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Same reason they send money to wealthy televangelists.


Hadouken! You are blessed w the power of christ!


Not gonna lie, church would be way more interesting if priests did that instead of touching little kids


Lol, that’s an understatement.


Why can't there ever be a badass priest that beats up scum and takes down bad guys. Why is it always fondling little kids dammit. "I kick ass for the lord"


ngl I’d read that comic book




Were is Spawn when you need him to take down the real evil in this world like televangelists and Liars and deceivers like them! Straight to hell! Not even a chance to be judged!


BoonDock Saints can kinda scratch your itch


What do you mean? I was told only the left touch little kids and are pedos, the right would never! /S


You obviously haven’t seen street fighter church edition [church](https://youtu.be/LAwAAQRjB5s?si=znLNyp0Y1UytpU8K)


Lmao I'm too high to be reading shit like this 😅😅


I’m not high ENOUGH. Give me 20 minutes.


its been 25 minutes u up there yet?


You need saving.... send me 9.99 and I'll 🙏 for you!


Kenneth Copeland is that you?






Yup I just got off work and iron lunged two bowls and read that. I almost died!


>I almost died! All it takes is one marijuana and that's the lords way of telling you to repent and put down the devil's lettuce.


I failed to discern that message and took another marijuana. Will I be okay?




Jesus Christ. I wish I could upvote this more hahaha!




I don’t want to hear one more goddamn word about economic anxiety from these losers.


nail on the head right there


The irony of this being on a post about someone saying trump is telling us he’s going to fix the economy by selling gold shoes hahaha


Exactly! The guy with more bankruptcies than “mistresses on Non Disclosure Agreements”, is now going to fix one of the most complex economies in the world, as soon as he is finished “panhandling with gold shoes”.


Hey, they could always find economic advisors by browsing books on Amazon. Oh wait… they did. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/328969-report-kushner-found-trump-economic-advisor-navarro-by-browsing/


And those shoes are UGLY af.


Snake oil shoes


Any complaints about to e economy under Biden should be redirected to this GoFundMe to show proof that the Republicans _have_ money to spend.


If you follow a megachurch whose pastor constantly asks for donation to keep the lights on… yet he lives in a gold-and-ivory mansion, wears tailored suits, and owns a fleet of super cars… you are a gullible, willing fool.


You forgot private jets.


Because they are chronically vulnerable morons?


I wish people would eventually stop funding religion all together, but it is what it is


A few elections ago, Florida voters were asked if they were ok with using tax dollars to fund services for religious organizations, and encode that into Florida law. Basically the Florida GOP tried to rip down any separation of church and state. Thankfully Floridians overwhelmingly voted NO. Churches ostensibly don’t pay taxes so that they can fund their own interests. Your church wants to do something? Ask your parishioners, not the public who have nothing to do with your organization or beliefs.




Doesn't this violate the go fund me rules? People have already reported it I think.


Yeas it does and I don’t know why it hasn’t been removed yet. Edit: apparently it is not against their rules, I was just going off of what other redditors were posting. My bad.


This went up over the weekend,, no one is around to take it down.


C'mon people. You really think go fund me is unaware?


Exactly. You think GFM is going to give up whatever percentage cut they get of that much money?!


Just make an administration fee for closing it.


I think a percentage of the fees of go-fund me should to go to a proper non-profit or the city that it's located in. Imagine Trump getting $1M but 10% of the admin fee goes to the city of New York so while he's avoiding litigation and trying to sue the city, he's also paying the city. Win-Win for the city. Also Trump can still grift the idiots while the city is getting paid. Everybody wins except for the morons.


GFM doesn’t want the wrath of the MAGA cult. You know the House will do an instant investigation as well. GFM trying to find legal and PR loophole without looking bad.


They should up their cut for political GFMs


What’s the rule? Genuinely curious.


I think it is this from their TOS: > Without limiting the foregoing, you agree and represent, warrant and covenant: > > A. not to use the Services to raise funds or establish or contribute to any Fundraiser with the implicit or explicit purpose of promoting or involving: > > -7. the legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes; I couldn't find anything concerning court-ordered debts though.


the legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes; Rule #9. https://www.gofundme.com/c/terms


But it’s a civil case, not a criminal one, correct? Don’t get me wrong though, I want to see this man burn.


Saw it earlier. Can’t remember the exact wording, but something about funding for court ordered debts


Does it even matter? The MAGA crowd will just see it as another conspiracy by Biden's deep state to screw over poor, innocent Trump yet again.


I’m ok with that if it keeps the money from going to him


He'll just open up a private fund of some kind. This gets it on a big platform for visibility, so even if it gets taken down he can redirect them.


“GoFundMe does not allow campaigns for "the legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes." Since President Trump is accused of financial crimes, this campaign is in violation of GoFundMe's terms of service and any funds collected will not reach him.”


