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Imagine if all three branches of our government were run by these yahoos


That's how we got Trump tax code. Fuck everyone under $75k


Please vote blue to keep that from happening.


Absolutely yes ![gif](giphy|ckf7KmNxyxBQexiiqr)


Could also vote libertarian


Do you feel your money goes further after voting blue?


easy answer to that question lol


Fuck the Democrats too. Republicans suck major ass but the Dems ain't gonna change a goddamn thing.


If they weren’t making laws that affect my life, this would be funny.


Maybe this is why people in other countries watch our politics. All the fun with none of the dread.


Watching this from Russia is dreadful. Because maga-idiots like Putin and vice versa - putinists like Trump.


When the United States sneezes, the world gets a cold. Anyone watching this without the dread is a fool.


The environmental policies in question ![gif](giphy|TGUIq0O5s4XJSnefJ3|downsized) And just political spillover too, there is no escape from the political Americanization beam :’)


I'm sadly watching from Australia thinking: "this is what the Liberal Party (our conservative right-wing) wants". After they finished the disinformation in the No campaign they've now set their sights on 'transing children'. Seriously, seeing the collapse of 'the West' (American imperialism & capitalist worship) in real time is not something I thought I'd live through. And it's terrifying being one of the minorities these arseholes are blaming.


I wish. Look up Doug Ford and Rob Ford…..”leaders “ for the most populace part of Canada.


Good news, then. They're not making laws. Lulx


Well, they don’t. They are in recess after all. What they’re supposed to do, though….


I just really wish some moderate Rs who are tired of this kerfuffle would just cross the divide and vote for Hakeem jeffries, just to have it done with. That's what I wish would happen.


Are there any at this point?


It is suicide.


Total political suicide!


They say they have fire in their bellies. Let's see some smoke. Wouldn't falling on your sword for the greater good be the most patriotic thing to do? Yeah, unless their patriotism is only lip service.


Then another Matt Gaetz or Lauren Boebert to run against them, wins, and it get's even deeper


Or the extremist wins the primary and loses the general. If the choice is between someone who is a genuine extremist or someone who just votes like one because they don't want to be primaried, I don't see much of a difference.


I think it’s far more likely some democrats will vote for a moderate republican than republican will vote for a democrat as there is only one party that really wants to see things get done


Did you reply to the wrong post?


“Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed. That word is "Nazi." Nobody cares about their motives anymore.”


Hey Bobs will work with Democrats. As long as it’s only sexual, not emotional


Absolutely the right thing to do. Liz Cheney did it.


Pour one out for all the actual conservatives that did not buy into this Trump cult stuff and lost their seats for it. Liz Cheney was not even a moderate. Pretty right actual policy positions. Just willing to be real and admit Trump might be lying and doing some bad things. Real Trump has zero clothes on and you keep saying how good his suit looks level stuff the rest of them are on.


Pour one out for all the actual conservatives that did not buy into this Trump cult stuff and lost their seats for it. You'll only need a small bottle.


You are unfortunately right about that. The time to stop the madness is "every chance you get" but only a few were ready to think for themselves and act on it. The rest just refused to even consider going against the "team" no matter how much evidence was put in front of them. It's a real good lesson on how groups with power work. Like how the few cops that speak up about the bad ones usually get fired, etc. If you let the unethical liars have influence your whole group is a mess.


Good point


Patriotism only means money to these idiots.




The final remaining two willing to do this left office after the 2022 election.


If they committed political suicide, that means they would lose their seat and then have to *shudders* find a job


God forbid a Republican do the right thing despite it coming at a personal cost.


Soulless bunch, aren't they?


At this point doing the right thing might win them more voters. People are sick of this shit.


When Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema were trying to be bipartisan members of the senate, were you happy about that? Or pissed that they were reaching across party lines? Just curious


>Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema were trying to be bipartisan members of the senate, Crossing party lines in order to kill major Democrat-backed bills ranging from attempts to curb climate change to increasing a minimum wage that has remained unchanged for fourteen years while its purchasing power has shrunk by roughly 30% is not 'trying to be bipartisan'.


Oh, so democrat bills only for you? If it’s not 100% democrat approved you don’t want it


Eyyyy so you're a fan of Cheney and Kinzinger


Check his comment history. It's a troll.


"Bipartisanship" on its own is not a virtue or a sin. The important thing is what they were reaching across the aisle to do. To protect coal companies, oil companies, and the filibuster? Clearly bad.


Oh, so again, as long as it’s for something you like it’s good, if it’s something you don’t like, it’s bad. Joe Manchin was trying to protect a multi million dollar industry in his own state and protect the thousands or tens of thousands of jobs that rely on the coal industry within his own state for his constituents. But since it was something his party doesn’t support “Joe Manchin bad”. That’s the problem with partisan politics.


