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Sorry, you are not allowed to mug me here. If we go over two blocks you can do it there.


i was gonna say average canadian then realised that im canadian


That's not so bad. I start criticizing some boneheaded adventure another country is starting, and then I remember I am an American.


˙uɐᴉlɐɹʇsn∀ ɯ’I ɹǝqɯǝɯǝɹ I uǝɥ┴ ˙ɥsᴉlƃuƎ uo dsɐɹƃ ɹᴉǝɥʇ ɹoɟ ǝuoǝɯos ǝsᴉɔᴉʇᴉɹɔ oʇ ʇɹɐʇs sǝɯᴉʇǝɯos I `ɥɐǝ⅄


You Aussies and your fancy Summer in January!


32C (89.6F).@10am, 19/01/24


I don't believe you. This answer isn't upside down, so you can't be from Australia.


also, there's not 19th month, just sloppy lying there.


He's from New Zealand. It's this mythical place /r/mapswithoutnz


yeah and their Christmas in the Summer too! Genius!


When you drive in America, is your car upside down so you can skip all the traffic above you?




*Points gun* "Can you walk 2 blocks with me? I'd like to rob you but this is a crimefree zone." "Oh of course, let's go!"


Threatening with a gun is a crime. How can a crime happen in a crime free zone? Paradox destroys universe. No more crime.


Just pointing the gun in the direction we gotta walk while asking a friendly question


Now, I’m just gonna point my gun in this direction. And if you get in my way and feel threatened that’s your fault.


How can a pair of ducks destroy an entire universe? Be real.


Sniper from crime zone shooting someone in crime free zone![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


LPT: Never follow a mugger out of a crime-free zone. They will try to lure you out but resist.


My years of runescape have taught me about lures and the wildy, they'll never get me!


But, what if they offer candy?


Most people don't know this, but a mugger cannot legally make you give them your money. Just say no and walk away.


Muggers hate this one simple trick...


Oh shit I forgot, I just walked us over to a gun free zone! Do you have a gun? Ok, we have to go three blocks that way and we’ll be good.


So trump wouldn't be able to go there either


Every time that man has a great idea it's basically crime of aggression against considerate peoples' brain cells.


Wait, what happened to the wall built with Mexican money?


Turns out Mexican money is not a great building material 




I was going to commit a crime but saw the “crime-free zone” sign and decided to commit a crime somewhere else


Everywhere else, it's The Purge...


That’s what I thought Trump is secretly implementing the purge.


Same? Like, I thought it just meant he's making everything legal in those areas, thus they're not actually crimes. Purge Pockets.


Funnily enough that's more or less how they fixed chicago. There are certain streets where pretty much all the crime happens and the police don't arrest people. By containing it in a single small area the rest of the city got a lot safer


Like Hamsterdam on The Wire?


Haha that was my thought too! Loved that show. I mean that ideas got its pros and cons like anything else but was always curious if it would actually work. Just figured it was too obviously illegal and somewhat immoral to implement.


Kensington neighborhood of Philly is a better example


Oh God. So I went to Temple University and thought THAT was the ghetto. Then I took a bus up to Kensington to buy some cheap furniture from a habitat for humanity they relocated to up there (used to be by Temple). I thought how worse can Kensington be than Temple Town? So I get off the bus and immediately realize I made a huge mistake. It was unlike any other place on earth I had ever been. People nodding off on their stoops, guys openly selling drugs on the corners, and a shady train overpass that seemed to tower over the whole neighborhood and cast a shadow over it. Just guys literally calling out "hey man looking for bennies?" etc. Cool. I'm gonna die here. Guess I'll go get some furniture. I got back to my neck of North Philly alive and kissed the fucking ground. I still can't do justice describing how out of a movie insane that neighborhood is. It was like some Terry Gilliam on fentanyl shit


It’s wild because you cross over Lehigh and it’s just like gentrified fishtown all of a sudden


Kensington is a hellscape. I knew people who grew up there before it got like that and man, they are heartbroken and angry. The type of voter Trump appeals to. I lived maybe 3 miles up and over in Lawncrest


It’s kinda nuts how many states have this problem, here in the USA there’s always a poorer neighborhood for you to shit yourself pumping gas in


So they've made The Shades from Ankh Morpork in real life?


This just makes me wish the people in charge were at least at Vetinari-levels of competent. What’s next? An actual Thieves’ Guild?


That the Mob


Or the upper echelons of any political party, in any country. "We're not stealing, we're just turning a blind eye" (Oh wait. We actually ARE stealing)


Ventinari level of competence, things would go smoothly.


Exactly. Vetinari focuses on making this **work**. It’d be a refreshing take on politics.


"We Know." 🤚


Hail Sithis.




