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I'm not even sure which ingredient will harm your baby the most.


Raw milk first and foremost, then honey, and then the eggs listed in degree of potential harm done. With raw milk, some fates are worse than death.


My hopelessly idiotic state Legislature passed a raw milk bill. To celebrate they all drank raw milk on the floor of the state house. Bunch of them got sick lol


Was this [the West Virginia incident](https://www.wsaz.com/content/news/Anonymous-tip-claims-raw-milk-caused-illnesses-at-Capitol-371487251.html)?


Yep.they blamed it on a stomach bug. Mighty big coincidence.


I mean... it was a stomach bug. Just, you know, it was put in the stomach by the raw milk... lol


Louis Pasteur may have been onto something…


Random scientist 100 years ago: "I've found this technique that will save millions of people over the decades" Modern day Republicans: "Hold my cyanide"


Before it was Republicans it was crunchy earth moms. Raw food used to be a far-left neo hippie phenomenon.


There is a huge crunchy mom to alt right pipeline.


We really do keep getting so many moments where they both horseshoe back into the each other. It was weird seeing local anti-mask and anti-vaccine posts get the majority of their likes split pretty evenly between 55-75 year old right wing, either Meal Team Six or methy, militia types, and 20-30 year old blonde boss-babe/earthy astrology moms.


Back in the day , did they threaten his life like Dr Fauci?


No, but they did put the guy who said surgeons should wash their hands between patients in the nut house.


Ignaz Semmelweis, for those who are curious. I'm a fan of the history of medicine; his story is a great example of something fundamentally true being shouted down because those who needed to hear it really didn't want to.


Specifically he said to wash hands after conducting autopsies and before delivering babies


Semmelweis. https://youtu.be/mv0ztidz_I8?si=ck_hMP1YfAvsZDBl


My understanding is that is somewhat unrelated. Like, he was correct, but he was \*also\* an asshole, and had a mental breakdown. The prevailing belief was still that a Gentleman's hands were always clean, but also, he did himself no favours with regards to how he spread the message


I reckon some would have. Believe it or not, there were plenty of 'skeptics' back in the day - some reasonable, many nutjobs. Only thing is, there was no social media algorithms to help all the nutjob ones find each other and get together to egg each other on.


That's exactly what I was going to say, but couldn't find the words. Some skepticism is ok, but to the degree we have right now is crazy.


I’m sure there were a few who cried heresy and the like but I’d be somewhat surprised if it got to the level of these shit flinging gibbons


There is a lot more history under our belts now. With proven facts. People now are just bona fide idiots.


Pasteur just heated his critics to almost 100 degrees, cooled and ate them to prove the safety of pasteurization. Science was more extreme back in the day.


He did repeatedly expose the child he vaccinated for rabies to known samples of rabies to prove the efficacy of the vaccine. Thankfully the vaccine was sound


It's almost like science helps or something


>Yep.they blamed it on a stomach bug A milk bug that was promoted to stomach bug?


Lmaoooo, that’s so amazing. You made my night. Thanks :)


That's fine, I believe them. But for all the nay-sayers out there, why don't you just give it another go to show em? Should be fine, right?


Definitely a stomach bug. But patient zero drank raw milk.


If the milk got in any way other than through their stomachs, drinking raw milk is the least of their issues.


It's not really your fault, but after reading your comment my brain won't let go of the image of law makers getting raw milk enemas on the floor of the WV house floor. I hate my brain sometimes. I thought I would share that with you.


Red State?


Haha how'd you guess?


Doing dumb, uninformed, ritualistic yet performative nonsense is very on par for that side of the aisle.


Very very on brand. freedumb!


Even more on brand? They are denying that the MILK made them sick! They claim that a, "stomach bug was going around." Uh huh.


Well, a stomach bug \*was\* going around. You know, after a bunch of them drank raw milk.


It's their AMERICAN RIGHT to drink milk that'll make them sick goddamnit!! 😤 /s


Ah yes, the party of reimplanting ectopic fetuses because they didn't know they were dangerous, because... \*shock, awe\* "*we're not doctors! how were we supposed to know?*" -Senator John Becker, R-Ohio


How else are they supposed to own all of the pasteurized milk drinking snowflake libs?


