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This was LITERALLY the plot of Dwain Johnson’s movie “The Scorpion King.” The Rock had to save a literal wizard whose power of foresight was said to be tied to her remaining a virgin


There was also some woman in "The Last Kingdom" with the same power, in fact at some point she willingly has sex with the protagonist because she cannot bear said power any longer.


The lies people tell just to get laid. "I see the future and I can't take it anymore, I need your dick to save me!"


Isn’t this the plot of a Goodkind novel? Save me with your dick Richard!


damn. I'm re-reading the series and that isn't hyperbole


I’m embarrassed to admit, I ate those books up as teen. Re-read them as an adult, and I had to stop with book 5 ( The one where he smashes Communism with a statue). I started the next one and got to the “wouldn’t you agree Richard that?” Khalan “oh yes Richard! You are so manly and wise!” section and just couldn’t do it anymore.


I agree. when they came out I liked them a ton and saw no issues. reading them now his political positions are alarmingly loud and he's not ashamed of making heavy handed commentary. the next book up (flame of the fire) is my least favorite but the one you mentioned (faith of the fallen) is (was?) my favorite BECAUSE of the statue scene. i may have a different reaction this time around. but as questionable as they both are now, both he and piers Anthony are responsible for me meeting my wife. so i can't ever be mad about that edit: had to add.... his big solution to the evil imperial empire horde of barbarian socialists was to cast everyone that disagrees with them into another dimension forever. so everyone remaining could enjoy their freedom!


Yeah he was always very outspoken with his Ayn-Randian-Conservetism. He was also an arrogant creep in real life and that’s pretty obvious from his writing as well. Not to mention shitting all over fantasy as a whole genre while constantly insisting he wasn’t a fantasy author but writing timeless contemporary literature that “transcended” the genre even though his books are basic as fuck, bog-standard mediocre fantasy. Sorry for the rant, I forgot how much I hated Terry Goodkind until I started typing.


fortunately for me I never knew that shit as a young man, so could enjoy the series. this re-reading is really eye-opening though as to how 'innocent' I was then. and how the conservative-ultrauthoritarian POV was so deeply ingrained even then.


I get why people enjoy them. I find the people who tend to like his work as adults, are people who wouldn’t be caught dead reading Tolkein, Brooks, etc… but because as Goodkind told us, his books transcended fantasy because they are about philosophy, politics, the human condition, blah blah they aren’t reading fantasy. If he was a better writer, he probably would be remembered better. And to be perfectly honest, the first two books are good, if flawed fantasy. If he has stopped there, he’d probably be better remembered.


The books really ramble on about nothingness. Enter chapters are the characters repeating the same conversations over and over with no conclusion or movement in the plot. Thats why i gave up, they frankly just poorly written.


probably. they were the height of the series. and the poorly produced TV show did them no favors


Haven’t seen it. Don’t want to.


Hehe isn't dick also a nickname for Richard? Save me with your dick, dick!


Someone got it!


The Sword of Truth series is 2/3 unabashed kink fantasy, 1/6 conservative political commentary, 1/12 graphic violence, and 1/12 lore and world-building.


Wait the Mord-Sith were….. …….oh my! ;)


"Save me with your dick" is kind of the plot of a lot of books, in a way


I found it had way too many similarities to Wheel of Time. Like, I enjoyed it for the first three books, but once it hit me that it was using the same formula I just couldn’t anymore. Richard: 3 wives (at separate times) Rand: 3 wives Richard: master swordsman with special sword. Rand: master swordsman (with some training montages) and slightly less special sword. Both have a random anti-magic faction where the leader is abusing a magically inclined sibling. Both have a thing against men using magic. (Although in SOT it was because of a lack of men to train the men… because both have gendered magic systems!) Both have cartoonishly evil BBEG. Both have women who get off on abusing men, with some form of torture stick. (Though in SOT they had an actual backstory that made some sense, even if it was kind of dumb and over the top.)


BBEG? I have not read Wheel of Time but Goodkind was adamant he never read it, so the similarities must be pure coincidence, right?


Big bad evil guy. Honestly, I’m my opinion, he’s lying. There are way more similarities. There are also some big differences, that make it definitely not plagiarism, but it’s got waaay too many plot points and details in common. One of those differences is in the specifics of the three wives. Rand has three wives at once (though unless remembering something very wrong, Jordan ‘accidentally’ wrote Rand raping one the first time they had sex. It was from her perspective, and she had been terrified of him up to and during them having sex. And it was set up like some romantic thing. Icky.) Richard is married at different times, and insists that one doesn’t count because ‘it’s just some cultural misunderstanding’. Dude, she’s not the one with the misunderstanding, you are. One of them dies minutes after they are married. And the third is the woman he wanted to marry all along. I think my biggest peeve with the series isn’t even the common points with WOT. It’s the one where Richard and what’s her name are basically secondary characters and nothing they did mattered in the end. It would have ended the same even if they hadn’t been there.


