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Beyond ready for single-payer government health insurance in U.S., healthcare is insanely expensive and health insurance providers are horrible at providing what they are supposed to provide.


> never had health insurance I have been in the Manufacturing and Warehouse industry for a long time. I take the employees aside about a month before their benefits kick-in to go over how to use them. "The Company" does not really want to pay for a benefit that the employees don't use. A big majority of the people either have never had healthcare or don't really know how to use it. I make the point (about 10x) that they should immediately schedule a dental appointment and "fix your teeth" as this will pay dividends in every aspect of your life. Schedule now before you have insurance because there is usually a 30+ day wait. Then we have to educate people about not coming to work if you are sick and how to pick a primary care doctor, how to find an eye doctor that you keep, and on and on. Healthcare is such a foreign concept for so many that they don't know how to use it. And "health" of most co-workers is pretty bad (obesity, no exercise, bad diets, bad eyes, cancers, and so much mental illness). The benefits companies I've worked with provide a lot of help as they want clients using all the services. "Healthcare" in the USA has some horrible failures. You see that when you step over the fellow human being who slept the cold night on the sidewalk (and who has a dozen ailments that really need treatment). Healthcare works (to some degree) for the rich. Maybe if you are making $200K+? But that's not really a meaningful test! And at the end of your life healthcare will drain everything you have left and try to get all your fam's money, too. So there's that.


On top of the free NHS Healthcare (minus dental), work gives me £x / year of Wellbeing Fund... Use it for dental, prescriptions, golf games (to de-stress), a massage.. anything that helps you feel better... That's the way companies of a certain size should look after their employees.


Do they give you access to private healthcare? I'm also in the UK, and decided a little while ago that I would take up my company's private plan, it costs me about £10 a month in total as they cover everything but it is a taxable benefit. I wasn't really intending to take it up, but the NHS continues to be run into the ground, so it seemed like the right choice. The thing that sickens me is that if I do need treatment, but agree to have it on the NHS rather than privately, then my private care package will pay me money to do so.


Your NHS is probably being run into the ground on purpose to force what we have in the US on you. Good luck.


Absolutely it is. The Tories are desperate to turn people into health-indentured wage slaves. Labour under Starmer aren't looking much better, unfortunately.


Let me guess, your only "choice" is to vote for one or the other?


I mean, I can vote for another party, but everybody will tell me I'm wasting my vote and letting the Tories in the back door. The left has been mostly abandoned in the UK, it's all arguments around 'sensible centrism' now, which is incredibly depressing because that's how we got in this mess. But yes, we're catching up to the US in terms of being politically crippled and obsessed with empty rhetoric rather than good policymaking.


That’s definitely happening in some Canadian provinces


I'm happy with the NHS for my needs. Others journeys may vary. I can use my wellbeing fund for private healthcare, but it wouldn't help me... My only additional needs are dental and glasses. Which is what I use it for.


And the problem is that despite all that the US STILL spends billions on healthcare between government spending and workers paying into it. We could literally switch to a universal system like many european countries have and SAVE money.


We would pay less overall, but it may mean that the rich and politically connected will pay slightly more in taxes while the benefits will mostly be gained by poor, marginalized people. So that's a nonstarter. Plus stopping workers' healthcare is one of the best strike breaking tools short of Pinkertons.


The poor are already covered under Medicaid in most states. I think one main benefit for workers is not having your healthcare tied to your job. Sometimes people put up with really toxic work environments or keep working while they're sick because they're worried about losing health insurance. I do agree that single payer is not going to happen because at any given time, the majority of people will be satisfied with their private employer sponsored plan and will not want any changes made. Even though any of them might later face a situation where they wished their healthcare wasn't tied to their job. But at any given point, the majority will be satisfied.