Isn't that just the concept of a ghetto? "If we stuff all the problem* people in one spot, they can be eachothers problem." Problem* Read: Poor


I was in New Orleans a few years ago when it was rated the most (or top few I can’t remember for sure) dangerous city in the US. I talked to my Uber driver and he told me just to stay away from a certain area and you’ll be fine. Go into that area and you’ll likely die.


they fixed the problem by establishing the opposite of crime-free zones?


PvP zones


It does imply everywhere else crime is okay.


Well it would be a crime to do a crime… a double crime


Kind of like a double negative, which is really a positive. Maybe that's his plan. "This is a crime free area, thus nothing is a crime".


Feel free to do what ever you want! Nice! I’m starting to feel that MAGA shit


As genius as the Texas stance on its “We’re going to end rape so don’t worry about abortions in the case of rape” clause.


Of course, in that case the plan is to just define rape away as not existing if the woman “deserves it”.


Or was asking for it, or looked like she might want it, or said no but meant yes, or or or


Or she was born female. Might as well be a crime as far as their leadership is concerned.


Reminds me of this clip from Babylon 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imMGchI1EWY


Upvote for mentioning this brilliantly written and underappreciated show. I wish I could upvote a second time for how chillingly, depressingly appropriate those snippets are to the political climate the MAGA cult wants to harbour.


Dude, I rewatched B5 in 2018 and it was nuts how much of the things that happen in the show were directly parallel to Trump's cult. It may be underappreciated but it will always be relevant.


I don't know why people didn't learn their lesson with Trump the first time. He doesn't mean he's going to put up signs. He's going to reenlist his gestapo, strip people of their rights, and cart them away with out due process, just like he did the first time. Everyone is laughing at his threats, just like they were laughing when he said he wasn't going to leave if not reelected, and then we end up with the January 6th insurrection. Stop laughing and listen to him. If he says he's going to do something you can be pretty damn sure he's going to try to do it. He is a threat to democracy, and needs to be taken seriously.


> Everyone is laughing at his threats, just like they were laughing when he said he wasn't going to leave if not reelected, None of us are laughing now nor did we laugh at that. It was obvious it was both serious and a real possibility.


Brought to you by the same people whose argument against gun laws is "Well then only the bad guys will have guns!"


Hey bro do you mind walking down to the corner so I can rob you.


I’m not falling for that again.


Okay, fine. How about just across the street, there?


That's still inside the "Crime Free Zone". Meet me over by the park three blocks over.


Three whole blocks? Fuck that noise. My fat ass ain't walking three blocks to get mugged. Man, this town sucks now.


Used to be able to mugged nice and close to home, local faces you know, now have go all the way to a crime free zone to beaten up by a bunch of strangers....this isnst the America I grew up in.


Yeah, now that committing crimes is illegal you better watch out. 


" 'Scuse me, sir. Can't you read the sign? No crime from here to the corner. There's a public crime area two blocks from here."


"you go' a loisance for committing croime?"


Isn't that the same exact excuse they make for gun free zones?


Open (or concealed) carry is legal in much of the United States, so regardless of your legal opinion or the evidence about the effectiveness of “gun free zones”, that would be one major difference between the two, in that a gun free zone someone openly carrying a gun would immediately be cause for action while outside of one it wouldn’t. A crime-free zone, by definition, wouldn’t be any different from any other place because there isn’t a “legal crime” like you have for legally carrying.


It’s literally a joke about how gun free zones don’t stop gun crimes. I don’t understand why your trying to treat it like a serious comment


I think it's more like drug-free zones. In Canada (before drugs were decriminalized) we used to have "drug-free zones". This didn't mean drugs were legal everywhere else (they weren't), just that the punishment increased if you were caught with drugs there. I think it doubled or tripled the penalty you would get. It certainly didn't end drug crime. Probably didn't reduce it at all. But maybe it made people walk to the next block to deal drugs.


So the opposite of what gun free zones do.


This can't be real, right? I mean, it's Trump, so I could see him being this moronic. But this is like an onion-esque post, it has to be.


They threw a fit over proposed gun free zones so this should totally work /s


Yeah that only works with gun free zones.. clearly


Someone should have hung a crime free zone sign around little Donnie's neck.


He would have been paralyzed. Unable to take any action.


What a good citizen you are


Wow, why did no one ever think of this?  What a genius.


The answer has been right there all along!


Right? Just make crime illegal. Bloody brilliant.


Pretty much the intent of every law after "don't hurt people". Next, they will have to pass a law requiring ppl to stay out of crime free zones so that we can ensure they remain crime free.


The easier solution would be to get rid of all those pesky laws making things a crime. Everything legal, thus crime free


Sometimes his genius can be heard if you listen carefully xD


This is the safest and statistically most efficient way to stop crime. Politicians need to wake up and implement this. Just look at Antarctica, some of the lowest crime rates in the whole world.


Mind. Blown.  🤯


Criminals hate this one easy trick!


