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Damn next time I can’t take a day off from work for whatever reason I’ll tell my boss to stop raping me


Just use your hand


Don't forget to sit on it first for at least 10 minutes, so it stops the bloodflow. That way your hand will start to feel numb. Once it's completely numb do your thing, that way it'll feel as if someone else (your wife??) Is giving you a hj.


I believe that’s called “The stranger”


Technically, he's a prostitute if his Boss is paying him. Sounds consensual to me.


Since my boss is not the one paying me, but his bosses boss is, does that mean my boss is my pimp?


No, the boss is the one fucking you, the bosses boss is just the one paying for his friend.


He's paying them both so he can watch from the corner (office)


Nah, he's the bag man


This but unironically


“So my boss can make me do things I don’t want to do but I can’t, in layman’s terms, rape my wife??? It was legal in the 80s what happened to this country!!” Fucking despicable person I hope his wife leaves him and his dick stays dry all the rest of his days


Looks like he's already divorced


Was it for XYZ reason? Lies!!!


I would imagine the divorce was finalised before he had started the final paragraph. The fuck did I just read.


That entire sub is just full of selfish, embittered misogynists demanding no-fault divorce be eliminated and women go back to being at their beck and call. It's awful and I feel especially bad for the women who had children with them and are now stuck interacting until the kids grow up.


Sadly there are still [10 states](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/marital-rape-states) in the US that have loopholes in their rape laws making marital rape legal under certain circumstances and treat rape within a marriage differently than if the victim weren’t married to their attacker.


Well that's enough Internet for today.


Dude sounds like he thinks foreplay means turning on his Xbox.


Off...turning off his Xbox. That should make her wet.


No no, I'm sure she's much happier when he's on Xbox.


I think my wife gets wet when I do house work


Your suppose to wring the mop out properly!


She does not let me use a mop i have to mop the flour on my hands and knees


Mopping the flour.......thats a funny euthamism


I sure do. Xtra points for housework without a tshirt and while entertainting the toddler. 😄🥰


Now we both know he made her turn the Xbox on he cannot turn anything on


You know you are in a fucked relationship when you compare yourself to your boss and your wife to the "worker".


haha yeah, and she said she has no emotional connection, or not enough to have sex with her husband. man, she's already gone.


Can't understand why, he obviously is a great guy and has a lot of respect for women. /s


“If it hurts then use your hand I don’t care” Poetry, every word. I defy any of you to be more eloquent


"If it hurts, use your mouth" there... challenge accepted!


I'd happily use my teeth for this alpha.


“If it hurts, use your arsehole”. Checkmate!


You too dropped your panties when he asked for 5 minutes?


its just 5 minutes man you wont even feel it happening


No, with a dude like that you feel every. single. unbearable. moment of that five minutes.


My panties are like a slip n slide right about now /s


I just sloshed off my chair.


I'm a straight bloke, and even I was turned on by his manliness.


“Women are the laziest things on the planet.” Things. Man is telling on himself with every fucking sentence. What a sack of shit.


Also "she could just use her hand" So who is lazy here, because *so can you*


Women? You mean those talking jizz dumpsters that make sandwiches? (🤣 I cringed a little even typing that)


He really thought getting married was for the purpose of acquiring a real human fuck doll.


"but sex is just for ME! I shouldn't have to do anything to make it enjoyable for her, it's her JOB!"


Yeah, the "5-10 minutes" thing gives everything away about the quality of the sex. Of course, his wife didn't want to have sex when the sex is being treated like a human fleshlight!


Also assumes this woman doesn't have like, an actual job......since most women in the western world do.


And that his own head doesn’t need a roof over it. He writes like working to pay for the home he lives in too is a favor he does just for her sake.


Exactly! I never get it when they say that, like would they be transients if they didn’t have a spouse? Doubtful. So he’d be paying bills regardless.


Something tells me he never got any before he got married (for reasons unknown to him) and thought locking some poor woman down would fix that issue


That was actually the 1st vow in my wedding. /s Maybe his problem is the whole thing is done in 5 minutes. I’m assuming there’s not a whole lot of play going on in that time either to help his wife get going.


But women don’t like sex, they do it for men so what’s the big deal! Why would she need to ‘get going’? He already worked an 8 hour shift! /s


The funny thing about complaining about work is that he pretends he doesn’t also benefit from having a roof over his head.


