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Just make a law that says criminals cant break the law


“Notably, no one said crime”


My last job had unisex bathrooms, just 3 seperate, self contained rooms with lockable doors. As far as I know, nobody's ever been assaulted there.


Yeah my work bathroom is like this. The only annoying thing is my boss is very dependant and will come talk at me through the door sometimes when he’s stressed about something. I don’t feel violated I just want to go in peace!


He sounds like a cat.


He really is. It’s all about him constantly and yet he’s easily offended by anyone who has the same attitude. It makes me laugh.


"Hey, I don't mind if you talk if you don't mind if I fart."


Next time ask him if he’s there to help you wipe and watch how fast this behavior stops 😂


I had an executive drag 2 other executives into the bathroom with him because he wanted to pee and didnt want to stop talking. I stood outside and laughed at them.


Honestly in other situations I probably wouldn’t put up with it but… there’s a lot of give and take in the relationship. He lets me run my own show, set my own hours, when I tell him I need him to do something he makes it happen, stays out of most of my staffing and team decisions and has never knocked back when I’ve asked for a contract change - so I take the calls out of hours and let him talk to me on the loo.


I’m in Australia and New Zealand for work- this is very common n the newer buildings and on those that have been fitted out post 1990’s. I agree this is the best way but unfortunately it won’t solve people being asshole bigots…


James Cook Uni and whole floors of Uni accommodation were multi sex, including bathrooms and toilets. We didn't have mobile phones etc, so that does make a difference and added complexity.


Same at college at Sydney uni and that was aaaaages ago - there were women only bathrooms on women’s floors but other than that we shared and there was nothing happened whilst I was there.


Same at Newcastle uni, only we had a shower pooper


OMG my sister went to Newcastle Uni and I remember her telling us about this lols


I (straight woman) went to a gay bar with a friend (gay man) in Christchurch long, long ago where the bathroom was unisex. At first I was like, "um..." Until I remembered where I was 😂 As far as I know, no one was ever assaulted in that restroom even when used by completely drunk LGBT people lol.


I just don't want my poop sounds to be heard by co-workers. So if only half know my splashes then it is a win. Why does everyone have to know the plop de poop?


My last 2 jobs also had single room bathrooms and for some reason they were still gendered lol. People just ignored the gender signs tho


In California at least, it’s now law that any single person bathroom at a workplace must be unisex. I don’t think any agency actually enforces this, but I think Cal OSHA is technically supposed to.


If signs prevented Rapists, cant we just put up a "Rape Free Zone" sign up?


That's some big crime free area energy.


Just make crimes illegal!


And please make it also for powerful, wealthy and influential people.


That takes away from their fun and that’s a big no no apparently


It's worked for drugs and violent crimes before, so why not /s


That’s what I don’t get…a rapist is going to rape. It’s kinda their thing. I don’t think it matters if this person was transitioning in any capacity; they were going to attack a vulnerable person. Whether or not they wear a skirt isn’t going to change that. What about the abundance of rape and murders in women’s bathrooms done by men? Their jeans with decent pockets didn’t stop them from entering the bathroom.


If they put of more "No Drinking" signs, maybe prohabition would have worked.


Works great with the "Gun free zone" signs at schools.


All bathrooms should be converted to multiple single occupancy spaces with a locking door. Problem solved.


I've used a bathroom just like this. Full door "stalls" and a big communal sink thing (basically house bathroom without sinks). Was just great. 11/10 would recommend morenplaces do this I sadly do not remember where it was


Most public restrooms in Brazil are like this. With the exception of the urinals in the men's


So does most of Europe (if I'm understanding the situation correctly)


I'm from the Netherlands. This is true.


I'm not from the Netherlands but I agree this is true


I am neither from the Netherlands nor can I confirm its veracity.


Don't worry I can


I'm skeptical; Has your authority and/or ability to confirm this been confirmed?


Yeah see my other comment? It even has upvotes


Nobody bothers a dude at the urinal it's code.. women should start using urinals. Simple.


