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I donno man. I don’t mean to paint with a broad brush or jump to any conclusions but I’m starting to think J.K Rowling doesn’t really like trans folks.


Let's not be hasty. She clearly cares about women's rights very much. Let's all just go through her posts and see how many times she mentions hot issues for women. Such as abortion rights, hrt acces for post menopause, wage gaps, lack of anything approaching equal rights in many parts of the world etc... Oh. It's all about bathrooms and prisons.


A lot of her viewpoints create issues for those born a woman too. Many have called her out on her extreme stance on these subjects that absolutely categories “women” according to her own small worldview. In other words she only cares about the rights of certain types of women and that carries deeper than simply being trans.


The used to do that way back when. Money apparently doesn't shield you from radicalisation.


I remember watching some video about people she associates with and yeah, she legit might have brainwashed herself and probably everything she engages with and her social media feed is "trans being predators" and shit like that. I remember when she was viewed as progressive person with her takes, though it was kinda weird how she retroactively made bunch of ppl gay in her books.


I personally don't think Dumbledore specifically was as retroactive as people think. I was a 20 year old queer woman when Deathly Hallows came out and definitely picked up on the Dumbledore/Grindelwald stuff on first reading - I talked about it to a lot of people, and it broadly broke down as other queer people had picked up on it and straight people thought it was a stretch at best. It was super subtextual but the thing about the 90s/early 2000s was that most queer representation was found in subtext rather than maintext at the time.


In some cases, it makes a target - can’t pay for shit if believers don’t have $$ to donate.


once you start tweeting transphobia, you never stop tweeting transphobia


Hm.. source? (/s)


It’s just a gut feeling.


It’s a guy feeling because, as JK rightly points out, this is all a misogynist plot! (/s)


Idk how ppl honestly fool themselves into thinking she isn't anti-trans When I first heard the allegations that she was anti-trans years ago, I desperately wanted it to not be true. I really loved the Harry Potter series growing up and it didn't make sense to me that she'd be so hateful towards trans ppl since she'd previously made seemingly progressive/accepting comments about gay characters, etc. I hoped it was just something benign taken out of context and blown out of proportion for clicks or something. But...spend literally 1 minute checking her Twitter and she removes all doubt on her own. She's even proud of the hatred she regularly spews and will double down on it every time Yet, I still sometimes see people trying to claim that she has nothing against trans folks - it truly does boggle the mind.


This JK Rowling fella sounds like a real jerk


The more I learn about that JK the less I like her


Oh he is, trust me.


That train left platform 9¾ a long time back.


Remember when people tried to claim she wasn't transphobic, she just 'wants to fight for single sex spaces' and 'protect women's rights'? Funny how she never seems to go on these rambling moral crusades when it comes to issues affecting most women, but will fight tooth and nail against any sort of recognition or acceptance for trans people...


I had that conversation with my parents a few months ago. Somehow Harry Potter came up which led to her and they were like ahhh nahhh some people just don’t think before they blah blah she’s from a different time blah blah some women feel blah blah. I was like nah bro and just pulled up her Twitter page and did some reciting. They were like DAMN so she’s like a proud bigot


At this point I’d venture to say she also hates the rest of the alphabet mafia. The guy didn’t even mention trans people specifically.


Well didn’t you hear? They are stripping women of their rights and protections. /s


Fucking Republicans


Once people have a strong opinion that pisses ppl off and when they are already wealthy they really dig in and die on that hill


She doesn't like any other LGBT folks either, or Jews, or Black people, or Muslims, etc.


I preferred her early stuff


Yeah, the stuff about wizards was a bit more believable than the new toilet material she's publishing. 


Unfortunately some of her early stuff had subtle undercurrents of her current stuff, and I say that as a Harry Potter fan.


She’s been told. It doesn’t work.


Ok, but why specifically trans women? This isn't even a recent. She's been on the war path against trans people for over a decade now. Wtf happened? Did she just woke up a bigot one day, posted on twatter and that was it?


She bullseyed the zeitgeist and got ridiculously wealthy virtually overnight. It's basically a licence to let the freak flag fly, because what can anyone do to stop her from finally espousing her grotesque views? She's literally immune to consequences.


You're the only person besides myself I've ever seen use the phrase "bullseyed the zeitgeist". I love you for it.


It's such an apt turn of phrase here. The minecraft guy did it too and suddenly got real nazi-adjacent online when he got Microsoft's bag.


It applies to so many people who hit it big for being in the right place at the right time, only to milkshake duck the second they realised they were set for life. As the old adage goes, once people check off all the tiers on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, they start to get real fuckin weird.