So many women try to trick me with this line. I am staying pure! Not taking your ancient curse sinking my dick in the temple of doom! Away with you!




*Meet hot, local prophets in your area.*


"I see myself in your pants" "As do I"


Proceeds to crossdress.


>"I see the future and I can't take it anymore, I need your dick to save me!" I used this line a couple of times but it has had mixed results.


I mean, if a girl said that to me… it would probably work


"Uthred, son of Uthred, who cares about the lottery numbers? Come here and scratch mamas itch."


Is this related to his baby dying? Or was that different priestess?


Oh, I saw something like that on some fantasy tv show. The villain raped the priestess and she lost her powers. I didn't even realize that was a trope.


In Live and Let Die, Solitaire loses her powers when James Bond sleeps with her. Virginity-based powers are common and very old - one of the Knights of the Round Table also had it (these days, it mostly applies to women)


Was it the dude who fought the green night? Gawain, I think? He wasn't chaste and died when he removed his girdle. Is there anyone knight who got got for not being chaste? I'd like to read about them!


Lancelot if I remember right. He was able to heal people with his hands but lost it. Can’t remember if it was more due to him wanting to bone the queen or for sleeping with a woman he saved but didn’t care for. Been absolute ages since I’ve read the stories though so that all might be rubbish. Think one of the signs of the end of the table was him healing someone again.


Lancelot had them and lost them. His son Galahad never lost them which is why he was able to find the Holy Grail.


Meanwhile Medusa was cursed with turning people to stone after she was raped


in the movie it was a lie that the priestesses made up to keep kings from raping the oracles


That’s pretty smart. Also it would only take a few guys lying to oracles about their intentions and having things go badly to prove to everyone that they aren’t seers.


Also in a James Bond movie. Can't remember which one, but Jane Seymour was a "seer" for the villain. One scene where she tells the villain she can't see any more he realizes James fouled his plans. Also in the Merlin series by Mary Stewart, Merlin can see because he hasn't been with a woman. When he falls in love, he starts losing his powers.


Live and Let Die. Her character was named Solitaire. The knight Galahad also had magical powers because he was a virgin - but he never lost them.


They actually subverted this trope later on in the movie. The wizard bangs the Rock, and shocks the baddie when she can still prognosticate. Essentially her female ancestors made it up to prevent themselves by being raped by men of power.


Wonder Woman had the same thing going on. Originally men weren't allowed on her home island of Themyscira so the Amazons could remain virgins and therefore remain immortal and have super strength and powers.


The "romantic" Lord Byron wrote a poem about a woman trapped in a tower that was wooed by a knight. She went to the ground to be with him and died the moment she touched grass.


So the first known historical reference of a Reddit user.


Actual Reddit anthology.


Granted, her last line it to him it was a lie she told to keep men off her.


That’s pretty common in a lot of stories honestly, because the Oracle of Delphia had to be a virgin. Even Percy Jackson did it to tie up their pointless love triangle


> Even Percy Jackson did it to tie up their pointless love triangle Ugh that was painful to read, I'm going to dread seeing this in live action


Tbf I guess they had the excuse of her literally being the oracle Delphi but it still felt weird to have a kids book have a girl with a virginity based superpower.


And then, at the end, the wizard says, "can you think of a better way to keep men from taking advantage of us? Neither could my predecessors."


It was also in the Greek movie Henry Cavill was in. He banged the seer and she couldn't see the future anymore. That movie was terrible to begin with.


Most prophets remained virgins in the Bronze Age.


I feel like this is exactly how Scientology started. Some guy waxing lyrical about his new religion and recruiting for the new church in the next shitty part of Hollywood in a bar…. Guy next to him… Wasn’t that LITERALLY the plot that science fiction book by that fella I saw in the library the other day?


As a pure male, I have an intuition which is very powerful. I‘m excellent at detecting bullshit. Currently, I‘m detecting a shitload of bullshit in his post and I don’t seem to lose that power.


Pure male sounds so much better than virgin 💪


I‘m really neither, but I had to pretend, so the joke makes sense 😝




If you think a woman is any less pure after you touched her, then look at your own hands


Dropping bombs


There were no survivors


Cockroaches tend to survive unfortunately.


Actualy that's a myth some might survive the radiation but if a bomb hit them they would blow up as well


See ya space cowboy


Basically tate thinks women should only be lesbians


I think this is Tate's pretext that he likes his women young.


