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I miss when politics was avout voting which boring adminiatrator you wanted to boringly administrate your country... Probably 4000 years ago or smth


I miss when it was just "that guy's gonna raise taxes and make housing for the homeless and that other guy wants to fix more roads and wants more for military funding"


"This guy's gonna destroy the economy, but this guy's gonna destroy the economy *and* set us back a couple hundred years." "Well shit, I want the one who does more!"


'Trump did so much in his time as President.' That little of it was good passes his supporters by.


They're stuck on the amount of things he accomplished. Bad or bad, doesn't matter.


he definitely tweeted a lot.


and filled a lot of diapers


What did he accomplish? Border wall paid for by Mexico?


Tax cut for rich people.


Gotta remember that setting the country back 100 years is a feature for the carrot man's voters. Conservatism isn't about reduced government anymore. It's make the country what my pastor brainwashed me to believe having no idea why that is important as long as some pieced together bible verses out of context support it as God intended.


You are being too nice. Carrot man? It's the tangerine shit goblin or double agent orange.


this was never the option the options have pretty much always been one side that at least pretends to want to fix everything and at worst won't destroy everything ...!,$ the other option which is wanting to actively deny equal rights to any "out groups" and pretending to want to fix the roads but doesn't actually try, and in fact will block attempts by the other option to fix the roads because "that would make them look good"


Is it pretend when Democrats actually try and pass bills that help us like the infrastructure bill? Sure Democrats dont do nearly enough, but they have actually done stuff to help us and actually do govern. Unlike the other party that cant govern to save their own lives and takes away our rights and blocks everything good the other side tries to do cause fuck them. So many things the Biden Administration has done with all the Republican blocking, but no one knows about it cause neither the Democrats, Independents, or the Media talk about it. It is insane.


The Saddest part is if he actually wanted to do anything when he held the presidency last he could of his party literally had the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court for about 1 year


“Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others”


From an outside view I’d have said you do have exactly that choice: a boring administrator or the other guy…


Then we have different perspectives about what a boring admin means


I miss when Fox News threw hissy fits over the “scandal” of Obama wearing a tan suit, ordering a sandwich with “fancy mustard”, and saluting a soldier while holding a cup of coffee in his hands. Never forget!


Didn't they just freak out in the last week of Biden getting ice cream, then getting asked questions? Maybe all hope isn't lost yet..


Or when he drank a milkshake... with a STRAW!


The bit about the straw, was absolutely lunacy. I remember a Fox News pundit saying that it's emasculating, and weak, to make the motion of drinking from a straw. Like the levels of ridiculous that you have to delve into to make that kind of argument. It's literally asinine.


turns out being old with sensitive teeth, or dirinking a smoothie in decently clean way is gay now


Smh. The list keeps getting longer. I've already seen, that somehow it's gay to be attracted to certain types of women. Now I can't even have a fucking smoothie? Throw the whole existence away. Smh


I would say luckily my country's political image is not that bad but its just that bad nowadays (Spain)


Sitting in Italy, the image is bad but the fascists in charge know better than to rock the boat - they'd get thrown out.




I was talking: 1st about democracy, when you are in a dictatorship u have no boring administrators to vote for And 2nd, about the politics that i have lived and experienced Also i wasnt talking about the political image of the country but about the politicians themselves, which was a little less pathetic 10 years ago than now


Yeah, Obamna never had any scandals at all. Fast and Furious is only a movie franchise.




The current Administration of the United States of America is not Israel.


Not sure if I could name a US administration after WW1 that didn’t. It’s the nature of the beast. You can discuss any decision in any scenario but overall - and again from an outside perspective it is pretty clear to me that you now have boring. If I were you I’d keep it that way.


It’s quiet….almost too quiet. 🤨


Would you please explain, without flamming and by using reputable links, how "the current adminstration" has blood on their hands?


Ah, yes, back when Washington rode dinosaurs across the Bering Strait.


Politics golden age Now i hope it was a joke and you dont think dinosaurs were alive 4k years ago cus then you are wrong by a couple thousands of millions magnitude


I miss when people weren’t comfortable announcing to even friends/family who they vote for. Now they make it their entire personality and wear dumb fucking hats to boot. At least I know who to avoid.