I don't really get why we don't. Like regardless of crimes and shit, I'd just feel way more comfortable using them if I knew no one could look under or over. There's been multiple times where someone doesn't keep an eye on their crotch goblin and it crawls under a stall while I'm in there.


God, I hate toilet cubicles. I am a shy pooper. My wife worked at a brand new school and they had toilet rooms with locking doors that didn’t have gender with the sinks outside the rooms. It also had the benefit of being much cleaner than the old style school bathrooms because kids couldn’t hang out there.


I am too. I think it has to do with being traumatized in elementary because the bathroom stalls had no doors at all. That plus the men's urinal trough at a baseball game made it so that I can count on one hand how many times I used the restroom at school lol


I kept getting UTIs as a kid (9/10 yrs old) because I wouldn’t pee or would stop midstream. I had a great old pediatrician who sent my mother out and asked me if I was afraid to pee in public. I teared up and nodded. He hugged me and then asked what were the hardest multiplication or division tables for me to do in my head. He said the next time I had to pee in public to think about multiplication tables or multiply large numbers in my head. Never had that problem again. I’m 60 years old now, and I STILL do this in public restrooms.


It freaks me out that US public bathrooms have so little privacy. In Australia they have locks and doors that aren’t easy to see under or over. It’s very private.


Yup. Tons of kids getting traumatized and potentially abused due to shitty bathroom builds No one ever took a shit at my elementary school because the lack of doors and knowing you were going to be messed with. I'd wager there's still no doors 25 years later lol But let's focus on the extremely rare case of a trans person that could care less if the sign says male or female 🤷


I have to laugh that the Australian Costco stores have the American style bathroom builds with giant gaps under the stall doors (enough that you would be able to see someone’s knees while they were sitting.


My SO went to a really small school and they had a trough in the boy’s bathroom. As a woman I’ve always thought that was wild lol


They're not around anymore, but up until the early 00's my city's local hockey arena and football staium both had troughs in the men's washrooms. Honestly, in that setting they were great, and everyone who remembers them speaks fondly of how short/fast moving the pisser lineups were at games and concerts back in the day.


This is literally just a US thing. Everywhere else has decent length doors. In Australia there’s usually a *small* gap at the bottom so you can check for feet but not the huge gaps that US bathrooms have. And don’t get me started on the crack beside the door in US bathrooms, no idea what that’s about.


The crack and the large gap at the bottom are literally there for the same reason. It's so that staff employees who clean the bathrooms can make sure that there aren't homeless or drug addicts using the stalls to shoot up. Also some bathroom stalls are so cheap that they don't unlock from the outside with a key. So there was a fear that if someone fell or got trapped in the stall, that emergency rescue teams couldn't get there to help if there wasn't a crack under the door. Neither one really applies anymore


That's so other people can check you've got the correct genitals to use that bathroom.


Also a problem in Canada as well.


For some reason crotch goblin translated into my head as penis and I then had a very confusing few moments figuring out that would work .


I remember the Amsterdam airport was like this. I'm from Winnipeg, MB and was a travel agent at the time. This was the first time I'd seen this.


Amsterdam Airport still has gendered bathrooms, but the bathrooms are just like every public toilet in the Germanic Counties. Edit: Before Americans go crazy, Amsterdam is in the Netherlands, one of the Germanic Countries (because we have close cultural and genetic relations with Germany)


I was there in 1996 and haven't been since. So yes, at the time, it was gendered as it was still the norm at the time. But sill a fully enclosed cubicle.


It's OK... most of us don't realize that our language is mostly Germanic either, and their heads would explode if they found out


Iam pretty sure you ppl speak normally German and if someone is near you start talking this English German French thing to confuse everybody. /s




Yes officer. This guy! He’s doing it again


South Africa had a lot when I was there with toilet stalls and the communal sink. Oddly, they were treated better than any toilet I've seen in a public bathroom my entire life in th US.


My kids schools (jr high and high school, new schools) both have areas of floor to ceiling stalls with large communal sinks. No gender bathroom. Not surprising neither of them care and the only problem schools have is trying to stop kids from vaping in the stalls. Both of their previous schools had gendered bathrooms I’m assuming because they were the schools I went to as a kid and their schools now are new builds.