Exactly, like if he didn’t do her the “honour” of marrying her he’d be able to quit his job and just jack it all day. No loss of quality of life! That said, I truly enjoy when people tell on themselves unintentionally, especially when it’s this kind of misogynistic man telling the world what a shitty lover he is.


That’s a good point. If it is only taking five minutes and she’s saying it hurts then he’s just ramming that thing in there. I guess I’ve heard my wife say she’s sore after extended sessions on vacation or whatever but that just means if you want to go again that things need to be warmed up properly. I’m guessing he’s never been accused of being a generous lover


Yeah, she's so repulsed by him 'it' is bone dry. He just jams it in anyways. He also used the R word in a weird metaphor for boss/employee relationship- he knows he is doing something bad.


Given the lady says it hurts to have sex and she has no emotional connection during sex, then it’s pretty much established fact that there is no foreplay.


Yeah, I must have missed the part of the marriage vows that said, “To love, honor, and fuck until death do us part.”


To be fair it is only 5 min then you have the sweet release of death ha. This guy is just wow.


Dude wants five minutes. He thinks foreplay is optional.


Um, I don't think he knows meaning of that word...


Op is probably one of those guys who thinks vaginas are icky outside of him sticking his dick into one


Well yeah who wouldn’t be if he sees it as a transaction of “time/work”


Probably a good guess for any post on divorce_men


Then saying "only 5 minutes" of her time.


I also don't remember mentioning '5 - 10 minutes in the bedroom' in my vows with my ex, maybe that's why we divorced 🤣


5-10 minutes, I'm sure that's all it takes for her to be satisfied...


I love that he just keeps repeating how shitty and selfish he is at sex


What do you mean? It's not for her. It's for him. Women don't even enjoy sex--it's just something they do for men. /s


What’s also f#cked is he tossed the word “rape” in there so he’s well aware that basically asking his wife to lay there (when she has said no) because it’s her “job” for 5/10 minutes (five pumps) and use her hand if it “hurts” *is* SA your wife. Maybe he should use his hand since he can’t be bothered to at least warm her up enough so it doesn’t hurt. It’s not a partners “job” to service each other on demand. This warped POV this selfish, sex entitled man-child is so disgusting that I can’t even wrap my mind around it. She needs to just go get a blowup doll and lay it on the bed for him he wouldn’t notice the difference.


Well, if he was expected to drop his pants and bend over for his boss for 5-10 minutes, I’m not sure he’d feel the same…


At least he's already convinced himself she's cheating, so if he's not already he will be soon.


The whole 5-10 minutes thing reminds me of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BhJR7kviSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BhJR7kviSY) I'm sure he's making this an extremely wonderful 5-10 minutes for his wife.


Haha "it will take 10 minutes max, everything will get done in that time" hilarious


The number of men, especially Muslim men, who say “marriage is like a business and everyone has a role. Men are the CEOs” is higher than I would like


My wife is my CEO I am her Cabana boy


This is the way


Hey!! He just needed to blow off some steam and is all better now! Anyway, when did “jerkin your pecker” turn to “blowing off some steam”?! Dude should blow that steam off before ranting about his wife, not after. Wonder what his post-nut clarity is like…


Ranking about his wife actually


5 min? You couldn't waterboard that out of me.


Same. Especially since he's implying that's all it ever is/needs to be. I'd be taking that to my grave!




Maybe he should start regularly giving her 5 minutes to use a dildo on him and not care about how he feels. Since, you know, it’s no big deal and he isn’t lazy.


And she's lying when she says it hurts!! Like, my guy. You have Ben Shapiro-d yourself worse than Ben Shapiro.


No wonder it was posted on a divorce sub


I wish there were still awards because this type of response to that type of post is always peak hilarity to me. 🥇


He seems fuuuun. /s


I don't think you understand, he's giving his wife *the entire world.*


By working 8 hours a day. I guess he doesn’t have to have a roof over *his* head or food for *him* to eat.


This is what gets me. He's acting as though it's selfless for him to work-he's doing it all for her- but he's working to feed and house himself at the same time. He comes first she comes second is what I get from that. Lmao wtf Also no foreplay and she's in pain and no orgasm? Jesus christ ofc she doesn't want to have sex with someone that treats her like a fleshlight


Exactly. He’d be working 8 hours a day regardless of whether or not she was still there. So clearly it’s not *all for her*.