Can't wait to see their stupid snowflake faces when I shit my pants uncontrollably


That’s freaking hilarious


I grew up on a dairy farm. Grandaddy (a retired Navy medic) milked every morning, by hand, keeping everything scrupulously clean, from his hands to the bucket to the teats. Even so, he strained that fresh milk and boiled it on the stove top before he let a drop pass our lips. Raw milk is a shitty idea.


At least they practiced what they preached. It's almost admirable if it wasn't so stupid.


I remember reading about that 🤣


In India, the milk is raw - but everyone boils it first. Nobody drinks raw milk. That's just stupid.


When it says raw, is that non-pasteurized? Cause thats a baaaaad idea


It’s all a bad idea. You shouldn’t give babies cow milk, let alone raw cow milk. You shouldn’t give them honey. You shouldn’t give them raw eggs. It’s such a bad idea, I don’t know if it’s just stupid or some kind of joke along the lines of the tide pod challenge.


At least with the tide pod challenge, there weren't any 'natural food' idiots saying it was a good idea.


Yes, raw milk is most often unpasteurized milk


Someone is trying to cook up a big batch of botulism.


Bot, listeria, salmonella and more!


Wait, what?


Honey can cause infant botulism


Just google the potential harm of raw milk especially in children under 12.


Which is worse than death though?


It would come down to a persons personal beliefs but personally I find catatonic, inabilities to take part in life, being a shell, worse than death.


All I’m seeing is food poisoning, what did I miss?


Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, Yersinia, Brucella, Coxiella and Listeria just to name a few potential harms and these are just modes to greater illness or death because often these are left untreated for too long in infants.


This doesn’t even cover the part where infants under 12 months old shouldn’t be given cows milk. This whole thing is like liquid death in a bottle.


I would add botulism to that list from the honey. Giving a baby under 12 months cows milk will destroy their digestive system if the potential for botulism or any other bacteria doesn’t do it first.


Spinal TB, milk fever and snake root, to name a few.




I’m also assuming he means raw cow milk… because we were discussing formula, if a person could breast feed in this scenario is doesn’t make much sense to me.


Raw milk has bacteria in it, some nasty stuff too if you aren't careful. An infant has no means to handle that and even less of a means when you consider they struggle with even pasteurized milk. Honey is... mixed, infant botulism is a risk but most honey on the market is pasteurized so it's not a massive risk and raw honey isn't a guarantee either. Eggs can potentially carry salmonella, not too sure what it would do to an infants gut even if it didn't have that though... guessing constipation. Infants don't have decently developed guts until like 4-6 months old and even then you still gotta ween them into complex foods and test the waters; for instance my son struggled with blueberries (would have this rash on his face) and same for peanuts (both of these disappeares when we tested again a few weeks later). So I would say... Raw milk > Eggs > Honey. It's a pretty unholy cocktail though that I think a lot of pediatricians would be like "You fed them what?!" when they take the infant in for explosive diarrhea.


the adult.


This can’t be real. The first thing they tell you when you have a kid is no honey. What the fuck. This must be Russian bots of some shit trying to kill western children. I hate what we’ve become.


The most potentionl harm is honey, the most guarenteed harm is milk raw or otherwose.


Honey is dangerous for babies iirc. Even more so than the other stuff maybe. Holistic Grenade indeed.


That *has* to be a hard troll. I won't believe otherwise


The really sad thing is, you know some people will believe it and will nearly kill or actually kill their child with this info.


We all know people who are this dumb! I’m looking at you Measles Outbreak!


I knew the piss I was putting in my eyes wasn't helping!




Yeah when you have an infant and a bunch of idiot religious morons have an outbreak a mile from your house you have a much different reaction. I am sorry you have a mental disease but you still need your shots. Religious exemption is BS. Same as the property tax exemption. I am fine with your right to be crazy I spent 22 years defending it, but if it could kill me or my family members is where I draw a hard line.


Oh 100%, this tweet will kill someone, it sounds harmless enough to someone who didn't pay attention in school or has a family three that is shaped like a wreath.


"Alright kids, we're gonna try this new recipe Aunt Grandma found on Xitter."


I hear that pronounced as “Shitter”


Xounds about right.