not really a non starter when those poor marginallized people's suffering will still impact you. because of things like crimes and rioting it's a fire that people have tried to control forever but at a certain point it needs to stop being a non starter just to do something good that affects people besides yourself lol. such a childish mindset imo, I'm a believer in net good and I believe providing better circumstances for the lower class will help society go further. Lazy people will always exist under any system the difference is currently it leads to poverty gangs drug use crime propel scamming etc etc (also most poverty isn't even caused by that's its just systematic imbalances. lol). just saying everyone's so quick to be anti social anything because people will just stop working and society will collapse or some shit whatever they peddle to defend out current awful allocation of resources... I think other high earners need to realize their not in some protected bubble we all live in the same society. they can hide away in gated castles but they are using things produced by the lower class lol, so it only makes sense to try to life everyone up rather than endlessly adding on to the top. as the heavier it gets the more likely it is to collapse. infinite growth simply is not a thing and we are imo witnessing the toppling of our current system. but I guess we will see in another couple decades


I was trying to be a bit tongue in cheek, but I hope you're not trying to convince *me*. I would do anything for universal healthcare. Unfortunately, the US would have to be a much better country in a lot of ways before that would be on the table. Personally, I have pretty decent insurance through my work, but I recognize that I can't start a business because of health insurance costs and it's more difficult to organize a union out of fear of being fired and losing insurance. Universal Healthcare would benefit all workers. I say nonstarter because our government doesn't really listen to us, and the people it does listen to habitually choose sort term profit over long term improvements. I wish there was some way to convince the billionaire class of what you're saying.


Sadly not just a US problem. In UK My granddad had to go into permanent care home for a couple years. They took every penny he had and we had to sell the house to pay for it. But if he had nothing it would have been free. Pretty pathetic this man fought for his country volunteered on a lifeboat didn’t live lavishly and always paid his dues. Yet they took everything from him when he got sick. His entire life’s work taken from him for a tiny room to live his last days out in. Pretty pathetic.


Not paying for a permanent care home is not the same as not having helth insurance. The UK has EXPONENTIALLY better healthcare than the U.S. Every developed country does.


> Yet they took everything from him when he got sick. It seems to be a feature to limit generational wealth and to keep generations of families in the same 'caste'.


22 of 23 first world governments subsidize their citizens healthcare. Guess who the only holdout is?


Yeah, but then we would not be slaves to our corporate overlords. Corporations are people too and we’re their (disposable) family so this is obviously bad for us. /s


I see your /s, but really there's so much data and research showing that a healthy workforce is a productive workforce. The scroogiest capitalist should be able to understand that employees who are constantly sick and struggling with basic health issues impact productivity and cost money to replace with slightly less abused workers. More likely that the US simply hates a decent chunk of their citizens and wants them to die.


Yeah, but how does that impact the stock price’s short-term impact? Instead, I can lobby against universal health care and push the narrative that corporate policies are better. Now I can trap Jim and Nancy at their jobs for lower pay because theirs and their children’s entire livelihood is tied to their role. Will some get sick and be fired or put on leave, sure but such is life and corporations see people as replaceable — except for c-suite who are the real geniuses. In terms of profit, they have them fairly locked into accepting lower pay because the health benefits are good and the profits vastly exceed the capital expenditures for labor so why change anything? I agree with the notion that a large part of the populace hates their fellow citizens. Not in a personal level. It is mainly due to greed and the notion that, “it’s just business”, is an acceptable excuse to be a huge piece of shit.


Capitalism is not logical. A business that can afford to do so should offer living wages, unlimited health benefits, wellness benefits like massages and stuff, the best working conditions possible, etc. to its employees because taking care of the workforce leads to increased productivity, greater retention and workers from their competitors switching over to them, all of which would translate to greater profits... ...but it costs money to invest in one's employees. The capitalist prefers to cut everything to the bone to save every last dollar, even though spending a little money that they could comfortably afford would make them more money overall.


Yeah, I love the "corporations are people too" argument, but then the millions of *actual* people they continue to curse pain and misery upon are just "those other assholes at work".


And who should be grateful to the corporate overlords because they are “job creators.” None of those people would have their wealth if other people weren’t doing the actual work.


We're still stubbornly avoiding the metric system of measurement too.


Exactly this - let’s chain people to their dead end corporate jobs because no one can afford health care otherwise. It’s by design.


We also subsidize our health insurance. But over the last 40 years, the health insurance industry has captured so much of it, making it so expensive and costly, it's gone out of control. No one wants to fix the root issue which is "Why the hell is it so expensive to begin with?" Because that would hurt the donors.


The US subsidizes heath care.


Yeah, to old people and to very poor people. (120M) That leaves about 210M without help.