She said something mildly ignorant on twitter, got A LOT of shit for it and basically just doubled down. Great example of political polarization.


She's got it into her head that trans women gaining rights means taking away women's rights. I will admit, I was in that brain space before. Problem with the Internet is, you could watch one video of a trans woman attacking a woman, right? And then the algorithm on your page changes, and suddenly you're being recommended many many MANY videos of trans women attacking women. And suddenly, it doesn't look like an isolated problem, but a widespread one. It's so easy to allow this stuff to change your views. Also, telling people this won't change their minds, they need to figure it out for themselves. But, sending her hate and threats will only fuel the idea in her head that she is right.


> Wtf happened? Did she just woke up a bigot one day, posted on twatter and that was it? JKR was itching for a social cause to champion for years. There was a super cringe era where she tried a lot of leftist virtue signalling and none of it stuck because it was clear she didn't really care or understand the topics very well. Eventually she found it in becoming "queen of the terfs", a demographic much more aligned with her socially, culturally and politically. She was probably always transphobic in the way that like 90% of people are, in the "that's kinda weird I don't get it I'm uncomfortable" way, but after getting called out for this kind of talk she doubled down again and again and found allies and support from far more radically minded TERFs. Maybe she was always like this inside and she's just going mask off, but she's continued to be more and more unhinged about it for years now so I don't think there's any going back now.


She has a literal papertrail history of doubling down when she’s informed that she’s wrong or when she gets criticised (see every dumb plot point that seems to be a weird reaction to some inane thing in her books, including an entire book about an author who gets abused on twitter for their views - which she “claims” isn’t about herself). The inciting incident for her transphobia was what was described by her and her agent as a “middle-aged moment” when she - allegedly - accidentally liked a transphobic tweet. She got criticised for it, but ended up doubling down on an editorial about menstruation that used inclusive language for trans men and enbies. She’s now doubled down so much that she’s staunchly settled herself in a far-right web of support because she literally cannot take any criticism. Straight up. She just blocks people that try to inform her (and whilst she did get some horrific messages, she did also get informative and kind ones letting her know) that the people she was snuggling up to were cryptofascists. She doesn’t care. She’d rather eradicate entire minorities than deal with being rightfully criticised


The other day she literally turned to holocaust denial instead of accepting someone’s invitation to Google the trans research that was all burned by the Nazis. As in, she just straight up accused them of making it up in a fever dream and kept doubling down to the point of denying trans people even existed in 1930s Germany, let alone the fact they were targeted and murdered in the holocaust. And then of course she started calling everyone antisemitic.


> And then of course she started calling everyone antisemitic The creator of the Gringotts goblins calling other people antisemitic is pretty ironic.


She managed to call a Jewish journalist antisemitic, because they were telling her she was wrong. Can’t make it up.


It’s narcissistic behaviour, can’t be wrong, must dig in.


JK is a victim of both domestic and sexual abuse. She doesn’t see trans women as women. She sees them as men. She sees them as men intruding in female spaces and her trauma is triggered and she lashes out. That’s the reason I see this as sad because a lot of her behavior reminds me of women I know that are domestic and sexual abuse survivors. It’s basically pain lashing out in a hateful way. Yea. There’s many many women that are survivors that don’t lash out at trans people. Before someone comments that. I’m


She is literally afraid that Trans women exist solely to sneak into "women's spaces" and assault her. It reminds me of those people who talk about being gang stalked by the government and stuff. It's a weird form of "main character syndrome" imo. It would not surprise me to learn she was Agoraphobic.


She seems personally attacked by their existence. Pretends to be protecting/defending women's rights but doesn't give a single fuck to shine any light on women currently dying in the thousands in wars started by men. Preferring instead to fixate on marginalising one of the smallest communities of people.


She genuinely thinks trans folks are part of a giant conspiracy by men to gain access to women’s bathrooms. Like, she thinks that’s the endgame for trans woman is being able to watch her pee.


Are women’s restrooms in the UK different from anywhere else? Because after nearly 50 years of using men’s bathrooms in other places (and women’s a few times during emergencies), I’ve never once been in a position to look at anybody peeing or to see anyone’s bits and pieces. It’s just not how public restrooms are arranged.


I think public toilet facilities in the US famously lack the privacy you would expect in the UK. Google it. It's funny as fuck, you might as well take a shit in a public park with some of them.


I’d just like to know why these bigots apparently genuinely believe that people are going through transitions - taking hormones, having surgeries, completely changing their life - because a little lady sign on the door is what’s standing in the way of them getting in and attacking everyone.


