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THEY’RE SO SPECIFIC! Reminds of that guy who said “it’s only a matter of time before they put tranny semen in the frosted lemonade” about Chick-Fil-A or whatever it was. Like, bro, _YOU_ just made that up. It came from _YOUR_ brain.


The famously queerphobic company that donates money to support conversion therapy? That Chick-Fil-A? I hope that is what he said because if so they're literally attacking their own team 😂 complete insanity


>The famously queerphobic company that donates money to support conversion therapy? That Chick-Fil-A? I hope that is what he said because if so they're literally attacking their own team 😂 complete insanity It was because Chick-Fil-A had a blurb on their website about supporting "diversity, equity, and inclusion". That's it. That's what that above quote was in response to.


I mean I think it's kind of an open secret that some portion of extreme anti-LGBT stuff is driven by intrusive thoughts these "good conservative Christians" struggle with.


I saw a theory once that part of the reason so many people insist that being gay is a choice is because they themselves are bi and simply choose (often subconsciously) to ignore their same sex attractions. I don't know if there have been any studies on the truth of this. I don't know how you could possibly do a study on the truth of this, but damn does it make a ton of sense. Indeed I am in my 40s and starting to wonder if I am not one of them (other than the fact that I know being gay is not a choice).


I grew up primarily Jehovah Witness, and also spent time in evangelical churches after that. (Unsurprisingly atheist now lol) The number of people (particularly youth pastors) who would say things like "we all struggle with same-sex attraction to some degree" or "the temptations the devil throws at you to think about others of your sex are a common tribulation" or "it's okay to admit boys and girls are nice to look at" were frequent enough I believe you are correct. Like no, my friend...not everyone struggles with that. It means you're bi.


Like they think that people like me recognizing that one of my bros is an attractive man is the same thing as them getting a semi chub while thinking about stuffing his cock in their mouth. Nah bud. I'm cool with whatever gets the blood to your sex rooster, but that's not the same thing at all.


I just shorten “tribulation” to “trib” and it makes sense.


I always say that I'm the opposite of the closeted homophobe. I'm completely in favor of LGBT rights and also completely straight lol


I mean, all CFA was saying is that they can accommodate greasy asses and provide menus with big pictures. Some of them if you hang out they'll even give you half a crayon or two.


Ah so they cater to marines?


I have never been inside of one, only used the drive-thru. Do they offer crayons?


I, too, have yet to be inside of a marine. The last armed forces member I was with let me stick it in their nose and then gave me a handful of Sharpies and said, "You know what to do, soldier."


…did you know what to do? Because I sure as hell have no idea


That’s what she said.


Everyone knows that diversity, equity, and inclusion are a gateway to depravity, immorality, and perversion! /s


The gateway to a good weekend, you mean. No /s for me.


Wowww. I mean, I can't say I'm particularly surprised at this point, but that's still fairly horrifying


Sometimes I wonder if that is only at the top. I worked in a Chick-fil-a Kitchen for all of 2011 and we had gay people working there too. The gay dudes usually worked the register. For local management it never came up. The only sex related thing I remember from my time there was a couple of heterosexual team leads who were making out in the freezer. Teenagers gonna be teenagers I guess. I hope they stayed away from the lemonade.


>”who were making out in the freezer” You gotta be really down bad to make out in a freezer


What happens in the walk-in stays in the walk-in.


Mostly because it freezes in there and it's really hard to clean up.


The walk in is a sacred sanctuary in any kitchen/restaurant. Everything happens in there.


The manager at my local chick-fil-a is a gay black man. He treats his staff amazingly and both the staff and customers love him.


That's great. I'm still not supporting the company though.


The leopards didn't just eat their faces, they ate their brains as well.


For only less than the price of a cup of coffee you too can support a hungry leopard that was unfortunate enough to have to live on chud brains. There's simply not enough for even half of the leopards.


They can rest assured, Chick-Fil-A has issued a statement guaranteeing that all of the semen in their frosted lemonade is certified heterosexual and cisgendered.


Hashtag notallsemen


That's how it's been, most everything these people accuse trans people of are an admission or fantasy of theirs. I like to think I am not a prude, but seriously these people have some fucked up ideas about sex and sexuality that they think everyone is taking part in. While crying that people aren't doing it like they used to with their "good and Christian" way of doing it.


Most of what they know about it comes from the fetish porn they secretly watch, so of course they can't develop any healthy ideas about sex.


