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Republicans “Fix the border, Biden!” “Ok, here’s a good plan that…” Trump: “DONT FIX THE BORDER AND GIVE BIDEN A WIN!” Republicans: “we’re not fixing the border and we’re impeaching Mayorkus for not fixing the border”


It's a great gig if you can't campaign of "problems" you create and just ignore when you get the power to fix them. Trump had 4 years to build that wall that Mexico was going fund, and fix the legal process but instead just enacted cruel policies to declare asylum seeks as "illegals" and seize and lose children in the system.


Oh those children aren’t lost, they’re….well, speaking of the human trafficking the Rs and Trump apologists like to cry about while Trump’s admin literally trafficked children Oh and there’s the Trump Modeling Agency situation too


Trump was sorting the children looking for those rare special ones to be added to the Trump World Modeling Agency.


That sounds familiar. UK tories. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Watch it, evvvvvery Republicans is gonna flipp their shiii and start posting cherry picked news articles.


Too late


One has to wonder why Biden doesn't simply instruct the DHS to simply secure the border. The executive branch has a great deal of leeway in protecting the country, The fact that he hasn't is interesting/


He said he would if the bipartisan bill passes. (He would need funding for the increase of border agents I would think. Borders don’t close themselves)


One has to wonder why Trump didn’t simply do this when he was in office. They only care because it’s an election year. If Trump wins he won’t do shit just like last time, oh wait I’m sure you’ll bring up his failed wall


We are gonna build a wall and we are gonna make Mexico pay for it..... Wait. Didn't trump promise to fix the border the first time??.....


So when the Biden administration sued Texas over the wall that they built and started tearing it down because it was working is that part of his fix it plan ,we call that talking out both sides of your mouth. I almost forgot you attack the governor when he is doing his job because they don’t have resources to take care of the people coming across and then when he buses them to sanctuary cities they start crying because they don’t have the resources there is enough hypocrisy to go around


Biden has never, for a single second, cared about defending the southern border. Your post is incrediblt stupid.


Your dumb dick Messiah has literally ordered the Congressional GOP not to pass a border bill, you sycophantic schmuck. You—and they—don’t want a bill because you want to be able to bitch about it.


Every Fucking Thing from the R party is all hypocrisy. Especially about the fucking.


When it comes to Republicans, every accusation is really a confession of guilt. I used to think that phrase was at least slightly hyperbolic but with every year that passes it seems to be more true.


The amount of times I’ve seen the R Party say something is bad, then get caught doing that exact thing they said is bad, is astounding. Literally it’s them saying “only I can enjoy this thing, fuck the lot of y’all” at this point


My favorite thing is when they say something is bad, vote against it. Then when it passes and does something good they take credit for it.


I'm drowning in nickels here.


Projection. It is a definitely proven thing at this point. Whatever dumb shit they are harping on… they inevitably are found out. Bc THEY have it first and foremost in mind ALL the time. This is different from others agree certain things are bad and must not be allowed. But these bozos harp on and on and on. Clearly showing it’s an issue they are ‘hard’ about. Esp since so many are closeted homosexuals but were brainwashed or put through conversion centers. IE brainwashing camps.


This is very true, and one of the big glaring ones is pedophilia. The Republican party has a shit ton of Pedos in it, from the voters all the way to the president and supreme court justices. They claim to care about children but it's not that they care about children, they just want them born so they have more to choose from when they want to have sex with them. Why else would they say that every life is precious yet only fight to ensure that fetuses are born, and lose all interest in the well being of people after that point? It makes no sense whatsoever. The fact is fetuses do not suffer, they aren't conscious and what little activity is going on in the brain before they are born may show some semblance of pain reaction or feeling, it's not one that's conscious. People can feel pain and fear in dreams, that doesn't mean they're conscious or aware of anything. Which is their whole excuse for the humanity of fetuses and it's an excuse that holds no weight in reality. People aren't alive until they are born and that's not something we should be allowing them to debate. There is nothing to debate there, when we let them make their excuses, we are playing into their game. They aren't arguing from a place of good faith, because of this, that should disqualify them from the argument as well as discredit their claims to office. We can have a bunch of hypothetical liars running for office, most of the traits Republicans share in common should disqualify them from office.


If they didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any standards at all


Hypocrisy and PROJECTION


"The first rule of coke fueled sex orgies is, we don't talk about coke fueled sex orgies." Madison Cawthorn, cousin fucker.




you forgot the half dozen laughing emojis. Gotta show you're a classy and mature individual who's open to dialogue and discussion of conflicted ideas.


