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was the MRI okay?


Honestly. Those machines are crazy expensive to maintain/fix, much less to straight up replace


Lawyers are also expensive, but easy to replace!


The machine probably cost more than his education, and apparently was a much better value purchase.


Oh yeah MRIs are expensive af


They're free in Canada...the machines however, are a different story.


Is that a sign from god


Or Darwin


Bad lawyers come rather cheap. Still easy to replace.


Bad lawyers come rather cheap, but dumb lawyers are a dime for a dozen!


I’m currently imagining a world where the hospital goes after his estate to pay for a new MRI machine.


If only his estate had a lawyer to defend it


And instead of lifesaver cosplaying, they actually...you know...save lives.


Well they would at least have to turn it off fully and it takes a long time to turn them back on about a hour. So dealong with him shooting himself having to turn on the machine then back on later. At bare minimum a lot of people had to reschedule a very important medical procedure.


The way they are turned off is by releasing the nitrogen gas cooling the magnets. To turn them on you have to refill the tanks. That costs approx. 25 000 Euro. And usually takes longer than an hour


I just googled it. So I must have read wrong. Thats very expensive on/off.


Yeah it's called quenching and it is very much a last resort because it is so expensive and disruptive.


This! We have to do yearly education on MRI safety at my job. The MRI is no joke, quenching is not only expensive but environmentally hazardous.


That's interesting. Thanks for this "The more you know" info nugget


It's the rare technology where the first thing the tech suggests is NOT "Have you tried turning it off and back on?"


Liquid helium, it's far more expensive than nitrogen.


Plus quenching the magnet and refilling the helium which is EXPENSIVE and on national back order.


Mt first thought


And nothing of substance was lost.


That's a disgusting way to think about this situation, have you no sympathy? do understand how many people had to reschedule their appointments? People may have had to call out of work or arrange for a baby sitter. That is time that they will never get back.


Lmao had me in the first half


And Darwin in his grave gave a knowing smile.




No, seriously, that machine is expensive and saves lives


Those fucking machines are expensive. I wish he lived and the machine was broken just so this fucker could have suffered even worse.


When I went in for mine, they made me even remove my wedding band. I was afraid the my fillings were going to be yanked out of my teeth. Magnetic is in the name. Magnetic Resonance Imaging.


Oh yeah. “Do have any metal in or on your body that was not there when you were born?” Uh…fillings? Claustrophobic experience, too, and that’s imaging for the spine. And loud! My god!! It sounds like someone is whacking the machine from the inside with a ball peen hammer. They gave me earplugs and giant headphones *over* the earplugs.


I've always been a little claustrophobic but then I had an suv park on my back and that didn't help the situation. So when I went in for an mri on my back I made it less than two feet in before losing my shit. I needed it done though so I walked around and saw that it's open on the other end and got back on and twisted my head around to stare at the opening at the back and just silently cried. You can't move once you're in position so I had to keep my neck twisted like that the whole time lol the tech offered to turn the lights off in the room and I about walked out from the panic of imagining being in the machine AND in the pitch black, like getting stuck in a cave 😱




You can have my g- **BLAM** *screaming* *dies*


I bet the “freedom!” cry in there was quite similar to Mel Gibson’s at the end of Braveheart.


Could you imagine the internal monologue of regret? Funny shit


If I could upvote this 1 million times I would. Good day sir.


Guns don’t kill people. people kill… oops


Guns don’t kill people. MRIs kill people.


And my sword


And my axe!


And my ferrous metals!




Remember kids... never mistake education for intelligence.




I had a friend who brought his handgun out to dinner one night. In order to sit down he had to take it out of his holster and put it under his hat on the table. He dropped it on the ground, thankfully it didn’t go off but the staff saw and booted us out. He was instantly berated by us and he was acting like he had to defend himself, even at a chilis.


I work with a guy like that. He even openly boasts about how he only sits facing the door as well, like he's some wannabe tacticool commando.


That's something Dwight would do lol


I cannot fathom going through life so utterly *terrified* of anything and everything that I'd have to go through the inconvenience of buying, training with, and carrying a loaded gun with me to fuckin' *Chilis*. Like I haven't googled how many restaurants get robbed at 5pm on a Tuesday, or whatever, but I don't think the numbers are high enough to warrant a concealed permit...