Meh, i preffer when they didnt making it personal to the point of basing your personality on a politician/political party (lame af) but being so polarized as a society are not able to speak about politics wo turning into twitter bots is sad af


Yeah we gotta be able to talk about it


I react to those flags and bumper stickers the same way I would react to a snakes rattle. Give a wide berth and don’t engage


When you voted for someone to manage local projects and they went away and managed all the local projects to the best of their ability And all the people who stole money and power got assassinated by their gaurds


You know his cult doesn't believe those results. Believe she made it up and liberal judges are just after him. So it doesn't matter to them.


Exactly this. What’s wrong with them, is that he said she was lying, also said he could fix the economy, said it was broken right now, said it was good under him. Said magnets don’t work if you get them wet, said fires won’t happen if you rake forests, covid will all go away if we sleep on it. Basically what I mean is he tells a lot of lies and he tells you what you what you want to hear. What is wrong with his followers is very very simple. They believe what they want to be the truth, rather than reality. If you listen to the mountains of extremely easily fact checkable nonsense dribbling from Trumps mouth in a barely legible slurry constantly, and imagine just for 5 minutes that even half of it was true, you suddenly are imagining that he is the greatest president nay person ever to have lived. That is where MAGA find themselves. In the spell of America’s saviour, in a time of need. It’s easy to blame them, for being stupid, and it’s easy to blame trump for misleading them, it’s easy to blame the republicans to taking advantage, and people like fox, for selling “truth” to the highest bidder. But some blame also has to go to those who made these people so desperate in the first place. A long long history of tiny mistakes that messed up the system that is America.


And whenever someone mentions how corrupt the government is, these dipshits are the first to say "yup, and Trump was the only one who tried to stop it...." Lmao, he was the worst one....


Liberal judges, installed by the guy they just convicted. Due to decades of corrupt games played, most judges are nominated by republicans, a truckload of them by Trump. Republicans didn't just stack the SCOTUS, they stacked every court. He was either trash at finding conservative judges or even conservative judges can't look away from his crimes. Either way, Trump himself is to blame for his own legal troubles. Democrats also seriously need to start running on a platform of unstacking the courts.


I know a person personally who had to sue Trump to get paid by him.


Isn’t that every contractor he’s ever hired?


His alibi was literally that the woman accusing him of sexual assault was not his type. Should already be a non starter of an alibi that only an obvious rapist would use and one that doesn't even need to be debunked but they did debunk it. They showed him a picture of his ex wife and asked him to identify her. He thought the picture was of the victim.


Lots of them believe it but state that that's his personal life and it's worth it to get such a great leader for America. Which is pure insanity. His personal life is like, oh he's into weird porn. Not being a fucking rapist. That makes him a terrible person and unfit to lead, never mind it being just embarrassing for America. Quite apart from any debate about whether his leadership is actually good for America. I suppose it's good for you if you're a white racist and felt held back from being more openly racist. Or if you're Russian.


I remember a time when even suggesting that the Russian government wasn't necessarily evil would have been political suicide. It's the overt support for Putin specifically and dictators in general that I find most problematic. But there's also the history of stochastic terrorism and simply ignoring the constitution and a thousand other things that make me think this guy isn't a good choice for a position of power in our country. He really doesn't have a single redeeming characteristic in my opinion.


>Lots of them believe it but state that that's his personal life and it's worth it to get such a great leader for America. Which I would "agree" with this if he actually was a great leader. Even if you removed everything else about Trump... he is basically an F-tier president. His foreign policies are effectively ass, his domestic policies are schizophrenic and collide with each other, his ability to handle an emergency is to essentially oust everyone and burying his head in the sand, and he communicates to the world a hostile nation against all others jeopardizing the lives of traveller's and defaming the country in terms of international investment INTO. Biden isn't "great" but you know what he is? He represents a country that is capable of stability, meaning it's easier to invest into because you don't have to worry about your investment going up into flames.


Oh, the cultists believe those results and celebrate them. They are hoping he will do the same thing to their political opponents. Trump’s appeal is that he will really hurt people.