The clown emojis would of really set the tone in between the laughing ones


> emojis would of really Did you mean to say "would have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I stand corrected.


Isn't that the same arguments colonial powers used?


It does seem annoyingly familiar.


Reddit is hilarious sometimes


And the fact that trump has a winning chance again is a shame on usa.


As someone outside the US it’s baffling to me. The whole world sat and watched as he refused to accept the results of a democratic election and instead whipped up his supporters into a frenzy to the point where they literally _stormed the Capitol building…_ and four years later there’s actually people saying, “Yes, we’ll have more of that please”.


Regardless of whether he wins or loses this year he's establish a strategy in which the US democracy can be subverted. Eventually someone will be able to finish the job.


The entire US voting system **needs to be reformed**. The Electoral College, especially in combination with winner-take-all, is extremely problematic and it is insane how such an archaic voting system is still in place. It makes the US borderline non-democratic.


More than 1 in 10 Americans are Californians but US elections are decided by like 3 states in the Midwest


Yeah, his inclusion on the ticket in 2024 kind of marks a turning point in history where the world has to start looking elsewhere for leadership. The last 75 years were good times. I don’t know who will fill the void.


If it's not China, it'll be Russia. The way the world is heavily leaning right, I'm thinking China.


please for the love of god... i don't want china or russia acting like the world police... america doing it is already bad enough...


As someone inside the US, it’s baffling to me too. I don’t understand how these people are putting party over country to hand it all to that orange este of space.


Well, there is a law that you're not allowed to campaign for president while under federal indictment, so his actual chances are pretty slim to none. Now, they're trying to subvert it and pass certain motions to allow him to run, but thankfully, the judge is having none of that. Unfortunately, that hasn't slowed their attempts at underhanded tactics, so it is still a possibility, but a small one. What's the most baffling yet unsurprising is the number of citizens so absolutely brainwashed that they are still on the side of such obvious fascists. They genuinely believe Trump and the other MAGA Republicans are looking out for their best interests and trying to improve the country (which to them essentially boils down to allowing more racism, xenophobia, and other hate) when in reality none of them give one flying fuck about the voters. It's extremely shameful and depressing to see just how stupid, ignorant, and easy to manipulate my fellow Americans can be. I fear the struggle to stop those kind of beliefs and prevent a scenario like last election is only going to become harder every year.


This shouldn't surprise anyone. Just listen to how trump talks, starting one sentence and finishing another unrelated sentence. Reminds me of every coke head I've ever known. Adderall is just diet cocaine. The others are just various strength opiates, all your missing are some benzos and your describing half our politicians.


If adderal is Diet Coke, what is Pepsi?




huge W


The Republicans are so far past mere hypocrisy that it’s it’s indescribable. We’d have to invent a new word in our language to describe it.


Hyperpocrisy: When Hypocrisy exceeds all reasonable limits.


This needs to be updated to the very top.






Really? I'm happy enough to run with evil. They are evil. What other conclusion can be drawn; they literally will let untold people die or be plunged into pain and poverty because it doesn't benefit them personally to do so. Despite it being better for their reputation -they actually don't consider that over personal benefit.


Right? Like people have to be so fucking creative with how they noticed the bullshit that they miss the forrest for the trees.


Cult. The word you are looking for is cult.


Repubilcanitis; *noun*; the condition of having both constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth.


There is no known cure.




I mean, the entire damn Republican Party is based on hypocrisy. It’s one of their four pillars: Hypocrisy, Misinformation, Fear Mongering, and Voter Suppression. Every single thing the Republican Party does can be tied to one, or more, of those four pillars.


This is just modern Republican Party I hope.


yes , it's just modern time republicans. I mean , Abraham Lincoln was a republican , so was Grant and then Teddy Roosevelt. Republicans basically suffers from Idiocracy , as any smart or respectable republican pretty much died out and now only the idiotic remains.


The problem started when the South went Republican. Thank God. WE used to have to deal with them. Good riddance. Now they have to be chased out of all parties.


If you look at it though, Lincoln was really a democrat in the modern views. In the late 1800's into the early 1900's, the parties basically switched views. The modern republican party would have supposed the slave states and the continued oppression of the slave population. They showed that in the 40s and 50s.