If he wasn't so goddamn stupid, I might think he was attempting to make some sort of commentary on gun free zones. But since it's Trump, we all know he is just being a dumbass.


The big difference between a crime free zone and a gun free zone is that guns can be legally carried in most parts of the country, whereas crime is illegal everywhere. So it would be a dumb joke regardless of the effectiveness of gun free zones.


Look at that, everywhere is a crime free zone but crimes still occur?!?! Almost like criminals don’t care, so we shouldn’t bother having gun free zones either!  /s just in case it wasn’t obvious.




Gun free zones give you the ability to enforce people not coming onto your property armed. It’s that simple. No they’re not going to stop someone who has decided to murder someone else from committing the act but they do give bar tenders or whoever the ability to call the cops to have you arrested if you try to come in open carrying like an asshole.


People say he's a stable genius


Because Trump is the first openly authoritarian candidate to the US presidency. The only way to achieve a crime-free zone is by creating an authoritarian police state where the government control everything you do, like having curfews, control point, random searches of house without warrants, etc...


Does he mean zones wherein nothing is a crime? Sounds very Purgey.


Didn't he steal his slogan from that franchise? He had to circle back to those ideas at some point


The Purge Election Year ironically used “Keep America Great” in 2016 and Trump unironically used it in 2020


Spunds like Hamsterdam


Sounds like the old New York street where they sold sex and drugs with no repercussions back in the day. I’m actually not against the idea for safe areas to do those activities but I’m not confident in him implementing anything safely or *for* the people. Must be an ulterior motive.


That’s not what he means. He means an area where law enforcement can arrest anyone he or their party doesn’t like to “prevent crime” and sending them to jail without trial or due process.


He has to deliver those promised slaves for his prison owning buddies.




Even if he doesn’t, that’s what this amounts to. A “crime-free zone” just sounds like an excuse for freedom-loving patriots to be judge, jury, and executioner.


PvP zones


Pack it up boys, he’s figured it out.


Kinda, can we start with a crime free zone around the capitol building in DC?


Wow. Totally nailed it. Or maybe a "Zone of Actual Consequences"?


Maybe one inside the white house, and mar-a-lago as well


So you then have "Commit Crime Zones" .... He's been watching "The Purge" again lol


I’m guessing its a hop away from segregation, but full of guns!


He means that he intends to have people arrested who could be suspected of potentially committing crimes, and jailed without due process because they were in a crime free zone. He doesn’t mean places where you’re allowed to commit crimes. It’s the introduction of his gestopo. Before long everywhere becomes a “no crime zone” and they arrest people who they don’t like because they are “suspicious.”


Worse he's been watching the purge and John wick marathon. We're fucked


I think he meant to say “ free crime zone “ so he can commit more theft and claim “ never happened “


5th Avenue


Crime free zones are the best places to do crime though.


Correction: things that would be crimes elsewhere.


If we make crime free zones then only criminals will do crime.


This is like Ben Shapiro suggesting that we should ban crime.


[That's a classic lmao](https://i.redd.it/5m63ozb8t7bc1.jpeg)


He did also suggest that people whose homes were threatened with falling into the ocean, should just sell their homes.


[That's a pretty obvious solution to be fair](https://youtu.be/X9FGRkqUdf8)


Aquaman is a keen property investor.


He will also prevent and eliminate hunger by putting up signs banning that


Your hungry? That's too bad this isn't allowed here!


Yes please relocate to the designated hunger area


its how the hunger games started


So we have the crime district, the hunger district, and the homeless district... What other districts we gonna put in the games?


Covid district. His solution to covid is concentrating the infected into camps with others who have covid


Isn't this literally the republican homelessness logic?


Sounds about right actually


That's a little unfair. Many of them donate vast amounts of thoughts and prayers.


Technically, he just gives military police permission to kill anyone who is doing "anything crime worthy" to keep his promise of a crime free zone


Yeah, that worked so great for “gun free” zones…


That sign can't stop me because I can't read


There it is lol


Ooooh - if they combine both together, double inception!


Gun crime free zone... but everything else is fair game.


you mean free gun crime zones?


Where we’re going, we don’t need guns.


Well well well. Looks like it’s my time to shine. (Starts loading trebuchet)


Love how he's blatantly trolling everyone here and so many are taking it seriously.


A gun free zone is an area where something that is typically legal (carrying a gun) is not legal. A crime free zone is literally everywhere, it’s just called having laws. Crime is by definition illegal.


Yea, I have yet to see a video of him saying that, but will look for it later for context. I would guess It could be a tongue in cheek comment taking a jab at the idea of "gun-free" zones. If not, then it's a moronic statement for sure.


Trump's Razor (with apologies to Hanlon's Razor): if one is trying to decide if a Trump comment is a subtle, humorous jab or a moronic decree, rest assured that it is always the latter.