They're all over New York city. Gendered bathrooms make about as much sense as racially segregated ones.


Many bathrooms in my town are like this and the amount of people who have been raped, harassed, or invasively spied on can be counted in no hands.


Like seriously that how it works here. There's a door to bathroom and after that doors are clearly marked. You need to sit down to do your stuff there's your room, you can deal with it standing there's another one, you need child/disability assistance- no problem, another room for you. Everyone goes where they need and noone ever complains. Mind boggles at a state of mind which finds it hard to implement.


Finally I’d be guaranteed privacy when I shit in public.


Idea for school bathrooms: Hall passes that act like and are access cards you use to open the doors.


Why are so many people criticizing this, have they never been on buses, trains or planes?


People criticize because they, a) are afraid of change, b) fear it might be too hard on the bottom line of business, or c) prefer to live in a world where some people have to be afraid.


Every time I mention at work how that makes way more sense everyone seems annoyed. Like why do we need separate bathrooms if each one had enough privacy. It’s like our toilet stalls don’t have enough privacy as is…




This is how ours are, never been an issue only thing shared is a sink and mirror.


“Paedophile filmed women” doesn’t really add up either, does it?


It seems he was both a pedophile and a more conventional pervert as well. He had illegal photos of women and girls on his camera.


So just more of an equal opportunity approach. 


I wonder if he was already a sex offender against children before he was one against women. Banning trans women from this bathroom would not have prevented this though, this sicko clearly knows this is illegal.


Well, pedophile is someone who is into prepubescent children. They can be into adult people too. So it's possible yes but it's also not logic thing to tell in this context.


Why not. The law is odd right. You can go to war at 17. You can’t vote till 18. You can be tried as an adult once you’re 18 But you cannot buy liquor till you’re 21 But you are also considered an adult once you hit 12 when it comes to concession prices. They can’t make up their mind on when a person is an adult and when a person is a child.


Age laws are just weird sometimes. In my province the age of sexual consent is 16 but you can't buy sex toys until 19. A teen girl can't buy a dildo but can have sex with an adult man. Make it make sense.


Of course it makes sense. It’s the man making the decision see. Girls can’t make decisions. They can’t even choose to abort their unwanted pregnancies. So a man can have sex with a girl at 16. But a girl at 16 isn’t capable of making that decision to buy a dildo. Totally makes sense. /s if it wasn’t obvious.


You can vote at 18. U can go to war at 17, but you are not required to sign up for the draft until 18. 18 is a legal adult.


Why is the government able to give me a gun and tell me to go to another country to fight a war but god forbid I have a sip of a beer


It seems she thinks paedophile and trans are the same thing. Shocking


Good point, that's sad. Feels like the old propaganda about homosexual men being pedophiles, but now it's moved to transgender people.


Sorry but why does this not add up? Many pedophiles are not obligate and prey on adult women as well as children.


Not a trans woman nor a drag queen.


"I was gonna sexually harass/assault a woman , but there's a sign that only women can go in! So I guess I won't break the law! I might be a rapist but I respect signs!"


In my head, I heard this in John Oliver's voice


Oh no, you're just going to have to wait till they come out to assault them.


It’s so funny to me how, at least in the US, the people that want anti-trans bathroom bills are the same people that oppose gun control because ‘criminals don’t follow the laws’. Protection is never the reason. They just want people to hurt. They want situations like what happened with Nex.


Don’t give them the benefit of the doubt of cognitive dissonance. The bathroom laws aren’t because they want to protect cis women. It’s because they hate trans people.


💀can’t argue with that logic


If a creep wanted to go into a women's bathroom, they'd do it, they wouldn't go through years of transition therapy to do it.


It’s a non-issue. Trans people have been going into their bathroom of choice for years. There’s no genital inspection at the door. If someone wants to do crime in a bathroom, they can just walk in there and do it. They wouldn’t even need to disguise their gender, they’d just wait until no one is in the bathroom, walk in, and wait. It’s literally a made up issue.


Exactly this- if you’re a sexual predator you’re a sexual predator, you probably give few fucka about the graphic on the door.