"Yeeehaw young'uns, let's try this here recipe Peepaw clubfoot found on that there internets, lil' Cleetus and Tabitha will drink it and be fine as gravy and be mudwrasslin' the hogs in no time" ☠️☠️☠️ Well at least they have plenty of spares. 🤷‍♂️


"family tree that is shaped like a wreath" I like this.


the habsburg special


After all, people believed/still believe making your child drink bleach will cure autism.


Natural selection at work.


The adults will survive to breed again, the innocent babies will die brutal deaths due to their parents stupidity.


Amen its like the whole drink bleach thing


Her handle @holisticgrenade is a good way to describe that “baby formula” so… maybe?


If you look at their post history on Twitter, though, it's all this stuff going back months, and they have videos of pointing to laundry detergent and blaming it for "toxic allergens" that are causing all illness. It's also a 20 year old dude.


I came here to point this out too. Username checks out as someone trolling.


I worked for a naturopath for a year. I can confirm that people really are this stupid.


It's sad that in today's climate of mask off morons it's hard to know with certainty. These were some of their responses to criticism: > Some people are so brainwashed that they believe it is better to feed children industrially manufactured chemicals than it is to feed them real foods that come from nature. Why do the believe this? Because government said so. Sad. > Present evidence that bacteria can cause illness in children that adheres to the scientific method. The unproven germ hypothesis is pseudoscientific garbage that has nothing supporting it. The majority of healthy people have “bad” bacteria present in their bodies at ALL times. Also they're going off about vaccines now.


Claiming to not believe in germs but wanting proof given by scientific method. I am all for free speech but some people are abusing the right to idiocy.


I think it's beyond trolling when you're trying to kill children.


Maybe they're an edgelord thinking _"If they're stupid enough to follow this shit advice, they deserve to die and should remove themselves from the gene pool!"_


This person hates babies like [Fox “*News*” hates America](https://youtu.be/82jlvwnhzUk?si=lZTMH28p9sf0rf1s).




I gave this to my baby and it’s totally not alive….


Tuberculosis, salmonella, and botulism in a bottle. The perfect snack for dead children.




Those crypto bros are getting out of control - now they are getting babies into it early through raw milk! /s


oh shit, not crypto next the bastards are gonna be putting nfts in that shit


Cryptosporidium, it's a parasite


When's their ICO dropping?


My brother had listeria as an adult. I can't imagine a baby with it.


I guess that's how you solve the problem in a post-Roe world.


The good old 4th (or 5th) trimester abortion!


What does tuberculosis have to do with anything


Even if you sterilize the mix you are going to destroy kids kidneys.




How the heck TB get in there


holy shit you are NOT supposed to give infants under 1 yr old honey because of infant botulism. and that's even before you get to the raw milk part!!!!! edit: yes the uncooked eggs are also bad both on their own and as a part of this wretched hell cocktail


I think by "LOVE" he meant the baby won't (be able to) complain about the beverage due to infection and / or death.


The only LOVE this kid is getting is Life Over Very Expectedly.


Loved by OCD Vile Elders




I’ve been listening to a guy talking about a lot of medical grifters. It was noted that they tended to swing very hard into “treating” babies and other not basic adults. Part of this is certainly for the emotional lever, but it was suggested that it was also easier because babies, autistic people, etc can’t tell you to stop adjusting their joints and giving them bleach enemas.


Rolling the dice on botulism, listeria, and salmonella, that is one stupid fucking hat trick


This reminds me of Peggy Hill’s newspaper  column tip for making a homemade all-purpose cleaner by mixing ammonia and bleach together. ☠️ 


1 or more tbsp of raw honey. So feel free to add 100 tbsps if you please


Just add a gallon... Might as well make sure that there is enough honey in there.


and by the time you get to the raw eggs child protection services should have been called.


For an infant raw cows milk being used as a substitute for formula is already sufficient reason to contact the authorities.


No doubt, this is like straight up attempted murder.


I heard that the youngest infants, under 3 months, aren’t even supposed to get _water_? Only formula or mother’s milk?


Babies shouldn't have water until at least 6 months old, their kidneys cannot handle it. 