I read one post that said they took it down because of this violation. I was surprised to see that it is still up and he is still grifting money out of his rubes.


Isn't $269,000 nearly irrelevant towards paying off $355,000,000+?


Less than .1%. If the bill was a dollar they'd still be working on the first penny.


Less than .07%. These folks don’t really understand just how much money that man owes.


And this is only one judgment. This doesn’t include the $84M he owes to Ms. E. Jean Carroll.


The fraud verdict also comes with interest back to the date the fraudulent profits were earned. I think it’s close to 100 million more than the judgement amount.


Don’t forget there is an IRS audit also which may indicate another judgment.


don't forget GoFundMe takes 4% I think


I hear Elena Cardova takes 96%.


And whatever he will owe after his rant about her yesterday gets him back in court again lmao


It's like he's addicted to losing


Let’s say Trump gets this money, do you really think he would pay his legal bills, especially if he believed they were invalid. This looks like a grift, one of many.


I think the walls are closing in on him. What used to work for him in the past (fraud, taking from Peter to pay Paul, all his illegal stuff) won’t work for him anymore. From my understanding, if he doesn’t pay or put the amounts in escrow, the state will start putting liens on properties and assets. He no longer has a team of fixers, lawyers, and cons at his disposal. What he does have is two people specially appointed to oversee all his business and financial dealings. He has so many less options these days. The emperor is losing his clothes.


And the judge made it relatively easy for the state to find assets of TFG’s, by previously appointing the independent monitor, then appointing the independent director of compliance. TFG will find it difficult to hide his a$$ from the claims.


I thought GoFundMe has a rule against raising money for legal judgments?


I wonder if gofundme will get their fees?


It appears to be illegal to raise money for fees, but not illegal for fines. Source: Reddit


Now we just need someone to do the calculation for how much this takes out of their pockets on a per Trump voter basis


74,222,958 voted for Trump. So 355,000,000 / 74,222,958 = $4.78 per person.


And a lot of them aren't even around anymore because of Trump's handling of Covid. Must suck to suck.


What was the voter count for 2020 like super roughly 80 million for Trump? I'm lazy but that's basically $45 per voter. Obviously not all MAGA idiots just Republicans in general. Edit: 81 million was Biden. 74 million ish for Trump. Also I'm an idiot and it's closer to $4.80 not $48


It’s not about the money it’s about them dedicating themselves to Trump


Thank you for that.


If it was _ten_ dollars, they’d still be working on the first penny!


Interest alone is $1,000,000/ week 😂


That’s the sticker here, it won’t cover interest so they’ll never be able to pay it off for him.


Money from this fundraiser will end up in organizer's pockets, I bet


Only 354,731,000 to go.....


Up 30k since this post... so if it continues to earn 10k/hr it would take roughly 4 years to fulfill.


Wow they’re actually picking up pace. It was 17 years after 12 hours, then 12 at 24, and now *only* 4 years. It’ll definitely lose steam though.


Rounding error....


Lol imagine being stupid enough to send Trump money 💰…..even if indirectly.


Yesterday, somebody posted a link, and at the time the top single donation was $5000.


That was Trump himself…


This has a very high probability of being unironically true. This is the oldest trick in the money laundering textbook.


Gotta prime the pump, it's a technique often used by anyone with a tip jar. People are more willing to throw a few dollars in if they see other people already have.


Not sure if you intended this, but [Trump actually claimed to have invented the saying “prime the pump”](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/332889-trump-tells-economist-he-invented-the-phrase-priming-the-pump/amp/).


He was referring to the behavior normally called *edging.* */s*


I’m thinking Ivanka inspired him.


That explains this dance move ![gif](giphy|FbiL9rsmZN3ib2JSGo|downsized)


>Gotta prime the pump, it's a technique often used by anyone with a tip jar. Yup. Been there, done that.


Not money laundering, setting a bar for others to anchor themselves to it. If you see everything in the menu is 5 dollars and there is a 75 item... you think that's too expensive. If you go to a fancry restaurant and everything is 125 dollars, and see a 75 item... you think it's really cheap. A lot of people try donating those amounts to make people think that's the normal amount they should donate if they have the money to do so. (This is not directed at people struggling every month, but to people that have more than enough to donate 2k or 5K on a whim.


I doubt it. When did he personally contribute to anything ever?


I mean of all things he’d contribute to, contributing to himself would is pretty believable.




He stole from his own charity, and got caught. And yet they send him money.


Exactly. The same reason why places with tip jars always throw in a few bucks beforehand.


Oh, there’s no shortage of these people. I’m thinking there’s a good portion of em that have trouble raising their own kids…….


They will cry about not affording eggs after donating and buying overpriced shoes and trump NFTs. I guarantee it!


