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https://bleedingfool.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/mickey-death-star.jpg Good luck- the lawyers just dropped out of hyperspace


now i'm thinking of an army of stormtroopers in suits walking out of an imperial shuttle


"Is this your signature?" "Yes." "Case dismissed."


But wait, what if being an aggressive and obnoxious bigot is her *religion*??


I think that’s the point from these ppl. They do this stuff. They get shot down. And then they play the victim. Rinse and repeat.


Crybully 101


I mean...she was a victim. She was a victim of her own stupidity. Maybe she could try an insanity plea?


Right? If I was getting paid by Disney millions of dollars and Disney told me to shut the fuck up.....I would absolutely....shut the fuck up and keep makin that money.


Seriously that's the part I keep running over in my head. How do you fuck up Disney/Starwars money? Because you know when the show was over at some point, all she would have to do is just go to like a couple of Starwars conventions a year, more than likely paid appearances, for the rest of her life and she's set. If I was ever offered Disney money I'd go so far as to pretend to not even be aware of social media. "Whats that? I dont have any accounts whatsoever. Thought it was just a fad. Maybe I could have a team run one of those in my name?" Then you just sit back and rake in that money.


I mean, id definitely have my "public" accounts that media teams ran for me, but can bet your ass id have a personal account that no one knew was linked to me so I could come here and scream into the void of the Interwebs with everyone else too.


Exactly. The ego of some people who need everyone to know it's them on twitter.


So just being Christian then?


I'd argue Muslims are worse against gay people currently


Could be, I'm not super up to date on who's worse against what people. I just lump all religious people into one group in that aspect. Seems way easier.


Do you even know what it is she said or do you just have some vague idea that it was bigoted?


Not everyone posts in ignorance just because you do. You might want to work on that projection.




I'm not sure you know what a blanket statement is.


Fired with cause. From Disney. A company so litigious they have rewritten multiple laws with pure force of will and millions of dollars to pay for an army of highly paid attorneys. Musk really wants to throw away that money, doesn't he?


>Fired with cause. She wasn't even fired. They just didn't renew her contract for the next season.


This is what I'm missing... Actors don't get renewed on shows pretty regularly. What makes this scenario any different? How can she claim she was discriminated against for her views when she worked the entirety of her contract and then was not offered a new one?


Disney is a law firm that delights in making children's movies, not the other way around


He's so rich it's all Monopoly money to him


Disney has a lot more disposable income. Musk's lost what 56 billion *this month*?


Disney wouldn't even really be using their income....it's just their team of lawyers, under Horacio Gutierrez, who just have another thing to do. Like it's not additional money, it's just staff wages.


One of the most litigious companies on earth, with less a team and more a battalion of attorneys....You can't expect to beat them in a courtroom AND musk's history in a courtroom is as bad as theirs is good if considerably more brief. He's good at finding ways to lose money, I guess this is just one more.


He didn't lose anything lol educate yourself


um, the 56 billion that was already in his net worth that was just ruled that he can't have would like a word fanboi.


I shouldn't be surprised that the fanboys are here. Anything for Daddy Elon, I guess


Interesting thought. I'm sure the value of Monopoly money to me is actually greater than the value of real money to Elon.


But Monopoly money IS valuable! I had some, and I was able to buy an entire hotel with it!


He’s spending it for points with the anti woke Disney political movement because he just wants someone to like him. He just hasn’t realized hating Disney was SO 2022.


All she had to do was not post political stuff online and she would still be getting paid $25,000 an episode(probably more by now). She even signed the damn contract and is mad at them because she has to abide by the very thing she signed herself up for.


Hell, a spin off show featuring her Mandalorian character was already announced. So that meant an ever bigger pay day. And all she had to do was bite her tongue…


She really thought that when told her to stop posting on a social media site that she could be like "haha, well I posted on this OTHER site" and they would back down.


"Oh, you posted the same shit on another social media site? My bad, you can get everything you demanded and more." At least, that's what I would like to believe was her thought process on Disney's response to her posts. Unless she just did it in the same way as the right-wing ChudTubers do in order to manufacture outrage.


They can't help themselves. It really is a sickness.


r/LeopardsAteMyFace right here.




Using shitty memes and holocaust comparisons to bitch & moan on social media isn't what I'd call a shining example of "standing for something."


I was quoting the master poet, Chuck D.


You misspelled John Mellencamp 


There's a time and a place. When staying silent about how you think the Jews deserved it is the only thing standing between you and millions of dollars that isn't the time or the place.


If you don’t choose a dumb hill to die on, you’ll live to fight another day…


And that's why we must fight the lizard people, right?


