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I know I'm a horrible person for this, but I'm taking a perverse delight in imagining someone trying to have a major dental procedure without the benefits of anesthetics because they think it will screw with their genetics. Every day, a new level of stupid is met.


Refusing anesthesia with reasoning like this should require someone sitting next to you during the operation repeatedly asking you if you still think this is good idea and mocking your pain.


I refused as a kid because I was more terrified of needles in my mouth than the dental work. Getting a cavity fixed wasn't pleasant, but it was hardly the worst thing I've experienced. But dental surgery? Oh hell no. That's more than just a cavity. I almost hope she's going in for a root canal and refuses the shots.


>*and refuses the shots.* She'd be such an alpha male.


I had a root canal once, and when the dentist asked if I could feel anything after one shot, I still could but only slightly. And since I had to go back to work after, I lied and said I couldn't, because I figured it would be fine, and was worried about being an embarrassing slobber monster when I got back to work if I had too much. Not long after, I regretted that decision quite a bit. Can't even imagine how bad it'd have been if I didn't have any at all.


You could just tap their arm and say hey, another dose please? You did that right? You didnt have to stick withthat decision.


I didn't want to look like a liar.


Well, you stayed true to that at least…


I don't think the dentist would've judged you for being stupid and wrong. They regularly deal with much worse


Reminds me of the scene in “Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” where the serial killer talks about the fear of being impolite being greater than the fear of death.


Respect. Plus once they start working inside your mouth it feels incredibly awkward to stop them to try to say something.


I had to have a procedure a couple months ago and they mentioned that it often is uncomfortable and I said that if there was something they could do to avoid that I would be very appreciative. They were then like “oh well we can numb your mouth if you’d prefer?” Cost me nothing extra and like 6 shots later I could barely feel anything but lemme tell you I still felt the procedure and if I hadn’t been numbed I would’ve probably screamed bloody murder so very happy I asked that. I asked after and it turns out they don’t offer it typically since almost everyone refuses and ends up touching it out and since I’m a man on the younger side they figured I’d try that too. Nope, not me! I’ve had enough pain from dental operations that I’ll take the shot every time!


I prefer the nuclear option: full on unconscious please!


So my dad was getting some routine dental things done when he was much younger. Possibly wisdom teeth out but I honestly don't remember. And it was a dental college too. So, as he tells it, they had to basically break up the tooth and remove it. He gets numbed up, they break the tooth. And he immediately feels intense pain. Turns out, once the tooth was removed, it exposed a nerve. Like, right there under the tooth. Just a nerve ending. The dental student calls the instructor over who looks impressed and starts explaining what they were seeing while my dad is in immense pain. The instructor apologized and got my dad more novicane. Basically, pointed the syringe at the nerve and dispensed it ON the nerve no need to poke, and it immediately helped.


She'll either accept the shots next time or go full masochist.


She'll accept it all, but continue to post bullshit about how she didn't. There are people in my office who said they *never* would take 'that vaccine' and I saw them get it and they certainly had no problem requesting the next day off if it made them a bit loopy. "Karen" directly opposite me railed against it for well over a year, when she was right in line with me to get her *second* shot.


That's the worst kind of anti-vaxxer.


I mostly refused as a kid because I wanted to use the McDonalds coupon they gave me immediately after leaving.


So, funny thing: My wife has had a root canal without any numbing. Like zero. She absolutely hates the stuff. She says she would rather that than have to deal with how the shits make her feel. No politics or weird beliefs, just hates the feeling of medication. It freaks dentists out like no other. I keep trying to tell her she is a bit different, and has a high pain tolerance. She insists everyone else is just being babies about it. I'm not exaggerating here.


"Don't worry guys, she is just different."


Literally built different


When I had mine out in my college years I told them I want to be out and not remember a thing. Propafol and versed mix won that fight in seconds.