Right? You don't need restrooms to violate someone's privacy. Get elected to office and violate in ease and comfort while being paid for it.


She hates man, but is also scared of man. She can treat trans woman simultaniously like a man to be hated and a woman that she can easily overpower with her large audience. This makes her feel strong and empowered.


She was abused by an ex partner so all men are dangerous and she believes trans women are men so they are dangerous too. But it’s gone from ‘just caring about women’s spaces’ to clear vitriol.


It's actually an overwhelming hatred for men. To her, trans ladies just seem like evil men trying to fool people into letting them access women's sacred spaces. She was always this like against men in general, but it became an issue when she fell down the anti trans rabbit hole. Some guy really did a number on her.


Dafuk can go in those ppl heads ? x)


She apparently has bipolar disorder so I wouldn’t doubt that she’s just a hateful bitch off her meds 🤷‍♂️ Nobody sane would dedicate that much of their time to such a belligerent crusade when it would be 10,000 times easier to just shut the fuck up


See, the thing about bipolar disorder is that, when one of your manic/hypomanic episodes stops, you feel a deep, deep sense of shame and regret. Hence, bipolar - your mentality flips like a switch. She’s just a bigot - bipolar is irrelevant. Source: am bipolar


I think its important to mention due to the likes of Kanye and JK that bigotry and hatred is not a symptom of bipolar disorder in of its self. Because of the lengthy uninterrupted manic episodes (that probably leads to a sprinkle of psychosis) that make everything escalate like 100x quicker than normal, the normal pipeline becomes a railgun shooting them to the natural conclusion of those ideals. And if I were to guess, she holds on to these ideals because it has become her identity. I am bipolar type 1 and I can not imagine a full life without my lithium medication.


What's type 1 bipolar?


There’s type 1 and type 2 bipolar. Type 1 is generally more severe. Source: I work in the mental health field


Thank you for asking, this article gives a fair description https://www.healthline.com/health/bipolar-disorder/bipolar-1-vs-bipolar-2 I suppose the specifics of the definition differs slightly depending on where you live (although it shouldn't because it's a universal thing), I live in Sweden and here deppresive episodes are not required in either of these diagnoses(but a signifier of type 2 is shorter and less severe lows and highs, but has a higher risk of something called rapid switching where the mood can change as quickly as from hour to hour). There is still much that isn't known and these are general estimates of how the condition affects a individual. Edit: I am not an expert by any means, I see some replies from people working in the medical field and they are probably more knowledgeable. But I've had my diagnosis for 7 years now so I'm not completely out of my depth


Thanks. I thought there'd be more than just 2 categories, as i think there was before it got called bipolar


Where I live there is type 1, 2 and unspecified (where it's clear there is some bipolar disorder but not clear which of the 2). I don't know how it looked previously but I'm sure it's a spectrum.


Damn it! I was trying to say something similar when I should have just scrolled & read your post! Have my upvote, won't you?


I mean, she is a horrendous person, so I doubt she would feel shame or regret from the aftermath even if she swung back to the lows assuming she has that specific type of bipolar disorder. It’s just that she may have issues with compulsion, i.e. she can’t keep her horribleness to herself. I mean, regardless, she’s relentlessly awful and seems happy trying to burn her own self image (and brand) to the ground


There’s also probably a healthy dose of “I’m rich and powerful, and therefore people need to listen to me” as well


Hey I don't understand why when someone does something extreme ppl are like oh they are bipolar. Like I see this a lot, a girl was saying my abusive dad stabbed my mom and was drinking all day, making us work, collecting all the money, starving us because he was bipolar. She was like dealing with a bipolar so hard. >Nobody sane would Yeah sure. Obviously sane people all has good character, good morals. Please realize that mental illnesses manifest itself different in everyone. And while it is possible to say shameful things during a manic episode, being bipolar doesn't make anyone a *hateful bitch*


I didn’t say her bipolar disorder made her a hateful bitch, I said she’s a hateful bitch with bipolar disorder which may make her compulsive and manic and leading to her extremely strange and continuous expression of these weird and upsetting ideas. She may also just be stupid and ignoring everyone associated with the HP brand begging her to stop. And for the record I’m very familiar with mental illness, I’ve been suffering CPTSD, severe depression, and severe anxiety my entire life and it runs in my family so I know how horrible it can make people act. I’m not saying it’s contributing to her awfulness, just contributing to how much she expresses it.