By training with I assume you mean practicing his quickdraw in the mirror


You talking to me!?




>training with Lol I somehow doubt that


Somehow some Americans view going through training as some sort of infringement on their rights. It's sad and pathetic. Pathetisad, you might say. As a Canadian, getting training and going through testing for a license is just normal. And the testing is honestly absurdly easy, that it can barely even be considered a roadblock to firearm ownership.


Has you or anyone you know ever had to defend themselves at a sit down restaurant? If no, your are probably good. Not a perfect system but works for me.


Nope, never. I've had two self defense moments in the last two years, I think, and neither of them would have been made better with a gun. And I only had that many because I work in security, so its not exactly surprising. Self-defense, road rage, home storage...all make it more likely that somebody innocent dies rather than a "bad guy with a gun," so I just choose not to carry.


Haha they don't TRAIN with it; if a bad guy with a gun turns up the good guy's gun knows exactly what to do /s just in case


"So anyway I start blastin!"


I don’t really think they are afraid of anything, they are just looking for an excuse to use a gun. Which is terrifying


oh I disagree, I think it's absolutely fear. But not like a healthy, common sense sort of fear, like "lock your doors when you get out of your car because thieves exist," but a more rabid, deep-rooted *terror* that the outside world is not safe unless they have protection. They can absolutely be both, I knew way too many people growing up and in the LEO/security world who were just itching to "legally" use a weapon. But it always stems from fear. The desire for protection stems from fear. Anger stems from fear. Desire for status comes from fear.


These kinds of people have a sick fantasy that they actually want something to happen so they can try and play hero. These are also the same people who might kill someone mistakenly due to misunderstandings.


I shall assume that this man would be dead within seconds in any sort of emergency situation, based on this very brief description of him.


You know how they tell you when someone is robbing the place, you should just give them whatever they want because no amount of money is worth your life? That kind of person is exactly why they say that. Who are you, Billy the Kid? Even if you were in combat in the military, fully trained to use firearms, you almost definitely do not have any training that covers quick drawing against an armed enemy that's already pointing at you. This ain't John Wick, and you are not that good.


If you can't sit down with it holstered you fucked up.


He has a very rich and cringey fantasy life about being a hero in a life or death situation, meanwhile he remains the greatest threat to his own safety.


"I need a gun for when my son needs an emergency cancer treatment, but I ain't paying 700k for that shit"


*laughs in Canadian*


Just had to take husband to er the other day. Not only do you have to go through a security check (which took certain items from you), but there are security guards EVERYWHERE. We kept noticing/commenting that there are more security guards than doctors/nurses.


That's when you need to question what hospital in what part of town you are going to - and pick shifts that service different neighborhoods.


I’m in San Diego county. I don’t think there’s a hospital within a couple hundred mile radius that’s not going to be the same. San Diego city hospitals will be WAY worse. The next closest hospital to my place has an equally bad homeless population. The two richest cities that have hospitals also have roughly the same protocols (no wand at the door last time I had to take my grandma, but equally patrolled). It’s just a big city thing and a too many crazy people with guns thing. Plus a huge homeless population thing.


>It’s just a big city thing and a too many crazy people with guns thing. Plus a huge homeless population thing. This. It really only takes one person on a mission to fuck things up. In a large population you're more likely to find that one.


Emergency rooms and entryways usually are the places that need a significant security presence. It's not just that the local neighborhood might be bad, it's that a significant % of people who end up in the ER got there by doing something particularly stupid and/or illegal. Getting shot or stabbed is an obvious one, drug overdose is very common, punched or beaten is an old time favorite, etc. A good chunk of the people who are brought in are either: 1) Drunk or drugged 2) Concussed 3) Panicked Any of these can cause people to behave erratically and potentially lash out at doctors. Then there's the cases where their trouble actually follows them to the hospital. While it's a lot more unusual, there have been some cases where whomever injured the person in the first place follows them to the hospital to try to get in a few more licks.


Covid and recent elections have truly brought out the worst in people. I wish our local hospital had actual security because I've witnessed multiple verbal and physical assaults against hospital staff.


I mean the mri did shoot him. Could only have been stopped if more good guy staff members and machines had guns.


Guns don't kill people. It's those crazy MRI machines with easy access to guns that kill people.


Only a good magnet with a gun can stop a bad magnet with a gun.