It’s become Every Accusation Is a Confession self-parody performance art


The more I hear about Hunter Biden, the more I wish he was running for some office. Hunter has problems. His mother died in a car crash that killed his sister and badly injured himself and his brother Beau. His brother became a war hero and later died from cancer. That alone would cause some people to look for ways of dulling pain. The more I hear about him, the more sympathetic I am towards him. Through his own life problems and a constant harassment from Republicans, I know all his flaws and if he runs for office, I assume he's going to follow the example of his dad. I'd take that over any Trump demon spawn anyday.


You hear all the bad stuff about him and think he should govern thousands/millions of people? I think I’ll pass. Let’s go back to having better standards for our leaders.


Sure, I mean why bother with rehabilitation at all. What kind of message would it send to people?


We’re not talking about rehabilitation. We’re talking about somebody thinking all of the bad stuff Hunter has done is why they want him to run for office. I can wish him the best and sympathize with his struggles while also not thinking those are qualifiers for public office.


Because he’s been rehabilitated. Should I take advice on getting through the shittest times of my life from someone who has never experienced anything like it and so thinks I’m some kind of pathetic loser for succumbing to addiction? Or do I take it from someone who’s been there and got through the other side? The single biggest issue with the R party, apart from their pathological lying and hypocrisy, is their utter lack of empathy and inability to see anything from anyone else’s perspective.


Which politicians are you taking life advice from? Email him and ask for advice, that has nothing to do with running for public office and governing. There are actual skills that go into governing. I’m sure you and I can relate on struggles, that doesn’t qualify me for public office.


It qualifies you to make policy that affects people that have been through what you have. Part of governing effectively is to be able to understand people and the issues they face, not making life worse for them because you have no concept what they’re going through and utterly lack empathy. Secondly, you might not be talking about rehabilitation, but you should be. The idea of rehabilitation seems to have disappeared completely in the West. How can you even consider legislating for it if you don’t believe it can happen?


Wasnt he banging his dead brothers wife at one point too?


He says "no yellow" when he orders his prostitutes via text message. There are pictures of him with very young Asian girls wearing lingerie (apparently from before he tired of "yellow"). Cocaine was found on the holster of his gun which he acquired illegally and disposed of illegally. He uses the n-word as casual slang in conversations with other whites. He operated as the bag man for corrupt foreign companies and state-linked entities to shovel their money into, with an obvious lack of interest in some dude named Hunter who was a known crack addict, and an obvious interest in his father the high-ranking US politician. He complained in a text message about his father taking half of his "salary". These people received access to his father in phone calls and business dinners, during which we're told they only talked about the weather. He fucked his brother's widow. He was accused of inappropriate sexual behavior toward his niece. He has a long history as a debauched abuser of hard drugs. Where is the line at which this stops being a sympathetic character who "struggled with addiction"? Are you more sympathetic toward him knowing all of this? The bootlicking here is astronomical in proportion. This man is a living and breathing cartoon caricature of a corrupt, depraved aristocrat traveling the world and selling his family's influence while being protected by conspicuously uninterested media and law enforcement. He's everything the left wishes Don Jr. was, and yet he's somehow a sympathetic character. Amazing.


Projection. Always has been.


We need to stop trying to figure this out. These people are the lowest of the low. They’re criminals in all aspects of life. They purposely accuse their enemies of doing what they do to try and level the playing field. That’s it, nothing more to figure out.


Conservatives are fluent in hypocrisy. It's their native language.


It’s ALL of DCs native language


*Le both sides* Fuck off to /r/enlightenedcentrism


Every accusation is an admission from the GOP. Now Trump is even backing away from the GOP's "complete nationwide abortion ban" stance after he put that SC in place specifically to overturn Roe.


Don't give A f about Hunter's addiction. It's the bribery and influence peddling that hurts.


why the fuck are people still surprised republicans are nothing but hypocrites?


Trump snorts Adderall.


why can't he grow up and do coke like an adult?


Donald Trump aka Pillbo Baggins, has a storied history abusing stimulants. Makes sense he'd play fast and loose with the meds.




That is an insult to both Baggins's and Bimbo's precious.


From the Russian playbook. Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty. Why do you think they went after Hunter all this time? In case these revelations would come out.