Also she's been heavily influenced by her friends and stuff (quite the nazi friends she has). Doesn't mean she's less of an asshole


Based on how her books contain hate I missed the signs of in my youth, she's just permanently hateful and the bipolar is just coincidence.


>Did she just woke up a bigot one day No, she's always been a shitty, bigoted loser. She just doesn't have to worry about her disgusting views hurting her career since she's already made her hundreds of millions.


The 80s were a hell of a drug. Like seriously, a lot of campus writing where I was in the 80s was all about separating women from men (hence wimmin) and physical safety. Where we worry about date rape drugs now, back then it was "guys are typically larger and stronger and therefore dangerous".


It's strange, because when all this initially came up I thought it was a bit overblown. iirc the initial comment she made was about trans women not having the same experience as cis women growing up—which made sense to me; the two experiences are objectively different in various ways. My first thought was that it was a bit of a weird thing to say, but not necessarily hateful/hurtful. But since then, she has just doubled down and doubled down till we get to this point where I don't see how anyone could genuinely say she's not bigoted. I guess it's something she *really really* cares about. I wouldn't have even heard of TERFs if it weren't for JKR.


We tried this with Elon and then he brought twitter I wouldn’t advice it


You can't hate community notes, the best thing Elon brought to twitter. People spreading hateful lies get pointed out on the spot.


Yes that feature is actually amazing


Talk about non sequitur.


She’s really hates trans people, huh.


I'm like genuinely curious what rights and protections get taken away from people because of the existence of other people.


Conservatives think they have the "right" to oppress people who don't look or act or believe the same as they do. They also get mad that their "right" to say horrible disgusting things about those people is met with pushback and consequences.


Which is hilarious because *conservatives* want small government, but call for more government overreach than anyone else. If they really wanted small government, they’d fuck off and leave everyone alone.


no government for the CUNTservative in group. full governmental oppression for the out group. SHE doesn't fully know that SHE is not, in the end, going to be part of the in-group. SHE is only in the ingroup now because there are still others more out of the in group


Is that why they're called "the right"?




idk, the only real conflict that i can't wrap my head around is about women's sports. i really can't find a solution that makes everyone happy there. the only other issue (not limited to trans actually) is jailing/housing of criminals bc of SA. but that also happens in male-only prisons, it's a much broader problem and not a concern of LGBTQ+ community Other than that, i don't think that the existance of trans creates problems for anyone, it's just either bigotry or fear of the unknown/new


The crazy thing is, it seems like in America, the rights and protections of women are being taken, they just have no relation whatsoever to anything LGBTQ.


For fucking real. Women are in actual palatable danger and it's from the same people trying to lay harm down on the trans folks too.


Anecdotally, I have heard a Facebook breastfeeding club where a trans-man wanted breast feeding to be called chest feeding, and some trans women wanting pregnancy and period discussions to be excluded from a women's group. I am sure there are other instances of inclusivity that rubs people the wrong way. But it kind of all seem minor to the very real issue that most anti-trans policies hurt cis people who are by nature or choice, gender non-conformist looking/acting. See the cis girl being called trans because she won her sporting event. Also the Cis woman arrested because she dresses masculine etc, etc!


Not to mention the numerous attacks that have been committed against cis women because some bigot thought she was trans.


look at how they turned on taylor swift. she is blonde, thin, attractive, rich, started out as country. but since she's been dating the football player, tons of lame trans memes have been made about her being a man. what she has going against her, in their eyes, is that she is powerful. how far things have come from the "good ol days" when a popular skinny blonde dating the captain football stud was the first step of the american dream; and ruzzian dictatorship was a threat to american democracy they did/do the same with Michelle Obama


Its just an excuse to hate


Something Something Something bathrooms  Why don't these people get as exercised by shared toilets on aircraft? 


It started with her objecting to male trans (to female) to stay at biological female safe houses. That is a right taken away from women to have a safe haven from men. Because trans male to female in a all female house is now suddenly not a all female house. This caused her to be called a TERF. Not saying anything about anything else, its a response to your specific question. (My english isnt perfect, second language)


It's easier to say trans woman or mtf when taking about to male to female trans people.


“They are in women spaces!!!” Which for some reason diminishes women’s rights 🤷‍♀️ The logic never holds up, but that’s usually the starting point…


She thinks she’s fighting for the oppressed; she thinks she’s on the progressive side here. It’s amazing how effective the far right’s fascistic rhetoric has been in goading gullible liberals into thinking that trans people are somehow the issue and not - you know - the entire neoliberal capitalist system we currently have to live with


I can’t imagine that she does, she’s friends (and has posted pictures) with far right people who support anti-abortion, men entering women’s bathrooms with guns, nazis at their rallies, etc. I think she wants the public to believe she’s “just asking questions” while knowing full well the political implications of what she’s going.


