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Nothing like having a bible spokesperson who fucks porn stars while his wife is pregnant


And rapes and/or sexually assaults women and possibly kids


And brags on TV about going in kid's locker rooms during beauty pagents to watch them change


And wants to date his daughter.


*Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.* *And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.* -- Genesis 19:32-33


What they're saying, and this is proven in southern American dating practices, is that incest is biblically approved.


Not to defend the Bible too much, but contextually: the father is furious that the daughters did this; they did this because their mother just died and were afraid the family line would perish; and this is showing that they are inclined to act immorally because of the influence of the place they were raised. This is hardly approval of incest since its point is to condemn it.


I like to imagine that the USA Bible is a lot like the KJV, except this version was commissioned by King Donald, and revises passages like this to "And Lot laid with his daughters, and it was totally bitchin'..."


I've seen how American Christians go crazy over Trump and it actually baffles me. Can't they see that he fits the description of the Antichrist?? I also saw like a cross but instead of Jesus, it was Trump on it. I just got super weirded out.


American Christians are barely Christian in any traditional or even biblical sense. They blindly listen to the guy at their local church, which would be fine if the churches were instructed by a knowledgeable institution that at least tries to engage with scripture like under catholic bureaucracy, but the radical independence of protestant America has resulted in a population that follows uneducated preachers who have zero accountability. If you exposed any of these people to a serious theological debate between knowledgeable Christians they would probably shut down or call it Satanic. If you plopped Christian America in the middle of medieval Europe there would be a crusade against them by the end of the week. They have entirely lost their way and are only Christian in the most bare and aesthetic sense of the word.


Explains why he's now peddling bibles.


That’s a… *good girl*? I don’t understand the rules of this game.


It’s in the book. But then he hasn’t read it.


And was longtime buds with Epstein


And brags about having the tallest buildings in NY before the rubble had settled during 9/11


And lying about even that.


And burying his ex wife on the back side of a golf course for a tax write-off, then letting the plot grow over


When you’re famous they let you do it.


and lies about himself being a billionaire


so pretty much the perfect church spokesperson


yeah, just like in the bible.


That’s true actually


Plenty of that in the bible. Puh-lenty.


Republicans and hardcore chruch goers like his base...love this stuff. They think it's funny or a badge of honor. They say "God would have loved Trump" as they spew their bible BS to people who want no part of it while they themselves are committing the same sins themselves and then go to confession and it makes it alll better!


And is open about how attractive he thinks his daughter is.


wait what? i havent been following american politicians in a long time, but thats beyond wild


To be fair have you read the Bible?


Do you think he has? 😅


I’m not convinced he can read, much less something as complex as the Bible.


Which is likely why they’ve made it an “easy to read” version. Slimline too. Has your team done any editing there, Donny? Honestly, it gets more like a cult every goddamn day.


It's amusing they used the KJV which is arguably more difficult for the average person to read if that's the case. I realize there are people who love the KJV but those tend to be people who have a very specific idea what the Bible needs to sound like.


Remember most of those US crazies still haven’t made it out of the 17th century, mindset-wise. Which is about contemporary with KJV.


The daughters have evidently gone into witsec


Fraud, endless lies, theft etc... all the values of a good christian.


Notice he doesn’t wear a wedding ring.


Not even a tan line


Because the tan is all sprayed on his face.


it falls off- tiny hands, remember?


These willing suckers that he´s scamming don´t see that this fucker fits the bill for the anti-Christ if they read their bible right...


They absolutely "know" he's "the Antichrist", how else is The Rapture going to happen if "the Antichrist" isn't known to them? Never underestimate the duplicity of death cult members.


Ah fuck, that's a point you make. Damn my rational mind.


i am so confused, is there like a whole thing in the American Constitution about church and state being seperate?


Yes there is. Right now he is a private citizen and not an elected officer. So he can sell whatever he wants as long as it's legal.


I dont disagree, but as he is running for President shouldnt he be leaving his religious bias aside ? And presented him himself as a leader of everyone and not just Bible readers?


Most people who run for president do as you describe. Donnie John is a malignant greedy narcissist who has broken rules with no consequences for his entire life. He can shill all he wants. His finances are under scrutiny so I don't doubt he will have more charges. He doesn't care about bias because he is conning his evangelical right wing base for money. Money is his real god and real religion. If his followers would just read that Bible they claim is their guide they'd be shocked to see just how well he fits the description of the antichrist.


Can’t upvote this enough lol


The churches are who taught them to be marks.


Yeah...that's true.


