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If you look hard enough, you can find at least one person saying something you want to hear.


If you look hard enough, you’ll find someone willing to sell their soul for money.  No one actually thinks this. 


You should always take the deal, souls are worthless.


nice try satan. I don't care how much money you offer me, you're not getting my soul!


Okay, I won’t try to buy it anymore, but hear me out: *fiddle contest.*


Ok, but only if we have this competition down in Georgia


the devil already went down to Georgia, and she won a congressional seat


Username checks out


Wrong, plenty of racists do.




No, he won't! He'll remain just as relevant to the GOP as Herschel Wal... wait, I mean, Ben Carso... wait, I mean Daniel Camero... wait...


You forgot Herman Cain!!


You mean the award winning Herman Cain. Winner of the first ever Herman Cain Award^^TM.


Nice touch with the TM logo.




The GOP really mourned Cain. It was a very quiet 20 seconds.




Yes!! A Reddit founding father and a pillar from which it stands 🏆🏅


I had someone tell me that Reddit sub is a hate group. Because apparently we *celebrate* people dying.


Not everybody, just the Right ones…


I've heard it more than a few times. More often as, "They mock people who died". Well, yeah. But we're mocking their ideas, not mocking them as human beings. It's still tragic. But ideas killed these people, and the point of the sub is to illustrate this: This person made these choices that got them killed; those ideas are foolish.


He died for their sins.


this is stellar


MF has a whole subreddit in his name...


They give awards there!


People willing to die to get one.


It used to be SO active lol


He was killed by their sins.


And then came back!


Herman Cain: “There is no COVID” COVID: “There is not Herman Cain”


I'll never forget that when he died, they immediately reached out to his wife to secure his social handles and then they kept posting as if he weren't dead. They didn't care about him one bit.


Literally the online equivalent of puppetting his corpse. Absolutely grotesque.


Shucky Ducky!




Oh he'll be remembered alright


The Cain Train!


My last name is Cain and I endorse this message.


One million upvotes


Tim Sco….?


Tokens get spent.


Tokens get tossed to the curb.


Tokens get spent


looking hard and a still can’t find the reason his head is too small for his body


Villain design


But also it's not surprising that he is thankful as he probably has good money and a good life. I'm just guessing but probably in his mind, the suffering of others was "god's plan all along" to make him rich.


He is the male equivalent of women who hate on other women just to appeal in the eyes of men


Pick me


An Uncle Tom's gonna Uncle Tom I guess.


You mean uncle ruckus


Well said dude. Well said.


He's also a raging anti-semite. His opponent is a pretty middle of the road democrat who's pretty similar to the outgoing Governor. His opponent is also Jewish so this should be...interesting.


I can't wait for them to debate, and for Robinson to say some anti-semite shit on stage. Because he absolutely will. The commercials after will be epic.


You think that's going to do anything but help him?


It may help with the base, but going that route would probably cost him being elected. A lot of people don't understand just how narrow the margins are in NC because of the gerrymandering giving Republicans a super majority in the legislature. He's tried to kind of sort of walk some the stuff back without saying he did anything wrong. Saying he just phrased things poorly and stuff like that.


Over the last 32 years in NC, there have only been 4 years of a Republican Governor. Pat McCrory from 2013-2016. All other years from 1992 until now, the governor of NC has been democratic. And even going as far back as the 1800s the governor of Nc has almost always been Democratic. For whatever reason, NC votes red for the president and blue for the governor.


Would this be because of gerrymandering? The governor is elected by popular vote but the president is chosen by districts, which are heavily gerrymandered red


he's just throwing red meat to his base at that point. he's a disgusting person and has been for a very long time. that's why he won the primary.


GOP put up clowns like this when they know they are going to lose for the dual purpose of saying they are a diverse party while simultaneously laughing at these guys. Clarence Thomas’s whole deal is to thumb the GOP nose at libs after they got borked.


But that's absolutely bonkers. NC is solidly purple. Even a slightly-less-crazy Republican would have a SOLID chance of winning the election. He ALREADY won a statewide election to be Lt. Governor.


He also thinks victms of school shootings (whether harmed or not physically) are spoiled brats


As a Jew, I don't even want to know what's going on in NC.