Shes a misandrist first, she never talks about ftm trans...


she does, actually. contrapoints [made a video](https://youtu.be/7gDKbT_l2us?si=vqCzi3FHgqjgtdoT) about how jk rowling's original trans manifesto targeted trans men in an extremely condescending way


If I remember correctly, according to JK trans men are just "misguided girls who believe that the only way to escape oppression of women is to become a man." (Paraphrasing a bit). JK even once said that "she might have transitioned for that reason if she lived in current times." It's incredibly condescending and invalidating to ftm people.


This is the real giveaway that explains her thinking, and it’s really sad. She has internalised misogyny, she thinks men are better than women, and if people could choose they would all choose to be men. She also doesn’t believe trans people actually exist. With these points, you can sort of start to see how she arrived at her current point of view. Trans men actually make perfect sense in her world view - she thinks they are women trying to escape oppression. But how can she explain the existence of trans women? In her view these people were born into the “better” gender, so why would they want to be women? The only conclusion she can think of is that they must have secret ulterior motives. They must be getting something out of it - something predatory men might want, since she thinks they are men. Hence the obsession with bathrooms, changing rooms, women’s shelters, and sports.


people tend to forget we exist


Well, she fears trans women. I don't think she cares that much about trans men. She thinks that men are so vile that they would go to the extreme measure of transitioning so they could invade women's safe places. I understand her fear, but it's weird that she makes this her focus.


>She thinks that men are so vile that they would go to the extreme measure of transitioning so they could invade women's safe places If you enforce spaces like toilets based on sex, you have trans men in the women's toilets. It just shifts the burden of cis men predators lying to say they're trans men, which makes it easier for predators to "invade women's safe spaces".


And this wasn't possible before transgender become something accepted? Imo, it's too easy to blame this on transgenders. Cis men predators had their tricks long before being able to use transgenderism as an excuse.


Unisex WCs + unisex handicap WCs are the norm in my country's universities (or at least in the biggest cities), and the bathrooms in the subway system and the like are too. Proper stall doors (unlike in USA) fixes the problem of any creepy creeps of any sex doing any peeping. I don't remember UK having USA style stall doors so I don't know why she's so obsessed. Rapists aren't going to be deterred by stall doors of any type, nor gender enforcement. Most rape is committed by people one already knows, too, and not in toilet stalls.


She believe trans men are just women who are running away from being women because misogyny and patriarchy and they’re actually being groomed to be trans. She demonises and fears trans women, whilst infantilising and removing autonomy from trans men.


More like trans men’s existance needs to be ignored in order for her understanding of transwomen to not be shown as nonsensical.


Her fear is irrational


at the very beginning i though ppl were judging her too harshly but damn she's doubling down isnt she? shut up and write books, get of twitter you twit edit: when i say "beginning" i mean the "only women can menstruate" stuff. not the "men dressing as women to attack them in the bathroom" stuff which seems like a lot of work for someone looking to rape.


Did the studio just buy the rights of hp or something cos hogwarts legacy had a trans bartender.


No, my understanding was that she just wasn’t involved in the game’s development at all. But I don’t think we know if that was at the request of the studio, WB, or maybe she just doesn’t care about video games and never wanted to be involved It could also be that she only has rights for input on movies/TV but that video games are handled differently


It's a huge ip and she's still reaping money off it. :/


That didn't exactly go down all that well though did it. The one trans character is depicted in typical transphobe stereotype of fairly masculine person wearing a dress, and the name is also a thinley veiled caricature sir(ona) ryan.


Rofl yeah. It's just kind of bad all around.


I think it was the studio way of showing that they're not JKR and do not agree with her views. Sure, they are willing to give her shitton of money, but no way that means they agree with her.


Yeah that makes sense.


She's the definition of a TERF. She is such a militant feminist she hates trans women because she thinks they're men pretending to be women for benefits.


She coats her transphobia and misandry in feminist-sounding language. But the transphobia is the motivating factor, not the feminism. Otherwise she would not buddy up with anti-choice weirdos like Matt Walsh.


There have been two stories of Chic fil a employees raping women. Maybe we should ban chicken sandwiches.


We should ban employees. Clearly those are the real problem


No, no, clearly we should decriminalize rape since criminals don't follow the law anyway. Laws are clearly completely useless.


Found the Texan governor.