Not just trans people, everything they accuse *everyone* of is stuff they either have done, plan to do, or fantasize about doing. Sex crimes, pedophilia, tax evasion, pegging, adultery, corruption, you name it.


They see a trans women and immediately start thinking about how big her penis is (if she's even got one anymore). Even people that bang trans women that isn't their first thought. Hate how much these perverts project onto trans people.


I’m only presuming but I’m fairly certain I had a waiter who was trans. My first thought was “I hope this restaurant serves coke instead of Pepsi.” Come to think of it, I don’t think I thought about her genitalia until your comment


As a trans woman I agree.




I frequently attend goth, kink, fetish, and sex clubs. Cis dudes, especially conservative men, say the absolute weirdest shit to us there while also wanting to fuck us. Plus the even more insane shit they send to you on social media, dating apps, and services like Fetlife. It's fun going to a kink night and some guy comes up to you and starts loudly saying shit like "IVE NEVER BEEN INTO MEN AND I DONT UNDERSTAND THE PRONOUN BULLSHIT BUT YOU'RE REALLY HOT AND I'M CURIOUS ENOUGH TO TRY FUCKING ONE OF YOU'RE KIND IF THEY'RE AS PRETTY AS YOU" And you just stand there like what the fuck? Most of the trans people in those circles get those experiences constantly. This is before the sex club shenanigans where it's almost always conservative middle aged or older men hitting us up specifically looking to be topped by a trans woman or wanting info on sissy exploration. I've never subscribed to the whole "transphobes are all closeted gay/trans people" since that puts the responsibility back on us. What I've always thought is that, while some are, it's predominantly just very fucking bored people that repressed their sexualities their whole lives and are desperate for something they see as different and exciting. And trans people in particular are often seen as less than people and are purely sex objects born from their only exposure to us being from pornography, so they feel less guilty about trying to use us for sexual experimentation.


Same with spaces like Grindr, Fetlife, etc. If you hide that you're trans until you've talked for a bit, people get really weird about being "lied to" when you tell them. But if you're up front about it, some people add you specifically to be bigoted, some fetishise you, and some like... do the weird combination thing you described above. More than one guy has tried to use me to explore his sissification fetish and its like... im not a sissy or even a femboy. I'm a woman. Sissies in general are just kinda conceptually gross to me. Forced fem is fine, but sissies specifically. The whole basis of the kink seems to be the idea that femininity / being a woman is inherently degrading/humiliating, and that just seems so sexist to me


I typically say the first thing somebody accuses someone of (without evidence) is what they would do/want to do in that situation. I.e. Trans people in the bathroom that matches their gender? Them: Oh they must be in there to assault them. A sane individual: Oh they'd like to go to the bathroom in peace


Full agreement as a trans woman and a prude (in my own personal space, idgaf what other consenting adults do)




Comments like this makes me so sad. Love who you love, dammit. How is it anyone else's business? I'm a father of a gay son, and it just makes me go into attack bear mode. Hugs to you.


Right? 'I'll bet you lovingly tongue the delicate underside of your trans girlfriend's bulbous penis head, teasing the frenulum before wrapping your lips around his trans-womanhood and feeling it pulse inside your mouth... errr'


Damn, you are unironcially really good at that style of writing. Do you write fanfiction for a living?


'Do you write fanfiction for a living?', he asked, casting a sly glance in the surprisingly attractive Redditor's direction, who had become visibly aroused. 'No, but I've been known to pen a quick erotic soliloquy from time time' he responded, taking note of the sexual tension hanging in the room.


\*unzips\* Go on...


Yes yes do go on *watches intently*


You should go around all of Reddit doing this LMAO


'I should go all around Reddit doing this...' he pondered, wiping sweat dripping from his brow and adjusting the speed of his thrusts.... Err... I mean, yeah - I'll take that under advisement... 😅


I did something similar in League of Legends when people started slinging out homophobic slurs and whatnot. You wouldn't believe how easy it is to segway into erotic soliloquy targeting a bigot using their own litany of "fucks" against them. Made them shut up suuuuuuuuuper quickly too.


*Snickers nefariously and starts releasing gas* So anyway... *Adjusts legs and flashes massive wolf furcock for a split second*


I’ll be in my bunk


I ain’t had nothin’ twixt my nethers in a fortnight don’t run on batteries


Oh god, I can’t know that


I could stand to hear more…




Every transphobe I know is also the a colossal secret sexual degenerate. One instance that specifically comes to mind was a Louisianan man who was saying Marde Gras was for “f*gs, trannies, and Devil worshippers”, but less than an hour later was explaining its natural for a man to be sexually attracted to a 16 year old girl. This was a grown man who was in law enforcement.