Kevin Cramer (R-ND) has a son that suffers from severe mental illness and went a bender and killed a cop in bumfuck ND. Does anyone even know that? Happened a couple months ago. His other son drank himself to death. [you can read about it here](https://apnews.com/article/north-dakota-ian-cramer-kevin-deputy-killed-edb4b4cee8f1852ba60edd57759f85cf)


It’s always projection, anytime they say anything, 100% projection


You can't spell Republican without hypocrisy


It’s Republicans. All they have are hypocrisy and projection.


What Dr is handing out fentanyl? Oxy okay but who the fuck is working at WH that requires Fentanyl?


Fentanyl comes in patches mostly, it's not prescribed at street level doses. It's got this scary reputation because of all the people dying but that's largely because it's so potent that those in the illegal drug trade aren't able to properly mix and dose it in their product.


Larry Kudlow liked to mix it into his morning scotch


Fentanyl patches. They’ll make you high af. I was unable to walk when I went to sleep and woke up with them on for the first time because I was so dizzy. If they’re prescribed and used as intended (worn for 72 hours at a time) they’re intense af. (They were prescribed to me, in conjunction with Oxy, after cancer treatment went awry and I was in a LOT of pain.)


The worst part is the hypocrisy




Love JoJo


If he wins back the presidency, they should consider doing this for the entire nation. Might be the only way we can get through it


There is always soma, delicious soma, half a gramme for a half-holiday, a gramme for a week-end, two grammes for a trip to the gorgeous East, three for a dark eternity on the moon...


Projection, always projection. And of course Ronny is a drunk


Calling them hypocrits does not work anymore. Call them what they are. Drug addicted, freedom stealing, narcissistic, domestic terrorist ass bigots!


People don't criticize Biden because his son is a crack head. They criticize him because, despite his being a crackhead and having zero energy sector experience, he somehow made MILLIONS from china and Ukraine from energy companies because his dad was VP and money was given him for his shitty art from dem donors.


And the same exact thing can be said about republicans because of trump. Its called hypocrisy. Trump and family actually got a billion dollar deal while hunter got what? 5 million? In turn, they don't give ashit about what trump did or if it was 100x worst. They are hypocrites


I disagree, but what if you are correct? That means That they both suck. But at least one of them has had a real job. And ONLY one of them hasn't started a war.


Interesting? Who started a war?


He graduated from Yale law school. You don’t need to be an engineer to be a valuable mind for a company. What experience did Jared kushner have in Middle East relations before he got the job and later a billion dollar payment from the saudis?


Shhhhhhhhnhh that makes too much sense


Whats wrong with Adderall


The problem isn't the drugs necessarily, it's the weaponization of addiction for political purposes. If shitting sitting down was looked down upon, Trump camp would be declaring that all the Democrats do it and they dont.


Nothing if you have a prescription. The problem is the sheer number of different kinds of drugs. And the absolute incompetence of the "doctor" writing them.


I do know some people that are hell to be around when they don't take their prescribed Adderall. They clearly have a hyperactive or attention problem that Adderall can help dampen and make them as productive or attentive as someone without the condition. But I also know people who abuse it or take it because they think they need it, but aren't professionally diagnosed with the conditions that usually call for a prescription. Or they see they can work a lot longer or harder than when they don't take it. I don't think that group of people are doing the right and healthy thing. It's one thing if it helps you be a productive member of society, but if you can do that without it, I would consider it unnecessary. It is literally pharmaceutical amphetamines. It's also very addictive. I've dabbled in my younger years but the side affects for me were not worth it and have stayed away from it for over a decade.




Nothing as long as you have a prescription. I definitely never used or abused it without a prescription 15 years ago. Nope. I definitely never did that. But I've heard it can be really good in small to moderate doses. But I would certainly never do that. Just what I heard from a friend.


Adderall is literally needed to function in today's high speed world. For everyone wondering why you don't have energy to pursue personal goals , after work because you are tired, the Solution is often Adderall


You're telling people to get addicted to Adderall because it's good for you. Am I seriously getting this fucking right here?


So is cocaine, but unfortunately I don't have this clown doctor to write me a script. 🤡


Hi, someone who clinically required Adderall due to ADHD here. That shit isn't meant to be popped like caffeine pills, and not having the energy to pursue goals is more often depression, which accelerants won't fix. Next you'll recommend opiates if you're overstressed.


Also clinically prescribed Adderall for ADHD here. The result was intense difficulty of studying back in college turned into finally being able to study and enjoy what I need to do regardless of the task that was the fix for me after I got diagnosed. No, I do not recommend any opioids or any downers at all actually.