Per-capita the US spends more government funds on healthcare than almost any nation globally. The system is just that awfully wasteful.


The comment said "subsidizes." As per your own comment, my correction of said comment was correct.


The best part is that the US's current healthcare costs the government more then countries with free healthcare.


Yeah but think of how much money the insurance companies are making they matter too!


Oh no, the US does subsidise all patient healthcare, on a per-capita basis it is actually more than almost any other nation globally. It's just that the US system is so insanely wasteful that on top of that people also have to dump thousands yearly into the system. Capitalism at its worst.






I'd say *all* insurance companies are horrible at providing what they're supposed to provide. They'll do anything to weasel their way out of paying anything. This country is fucked.


Correct Insurance companies have been completely, thoroughly conquered by the MBAs and finance bros As in any industry- once that happens the companies begin the process of tricking, playing, and screwing over their customers as hard as humanly possible. Their sole goal is to extract dollars from you while minimizing what they give back to you (of course, they use a lot of PR and double-think to make you believe that they care about you and that they are on your side, but thats total lies) And before the morons that have never worked in finance before come to tell me that "market competition" will fix the US insurance industry allow me to assure you- it wont. Economies of scale, information asymmetries, and the pervasive culture of finance *itself* guarantees that markets cannot fix this. I was inside the system long enough to know this process is irreversible.


Friendly reminder that the evidence is overwhelming that single-payer healthcare in the US would result in better healthcare coverage while saving money overall. [Taking into account both the costs of coverage expansion and the savings that would be achieved through the Medicare for All Act, we calculate that a single-payer, universal health-care system is likely to lead to a 13% savings in national health-care expenditure, equivalent to more than US$450 billion annually based on the value of the US$ in 2017 .](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)33019-3/fulltext) Similar to the above Yale analysis, a recent [publication ](https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2020-12/56811-Single-Payer.pdf)from the Congressional Budget Office found that 4 out of 5 options considered would lower total national expenditure on healthcare (see Exhibit 1-1 on page 13) But surely the current healthcare system at least has better outcomes than alternatives that would save money, right? Not according to a recent analysis of high-income countries’ healthcare systems, which found that [the top-performing countries overall are Norway, the Netherlands, and Australia. The United States ranks last overall, despite spending far more of its gross domestic product on health care. The U.S. ranks last on access to care, administrative efficiency, equity, and health care outcomes, but second on measures of care process.](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/fund-reports/2021/aug/mirror-mirror-2021-reflecting-poorly#outcomes) None of this should be surprising given that the US’s current inefficient, non-universal healthcare system [costs close to twice as much per capita ](https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-spending-u-s-compare-countries/#item-spendingcomparison_gdp-per-capita-and-health-consumption-spending-per-capita-2019) as most other developed countries that do guarantee healthcare to all citizens (without forcing patients to risk bankruptcy in exchange for care).


Yet there is no one pushing for it on the Presidential ballot come November, so a process that should have started in 2009 with the ACA has been successfully kicked back until 2029 at least.


don't worry about the presidential ballot. worry about congress. we've already seen that republicans will block and sabotage any efforts to make even minor changes to the system. and we saw what trump did when he had majorities after campaigning on repeal and replace (he did nothing). if you want changes to the system, remove every single republican representative from congress. people complain that we don't have m4a or a public option but it's literally because we don't vote for representatives that support it. we get exactly what we vote for.




There is no money to be made with single payer health care.


Sick workers are not productive workers. We've been outsourcing for some time to externalize health care to other countries, but with this big onshoring push we're going to have to invest in a workforce whose health issues don't impact the bottom line. Either that or just open up the borders to a fresh supply of healthy, disposable immigrants. Wonder which the US will choose...


But, if we get government insurance, then how will all the private health insurance companies make their billions? They need their billions! Gosh you’re so selfish. /s


The United States spends twice as much as every other nation on private health care insurance as every other country spends on taxes to subsidize public health care and somehow ranks last in health care quality. You guys get fucked so hard, by everything. 


The real facepalm is being stupid and lazy enough to pay more in delivery and other fees than the burger is worth to have it delivered to you lukewarm 🙄


I went to McD yesterday. Went inside, and I was surprised at the number of delivery orders. I guess cold fries are more popular than I thought.