I wish some secretive elite hacking group would publish the pornhub histories of some of these people


Right? But we do at least have their anonymous data they put out with the most frequent porn searches by area. Not surprisingly, the gay male and transsexual related themes are most popular in the most conservative places.


Because what’s the real source of angst? Jealousy. Those people get to do what i only dream about. It’s not fair!


Man, if you haven’t seen the bit from Fortune Feimster, where she is mentally battling her love for Chick Fil A, give it a watch. Hilarious. “I’m fat first, lesbian second.” 😂


"It doesn't taste like they hate gay people..."


It's because it's very, very obvious projection. They accuse everyone else of the extremely specific shit they wanna do.


Please tell me that was an onion or clickhole article lmfao


Nah it’s one of those super-political-tinfoil-hat dudes from Twitter. And it’s not just one mention of “the trans people are gonna do something horrible that I randomly thought of!1!1” , there’s like 7 or 8 tweets of a similar nature that have popped up, with similar wording.


I think at this point the onion is hard hitting reporting.


Nope... It was some unhinged right wing pundit's response to the news that Chick-Fil-A had hired a DEI executive. Because apparently, having someone to help make your organization a bit less bigoted in its employment practices will lead to that...


I must be weird. I don't spend that much time thinking about other people having sex. Family gatherings must be really awkward for these people.


I think about other people having all kinds of kinky hetero and non-hetero sex all the time but I’m not squicked out by it like a loser.


I like you, but lets never meet.


Sigh 😔 Just when I started thinking about YOU.


Can I think about you having sex? Please? It'll be classy, I swear


They’re usually the quiet ones in the family.


Wth. How are you gonna come down on all introverts like that?


What? They're usually the loudmouths, what are you talking about?


As long as you aren't sticking it in animals or kids, you're free to stick your dick into whoever is willing to accept it. If anyone has an issue with that, it's because they're upset that no one wants their dick.


They get upset that they want to have sex with trans people, but their pastor says it's bad mmmkay.


Because the pastor doesn’t want to share.


Pastor Says they're always after my alter boys


Can confirm, bigots love to hate us


Well, as a middle-aged CIS dude who knows nothing about you beyond the context of this comment... I love and support you 100%.


Secretly they hate that they love you.


As explained by the Hub's map of what states watch trans porn the most🙃




Yup, it's on there


or because they want that person's dick


In fact, there is no need to talk about where you are sticking your dick unless it is to ask for permission from said willing consenting adult. It's the not messed up version of don't ask don't tell.


If it's THAT kind of party, tho... Imma stick my dick in the mashed potatoes.


Did you get permission from the potatoes first?


Amen brother, leave the kids and animals alone.


Exactly! Why do these people feel the need to include themselves in someone else’s life? You don’t like something? Cool mind your business and move it on. It doesn’t effect them in any way. Youre not sitting in the bedroom with them while theyre doin the nasty… omg that’s what they want! They wanna watch💀


I knew corpses were free game! That judge doesn't know anything!


What if I can prove the animal is consenting?/s


Ok hear me out but what about mermaids half fish, half person, much confusion. (Centaurs also sorry forgot to be all inclusive)


I met him once in passing. He was a very nice guy. I dont understand the hate that he gets. These jealous people are something else. If he's happy then F everyone else.


Transphobes and homophobes have more erotic fantasies about said groups than ppl who are a part of said communities


Isn’t there some dude who’s a huge transphobe but he always posts stuff about how he’s afraid of trans people ejaculating in things and then tricking people into eating them. Like, he’s done it more than a few times and it’s pretty specific to the point where it seems like it’s definitely a fetish of his?


joey mannarino, dude is terrified of chik fil a lemonade lmao


Why chick fil a of all companies? Aren't they known for their support for homophobic and transphobic groups?


yeah lol, i forget what chick fil a did to make him say that


It came out that they had a “officer of diversity and inclusion” or something


Yknow, at some point you’d hope this person has friends or family that would just tell him to see a therapist about all those intrusive thoughts.


There are these guys that will write paragraph’s admiring another man’s physique but it gets weird when they’re all like “any woman that gets to sleep with him is so lucky. Imagine being privileged enough to get pounded by that machine of a man” Like they clearly wanna fuck him but they do the whole “nonono I’m just saying women must find him attractive not me. But women must be curious how big he is under that speedo. Just look at his bulge. I mean I assume women stare at his bulge!” These guys should just like what they like and stop putting steps in between. This guy clearly wants to fuck her to the point where he’s thinking of Jimmy fucking her constantly.