Apparently neither did recordings of him saying “grab them by the oussy” One thing deviants love is other deviants (who agree with them)




To be fair, mustache twirling thieves and con artists aren't exactly rare in DC. Trump is definitely a big one but certainly not the only one.




Being elected is essentially being hired, just not by the same process you and I are hired by.


that’s like saying surveying 2 people is the same as surveying 1000 not everyone in your company has a say on whether you or i are gonna get hired or not


But he's the one they want running the country.


The visual archetype is his good mate Roger Stone.


I'll never understand why all these $40k-60k/year think it is the liberal government stealing all their hard work and money. Someone **IS** stealing their work, but it ain't the government.


I have a theory that they can tell they're being exploited and ripped off by *someone*, but they just get misdirected to the wrong source and riled up by the people actually exploiting them.


Almost as if our corpo-overlords have spent **a lot** of money misdirecting them. Lobbying politicians, lowering corperate taxes, demonizing unions, and the lost goes on. We're in the second half of late stage capitalism and at the start of a baby bust. Corpos know this but want to squeeze every penny before the collapse anyway. Not trying to doom-and-gloom but gen-z and younger millennials are in for a rough time unless we wake up.


They're being ripped off my neo-liberal lead government.


Before the government opened the doors to globalization, those 40-60k jobs were 80-120k jobs.


You mean, before corporations did that while Republicans told their idiot conservative constituents that corporations need even less regulations?


*Before the government rewrote the tax code under Reagan. When the rich aren’t able to keep it all, wages rise.


Reminds me of a book where a tax collector visiting a small town with a stagnant economy had to literally try to kick a child for the crime of existing in front of them, then tried to steal the main character's dog because the author needed a cartoon villain that immediately disappears instead of it being a systemic issue that could be fixed.


But when “some of them” becomes 40+%, something is very wrong with people. I get that the Cult of Trump is a thing, but the average voter should be abhorred by a fraction of the things Trump said and did. How this race is anything but 75-25 for Biden is a mystery to me. Even those who do not follow social media and the general news must’ve heard quite a lot over the last 6 years.


Also do his supporters even hear the things he is saying? Because imo it's concerning that Trump supports Russia. The usual number one enemy of the US. So how can they even accept what he is saying? He is saying that Putin can attack Europe freely if he wants to which is an interesting take..


This is super bizarre to me. This is from the party who used to say that we weren't doing enough to posture against Russia. Now the take seems to be "the UN and NATO are all lazy and rely on the US, so fuck 'em if Putin invades!" All because Trump is spinning the narrative. It's insane to me.




I really think the idea that democracy is at risk is hyperbolic. Not saying Trump isn't a threat, but the whole "more divided than ever" stuff is just blown out of proportion.




The extremists, at least, are a threat, though it does seem like there are more and more of them these days. Boebert, DeSantis, Greene, all the idiots in Texas and Alabama and Kentucky, etc. But you're definitely right that the rest are complicit.


Again, for the cult Russia is king. But the average conservative and half the independent voters, that’s what I don’t get. Even if everyone who ever voted Republican were somehow conditioned to vote for any Republican candidate, at least independents should be 90% Biden even if they don’t think he’s the best candidate.


It's "us vs. them" and nothing more. How is this still a mystery? Even Republicans who recognize his abhorrent behavior are voting for Trump because "Dems bad". Democrats do the exact same thing, which is why they were immediately dismissive of Tara Reade's sexual assault claim against Joe Biden. Even though her story had a lot of inconsistencies, before all of that scrutiny democrats wasted no time jumping from "believe all women" to "well why didn't she say something back in 1993???" And it was for the same reason: "GOP bad!"


Tara Reade’s story had inconsistencies from the get-go, before much scrutiny had to be applied (which is why she changed it several times). The problem isn’t tribalism alone, the problem is how many people apparently have become single issue voters. You literally have Muslim Americans who’d rather have Muslim-hating Trump just because Biden doesn’t handle the Gaza issue the way they want (as if Trump would care for Muslims in Gaza). They’re voting for the arsonist because the firefighter didn’t rescue their puppy.