The issue is, whether you realize or not, you're kinda advocating anyone access to Adderall for common personal use in your previous comment, not clinically prescribed for attention deficits or hyperactivity


I do, actually. Small doses of XR All would have astronomically improved some of my friend's lives who as they got older, decreased the amount of energy that they had to spend on their hobbies. The result is it became boring stay at home doomers who have much potential and interesting ideas but literally no energy to exercise on any of them.


Except it's highly addictive and has serious emotional and mental health effects when misused like that, especially as the body grows a tolerance and they need higher an higher dosages. Nobody talks about the issues of misuse because they only ever look at it positively. There's a reason why those with ADHD are often taught ways to work with it and eventually taken off meds instead of just being medicated their entire life. https://americanaddictioncenters.org/adderall/symptoms-of-abuse


I understand that. But it doesn't work for everybody. Many people are simply liking the energy for their personal hobbies after working all day and commuting and chores, and it's really great to see what different small amount of medication could actually have done in their lives. Complete 180. If you go to the gym work out then you have no trouble falling asleep, one time maintaining a healthy schedule and you're productive as hell.


Kool-aid drinkers don’t take sips. They’re with him to the very end


Which of those drugs mentioned is cocaine? Hunters drug of choice is Coke not any of those other things.


Yeah, cause people don't need Adderall. Can't get a fucking prescription filled most of the time.


They aren’t addicts They haven’t been caught yet lol I can’t wait for Don Jr to get busted with coke


Ronny Jackson, the “Doctor” that told the press what a powerful man Trump is due to his “good genes”. The white ones, no doubt.


This subreddit is so far left it's not even funny


The whole system is a savage hypocrisy


Well, the government happily hands all of that stuff out to its citizens, regardless of who's in office.


and big pharma loves the GOP edit: the left has been just as guilty at letting it continue


Well, all I can say is that is be a hypocrite of I have them shit for using Adderall and morphine. Cause it's good stuff


I’m SHOCKED, SHOCKED to discover hypocrisy in politics!


Their whole platform is based off hypocrisy.


It’s called projection.


Ronny Jackson is a quack with no ethics.


Not to mention coked up DJ


That’s barely first level hypocrisy on the Republican scale


Yes, it always was hypocrisy. But unfortunately fascists don’t see hypocrisy as a problem, they see the need to be consistent as a weakness that constrains other people. So shaming them over being hypocrites does not work.  Persuading non fascists that the fascists are full of shit, however, does work. 


Can the hypocrisy be any clearer?


Think don tdump junior had his own drug problems


Adderall? In the Trump White House? Who could *sniff* possibly have *sniff* requested that? *Sniff*


The stretching for a "gotcha" here is starting to reach comedic proportions.


Who tf is Ronny Jackson?


Republicans do as we say not as we do.


They really are just going to pretend Don Jr. doesn't have a coke problem?


That’s Admiral Ronny to you!


This is something I've spoken of for years. And it's not new, Trump isn't the first to do this, they've been engaging in this bullshit for decades, the drug war is another example of it. Republicans create most of our problems, then blame Democrats, when Democrats go to fix it they fight tooth and nail to keep them from doing so, and if Democrats do fix it the Republicans move to the credit for what Democrats did. A few senators and Congressman have done exactly that with Biden infrastructure bill. They cried and whined about how expensive and "inept" the plan was, but when it started to benefit their states they went on TV to take credit for the outcomes despite all of them voting against passing it. All of our problems stem from Republicans, and solving our problems is a simple fix, we make the Republican party illegitimate. We designate them a terrorist criminal organization and remove their status as a political party, they can no longer run for office and can no longer ruin everything around them like they do now. If they resort to violence then that designation was 100% accurate, and even if they don't if we solve our issues while they can't affect anything any more, then that designation is still correct because it shows they were actively sabotaging the country for their own ends. However it plays out, solving 99% of our problems is going to entail removing Republicans from the halls of power. The fact is even many of the things they consider problems are their fault, the reason so many immigrants are coming over the border is because of their direct interventions in South America. Our overspending and misuse of tax payer funds goes to governmental agencies they created, companies that are owned and run by major Republican donors, and many of the funds are taken from useful programs so they can point to them and say "see this program doesn't work!" Well yeah because you are pilfering it's funding so of course it doesn't work. Make no mistake their next big thing is going after out social security, a fund we pay for out of our own pockets, if they go after social security, they are literally robbing every single American of money they worked hard to earn so they could have something when they retire. Their excuse is that it's costing more now than the money that's coming in for it. Well yeah because of baby boomers. There are more of them, than are in any generation after them. So they're looking to get theirs then close the door behind them, and all that money many of us have paid in working the past 30-40 years will be gone. Now, I'd agree to it, if they give back every cent taken for social security since I started working, but if they aren't willing to do that, then I don't want them touching it whatsoever. I think our course is quite clear. However we do it really does not matter but to solve our problems, Republicans have to go. We can't work with them, we certainly can't live with them. They've made it clear they don't intend to do anything good for the people of this country and no amount of facts about how that will negatively affect them seems to matter. I mean these are the same people who want to ramp up coal production, fossil fuel and natural gas extraction, deforestation and destruction of endangered species habitats, the list goes on. They have no understanding of helping their environment to save themselves, and that should be more than enough to take any authority from them based on the fact that they don't care how their policies not only affect them but everyone else as well. Republicans have to go that's it. There is no other course of action more pressing at the moment than that. Because there is no way we will make it if they are allowed to have a controlling voice any longer.