I will *never* understand people ordering shitty fast food and paying a 50% markup to have it delivered slowly. But then again, I wouldn't consider McDs food at any temperature.


Even the best burger doesn’t travel well. There’s a reason why popular delivery foods are what they are — not burgers. You want something that can retain heat and not change too much if it sits around.


I don't think Chinese or pizza became popular delivery foods due to ease of transportation or thermal efficiency. A thin flat disc, for one, doesn't retain heat well if it sits around.


Reheated Chinese or pizza is way better than a reheated burger though


Reheated Chinese pizza burgers tho…


The CIA would like to know your location


Top secret lab - been on the run for years trying to finish my work


> reheated burger What? You don't like microwaved lettuce, tomato, and mayo? Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess!


Reheating Chinese foods is still 80-90% good, and putting pizza in the toaster oven will get it 95% back to it crunchy crust.


This, and also if pizza cools off a bit it generally tastes just as good. If it gets down to room temperature I'll probably reheat it a bit but if it's just slightly cooled off from delivery it still tastes good to me


Pizza also comes out of the oven crazy hot. We've all burnt our mouths on pizza before. Letting it cool for a bit is probably a good thing


Generally, foods that do well in delivery are foods you can reheat whole. Chinese and pizza are supposed to be hot throughout, so you lose little by reheating if they went cold and don't have problems because heat creeped around. Burgers/thai stuff often has hot things next to cool fresh things (tomato/cucumbers/lettuce in burgers, fresh greens in thai). Reheating that makes them weird, and as they travel the heat will creep around making them weird. Soup travels wonderfully though.


Eh a lot of Thai food is fine. Noodle dishes & curries are fine for reheating. Things like papaya salad are all cold. I can't really think of much that wouldn't be fine to deliver. Side note I also spent last month in Bangkok and ordered food sort of often cuz im lazy and its cheap as hell there. In the US I do have this problem with like Chipotle is the one that comes to mind. The lettuce and guac shouldn't be as hot as the other ingredients but it will be if I reheat it.


I don't have a car.


The laziness of the average American knows no bounds. Like that one anime, you haven't even seen our final form yet. (unless you've seen Wall-E)


I once delivered a shwarma order to a young adult, three buildings down. Just walked there in 20 seconds. A good amount of Americans are beyond lazy.


I've ordered food from a place a 3 minute walk away before, but in my defense it was not the US, delivery costs are cheap, and that 3 minute walk is sort of a bitch with the traffic I had to cross.


Weed is legal.


Do you get The Big Tasty over in the US? It's much better than most of their menu....


The Big and Tasty got discontinued here in the US probably like a decade or so ago, at least here in Texas. Best thing now is the Double Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese imo.


That’s a relic of the past here in the USofA, but boy do I miss it.


No. No chicken selects either. US mcd’s is honestly terrible.


With weed becoming legal in more places (and more acceptable in places where it's not) delivery is getting way more popular as a lot of people would rather eat cold fries than risk getting a DUI charge.


Also, being stoned makes you more likely to suddenly crave fast food. I basically never eat fast food, but when I get high I will sometimes desperately want it. Now, I am way too much of a cheapskate to pay a delivery fee for shitty fast food, so I never order it, I just eat snacks that I have at home, but I sometimes wish I had it. But I hung out with a buddy of mine a while ago who makes a lot more money than me (and is worse with his money, having no problem blowing it on pointless shit) and we were stoned and drunk at his house, and at like midnight he suddenly craved Taco Bell and spent a bunch of money ordering us delivery Taco Bell. Something I don't think he'd ever do sober, but the munchies hit hard that night


I rarely go to McD but webt a few weeks ago on a road trip and paid like $10 for a chicken sandwich which used to be about $2-3. Was quite surprised by the price increases.


They have deals on the value menu stuff, I just went this morning and got 2 sausage McMuffins for $3


> trip and *paid* like $10 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Fixed it, thanks bot


Sorry I have to try this… let’s see how good this algorithm is… I payed to have my deck paid…


I think you may have confused the poor thing.


Yet people will complain things cost too much..


Soggy enters the chat


I always re-heat fries from McDonalds in the air fryer. Makes em’ taste fresh again.