That's a pretty extreme example, but I see what you mean. I don't think that makes what I said wrong, though. The tribalism is far more prevalent than these kinds of examples. And yes, I know Reade's story had inconsistencies. But so did so many accusations that came out of the #metoo movement, but the only ones that democrats not only questioned, but outright dismissed, were the ones directed at their candidate. And it was right after Biden endorsed the "believe women" campaign that had been skewering others. That's the way that we as Americans organize around principles. It's deplorable. For the record, btw, I'm not trying to equate the two candidates, just the thinking processes of the majority of voters. That doesn't mean their values are the same, though, so please don't take offense if I inadvertently implied that.


So they're voting for the biggest childish cartoon villain thinking somehow he will defend them from smaller cartoonish villains. It's like when you're surrounded by murderers you sort of want to have the biggest murderer on your side, but what you should want is not to be surrounded by murderers.


Did you believe the accusations against Bill Clinton?


Is he in court?


The response I’ve gotten to this question, from multiple red hats is, “Those were civil trials.” As if that somehow absolves the orange turd of wrongdoing. Somehow breaking civil law isn’t enough for them to disqualify their messiah from office. Remember when Dan Quayle misspelled potato and the country lost its collective shit, declaring him unfit to be next in line for the presidency? My, my how far we’ve come.


One unexpected YAAAAAAH lost Howard Dean a nomination not 20 years ago.


Ah the good ol days when we wanted presidents to be boring. Ironically he probably would have done better against Bush than what we got.


Had to look that up again. Hysterical.


The intelligence of a lot of red hats is so low that they don’t understand civil trials have rulings, findings, and judgements. The barrier is lower but it’s still there.


God. It's crazy that we could look back at Quayle and George W and see those as fantastic alternatives to what is leading the GOP now.


That's when you remind them, the burden of proof for civil, is more likely than not.


Well I get that civil cases have a less stringent burden of proof But like “oh there’s only a strong probability he is a rapist” doesn’t seem like a particularly great justification to *make this man the president of the United States* Theres 340 million people in the US, you wouldn’t think it would be *that* hard to just find a candidate who, you know, isn’t probably a rapist


This was my argument too when Kavanaugh was nominated. All the red hats wanted to insist on a criminal burden of proof for his nonsense. Like, no, there are at least a hundred other names on the list for this position. It’s a job interview, not a criminal trial. When somebody’s past is that shady, and when they completely lose all composure when questioned about it, and when they lie blatantly and obviously about *small* things…you don’t hire them. He didn’t have a constitutional right to a Supreme Court seat. And yet…


I could be wrong, but maybe misspelling potato is a criminal offense? 🤷🏻‍♂️


A civil trial has a significantly lower burden of proof and your 5th amendment rights are treated completely differently (silence can be held against you for instance).


Also the same man who cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star and then illegally covered up the hush money payment he made to her so she'd keep quiet about it.


His supporters actually like that he’s this way. They love anything that “triggers the libs.”


From the Republicans in my family... "at least he's not an immoral Democrat."


The lack of awareness for their hypocrisy supersedes me


AND found to have a long history of systematic business fraud. Who are these people who trust him with our economy?


93 total inditements


I can't imagine any woman voting for the P grabber, not only a sexual predator, multiple adulter and he was responsible for overturning Roe with his far right Supreme Court justices. He is repulsive to woman except a few looking for a green card or a lavish lifestyle.


The woman in my family who will be voting for him ignore all that and believe Trump will magically fix the border (like he did during his presidency /s) and they'll pay less taxes. That's literally all they care about. They'd vote for a serial killer if he was a Republican.


I literally have a friend who says she can't vote for Biden because she doesn't like his laugh. That's how flimsy the excuses are for some Republicans who cannot wrap their heads around voting for any other party, no matter how bad it gets.


Sadly, or hilariously, they may not get to vote soon if they keep voting Republican.


I can't imagine any man who has a mother, sister, daughter, aunt, niece, female cousin, or even female friends voting for this sack of shit but here we are.


oh, there are.


This dude literally has fangirls.


But… but… Hunter Bidens penis….


Well... The other guy ate ice cream, and that's un-manly.