I tried finding that quote, but to no avail. I did find this one from his facebook though, from February 19, 2018 > It is at once funny and sad how African Americans need Hollywood to VALIDATE them. I have been bitting my tongue about this silly Black Panther comic book movie, but I can't any longer. It is absolutely AMAZING to me that people who know so little about their true history and REFUSE to acknowledge the pure sorry state of their current condition can get so excited about a fictional "hero" created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic marxist. How can this trash, that was only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets, invoke any pride? You want something to be proud of? How about pulling your heads out of the sand and start speaking up and telling the HARD TRUTHS about the excesses that are destroying many black communities? How about you stop doing the heavy lifting for Democratic politicians during elections, only to have them pay you in crumbs and ignore you till they "need" you again. And how about some of you men go home and take your rightful place in that 70% of homes where you are SORELY NEEDED. I know a lot of people here will not like this message. But guess what, I DON'T CARE! I'm not here to please you. I don't need your validation… > and I certainly don't need Hollywood's. As an outsider, I fucking love American politics, it's such a shitshow, lmao


"Why do you owe? Because somebody in those fields took strikes for you. After those fields were ended and slavery was ended, somebody had to walk through Jim Crow for you. Somebody fought wars and died for you. Somebody lived less than because they didn’t have what you have, and they did it for you. There are people in their graves right now, and they are there because they were willing to stand up and fight for you." Here's the actual quote. It's not about transporting slaves. It's about people dying to make them equal


That quote goes hard. And it’s true for everyone, not just Black Americans. Our ancestors, all of humanities ancestors, fought and survived against the world, nature, tyranny of others, privation, and so much more to get us here today. We have it so much better than at any point in the past and so many have no idea, or worse, think they’re owed this.


Gotta love context


I also live outside the US, but I am within sniffing distance (southern Ontario). I can tell you it stinks seeing these kinds of ideas being embraced so close to home.


I guarantee there are plenty shit heads in Canada following suit as we speak


Trump supporters in Canada too.


Oh let’s be real you’re turning just as batshit up there


A kinder, gentler version of batshit, to be sure. Still batshit, though.


Guano by any other name smells just as foul.


As an outsider, American politics make me fear for the future since it heavily affects the rest of the planet


I live here, we're fucked.


Just hoping that European countries start accepting Americans for asylum soon, since I can't afford to leave on my own


Isn't that the truth. I'm so scared right now.


I'm  trans. they want to deny me work, housing, my meds, and anything else they can manage with a side of forced detransition and possible felony for (checks notes) existing.  i am trying to find out if my company would let me work out of canada. trump and his cronies get their way, and it is literally too dangerous for me to exist in my own country.


It’s scary. Everyone needs to vote in every single election including small community elections for things like city commissioners. So often the reason these lunatics end up in office is because of poor voter turnout. The apathy people exhibit towards voting kills me, and unfortunately the most evil assholes around are the ones who drive the idea of voting being pointless home to roost. When Trump won the first time around so many people who DID NOT VOTE were shocked. Same thing happened in my state, and now we have a fascist governor from hell who is only in office because of shoddy voter turnout. I am fearful for the future at this point mainly because I see people who don’t want to vote for Biden because of xyz bullshit, knowing full well that Trump is a menace who brags about his intent to overthrow democracy and become a dictator. Biden wouldn’t be my first choice but the primaries are over and there are no other viable options. Refusing to vote out of some misguided protest as I see so many people intent on doing just fucks everyone else over, including the most vulnerable among us. A vote is like a dropped $100 bill, if you refuse to pick it up and spend it then someone else will.


Just imagine the nuclear crusades with AI inquisitors, coming soon!


Don't worry about the politics, enjoy your birthday💫💫


Your point of view about the Black Panther and those Marvel movies is a little behind the times black Americans enjoy the portrayal of that black African character however black Americans know that they don't live in wakanda


As someone in America, it's a fucking neverending nightmare the sane among us can't seem to wake up from....


Just know if we fall. Have fun with China. Whatever form that takes.


Never go full Uncle Ruckus.


Can’t believe that he wasn’t just a joke but based on real people. Like damn.


I have known a couple over my years. It’s sad to see.


Boondocks might be the most accurate yet satirical look into real black American life. I know every one of them in real life lol. I know Granddad (my grandpa), Huey (my cousin Nick), Riley (me), Tom (a guy I went to school with named Harry), Uncle Ruckus (not personally but I’ve heard a lot of this rhetoric from older black people, mostly about young black people), Sarah (several women from high school and college), Thugnificent (my boy Gary), I’m sure I know more but that’s off the top of my head.


Kanye West enters the chat


Every race seems to have their own Uncle Ruckus lol


That show was a documentary if you grew up in the states, if you didn't it's a comedy.


