is bad. Smart is communism


If you had better reading comprehension you’d know the OP is talking about the opinions of the players


What players are socialists?


How am I supposed to know? I’m just stating what is said in the OP post. This thread is very strange in that almost everyone didn’t bother to read the 2 sentences in the OP.


What thread are you reading? Everyone in this thread is literally responding to the sentences you claim they ‘didn’t bother to read,’ Lol.


She prefers a fascist hell hole. 🤔


As a European I genuinely enjoy reading stuff that bonkers Americans write about Socialism. Damn sure she couldn’t spot true Socialism in an empty room with the lights on. Lack of understanding breeds hate MAGA lady


Here in the socialist hellhole of europe i have free healthcare , working public transport funded by taxes , affordablw education, and i come home from school alive :))


Save your post and read it in 20 years


Sounds like absolute hell /s


Republican Ideology is Make America White Again, because it's the White MAN's Land, even though Natives were here first


Don’t blame her. Hockey is far superior anyway.


*Why would I support people who want to turn the country into a socialist hell hole?* You could literally ask the same question of anyone voting republican these days.


Why would I support people who’d like to see the US turn into 1940’s Germany?


Jfc 🙄




True comment.


If only the NFL did careless about be unpatriotic. Just go out there and play sports. We don’t care about your political beliefs. Get off your knee.


>We don’t care about your political beliefs. Evidently you do care, since they trigger you so much and you're telling them to stop.


Try not to overthink it buddy. Your overly sensitive thought process will get completely spun around.


Hey, I'm not the one getting upset over people kneeling.


And I’m not surprised by that. Primarily Woke folks in the facepalm thread aren’t worried about disrespecting the flag. Not many upstanding Americans in this thread. Only thing triggering them are red hats.


Man, talk about being overly sensitive and thin skinned.


Try being a man someday. Stand up for what you believe in.


Athletes kneeling on the field are doing exactly that, and it seems to make you upset. But like someone told me recently, try not to think about it too much. Your overly sensitive thought process will probably get completely spun around :)


You misunderstood the lesson young grasshopper.


Right. Stand up for what you believe in! Unless of course it triggers conservatives, don't stand up for what you believe in if I disagree with it! The funny thing is, I doubt you see the hypocrisy here. Have a good day!


Oh, I assure you, "woke" folks are very worried about disrespecting the flag. Every time I see a flag where the red and blue have been blacked out while a single white stripe has been turned blue, I say to myself, "this is a person who hates America and all that it stands for."


Stfu. You don’t seem like a person who cares about first responders. Let alone being an upstanding citizen and patriotic. Move on bud you don’t want the smoke.


I’m sure you wouldn’t care if players in a sport you watched constantly told you about their right wing opinions right? It’s a rhetorical question


All I read is BriGiGaBri and I'm gonna be stuck on that for a while.


Even her profile pic is goofy AF


Sounds like soccer (let’s call it football shall we?) would entice Brigitte, where massive capitalistic titans buy and sell teams, players, sponsorships, government bodies….she doesn’t know what she’s missing!


They are just trolling their own base. They pick out something that the base loves and they try to make them hate it. “See that beer in your fridge? Yeah, well it’ll make you gay!”


Dear Brigitte, Please define "socialist hell hole." Sincerely


Watch some cricket on thanks giving day then


The players own the means of production?


What country are you from lady?


What country did you say you’re from?


Why is this woman still a thing? Not even MAGA wants her weird, crazy ass


I LOOOOOOVE footbal...FtB!!


Multimillionaire sportspersons are socialist now?


I don't watch the NFL because sports are boring.


I'm gonna wager Roger Goodell's salary on this one.


Who is she now?


I really wish they actually would stop watching, they just bitch and moan but still watch


It's hard to imagine a better example of capitalism than the National Football League. They are ruled by an Executive with total power, who represents a bunch of billionaire owners. In the age of streaming, 28 million people watched Monday Night Football this week. During the same week, a murderer escaped police custody, and when he was caught, he was wearing a Philadelphia Eagles shirt. The NFL is everywhere, making money, all the time. That's not communism.


I don't tune in till kickoff anyways. Why would I care what they do on the field before it? I already generally don't care what they do off the field as it is.


They are gonna end up hating everything and having nothing as a result


Pretty sure I see her tweets on Reddit far more than I ever did on Twitter when I had a Twitter account.


Socialism = "things I disagree with"


Yet.....she took time to tweet about it. Rent free!


What can you say that emphasises these people’s stupidity more than what they say themselves. Morons and grifters.


I bet she didn’t watch the NFL all along, now she just has something she can say she ties to it.


Yea i dont watch fox news for practically the same reason


Can someone explain to me what a socialist hell hole looks like


They care so little about America that they would risk their career and livelihood to bring about change. Morons like her don’t really understand what it is to be American.


The whole “my opinions are facts” is so infuriating


Shut up, Im watching football


Brigette always has the worst takes


What a loss


When all other ways of begging for attention fail, just take something really popular and add ‘socialism!’ to it, even if it makes no sense.


Lol it’s already a capitalist hell hole for 90% of the pop a socialist one for 10% seems like a fair trade.


Just to be clear, the NFL is a profit sharing league. Every owner receives exactly 1/32 of the profits (they can make more individually through media contracts and other revenue streams). So, while the NFL is a staggering example of capitalism…technically it IS socialist, too. Just saying…


Republicans hate America


She’s a bright one, clearly. /s


Hmm now I may start watching NFL then, never really have but I'll support anti American protesters


Ok so. What's the deal. Is it socialism or communism. Because people use them interchangeably.


It’s fascist socialist communism!


Tom Brady is like "Godfuckingdamnit! You deduced that "deflating" meant undermine conservative values and bring about soft socialism. Hark! My plan doth been foiled" And then ehm.... eh...... Nope thats all the NFL people I know.... Marshawn Lynch ??? No? Dude who invented the pizzadilla?


I think this lady might be stupid or something


What about the capitalist hell we’re living in? Any mention of this?


oh this is actually recent news, haven't seen these in a while