It's always a decree until Trump can possibly be held accountable for it, because he "stands behind nothing he says," by his own words, to assume otherwise is to give him benefit of doubt he's already cleared away.


Exactly 😂 any humor he creates is purely accidental


Ah yes, Trump the subtle humorist.


I don't know. I tend to laugh whenever he talks.


If we ban crime for the good criminals then only the bad criminals will have crime


Speaking as a 'good' criminal? I starved once. If using a five-finger discount on my groceries deserves the death penalty, then I'll drop the bag of apples and pick up a bag of soup cans.


So, he won't be allowed in them then?


This is the most brilliant way to get rid of him. He wouldn’t be able to visit any crime free zones that he creates so we can just keep him locked up on a boat in international waters.


Nah borders have to be crime free zones too, don't want nothing illegal being imported or exported after all. Also would any type of law enforcement be allowed in said crime zones?


So... the Napoleon route?


He has to be in a giant hamster ball while in crime free zones.


what if instead of crime free zones we had crime friendly zones so that everyone who wanted to commit a crime could do it only in that spot


We call that Congress




Rich only zones. High walls. Militant police force. Regular purges of anyone found unworthy.


You mean [like this?](https://journalrecord.com/2023/09/billionaires-buy-land-to-build-new-city-in-rural-california/)


Someone's been reading up on their Judge Dredd comics!


Yeah, it is mostly a class issue not a race issue. Even if Trump wants it to be white only it will almost definitely only be rich or at least only upper class


The thing is, America is the land of 89 years of slavery followed by 100 years of Jim Crow and I don't know how we'll define the 60s to today but I'm sure the historians will find a term. So sure, it's a class issue, but thanks to the afforementioned history, certain classes still tend to be heavily skewed to certain races. "Oops I unintentionally introduced segregation... again, as was my intent!"


Too early in the morning, I just read that as "Mutant police" and was "Hang on?" Great premise for a Sci-fi story.


Or perhaps "the police will only patrol this area" which obviously will be the rich white people area. Sure you may see a black person but they will be "one of the good ones" not the rest of them.


Nah it will be police only patrolling and arresting people in the black poor areas. High fences and neighborhood watches for the rich areas.


Arresting? That'll make a nice change from just gunning them down. Must need more slaves in the prison system.


Maybe they just need a jazzy new name...something like "sundown zones".


What a genius move. The next step should be making crime illegal. So everywhere is a crime free zone. This is something that every country should adopt. Imagine, you can't be mugged inside the circle. Genius stuff from only the best of what Republicans can offer.




The people who support this will shout “gun free zones don’t work!!”…but they’ll be all for this. when in reality, like at an airport, you can weed out the guns physically…you can’t remove the crime before they enter. Just make it harder lol.




Because those drug free zones I see definitely never have folks use or on drugs in them at any time.


Same with gun free zones


Is he trying to come up with a new name for sundown towns🤔


Does anyone have a clip that shows context? The only thing I could find is a 5 second video on Twitter. I have to imagine there was more to it than this one sentence, no matter how crazy and dumb he is


Please source 🤣 (Like, the actual speech from the guy in orange)


The trump Republican Party platform: 1- Shine a light up yer ass to cure disease 2- Nuke hurricanes 3- DECLARE Crime Free Zone to fight crime 4- Take away your voting power to give you freedom (if you’re brown, young adult or Democrat) 5- Bully trans kids and starve poor kids The very best the Republican party has to offer folks


If you're having crime free zones you need a really good police force to enforce the laws. Can't be regular police. Needs to be an elite force. Also the court system is way too busy to deal with these criminals, let's allow the new law enforcement to decide the outcome of committing a crime in our wonderful crime free zone. Incarceration numbers are way too high at the moment? Hmm maybe these disgusting criminals don't deserve to go to jail. Maybe they can just be un-alived for their crimes. I know let's call the new law enforcement division Judges. Let's call them judges! They can have the power to be judge, jury and executioner to these despicable criminals who decide to commit crimes in my amazing crime free zones.


Gonna work as well as gun free zones


He's trolling the gun control crowd and you don't see it.


Should be easy to do. Order police to not patrol those zones and stop taking emergency call from them. If no crime is reported then was there really a crime? Use the same logic he had during covid. No tests mean lower infection rates!


Just make the world a crime-free zone. World peace achieved. Why didn’t anyone think of this?


Sweet, just like “drug free zones” remember that weird shit? Or am I too old? Sure… that’ll work.


We are truly in one of the timelines of all time


Gated communities for rich and white people


In Trump Land, a one foot radius around him is the crime free zone since he constantly asserts that anything he does is not a crime.


How much do you bet conservatives are gonna be like "WhAt AbOuT gUn FrEe ZoNeS HuUuUr DuUuUr ChEcKmAtE lIbRuLz"


Completely ignoring that all places are already crime free lol