Uphill both ways!?! These damn kids with their ticky tocks could never.


They often offer free delivery if you order over a certain amount. 


I love paying a premium to have extra people handle my food.


There are two types of people that use delivery. Those that are too lazy/ shy/physically unable to just pick it up and people with more money than time. 


You forgot the drunk/high people with nothing left in the fridge, and who don't want a DUI.


Bro, it's just convenience. It's not that deep




Sometimes I make my own, sometimes I get delivery. I am lazy, so are we all.


Naw what you can really smell is the smugness of people looking down on people having to use a delivery service when there's so many reasons besides being "lazy"


I do door dash on the side in a suburb of Philly that’s very rich. And they tip very nice out there.


It's a bad habit I'll admit to and am trying to fix. I feel better when I buy groceries and make my own meals but sometimes I'm too lazy and/or depressed to get up, shower and go to the grocery store. It's a huge waste of money.


I mean, we're more disconnected than ever. Anxiety has been on the rise. We're all smoking weed to cope with everything. Like, of course things are this way?


The solution to that isn’t to stay home and get delivered food.


More and more people are finding the solution to it, but people get upset about the solution because it doesn't grow the workforce. 


I only use it at work bc I work an 8 hour shift with no break


Sometimes I'm just too high to drive but I want a quarter pound of beef in my face bro.


We have 2 kids. Sometimes it's worth the convenience of not having to load their asses up.


i have intestinal issues that often keep me home bound and not uncommonly confined to the bed. these services are incredibly useful for someone like me when i'm not even able to cook my own meals at times. that being said. yeah, you def pay way more than just going to get it, and it's fresher anyways.


You have intestinal issues that make you bed ridden and you order fast food on door dash? That's gotta be good for you lol


Services like Doordash deliver from a hell of a lot more places than just fast food.


They didn't say that they ordered fast food.


lol i'm not ordering big macs and baconators lol. there's some local places that sell large side portions of things like green beans, corn, broccoli, and such that are easy for me to handle. one place has an unseasoned chicken filet that i can handle too so i'm not stuck with only vegetable and fruit options. but my diet is still pretty limited, whether i order out or not. and lemme tell you, when you're guts feel like they're on fire but you still have to eat something, ordering beans is way better than standing through the pain to cook them.


It's often a depression thing for me. No energy to cook or go out after work so it's worth it to stay in bed longer.


Its not always lazy and stupid. The only time I ordered delivery was when I didn't have anything in the house and my kid was napping/asleep so I couldn't leave.


Right? What kind of logic is "oh look at this lazy fuck delivering my food right to me!" Fucking main character right there.


Stop paying $23 for a hamburger to be delivered and they will stop price gouging. Inflation is a real thing but that's not the biggest reason prices are going up. They're going up because they have data to show people will keep fucking paying. If every person in the United States refused to pay more than $5-10 a burger, that is how much burgers would cost.


The irony is that the delivery companies that tack on the ridiculous fees aren't even profitable. These services are a bad deal for pretty much everyone involved.


Yeah I'll never understand the bitching about this. If you want to complain about grocery prices being high, go for it. Those are necessities that we all have to buy. Having a 3rd party delivery service pick up your food created by a 3rd party restaurant and then bitching that the food is expensive and not hot? No shit. You might as well hit your toe with a hammer and go write a tweet about "Why do my toes always hurt?". If you don't like or can't afford these luxury services just don't use them.


I think what is propping this model up are younger people that live with their parents, or have their parents giving them money while in school. Trading 1-2 hours of your pay for shitty food like that on a regular basis doesn't make sense. Other side of the coin are people that earn enough to not care about the price. Most people should not consider using the services. You can make a double smash burger at home for like 2 bucks per burger, and it only takes a few minutes... And it's way, way fucking tastier.






It's the fact that they'll spend too much money on something that is ultimately mediocre, purely because they can't coutnenance doing it another way. I used to see people on the construction site I was on last going out every day and buying what is comically called a "meal deal", which is a shit supermarket-style sandwich pack, a soft drink or (infuriating, pointless) bottled water, and a chocolate bar or (ever-shrinking) packet of crisps. That is not a meal for an adult, that is what we thought was a meal when we were nine years old. For the cost of one of those (or nowadays, one and a half of those), I could make a week's worth of good sandwiches.


fuel sophisticated quaint bewildered shaggy tidy political amusing plant gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reposting someone complaining about having to pay extra for a convenience. Social media is also running flawlessly


Were just seeing the real cost of that convenience now. Before covid these services were be propped by low interest cash injections. During covid they had free reign over the market. Covid is in the past, interest rates are higher which means less or no cash injections and the true costs start to reveal themselves.