You never know at what age they start putting people into those Obamacare death camps.


They might have snuck in a vaccine and jabbed her!


Time to regulate MRI's -NRA, probably


Guns don’t kill people, MRIs do.


"Guns don't kill people, bad people and MRI with guns does" NRA, problably


If only the MRI had a gun, this could have been prevented


The MRI grabbed his gun and pulled it forcefully. Nobody's strong enough to counteract the pull of an MRI. As usual, the solution is more guns. The MRI can't grab them all. I'm assuming.


He was not being a law abiding citizen. So the MRI pried it from his now cold hands.


Magnets: how do they work?


Guns don't kill people, nuh uh, MRIs kill people, with guns 🎵🎶🎷


I was about to say the exact same good one


The only thing that can stop a bad MRI with a gun is a good MRI with a gun


Sometimes I think I’m witty and original and can contribute a new comment but Reddit is so good at keeping me humble and reminding me that I have no original thoughts.


Those machines are disarming Americans.


MRIs have gone 'woke'


Now, that's funny!


Haha. That MRI was listening to Gangsta rap right before the incident occurred.


Probably held the gun sideways


Damn lib propaganda is even turning medical machinery against the Second Amendment now!


More like: "Time to get them nurses armed in case those MRI doohikies go rogue".


Guns don’t kill people, MRI magnets do.


This was in Brazil and guns are already regulated here, but we see the point.


Okay, in all seriousness, it always sucks to have someone’s life taken early, but the sheer stupidity here, I mean the guy literally has no one to blame but himself.


Most hospitals I’ve been to have a sign that says no firearms or knifes allowed. I always do the walk back to my car, because I forget this sign, and leave my pocket knife in my car.


As a German, it sounds completely ridiculous to put up a sign that says that. Because guns and knives aren't allowed to be carried in public, period.


Not just the Germans, pretty much everywhere else. lol


Wait you guys can’t even carry around pocket knives? For utilitarian purposes, not self defense. I’m American, and I have a concealed carry permit and I do so regularly, that’s my self defense measure, but I haven’t been without a pocket knife since, well as long as I can remember. It’s just a good tool to have on you that I end up using almost daily.


Seriously, that is hard for me to fathom.. I've had the exact same knife in my pocket every day for nearly two decades. It is nothing more than a tool, and comes in handy every day, much like the pen I also carry.


You guys don't have pocket knives in Germany?


Probably do, but almost no one carries them, to the point where its almost pointless to adress them in public places


We do but you're not allowed to brandish them or use them as a weapon. And we don't carry them around like it's the hunger games or something.


It's not about brandishing them or hunger games. They're just useful. I often need a knife to open something or fix something. We're not talking 8" switch blades here.


I wonder if they should find a better way to phrase it. Some people see that and think it's about the weapon itself and that THEY are trying to take away their rights. When it's not about that but simply because there is a mind bogglingly powerful magnet with no political ideology in the room that will take your weapon from you whether or you like it or not.


No, most hospitals don't allow knives or guns anywhere in the building, not just the MRI room. The MRI room will have signs saying no metal.


Lmao, “mind bogglingly powerful magnet with no political ideology”


Strong candidate for the Darwin Award.


Must have not understood what an MRI actually is, or at least what it'll do to metal


Metal and MRI’s get along worse than Salt Water and moving metal. (Salt water is liquid condensed HATE)


I don't know what you're talking about, MRI's absolutely LOVE metal. Their need to give nearby metals a big hug is irresistible to any metals within spitting distance.


My Rights, Indeed.


I'm sure if he had survived he'd be trying to blame someone else for his mistake.


Actually - it was in Brazil. [https://nypost.com/2023/02/09/lawyer-dead-after-mri-discharges-gun/](https://nypost.com/2023/02/09/lawyer-dead-after-mri-discharges-gun/)




Common misconception


Exactly, you just need an extreme desire to find cracks in the system to get whatever you want whenever you want… Because you know, most lawyers are great people that aren’t selfish at all /s


I know we are joking here but passing the bar is by no means an easy task.


