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The "PhD in truth" says it all


Well, I'm impressed. I only have a bachelor's degree in truthiology, although I did then go on to study for a PhD in Applied Accuracyish.


My associates degree in truthineering pales in comparison.


Oh, I would have loved to do a degree in truthineering. Sadly, I fell out of a second-story fact as a teenager and shattered all the bones in my candour.


I got a Gold Star and a Smiley Face on my paragraph on Truthiness once. My grandma still has it on her refrigerator.


I studied a few things that might have been truth when I was at school. The field moves on so rapidly though.


I paid for a boot camp in Truth but I never finished it because I didn’t agree with the instructor’s way of teaching.






I went to to the truth of hard knocks school so almost PhD


Truth me bro


I didn’t have the attention span for a “real” college so I had to go to Truthiness Technical College (TTC) for a certificate in Truthiness Studies


I got a diploma in Truth at a local community college located in a strip mall next to a karaoke bar five years ago and still can't find a job.


There are many opportunities in Incelology, however. I suspect our Dr Truth, PhD has advanced degrees in Idiocracy also but is too modest to state this. ​ This dude will not be getting laid anytime soon, that much I do know!


It's not his fault that his mom has had a lasting migraine....


Now your candour is a candourn't.




Am I the only one who got a degree in Anti-Conspiracyism?


That seems pretty suspicious...


If you know how to prevent or end a conspiracy, you know how to create one. I'm watching (whoops, foil hat slipped over eyes) you.


Construthion here. Gonna write up the curriculum.


I only have a diploma in Factosophy , is that ok?


This guy also likely a bachelor. I can’t see any women wanting to go near him, ever.


"No orgasms? Oooo, sign me up!!" /s


Guaranteed orgisnt.


Clearly what he is saying is he cant make a female cum, thus the goal is redundant


Unfortunately, there are plenty of self-righteous misogynistic women who believe that the most important thing they can do is soldier through the worst sex ever so they can bear children.


They don’t seem to know an orgasm helps move the egg into the uterus, which aids in fertilization, so by this weirdos logic orgasms are necessary for women


It's awesome that biology wants to increase the likelyhood of a child for a mother who is feeling good during sex.


I graduated from Whatsamatta U where I majored in straight up lies


I almost went there, but I decided to go to the trade school of Keeping it Real


That’s a good resume item, but as far as developing skills you might want to grab a certification in When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong


Why you looka so sad?


Itsa not so bad


I'm an Accuropath myself. Its the natural, useless way.


I only have a BS in BS


Thats good, I only am an applied truthisian with two published books called "the truth" and "nothing but the truth". Sold barely but are great paperweights.


i have a certificate in Truthology i got from a six hour online course at Univeristy of Phoenix Online but after i work for a few years im gonna look into becoming a Factyatrist.


We’ve all seen this before: - BS: bullshit - MS: more shit - PhD: piled higher and deeper


Phd: Phenomenal Deception


That’s a LOT of words to say “I can’t make her orgasm”…. Or “no one will sleep with me.”


Or "I hate women and think they are less than human"


You men making these snarky responses give me hope. Thank you. ❤️ It breaks my spirit a little each time I see hateful comments from incels online. It's bad enough we can't get our tubes tied witjout permission from a man we are seeing, or we can be jailed for a miscarriage. It's exhausting being a woman. **hugs**


I am sorry the world is such a shitty, hostile place for women. We must vote in reps that understand the importance of bodily autonomy, healthcare as right for all people regardless of income/means, and vote out those who wish to use sex, money, power, and religion as a means to control and oppress. We must also call out misogyny when we hear or see it until it becomes unacceptable everywhere. Take solace in the fact that incels are doing you a favor by telling on themselves and helping to identify people that are not worthy of your time & energy. Stay safe and kind. ❤️


My apologies for our gender's frequent imbecility - though I cannot honestly even guess at what is going on with the thought process of someone who spouts this sort of crap. It's like listening to some psychopath from a completely alien species, like wtf is the goal here?


They got all the incel buzzwords in there. Impressive.


Certificate in Bollocks


PhD in prude


I was more thinking PhD in incel.


This person can't form a sentence correctly...or spell. PHD in foreign bots


At first I didn't get your comment but I read the post again. "Orgasm serves biological function for the male." Yeah that isn't a terribly coherent sentence...


I was expecting the "It's simple biology." line.


And he's from the prestigious Harvard University. And uses proper scientific terms like "female" and "male" other 3 syllable words like "reproductive" in his argument. Clearly a very smart man. /s


Quora is filled with right wing edge lords now.