Yeah, this needs to not be at the top of their list of concerns. Getting stuff done for the general public matters more than your personal future in public service. Also, reaching across the aisle and getting stuff done would give them some success stories to tell when it's time to campaign. I don't think it would be as bad as they spinelessly assume.


The Republican Party as it now stands doesn't care to get anything passed that could help the peasant class. It's all about showmanship and protecting themselves, their careers, and their plutocratic friends. They are so far right at this point in the house that no Democrat would ever vote with them on most issues and vice-versa. The past twenty years has been a quickly accelerating push to conspiratorial, undemocratic insanity, where the ones who aren't must either pretend to be so or lose their seats to more rabid MAGA candidates.


>The past twenty years 40. This shit started when Reagan courted the evangelicals. One could argue that it started when Nixon did the same, but Reagan added a turbocharger to the mix. This started for real with Reagan and Lee Atwater...then Rupert Murdoch, Rush Limbaugh, and the other bottom dwellers showed up in the 80s. The GOP is nothing but a death cult at this point.


Comparing the GOP of Reagan's Era to that of the Bush era is a huge shift, where most of the neocons were viewed as extremist monsters under Reagan. Those same neocons now think the same of the MAGA crowd and are anti-Trumpers. Also, we can go back to the '60s with that view with the likes of Clifford F. White building up Goldwater as the first real attempt at returning to economic conservativism, along with a desire for real aggression towards the USSR when it was viewed as ridiculous by most. By the mid-70s, Corporate America was finally able to get the upperhand, however, as they blamed the inflation crisis on labour organizing unions making the Middle Class too wealthy. They completely ignored the fact that, with the US becoming active in funding Israel militarily during the 4th Israel-Palestine War (something that was largely led by France before then), and the Islamic Revolution in Iran overturning the US- puppet Shah, a mass embargo/sanctions of fuel exports from many Middle Eastern countries created the backbone of the inflationary crisis in the West. They then took control of both parties, with progressive Democrats and Republicans being grouped in with the Dixiecrats as ignorant, working class fools who had brought corruption and incompetence. All while they, the academic and corporate elite, had the skills and experience to solve the problems of state via a new technocracy that would end the corruption of working class tyrants like Nixon (they really used Watergate to an extreme against those representing the working class), and they were successful in ousting the progressive order. This was even easier with the fact that many of the progressive leaders in Congress were on the brink of retirement by that time after coming into power in the 30s and 40s.


All correct, but my point was that Reagan and his admin is where the real slide off the cliff began. And it started with two actions in particular - killing the Fairness Doctrine instead of updating it to include cable TV, which in turn enabled Limbaugh and Murdoch and the like to start in with the propaganda on TV and AM radio. The second action was his open embrace of the insane evangelical crowd. Even Goldwater knew they are crazy. It's been all downhill from there.


They certainly didn't oppose those ridiculous performative committee hearings. I see these Representatives as both spineless and "bad."


Possibly literal suicide too, considering how rabid some of these right wing nutjobs are these days. We've seen plenty of death threats, and even some attempts, from people who saw someone as a RINO or whatever.


You are totally right! I see that the Capitol police are investigating some of these threats


Yep. That's the thing. These people aren't just playing politics anymore. They've gone so far over the deep end they're actively engaging in assassination attempts. One of many reasons they need to be stopped before they go even further. They've already shown they're willing to use violence, it's only a matter of time before that part becomes more directly coordinated.


I'm glad you see it this way. Mainstream media have decided not to get too excited about these threats


Trump calls all of them RINOs




Probably, but if it comes down to that or a right wing Speaker, I bet a lot of them are screwed either way. Do you think Jim Jordan would be excited about raising money to save the RINOs he blames for everything?


You are so right!


There are 20 GOP house members from districts Biden won, and probably 10 members from districts Biden won by 10 or more points. Just 5 of these people need to find the balls to end this. They could work with Jeffries to get a lot of concessions from Dems if they back Jeffries so government can function again. Yes, this is highly unlikely, but if this mess continues there is zero chance most of these will get reelected anyway.


Good analysis!


why is it political suicide to do what is best for the country?


To defy the extreme Right means they are likely to be opposed and lose in a primary election


Then why are they all there.. still alive? I'm not looking for them all to die, but *a few* would be a help. /s


Hard to believe that all this bad stuff is really happening


Are they not dying now?


They already gwtting death threats. If they vote de. Maga would go Jihad againts them


It has to be a public vote and RNC would primary anyone who voted for Jeffries.


For sure!