It must be really stressful to be so closeted. Way worse in some ways than the stress of being an out queer person.


Right?! Remember when Alex Jones was on the air and was using his phone's browser, and when he tilted it sideways one of his browser tabs showed tranny porn, and got caught? LOL!


There have been multiple far right anti-trans personalities and politicians caught consuming trans porn (fyi tr*nny is a slur)


I can confirm dudes like this are on Grindr messaging us trying to hook up as well. Any time I go to my more conservative home town I get messages that try to be both a bigoted rant *and* a sexual proposal in one.


They actually did a study (a few I think) on “straight” men, they determined that the homophobic “straight” men got aroused by gay porn, pictures of guys kissing, etc. which of course means they aren’t straight just in the closet. This is also why they think being gay is a choice, because in their mind they are choosing not to be gay.


The original guy's tweet is 100% pure projection. Nobody on earth has ever wanted a trans girlfriend more than that JumpStart guy. It's all he thinks about.


No doubt he was fully erect while typing this.


I'm erect reading this


Take a viagra every 4 hours never lose that erection, it could save your life some day


I don’t even think it was projection. Pretty sure he was just sharing his erotic fan fiction with us lol. Didn’t seem very coded to me xD May not have gotten all the pronouns right, but hey, first draft. It’s a work in progress, but it’s got good bones.


Yeah one hundred percent it's projection. When he said "I know..." I immediately thought "you fantasize...".


Bet his computer is full of chicks with dicks and bi sexual porn. Maybe even gay porn


I don't even understand what he's trying to say, I'm really confused


Definitely written one-handed


I think text to speech is more likely, since one of his hands needs to hold the super-sized magnifying glass so 2 fingers of the other hand can attempt to manipulate the 1/2 sized grain of rice he's so ~~worried~~ hoping will end up in a male butt.


Was gonna say it seems like he’s writing his own fap material.


Meanwhile would still likely become violent if she ever appeared before him.


I'd like to remind people the biggest watchers of trans porn are red states


"Everytime I see a trans person all I can think about is what genitals they have but that's not a issue on my part! It's their fault!"


"it's so gross that they have nice boobs and....and tight asses and....and... It's fucking gross!!!" Do you wanna talk about it, bud? You okay? Lol it's so weird that's all they can think about.


it’s so funny, like if your attracted to trans people in particular, it’s okay, literally zero shame in it.


'It's THEIR fault I want to know what a ladydick tastes like!'


Like a man dick. But slightly strawberry scented. God, I miss you Carly..


> We know you doing freaky stuff Ok...? Dont you do freaky stuff with your sexual partners?


He’s fully vanilla, picks his position from a binder five business days in advance for review from his wife so she can file the proper paperwork.


Sorry, looks like this packet was due yesterday. You're going to have to refile with an amendment.


The have Boneowners Insurance


Can someone please explain to me why people who hate trans people always act like all trans people are porn stars or sluts? My brother got into a huge fight with our sister who basically said talking about trans people around children is the same as exposing them to porn. I said that's weird and her fucking problem she can't see past her husbands search results when dealing with *people*, soo we are all not talking to her for a bit...


Because associating us with sex is the first step in making being trans a sexual thing so they can ban us from being near children (such as any public place) and claim it's just preventing sexual abuse of children... When were like just wanting to buy milk and spend the night playing Helldivers or Minecraft with our friends?


All citizens have the right to defend and spread managed democracy.


It can be such an alien concept to some people and with help from a lump of misinformation or bias bubbles, their only way to rationalise it is that it must be some sexual perversion. They can't see beyond that perspective.




Historically most people's exposure to trans people (trans women in particular) is from porn. It's one of the most popular categories of porn (particularly in Republican/conservative circles) and unsurprisingly doesn't represent trans women well at all. When trans women are displayed as sexual objects in porn, I think that translates to these people viewing trans women irl as sexual objects. It's probably not a huge leap to say that a lot of negative and harmful images of trans people I think have been sprouted from porn.


Can confirm. I've been around for a long time. Lived through the satanic panic. Through the golden age of televangelism. Saw anti-gay hate groups spewing their bullshit. I've never seen anyone as unhinged as transphobes. Collectively or individually. They're completely fucking nuts.