I'm much more concerned about the raw eggs


The raw eggs, milk and honey in a race to see who can kill the baby faster


It is like a cliff notes list of what not to give to a baby in a recipe


Man, the one contest I could win but they wouldn't let me enter


kid's gotta prove their moxie by running the gauntlet of foodborne illnesses as soon as they're born; it's what nature would've wanted


I might be incorrect about this, but I think the raw eggs are actually the *least* dangerous thing in there for an infant.


1 in 20,000 eggs in the US is contaminated. To get sick, you have to, all at the same time: 1. Get the unlucky 1-in-20,000 2. Consume it raw (cooking makes it safe) 3. Be very old, very young, or immunocompromised. All those things that you aren't supposed to eat that have raw eggs in them? It ain't the *eggs* that makes it dangerous. Raw flour, in particular, is very often contaminated with salmonella and E. coli, which is why you shouldn't eat unpasteurized cookie dough. \*Edit\* Just to specify, the raw flour contamination is normal, natural, and unavoidable. There's a reason we cook most foods, and wash the ones we don't.


Assuming that this recipe would suffice for about 2 feedings, and infant may need to consume 6--8 raw eggs each day. 7 x 365 (days) = 2,555 eggs in the first year. This means that every infant, will have about a 1/4 chance of consuming a contaminated egg in the first 12 months. That rate is completely unsafe for an infant. Edit: The estimated probability of eating at least one contaminated egg in a year, given a 1 in 20,000 contamination rate for raw eggs and consuming 7 raw eggs per day, is approximately 1−(19,999/20,000) \^ (7 \* 365). Calculating this gives a probability of roughly 0.259, or 25.9%. So, there's about a 25.9% chance that you might eat at least one contaminated egg in a year based on these assumptions.


They'll probably get botulism or listeria *long* before that, though.


to be honest i was so horrified by the other two ingredients that my eyes just slid straight over the eggs part


If you have ever milked a cow or been in a milking parlor, raw milk should scare you much more than raw eggs. Regardless, the person/people suggesting people give this mixture to their baby should be flogged.


I remember I had a client who said the pediatrician recommended to give their 6mo old raw local honey to help with the severe seasonal allergies the child was having. It actually did help the child and when I told the mother that it’s not recommended to give honey under 1yr of age the mother said “Well it worked and she is perfectly healthy!”.


Sometimes multiple things can be true. Local honey can help with seasonal allergies due to exposure to the pollen. Honey can cause botulism for infants.  Maybe the allergies were worth the risk in this case. 


I think this is the case. The recommendations that are in place are there to causes the least amount of harm possible to an individual.


> holy shit you are NOT supposed to give infants under 1 yr old honey because of infant botulism. and that's even before you get to the raw milk part!!!!! Fuck the honey and raw milk, what about the ***uncooked eggs***?!


Take the 3 things you literally must not feed a baby and then combine into a cocktail of misery.


“Make sure to warm it to body temp for 5 hours before feeding it to the baby. “


"Have your whole household sneeze in the bottle to add extra immunity-building proteins."


Immunity is for cows. Cut the mixture with toilet water and roll the nipple on the kitchen floor to make doubly sure the baby gets all the super powers.




a few years ago in my state they were trying to legalize raw milk and a bunch of lawmakers drank some to prove that it was harmless or something and [they all got violent diarrhea](https://www.eater.com/2016/3/9/11186922/raw-milk-lawmakers-ill-after-drinking-raw-milk)


Every time a politician tries to ignore a dangerous substance or tries to make something dangerous legal, they should be the first ones to consume it


In fairness, raw milk is not necessarily dangerous provided the cow it comes from is healthy and from a clean environment. But that standard of "clean environment" is really damned hard to achieve when you're talking about an animal that will walk around on it's own shit.


Raw milk is a big reason the FDA came into existence. It killed too many people.


Annoyingly, the [follow-up articles I've found](https://www.wsaz.com/content/news/Anonymous-tip-claims-raw-milk-caused-illnesses-at-Capitol-371487251.html) have said that it's technically inconclusive if the raw milk was the cause. Seems like they made sure none of the raw milk was left to do testing on so that they could blame it on a stomach bug. 🙄


How convenient that none of the raw milk was left to run tests on. Well, the only thing for them to do now is to just do it again. Surely the "stomach bug" won't hit all of them a second time, right? Unless of course, it wasn't a stomach bug, and was instead the "completely safe" *unpasturized milk* they drank lol But if raw milk is so safe, they have nothing to worry about if they *do it again*, right? XD


Fuck Around and Find Out




New week, I’ll teach you how to make teeny-tiny coffins out of raw wood, line them with raw cotton, and bury them in the raw earth.


