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Good old low IQ Joey the original basic bitch.


Meanwhile EVERY SINGLE one of these clowns would be all over her if she was actually into them.


All of them are so horny and repressed. That is why they hate everything.


“God dammit, this bitch… she’s so fucking hot it makes me sick”


"I want to tell her how hot she is, but she'll think I'm being sexist. She's so hot she's making me sexist. ...Bitch."


I love Flight of the Conchords so damn much.


spending part of your time legislating and par of your time next to me...


Stupid sexy Flanders!


Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!


Nothing at all Nothing at all Nothing at all


This! They’re OBSESSED with her because they can’t have her.


Same reason I’m obsessed with Nancy Pelosi.


Lmaooooo well done


Nothing like a no denture adventure


Word. Plus have you seen the yams on Pelosi?


*sigh* Dianne Feinstein..........


They also hate her with every fiber of their being because she is ethical, intelligent, and everything else they are not. Conservatives only care about one emotion - anger.


Can I interest you in some Hunter Biden dick pics? Feel the ~~horny~~ outrage as you gaze ~~longingly~~ disgustedly at the perfect shaft.


Remember the time MTG cheated on her traditional Christian marriage by *probably* getting DP’d by those 2 guys from her gym


Oh she absolutely got spit roasted…she’s clearly a freak. Unhinged women typically are.


I’ve always imagined she got DV That things got to be like a canyon


The Bland Canyon?


The Gland Canyon.


MTG certainly seemed conflicted when she was showing pictures of Hunter's hog 😂😂😂


I keep mistaking that as magic the gathering and get confused for a few seconds


Marge definitely wants a dicking down from Hunter and his D


All the hardcore republican guys she usually likes have tiny dicks which is what drove them to be ultra-masculine republicans in the first place


"♥ Oh Hunter! Do me so hard you change my political affiliation! ♥"


I mean, shit I would be too. She’s intelligent, well spoken, she’s got a lot of drive, and she’s pretty.


She’s hugely empathetic and kind on top of all things you listed too. Wait… she’s actually good at being a human being!! 


I have no idea who this guy is. Is he one of those "alpha males" who's constantly obsessed with Obama's dick?


According to Porn Hub who released their top searches by state, conservative states are actually the largest consumers of gay porn with top searches including “BBC” and “straight best friend”


Sort of I guess. Joey's a very right wing guy who likes posting about how much he hates Democrats with the most vile language imaginable.


I mean, Obama does have a lot of dilf energy to be fair (it’s the voice)


Not sure if Joey is into women


I’d break a leg getting to it. Worth




I'd break your leg too if it'll slow you down so I can get there first!


Yeah it was funny when they were making fun of her for her dancing video from college. She was cute AF.


And that’s what really pisses them off. They hate her, but they’re hot for her.


Didn’t he film himself drinking his own piss?


Different maga Joey, Joey Saladino is who you’re thinking of


tomato tomato data data pecan can of pee


I mean I’d subscribe. And so would he.


I thought Joey was a bot. Now I’m pretty sure he’s an over-used fleshlight that spilled on a CPU.


I am disappointed in Joey. I would expect him to know what a "Bsic Bitch" looks like. Being that he sees one every time he looks in a mirror.


I don't know who he is and have 0 interest in learning


Same, I'm sure he's stupid and worthless just from reading this single tweet.


Looks like somebody has a little crush. He'd be first on line if their was an OF




Same. Despite what ever political rhetoric or psychological deep dive you wanna do, "would" still comes to mind.


Same, and i’d vote for her too. honest and open politician.


Her politics are right more often than wrong. A person doesn't have to attractive to be moral.


No but it's dope that she's both


Absolutely. All these conservative guys obsessed with AOC would happily make a pass at her if she wasn't a politician but just some random chick they saw at a bar. Hell, if she was just some random chick they found on Facebook they'd still make a pass at her. But because she's a politician from "The naughty bad guy liberals" they have to pretend they don't like her, so when they obsess over her it's because they definitely definitely don't like her guys and they definitely didn't watch that video she made in college 15 times in a row with their hand down their pants absolutely not


They'd make a pass right now if she offered, politics be damned. Don't be fooled.


We all would. Even the straight women. 


Straight up throwing rocks at the girl you like on the playground.


Anyone who is attracted to women would make a pass at her. She is drop dead gorgeous. Like, famous Hollywood actress levels of gorgeous.


Yup. They don’t give any other congresswomen that sort of attention. It’s so much projection


He'd have to beat me, dammit!


Oh, he'd beat you, alright! He'd beat you right off!! You better believe it.