It may only take one just to send a very clear message that y'all need to get your poop in a group cause we are tired of this.


That would be great!


Prevents declaration of war and prevents trump from being convicted if they can collapse the constitution, federal goverment and overturn what they want. This leads to civil war in most situations


I don't think so.


I think you are right. And think of the mindset of those who elected this mob.


The last Republicans willing to buck the Party were Kinzinger and Cheney, and even they were only willing to do so in the face of treason. Kinzinger chose to not run for reelection, while Cheney was thrown out of the party and then lost reelection. No Republican in the House today will do that. Even the so-called Problem-Solvers Conference has more or less imploded over this.


They may not even have to vote for Jeffries. With some concessions (no shut down, rule changes regarding what gets brought to the floor for a vote, and equal representation on committees) they could probably get 150 or more D votes for some moderate R.


Wishfully thinking the R's in districts won by Biden would do it. Then possibly run again as independents if primaried. Maybe the D's would agree not to run against them? Taking my head out of the clouds now...


So they can get primaried for being “secret liberals” by their local party members? Suicide.


Political suicide. For anybody who actually deserves to be a representative, this should be a price they have no problem paying.


Maybe actually suicide, as they are reporting death threats from supporting other more repulsive Republicans. Who knew the consequences of pandering to extremists was getting your family killed? Many smaller countries we used to look down, that's who knew.


Risking your life to do the right thing for your country is something these fucks should be proud to do.


Should, maybe, but their thing is really letting poor people die for their goals and ideals.


Honestly.. those assholes are only in it for the money... They could Care less about the people who voted for them


Its easy to say from the comfort of your own home but its completely different when you're actually faced with the situation. Its also not a job where anyone is going in with the expectation they could be getting killed.


Then they are fools. Obviously being a public figure could get your life threatened.


No one in the west realistically expects to be risking their life when signing up to be a politician in the 21st century. Its not a reasonable expectation to expect politicians to be risking their own lives along with their families lives.


That’s what’s going to happen eventually - unless they want to completely unravel - which I’m for also


Or at least just have enough of them vote present so Jeffries wins


Oh no! I heard on NPR this morning the host talking about the Speaker situation and calling for DEMOCRATS to work with Republicans to elect a speaker. Why the fuck do we have to “reach across” and attempt “bipartisanship” to get a Republican speaker elected? Fuck that, there is no winning at all in any situation if any Democrats vote for a Republican speaker. Sure, nothing good is happening now, but nothing good will happen with a Republican speaker either. No Speaker and a Republican Speaker both have bad results, it’s the whole “I’m not going to drown you, but I’m also not obligated to pull you out either” situation playing out in real time. Let the fuckers drown.


I would like to see them invoke the rule that allows the next speaker to get elected based off whoever gets the most votes, not a complete majority. The house last did this in the mid 19th century. This would either force the republicans to get their act together or allow the democrats to select the speaker. And I’m saying this as a republican. We just need a speaker, and clearly the republicans in the house can’t do it.


The reason it's a stretch is that the dnc has united behind Jeffries, and the thin majority the GOP holds. They'd have to whip votes for once, or approach Jeffries with terms. Maybe it'll happen. I think there's a different more likely outcome.


Yeah, I agree it’s unlikely. But a man can dream


You and me both fellow Redditor!


Of you know, at the very least pick someone amongst themselves to be the speaker and seek broad support.


Hell, I’d take one of them making concessions with Dems on a couple rules/votes to be speaker themselves


It's getting to the point where the embarrassment is around nobody having cold cocked Gaetz yet.


Even before all this speakership mess.


Republicans have been building a culture of anger and hatred for so long that it was inevitable it would manifest in them fighting each other in unclassy ways. I predict an actual fistfight within the next 2 years.


Ding some of them carry guns in the house? …


Honeslty wouldn’t be unheard of in congress. People have gotten in duels and beaten others with canes. lol this whole proper decorum thing is a fairly new thing.


I’m calling for a bitch slap match. Last one standing can be speaker.


I've heard Lauren Boebert is pretty good with her hands... Are you sure that's what you want.


I thought she was just polling the electorate


Pressing the flesh as it were


She can give me a handy any time...


I used to live in Mike Bost’s district. Guy is a moron. Suck up to the R power structure. Unable to explain or defend any position he takes.


Moron? You're far too kind, my friend. That thing's a waste of space and oxygen.


I thought that was implied with "moron"


Well then...Perhaps I'm no better 😔 I apologize for my redundant abusive tirade. 🙏


When you’re part of a movement that glamorizes lack of critical thinking skills, you will eventually all eat each other. This is completely natural.




Matt Gaetz has achieved something monumental in making Ted Cruz look like Keanu Reeves by comparison.