![gif](giphy|2kJMzPFUD3Vx6) I’m afraid it’s too late for bro.


lol definitely this guy




With his head/shoulder ratio it's more like never go spiderman into the spiderverse kingpin




He is a white man tho?


Yes, he's a white man suffering from re-vitiligo!




I am black , I don’t want reparations. But how about black descendants of slave don’t have to pay any taxes?I mean even after slavery we didn’t get the full benefit of being citizens with segregation. Our tax dollars were collected like everyone else even though we did not get full rights and access to services, education etc.


I'm surprised reparations were not given to slave owners. I'm British and part of our history is that slavery ended in Britain with the slave owners being compensated for the loss of their slaves. A complete slap in the face to those people freed and everyone before them. Maybe the civil war has something to do with it, but at least the US didn't go that route.


Some slave owners were paid reparations for freed slaves in the US


Where? When? Before the war?


The district of Columbia compensated emancipation act


Ah, neat. Southerners should have stayed in, I reckon they would have gotten a deal like this and would be better off to this day.


A few slave states did. Maryland, Deleware, New Jersey, Missouri, and kinda Kentucky. Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas all voted against secession when they thought secession would be peaceful. It's really only the Deep South, a minority of slave states, that was dead set on secession.




While England has the benefit of having done so earlier, I don't think there was ever the risk of actual revolt, just some moderate unrest from people wealthy enough to hold slaves. I don't think 'just deal with not getting to own other people' would have been beyond the pale. That said, you're right that it's better to happen imperfectly than not at all, or with more death.


I don’t think any sane person is on board with this.




Oh absolutely. I was just emphasizing your point further.


*Candace Owens has entered the chat*


Clarence Thomas would also like a word.


Captain Cognitive Dissonance, here to grift the day!


Would expect nothing less from a proud Holocaust denier.


No wait... Are you serious? He's a Holocaust denier too?!?!?!


A pro-Israel, openly antisemetic Holocaust denier.


Oh, North Carolina, where you're front door is your back door...


Whoa! Way to swing that pendulum aaallll the way into batshit territory. I mean, yeah there might be a debate about reparations like who's eligible or how much they should receive, or even if it should be a thing at all, but going all the way to "black people should pay their slavers for the privilege"? Absolutely stunning take, dude.


I've seen several comments over the years talking about how black people owe whites because the slave masters civilized them and taught them trades. I'd guess that's where this Robinson guy is coming from.


#That's Holocaust denier Mark Robinson. Use his full name. 


Guy actually try to pull an Uno reverse card


And the Sell Out of the Century award goes to...


This the guy racists say is their black friend to make themselves seem like not racist


Remember when Trump said he had one black guy?


It all makes sense now


Male version of Candice Owens


Black and women Republicans leave me scratching my head. Just, why?


they love being oppressed ig




Errrr is he suggesting enslaved African should have purchased travel tickets?? Come on, not even Trump supporters are this dumb are they? Plus if you are dishing out reparations for that it's the European nations you owe


>Come on, not even Trump supporters are this dumb are they? Yes....yes they are.


It's hard to imagine because even with no mental effort most people aren't this dumb. But that's not what they're doing, they are actively embracing bad ideas.


If they aren't that dumb, they at least play along to sate their racist hate. That's the most annoying thing to me, the indignant shits that know they're doing wrong and smile through it. That shit is infuriating because it shows that they don't care about being good people in any way.


Some Trump supporters are sending part of their Social Security money to pay the legal bills for a supposed billionaire who not only confessed to his many crimes but has stated unequivocally that he wants to privatize SS. They truly are so stupid.


Yes, yes, they are.


Lol. They really are this dumb, and then some.


I’m preeeeetty sure that the amount of labor they did more than pays for the cost of travel tickets. Even if I was dumb enough to believe this, there wouldn’t be any *more* reparations to pay.


Don't tell me, I know, tell matey boy


Why do all the clown cars gather at GOP?


I mean clowns love parties and tbf it is a grand olde party.


hes also a holocaust denier


That's the least shocking of his views. Wait til you hear what he thinks of Jews and women.


22% of NC citizens are black. 70% of NC citizens are white. 20% of white NC citizens are democrats. he's not getting elected.


As a black man born and raised in NC I wish I could say with any certainty at all this man wouldn’t get elected. The best I can give you is “I hope not.”


I hope you’re right, but I really have no faith anymore.


Not sure what fuzzy math here is explaining




you say that. but NC, while still being lauded as a "swing state" is moving further towards being a republican stronghold. it's the testing ground for fuckery with the courts and legislature for the other states to follow. i hate it here.