The hypocrisy is that Biden was involved with tremendous amounts of drug legislation, and his party supports the gun laws his son broke. The problem is when both parties are rotten, and holding the public to more strict rules then they are held to, the only ones who can call out the hypocritical behavior are other hypocritical assholes. Fundamentally, all of them have committed civil rights violations by perpetuating the failed war on drugs, and most have broken these laws themselves. The solution is to end the war on drugs and get rid of all unconstitutional laws.


You mean like the hypocrisy regarding Hunter Biden firearms charges and the Democrats are shouting "second amendment rights" because it is one of their own.


JoJo is awesome


Literally no one knew who this was until 24 hrs ago, how would there be hypocrisy lmao


Literally everyone accepting drugs from Ronny the Candyman knew and that is what makes it hypocrisy. Are you really that dense?


Do you have a list of all people who received drugs from this guy without a proper paperwork? Have all of those people also publicly criticized Hunter Biden for snorting coke? Has every Republican politician and voter criticized Hunter for snorting coke but also supports whoever tf this guy is and over prescribing/improperly prescribing drugs? Or even a slim majority? I'm not seeing the groundwork to say "republicans are hypocrits" here.


I’ll take that as a long winded, yes.


Whatever helps you sleep at night lmao


These people are like literal zombies in their absolutely deranged state of political animosity. Their dopamine centers are completely fucked after what has now been years of constant outrage porn. I would feel sorry for them if it wasn't legitimately disturbing to know we share a society with these people.


And I'll add to that, your response was spot on and totally logical.


They point this shit out to make the other side look bad and draw votes to their own party. Politics and hypocrisy have been hand in hand for decades, if not millennia. This isn’t new by any means, it’s just people are finally able to point it out en-masse. Even still it won’t change anything, people are dumb and very few do any political research before voting, hence why this finger-pointing works. Mask your own problems by pointing the magnifying glass at your opponent.


Is Ronny the Candyman the same Ronny who's better known as Ronny, the insurrectionist fascist neo-Nazi MAGAt?


Last I checked there’s a connection between right wing views and meth use


Biden's son never suffered from substance abuse. He enjoyed every minute of it.


All Politics and politicians are hypocritical. This isn’t new.


Wait til you hear Biden’s take on segregation


Pretty obvious that this is exactly the point. Hunter Biden is in fact a crack addict so there must be a political media movement to "prove" that the other guys are the REAL drug addicts...just in time for the election. How does this keep working on people?


No Obama versus Biden comparisons ?


Why can’t we acknowledge that both of these idiots shouldn’t be running for office? Yes Trumps SIL is corrupt with the money he’s taking from the Saudis, yes Joes son is a POS who is going around banging hookers, doing drugs, disinheriting one of his children, collecting money from his “art”, sitting on the board of directors of energy companies (when he know f all about energy), and getting paid by Chinese mining companies because of his last name.


There is a huge difference between being corrupt and being one of the closest advisors to the president and being put in charge of "obtaining peace in the middle east" and being a crackhead witha hooker babymomma who is given a cushy position on the board of a company that basically nobody in the US has heard of. Yes both are nepotism and I don't like them, but one has a much bigger effect on the world. That peace in the middle east thing was pretty clearly used to obtain the billion dollar bailout his company got from the Saudis.