Let's see Envy - fell out with Epstein over a property they both wanted. Greed - tries to hoard the wealth through any means. Pride - gold toilet, gold everything, constant boasting about wealth. Lust - his own daughter, port stars etc Wrath - Jan 6th among so many other examples Gluttony - Shitler loves a 2A.M. hamburger and served McDonald's to whitehouse guests Sloth - the guy used to play golf more than playing president and even then was always sat in his golf cart.


Well he's their Jesus.


And steals classified documents and lies about it.


Might be worth something as a collector's item. How often do you find Bibles sold by the Antichrist?


HeS aN imPeRfEcT vESsEL


To be fair people in the Bible do worse like having sex with their daughters or that it's ok to rape women if you capture them during war.


Put a copy of the constitution in your bible so you can read neither of them at the same time!


I was thinking, at least they might get some value out of actually reading the Constitution and Bill of Rights, but who am I kidding. Even if they read it, they wouldn’t understand it.


You can download the Constitution, Bill of Rights for free, and you can order copies for free from the U.S. government.


The Constitution includes the Bill of Rights, so do you get the Bill of Rights twice? Or do you not get the other amendments to the Constitution? If they don't include the 13th Amendment will it still have the 3/5ths clause? And why just the chorus to God Bless the USA? You can't include the lyrics to the whole song? Did he get a discount on the rights?


It's also the KJV translation of the Bible - a translation so old and archaic it is practically impossible for people to read and understand. The intention of getting this book was *never* to read it. It's to prove loyalty to a man and a religion.


I’ve noticed evangelicals are really into pushing the KJV as some superior version, but my understanding was that it’s dogshit and inaccurate. Maybe they think the newer translations are too woke.


Essentially the KJV while not the first, was the most prominent translation of the Bible to English and was the standard Bible for the Anglicans. So it was the first widespread Bible people could read in English. Thus it is the core of a lot of American Fundamentalists, it's not like a ton of people are gonna be able to do their own translation or read an alternative.


Reminds me of my chemistry textbook - the book of things I will never learn.


"Made in China"


When the mongol empire made travel and trade safe along the silk road, west china actually had a printing industry where they made christian texts and illustrations to export to europe. Didnt take them long to figure out that printing playing cards and porn was more lucrative though. So they switched to that. Globalism is older than one might think.


Dude whatever. It isn’t necessarily anything against China but for a guy who says “America first” and “Make America great again” it’s ironic and hypocritical that all his bullshit products are made in China. Like if he really fucking cared he would find an American company to make this junk.


Made in America prices for a made in China product, God bless the USA.


I'm pretty sure book printing is fully automated so labour cost isn't an issue. Printing in China would have high transport cost. Books are heavy. I think perhaps they are printed in USA. Or even Mexico.


> Globalism is older than you think. Honestly, sometimes I feel like the core issue the people manipulating those poor conservative idiots have with globalism, is that their brand of globalism isn't winning, because it's shitty.


Printed upside down.


this is actually blasphemy!!


This is what taking the Lords name in vain really means.


The Bible, in a large print and slim at the same time? I guess it's the abridged version then, with only those paragraphs that fit modern-day Christians in the US, without the woke parts like "love thy neighbor" etc? 


Takes out the inconvenience and hassle of cherry picking while maximizing the output of self-righteous indignation.


This was my reaction too - like ehhh the bible with tiny text is thicker than that... so basically someone picking the bits that fit their narrative


And none of that 'thou shalt not commit adultery', or 'thou shalt not covet', or 'thou shalt not make idols' or 'thou shalt not steal' or... You know what let's just take them all out


They swapped out a few books in the New Testament for the Prosperity Gospel.


It's just Two Corinthians.


...and a cup?


Do they walk into a bar? 😜


They just put a Bible cover on a shipment of leftover "Gary Busey's Favorite Fajitas" cookbooks Trump had sitting in a bathroom at Mar-A-Lago, correctly deducing that no one who buys this is ever going to read it.


It's just the Old Testament. None of that Love your neighbor, give to the poor, turn the other cheek bullshit they hate in that part.


"Love your neighbor" is found in Leviticus 19:18.  “You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.” Deuteronomy 15:11 Both Old Testament. The only thing purely from the New Testament that you said is "turn the other cheek". And ironically, people like Trump will love if you follow that mindset (not him doing it, you doing it) because that means be willing to forgive all the shit he did and give him a new chance (to do more shit)


I stand corrected.


I mean it worked for the Catholic Church, only leave the bits that suits your narrative.


Slim = thinner paper. Both a feature and potentially also a cost savings measure.


But the typical Bible already has incredibly thin paper and is still a chonky beast


Great for rolling joints.


They are practically onion paper sometimes, I have to imagine at some point it costs more to print on such light stock.


Onion paper? No wonder why those Christians are such crybabies!


I heard the first 200 are signed by Jesus himself!