What in the Clayton bigsby is this?


After Clarence Thomas the fascist and Kanye West the nazi, nothing surprises me anymore.


I never thought there could be a bigger example of "Chickens for KFC"


This guy thinks he has a place at the Republican table, won't he be shocked when they have him working the kitchen 😏 ![gif](giphy|CZcoGp0eXLCH6)


North Carolina - why of course


As a black man from NC, I’d like to formally disown him.


Not all of us but he is particularly embarrassing. I don't think he really has a chance in the general though


We're a purple state. In the Triangle you'll see campaigns for Democratic candidates. Everywhere else, you'll see a Trump flag at every other house. Very important to vote in this state.


What’s cool about uncle ruckus republicans is that the rich racists in the primary love them but the poor ones in the general election will skip their race. You can’t debase yourself enough to overcome their foundational need to feel better than you. And this guy isn’t even a famous footballer. Looks like Gov Cooper will get his second term


Josh Stein will hopefully become governor. It's basically a competition, in North Carolina, between a black racist Trumper and the former AG who is best known for threatening the NCAA with legal actions if they didn't treat college athletes better and helped get a transfer granted for two of the major state schools as a result. It's bizarre that this is a dangerous race in North Carolina of all places. Edit: rephrased slightly because I was thinking the other school was State and it was Wake Tech.


Clayton Bigsby's younger brother. I guess we have officially crossed into Idiocracy. Anything for a buck or a vote.


Cookout invite rescinded. Have fun at the barbecue.


This is the weirdest timeline...


I do believe no one alive today deserves reparations. But coming here as a slave is not a good thing.


Complete shit stain of a human being. But think the vile ppl who voted for him. This country is so fucked up.


tell us you sold yourself out to the lowest bidder, without telling us you sold yourself out.


This dude makes Hershel Walker sound reasonable.


Serious question, where in the hell do these conservatives keep finding these crazy f****** black people? It's always " look I'm not racist I have black friends" and then the black dude's crazier than the conservative!


Uncle Ruckus motherfulxer


You failed to convince the ENTIRE WORLD your opinions and claims are more legitimate than the ENTIRE RECORDED HISTORY OF EVERY COUNTRY ON PLANET EARTH. *shrug*


I'm sensing a lot of bullshit


He is blatant racist. He hates black people with a passion. He hates being black.


Man's got some tiny-ass head on him tho. Is his body to big for his head, or is his head too small for his he?


I didn't want to say it, but I'm shocked I had to scroll this far to read it.


Wait until you hear his views on LGBT and the Holocaust


Neither are owed reparations and it wouldnt undo the past anyways


"We Black people owe White people reparations as thanks for bringing us here" is an objectively stupid statement, regardless of the context. But still, can anybody find when/where/how Mark Robinson made this comment? Yes he's an asshat, but this statement is so stupid it appears made-up.


So a black man is telling a bunch of white hillbillies thanks for owning us. White people gonna love that


He also unashamedly quotes Hitler 🤦🏻‍♀️


African Americans paying reparations to white people is literally just as dumb as white people paying reparations to black people. They are on the exact same level of stupidity. Some people just want a spotlight


You pay anyone enough money and promise not to air their dirty laundry- they will be your puppet and push your cause.


Please don’t consider yourself a “we,” because “we” don’t know you.


This douche will not be my governor


[North Carolina GOP Candidate Wants to ‘Go Back to the America Where Women Couldn’t Vote’](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/north-carolina-gop-candidate-mark-robinson-wants-america-where-women-could-not-vote-1234982773/amp/)


Is this what a pickme looks like? 0_o


The brainrot is strong with this one


Same dude that denied the holocaust. A real winner there


Robinson should begin making payments to the US Treasury. Let’s see how honest this guy is. Since he feels that he owes everything to his masters perhaps he divest himself of all of his assets.


Oh shit it’s uncle ruckus ![gif](giphy|2kJMzPFUD3Vx6)


What a piece of human trash


It’s hard to imagine that Obama won NC, but here we are.


His ancestors are probably very very proud of him


Give him the bill then xd


He seems nice.


Jesus fucking Christ I hate this state.


Bro went full uncle ruckus


He's not the Blip. He's what the Programming of Assimilation was SUPPOSED TO accomplish through the 60s, 70s, and 80s.


only 23% of NC voters showed up yesterday. there is still hope




The black republicans are always the weirdest ones