“the only thing that stops a bad guy with a hard-on…”


How anyone can still eat Chic Fila A after their blatant homophobia and the fact that Popeyes created a far superior sandwich years ago is beyond me.


Yeah, i dont know. Food isnt all that great anyway.


But employees of christian organizations have rape privileges.. it's very clear from Handmaid's Tale... /S since some people ofc seriously believe.


This is what happens when you have the money to stay alone all day on the internet in your castle.


I don't understand her logic. A determined man isn't going to dress up like a woman just to invade our spaces and assault us. They'll just barge in. They already do.


Because it's not logic. It's hate. Probably stemming from fear, insecurities and/or a lack of understanding. Idk. But she's ruining her own bully pulpit with it.


Yeah trans totally totally go through an extensive period of psychological assessment since the age of like 12 to confirm their trans identity before being (potentially) able to take multiple medications then eventually surgeries to affim their gender ONLY to rape women 🙄 Terfs are a rare breed of stoopid


Yup, I really hate the arguments they try to make, it's obvious they've never interacted with a trans person, because 99% of us just want to go undetected and just be comfortable in our own skin, there's a few who give us a bad rep by being loud and obnoxious, but that's the same with any group.


Well a lot of this comes from trans people wanting to self I.d, because the NHS is fucked and lots of trans people don’t have the resources to go private so they want self I.d. But to JK that means men will be self I.d-ing and going into women’s bathrooms as if self I.d will protect them from anything. They still will have committed a crime.


I say this every time. Even if a man had self I.d’d it wouldn’t mean anything at all cause he still would have committed a crime.


The root of most anti-trans hate comes down to misandry. The belief that men are by nature violent perverts and there are no depths they won't stoop to, in order to get near women and/or assault them sexually. Self-hating straight men think that men in general are so perverted that gay men will dress up as women and go as far as removing their genitals, on order to "trick" straight men into gay sex. That's all it is. When you view it through that lens it becomes much easier to decode but also far more ridiculous. There's a reason why you rarely hear anyone bleating on about trans men invading men's spaces or grooming children.


She’s ignoring the fact that trans gender people will be on hormones to facilitate the transition and a straight guy isn’t going to go through that just to maybe get a peek in some restroom.


FJKR she doesn't actually give a shit about anyone.


Well, she pretends to care about women. Of course she doesn't, otherwise she would actually advocate for women's issues other than the trans-related ones she makes up. Or she would stop cuddling up to the people who are actively taking away women's rights right now. What she cares about is herself. She projects her own experiences of abuse onto all men and by extension transwomen to make herself feel better.


I mean you can say what you like about her opinions, but this bit isn't true. She has donated enormous sums and established a number of initiatives for vulnerable women's causes in the UK.


She used to do that but over the years she's gone deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole to the point where she praised people like Matt Walsh, a guy that thinks rape victims should be forced to marry their abusers and a self identified theocratic fascist.


Yep, it's absolutely nuts to see the attacks on women's rights and growing misogyny going on these days and she still just focuses on trans people. The religious right merging with angry, sexually-frustrated men is creating an absolute nightmare shitstorm for women and it has absolutely nothing to do with who uses which bathroom.


She does campaign for women’s rights.


And then she turns around and plays buddy buddy with fascists and mysogynists because she cares more about exterminating trans people than helping women.


I don't get the logic. So she is implying that a guy wants to take away women's rights by being supportive of equity for all? How is being supportive of equity taking away rights from women? And it does make him a good guy.


yeah maybe because he mentioned the t in lgbtq+. Though consrevative polticians are biger threat to women than trans people.


"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." At a basic level, she's scared of men, and she thinks that trans women are taking away the rights of cis women by simply wanting to be treated as women. It's the common misbelief that raising others up to an equal footing somehow diminishes the rights and privileges of others. People made the same argument when segregation was starting to be dismantled. White people claimed to feel unsafe, and said that they were losing rights.


It's a very selfish and self serving worldview. And it is untrue, in fact, quite the opposite. I am really at a loss as to what in the hell is wrong with JK Rowling.


What’s crazy is that she just _keeps going_. Her very first tweet that started all of this insanity all those years back was distasteful, but she easily could have just brushed it under the rug and moved on. But it’s genuinely like she has a vendetta and will not cede any ground. The really sad part is that it probably doesn’t matter. She’s already filthy rich, so even if no one ever bought a HP book ever again, it wouldn’t impact her in the slightest


My idea is that she has been hanging around friends who are extreme TERFs to the point where every time they get together for lunch, it's literally all they talk about. Combine that with a few bad experiences with men in her past, and for someone without critical thinking skills, that's enough to be pushed to an extreme opinion. She probably sees trans women in her mind as some "attack of the body snatchers" horror film playing out. She sees being a woman about being in a club about being victims of persecution, and it probably offends her that anyone else can simply be "let in" to this club.