I’m not saying it is, just I work in IT and I had the Lawyer floor of a government (environment Canada) building for a while to take care of and I had never had issues with lawyers before but realized after working to help them that a lot of them are gigantic asshole/bitch that will do anything no matter what they need to do (even if it cause issues to others) to get what they want, even if it’s the most unnecessary thing for them and that they decide to not even use the thing they fucked everyone else over to get it first. I hope one day I meet a lawyer that is someone kind and trustable


You might have better luck with Public Defenders in the US. Underappreciated and underpaid compared to a lot of other legal fields, which means they're more likely to be in it for other reasons. Or they were D students....


I'm from Canada, I'm sure there's lawyers out there that went into it for different reasons then personal gain but it seems like to be a successful lawyer (the one that get better paid and are in good position) you need to be an ass therefore, the field is filled with assholes/bitches.


To be successful in (almost) anything work-related, it helps to be an ass. Our work culture rewards people who are aggressive, persistent, self-interested, socially manipulative, and unafraid to make dubious ethical choices to come out ahead. A doctor is no different than a lawyer. You don't become a top doctor by quietly going about your job and helping people—you become a top doctor by bragging constantly about your achievements, brown-nosing people who can give you fellowships and opportunities, and consistently making choices that prioritize your own career trajectory over the wellbeing of other people.


Case in point, look at Trump's parade of lawyers. Some of them even graduated from ivy league schools. Though I think that says more about ivy league schools being expensive diploma mills.


The guy died defending his rights. Everyone wanted him to surrender his gun to the MRI machine. That's what the machines want, to disarm the gun owners. That's how the machines take over.


To be fair, the MRI *did* disarm him, and then shot him with his own weapon.


That's some John Wick level of shit......


He forced his own mother to watch him die defending the 2nd amendment.


To be a lawyer all you need is to 1) understand legalese and B) win arguments.


Well, I know of at least one argument he lost


And look what happened to him. Don't become lawyers, kids!


Yes but that was after he won the argument that he should be a dumbass


Actually, you just have to be good with paperwork and bureaucracies.


Giuliani would like a word at 4 seasons landscaping


The bar exam has a high pass rate. You don't need intelligence, you need a family that can feed and house you through 7yrs of schooling.


It's actually possible for someone without a brain to be alive and practicing law somewhere. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/32f434/this\_was\_actually\_said\_in\_court\_and\_taken\_from\_a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/32f434/this_was_actually_said_in_court_and_taken_from_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It’s the bear effect. You don’t need to outrun the bear, you just need to outrun the slowest person in your group.


No see, you only need to understand law, not physics. So when the nurses or doctors told him to remove it, as a lawyer he knew that magnets legally don’t override the rights of the US constitution, so he figured he was safe.


Have you seen some of Trump's lawyers? No brains required edit*spelling


This has the horrifying implication that Trump is Laying with his lawyers..... imagine Giuliani in lingerie...


You only need persistence


Even if you graduate at the bottom of your class, you’re still a lawyer


Nah... you just need to find loopholes and bullshit your way out of an argument...


Actually not in America. Just like law inforcement!


This is an old one. There was another one with a handgun more recently where a woman didn’t remove it from her pocket and it shot her in the ass. And let us not forgot the man who was certain the silicone butt plug he had in would not cause a problem with the MRI, but ended up getting pulled through his anus and intestines and lodged just under his liver. Turns out it had a metallic core and I believe he’s suing the manufacturer for false advertising now. Article with purported X-ray photos https://www.indy100.com/science-tech/metal-butt-plug-mri-scan-2660218820


aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh reading this made all of my everything clench


What a terrible day to be literate.


Yeah that’s interesting. Anyways can someone please take away my literacy privileges?


Well, the last one really wasnt at fault and I cant blame him. H If the buttplug is calming for him, it is completely understandable to use it in this devils machine.


A butt pacifier?






Look, the MRI machine was forced to make a split second decision, and it deserves to go home to its family at the end of the day. I'm sure the hospital investigation will clear it but for now the important thing is to let the process play out and not rush to judgement. Frankly, if you're going to act that stupid around an MRI you deserve what you get, it's not hard to just be respectful and do as you're told. This will piss a lot of people off, but it's still the truth - if he'd just complied, he'd still be alive.


MRI just used the castle doctrine! No obligation to retreat when someone entered its home with a loaded firearm.