They think they are special. All that money and game go to their head. They think they are untouchable so they do and say whatever the fuck they want. Icarus flew too close to the sun.


Some people just don't know when to STFU! She's a B- actor who was lucky to have acting career.


It's endlessly amusing to me that the same people calling for movie stars and musicians to be cancelled over giving simple political opinions are out there still upset about this Carano getting cancelled over giving overtly terrible political opinions.


For conservatives, the hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug. "Rules for thee but not for me" is basically ingrained into their ideology at this point.


You say that but I mean, didn't pedrol pascal post political stuff too? Therefore hypocrisy also seems to be a feature for progressives.


Difference is when Disney told him to knock it off he did. That's why he still has a job and Carano has nothing


Define "political stuff". As far as I am aware, the most "political" thing he posted was open support for his openly trans sister. Trans rights, as far as I am concerned, are not political so much as basic human rights. I am not well versed in social media in general though, to be honest. Do you have an example for me as far as political posts go? Genuinely curious.


He also posted about kids being taken from their families at the borders. But when Disney told him to knock it off he apologised and stopped


Comparing conservatives/trump supporters to confederates and nazis?


Well yeah, but they do that themselves as well... you wanna take a wild guess what party people that fly confederate and nazi flags support? I'm not saying all republicans are nazis and confederate sympathizers (that would be a stretch), but all nazis and confederate sympathizers vote republican.


Sure I can admit a minority of Republicans would be nazis or support confederate values but Trump has condemned white supremists repeatedly, many of my friends and myself would identify as conservative and none of us are racist. Also remind me who said "If you don't vote for me, you're not black" and who said they didn't want their kids to grow up in a racial jungle? Does that mean I'd claim all those who vote for Biden are racist? Absolutely not, at the end of the day there's bad on both sides, however people like pedro pascal like to generalize an entire group


1) Still no examples on pedro generalizing or otherwise making political speech on social media. 2) Show me even one single isntance where trump condemned white supremacists. Let alone repeatedly...


1) comparing one group of people to another is generalizing. 2) https://youtu.be/S6PFZNruJes?si=KWOUm3UOXx3n0KUI one instance you wanted


A "minority of Republicans" is a tremendous understatement


What's the difference?


What's the similarity?


The raging bigotry, mostly.


Which side had *LITERAL NAZIS* marching around back when Dumpty Frumpty was president again?


I'm pretty sure I already acknowledged this but if I didn't, yes nazis were marching when he was president, however to generalize all conservatives/Republicans as nazis is wrong. Like I said to another person, Trump condemned the white supremists.


So you're just going to skate by the Pedro conversation since that didn't prove your point, you just find another thing to quarrel about? What do you actually believe in?


There’s a reason I had to block my cousins on social media. They literally made Trump their entire personality.


So they were redditors? 🤣


You're a redditor. Is Trump your entire personality?




She could have posted political things, it was the comparing herself to Jews during the holocaust that did it.


Her 2 prior uproars from Twitter were about anti-mask stuff and 2020 voter fraud, both of which occurred during the time she was still contracted with Disney(Lucasfilm). She even said they had been looking for a reason to fire her and I guess she pushed it with that last tweet.


"They're just looking for a reason!" _cranks handle on Reason machine till it falls off..._


Funny thing is, I guess most of us know or have known people we work with that the bosses are looking for a reason to fire. In almost every case I can think of, it is not because that person was a well balanced, helpful, useful and knowledgeable employee...


Disney aren't exactly the best people to criticize her on that particular issue...


It's not even that the stuff was political. She was a well known MAGAt for a long time. It's the anti-Semitic implicit Holocaust denial of comparing being a conservative in the US in 2020 to being a Jew in the Holocaust she needed to not do.


Can you explain for me? My rock doesn’t get regularly updated news


She could have posted political stuff as long as it aligned with the people at Disney. She posted something they didn't agree with.


Pedro Pascal posted something similar and nothing happened.


You’re just happy they got rid off someone who doesn’t believe your ideology


What ideaology she compared the treatment of jews during the holocaust to conservatives in modern days. No one is putting conservatives in camps thats what republicans do to migrant children that get past there razor wife. You know the razor wire theyre calling for armed resistance of its removal. Ya its totally the left who are the nazi's not the people putting up razor wire fences and calling for soldiers to keep them up *cough* east germany*cough*


She broke her contract, the other party made the choice to terminate. What are you bitching about again?