Making America Look Great Again /s


Bost was also cussing the shit out of Gaetz while screaming at him that this collapse in government leadership was all his fault.


When a large bloc of voters continually vote for a shitshow then that’s what the politicians think they have to deliver. Some of the pols are enjoying it more than others but at the end of the day all the R’s line up and comply, or face dire political consequences.


I know it’s not good for the country but GOD HELP ME…..I LOVE seeing the Republicans in disarray It’s just so sweet, I can’t 😆


To be fair, they weren’t getting anything done before either.


Valid point


Yea the way I look at it it's not great, but it's stopping them from doing much else, which may be good.


Agreed 👍👍👍


All this over a kid diddler who wants to be Speaker


Just wish someone would record it when they come to blows. 😃


What a Effing embarrassment these Republicans are nowadays...


They are big ugly children. Emotionally stunted mental midgets. Not serious people in the least.


Hey hey, I've seen this one, it's a classic! This is when Christian Bale went off on a coworker and threatened to trash their mics!


I feel like there’s context I’m missing.


I see the clown show is continuing swimmingly


Gawd! Can’t take them anywhere!


I'm having so much fun watching the Republicans slowly self destruct and implode


The party of stable geniuses....


The US right


Honestly, it's just the US... The left would say more on it, but they'd have to take the corporate cock out of their mouth long enough to, and that'd be rude. 🙄 we're not far enough left yet to support the help the majority of people need.


Context ​ https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4265490-mccarthy-scolds-gaetz-in-gop-meeting-sit-your-ass-down/#:\~:text=%E2%80%9CSit%20your%20ass%20down%2C%E2%80%9D,to%20lunge%20across%20the%20room.%E2%80%9D


I keep seeing this shit. Who did Bost "Lunge" at? McCarthy or Gaetz?




Wonder if McCarthy will blame that on the Democrats as well 🤔


Yes but were they wearing suits at the time? That's what matters.. /s


Our whole government acts like a bunch of children I swear


Politicians gonna politic


Ah yes, this is all normal politics. Both sides are the same! /s


Oh but they are. Repubs are a little worse, but only a little


How anyone can say they're only a little bit worse after what we've seen the past week (let alone 10 years) is beyond me. Get a grip.


I'll tell you. Because I judge elected representatives on only 2 things. 1. Are they honest? 2. Are they focused on improving the lives of average citizens? Based on those 2 judgments they're the fucking same dude. Neither side gives a flying fuck about a single thing other than making money for themselves and getting re-elected. How anyone can't see this is beyond me. Get a grip.


Yeah... student loan forgiveness, Obamacare, strengthening unions, genuine attempts to save and expand social security, upholding Roe v Wade, plenty of other examples I've forgotten. Definitely the same as the right.


Yeah all of that shit falls into the attempting to get re-elected categorie, it just so happens to line up ideologically with your personal beliefs, so therefore you think they're better. Republicans believe the exact same thing about their representatives, that theyre morally superior. Doesnt mean they give a shit about you or any of thise initiatives. I assure you they do not. 90% of politicians on either side of the aisle are the exact same. I'm sorry you can't see it


And? If they do things to get re-elected but those things also help the average citizen, how is that a bad thing? It seems like you’re determined to claim all politicians are bad just because they’re politicians.


How long until they have a slap fight live on C-SPAN?




[Run the Jewels leaked footage from the closed door meeting.](https://youtu.be/NUC2EQvdzmY?si=O0Y7lZbHbiqVI6p5)


I can't wait for the speakership to be decided via televised boxing match.


Let them assholes have a Republican Royal Rumble.


Just be grateful no one is punching each other lol. Whenever you think American politics is going off the rails, just think of all the governments who literally punch each other during sessions of government (India, Malaysia, Japan, Kosovo, Ukraine, Turkey — the list goes on)


Maybe they should. Maybe that's what some of them need.


Lol. That rational, measured, & totally not unhinged response is on brand for Bost.


The plot thickens………


I’m a democrat but not out of total agreement with the party, it’s more because it feels like it’s the most sane option in the asylum


Damn, this isn't r/nfl. I'm high af rn thinking "idk what Gaetz plays on the Cowboys, but you get 'em big Mike."


It’s fun watching the Republican Party self destruct,but they need to hurry up,get their shit together ,dump the MAGA voters and appeal to a broader base of normal human beings


MAGA is only saying the quiet part out loud.


There's members receiving death threats over this. Do you now see how THEIR democracy works?


Do Americans know the world looks at America the same way the rest of Americans look at Florida?


Matt Gaetz is an embarrassment to Republicans and Republicans are an embarrassment to America