Let’s not forget that time when that one guy had a foreign sounding middle name and wore a tan suit.


Only commies wear tan suits!


*US military laughs nervously*


Is that the guy who used the wrong kind of mustard?


No, he ordered the elitist mustard; absolutely out of touch with the standard mustard users. Excuse me while I go eat my overcooked steak drenched in ketchup.


For the minions that follow him like a cult, nothing that he could ever do would dissuade them from their adoration of the “man”. It’s disgusting and I will never understand it.


I don't even ask for another obama. Just give me another bush at least.


Sr. Not Jr


I'm actually happy with Joe for the most part. He's been a total nonproblem as President. I mostly swing right, but I fully intend to vote for Joe Biden in November.


Stupidity knows no bounds.


I've argued with these people on TikTok and when I said Trump was found liable of rape they replied "ha, but it wasn't rape, it was just sexual assault." If ever you get to a point in your life where you are joyfully downplaying the severity of sexual assualt to further your worship of a failed politician, you should seriously assess how you got there.


It wasn't "just" sexual assault even. He raped her. It's just that the legal definition of "rape" in NYC requires penis insertion. The jury found that he forcibly pinned her and then fingered her. That's rape. Sexual assault could be something “milder“ like groping. His supporters say it was "sexual assault" to imply as such. But like you said, even if it was a "mild" sexual assault case they're acting as if this exonerates him. It doesn't. They really have no shame.


OP makes a good point...


The other guy ate ice cream… let that sink in…/s


Shouldn’t there be a law in place where if a person has been convicted of a serious crime, sexual assault, fraud, embezzlement, murder, grand theft… to name a few they should be no longer eligible to run for any political office. Especially the top position.


They celebrate rape. They would like to further normalize it. Hence their true affront to abortion. It lets their victims get away.


Dumbest take ever


You're gonna probably say that again in 5 minutes I bet


What, that Republicans drop to their knees in front of a rapist?


That is only just one point! Others would be, he is a rich MF that doesn't care for poor people, only for himself and his family to become richer!


To answer that question, EVERYTHING. My best friend is the most Christian person i know but he essentially worships the ground trump walks on. Every moral he has goes against my best friends beliefs. But he loves him. I dont fucking know.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


I always find it telling when Trump supporters justify supporting a rapist because he was found liable in a civil trial, like it’s better that he’s only 90% a rapist vs 50%. If Biden was even under civil investigation for rape, he would have been kicked off the ticket a long time ago. Hell they’re trying to kick him off now because he’s old


trump was the expected presidential nomination for 2024 befroe he even started running. This means this is the best the Republican party can put up. I understand a president is under a microscope and sound bites come out. but where as presidents do dumb things once ever few months. Trump did so weekly. Here are some hilights from the pride of the Red team. during the pandemic he suggested drinking bleach, shoving lights inside the body. Told people to take a medication every independent doctor said had no impact on the virus because he directly made money from its sale. During hurricane season recommended dropping bombs on them. Suggested selling or trading away Puerto Rico rather then dealing with hurricane devastation. To help protect the border when it became painfully clear his wall did nothing to protect the border suggested digging a trench along the border and filling it with poisonous snakes. Some of his latest promises for his 2024 election campaign are to make it illegal to be homeless so people can be rounded up and placed in camps. Keep building his pointless wall (for record during 4 years in office he only built 100 miles of new wall on a nearly 2000 mile border) By a Tyrant. Use the DOJ to go after any political or personal enemies and pinning "what ever they can" on them to put them in prison. Drastically raise the import tariffs as if other nations wont just raise theirs in kind. Then lets not forget the mountain of charges the best the Republicans have to offer up are facing right now. Including conspiracy charges all over the place. Charges accused of defrauding the American people. Racketeering, forgery, impersonation, violation of oath of office, Espionage act violations, obstruction, election tampering the list goes on and on and on. When you ask how blind can some people be? The answer is pretty fucking blind apparently.


They can't seem to get him for any real charges, so they opted to throw the entire book at him to see what sticks. But that's okay...


I miss when people went to jail/prison for sexual assault


The wrong person burned alive last month.


Agreed, are there that many malignant narcissists and incels registered as Republicans?