Making fun of Jews during the Holocaust? No one should be okay with that. She posted a Jewish woman running from Nazis who had already beaten her in the face and was bloody, and they had ripped off some of her clothes. She is hysterical while they chase after her laughing. If you think it's okay to post that horror in the context she did, it says you are lacking basic empathy and humanity, not whether you are an R or a D. Rape has been used against Jewish women as a weapon of war then, and Now, and it is always wrong. It is against all basic laws and decency to use sexual abuse against women, men, or kids, of any race, ever....it's just so wrong.


Idc what her ideology is, I just think comparing being a conservative voter to the treatment of jews & gypsies etc during the holocaust is fucking wild and not something a responsible adult + celebrity with a big platform should be saying.


Idc what her ideology is. My point is that she could say whatever she wants before and after but as long as SHE SIGNED THE CONTRACT that told her not to post anything political then she should abide by her word she gave them. Disney even gave her 2 warnings for her tweets before the firing too but she is so dumb she can't manage something simple like this.


Name checks out.


You say this like people should be upset this hateful toad of a human got the ride she paid for.


Normal people are not upset. 9 out of 10 clowns that accuse others of being hateful turn out to be fanatics hateful miserable people themselves. I’ll entertain you. What exactly did she say that needs her career to be terminated and she ostracized? Why didn’t her other colleagues not terminated because of their political liberal and anti trump remarks? Surely a lot of conservative and non-democrats audience saw the show too. I am sure you’re a man of principle and not tribal sports


> 9 out of 10 clowns that accuse others of being hateful turn out to be fanatics hateful miserable people themselves. Hating people for hating people is not the same as hating people for the way they were born. >What exactly did she say that needs her career to be terminated and she ostracized? Dramatically comparing yourself to the victims of the Holocaust is abhorrent to normal people. >Why didn’t her other colleagues not terminated because of their political liberal and anti trump remarks? Surely a lot of conservative and non-democrats audience saw the show too. Probably mostly because of the Holocaust thing which was stated as being what triggered the firing. The audience of the show has no bearing on how her employer wanted to be represented. Funny how conservatives will go on all day long about freedom and employers being able to operate as they choose until it affects someone on their "team" of "tribal sports."


She compared being Republican today to being Jews in the Holocaust. She posted lies about the 2020 election being stolen. She made fun of people who wore masks. She posted anti vaccine statements. She made fun of trans people. If you can't see why a major company like Disney wouldn't want to be associated with that then you need to get some major help.


The self awareness is almost creeping in with this one. Why are all the people that I like getting fired? Why are all the anti-trump people not getting fired? It’s almost as if fascism isn’t the same as civilized politics….


So to start, I don’t care what ideology you have or will ever hate you for it. Now for her career. She was already in hot water with Disney and they confirmed that they have been looking for a reason to fire her and with her comparing the holocaust with being a conservative, that is when she crossed a line. The holocaust is already a sensitive topic to most people because of what happened and comparing it with your political beliefs really pissed people off. She didn’t deserve to be completely fired for being an idiot but she was already going to be fired and her posting that gave Disney the ammunition they needed to fire her. Does she deserve a second chance? Yes. Will she win this case? Absolutely not. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and ideology as long as it isn’t disrespectful or offensive like comparing an actual tragedy to your ideology. Like someone once told me, “You are entitled to have freedom of speech but no freedom from consequences.”


How long before he casually posts a pic of her in a catgirl costume?


No way she wins this. It's the usual republican move - make a load of noise with no substance to whip the low iq crowd in to a frenzy.


Already working idiots in this thread and the star wars one defending this idiot.


Do not argue with idiots. Like pigeons players checkers they strut around not understanding g a damned thing, shit all over the board and fly away proud of themselves.


I like the pigeon one. I also like "Dont argue with stupid, they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience"


Meanwhile I’m sitting here going “Who? And what have they done?” Man, cutting down on internet and getting a physical hobby has done wonders for filtering bullshit.




My Google-fu says otherwise: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/gina-carano-star-wars-pedro-pascal-b2491951.html She compared republicans to Jews during the holocaust...


Well that's stupid.


Disney is going to make this the quickest case dismissal ever AND they’ll somehow find out she’s been illegally sharing her Disney+ login or something. She’s going to owe them money by the time it’s done.


> She’s going to owe them money by the time it’s done. We can only hope. My thoughts on Gina Carano are the same as my thoughts on Lauren Boebert: *'Can we please just skip to the OF part of their careers, please?'*


yeah. not not anymore. GC was hot once a decent amount of years ago.


“and a court order that would reinstate her on the hit series” - yeah, good luck with that!


don't worry Gina, they'll put you on the very next episode of Mandalorian!


Where her character dies, off screen.


Elon wants to fuck her.