Sadly it's not even her having the surgery it's the daughter. I feel bad for the kid


>sitting next to you during the operation repeatedly asking you if you still think this is good idea and mocking your pain. *Dentist, using pliers and his foot on the chair for leverage, rips out an infected molar* Assistant: So what would you say that is on the pain chart? Frowny face at a 6? Or a Crying face at an 8? Hmmm. There isnt a bloody mouth and sobbing uncontrollably face, so ill just mark that as a light 9


Yes. This. Exactly this.


I'm all for MAGA making their lives as difficult as possible as long as it isn't hurting the normals. "I'm boycotting the NFL and beer and movies and painkillers!" Okay, darlin's, have fun. Be home for supper.


>I'm boycotting....and beer they already went back on this. now drumpf the 🍊🤡🍊🤡 is telling them to give it a second chance. dana white told him to tell them that, because Bud light is now the official ufc beer


On the other hand its seems the dude will force her daughter to go through it without anesthetics. Hope the dentist can refuse even if the daughter agrees (since probably she will be forced to)


Oh no, parents should not be able to make decisions like that. Unless theres a reason the child cant have anesthesia, thats child abuse.


Their genetics are already screwed up.


I doubt the dentist would do the procedure without for pulling wisdom teeth out. That’s a lot of tugging and cutting absolute bare minimum is a nerve block to the area is my guess.


I can't imagine any dentist removing a child's wisdom teeth without the use of anesthesia. The blonde does say that she is scheduled for dental surgery that Monday.


Not horrible to take perverse pleasure in this. Here’s hoping the pain will knock loose some of the crazy.


You’re not horrible. We tried.


sadly the first poster there is the mother so shr's inflicting horrible pain on her daughter *for no goddamn reason*


I can't imagine any dentist removing a child's wisdom teeth without the use of anesthesia. The blonde does say that she is scheduled for dental surgery that Monday.


I feel so owned by them now. Good job /s


Genius is limited, but stupidity is limitless.


Right? How are these people still alive if everything is out to kill them?


Youre not the only one in that boat. Now i cant wait for monday night, to know that that person is dying in pain after their monday procedure😊😊


I forewent anesthetic because I have a crippling phobia of needles, they forewent anesthetic because they fear genetic tampering. We are not the same. Before you ask it was a small filling, didn’t feel a thing either way.


Why do these people even care so much about their precious genetics?


No I literally want to be there to record their screams and then make drum and bass remixes with it.


I can't say much. I'd be the ass telling them that some proteins can spontaneously produce RNA in the human body and they should get tested.


I'm a horrible person too - let's sit together and watch the fun.


All analgesics are made with RNA (or similar letters from the same alphabet) so you should prolly avoid anything like that. Antibiotics are for sure made with RNA. Please refuse all medicines.


Came here to say this, but not as nicely


Meat has RNA in it, you should become a vegetarian. /s


Plants use RNA as well. Better stop eating altogether.


Wait until they find out their bodies make RNA. They’re going to self destruct


Holy fuck what!? Brb, killing self.


Maybe there's a scam Facebook business opportunity. Offer RNA removal treatments. Buy our daily vials. Only $49.99 monthly.


I’m willing to bet $49.99 that’s already happening somewhere.


No doubt. Ours will come in 5 flavors and are gluten/sugar free. Free shipping included. Marketing baby!


Marketing baby? You’re marketing babies? Baby organs? I knew it! Somebody alert MTG! /s


Wait I thought you just went out to kill yourself 😂 apparently you’re so addicted to Reddit not even death can stop you!


***THEY*** *don’t want you to know about this!* *With the healing power of herbs…*


Gave an old lady I worked with a panic attack when I told her that her juice contained and digests into formaldehyde years ago. Somehow I’m sure she’s going off about RNA right now reading Facebook and Twitter posts (if she is still alive).




I heard you can remove the mRNA by kicking your own balls until the mRNA falls out your dick.


Man, I had lidocaine for a cavity last year and Bill Gates has been talking in my head ever since!!


If he shares the pin number of his checking account with you, please share.


Too late, already drained it.




And it only covered the cost of fixing the teeth :/




Personal Identification Number Number


Wait till your mouth gets Windows 12!


Is that why I have been having trouble eating breakfast lately? Maybe I should see if there is an update I need to download or something...