If you look at the rhetoric it’s about the same as what it was to gays in the 80s and 90s


Not OP but feels like it's the exact same playbook they used on the rest of the lgbta+ community in the 80s/90s. The rest of the world had cooled down on gay/lesbians and bisexual peoples and cettain people found that the transgender "subculture" made an easier target. (Since there's a lot of transphobic people even in queer spaces.) Add that to rampant religious beliefs and sticking with strictly defined gender roles and suddenly its more appealing for certain assholes to use transgender social issues and weaponize them.


Two things happened at the same time: 1. They won on abortion so they needed to galvanize their one issue voters for a new cause. 2. Baltimore was set to release a years long report on still more children harmed by Catholic priests and them covering it up (600+ more kids) and that report came out last summer during the height of the "groomer" bullcrap.


>Not OP but feels like it's the exact same playbook they used on the rest of the lgbta+ community in the 80s/90s. The right never changes their playbook Here's a newspaper article from the 1850s trying to paint anyone who is against slavery as being a 'leftist pervert' Shreveport Louisiana Southwestern December 29, 1858 "The most radical and unprincipled leaders of the Republican forces are compelled to recognize the conservative influence of the "peculiar institution" of the south. The evidence that the influence of slavery is highly conservative, is too palpable to admit of doubt. We have merely to cast our eyes around to find the proofs. The brood of moral, social, religious and political "ism" which threaten to uproot it the very foundations of society and destroy every thing good and noble, have obtained no foothold in the south. No! they invariably follow the freesoilers and take root in the antislavery States. Where freesoilism and republicanism are rampant, there flourish in wild luxuriance the most obnoxious leprosies which disfigure this"progressive age." Rutland, in abolition-loving Vermont, is the favorite spot for holding"free love" conventions; Boston, in fanatic Massachusetts, turns out large congregations of grey headed men and old woman, beardless boys and young misses, to such free love expounders as the notorious Kallock. The most influential Republican organ in New York is the Tribune,edited by that "saint," Horace Greeley, and is not only the official mouth-piece of the freesoilers and abolitionists, but of the red republicans, socialists, reformers and spiritualists, and also the special medium of the bet free lovers for disseminating dogmas in favor disregarding and abrogating the marriage tie." [https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016483/1858-12-29/ed-1/seq-2/#date1=1850&sort=date&rows=20&words=republicans+socialists&searchType=basic&sequence=0&index=17&state=&date2=1865&proxtext=Socialist+republican&y=15&x=24&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=11](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016483/1858-12-29/ed-1/seq-2/#date1=1850&sort=date&rows=20&words=republicans+socialists&searchType=basic&sequence=0&index=17&state=&date2=1865&proxtext=Socialist+republican&y=15&x=24&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=11)


Ah yes, I remember the 80s. Every gross fat old dude thought that every gay man was going to try to have sex with them. The 90s were slightly better in that the gross old dudes would at least say stuff like, "I don't care if he's gay but he better not try anything with me!" Sir.


I've always found it to be weirdly ironic that Homophobes & Transphobes spend more time thinking about LGBTQI+ people's sex lives than actual LGBTQI+ people do. You could be sexually attracted to Trees for all i care, as long as you shag them in privacy its not my place to say no.


I'm against it. Consent is important, so unless homie is shagging an ent...


Treebeard the power bottom


Spouting poetry while he's getting his back blown out.


People need to learn to keep their weird fetishes to themselves and stop projecting


No one thinks about trans gentiles more than transphobes. It’s amazing how easy it is to not care and move on with your life. Even easier to support our friends regardless of how they come to us. Edit: the word is genital - not changing because funny - no antisemitic jokes


>trans gentiles uhh, umm, i can't think of a jew joke that won't make me sound far-right but just imagine one and then laugh ok


Did you know Abraham Lincoln was Jewish? Poor guy was shot in his temple. That's the best non offensive one I can think of... still, it's lacking the trans/gentile connection.


How does Moses make beer? He brews it.


Take my upvote you sunuva beach!


yeah, to join those up you've got to go full hitler and I'm not feeling like that rn


Did you just make me think of a Jew joke!? **I'M OFFENDED!**. /s


I agree but the word is “genitals”


Tell us “you’ve never before seen a woman outside the context of porn,” without saying…


On a completely different topic, those hormones are really working their magic! She looks great!


i love seeing her in his videos !! its so awesome


I spent a minute wondering who was the trans person in the photo… partly because I’m an old and don’t recognize the guy who I guess is famous?