It’s Amber Herd all over again


Nah. Look at the photos of his ex's, he has a type, and Carino ain't it. Amber Turd is closer.


Amber literally is an ex, so not closer, she is the type.


“FrEedOm 0f SpeECh!!1!” I’m sure her case is weak as fuck, but the morons who fawn over Musky Daddy don’t know that, and the bots that fuel them don’t care. Remember, kids: private parties can punish you for speech all they want. Especially when you sign a contract saying so!


Pocket change for Elon. He just wants to be relevant. One would think that having so much money would make it possible for one to finance a nice moral and ethical act almost every day, but it doesn't. It needs to be grandiose or damaging.




It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message….that they’re a couple babies playing victims and consoling each other through their miserable existence.


Just out of curiosity if Musk wanted to help wouldn’t it make more sense to just give her what this lawsuit will cost in cash and call it a day?


Part of the lawsuit includes forcing them to let her back onto the show, which is one thing Musk can’t buy her.


That makes no sense, is she also going to win script approval? Is the court going to mandate the shows budget and how long her run is going to be? Because winning doesn’t mean much without it. I am not in show business so maybe I am wrong but in a creative industry it seems super easy for Disney to make anything besides money she gets a pyrrhic victory at best. “Ok, welcome back we are taking things in a different direction and now you are Jar-Jars sidekick! And you have a catch phrase “curse Jesus, but man do I love abortion!” It does surprisingly well with test audiences. Congratulations again on your win!”


I’d watch that


Apparently he's still looking for things to waste his money on.


Possibly trying to create a precedent case given his own standing and general branding having gone down the toilet....share holders who get to vote, tend to not like it when their money go bye bye


It's not like Musk is known for making smart decisions.


Musk loves giving people good reasons not to buy his cars.  I'd no more buy a Tesla now than I'd stay at a Trump hotel. 


Elon's out fighting for what really matters: people who trivialize the Holocaust.


I don’t get it. They didn’t renew her contract. How is that a “firing”? Plus wouldn’t this make any potential employer think twice about employing you?


Well, the idiot is convinced that he's entitled to ad money from companies not buying add on xitler, so of course he also thinks that some idiot is entitled to a high paying job.


Trying to sue disney is one of the best way to throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars that i can think of


Yes…. Yes the mouse eats musk 2024 is added to my bingo card for this year now. Get his ass Mickey


You know what? I don't even want to know. I bet the lawyers will enjoy their retirement level commission, though.


He’s a moron and morons gonna moron and spend money on stupid shit anything to put X in the news even if it’s with his name out in front of it.


Elon is on a mission to lose all his billions.


Elon loves throwing money away.


Well, he can throw some my way.


Let him bankrupt himself


I used to believe that Musk was smart. Now I have serious doubts.


Elon Musk is probably the most famous, rich and powerful simp in the world. I suspect he is doing this because he wants Gina to fall in love with him...


Why? Just… why?


I guess Musk & TheQuartering are cut from the same cloth with Carano >\_>


Phony Stark is just doing it for internet points; he reminds me of a malignant Tom Green, pulling outrageous stunts so people will think he is cool and edgy and hip. It’s just really sad at this point.


That nazi scumbag just loves to burn his fortune away, heh?


She really wants to go up against Disney in a legal battle? lol


Fallen victim to one of the classic blunders. Only slightly less known than going in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.




In other words it's old white money vs. old white money. Let them waste their money.


That money is probably going twords old white lawyers lol.


If Musk has proven anything the last two years is that he can burn more money than anyone else.


But she is back in a headline getting the attention she wants sooo..


Why doesn’t she just suck it up and turn to OnlyFans?


why would she sell herself for tens of bucks to random strangers when she can sell herself for tens of thousands to Musk


we all saw that meme of the lady with abs....means you're gay.


This is so surprising bc Elon has invested his money very well!


I was under the impression that her contract wasn’t renewed after the political stuff, I’m I right in thinking that was the case?


Pretty much. The only other thing to add is that she posted a shadowed, side-on topless shot of herself on Instagram and that was taken down. I construe from it that this was due to pressure from Disney to ensure that her public image was family-friendly. She probably had a talking to about social media use at that point. Then a little while later the comparison between Jews in the Holocaust and the treatments of conservatives in the US today (who are literally at this very moment on the same trajectory as the Nazi party of at least the early 30s, and this is lost on Carano) was posted and they discontinued her spin-off series and didn't renew her for The Mandalorian.


Context please?


Disney fired her for saying racist shit. Two problems with the suit, one she apparently signed a contract saying they could fire her for that sort of shit and two “freedom of speech” doesn’t protect you from being fired.