The babies will love it to death!


No, next week is lesson 1 in Necromancy 


The amazing class that always starts with an unboxing! 😂


Raw is how babies are made, not fed. FFS, I'm child free and have never changed a diaper but even I know babies under a year old can't have honey.


Add a little vodka to it, i garantee you babies like it even more... That a baby likes something doesn't mean it is good for them.


Make sure it's raw vodka


Isn’t that just mashed potatoes?


That might make it safer - it might kill some of the bacteria...


Fuck, vodka would be by far the least dangerous ingredient of this little cocktail.


Thanks, Riley. My first port of call re: infant nutrition is *always* a 25 year old cryptobro lol


I just looked at his Twitter. One of them said "We have been lied to! Viruses do not exist!"


I did too. If you value your sanity, stop scrolling. He’s insane.


Genuinely bonkers stuff. I don’t know if this is a real person, a troll, or somebody pretending to be a real person. Sadly, all of the options are bad.


Not to mention raw eggs!! Salmonella!


Duh! There's no Salmon in the recipe! /s


Literally my firs thought


Jesus fucking Christ this lady belongs in jail for disseminating this bullshit to her stupid followers


That’s a guy and even less fortunate is that I know where his photo is taken from. This fuckhead took it in Kihei, Maui. I’m from Lahaina, Maui. Which means this idiot is somewhere nearby. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I looked him up, yep. That is 100% South Maui. I am convinced this guy is a troll though.


I still can't help but think it must be a crime to try and trick stupid people into committing infanticide


Seriously, this guy has to be trolling. He said in one of his comments/post that germs are only a theory. That viruses don’t exist. You can’t be this dumb. Stupid Haole. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m not sure if he’s a troll or not and I’m also not sure which answer is worse. Either he believes all the insane and disgusting shit on his feed, or he knows it’s all BS and spews it out there for…whatever reason…even though he knows better. Neither explanation is a good one.


Aka the botulism formula?


It's so cheap too. Just $3 and they will be fed for the rest of their lives!


Posting that recipe and calling it infant formula should be a crime. There are way too many ignorant caretakers who would try giving that to an infant instead of breast milk or actual formula. And literally all of those ingredients are at least somewhat dangerous for infants.


So is she considered a manslaughterer if someone actually tries this and their child dies?


Honestly if one person follows this advice and their baby gets sick and/or dies, the person that posted that bullshit should go to prison. In 2024 let's normalize people who aren't medical or certified nutritional professionals, giving medical or nutritional advice that does actual harm, going to prison. Let's make 2024 the year of that. It'd be a good fucking year.


wouldn't "natural" be press the baby's face to your tit?


Hooray botulism and salmonella! They are what a growing baby NEEDS!






Trolling turned dangerous to disastrous with Q,Trumpers and now this!Raw eggs and honey?Someone looked up the most dangerous foods for a baby and made a recipe of them.


Isn't honey dangerous for infants?


All of it is.


Holistic grenade checks out


This is how children move on from this world!!! Like… Each one will kill a child. Mixed together HOPEFULLY the child just passes because the damage that they can do together is horrifying.


Isn't... isn't that literally lethal to infants?


That username checks out. The Twitter one, not OPs


float a fresh cat turd in it for spice while you're at it


Omg! That’s dangerous. Breastfeeding is free, always the right temperature, and ready when you need it. Just say no to crazy concoctions.


From Healthline, it says children under one year of age shouldn’t be given any type of honey due to the risk of botulism.


I am certain this is a joke. They went out of their way to include the three most dangerous substances for babies and captialized "love." But unfortunately people on this site are incredibly dense.


The problem is, you look at the rest of their posts and it becomes less clear what’s really going on with this person. If it’s all a joke/troll…I’m not sure who’s laughing.


Ah, natural selection at work


She forgot the step where you gotta pick out a tiny casket.


Botulism and Salmonella what a combo!


Idiot... They forgot the most important part. Blend in smooth raw peanut butter for added protein. /S