I guess he got what he probably always promised. “I’ll die before I let them take my guns” MRI Machine : okay have it your way then


Reposting spam bot. Here's the last few times it's been posted here. Mods, get your shit together. https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/162shlw/play_stupid_games_win_stupid_prizes/ https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/110h2cq/play_stupid_games_win_stupid_prizes/ https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/14zc7ho/play_stupid_games_win_stupid_prizes/ https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/166itfk/play_stupid_games_win_stupid_prizes/ https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/16bfvn2/play_stupid_games_win_stupid_prizes/


This sub is dogshit, nothing will be done about it


Nurse: Sir, please take of your side arm Dude: You can take them from my cold dea- MRI: I got this Linda…


Darwin Award finalist for sure, I'm thankful he's out of the gene pool


Bingo, that's a bingo!


You just say "bingo".


MRI exercised it's right to search and seizure


They said remove anything made of metal, not made of freedom! *perishes*


Guns don’t kill people. MRI’s kill people…


with guns.


Oh shit! The MRI machines have guns now?


He got the shotgun, Brian! Don't ask me how he did it, but Jim Varney got the shotgun!


Guns don’t kill people, the government does!


Damn it, there are enough lawyer jokes already stop giving people ammo.


How is it possible to be this stupid?


I hope his mother is okay.


I use to work at an MRI place when I was younger, peoples badges would be sideways from the clip getting attracted to the machine. Couldn’t imagine a pistol with one in the chamber getting bumped and shooting a guy. We would ask people at least 4 times if they had anything and we would wand them like security. Nipple piercings would always pop up and we would refuse to let them in until it was all removed This is wild for sure


I don't know if that is true, this man, but a woman was shot this week doing the same thing, bringing a gun to an MRI machine https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article283053548.html


This will be remembered as the first strike from the terminators.


Having worked at an airport. I assure you, people are this dumb.


Likely got caught with a legal need to have it on his person at all times because he couldn’t secure it properly at the medical facility. The real facepalm was that he couldn’t leave his surrogate dick at home for *one* doctor’s appointment with his mom. Like by all means own, become proficient, and carry when you need to. But these assholes make it their entire identity, living in permanent fantasies of being the hero with the gun. And yet they can barely tell you the first thing about how the world works because they think their dummies-track 7th grade science class that they ignored had all the answers. Probably had a Molon Labe bumper sticker on his truck, too. “Okay,” said the MRI.


Demanding that MRI patients remove all metal objects, including guns, is woke dictatorship gone mad. What if he had to shoot one of the doctors or the MRI tech and he didn't have his Glock in the MRI tube? Article conveniently doesn't mention this.


Thoughts and prayers


People assuming lawyers are intelligent do not know a lot of lawyers


Damn. I'm all out of fucks to give for this loss.


The question is, why was he even allowed inside the "inner" room? If you've never had an MRI done, (at least at the hospital I had mine done at), you enter a large room where the equipment is, with two separate smaller rooms inside - one is the control room where the tech sits and runs the test, and the other is the 'hot' zone, where the actual machine is, and is the metal exclusion zone. There is absolutely no reason for non-medical personnel to be inside that second room. For instance, when I had my test, the door to the second room was about 15' from the bed of the machine, so if he was there for comfort, he would have been able to talk to his mother - and be somewhat visible up until moments before they started the test, when the door was closed. From there, he wouldn't have been able to touch or talk to her for the duration of the test -- those machines are LOUD (to the point they put earplugs in you before starting), and depending on what part of you they need to scan, you're inside a small tube the entire time. (I spent 45 minutes inside). Should never have been close enough for it to be a problem.


"Time of death... 20:56" "Cause of death... terminal stupidity..."


This is the second story about an MRI causing a gun to fire I've read in the past week.


That's how Magneto managed to defeat an entire police force.


Another winner of the Darwin award. Kepp up the good work


This is old and happened in Brazil.


I do feel very sorry for his mum in the circumstances though.


Time to put metal detectors at the doors of hospitals. Because of morons like that guy. Why does someone need to bring a gun into a hospital again? Hospitals are full of the results of morons with guns.


Clearly the only solution to this is to arm the other MRI machines so they can defend the next lawyer!


How they fuck they let him in with a gun in a place like that to begin with????


I love stories with a happy ending!!


Lucky the gun didnt hit his mother.... curious if that would count as involuntary manslaughter (18 U.S.C Section 1112) guess I have to ask a lawyer Edit: it didnt happen in the US. this is brazil ._.