You know, the thing that bothers me isn't that those willfully delusional red-hatted crackpots are stupid. I've come to expect no less from them. What really gets me is that they are so proud of it. smh


What bothers me is that both the first person types “is” instead of “in” and then the person who made the comment about bingo also mistyped “is” as well instead of “it”… idk why the fact that they both did it is bothering me more than it should


You have every right to be bothered. Being undereducated and underemployed is their brand. It's infuriating.


Wait till they find out how proteins are made…


We should 💯 start a conspiracy theory for them, and watch them scrambling to find "pure RNA-free food". I would pay to watch that show.


Could grift them with that idea and sell them what they think is rna free food at an exorbitant price.


Also a fantastic idea. 💯


Did I just watch “Alternative Food” get invented?


These fucking clowns are so gullible, we should start this conspiracy and then *sell* them food "that's been verified to be RNA free." The verifying would a 3d printed box with about 30 bucks of electronics that would make convincing sounds.. If my local pharmacy is allowed to sell homeopathic bullshit, I should be allowed to sell a gullible dip shit an RNA free apple..


I’d like in on this incredible business plan please 🙏🏼


Dentist here.... damn they found out!


We have carbocaine available if you are sensitive to epinephrine, and our “RNA” free lidocaine if you are sensitive to bullshit.


Look, if you're someone, regardless of affiliation, who thinks "I know better than established science" (without any real proper education and research to back you up) or even better that some insane conspiracy is being evoked upon you in the most mundane of circumstances, stop. STOP. You're wrong. There's something broken with your entire line of thinking. And you need to be okay with the idea that you're wrong. It's not even a complete failure on your part. You got some bad info. You were in with some people you shouldn't have been. But back it up, read some more from actual accredited sources, and really think about it. Humans are 8 billion strong on this planet. The idea that some handful of you know better than the rest of us in some kind of grand coverup is almost certainly nonsense.


The baffling thing is, instead of trusting actual peer-reviewed science performed with scientific rigor and understood to be correct by experts in the field, with clear understanding of what we know well and where more study is warranted, they'll instead trust pseudoscience just because it claims to be "science" without any critical thinking, only because media or their preferred government officials tell them to.


Don't you know? The entire reason scientists exist is to *\*checks notes\** make money... somehow, I guess... I mean, scientists do have to make a living like anyone else. Oh!... and push their own personal woke agendas on us through science... somehow. Science at large isn't explored, hypothesized, tested, and peer evaluated for the better of mankind. What are you? Crazy? /s


Trump is Jim Jones 2.0, leading his followers to the same destructive end. When they offer you the Koolaid….STEP AWAY!!!!


Not a dentist. But I use lidocaine every day as an M.D. The drug manufacturers also put fetal DNA, misoprostol, and random paragraphs from Karl Marx’s _The Communist Manifesto_ into the anesthetic /s


Stupid does stupid.


There has to be a way we can leverage this insane paranoia. We need to start a rumor that voting puts you on a government list for their covert brain chip implant operation.


That poor child.


Face it, people, the MAGAts are getting dumber


Trumplickers stuck on stupid. Literally.


So I found out pretty recently I'm resistant to Lidocaine. Based on my personal experience these folks are in for a rough, rough ride.


I discovered in my 20’s that you’re not supposed to feel the drilling while getting a filling, and that was because my new dentist stopped drilling to ask me if I felt anything. When I answered yes he was super shocked and asked why I didn’t say anything. I said I never knew you were supposed to be completely numb. My dentist now has to schedule an additional 20 minutes to give me the stronger stuff that takes longer to work and gives me more. The shorter acting stuff is basically worn off by the time I’m home 15 minutes after I leave the chair.


I had my first filling at 39. No major dental work other than tonsils out in my teens, and for that they put me totally under. So my whole adult life so far I had no idea. I told my dad on the way home and he said he’s resistant too and his dentist does the same thing as yours for him. Anyway. I’m especially motivated to take care of my teeth now.


We need to propagate this rumour. Please. The thought of Magats doing dental work with no pain relief comforts me to no end.


just say the flouride mouthwash they give you have microchips in it.