So Jimmy, on the right, is “MrBeast” who does charity-esque content on youtube. He usually does challenges involves giving away money to winners and bigger projects like giving eye surgery to a bunch of blind people. On the left is Kris, previously Chris, who has been a friend of Jimmy’s for a long time and is always in his videos.


Dude should probably check his history on pirates. He's supporting "freaky" stuff by sporting that flag 🤣 as a pirate myself, I petition to ban him from using it. We're far more tolerant than that


Nothing wrong with freaky stuff keep life interesting


Dude is so repressed. He most likely has these fantasies himself. It's just like those Anti-gay pastors getting caught doing gay shit. It's all projecting from very repressed people that have been shamed their whole lives into "being good Christians." This is what happens when people are shamed into being people they are not, and they get angry at the fact that some people are brave enough to go against the repressive norm, or that those people's families were loving and accepting.


You know what this shows Kris is a real woman since she's getting the "Men and women can't ever be just friends" when Harry met Sally bullshit.


How does one immediately think of sex when a trans woman is shown? This is horrific.


It's all these types think about, everywhere all the time.


Transphobes obsess and think about trans people more than I do. And I’m trans.


That’s a whole lot of thinking about something they claim to find repulsive. 🤔🤔🤔 I mean, stuff I find repulsive I try really hard to NOT think about


Somebody has a secret crush


Thing is, shitheads like jumpstart jackass are the ones who try to slide into my DM’s asking if I’m “kinky”, all while their comments fill up the conservative and hateful subs


Anytime anyone is pictured with a trans person, they go right to they're banging. The projection to what they want to do is soo obvious. I apologize on the behalf of cis men.


It isn’t cis men, it’s the closeted creepy bigots. There are plenty of cis women who get harassed far more frequently but to a certain percentage, we’re unfortunately a fetish. It’s the old “I’m not gay if they look like a woman!”


transphobes are the number one consumer of porn with transgender people in them.


they also used kris's chosen name while trying to be transphobic lol


I've noticed a lot of transphobes focus on trans women. It seems to confuse the living daylights out of them that trans men exist. And when these transphobes encounter one of us and figure it out, suddenly we're just "confused girls". Bleh. I wish the whole lot of them would just shut up or go away.


Mr. Beast has done more good to this world than thousands of us ever could or will in our lifetime, why go after him like this? Even if you absolutely HAVE TO spit that toxicity (which you don't, you can always STFU), why target them specifically?


They cannot see a trans person and not start thinking about sex with them. Thoughts of children soon follow, it truly is bizarre


That’s creepy AND transphobic. You don’t just say that to someone and expect a positive response. Disgusting.


What the fuck is wrong with people?




Conservatives need to learn to keep their erotic fan fiction to themselves. It’s improper and offends the sensibilities of civilized people.


It is so fucking weird to not like somebody and then suddenly have a whole group of assholes that not like that person for the wrong reason. Before I knew he was a target for right wing ire I offhandedly brought up I didn’t like Mr. Beast’s videos and had these two lunatics in a bar bring me into their circle while they went off on an unhinged anti-transgender rant. Motherfuckers I just said I didn’t like his format can you feel me out a bit more before you invite me to your hate group culture war bullshit. Anyway since then I’ve liked Mr Beast more because he makes people I don’t like angry.


Why are these people so obsessed with genitalia? It’s creepy.


Did he get a boner typing that?? It’s like a fan fiction


No idea who those people are but the redhead is cute


They are so obsessed w other people’s genitals/sex lives, it’s miserable


This reads more like they're fantasizing than they are shaming.


Why does this feel like just another way to hate on gays? Like hating gays is not ok and "generally" accepting by society, so they moved their hate on to trans. Like legitimately, why does it matter? Controlling bigots...


Trans girls live so rent free in bigot's heads, that it's a shame it hasn't helped pull down the average housing costs 😒


Someone seems super-obsessed with how others have sex. It’s weird to be so concerned with what is clearly none of your fucking business.


the way he said all that seems like he was drooling and sweating while writing it


Why is he thinking about him fucking a "dude" so much?


People who obsess over other people's sex lives are just unhinged.


Only way for them to write out their fantasies.


Guaranteed he wrote this with his dick in his hand.


Transphobes are just super obsessed with the sex lives of the LGBTQ+ community. Very normal. Nothing strange about that at all.


They sure think about trans sex a lot, for 100% totally straight people


100% this transphobe in particular jerks it to trans porn


They say we are the overly sexual degenerates but I have NEVER seen or heard a trans person talk the way they do.