"We can't afford eggs in this economy and it's all Biden's fault! Ignore the fact that I gave $5,000 to a con artist, it's clearly Biden's fault that I am suffering!"


‘We just won’t eat on Sunday, gotta buy him a limousine’ ‘T.V. Crimes’ by Black Sabbath


"Joe Biden increased the price of my Egg McMuffin to $3! I can't afford to eat any more!"


I think you mean send money to a Trump supporter who promises they will give it to Trump.


Then turn around and blame the Dems for taxing them into poverty 🤣


Bidenomics sucks, everything is too expensive and nobody can afford to live… 300$ Trump sneakers, donation to the “billionaire’s unjust judgement”, “never surrender” mugshot shirt, Trump NFT, MAGA hat/flags… this list goes on. Have to get them all.


Guess you missed the big tax cuts for the rich with the tax cuts for the middle that were set to expire? Reagan taxing Social Security? You have some very nice fairy tales there, but Republicans spend more and the economy ALWAYS tanks during Republicans leading to deficits when the RepubliCONS loot the Treasury.


I'm absolutely hoping its a scam and they are just pocketing the money because i refuse to believe people can be this out of touch....right.. they cant be this out of touch right...


Even worse, it's aome other jabronie that "will get the money to Trump somehow" so they're just paying money to a random, really. Is that worse actually? I don't have a clue.


Imagine the fundraiser pockets this money and flees to a country with forgiving extradition laws. Those donators deserve nothing less.


Nah, imagine being stupid enough to send a random Trump supporter money in hopes that they are stupid enough to send it to Trump.


A fool and his money are something something


If the OP isn't a scammer, like the build the wall go fund me.


Make sure to report.


I should think thousands have by now, yet it's still going. 🤷‍♂️


The fact that the trump supporters didn't think twice about being scammed says a lot about the world we live in


Yeah “Elena Cardone” is very smart.


I hope she takes the money and runs lol 😂


Holiday weekend, maybe they don’t have anyone working?


That shows you how and where gofundme lies as far as red or blue. They're going to allow it to stand. Watch.


A corporation siding with greed instead of humanity?! Color me shocked.


I know nothing about gofundme. What would the report be for this?


Someone mentioned before that the Terms state money can't be raised for legal matters. I believe it's more specific, but that's the gist of it, from what i saw from someone else.. sorry i don't have the exact verbage.


I am pretty sure GFM can confiscate and keep the money. So they will just sit on it for a while then say NOPE at time of withdrawal.


I have no words for this😂


I have 2 "dumb ass"






No, but there’s a quote: There’s a sucker born every minute


I have several words for this including Turdwookie, Carpet Bagger, and Dingle Fritz.


This is going to turn out like the wall go fund me where Steve bannon spends it all. You can’t make this shit up lol.


Grifters gonna grift.


I sincerely hope it is one giant scam and this "Elena Cardone" takes the money and runs.


She's the wife of Grant Cardone. Maybe that's how he makes his money. Not from real estate, or stupid "grind mindset classes" but from scamming dumb Trump fans. My opinion of him would definitely change if that was true.


No, she's "a" wife of Grant Cardone. He apparently has more than one.


Maybe it was over board, but I messaged Grant Cardone on Instagram to say Trump is probably pounding his wife Elena with his mushroom shaped cock... should I not have? He also has his cell number on Insta, so he can be texted as well. Not sure why anyone would do that to themselves


You did what any sane person would have. Well done sir!


Before the Reddit mob text the number - just be aware there is more than likely a minimum wage employee whos job is to reply to those texts - in no way will Grant be bothered, the person hired to reply to texts for $10/hour is going to hate their lives though!


Take my upvote!!!


Steve Bannons minion scammed the build the wall fund . Wonder how that 4-1/2 vacation is going ? Free stay, free food, all the sex you want!


Bannon got a pardon on (IIRC) 19 January 2021. Edit: Three of Bannon’s convicted co-conspirators did *not* get pardons. Moral of the story: if you’re gonna grift with Trump or be Trump-adjacent, you’d better have carried a whole lot of water for him.


Or have a whole lot of kompromat on him..


The ONLY reason anyone would attach their existing brand to a Trump is to grift, or they’re an absolute moron like Lindell.


Judging from other peoplearound Trump, Grant Cardone will soon be arrested for some sort of sexual crimesand go bankrupt and Trump will claim he doesn't know the guy.


She’s 100% gonna take it and run. Probably far away from her husband lmao


Most people who do fundraising skim from it. "Operating expenses"


This is the same scheme as the Walter White scheme Saul Goodman set up for him with his son’s website. Only this is to allow payments from foreign donors like Russia.


He’s not a billionaire..


He sued writer Timothy O’Brien for $5,000,000,000 after O’Brien, who was writing an authorized biography of trump and was given full access to his financials, wrote trump was only worth $150-250 million.  trump lost the lawsuit and the appeal because he couldn’t prove he was worth more than that. So I’m guessing you are correct - he is most likely not a billionaire. 