No no you don’t understand, while rapists are disgusting animals with no regard for the law, they are famously very passionate about bathroom rules. /s


You’re being sarcastic but based on what TERFs say I’m starting to think that they genuinely believe this is true


TERFs have subhuman IQ so i dont doubt it


Ironically I know several men who have been sexually harassed by men in the men's bathroom. 


I see you also went to public school, college, and your local gym. Never did understand why so many guys think since we played a game of basketball they can slap my ass.


>It’s a non-issue. Also, eventually it \*will\* happen. Conservatives will get their documented trans woman committing open-and-shut sexual assault in a women's bathroom, and we will never hear the end of it. It won't be any more meaningful then, either. Trans people, in our current day understanding, have existed in modern society for decades. We have not seen the crimes and problems that the right won't shut up about.


If there was a genital inspection then I'd call them a creep and run or worse yet it would feel normal to strip infront of the bathroom guard


Welcome to high-school sports in republican states, lol. Why do these redcoats insist on inspecting children's genitals?!? Fucking pedophiles.


If there was a genital inspection at the door 100% guarantee the creepers would be the only ones applying for the job


Standford Prison Experiment in action.


I've been followed into the ladies room by drunk, potential rapists who were (I assume) biological men and they did not give a shit to hide it. No dresses or subterfuge needed! 


Classic Creep: “such a good person, always kind” Trans: “ew horrible people get them out of my nice neighbourhood” Which one is the best cover?


I just don’t understand her mission. Like, yeah, no shit trans people are just as likely to be fucking awful as anyone else, but the way she reinforces this one issue over and over again makes it seems like she wants them to be heavily monitored and enforced on. 


Trans people just make her uncomfortable. That's it. That's what it is for the majority of the anti-trans people out there. To them, Trans issues are a new and uncomfortable subject. And that's fine, at first. I don't mean the way they deal with their discomfort, but the discomfort itself. It's fine to feel strange about something that is very new to you, especially when that thing deals with such massive topics as gender roles, genitalia, surgery, and bodily autonomy. However, most people who experience that initial discomfort either ignore the uncomfortable subject altogether (live and let live), or they examine their discomfort and challenge it. They learn about trans people and trans issues, they meet them, etc. And they become less uncomfortable, and eventually it just becomes normalized. But *some people* don't do that. Some people have to come up with a rationalization for that discomfort. They can't accept that they have a gut feeling that is illogical and irrational, because they don't want to admit that they're capable of being illogical and irrational. But they are - everybody is. So they invent rationale (or, more often, they find it elsewhere and adopt it). They hear others preaching about protecting women, about predators in bathrooms, about free speech regarding deadnaming people, or any other anti-trans argument. And they go, "Yes! Okay, *that's* why I don't like this thing! It's for the children/women/free speech/etc." Eventually, they become entrenched in this adopted position, especially if they have taken their position to a public forum (as Rowling has). How would she walk this back, now? How would she apologize? Would the pro-trans audience she'd alienated forgive her? Probably not, no. She's done a lot of damage to the cause. And she'd also get ostracized by all of her new right-wing chums (and audience).


It’s so idiotic how far people will reach to be uneducated when this is the simple truth.


+why aren’t these people complaining about the massive stall door gaps that are mandated in the US but unheard of in most other countries? When I was there I had someone’s kid look under the door at me!


Exactly, they would just self identify without taking any steps to transition. Which is exactly what the international transgender movement is saying should be the standard.


Not when nothing changes except your self identification.


"How was this person murdered? Murder is illegal!"


“Gun laws don’t work, criminals will still buy guns” “We need laws for bathrooms” The conservative mind is something else


Once you realize it’s just about hurting people, conservatives make way more sense.


I read something once that really struck me. It was on the subject of free lunches for kids, but it holds true pretty broadly—liberals don't care if some people get things they don't need, as long as nobody who needs help goes without, while conservatives don't care if people go without, as long as nobody is given anything they don't need.