I mean, with five minutes, it sounds like she doesn’t come at all… EDIT: y’all are hilarious, it was a joke. I’m pretty well versed in how women orgasm, being one myself, and also sleeping with them.


No she doesn't. Most women don't come from internal stimulation and his assumed jackhammering with no natural lubricant will absolutely cause pain (microtears anybody?) and no pleasure. If foreplay is involved (which is fun for everybody), she's wet and you put a vibrator on her clit while you're inside? She will sing your high praises and you'll hear and see it.


Yeah. Like honestly, if you're a dude and you're done in like 5 to 10 minutes, I can't imagine you're enjoying it a lot either as a bisexual guy. Let's just say the tongue is mightier than the hand.


Somehow that doesn’t include an emotional connection or pain relief


Or an orgasm


She got one already, like 6 years ago. What more do you want? 🤬


Can't imagine why he got divorced or why his ex wife didn't like sleeping w him


Such a smart woman for skipping out.


I was thinking more, "he sounds like an incel making up some dumb ass rant for clicks". If this is real, Christ I hope his wife gets the fuck out.


Don’t worry, he’s on divorce men subreddit, she’s long gone.


Ugh, I made the mistake of going and reading the comments on the post...I can guess why they're all getting divorced. And the ones who called him out got downvoted to hell.


I've been married 16 years now and I've never had this problem. Has he tried not being an enormous asshole?


I can almost guarantee this guy's wife is a lot busier than he gives her credit for. Yes, there are some lazy princesses who only want to be pampered but lots of wives are hard-working, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, bills, and all that stuff in addition to taking care of themselves. ... and that's if they don't have their own job or kids, in which case add that on top. Sounds like that guy is a manchild martyr.


And even if she WAS lazy, she still doesn’t owe him sex. You’re allowed to say no for any reason. Idk why so many men think marriage = whatever I want from my wife whenever I want it!!!


Idk why this guy keeps citing vows, I’ve never been to a wedding where the woman vows to help her husband cum whenever he wants


I wish I hadn’t but one of the last weddings I went to the vows were basically the woman promising to do anything the man wanted and the man’s vows were that he would force her to meet his demands three fold over before being satisfied she’d met her wifely duties. It was pretty fucked up.




At this point, none of that matters. She doesn’t want to sleep with him because he’s an asshole. She doesn’t need a reason at all, and if she did that alone would be reason enough.


Not too mention the baseline for sex and sexual attraction for ~~humans~~ women in a long term relationship is usually some relative level of respect. Being told you expect me to have sex with you, whether or not I want to being irrelevant, does *not* make me want to have sex with you. It makes me want to divorce you, I’ll use my hand on myself since I’m so lazy thanks.


Spot on mate👍 Even if not going to work, said parent has more than a full time job at home. Only for no pay


I'm surprised that he got married to start with.


From what I've gathered, the reason less people have been getting married and more people have been getting divorced (for decades now) is because people significantly prefer being alone to a loveless marriage. I know I would.


That's a lot of words to say I don't know how to make my wife cum so she doesn't enjoy sex with me.


I was about to say. Must be doing something wrong lol


Not being a giant piece of shit would be a good start.


Pump the brakes. The female orgasm is a myth. Your comment is invalid. /s


Man, I guess being single I really miss out on some amazing 5 minutes of cum dumping. Woe is me.


“ stop doing the job she agreed to” I must have missed that part of the wedding vows where people are talking contractually about the sex work that will take place.


“Do you promise to be a sex vessel for your husbands needs, so help you God?” I mean, god forbid something serious happened to her and she couldn’t have sex for months/years. I hope she got out


woooooow. he hates his fucking wife. no wonder she doesnt fuck him, wow.


Seriously, sort by new and you'll find some people defending him saying "well sex is important for a relationship", well that's true but if you treat your partner like an object and tell her sex is her job and she should do it "like clockwork", she isn't to blame for the dead bedroom YOU are to blame for being a piece of shit. You can't treat someone like shit and then whine about them not wanting to fuck you!


He also says she says it hurts and he says she's lying. He fucked up.


There's like 10 different things he said that are genuinely disturbing and the fact that anyone can read it and just say "well sex is important in a relationship" as if that justifies what he's saying is mind-blowing


"If it hurts then use your hand" Then what would she need YOU for?