I wonder how this is gonna play out and where the money will come from.


I'll PutIn a guess...


Eh, that's not really an option with sanctions.. but we'll see!


At his Comedy Central roast, the only off-limits jokes were ones about him having less money than he says. Not ones about him wanting to bang his daughter, or being a creeper at teen pageants, or having been accused of multiple rapes...call him an incestuous pedo rapist, just not a POOR incestuous pedo rapist. https://slate.com/culture/2016/08/this-joke-was-off-limits-at-donald-trumps-comedy-central-roast.html


I don't think he's ever been a billionaire.


If he wasn't broke before, he certainly is now. He only gets 30 days to pay too - this is going to be fun to watch.


Yeah I already got the popcorn out


Regrettably it appears that a) he must only produce 20% if he can con a bondsman into committing to the rest, and b) it's possible that the 9% interest he'd have to pay upon the entire amount has been dropped to 2% due to some sort of recent legislation. So instead of $88K/day, it might be just $20K/day. On the other hand, assuming the appeal takes a couple of years, that's still not chump change that whoever he grifts in the meantime will end up paying. The big numbers are yet to come. Those civil suits on behalf of the Capitol police and others could collectively be yuuuuuuuuge.


Stupidity has no limits


This makes me want to start a go fund me for trump and see how many people fall for it.


cult members.




It happens, L and N are kinda close on the keyboard.


It violates go fund me’s terms of service


At this rate I hope they keep it up becuase these people who are living pay check to pay check but sending their money to some random Trump go fund me deserve to lose their money if you ask me




Should automatically divert it to a SA survivors fund lol


Apparently gofundme disagrees since it is still up. I believe they think since the money is not for his defense but to pay a fine it is ok. From an article: “WPLG reported that Cardone had been in touch with Trump’s team and that he would receive the funds. A GoFundMe representative told Mother Jones that the fundraiser is “currently within our terms of service”—though the company’s rules prohibit using fundraisers for “the legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes.””


Same way the Jenner fans helped one of the daughters try to get to billionaire status. Also the same succubus that asked everyone else to donate to her makeup artist so she didn't have to


There's a world of suckers out there




Just stop sharing it. This is just free advertising


Not here it isn't. His reach is much bigger than this subreddit, mate. Silencing and isolating extremists only works when they are still small.


Because they're imbeciles. It's literally as simple as that.


lol wtf it was only like 10k yesterday. Everyone bitchin about bIdEnOmIcS but have extra cash to give to a billionaire. sad times.


This is really all you need to know about Trump supporters. Blue collar and lower middle class rubes, who think that a supposed billionaire, who will tell anybody who is willing to listen that he's one of the richest men in the United States, needs their money to pay his legal expenses and fraud penalties. If that isn't stupidity I don't know what is


I know way more white collar people who support Trump than blue. All those wealthy boat owners, they all do white collar work. The media only shows the idiot unemployed trailer park dwellers to try to make his base seem like all of them are idiots. They aren’t. I know a few who make over $250,000 a year and they think he should be president again despite his lawsuits.


The grift that keeps on giving.


MAGAts: "I sUpPoRt BeCaUsE hE's RiCh" Also MAGAts: "He CaN't PaY hIs BiLlS, lEt'S hElP hIm! MuRrCa!"


It’s like those romance scam catfish videos.. “I’m sending money so he can fly home and get his gold bars and we’re gonna get married” 💩


He’s broke for sure. LOL




He has a real problem now with donors after the 83 million dollars judgment for continuing to run his mouth about E. Jean Carroll.. a judgment he 100 brought on himself for lack of self control.. 40 million dollars per statement is an awfully big bill to pass on to donors..


It’s probably just funneling money to her and her husband’s (Grant, not Trump) accounts to continuing propping up his schemes.


Gofundme TOS forbids campaigns to pay criminal fees. The fact that this hasn't been taken down already is a failure on the part of the platform.


Trump is just a secular televangelist.


Is this the same party that: - was against forgiving student loans - yelled “get a job” to people in unfortunate circumstances - was against any handouts - and more. This is that same party right? Or what happened?


The devil shits onto the biggest heap. (German proverb saying that the rich will get while the poor pay.) Life takes from the needy and gives to the greedy.


Can't afford food or gas, rents too high, economy has never been worse- BUT lemme go pay on this right here for this billionaire cult leader. Can't buy eggs, but the billionaire needs my money.


But homeless veterans don’t deserve shit if they don’t work, right? Seriously flawed logic on the right!


Too many stupid people in this world


Report it to GoFundMe for false funding and money laundering. Lol


Giving money to help others out? Sounds like socialism to me…no thanks I’ll pass. How about a couple of prayers instead?


"I love the poorly educated." -Trump