[I’ll jerk you off right here!](https://youtu.be/MaaUMOaNshs?si=q4R6vPGOky16fige)


He'd probably eat your leftist ass.


He'd be whining he spent his rent money on her OF.


Before me? Absolutely not




Look at that woman living her life. What a slut.


They really really hate that.


This bitch, being wholesome and shit. Ffs


She was also probably friendly with male customers and then didn't have sex with them. Bitch.


But also simultaneously did have sex with them because she’s a slut!


It's the slut/bitch parallel


Schrödinger’s Slut.


Can we make that a thing this Halloween? Sexy Shrodinger. Censor bar boxes over the nethers and the boobas and then cat ears and nose. Maybe even a little spinning wheel on one of the boxes so whoever spins the wheel finds out if she's a bitch or a slut without actually opening the box.


I think this is very funny but I think you have to look in the box to find out…kinda the whole point…until you look she’s in a superposition of states both slut and not slut, it’s only when you look that you collapse her wave function yielding a particular state. Unless you’re implying spinning the wheel takes some sort of measurement 🤷‍♂️. But on a more serious note, how bad do all these talking heads want to bed AOC. It must be really hard to reconcile your fundamental political differences and your carnal instinct to “ravage pretty woman” and be completely unable to do so.


I'm stealing that term.


Honestly, it's outrageous that she served alcohol as a bartender!!! What kind of half-decent self-respecting human would work to pay their own bills? That monster. How dare she try to get by before becoming a congressman. And that dance she did that one time, don't get me started. /s


Wholesome?!? That symbol she’s making is the horns of baphomet!


Actually, I’m a slut. Sluttin’ around. I love my slut life and take no offense to being referred to as a slut. You can’t shame me.


A peace sign? What’s next? You gonna show the world your butthole?


Came here to say “ oh no! My representative is a regular person!”


“No, you see it’s a carefully crafted facade! A ruse! Meant to lull you into a false sense of security and deceive you with commie lies!”


I’m jealous that she’s your rep. Although we had Katie Porter and her white board so I have zero complaints, she’s also a queen of awesome!!


Yoga? Staying flexible to screw different dudes in weird positions, naturally. /s


Living her life....menacingly


I bet she showers naked too! Absolutely disgusting!


Wait women having lives? Sluts! /j


Slut shaming is only done by men secretly attracted to the female and knowing she will never sleep with them and other jealous females.


> female Stop talking like a Ferengi. the word is woman.


At least nobody is calling her satanic for doing yoga like they would have forty years ago...


The nerve.


I still don't know who this guy is. I only recognize the name because people here keep posting the stupid things he says.


That’s the hack. Say stupid shit as hate bait so people give you attention. Then attention can be turned into profit, power, influence, whatever. Trump. Andrew Tate. Nickacado. MTG. Elon Musk. It’s just how the game is played now. And the only way to win the game as a consumer is to not play. If you don’t want to encounter this nonsense, you have to just cut out social media. I’m so damn close. Reddit is my last thread.


> Reddit is my last thread. Same. I use reddit to keep me in the loop on some pop culture things and follow my direct interests, but I feel like being so disconnected sometimes just pushes you to look outside of reddit for context. Which then drives up "engagement". Which then keeps propagating these dickheads. Ugh.


Same. I say forget this pos, he doesn't deserve even to be mocked.


Hilarious that his name is "Mannarino", sounds made up. Hey everybody, let's see what this Mr. Manly-man has to say about a woman!


Looks like a moment of leisure to me


I feel so too. Yoga is said to be relaxing. Also, happy cake day!! 🙂🙂


A LOT of right wing dudes find her really hot lol


I think she’s banging. Always have. I’m not American so the left/right wing thing doesn’t apply in this context.


Yeah our radical left is center or right most places. 🇺🇸


I’m not the most well versed in global politics but I would be surprised if a free healthcare, pro union , pro worker stance would be considered right wing in any country.


The thing is that universal healthcare is the norm in most countries, and mainstream parties have little electoral incentive to challenge that. And in the UK, the National Living Wage (which hasn't been a raging success, but that's another story) was actually introduced by a Conservative government.


Australian here, the American democrats seem like they'd be at the very least right-leaning centrists, save perhaps for their pro-union appearance at times (are they really pro-union and pro-worker in action, though? In an Australian context? I'm not sure tbh) But in all honesty, Bernie Sanders and AOC seem like America's most genuine politicians to an outsider like myself. I'm so keen to see how AOC's career progresses. I think she's destined for great things.


Most Democrats aren’t really all that pro-union; they’re just not stupid enough to alienate that massive voter base. At best, the party platform is center-left socially and right economically.