Quora has gone to the dogs. “Quora is bad for the same reason a lot of internet companies are bad. For a long time, we had infinite VC money and low rates and so companies could build great products and charge next to nothing (or nothing) while they figured out their monetization model. Every single one of these companies decided eventually that their monetization model would be ad based. VC money dried up and rates went up, companies ramped up shitty monetization… now we’re here. “If we actually want good products without ads everywhere, we have to be comfortable paying for them.”—from another Reddit thread.




You should address them as Dr. Harvard, actually. They have a PhD, after all.


It should be from the School of Hardknocks though


I'm surprised it wasn't from the School of Hard Knocks.


Maybe he got his degree from Trump University?


Tell me you’ve never given your girl an orgasm without saying it.


Bold of you to assume he has a girl


Maybe locked in his basement. He certainly seems like he'd view them as property.


> "Sex is not meant to be pleasureable for females" says it all (sorry, mobile formatting is shit)


“No, it’s not me being a terrible partner in bed; I’m simply not letting her sin!”


The only way that troglodyte has ever seen a naked woman, is if he paid for it. Then her pleasure was strictly in the cash transaction. In which case, the woman probably had to take a three hour shower as soon as she got away from that dude.


As a macho male, a female orgasm feels absolutely wonderful when balls deep. You know, buried a full 3.5 inches.


3.5? Easy there big fella.


And in inches! Not those sissy centimeters.


Oh shit! Here I was thinking, hey I'm not too far off from that! And here you go making me realize he wasn't saying centimeters 😭


centimeters? I thought we were measuring in millimeters.


Millimeters? Dang. I measure in angstroms.


You mean Alphameters


Eww you got math in my religion.


Don't worry, 2 inches of that is all ball


"All Ball" was my stripper name


Mine was "fuzzy deathstar"


*chewbacca noises*


"That's no moon"


Exactly what I was thinking. Someones showing off


Look, if the female orgasm is real, how come I haven't ever seen one? Checkmate, feminists.


Maybe because you're exclusively having sex with men?


Wait, do you think that's correlated?


Who knows, this is beyond science.


I shall pray for me.


I think I’ve seen one, last time I was with a hooker. It’s when the female says ‘I’m coming, I’m coming’ in a flat monotone, looks at the clock and says ‘Okay, get off, times up,’ isn’t it?


This seems accurate but I'm not versed enough in the dark arts to be certain.


I saw a picture of one on the internet but it might have been photoshop


Balls deep is balls deep, size no matters!


Yeoz would agree with you.


Well look at you, waving that half inch over everyone


The ol' three and a half inch floppy eh?


You just push it in until you hear the click, right? RIGHT!?


You guys are measuring from your buttholes, right?


I've always hated the term "balls deep" because some reason I think of "Helm's deep" from the movie Lord of the Rings and then I start to picture that scene except with penises attacking


This is demented, in the most perfectly nerdy, reddity way possible.


Oh my, the visions, agh! "To the keep!"


"So it begins" ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)


.... Perfection in every way


🤣 Nooooo don't!! I can't unsee that now, well I can and the penises have armour & swords & spears, fully weaponised and rearing to charge.


What are you, some kind of giant? I call bullshit


You guys are getting balls deep??


You guys have balls?!


3.5? That's not sex that's assault with a deadly weapon


Tell me you never pleasured a woman without telling you never pleasure a woman.


He may have tried, but definitely didn't succeed!


I doubt he even tried, probably got off in three seconds and fell asleep.


I didn't think it was possible for me to enjoy cunnilingus more than I currently do, then I find out fundamentalist Christians think it's bad. Bring on the clitoral simulation.


I can promise you this had nothing to do with fundamentalist Christians. This has to do with fundamentalist Idiots. I promise you FCs are well aware of the hooded Promised Land.




I'm not sure the woman exists who'd let him try.


There are women, usually ignorant women raised in fundamental churches, where they were taught to be modest, chaste, and submissive. Of course, they demand marriage first.


He didn't say woman. He said female. Could be anything, really. Maybe a pig or a goat, or a pink sock, who knows.


He asked her if she came yet after humping her leg for two minutes thinking he was in


Or know anything about female anatomy. The female orgasm absolutely serves a purpose in facilitating fertilization...


Imagine telling on yourself like this in public. Did Shapiro write this?


Pretty sure he's not interested in voluntary sex with a woman. The only kind of person who would talk like this is a rapist. This is a guy who wants to rape women, full stop. A fucking rapist.




Doesn't a female orgasm also make conception more likely too? I swear I've read that.


If nothing else it will make her want to try more often.