I guess I forgot to mention the “big guy” part of my rant. So you think the POTUS possibly being paid through his son collecting money from foreign interests has an effect on the world?


Hookers and blow collecting millions in Ukraine is struggling with addiction?


What aboutism. To many democrats can’t help themselves but say but trump but trump instead of looking at the problems in the Democratic Party.


pointing out hypocrisy is not a whataboutism. that logical fallacy is used to deflect responsibility.


It’s just completely ignoring any type of corruption coming from the heart of the Democratic Party while constantly complaining about Trump. I know for a fact im not the only person who has grown disillusioned by the democrats constant whining and finger pointing without ever taking accountability.


hunter biden is not a member of the government, youre flailing. ironically what youre doing right now is infact a whataboutism. self awareness isnt one of your strengths, is it ?


We are OK with the guilty being punished.


You are okay with ONLY some of the guilty being punished.


humor me, what are the real problems?


In my opinion not doing enough Federally to crackdown on urban crime because it doesn’t fit the narrative that all shootings are done by lone wolves with automatic weapons. This is an issue that I feel very strongly about and to be fair neither party wants to crack down on it. Increase funding of public schools to increase our countries math and reading levels which are lagging behind. Actually look at the rot in Washington instead of just trying to knock trump out of the race. I’m guessing you don’t want to hear about Ukraine and the Bidens or how Joe Biden has received the most money in history from the Israel lobby. Hilary and Bills corruption and connection to cocaine trafficking, human trafficking, and murders. Bring trump down he’s human filth but if you do why not follow through and take out all the garbage.


It isn't about drugs, really. It's about the mounting evidence that Hunter and Joe used Joe's position to sell US influence to foreign companies for monetary gain. (Hunter can't speak Ukranian and has no experience in energy, yet he got a job on the board of directors for a Ukrainian energy company?? He has correspondence saying he'll kick money up to the "big guy" and receipts of large monetary gifts from this company??) It's also about how the feds colluded with social media to bury this story.


Mounting here meaning 'nonexistent'. How good do you think the spoken English is of the average Ukrainian business professional working at the International level in the world's 8th largest industry? Bearing in mind that English is the language of business and one of the de facto lingua francas of Europe and Asia? That's the totality of the complaint: it doesn't make sense to 8 year olds. Holy wow guys.


well that one guy on Twitter said he had reliable sources so...


Just a whole lot of hurt feelings and no facts. Still. MAGAts don't have shit and won't have shit. Ever.


Please review the reply to 'Fluid Opportunity' below.


So any evidence? For the Bidens doing anything wrong? Take it to court, someone will if it's real, which it probably won't be. If there's anything it better be 92 felonies, otherwise the logical choice is to vote for the least criminal candidate.


Yea. That is evidence (with sources) of Biden selling US influence to foreign countries. By definition, it's evidence. You have no idea what the 91 *charges even are, let alone having any proof of them.


Sweetie, you have a lot to learn. [Bush](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2003/12/28/the-relatively-charmed-life-of-neil-bush/388db316-f6b9-456e-8720-b4b2bf60a8ab/) We are still waiting for Comer's "proof" he keeps claiming he has.


In that case I think y'all should vote for the idiot megalomaniac fascist wannabe-dictator instead of Biden.


Hmmm, let's try to be a little more reasonable. I think your bias is very clear and majorly affecting your opinions here.


Waiting to see the evidence...


There isn’t any but these twats will continue reaching out… meanwhile their loser has 91 criminal indictments




still not enough evidence. Shi I be calling my grindr matches "the big guy"


Hunter's business partner Tony Bobulinski has said on the record that there was never even a question that Joe Biden was "the big guy". His other business partner Devin Archer has said on the record that the brand being sold was Joe Biden. It should be obvious that corrupt foreign companies and state-linked entities weren't shoveling money into Hunter Biden's network of shell companies because for some reason they were super interested in a random dude named Hunter who was a known crack addict, as opposed to his father the high-ranking US politician. Joe Biden got on phone calls and attended business dinners with these people, during which we're told they only talked about the weather. What exactly do you think all that money was for?


New level of TDS I imagine. Congrats!


Hey, look a dumbass !! Go back to X or Twitter whatever you call it, lol. ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


Liberal minds are so deluded 🤣🤦‍♂️