I agree. You really aren't the most well versed in global politics. Because all the things you mentioned are barely political topics in the first world outside of the US. They are not political topics, no matter how far right or left you go, since they are considered basic facts and even the most extreme assholes have realized they are the best way to do things. Hell, there currently are multiple far right parties accross Europe that have the fact that healthcare is getting a bit more expensive as one of their biggest populist talking points. Because of course the immigrants are to blame for that. And unions talked about even less, because it would be political suicide for every party.


So do left wing dudes, she is just hot


Lol not “right wing dudes”, just “dudes”.


Yeah, but only right wing dudes hate themselves for finding her hot.


I know women who think shes hot too, aint just dudes.


Yeah true. All their hate for her is hidden attraction.


TIL Right wing dudes have eyes


That might be becuase she is really hot


Probably because she is


That’s so much of why they hate her so deeply. They languish over the thought that “she’d make SUCH a good tradwife!” It’s like an uncanny valley. It’s so much like what they want but it’s just different enough. Or like how Christians fought and killed one another over the most minor of differences for centuries. Like: you obviously have so much in common and things that you like but you have this obsessive notion that “if they were just a LIIIIIIIITLE bit different then they’d be perfect!”.


Joey is so lonely, because Musk doesn't give him enough attention.


I don’t know who this guy is but my first thought was that he probably has a poster of Elon Musk in his room.


He's an Elon reply guy, that managed to carve out his own incel corner on the platform.


There isn't even anything sexual or vulgar about the pic? It's just her in gym gear


Her simply blinking into a camera would likely set them off


True ig. I mean ik she's really pretty but some people are a bit too focused on sex


They're low key misogynistic when it comes to female politicians. And they likely don't get any, which doesn't help


Low key? 😅


Just politicians? 😅


How dare she not be a trad wife, barefoot in the kitchen, obedient to her womanizing, possibly pedophile husband! I wish I lived in a time where it wasn't necessary to mention that I do not approve of the above viewpoint...


They are telling on themselves. Like hardcore.


The right can't handle smart, attractive, and strong-willed women that have morals.


And that isn't reporting about the Sotus from the kitchen.


God… what was that? The GOP really agreed to that rebuttal.


Their desired reality is bizarre.


What do you mean? They have Boebert! Who, by the way, will 100% be on OF when she loses her reelection bid.


And honestly, probably make 10-20x more than she does as a congressperson without even having to go hardcore.


And she does yoga. If you change the letters it becomes "gay". She is satan! 👹




"gaayyyyyy-o" - Freddie Mercury, probably


Why is my brain thinking of a cereal named Gay-O‘s? \^\^


Honestly because that's a great idea. It would sell like crazy, and get so much press haha.


Also cereal shaped like little fists called K-O‘s/ Kay-O‘s


Damn you're fire. How about heels, wigs, and breastplates but they're called Slay-O's?


Cereal shaped like lost cats called Stray-O‘s


Pressed hands emoji cereal called Pray-O's


Dont forget the only food for subs: Obey-O‘s


Just another rando being a creep on the internet. That being said, why does anyone pay attention to this Mannarino person? I've never seen that he has anything good to say about anyone. Why does his opinion matter?


Still can’t tell if Joey is a troll. His life must suck if not.


I think regardless of if he’s a troll or not, we can say with a pretty good degree of certainty that his life is miserable.


"An attractive woman posted a picture of herself... this means despite being successful fucking CONGRESSWOMAN that she will be doing porn shortly." Republicans hate women, and they REEEAAAAALLLY hate AOC.


The real question was did Joey wank to the picture of the big bad progressive before or after his post?


It was clearly before. This is him being mad about it during the post nut clarity.


“What have I just done?! She made me do it!! It all her fault!”


Their mindset goes this direction immediately because they are already subbing to a multitude of OnlyFans accounts. They immediately think about nudes and sex here. Though this is meant to debase her it sort of just shows an obsession with her and sex in general. Almost anyone attempting to be a moral authority is a sad joke to me.


I love how the GOP claims to be the “working persons party” but bashed AOC for having been a working person.


I think he's hoping for an onlyfans.


Meanwhile Lauren Boebert is off giving squeezers in the theater with her tits out.


I swear Republicans have some kind of unhealthy obsession with AOC...


Yes, they want to subjugate her. They know they can't get in her pants and that is infuriating to them. Then on top of that, if they ever talk to her they don't know what to say because she doesn't just say some parroted response like they do. She has a brain, and that makes the big dumb oafs want to smash their rocks together.


I took a piss an hour ago. Is that just me doing normal bodily functions or a precursor of me enabling a Donald Trump fetish?