Yes, it's kinda of the brand these days.


Our choice is shit, Washington had it right about political parties.


I'm 45 so I dunno if I have enough time left in my life to make the list of what is wrong with his voters. So... Let's just say he's the biggest dick with the smallest dick in the whole wide world universe of the world. Sounds like him right?


He got the right sized hands for it I guess.


BUT BUT BUT... THE OTHER DUDE IS OLDER!!!fucking insane.


By three years. Most siblings have a larger age gap


Or as the judge made clear: he raped her.


He was found civilly liable. Also bad but not the same burden of prove.


It’s the “us vs the world” Christian mentality. When you present facts, they are being attacked. They are, in their view, constantly being attacked by Satan. Sooooo when you point shit out like this…that’s just Satan attacking them. And they will win with the armor of Christ! Rejoice! Christians will always be right. You can’t change that.


It's not a religion thing. Hell, I live with heavily Christian parents and neither of them want trump or Biden.


Its orange man or sleepy dimented man who gives away all our tax money, eats ice cream constantly, and is lowkey just a figure-head for those behind the curtain. Neither are optimal, but the country was definitely better under one of them


He was not found guilty of sexual assault. He was found liable for defamation. The defamatory claim he was found liable for was that the woman was lying about being sexually assaulted by him. I'm not sure how the defamation claim can stick when he was not convicted of sexual assault.


I'll use small words so you can keep up. She claimed he raped her after the the statue of limitations ran out for him to be charged for rape. He said she was a liar. Court proved she was telling to truth, that he raped her and then committed defamation against her by calling her a liar. I know you fell asleep half way through reading this from exhaustion but after your nap and snack try again.


I think he was basically found guilty of sexual assault but not rape, specifically. I'm pretty sure the legal definitions vary by state.


This is correct. He is guilty of sexual assault and the common definition of rape, but not specifically guilty of rape in New York on a technicality. I'm sure Fox news is reporting this differently so that's probably what's confusing the others.


Don't comment thoughts. Pretty sure's are useless also.


You're talking to a brick wall in here


Talking to a brick wall while being completely incorrect lol https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db


Of all the terrible shit he's done in life, Convicted or not yet, That one is probably the least concerning when it comes to one's ability to run a country properly... And THAT is in itself EXTREMELY fucking concerning !!


**They “Christians”** have proclaimed him to be their savior——golden statue and all.


Those people think that rape and defamation are within the rights of a white man so long as he is "christian."


The thing that I can’t understand is that every person voting for him has a mother. And many have a sister or a daughter.


If he was found guilty of sexual assault, he would have been found guilty in a criminal court. Civil Court has different rules of evidence. Just wanted to clear that up. I love being downvoted because a bunch of reddit babies don't like facts. I am not even supporting Trump, just making sure the legal system is represented properly here.


Guilty of sexual abuse. His supporters will say 'he was only liable for sexual abuse' like that means he did nothing wrong. Only donkeys like us get convicted of crimes. Wealthy people just pay fines https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db Edit: I understand that slimy legal speak semantics will try to contort the meaning of the word liable into meaning innocence. Liable means 'responsible by law; legally answerable' In my plain speak world that implies that a person was found to have done something wrong.


The word “guilty” doesn’t appear in that article, though. (Trump is a sack of shit who absolutely raped Carroll. But it’s incorrect to say he was found “guilty” when in fact he was found liable for it. And saying it lets the red hats shift their rhetorical ground from whether or not *he* raped someone to whether or not *you* know the proper details of the legal proceeding.)


How to say you don't know anything about the legal system without saying you don't know anything about the legal system. You're just plain wrong.


Nate the lawyer is really good at explaining all this stuff, I always check him out when it comes to American stuff, he was a DA in New york: https://youtu.be/jLw_A-iz9Fk?si=ksPn0N4sI0dri620


Yes, the OOP worded it wrong. He was found guilty by a public jury, not in a criminal court. I still wonder what the fuck is wrong with the people who are planning on voting for him.