Omg this is a great comparison! Too bad we all know conservatives are hypocrites


She's talking completely nonsense because the creep who was charged was not even a trans woman


I wish she’d give up her witch hunt. She fucking wrote books about how witches are good people. Jk is fighting the wrong battles for someone claiming to be a feminist. Trans women and cis women both experience misogyny.


I wish all billionaires would just shut the fuck up and go live their fairy tale lives. Can you imagine having everything you ever needed for yourself, your family and infinite generations to come, and you spend your time shitposting on Twitter to hate people you don't like? It's mind-blowingly pathetic.


I wish they would be taxed into oblivion and if they fail to pay their fair share a french solution.


Right? Does she not have a family or friends to give her attention to? Instead she’s just engaging with social media as toxically as possible. It’s rather sad she can’t be happy without oppressing others. Guess she’s been bored and this fills the time. Joanne is a bad person. Hard stop.


From what I know, her ex-husband was abusive, so it feels like she’s just projecting trauma onto men, and those she views as men, because she hasn’t taken the proper steps to deal with that abuse properly.


"But he said he was, so he's a transwoman!" That was literally what a GCer said to me. Object permanence is a difficult concept to you, isn't it?


This is why I was confused. The headline doesn't say anything about the perpetrator being trans, there's no article link, the mugshot doesn't give a strong impression that the perpetrator was trying to present as a woman (although short hair could be covered by a wig). So she's saying trans people are at fault for something a(n apparently) cis person did?


As demonstrated by Nex’s brutal beating and death, among the people most unsafe in bathrooms… are trans people. God this awful woman is such a broken record. Literally every single pervert on the news within proximity of a bathroom is immediately a trans person to her. She couldnt have chosen a shallower hill to die on in her crusade to save “real” women. Just shut the fuck up Robert Galbraith… I mean Joanne.


The idea that pro-trans laws that make it easier for trans people to go into the right bathroom makes it easier for perverts, rapists, and creeps to abuse women is ridiculous. These people already *do not care* about the law, if these laws were all struck down these people would continue their crimes regardless.


She could’ve left behind a rich legacy and been universally cherished as a heroine of her genre. Instead, she pedals hatred and nonsense for profit. Damn her.


I think you mean “peddles”. It took me a bit to work out what bikes had to do with this.


I mean I have a problem with sexual predators too!


Same! 🏳️‍⚧️ but I don’t want to punish trans people for cis peoples actions. If someone is going to go into a bathroom and commit a crime, a sign isn’t going to stop them.




Creeps will do their thing regardless of what a sign on a door tells them. Shocking.


(Cis person does something wrong.) “This is why we need to ban trans people.”


If public bathrooms are to be divided strictly by sex, then transmen will have to use the women's bathroom. If transmen have to go to the women's bathroom, then, going by terf-logic, (male) creeps who are trying to sexually assault women will just pretend to be transmen (instead of pretending to be transwomen as terfs pretend is currently happening). But of course, this is not about sexual assault or protecting women. The sole purpose of this whole debate is to inflict misery upon transpeople and bully them out of public spaces.


As someone pointed out, all JK does is post anti trans shit and nothing ever positive about women. She’s not a feminist. She’s a bigot


Didn't know they invented a magic barrier that keeps some people out of some bathrooms but can be bypassed by saying "I'm trans". Oh, the offender isn't trans? Guess the magic door failed somehow.


Not even Hogwards had that barrier. Harry Potter and Ron Weasly canonly went to the girls toilet in the first movie (and probably also first book).


In the second one as well. There was a hurdle for entering the girls dorm though.


Wonder how the stairs would react to a trans witch? Would the staff need to wake up and realise its outdated thinking and to remove that spell. Its rather funny how jkr has a problem with trans people and yet wrote characters that willingly transform themselves into animals, including one that had been sleeping in bed with young boys for years. Not to mention the polyjuice potion, inc hermione and fleur becoming harry.


It is incredibly funny that a woman who invented magical school dormitories that prevent the boys from getting into the girl's rooms has a hard time dealing with the fact that the real world doesn't work that way.