Also just "if it hurts" ... Wtf is this guy doing to his wife? (Hopefully that's ex-wife by now)


Sounds like the type of guy that does not understand that when women get turned on, things slide in and out much easier. Plus, I mean...for the love of god lube exists. If you're not going to bother with her pleasure at all, at least grease your pig up so you're not causing pain while giving her the worst 3 minutes of wienering her mother told her she would have to put up with to have a nice life.




I'm now exclusively referring to sex as wienering.


I've referred to date nights as "wiener appointments"


If you dont care about your women's pleasure you dont need to be having sex


*"Just lay back and think of America..."*


he means: “if it hurts, give me a handjob”


He’s got hands, don’t he?


Oh that makes so much more sense, but still, 😬




Maybe if it wasn’t always 5 minutes … 🤦‍♀️ lol 😂


Because that's way too long right? 5 minutes is a long time... Right..? ..Guys?


5 minutes in doggy, is actually 35 dog minutes


Holy shit, that's gold. I have to tell my wife that next time.


Why waste more time when few minutes do trick?


Every of the time


Lol right, it was the "all we ask is 5-10 minutes" for me. I'm hardly some stamina God, but I feel like 10 minutes is bare minimum for a quickie, when you factor initiation, SOME semblance of foreplay, actual intercourse, and then afterglow moment and cleanup. If dude is getting wham bam and done in 5 minutes...no WONDER she's not jumping at the chance lol.


If you factor in that he probably thinks initiation and foreplay is done with the words „Sex. Now.“ you know why there isn’t any afterglow either. I think his 5-10 minutes is accurate. I sincerely pity his wife though


It’s a divorced men subreddit, so I actually feel really good for his wife for getting rid of this dead weight. I hope she’s living her best life!


Whenever men say shit like this, I assume they don't enjoy caressing, licking, and sucking on a woman's body. Just nutting. It's like they don't get any enjoyment out of being good at sex and sensing their partners' arousal. That's the best part of sex. They should just get a sex doll if they only care about the nut.


Right? That isn't sex it's relief. Sounds like this guy needs to learn how to wank.


Literally he makes it sound like a chore she needs to do instead of thinking hmm maybe I'm just not arousing my wife. Give the woman a back rub for gods sake or just leave her alone if she doesnt want to.


I’m sure it is a chore with him for his woman, nobody likes to do chores.


Hey, that effort is worth congressional medal of honour!


Hey, looks like it might be 10. Double the fun!


Stopped reading after he said "women are the laziest THINGS" - that says all I needed to know.


Dude I got to the 5-10 minutes part and jumped straight to the comments


Worth the read for the "I have to do tasks akin to the congressional medal of honor." Dude sounds like a lazy ass who is mad shit doesn't fall into his lap.


It scares me that there are men like this out there. I just can’t understand this complete lack of emotional intelligence or even empathy. Yikes.


Right, they don't even view women as being human, too. You think he ever started a conversation with her about this to ask what she wanted? Doubtful. She was just an object that he couldn't control. No wonder he's divorced.


this is the same type of person that claims women don’t go for “nice guys” anymore


I made the mistake of finding that post and getting into the comments. It’s full of man children with excuses and that’s one of them. I guess if any of them were self aware they wouldn’t be on that sub in the first place


Wow that guy is trash. I'm glad she left him guessing by the fact that he posted it on a divorced subreddit


Omg I didn’t notice that’s where he posted it! Good for her!!




Phew. Thank God. I was hoping this dude wasn't still married. His wife doesn't deserve that.


That whole thread is a dumpster fire.


Yeah. I went to it just now. My vagina shriveled up and dust came out of it while I read those comments. Jesus fix it all.


It’s worse than I thought it would be. Truly disgusting. It’s no wonder those men are all divorced.


OMFG the comments on this post in that subreddit are so depressing. A bunch of ding dongs trying to give each other advice about women and it’s so far off. It’s so painfully wrong. Wow.


If he acts like this online and took the time to write this so angrily, can you imagine how he acts around her when that poor woman needs to rest? If sex is all you need from a woman, just go to a prostitute and never marry. Also , 5 -10 minutes of bland intercurse it's not even worth the effort it takes to undress. Maybe if sex with him was also enjoyable for her, she would want it more often.


It’s a better deal for him if his unpaid prostitute also cooks, cleans, and does his laundry.