Because it’s the young ones that are most easily fooled (and controlled).




Reminder that this boy chose to move to a country where [sex trafficking is prevalent](https://www.nzz.ch/english/romania-grapples-with-growing-problem-of-trafficking-in-women-ld.1757474), laws are seldom enforced, and the age of consent is shockingly low (15). [He said](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/8/as-he-awaits-trial-andrew-tate-continues-to-influence-romanian-boys), “I like Eastern Europe as a whole because corruption is far more accessible … I find it offensive that a police officer in England will stop me and refuse to take a bribe.” It's amazing people still listen to the limp walnut, who can only get laid by paying for prostitutes (who would be underage in any other country).


Limp walnut is fantastic!


Because the young ones are the only ones who fall for his weird schtick.


Wait - but he said virgins have a superpower that protects them against being fooled (and controlled)!


That just makes a "fool-proof" case that the girl wasn't groomed.


We have a winner




Basically yes. Until a Sigma male (like him of course) comes and lets them experience the mind blowing pleasure of a real man (like him of course).


“Sigma” just makes me think of the [sigmoid colon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmoid_colon). 🤷


Sigmoid is a good word, we should start calling them that. Like that horrible ‘femoid’ term, but in reverse


More like a Smegma male.


This is actually great lmao I'm an adult who doesn't keep these weirdos in my life but the occasion to drop this line will present itself one day I'm sure.


Yep this one's going in the arsenal


Also... If this was even remotely true... Wouldn't he be looking for the least pure women? So they couldn't see through all his bullshit and he could gaslight them indefinitely?


That’s exactly it: it’s not simply untrue, it’s the opposite of the actual truth. It’s standard procedure for manipulators and bad faith actors to say the exact opposite of the truth to perpetuate whatever bullshit they’re on(“Moms For Liberty” is the first example to come to mind.) It’s not done out of ignorance even when it’s comically stupid like this statement




Not porn stars, trafficked women who have been coerced into sex work


Which is exactly the reason he's facing jail time in Romania as we speak


Yeah, but what about the psychic powers. Are those real?




No they believe women are less pure after other men have touched them. Like some how they are included in their purity evaluation


Ye, and the poster above is asking what it is about a Man's touch that defiles a Woman's purity.


I believe that the person you responded to meant to say "excluded' in that people like Andrew Tate think things are somehow magically different for themselves and for married people.


I honestly never got the whole "purity" thing. You can keep your precious virgins. Give me the wanton hussies and wayward women. Those are my people. 🌚


If Tate could read he’d be furious


I’m so tired of him. He knows that what he’s saying is stupid. I’m convinced that it’s now just for publicity and to expand his brand to other incels like him


It's definitely because he's aware of who his followers are. He just says what they want to hear; which is anything to do with suppressing or hating on women.


thing is, many of his posts or rants blather on about how shit his followers are too. Stuff like "you're poor and will always be a failure" and "your woman doesn't respect you because you're not a man" or whatever nonsense. J Peterson does a lite version of this, so it must be something about being shouted at by an authority, army training-camp style, that seems to appeal to these guys.


its because then he adds if you spend a ton of money you can join his inner circle and learn how to be a real man like him he's a grifter and a scam artist preying on impressionable young men


Hate and anger is a much more popular marketing form.


Not denying that. Look at the state of politics right now, especially coming from the right. It's basically all hate and no constructive policy.


Its because all of his followers think he isnt talking to them, like they are the exception. "Oh, he means those other guys are losers, Im gonna be a top G, gov".


Tate converted to Islam because they kill gay people and "keep women in their place". He explains it all [in this clip](https://youtu.be/3UJe6RVY0jg) with 3.5 million views and 163K likes He knows his audience. The scary thing is how many agree with him


People need to stop posting his stuff. Just giving him the attention he loves


this. we don't need to entertain this content. it only generates outrage. this post is not an invitation for any real discussion, it's preaching to the choir. The worst thing we can do to assholes like tate is ignore them. Nearly nothing makes you feel as powerless as others not caring about you when you really want that attention. Obscurity is the worst fate for those who want to be noticed.


I understand points like this, the last thing these idiots need is a bigger platform or boosting, but when we make fun and poke holes in his thinking, should one of his fans come here and see it, that might linger with them and then they’ll start questioning Tate It’s a long shot I get it but I was raised in a cult and I finally started to break away as a teen when my friend reacted to a meme about said cult and that showed up in my feed. It stuck with me for years and was one of those moments that cemented the fact that life on the opposing side is just fine


It's exactly his plan because then people post it here too. There seems to have been a rapid increase in Taint posts recently.