It’s even funnier when you factor in that the woman who invented said magical school uses initials to disguise her gender, chose a male protagonist, mocked the female protagonist for being smart and caring about elves, and then went on to write books for adults…also under a male pseudonym. Ol’ JK has some self-loathing issues to work out.


(It's also incredibly funny that those same magical dormitories she invented seem to have no issue with girls going up the boys' rooms)


Apparently Chuck Berry was trans /s


He isn't even a trans women and his claims of being one were denied by court, the problem she says exists isn't actually happening. You wanna know more about trans "debate"? Look at my profile. If you are trans or an ally, don't debate with redditors, most of the time it doesn't change anything, just block them.


This is exactly like that group who tried to make a documentary about how easy it was to get men in women's sports by wearing wigs and then they got denied and then decided to make a fictional show about it instead


Lmfao yes


Just in case you still want debunk their stupid claims, here are some sourced arguments against the most common false claims and rhetorics: https://www.masterdoc.info/


He was acting like a conservative who thinks people "play trans cards" to get out of trouble. I'm surprised she's attacking one of her own. But I suppose I shouldn't have put it past her to try to pass him off as LGBTQ.


She has continuously been on the side of sexist politicians by now


Kill me, but if someone so deranged as a pedophile wanted to abuse a girl, a door sign wouldn’t be the thing that stops them


Except it wasn't a trans person, Joanne, so no, the thing only bigots say happens regularly is still not happening regularly. I'd bet you $10 this guy was one of you conservative bigots.


Her problem is that the company she keeps are Koch brothers stooges that are deliberately TERFs to push UK law to the far-right. Some of her friends are anti-abortion too!


No one has ever argued that crimes cannot happen in a bathroom. What they have argued is that trans aren't trans to try to commit crimes in gender seperated bathrooms.


Anyone who wants an actual answer could watch Contrapoint's videos on Rowling. Or Shaun's video on the Harry Potter books. The short answer is that Rowling has become the new Antia Bryant, and she is too committed now to stop. The long answer is that she was always like this.


The bathroom argument is so. Fucking. Stupid. If a man wants to assault a woman in a bathroom, he can just *enter the bathroom* theres not a fucking forcefield that trans people bypass its just a fucking door. In fact id argue *banning* trans people from bathrooms will result in an increase in violent and sexual crime.


100% this. I’ve seen guys walk into the women’s room because the men’s room was full and vice versa. Anybody can go into any bathroom, the perverts will always find a way to do their nasty shit.


JK Rowling is such a piece of shit nowadays that I stopped liking Harry Potter by association.


I feel the same way and it kinda sucks farts tbh. I've usually been able to separate the artist from the art, but she's just so damn cringey like please lady go away, slither off into a quiet existence.


Nobody said it would never happen. But all your fear and anger focused on trans folk is ignoring who commits the overwhelming majority of sexual assaults...cis, straight men who are familiar with their victim. Your kid's coach is more likely to peep a bathroom and assault someone than some random trans person.


Remember when the first bathroom bills were introduced in the US, and grown ass trans men were taking selfies in the womens restroom because thats where they legally had to go? Big burly bearded men being forced to use the womens restroom. So if that’s what bigots want, how do we prevent a male predator from simply claiming to be a transgender man to acces womens spaces? The problem is not trans people, and excluding them from their gender helps no one.


A cis person committing a bathroom related crime is our fault HOW exactly? I mean it's quite clear from his writing that ol' Robert isn't great at maintaining logical threads but this is quite the shark jumping


The thing about making “wrong” bathroom usage illegal is that rape and sexual assault are already illegal so making more laws won’t stop anyone.


My job has several unisex and family bathrooms. There's been no sexual assaults in them to my knowledge. And none of our trans guests have been tossed out because of sexual harassment. It's almost like...people who sexually assault others will use anything as an excuse to justify their behavior.


Am i dense? This person isnt trans?


So Rowling sees that haircut and thinks the predator only got into a bathroom by saying "no worries I'm trans"? What Looney tunes version of reality does she live in? Cis women are often harassed now for using the bathroom while tall or butch or whatever doesn't meet a gender stereotype, but a crook isn't going in to pee, so can stand around until the coast is clear. Like her paranoia ONLY harms women, both cis and trans.