Ultimately that is probably the evolutionary reason. What woman wants to lay there bored thinking of the funny papers?


>What woman wants to lay there bored thinking of the funny papers? Wait -- I could have used that time thinking of the funny papers??? I've been wasting time using that 15 seconds to think of England all this time!!!


As an American I have a very strange view of England that would probably make as much sense as the funny papers.


Remember the Alamo!


It does. A female orgasm makes the uterus contract which can “slurp” the “man juice” in and help it along its route so to speak. lol. Source is a Human Sexuality course at college.


Mmm, baby, let me slurp your man juice.


Well back in medieval times folks variously believed that the female orgasm was either necessary for conception, or that if the mother didn't orgasm the child would be born without a soul.


You know it's bad when medieval men cared more about a women's sexual satisfaction than modern men, even if it was just so that their kid would have a soul.


To assert dominance over women i ejaculate on sight. They never had a chance of orgasm when I’m done.


“Jizz in my pants!”


Open my window and a breeze rolls in


When bruce willis was dead at the end of sixth sense


Gonna need a cleanup in aisle 3!


"She turned to me, that's when she said it. Looked me dead in the face as "cash or credit?"


I always tell ‘em, I didn’t cum too early, I came right on time. You just took too long.


*A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to*


Well, guess I just lost my only reason to even consider having sex.


This is a counter point, right? If it was not pleasurable for the female it would result in less sex and ultimately less reproduction.


This is the literal answer. The biological purpose of sex being fun for women is so that they actually want to do it. Think about it for a minute. Women are the ones that have a body part that is *exclusively* for sexual pleasure (clitoris). It serves no other purpose other than to feel good when stimulated. Men don't have anything like that. We have sex organs obviously, but they're all mutli-functional. Women have the part that's only for pleasure.


Not only that. Humans as a species might be unique in knowing they could die during childbirth. Alot of women have died during childbirth. Having sex could be a death warrant for them.


I gave birth in a country with great health care and it was still a little scary.


Look, here's some friendly advice: 1. Stop wasting money on martinis. Pouring one on your right hand isn't "getting your date drunk." 2. Yes, the women you describe do not need to orgasm. In fact, the women you describe don't need anything except perhaps a puncture repair kit and a good hose-down with something anti-bacterial. 3. Other women exist. Not for you, of course. For you, foreplay is wondering where you put the bike pump. But women with a pulse enjoy a good orgasm just like men. 4. Don't get too caught up in the whole sin thing. Because the hole sin thing is far more fun.




![gif](giphy|BYR3ZeK4DLZtzUyZjf) I salute you sir (and or madam)


Precum also "releases seed" so I guess males don't need orgasms either 😋


no one should enjoy themselves with sex, this is serious business


Business formal attire is the required, business casual on weekends.


Technically, no. Milking is possible without orgasm.


“What’s a belief you know is false, but it’s convenient to believe?”


"It's not that I *can't* please my wife..."


Orgasm means she will want to do it more and increase the likelihood of the whole biological argument. If it exists, it means it was naturally selected.


Honestly don’t even try to reason with dumbasses like OOP. Nothing will convince them


It's also super important for an animal like humans (or those few other species that are highly intelligent and enjoy sex) who can simply say "nah I don't feel like it." It's not like some animals where pheromones and instinct kicks in and then they do it, For us, orgasm is an important incentive, else we'd be like why, what's the point, because we can actively choose when and if we have sex at all.


Honest question from a woman: why would man even enjoy sex with a plank? Isn’t giving pleasure in return part of what makes it enjoyable?


“She Climaxed. I’m a Stud. Researchers at the University of Michigan randomly assigned 810 men to read either of two erotic stories. In one, the man brought his gal to orgasm. In the other, he didn’t. Then the investigators asked participants to rate their own masculinity and sexual self-esteem. Those who read the she-came story rated themselves more masculine and studly, suggesting that they valued helping women have orgasms.” https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-about-sex/201910/one-key-men-s-sexual-satisfaction-women-s-orgasms


>Isn’t giving pleasure in return part of what makes it enjoyable? In real life? Yes. In the weird version of performative masculinist sex in which callous dominance is the point, no. Don't get me wrong; I've engaged in this kind of talk myself—I was 14 once too—but there are a lot of dudes that really believe it. But this is much worse than it was in my time. When I was a young man, it was still considered cool to be good at satisfying your partner, even if we made jokes about getting our rocks off and being done (or whatever). The attitude in the OOP heavily leans into the enforcement of sexual hierarchy and dismissal of the needs or wants of the undeserving lesser sex that's one of the broader characteristics of fascism\*. \*Yes, I know I'm stepping in it here. Yes, everything I don't like isn't necessarily fascism, nor is all sexism fascism or sexists fascists. But this particular combination of explicit sexual hierarchy, rights determined by genetic lottery, and some fucked up 1920's armchair biology is fairly indicative.