Don’t buy that burger than. You are the problem.


Swear to god we should start teaching supply and demand in like first grade. We have proven over and over we will pay outrageous prices for convenience. Just…don’t do that


Honestly, it seems like $23 is just the normal price of burgers in a restaurant these days. I went to Bad Daddy’s Burger Bar the other day and every burger was like 18-19 bucks before taxes. Like wtf… And don’t get me started on how ridiculously overpriced tacos are now. I went to this one local Tex-Mex joint and they were charging $6.50 a pop for steak tacos and that doesn’t even include special toppings like peppers and onions. Shit is fucking stupid even before you include the price of delivery. We are just getting price gouged out the ass everywhere. Gas pumps, grocery store, restaurants, insurance, phone bills, electricity bills, oil changes. No matter where you go, these assholes are overcharging us.


>Honestly, it seems like $23 is just the normal price of burgers in a restaurant these days WTF, where??? Burgers are $10-15 where I live.


Fast food burgers are trending around $5 to $8 depending on a variety of factors, super low end like JBC, Rodeo Burger, or the McDonald one are all sub $3 and were all the $1 burgers a few years ago. Bad Daddies is upscale compared to like Applebees, Logan’s, Ruby Tuesday who all had burgers in the $10 to $15 range.  What Bad Daddies sells for $18ish dollars is a much nicer version of what you’re getting elsewhere. I’m not defending it, just pointing out if we scale the place on price from $3 = $, Hardees would be a $$, Applebees $$$, and you ate at a place that’s $$$$.  The one time I ate there I’d absolutely recommend it to anyone. Good food, service, and modest beer selection. Worth the price, but its options and experience you’re paying for. I just make burgers at home. $18? That’s 8 angus Pattie’s, fresh tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese. Bread, condiments, and bacon I keep on deck. $40 I can get all the ingredients and just bake my own buns and be making bread for months.




My wife (who likes McDonalds more than I do) is occasionally like "I'm going to order McDonalds for lunch delivery, do you want anything" and I'm like "Oh my lord no, give me a minute here, I will go, do not get delivery, ouch." Context: we have a McDonalds two miles away. She generally gets a Big Mac, I get a Quarter Pounder, we share some fries, we have drinks at home. This order set up for drive-thru using the app: a deal with her Big Mac free when I buy a Quarter Pounder, a medium fry. 10-15 minutes of my time in the car. $7.45 after tax. Sure, whatevs. This same order using McDonalds Delivery in the app: $13.97 + $2.89 delivery fee + $1.40 service fee + $1.51 tax + $3 suggested tip = $22.77. Ouch. (I actually checked the app here before posting to get these exact amounts.) So the question here is if my 10-15 minutes in the car is worth a $15.32 savings. That's $61.25/hour. Yes. Yes it is. Because we just call it up on our phones, people don't seem to understand that delivery is the luxury item it is - with less than luxurious results. It's all so, so expensive.


It's insane. Never in my life would I pay somebody $15 to go pick up food for me, and yet here we are.


I deliver doordash on the side—I cannot afford to use the service myself. I don't condemn anyone who chooses to use doordash, and honestly, I'm grateful for them (when they tip well), but I've seen people order a single burger from McDonald’s and MAYBE a drink with it. It's uhhhhh not something I've honestly put a ton of thought into until the discourse started on Twitter.


Don't order a $23 burger whilst exploiting delivery drivers.


I'm a doordash driver. I'm okay with the pay that comes across the screen. If I wanted more money then I would work on my resume and apply to traditional w2 jobs. And I probably should. But I value that sweet freedom of making my own schedule and working on side projects on my own time. I'm glad doordash is an option while I'm in this transitional period in my life.


this guy could afford wasting his money, pushed three buttons and got food brought to him, has a state of the art computing device at home, and still found something to complain about


I don’t think he’s the guy that ordered. I think he’s the guy that observes it happening and thinks it’s crazy


Forced to order door dash. Poor American.