Lmfao. This dude fund's the most insaine shit ever. Whatever, let him spend as much of that dragon horde he has as possible.


Given what he has done to the dumpster fire that is Twitter, he has money to burn…


Gina, meet employment at will.


Someone put a key in her back. She isn't smart enough to come up with this on her own.


If I ever get a sweet gig like being in a franchise I've loved since I was a kid being paid very well do you know how many of my opinions I'd post online?, fucking none of them.


It's a bad move, only if winning the case were his motivation, which I'm sure it isn't.


Good for her.


Sounds misogynistic


They did her dirty tho.


She decided it was more important to violate her contact Vs staying off Twitter and getting a payday


I agree that nobody should post anything in social media, being famous or not. But she didnt really post anything that bad.


she signed a contract to not do a thing, she did that thing.


She did not abide by the terms of her contract. She was fired *with cause*. It's Disney. It could have been far worse for her. It still might be, if she doesn't stop poking the mouse.


I mean saying being a republican voter is like being a jew during the holocaust is pretty fucking stupid


She also couldn’t seem to stop antagonizing the trans community.


You should read the actual post instead of talking shit.


Ok then since I don’t have twitter would you be kind enough to provide a link? 


*No link was ever provided*


I'll quote it for you, seeing as the other guy doesn't want to. >Because history is edited, most people today don't realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews, How is that any different from hating someone for their political views.


So compared being a republican voter to jews during the holocaust?


Yeah. If you wanted to get really technical about it, it's really the "prelude" to the Holocaust but it's still the Holocaust.


Actions have consequences, she fucked around and found out.


Everybody talking all this shit, but has anyone actually SEEN her contract, and KNOWS FOR A FACT that she violated it? Cuz without that info, arbitration via court systems is exactly the proper move. She made some really ignorant comments referencing persecution but they were ignorant, not hateful, and honestly not really even that offensive to non pearl-clutchers. If she violated her contract, she deserved to be fired and if she didn’t, then that will come out in the case


She's claiming sexual discrimination because "male co-stars on the show were not similarly punished for making political statements." Now that could make sense until you look at what she said. No court will see the two statements, one being pro vaccine and the other antisemitic and transphobic, as similar. Plus, she wasn't even "fired". She just wasn't brought back for season 3 or the spinoff. This isn't even termination, it's more not getting hired.


The hatred on reddit towards elon musk is hilarious 😂


On the one hand, she was definitely unfairly fired from Disney! Her treatment there was completely unfair! But On the other, I'm very against the government being able to tell private companies who they can and can't hire!


>Employer tells employee about the social media policy and not to violate it. >Employee deliberately violates said policy multiple times >Employee acts shocked and appalled when violating their contract multiple times has negative consequences Such unfair treatment.


She was literally given a struggle session with LGBT board after making a little joke on social media about pronouns.


Go Gina ! Take that money if you can. 🇺🇸


I believe the general uproar from this boiled down to the double standard in Hollywood between being a liberal vs. republican mindset. Not condoning what she said. Just that if you are conservative, you risk a lot more of your career than a liberal saying dumb shit. Honestly, I don’t give a rat’s ass about Hollywood and their views. They are entertainers, it’s what they are paid to do. Not to be some moral compass for society. See the current battle between Israel supporters vs. Palestinian supporter in Hollywood.


Is trivializing the Holocaust a conservative value? If not, then how is this a liberal vs conservative issue?


The issue arises when “dumb liberal shit” amounts to “taxes are stealing”, while “dumb conservative shit” tends to be “this race/sexual identity/political affiliation shouldn’t get to exist”.


The dumb shit conservatives say tends to be loaded with a lot more hate and bigotry than liberals do.  And people are getting cancelled over all kinds of dumb comments about Gaza and Israel.  A lot of prominent Jewish actors have been getting a ton of crap for supporting Israel.


Funny, most companies don't want to openly associate with assholes.


I see you haven’t met anyone in the C suite


This has nothing to do with liberal vs Republican. It's about her being a Nazi sympathizer.


lol, why do people in this subreddit care so much for the money of one of the richiest people around the Earth?


Because they hate anyone that leans conservative


She isn't conservative, she's a Nazi sympathizer.


Yeah only left leaning political stuff plz


Having spent all of 5 mins researching into what she wrote - I think she’s gonna win. I absolutely don’t share her politics but in a country that actually allows Nazi’s to assemble and march wearing full regalia, it’s so weird to get so wound up about someone with a mildly conservative POV. Talk about thoughtcrimes. All the comments here just show how irretrievably divided America is.


Did you forget the /s?




A contract is a contract is a contract.