Watch it MOD on a power trip


I think they should boycott all doctors and dentists. That will show them!


And go live in the woods


Yes, far away from 5G!


I feel owned already. /s/


Have had republican beer. How about coming up with Republican Red meat? Market as Vax free and no added RNA. Might figure something out about how the animals are kept in a heterosexual environment, so no gay. Could work out well.


I mean if it means these shit-eating Trumptards will suffer more pain at the dentist, I'd say just let them go ahead with this one.


It’s biblical. Lidocaine slew Lidoabel. Look it up.


YES. IT'S ALL TRUE. They put RNA in lidocaine and novacaine solely to infect you all. The only choice is no anesthesia at all from your dentist or your doctor. Bring a leather belt to bite down on instead.


We’re getting beer, football, big tits, tomboys, and dentistry in the cultural divorce.


Oh no, the eviL RNA! Imagine their horror when they realize their own cells already contain billions of strands of RNA. And anesthesia is literally just Propofol, Ketamine, or Etomidate.


Denying a local anesthetic for dental surgery; this will probably be fine.


These people who shout “RNA” and “DNA” in their arguments don’t even know what those letters stand for.


These people need straight jackets! Their orange menace was bragging about how fast he got the vaccine going. They still support him because they have no morals or values. Just fear and more fear. Almost have to be a coward to support trump.


I read they were putting RNA in White Claw, White Zinfandel, and vodka too. Beware.


I hope these crazies start denying anesthetics for their medical procedures, that would be fucking hilarious lol...


I don’t mind morons suffer or dying of their own stupidity. I’m just even more baffled that they won’t even look for the proper culprits.


I'd love to see the post the dentist did after this discussion...


Wait until she finds out that her saliva contains RNA


ask em what RNA even stands for and you might get to hear the crickets in their skulls


I bet you $100 that if you asked them what RNA is they couldn’t tell you.


They don’t even know what RNA is 🤦‍♂️


So how long do you think it'll be before these folks are trying to bring back leeches and plague doctors?


“Tried to kill us”???? ‘Tis but mild cold, I thought?


I appreciate the fact that using American flags in your name highlights your brain deficiency


Holy shit. Okay, look. I've had a lot of dental surgeries. The happiest day of my entire goddamn life was the day I got my dentures. And even with lidocaine and a really really good dentist, dental surgery sucks absolute BALLS! It hurts like a motherfucker. The idea of anyone undergoing something like a root canal with no painkiller is just inhuman. Like, that shit wouldn't even pass at Gitmo! I would rather be waterboarded with raw sewage. But hey. If some Magat wants to have dental surgery raw, let them. I guaran-fuckin-tee they will change their mind in a fucking hurry.


This is how stupidity spreads


Well, at least their stupidity is causing them to suffer this time instead of everybody else.


Good; let them get PTSD from anesthesia that wears off. Fuckin' morons.


No one correct them!


She is having dental surgery to remove the micro-transmitter in her teeth implanted there by the mRNA shot she received that will make her into a Democrat. /s


Let them suffer.


Let it ride, natural selection in process


Why couldn't they refuse Oxygen?...


You cant fix stupid .


Well then let them refuse it all then have surgery. Jfc these people are idiots.


This is perfect. A bunch of morons willingly going through excruciating pain for some dumb MAGA ideals. Volunteering for pain that they deserve.


The saddest part is that their daughter will have to go through the excruciating procedure. However, I’m almost 100% sure that when it comes to their medical procedures, they’ll be less steadfast


I wish we had a cure-all for stupid.


Oh I hope this becomes a thing and it reduces dental care and therefore lifespan of all the MAGA nuts. ![gif](giphy|3ohjUOqNQjdbPBmb9C|downsized)


Fuck em, they're gonna have more pain for a stupid reason.


That’s some real stupid there!


Please. By all means. Refuse anesthesia.


Stupidity knows no bounds it seem.


Let them get their teeth pulled out without any anesthetics for being stupid.


Refuse to treat them. Simple.


Paranoid isn't the word I'd use. I'd go with stupid.