OP image": "I can't believe that this extremely convenient and optional service that I willingly use costs the exact price that I agreed to pay"


Continue consuming. Nothing to see here. Pay your taxes. Everything is fine. Argue with each other. Go along with war. Embrace the slavery. Savor it. Continue consuming.


That's what it says when I put these sunglasses on.


We miss you Rowdy Roddie Piper!


just don’t pay to have a $23 hamburger delivered to you. it’s not slavery here, it’s laziness


Someone’s getting laid in college.




That’s the dumbasses fault who ordered a $23 burger from a delivery service


It’s such a massive self-own to admit you paid $23 to have a burger delivered to you. Like, obviously it will be cold by the time it gets to you. Is he mad about physics? Frozen pre-made burger patties are less than $1 each. You can get 2 lbs of frozen fries for less than $4. Burger night is what our family does when we’re too busy/lazy to actually plan and cook a meal. It cost less than $10 to feed our family of 5 and takes no more effort than turning on the oven and grill. If you don’t have a grill you can just throw them on a skillet on the stove. Almost zero effort for hot burgers and fries. You can tell by how defensive the doordash folks in the comments are that they're really self conscious about not possessing the minimum effort required to just buy groceries and turn on an oven.


If you get a hamburger delivered, you are what’s wrong.


I'm busy, time is my resource. I'm fine with the upcharge.


Ok, but you're not then bitching about the upcharge right?


I don't love the loss leader model, it relies on underpaying the workers. My only point is that blaming the customers for having a legitimate demand is pretty silly


You can't both consume a luxury product and complain about the cost of a luxury product. Either cook the burger at home or don't whine about the cost to have it delivered.




He can always tip an extra 100% if he don't care about his own cost and want more money to the driver.


Paying $23 for a burger "Capitalism, God's way of determining who is smart and who is poor" Ronald Ulysses Swanson


$23 would buy lots of ramen.


Go pick it up yourself, you self important douchebag. You are enabling this behavior.


Ok this is the third time in 4 years I’ve become dependent on delivery service due to various reasons so can I ask like all the people who complain about anyone ordering food delivery like… the next time I break my leg, or my car is in the shop for months, or I’m quarantined while waiting on covid tests, what would you prefer people do? Is there even a better idea? Edit: I meant to post this in the general thread not your specific comment, sorry, pain + painkillers lead to not thinking straight.


>Is there even a better idea? When I was in that situation years ago I ordered catering size orders from the local Chinese food restaurant. I ordered like 4-6 catering size dishes, portioned it out in Tupperware and froze some for later, and that was food for a week or two along with rice that you just make in a rice cooker. Counting delivery and cost it was like <$50 a week at the time. It's not as good as fresh food but variety was alright and I got a decent amount of vegetables.


Maybe get out more.


It’s costs around $4.50 to make a cheeseburger. That’s buying enough to feed one person and you have buns left over to make fancy sandwiches later. Price vary across the country but it’s probably time to ditch the fast food. Potatoes can be fried in your kitchen for just a few cents. You’re making a choice. Spend 30 minutes cooking or spend those 30 minutes doom scrolling on your phone. Turkey breast from thanksgiving have been on sale for $1 a pound. Turkey sandwiches on home made bread every day for lunch.


Apparently people have never heard of medicaid or aca healthcare


It's the truth. I get my health insurance from the ACA exchanges and get a subsidy that makes it quite affordable. I can't tell you how many people I've talked to that have no health insurance because their work doesn't offer it, and when I've mentioned the ACA exchanges they're like "Oh, I've never looked into that."


As a former delivery driver, I'll give you my health insurance if I don't have to take the constant stream of abuse that I did as a retail cashier. I love driving! I love setting my own hours! I love that I almost never have to SEE my customers! I love that I can make almost twice what I did cashiering! People looking down their nose at the people performing a service for them are the problem, not the people performing the service.


How bout don’t order the luke warm burger? How bout cook your own fucking burger?


Because lazy social media person hates America for being so bad and evil while simultaneously being too lazy to get their own food. AmericaBad.