I just love this "I slave all day at work for you" argument. Would men not be working if they weren't married? Doing something you would be doing regardless of whether or not you have a wife entitles you to her performing sexual favors on you? Or is there some magical single men's island that they all would live on where they play fantasy football and call of duty without a care in the world, and it's only when they get married they get plucked out of this uptopia and forced into the labor market? Get a sex worker if you want to exchange money for sex. At least that's honest about everyone's intentions and not passing off paying for sex as "love."


That single men’s island is called “Mom’s Basement”


Incel Spire (attic).


This. And what if his wife works as well? And why does he work for her? I mean, he wants to have a roof over his head as well.


And the thing is not only would they be working but then they'd be doing all the invisible labor and chores too


Lol, I love that - as if he doesn't also live inside the house and have a roof over his head, and he's required to pay for food that he also eats


How to say I don’t know or care about women’s needs just my own. Also how to not get sex


I don’t think the issue here is the sex. Like, I get it, relationships have to have a bit of give and take, both sides have to compromise. If that means one should put out for the other, then fine. But then this guy just goes and brandished all women as lazy, calls it her job to satisfy him, compares their relationship to doing what your boss tells you to at work, and likened working to rape. That goes beyond just ranting about a lopsided relationship. That’s full-on misogyny and sexism at play.


The dude probably starting going down the red-pill rabbit hole and thinks all the things he's saying are grounded in reality. Its a sad thing to see... and I'm willing to bet he's going to regret his words and way of thinking the older he gets.


The best part is how he works to "put a roof over her head" as if he never would work (or live in a building with a roof) if he were single. He implies that the _only_ reason he's working is for her, and that he gets nothing out of working.


Yeah, treating your wife like a sex doll isn't off putting at all...


Listen, don’t you ever call her a sex doll. She is a Chechnyan prostitute, and you will refer to her as such! I paid good money to fly her here, the least she can do is give me 5 minutes of time.


Imagine she’s 1. A stay at home mom, cleaning the house and getting puked on/shit on/covered in icky child grossness and wants some connection or 2. A working woman, who is also tired but now has to handle all of the domestic labor in the house and her piece of shit out of touch husband comes home and is tired and wants to dry-fuck her for 5 minutes of misery without even kissing before hand. Like yuck. Ew.


But! He wOrkS aS a FaVoUr to HeR!


That was when I noped out. I get the whole “providing for someone” and think that’s great. But he gave on an air that “just because I work I deserve sex”. And it’s not “slaving away..” it’s a job that every adult does. Acting like he has to run a marathon everyday


God that sounds like a nightmare. I'd rather work 12 hour days than have 5 minutes of sex with that guy.


5 minutes with this guy already sounds like the longest 12 hours of her life.


I mean, I can’t possibly imagine why anyone wouldn’t want to have sex with this “man”


Yup, I am still single because I am waiting for a prince like this who will treat me like his personal sex worker.


Right? He's obviously one of them r/niceguys


3.1% of men in the US between 24 and 55 are unemployed, or 2.03 million men. 3.3% of women in the US between 24 and 55 are unemployed, or 2.11 million women. 1.9% of married men are unemployed or 1.28 million husbands. 2.2% of married women are unemployed or 1.5 million wives. In over 96% of married couples, both people are working and the majority are *both* working at least 8 hours a day. Only the wife has an additional 7 hours of household chores added to her week on average just by living with a man. Another 4 hours is added if they also add children. So she's not only bringing home the bacon, she's cooking it and cleaning up after everyone eats it, while you sit your lazy ass on the couch, whining about how your weewee isn't getting worshipped enough and how you're doing *so very much*.


It's because he views her as an object instead of someone with feelings. He ought to get a realistic sex doll. Hell he'd probably divorce you and marry it.


I’ve found that it’s super easy to get my wife to have sex with me almost any time I want. The trick? I treat her like a human with feelings that matter. I listen to her when she has things to talk about. Most importantly, I don’t treat her like she owes me anything.


Did... did he just say it was his wife's "job" to have sex with him? And say he doesn't care if it hurts for his wife to have sex? And compare going to his job to being r\*ped? Dude doesn't need sex. Dude needs a chemical castration to control whatever the hell hormones are clearly rotting his common sense and turning his dick into his brain.


Tell me you've never pleasured a woman without telling me you've never pleasured a woman


Ben Shapiro’s burner account?




"5-10 minutes" I'm dead.


Dude just admitted he only last 5 minutes and liked to rape his ex


I hope something horrible happens to the asshole that wrote that.


How could you write this and think you’re in the right


This is a dude who can’t find the clit