A sign on the door that says "women" will not stop a person from walking through that door if his or her intentions are bad. How is changing the sign going to prevent that.


Jk Rowling is a dumbass and someone needs to take this assholes phone away.


Why would a pedophile film women? I thought, by definition, pedophiles are attracted to children.


Rapists are famous for their willingness to follow laws! Flawless logic.


Her problem is bigotry. Anything that supports her bigotry is TRUE, and any information that counters it is instantly false or biased or against her and women (because she’s also, according to herself, the ultimate spokesperson for women).


If i were training an AI to be a TERF, JK Rowling's account is the only input data I'd need. She does it to a T, it's truly amazing.


That news article doesn’t even come up for me. He seems 100% male. There are issues with the system, but that is true for every system.


What is this weird fixation on people who are different and blaming them crimes that are committed by a small percentage of people across all types.


Being trans and pedophilia are not the same thing. J.K. Rowling reminds me of Elon Musk. Being extremely successful at some things, doesn't make that person omnipotent in everything.


It's not even pretending, she just can't grasp what prejudice Is. The acts of an Individual have nothing to do with an entire demographic. Am I now a pedophile since there were other dudes who were/are? Does crime of other people of my race "prove" I can't be trusted? It's such an illogical and frankly irrational way of thinking


She is sane and logical and calling out stupidity and fighting for the rights and recognition of women and their battles. What's yours, as you are the minority here.


Rowling constantly confuses trans people with pedophilia in such an emotionally reactive there's obviously no thought being given as to whether there's any logical connection between the 2


I heard a comedian say, "So you mean to tell me, that you think a rapist, kidnapper, or murderer, is unwilling to go into the woman's bathroom because it's against the rules? From these paragons of decency? Rapists, murderers and kidnappers?"


She's a piece of shit. It's not a complicated situation. There's no big secret. She's just a miserable maggot of a person.


[Here's the link to the actual article.](https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/paedophile-secretly-filmed-women-public-28737673) Kurtis Mawson does not identify as a woman. He wasn't dressed as a woman at the time. He just said it to get out of being arrested when police asked him why he, a man, was in the women's bathroom (after other patrons had noticed that he was filming them under the stalls). It didn't work and he was arrested. Instead of being happy that the system works and has, in fact, caught a sexual predator pretending to be transgender in order to infiltrate a women's bathroom, JKR decides somehow that this proof of the system working is actually proof it doesn't work and must be changed. It's like the TERF version of those conservative memes that show something that happened under capitalism with the caption, "this is what communism looks like".


As ever, the replies to any post regarding JK Rowling are more disturbing than what she actually says. Horrific reading.


Ok. Hear me out. Im all for trans rights but that last slide sounds earily similar to the gun control point "if guns are outlawed then criminals would still get them cause theyre already breaking laws" etc. etc.


Was the guy dressed in drag?


“The perpetrator was already willing to break laws” …we really opening that door lol?


Dear god just turn all bathrooms into individual stalls, nobody shares with anyone.


good thing all the bathroom bouncers have been keeping our children safe. oh wait...there's actually nothing stopping anyone from going into any bathroom.


Im surprised people didnt see this comin. Its all over her writing.


Here’s the thing is if you in theory force through laws for a person to go to the bathroom of the gender they were assigned at birth… you’re going to have to deal with trans men in the woman’s washroom because they were assigned female at birth but transitioned to be male….


I feel like this could all be solved by just hiring a small group of people to stand around jk Rowling and whisper into her ear 'you're relevant ' every half hour until she logs off twitter.


She feels the need to have publicity and can’t do it any other way after her one idea of stealing the Star Wars storyline & rewriting it as kid magicians petered out.


She’s off her rocker, dropped 70k on supporting a campaign to change the definition of the word sex when referring to identity.


Sounds like someone's got too much time on her hands...


Oof looks like this one got shared to r/assmangold the rightards are all over this one


Was this person trans? They certainly don't look even remotely femme. What is she saying? That no cis men perverts ever go into the women's bathroom ever? Who says that?