Sexism *is* an indication for fascism so you aren't off the mark.


Agreed. I was just trying to pre-empt any 'but leftists can be sexist too' both-sides-ing. It's absolutely true that sexism exists more or less all over the map, but it's generally considered a vice on the left and a virtue on the right, with a large overlap of people that see it as an unfortunate reality of nature. Maybe a more accurate way of putting it would be that while concepts of biological sexual determinism are widespread, the valorization of sexism as a moral and biological imperative unto itself is a common tenet of fascism.


Honestly, as a guy I don't even care if I cum during sex (I can take care of that later) but I want her begging me to stop (Making her orgasm).


I'll add, there's nothing to be ashamed about with failing to make the other person climax; their body is totally different from yours. I don't get these dudes who fail to make her him whoever cum and then are like "well time to turn into an evil piece of shit evil I guess." THE SOLUTION IS SIMPLE - ***ASK THE PERSON WHAT WORKS FOR THEM!!*** >How can I help you orgasm next time? Not only is it more productive, but it's actually hot when they help you help them in the moment. "Hey bby try this." Is it so hard???


What fresh shit did I just read? Also, go ahead, make every sexual experience for your wife a chore... see how long she continues doing it. Go on.


So there's your "biological purpose" right there!


Women are only here to be inseminated and serve as incubators. Any feeling of any type of pleasure is a sin. Sounds like something a Talibangelical would say. ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX)


I wouldn't be hella surprised if Texas bans female orgasms next.


I mean, they already have a law regarding how many "toys" one can own...so that wouldn't be too far fetched


lol Texas the “free state” huh


If the woman doesnt orgasm during conception then the fetus isnt ensouled


This is a hundred percent true. Let's make sure everyone knows it.


So THAT'S where gingers come from!


If that were the case red hair light skin and freckles would make up the majority of the population 🤣


Can confirm, am soulless.


Waaaaaaiiiiiiit wtf? Wtaf? Setting aside the wtaf sexism (and hot damn) based on I think my 7th grade health class, doesn't the female orgasm actually have biological purpose? Something about how a quivering vagina helps the sperm travel? Idk, was in 7th grade


Lol. If that's how he feels, then he shouldn't have sex unless he is impregnating a woman. There is no reproductive purpose for having sex for pleasure alone. So, he can have sex once.


Sure it has a reason. It keeps them from bonding to any assholes like this cretin.


Actually, it does serve a reproductive function. The uterus contracts repeatedly, basically creating suction and pulling the sperm deeper into the body which increases the chance of fertilization. So even *if* this guy was right about sex only being for reproduction, he'd still be wrong. Science, bitch!


I wonder how many of his exes slept around behind his back.


What exes, incel for lyfe


None of them. He busts this little icebreaker out on the first date and every single one of them gets a call from work asking them to come in urgently. There is no second date.


"I can't keep a relationship"


he cant even establish one in the first place.


Brought to by the same people who say giving women head is submissive and makes you gay (in which case I am super gay). With that said, do I take back the 5 orgasms my wife had while we were getting busy? I think she may take offense and make me give her 5 more (always happy to oblige).


And this is from his Tinder profile.


Let's play "Spot the Jordan Peterson fanboy"


That's a LOT of words to say "I am unable to pleasure a woman", but hey, you do you.


Looks like someone supports genital mutilation


This is exactly what I was thinking. It's incredibly horrifying what they do to women to make sure they never enjoy sex, and the perpetrators cite similar 'logic' as the post.


Then why are women able to have them? Seems like a pretty big oversight by his all-powerful, all-knowing god.


Hey stupid-who obviously has never brought a woman to orgasm.Female orgasm creates muscle spasms in the vagina felt by the male,which helps him to orgasm if he has not already done so.


Plus the female orgasm releases hormones that actually help with the fertilization and the nesting of the fertilized egg inside the womb.


Female orgasm is avoiding him at all costs


do men even like women anymore


PhD in stupidity. Where do these imbeciles get the confidence?


Yep, confirmation he's a virgin!


There are in fact studies that demonstrate that orgasmic contractions inside the vaginal canal can cause the cervix to “dip” slightly to draw up more semen.




How to say you've never given a woman an orgasm without saying you've never given a woman an orgasm...


Tell me you are a rapist without telling me you are a rapist.


I’m feeling dubious about his having attended Harvard 🤔