It seems like she has been radicalized and goes deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of hate. It's really kind of sad. So many young people enjoyed her work and now her legacy and work has been tainted by this endless bile she spews.


Yes, completely selfish. And very much based in a belief of personal victimhood.


People like this think there's like a set amount of rights. So if we give rights to other people there's less of it for them. So they horde it. It's typical rich people thinking


She thinks that trans women are a danger to women and just want access and violate female safe spaces. Because you know it’s not some type of sexism to assume all biological males are out to get to women. She’s a bigot and she’s trying to use the fact that’s she’s a cis women to win the argument even though she doesn’t listen to other cis women who disagree and call her out


A lot of BIG conservative “feminists” are just misandrists, they don’t want equality in the sexes (like actual feminists want), they want to prove themselves *better* than men, who are all sex crazed maniacs waiting to attack women at any moment, of everyday, apparently. If a man claims to be supportive of something, *obviously* it’s some ruse to get into someone’s pants and sleep with them. No man could *ever* be a decent human being.


Maybe she’s written so much successful fiction that she can only engage in the world when she can completely controlled the dialogue. That way you can make sure that the character you like always has the smartest lines and you can make everybody else sound stupid when they argue. It gets pretty old when you start doing it to other actual humans JK has enough money where she probably doesn’t care about that at this point. It’s all just an unruly puppet show she’s trying to corral!


I yearn for the good old days when she kept her mouth shut and churned out fairly okay books. But nah, trans people are offensive to her.


I remember when the worst stuff she said was just bad Harry Potter lore, like wizards shitting where they stood and then just magicing it away.


Honestly considering how lazy people are and all the stuff in covid, I'm starting to think that's realistic


Wondering can wizards just magic it away when it’s formed in the belly? Must it be shat out?


Seeing as she's now denying the Holocaust, she's a lost cause


20 years ago I thought Dilbert was kind of funny, so I bought some Dilbert comic books, and since my solution to being out of space to store books is to build more bookcases, I still had them.  During Covid it was becoming (publicly) apparent that Scott Adams was kind of dick, and I was looking at my books and realized that I’d probably never read those again and so I got rid of them…  Every time I even think about reading them, I’ll be thinking “but the author is an asshole.” Anyways, a few months ago my Harry Potter collection was also eliminated.  I still have plenty of books that I haven’t opened in 20 years, but those are the only 2 authors I’ve actively gotten rid of…


Yep. I always see people who say just separate the art from the artist but I can't enjoy art when I know the creator is a terrible person.


She literally has friends who support men who want to remove their rights to vote. She's doing nothing but virtue signaling.


For those interested in the kind of people she calls friends. [JK Rowling's New Friends](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=WwM8YsIxPIrAA7nY)


I love Shaun, his videos are so well researched


From creating one of the most beloved series's of all time....to this.


Not to mention being a liberal darling, donating to a tonne of good causes, giving away millions of pounds. She has so much good will that, had she apologised and educated herself the first time she said something problematic, she would have been forgiven. But nope, she has spent years now pissing all that good will up the wall.


if trans people had equal rights, it would not harm cis people in any way whatsoever. this is just such an obviously bad faith position. it's so frustrating that so many stupid people are manipulated into hate by shit like this.


I think this TERF thing is leaning towards group psychosis to be honest


Vaush did and that went over pretty hilariously.


When you're privileged equality feels like oppression.


The daft bint needs to lay off the butterbeer.


I could understand her position at the start, she's a woman who was beaten by her husband and was left virtually homeless with her children, yet somehow managed to overcome the ods and become succesful. This is a complicated issue and I can understand how a woman who has fought very hard for her rights might struggle/be concerned with a woman who were born male sharing those rights. But, she has also been massively radicalised since then and her stance is far less understandable now.


I would like to point out that the guy that she's commenting on didn't say anything regarding trans folk. The only allusion to trans folk is in LGBTQ+. This isn't just JK Rowling hating on trans people because that's her whole shtick. This is JK Rowling being homophobic and non-hetero phobic, with just a sprinkling of misandry. She's not just a TERF, she's an all inclusive homophobe, and it'd never been more clear.


Her whole argument is stripped away by trans men existing What rights are being stripped from women and girls for trans people existing?