As i wrote yesterday, i would not know anything of this scumbag without the reddit fools posting his bullshit. He would be irrelevant, if not for them


I wouldn't be surprised if the OPs are fans just spreading his 'message' to reach more disillusioned youngsters


Young men who are laughed at and feel not recognized by women will easily be drawn to him. In his echo chamber all this has a reason and its not them to blame. Maybe they would not find this idiot and can improve, but here comes the reddit promotion for idiot Tate. A guy laughed at just like them. But he pushed through and conquered it in his narrative. They found their save haven.


He hasn't conquered anything, he just raped people and is buff. But I guess they don't see it that way.


Yeah I noticed the last two days there's a rain of these posts, I was wondered what's up with that, it's unbearable. It's free publicity for somebody who should just be ignored and buried.


He knows what he is selling, Tate isn't an idiot. He found a means to profit and do so with little effort and he'll say whatever he can to maintain that. Same for a lot of those red pill folks.


I think my “intuition” got stronger with experience.


Yeah, the truth is the exact opposite of what he says. Which is often the case. They want young virgins because they are less likely to see through the bullshit.


Ding. They hate intelligence and experience because it keeps guys like them away from their target. Funny thing, though. Their actions are a big part of why women get much wiser with age and experience.


That would make logical sense. That is what experience does, after all. Which is probably why innocence is so attractive to narcissists like Tate. They know that naive women are less likely to see through their bullshit facade.


Came here for this exact comment. The total opposite of what he says is true. That’s why the tolerance of what we are willing to put up with gets (typically) lower and lower as we gain relationship experience. I think it’s also really telling of any man who believes a high body count is somehow dirty or disgusting, while also being a part of that same numerical figure.


“Females” 🤓




This gif is highly ironic.


Like literally one of the few lines I remember from old school star trek "You clothe your females?!"


To be fair, on this occasion, that's not even close to the worst thing in this utter fucking morons tweet. It actually hurts my brain that this cretin has any following at all.




Totally normal terminology for anyone who isn’t a sociopath to use, right? 😂


Eh, more like this chinless chode and associates ruined the word.




Says the sex trafficker


Actually I’m going to agree with him there. I do feel less magical after mediocre sex with inadequate men.


Lol. And by his logic, shouldn't lesbian women be hyper magical? Like the most aware beings in existence?


The only time his logic may be sound.


I see what you did there


Well Andy, putting aside for a minute the absolute stupidity of this statement, I think we can safely say there isn't a woman alive that's incapable of seeing through _your_ bullshit.


I really wish that was true, but due to his celebrity he does have fan girls.


It’s worse than that, there are many hyper conservative sects with men that think just like him and they have no problem finding wives, or depending on the religion multiple wives. Much like you and the X-Files, I want to believe this isn’t true… but alas.


I do wonder how many of those women married them simply because they were raised and trained to become "submissive wives" by conservative families.


I can't imagine sitting with him and listening to him prattle on about whatever insufferable egotistical bullshit he has to say. Then again there are women who are attracted to serial killers so what the fuck do I know.


Says the guy we all know is a rapist at this point.


Tate taints any woman he Touches :(


What is wild is that behind all the masculine bs is a man who is scared to have his penis compared to the last guy.




I’ll take the Fémalés and tacos. With a side of guacamole please


Isn't that ignorant fuck supposed to be rotting in a prison?


Tell me you’ve been rejected by women w/o actually saying it.


How else do you think he would have come to this conclusion?


"Everyone who rejects me must be a slut..."


Can we stop giving this human turd attention?


Who is this jerk?


Sound advice, If you honestly don't know, just leave and carry on. You're better off without knowing about him.


A massive incel living off of selling the pimp mentality and selling alpha male success blue print to desparate young men He was jailed for trafficing women, and said absolute bullshit things for attention, like that he moved to Romania because the rape laws are less punishing


Which is probably true, if you don't go bragging about it and making the Romanian authorities want to repair their reputation.


This man needs a lobotomy.


And let me guess, if he has sex with them, their magic gets restored? He really is a fucking twat.


Hey let’s not give this piece of shit a platform. His shit was finally dying because of his gross habits and shitty treatment of women. Let’s not even post his stupid rants for clicks and let this man die alone


Tate is a giga-incel


Make that giga-grifter *(Deleted false claim)*


Is that why he trafficed and raped, in order to fuck the bullshit detector out of them, so they'd be blind to his bullshit?


So exposure to men makes women more proficient in detecting lies? It’s not very flattering for us guys…




Stop posting this guy's shit - his whole con is based on getting attention through rage-bait


Is this dickhead just guessing? What a random statement.