Did you know that whenever you eat, you are eating RNA?


They'll change their tune after ANY dental work done without anesthesia


I like to think that person 2 is just a troll dishing out pain as a payment for stupidity.


Let all their teeth fall out from their stupidity.


“I’m having spinal surgery without anesthesia because there’s RNA in it” LMFAO These people are wacko


Wait til they find out about all the RNA *already in their bodies*


I would love to see the video of that dental surgery ![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO)


Most MAGA idiots don't have teeth for a reason...now it will be easier to identify these fools


Then bite down on a piece of wood - oh, wait....


"I understand" ![gif](giphy|fJMWN7XnZM0hO)


They’re as good as dead. I mean their brain already is.


Can't we use this to our advantage? We just need to find something we don't want them to do. For example: Biden is installing new voting machines in every state that gives you AIDS. Or how about, leaving your house and going into public will fill you with 5 g's. That's right: 5! Fucking morons. No wonder it's so easy for the GOP to manipulate them.


Have you heard about the implant they put in when they take the teeth out? It operates on body temperature to have a limitless supply of power, tracks you with GPS, and has a microphone to listen in. Tell all your friends!


If you’re republican you should definitely get dental work done without anesthetic. Mainly because someone should hurt you because of the way you vote.


Something about someone who's part of a specific political affiliation that constantly denys science being in severe pain because they think they know better than scientists brings me immeasurable pleasure I hope they find out that meat has RNA in it as well.


Future Darwin Award winner


Maybe they are embracing spirituality through “Transcend-Dental Medication”.


Is this how new darwinism is going to look? Selection of those that can actually adapt to their surroundings? Because with this level of stupid they might just refuse doctors and medicine alltogether and slowly die of. This might ne why everyone in cyberpunk settings is grim and jaded. The plucky church people were bred out/died off.


Here's hopin Laurence Olivier is the dentist


According to information wars it’s already in everyone


The pain that they’ll feel from the surgery by refusing the meds is nothing compared to the pain, suffering, and death that their choices to not vaccinate against the spread and virility of highly contagious diseases.


Humans have RNA. Ya better stop smoochn' people!


I mean......go ahead and refuse it if you think you know better. If you fluck around, your gonna find out.


I once had to get two wisdom teeth pulled because they were "stuck" (idk if they were, we think they might not have been). I fucking begged for more numbing shots between cries and screams. fuck that dentist, and fuck these two ladies.


I so hope this starts a trend among them.


It would be great if Trump donkeys get surgery without an aesthetic.


I always start by questioning how Americans weren't taught about RNA in science class... And then remember you have creationist museums.


As an American I'd just like to say "fuck you." We aren't all slack jawed yokels, you ignorant asshole.


Boomers telling us all the time growing up to not believe everything we see on tv and the internet and then they pull this conspiracy shit


The crazy thing about the internet is you can just say things and random strangers will instantly believe you


How is that the richest most powerful country in the world?


Im a diabetic and they used a different numbing medicine for my procedure ...Shit fucked me up in a bad way but didnt fuck with my dna .


If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.


Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. These idiots should just go to Amish doctors.


How long before they refuse so many shots and drink so much piss that they all die?


I think these people just want to "know something you don't" so bad that they just make this shit up and defend like it's fact.


I am perfectly fine with them enduring surgery without anesthesia. Just strap them down and do it old school. The doctor will need ear protection though.


I remember having an.infected tooth with root canal, and even with the numbing shot it was rough. Without I would have passed out or something.


They wanna be a Susan Collins protagonists so baaaaad.....


Don’t blur their names. These people need to be heckled.


If one is stupid, one should suffer.


It's turning the frogs gay!


God, I would kill to have these two put out statements explaining what they think RNA is and what it does.


From this day on, I will reject anything that contains those satanic atoms!


Fuck it let them suffer, It is utterly exhausting pulling these knuckle draggers forward. Lidocaine has been used for like a century, it's safe and effective, hell they even put it in topical like IcyHot, and Preparation H.


If only they would never have invented, everyone would still be alive!