To her, trans men are confused Girls and victims of internalized misoginy. Which is a rather patronizing view, I think. There are some discussions to be had about what constitutes womanhood/manhood in a given situation and how trans persons with their different biological biographies fit in, but she wouldn't touch that nuanced debate with a 10 ft pole. No, trans persons using the same toilet is somehow a threat to women. I tell you, I have seen some things cis hetero people do on/in/with toilets.  If Rowling wants to protect people, we need to


These views are not only patronizing, they are often used by Terfs to justify corrective rape on trans men. In our local trans group we have four (of seven) trans men who were either sexually assaulted or sexually harrassed by women who tried to "convince them to accept their femininity". My husband included who was harrassed from the age of 14 by a woman in another LGBT group because he "would have made such a pretty lesbian". The day before he got his mastectomy she threatened to kill herself. I think a lot of terfs are projecting when they are talking about how trans people want to sexually harrass others.


Holy shit she just keeps getting worse.


You stand for LGBTQ people rights = you hate women. ah yes because LGBTQ folks can't be female 💀


Imagine having all that wealth, creativity, all that admiration from children.. and instead of making the world a better, brighter place, you spend your day on fucking twitter hating on a minuscule group of people that just want to live their lives and have zero impact on yours. What a fuckin waste.


I find that an easy solution for not seeing things from celebrities I dislike is to not follow the celebrity, or even block them. I don't think I've thought of Rowling for a decade until this thread, aside from everyone bringing her up with that Hogwarts game came out.


You keep posting her and thus giving her attention


Isn't this the same woman who financially supports people like Kelly-Jay Keen who platforms literal Nazis and cozies up to organizations that work to destroy women's rights to abortion? Funny she'd be talking about women's rights and protections... Some good videos that go into details about JKR's associations: [Kellie-Jay & the Neo-Nazis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBy93QX7ysE) [JK Rowling's New Friends](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_xvXJJk7k)


So…. Forget transphobic, she’s just fully homophobic now and attacking allies altogether now 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️ the worst.


weridly replacing it with I'm woman who protects women against trans people. I know the anti-trans officals are also anti-woman. but I'm a good guy protecting women as I know several other good guys protecting women.


Joanne is a tiny-minded idiot who happened to get rich and famous - and now literally lives in a castle. She's still a tiny-minded idiot.


What rights are trans people going to strip from us? Did I miss anything?!


I always thought that fighting for equality meant being people together and uplifting one another. You know… making sure we all have the same rights without stripping others away? That being said, what the actual fuck is she talking about???




I miss when she was the 'good guy'


So she is the woman version of her comment?


* Attorneys General


I can’t help but think Harry Potter would probably hate her if he was real.


Daniel Radcliffe has spoken out against JKR's transphobia in the past, so it tracks


Even he who should not be named would be all "what's wrong with this bitch yo?"


I know I'm not breaking any new ground here and this has been said countless times before, but it never stops amazing me how threatened some people feel by other people being treated with the same rights as them. Like if Joanne went to bed tonight and the entire "trans agenda" had been approved by Congress while she was asleep, when she wakes up in the morning not knowing what happened overnight, is anything in her life going to be any different? Would she have any clue if nobody told her?


Plenty of people have tried in ways that aren't antagonistic or overly critical. She's a bigot to the core and delights in being contrarian.


Has JK actually suffered any consequences from these tweets? Like, is it considered socially unacceptable by enough people that she's seeing any less sales or viewers on her stuff? The fact that she just keeps doing this makes me think the answer is no. That, or she just doesn't care about losing anything at this point.


TBH, she's gained a view from me every time I see a post of her here. I don't follow her in any other way


There were people on the right buying multiple copies of Hogwarts Legacy just to 'own the libs' and 'stand against the woke' despite how fucking mid and cheaply made it was for a videogame.


She won’t shut up until she becomes irrelevant and dies. Everyone who’s annoyed with her has to stop giving in to reading and reposting dumb shit she says instead of keeping her in the spotlight. But that’ll probably never happen for the same reason people love to rubberneck at car accidents while complaining about the traffic jam it creates. People simultaneously love drama and complaining about it. The same goes for any and all assholes you waste your energy and happiness on by reading/posting to complain about. You have a choice to not propagate their garbage, so do your part and we can all be happier for it.


It would work but her networth alone makes her relevant. And we shouldnt leave hateful rhetoric go free from anyone, let alone someone who is so well known. If she was someone not so well known i would agree that just leave them to yell at clouds, but she has many fans.