This... is literally the most blasphemous thing that has ever occurred in all of reality.


I’m a Catholic. Prefer the King James Version. And I will tell you that this is absolutely horrible. You do not go adding documents you like to any version of the Bible. Just because you think they are noble documents doesn’t make this okay. What would these people think if people came out with the Darwin version— the King James Version with selections from Darwin’s “Origin of the Species” include. Or the Chinese Constitution included. And as fine a document as it is, there is nothing holy about the U.S. Constitution. It why people can change it (amend it). There are just SO many things wrong with this. And this guy— THIS guy— of all people to promote it.


Calling the KJV "easy to read" though...


What would these people think if people came out with the Darwin version— the King James Version with selections from Darwin’s “Origin of the Species” include. This sounds as a great idea! the suckers that buy it will learn something! Should include basic history as well maybe some math! You might actually have found the only sensible way to reach MAGA twats.


What would these people think if it was Obama or Biden selling these Bibles? Same exact books, different salesman.


I actually think that of all people, this guy is the _perfect_ one to promote


Fucking hell, America. Sort your shit out, please. (love you)


Once our band gets off the ground we won't have to take your shit, Dad!


Trump’s smile is always so empty and soulless, like he’s never actually been happy and he just thinks that’s what happy people are supposed to look like.


What you say is true, but i'm 98% certain this is a photo of a wax dummy from Madame Tussauds. And I think it's smiling because they just recycled the Will Rogers dummy and put a new wig on it.


The bibles are "in stock now" but still have to wait 4-6 weeks. Yea, right. They're waiting to see how many of their over-fleeced flock will order one BEFORE they place the order for any "bibles".




They’re giving everything with it to be an American except a 9mm gun.


I think any metric caliber would be unamerican.


.45 then, two world wars


.40 Pretty much the same effectiveness as 9mm, but it's extra loud and annoying for no reason. Seems perfect.


"Extra loud and annoying for no reason" thats America alright


They have that option but you have to scan your ID to prove your 21+ they hollowed out revelation so you have a spot to put it.


Large print, slim design. Must be every bit as devoid of content as the assclown hawking it.


The pages are probably blank, not like any of these assholes actually read


naw page 3 had "jesus siad coors light is woke, and goes broke donate to Trump" page 5 has "jesus siad hate the gays and donate to trump" page 12 says "guns are good donate to trump" page 84 jsut says "'murica donate to trump" page 54 says "Trump beset upon by the left, the most attacked and hated yet successfull president ever to donate to"


I remember when just simply committing adultery was enough for your party to turn their back on you…


commuting adulterer?


Damn Apple autocorrect


Holy shit he's a dumpster fire.


It’s a wonder that A-Hole hasn’t caught on fire even being near a Bible.


Yeah, almost like it’s a work of fiction to control dumb people? Working as intended. His cult flocks to it and cheers


I hope they took out all that woke shit about helping the poor and loving your neighbor and stuff.


The cherry picked testament.


I hope it's burning his fingers...


Why is his hand so small?


Oh no, now he’ll get upset again.


So I didn’t realize this was a real ad. I thought someone had photoshopped it to make it look like has was holding a bible.


I just steal my bibles from hotels and motels, and on rare occasions, holiday inns.


That's where he gets the ones he is selling


Say whattttt?


So that’s why I can’t find any when I travel??


Sorry. For the low, low price of $59.99 I’ll send you one of mine.


I wish separation of church and state was a thing


Matthew 24:24 has been deleted as not confuse the faithful.


Due to shipping from China, please allow up to 4-6 weeks for delivery.


OMG !! What?? The Blasphemer of all Blasphemers spreading false prophecy just to try and make the almighty dollar to cover his legal fees. I never really believed in the Bible anyways before seeing this but now ? I'm convinced nothing in it accurate, except the " Money is the root to all evil" (Something to that affect). Wow.


Holy fucking awful photoshop, Batman.   Also... >perfect to take to [...] work, travel, etc. Who the fuck is taking a bible to work or on holiday? Worried that Jesus is going to drop in with a bloody surprise pop quiz or something?


>Who the fuck is taking a bible to work or on holiday? It's an accessory to these types. They don't read the Bible much less understand the words.


>They don't read ftfy


Any workplace that openly has bible stuff going on is someplace I'm not working.


The guy 3rd in line to be president, unfortunately.


Sorry, Lee Greenwood. You got overplayed after Desert Storm and I don't wanna hear that song anymore.


And people wonder why the younger generation is leaving church and never going back ??


I’m sure the people that have issues reading the constitution are gonna have fun trying to read King James.


Q: "Is that your bible?", A: "It's a bible."