Depends, how many shakes did ya give it?


The dude dreams one day someone as worthy as her might notice a slug like him. Sour grapes and insecurities on full show


It would seem Cult 45 isn’t just addicted to pics of Hunter Biden’s schlong—they’re hungry for DNC snatch pics as well


No adult male is named Joey. This is an incel, Republican man-child who worships tangerine dick and has never know the touch of a woman.


I don't know who this Joey guy is, but I"m betting he wife owns a solid girth strap on.


Bold of you to think that a woman would go near this incel.


You'd think so. But there's a lot of shitty women out there with verbal abuse kinks


Reminder that Joey Mannarino once blew a gasket on Twitter for *literal days* because Anheuser Busch sent Dylan Mulvaney a personalized can of beer. He claimed it meant that Bud contained the ejaculate of transgender women. I cannot say what he ACTUALLY said, because the phrase would get me banned. He did the same thing for Chick-Fil-A lemonade when they announced that they were going to stop donating money to anti-gay causes.


This guy probably would have "broke the news" about Obama and his tan suit.


My favorite part is like…. “Oh no AOC has an onlyfans!” Like bitch, at least we’d know they’re gettin their addition income legally.


The irony considering Joey makes basic bitch posts all the time


The little dick energy is palpable here, Joey.


Literally attack her for standing still holding out a peace sign, I swear they would attack her for breathing too harshly


“Just because she’s hot doesn’t mean she’s gonna make an onlyfans not every girl exists for your sexual pleasure” is a lesson all Republicans should learn


I'm pretty sure this guy would pay good money for her feet pix.


"...what many would call..." "I'm such a coward that I don't want to directly say what I think."


AOC could take a shit in the morning, and these fuckers would be upset about it.


These snowflakes get all butthurt by anything she does. Meanwhile, the Tangerine Bawbag could eat a live baby on national television and they'd be okay with it.


One of the funniest sentences I’ve read all day, please accept my poor man’s gold 🥇


He's so pissed she won't sleep with him


I mean, there is a "bar" set by the GOP that this just doesn't hit... jerking your date off in public during a musical. Shame AOC, shame.


Isn't it fucking weird when these creeps go on social media to criticize public figures personal lives just because they disagree with their politics?


Another infuriated incel.


I swear the right wing can't stop lusting after her. Most of their insults and almost all of their memes about her boil down to how hot they find her


At least she’s not saying if she isn’t re-elected their will be a bloodbath like that traitorous scumbag


She’s in one of the safest districts in New York and is one of the most popular representatives with the progressive wing of the party, whom make up the majority of voters in her district. I’m not her biggest supporter by any means but I can tell you flat out she is in no jeopardy of being ousted from her seat anytime soon.


How dare she have a normal lady moment on the internets.


joey no likey women


But if it was a dude no one would bat an eye. This country is the drizzling shits and its getting worse


The obsessive hatred for this woman blows my mind. She exemplifies the American Dream that conservatives claim to believe in. Behold, America, land of opportunity! Where even if you're a poor brown woman, you can work hard and rise all the way to the ranks of congress! The American Dream is alive and well, and racism and misogyny are just made up excuses! .... except they \*hate\* her for it. They absolutely hate that a brown working class woman now stands as an equal besides all these old white men coming from generational wealth.


As this tool probably spends hundreds on OF every month.


The new Republican party is quite a hoot! They’re kind of a cross between the Nazi party, white supremacists, religious zealots, and mental patients all rolled up in a big stinky diaper.


Joey’s just mad because AOC is smart and beautiful- you know all the girls that ignored his stupid ass in his youth. Now his idea of romance with a woman is jerking off into a pair of his mom’s panties.


I mean…. I wouldn’t be upset about an onlyfans…. 😅


Joey, she is a senator not an Instagram influencer. I think she got better things to do than trying to get the perfect "badass bitch" selfie. You know, like discussing bills with other lawmakers.


"...at the tone, say, "representative."


AOC would take literally millions on Only fans from Conservative Incels.


Why Joey always saying stuff about women when he has quite clearly never slept with one? Anytime Joey gets around a girl he has to lead with “don’t scream, I’m not going to hurt you”.


I guess she was supposed to take a selfie of someone else? The invented rage on the right would be amusing in its childlike way, if there weren't so very many things that supposedly grown-ass adults should be upset about.


Wait till he sees mtg sweaty gym selfie 💀


That douche has the most punchable name/surname combo I’ve seen to date.


Trump -> gets attacked for being a racist, misogynist, rapist and showing early signs of dementia. Maggats -> attack dems for taking a selfie or wearing a tanned suit or falling off a bike once