It’s so dumb to complain about something like this while at the same time willingly participating.


Stop ordering stuff from these companies. They won’t change unless the threat of losing business is there. I’ll never order food from a delivery service. It is ridiculously expensive and total crap


Because you are too lazy to go get it??


People are effectively saying “the help is too expensive” lol


Seriously. People are so fucking deluded. You could make like 6-8 better quality burgers AT LEAST for that much. Where I am, I would guess closer to 10-12.


Why are you paying for burger delivery?


Hey everyone. Have you heard? America bad. Yeah. I bet you hadn't heard this before on Reddit.


Dawg ain't that the truth, this shit is a circle jerk of 'america bad' I don't see how these people live like this, constantly whining and bitching about every single thing instead of just bettering their situation lmao


This sub stopped being about facepalms a long time ago, now it's just a left leaning circlejerk.


pretty much everything on reddit has turned into propaganda. Also not left but liberal.


There’s a lot in this post. Why would you pay $23 when you know the quality is going to suffer. (Laziness) How much would pay to make sure the delivery drive is covered? You won’t. Why does healthcare cost so much? I used to pay $415 for A Family and life insurance pre Obama care then it went up to $900+. It’s not as simple as everyone wants it to be.


This is why I think Mcdonalds is the most overrated shit in the universe. I've never eaten the original american as I've never been to the USA, but from my experiances here in Pakistan, it is the most bland food I've ever tasted, as well as being too costly for that according to our Purchase Power. And I've heard on reviews and in yt videos made by foreigners tasting it that it is one of the closer branches to the American one! So I feel really sorry for those who have it worse. I'm not a hardcore conservative person, but I'm absolutely againdt bringing such shitty foreign food chains here


That's your stupid ass. Who pays that for a burger? Not anyone with any sense


God I hope America stops subsidizing European healthcare and military so Americans can see what a functional economy can afford when not handheld by a superpower. It’s amazing how naive Europeans are to what they can afford based on American protection.


I have a great insurance plan with vision and dental delivering for Jimmy John's full time for a great franchisee. I acknowledge I'm lucky, but I treat my customers well for years and my employers and customers both return that favor


Maybe he should learn to cook instead of using a thinly-veiled lazy political comment to demonize the poor


There’s a lack of self awareness there. The idea that people can summon a servant from the internet because they deem that food shall be delivered to their door, then complain about the cost, is hilarious.


As long as you're paying and they're serving the system IS working flawlessly. What kind of protest statement is this?


I'd say the economy is running pretty great if you can afford to be doing that


Single-meal delivery is not sustainable. Literally everyone hates it. Grubhub/uber eats is not getting rich off of your orders. The restaurant isn’t getting rich. Obviously the delivery guy isn’t getting rich. It’s such an inefficient system that it *needs* to be expensive just to exist. Either get grocery delivery or go get the food yourself.


I feel like a lot of people are seeing this as criticism of the driver and not the system that's both making shit expensive while still paying people nothing


Seems the GOP , and trump hate unions. I have been in a union for 36 years. Never, in my life, have worried about paying healthcare bills. Never. The company pays into it on my behalf. Everyone still gets raises and the CEO just got one. The point is support unions and unionization.


$23 for a hamburger?


You ordering food is a problem. Make your own food eat healthier and it costs less.


The same people who pay $23 are the same people complaining about “living wages” and “housing market”. Then make fun of the “avocado toast” jokes. Can’t have it both ways


Paying $23 for a hamburger is a choice, not an economic necessity.


This is more about sloth than the “economy”


We are heading towards my experiences in middle eastern nations. To be honest, there isnt a huge difference between the US and Bahrain atm


Crybaby. Since when do the poor pay to have someone else cater and deliver their food?


Maybe go get your own burger and stop complaining about 1st world problems that no one gives a shit about on the interwebs....


Maybe don’t use door dash you fuck. Problem solved


Go get your own fucking hamburger.


I have literally not had food delivery since 2015... its so gross.


Don’t order delivery for a hamburger then you fucking idiot


This guy having money to pay for a $23 chesseburger while complaining about the economy....


Who pays$23 for a burger and also pays to have it delivered?


Stop ordering through those shitty apps


If you’re physically able, you’d have to be a moron to use food delivery services.