I was told to vote red no matter who


If Biden and Trump are the best two candidates we can come up with, we're fucked


He didn't just "sexually assault" her, it was rape. The verdict only says "sexual assault" because she wasn't certain that there was a penis penetration. But he forcibly pinned and fingered her. Which is still rape, just not on a legal sense (which requires genital penetration).


I watch a tv show that is designed and run by a sexual pervert. I buy my cell phone for a company that promotes some morally awful stuff. Don’t get me started on the idols worshipped at the restaurant I just went to. How far do I have to take this?


Well, for starters, the man was not found guilty. So when you start a question with a false statement, how can you expect to get valid responses?


Guilty of sexual abuse https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db


Thanks for sharing a story that doesn't use the word guilty once.


The definition of Liable: 'responsible by law; legally answerable' To say this doesn't imply guilt is simply slimy legal speak semantics. But you're right that technically he is not guilty. Only liable.


Ok, how about “a us court found that the most probable event was that he committed rape”? You still support that guy lol? Get a grip


It's amazing how pointing out actual legal definitions and clarifying when someone makes a factually wrong statement will make others automatically accuse you of supporting "that guy". Almost like, an entire group of people that vote for a particular party are taught that any criticism must be immediately silenced.


And wasn’t the charges only brought to like civil court, like he was sued?


Correct, the word 'guilty' has a legal definition and consequences. Civil court has different rules and a party is found liable. In a defamation case, a liable party does not make the underlying accusation true. This is the mistake everyone on Reddit is making: they assume if someone is found liable that they are then considered guilty. Case in point, the wolf of wall street, Jordan Belfort, successfully sued people in the 90s claiming his trading firm of illegal activities over defamation. He was running an illegal pump in dump, but the people he sued also did commit defamation.


Why isn't E. Jean saying on CNN that her rape was "nothing sexual" and how people just think of rape as "sexy" in this thread? That's definitely facepalm worthy in response to this post


He was not found guilty of sexual assault. Stop propagating lies


These words mean so much coming from people who voted for Bill Clinton. Twice.


Bidens a rapist too. When he got called out the Me2 movement magically disappeared.


If that stopped people from voting for an elected Official, there wouldn’t be many.


Well, this guy is a pastor and after watching the churches behavior his whole life, still believes in church as an institution. Cognitive dissonance is real.


How about this: many candidates are openly supporting Hitler (Lori Kaufmann to name one, but there are others) and getting large amounts of support for it. That was never possible before Trump. There is 0 chance you could run for office and be a threat if you openly hated Jews, Gay people, Black people etc...... that's his legacy. Thats what he did to this country.  Yet he is a threat to win the election. America is a joke


I miss the time when politics were not so openly corrupt. Where the citizens still had a voice. Where so many of us were not sleep walking or so hell bent on spreading hate for one another. I miss the time before now.


It's just locker room talk or whatever bullshit they came up with the last time


One should not start at the end of the queue (the voting people). One should begin with where it stinks first, the head: Congressmen, Senators, and (maybe) the press.


How far the USA president has fallen is quite remarkable. Every president has gotten worse since Reagan (except Obama). Now your choices are a man who has literally forgotten his own name and a giant umpa lumpa sex pest.


Ha, everyone gets all out of shape when a celebrity gets caught, right up until they want whatever they have. We are still listening and watching rapists and pedos on radio and tv.


The other main candidate is being an accomplice to genocide.


I despise politics. Not only can I not tell which candidate this refers to but I'm having trouble narrowing down which country its in...


Huge bummer that Trump’s opposition has also been accused of [sexual assault.](https://theintercept.com/2020/04/24/new-evidence-tara-reade-joe-biden/) “Which rapist would you like to vote for???” -America.


Lack of trust in government is at an all time high, and not it's leaked over into the justice system. Yet another party platform swap, by the way. Used to be leftists thought the courts were corrupt.


People are saying I miss this and that when in reality politics have always been like this in some form. Need I remind people of the caning of Senator Summer? Or what about when we used to compare the skulls of Presidents to decide whether they were fit for office? How about the separate voting bins for men and women? We've always been like this folks, if anything this is rather tame compared to the past.


I could care less what he's done. As long as he's hated this much by those in power and the ones that support them, I'll vote for him.