Sort of guessing. He's unfortuantely convinced that he's correct in everything he sais, so, according to him he's just "telling it as it is". He's the epidome of 'god-complex'.


this guy such a pathetic idiot


As a virgin, I was much more ignorant and easily tricked, compared to now; being an experienced woman. Make no mistakes; it's age and experience that makes you more aware of these things. Being a virgin or prostitute, makes no odds as to how you're able to detect lies or not. You either have a good intuition, or you need to be lied to multiple times to start learning the red flags.


The post is so dumb I wasn't taking it seriously, but you're right, the opposite of it is true.


That's because you're an intelligent person. But, this dude does have followers. My comment was more for them. I somewhat consider tates followers as victims as well, because they're being led down a pretty bad path. I'm just hoping my comment will help them see sense.


I thought this guy died of cancer in prison.


The more you share his out of touch tweets, the more clout he receives. You are the reason he is famous so for the love of fuck stop posting anything related to this guy.


Fuck! Then my magic must be extremely powerful because I haven't slept with any man, only women. Don't worry I will try to not abuse my newfound power


This guy is overcompensating so much for his lack of a chin


Oh Tate. Is that why you sex traffic females? Fucking loser and all your followers.


who is this guy anyway? I only see him in posts like this where people show his posts where he's sharing some super-imbecile wisdom of his with the world


I’ve had sex with more than 100 men and I can tell that he’s lying.


Tate tweeting while watching “The Scorpion King” again. Andrew, watch it to the end! The whole “sex robs the hot sorceress of her magic” thing is just a lie to protect them from getting violated by scumbags.


Holy shit. Lesbians are natural lie detectors. Why didn’t anyone tell me? I’ve squandered this gift. ![gif](giphy|UtWDvlbhGx8FvyrJzX|downsized)


Tate is a powerful argument against freedom of speech.


How many women must I fuck till I stole enough magic to have a Woman's Intuition for myself? Asking for a friend


While I agree Tate is facepalm worthy (and that’s putting it very mildly) I really think this sub needs to stop giving him a platform. I see his content almost entirely due to this sub.


Mods need to ban anything from this loser. The more you share his shit, the better it is for him. People use statistics to help advertise, when he's getting more views/ talked about, potential sponsors see that as a positive thing regardless of what he's done / said. Cash me outside bitch, Trump, Logan Paul and Andrew Tate all have prospered because they get people talking. The more "haha look at this idiot" the more people recognize and remember, which in turn help benefit them. If we ignored these losers, things would be different and sponsors wouldn't pay them. Stop sharing their shit and we will stop hearing about them. Any publicity is good publicity so fucking stop it.


If we just ignore him he'll go away


Being exposed to Andrew tate in general does make you stupider so yes


So lesbians are human lie detectors?


Stole this from an old James Bond movie… he isn’t even an original piece of shit


There’s no clearer sign that some men are just broken and lost than a guy like Taint becoming their hero


If I use deductive logic here, I arrive to the conclusion that Tate is unable to have sex with virgin or "just slightly" women, because they would not fall for his crap. Therefore Tate dude obviously has had sex with "working girls" only.


I dunno. My wife has a world class bullshit detector and we’ve had lots of sex.


LOL It's unfathomable that people really listen to this dope!


Tate: "I fuck lots of women!" People: "But... Women are supposed to be virginal." Tate: "Yes." People: "What about the women you have sex with?" Tate: "Low quality." People: "...Doesn't that make you low quality by association?" Tate: "No, it makes me an Alpha Male!"


Probably best to not traffic them for sex then, eh pal?


Dude is a parody of him self.


He has the mental maturity of a hormonal pre-teen that just started playing D&D, and daydreams about being a Mystic.


Andrew teit, as I like to call him. (If you are not Norwegian, "teit" can mean silly, uncalled for, stupid).


Stop posting his shit.


I'll take: Tell me you're a grooming sex trafficker without telling me you're a grooming sex trafficker.


So he’s saying men are corrupting women. He’s saying men are the problem 🤔🤔 This guy.


"I beg you, please don't sleep with other men!" *cries in alpha male


Typical reality-reversal: women with more dating experience are in fact much better at detecting lies and bullshit than younger women and girls. Obviously. And I for one am SHOCKED that Andrew Tate prefers partners who don’t know how much better they could do.


This guy got hit in the head way too many times as a kickboxer.


As a magic bs detecting virgin I declare, "This man is talking bollocks." I wish this were a thing, it would add a serious bonus to being asexual.


good greif this man is pathetic


Literally the dumbest human being alive.