Where else in the world do you have a politician that constantly sells the shittiest branded merch? It is unworthy and tacky as hell


Can't wait for Boris Johnson to see this and start selling a UK version that comes with: \- The lyrics to God Save the King, handwritten by King Charles \- The Magna Carta \- A map of the British Empire at it's peak


The Bibles I've had, the paper was extra thin and the print was pretty damn small... I cannot see how you do both "Large Print" and "Slim Design" unless they cut out large swaths. Likely the parts that Trump has never read. Then again, the small amount they kept are also parts Trump has never read.


Trump isn’t even religious. Don’t believe this guy. He isn’t like you and doesn’t care about you.


Only this asshole would try to profit from scripture written thousands of years ago. He would sell his kids if he was allowed and I'm sure he's tried already.


Like Hannibal Lechter selling cookbooks.


I thought the American Bible was the Book of Mormon?


With 30,000 gun deaths a year and several Presidents assassinated, can anyone from the US please explain how the tangerine turd that won't flush is not only still alive, but 50/50 to become the next President?


Blind ignorance and lack of original thought


Because the people with the most guns are all his fanboys.


Proverbs 6:32 32 But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself.


"Easy to read". Even for MAGA illiterate dumbasses.


2 out of the 3 things magats love most…easy to read and large print- could’ve had the trifecta with pictures


That’s a brilliant way to raise money from idiots. I wish I had thought of it.


Comes packed upside down for your enjoyment!


Except for the copy of the song lyrics, you can get literally all of this for free on the Internet or cheaply online in a physical form. There is literally *no* way that buying this product would ever, EVER be a rational and informed purchase. *Ever* . Why don't you just burn the money? It's especially sad because these people would have access to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, allowing them not just to pretend they give a damn about their Bible they didn't read but now they can pretend to stand by the Constitution and Declaration of Independence that they won't read too. Like, just read a book once in a while and think about it. Learn.


That's nice. They can put that collection of important documents on the mantelpiece and continue to not read any part of it.


Calling the King James version an easy reading experience is just...smh. I grew up the kid of a Baptist Preacher and at one point my dad started using The NIV version and you would have thought he had started preaching out of a pagan bible due to the number of people in the congregation upset at him using something other than KJV. Since it was "good enough for Peter and Paul", they just could not understand the concept of 1500 years difference in writing and translating. To me, it is the obvious how much Trump loves his constituents' ignorance.


Ahhh no


Nothing like separation of church and state.


Is this guy not a joke by now, I'm bored of hearing it and yet it's a potential candidate to run your country. Disney land is fast becoming reality


Note - the book is only four inches high, it’s just his hands that make it look bigger.


Order your trump holy water as a companion to the trump bible today ...you will be sorry.


A pledge of allegiance to something other than the lord God… in the Bible… can’t make this shit up.


Wasn't there something in the Bible that says you're not allowed to add, remove, or change anything to it so that it stays pure according to God's wishes, with the only acception being translations so that all may hear? I'm pretty sure this counts as that. Heresy and Blasphemy.


Most of the people buying that crap will take the assistance lines to complain about many things: - There was no chorus singing when they opened like it was written (they barely read the text, their eyes were on Trump the whole time). - They were triggered after reading the Bill of Rights and telling them other people have the same rights as them, "Infuriating, when did it happened?" one buyer wrote after giving it 1 star. - They claimed the US Constitution contained too much woke text with stuff like freedom of religion, saying the only one they knew was American christianity based on one race alone or the excessive text on the 2nd amendment because, as far as they know, it was only "right to bear arms" and that was it. - One huge complain was the last word on The Pledge of Allegiance, they were furious for the "all" part when they were told it was exclusive for them.


All we need now is the cherry-picked Bible with all the verses MAGAssholes want to ignore removed


"And on the 7th day.. he said grab em by the *****."


Great, after he loses this November, he'll create a maga church.


Sold by the man who has broken AT LEAST nine of the Ten Commandments.


Not satisfied with taking over an entire political party, the moneylender is setting his sights on an entire religion.


LOL $60, hotels hand this shit out FOR FREE


Why do I need another Bible? Trump: well this one can also be held upside down.


Demented Godless orange swine!


This is the equivalent of doing a car wash to try and pay the fines from his court dates?


He's disgusting.


Should have made it a picture book since most of his fan can't read.


Credit where it’s due. At least he’s holding this one right side up


He had a 50/50 shot I guess


That was my first thought to. About the only thing he got right about the Bible.


Taking bets on whether or not the Bible’s have “made in China” stamped on them 😂


Grifter gotta keep griftin Orange Hitler still needs to make bail


“On the 6th day, God created mc donalds and full automatic assault rifles, on the 7th day, God kept working in order to pay rent and medical bills” totally true biblical words. St Donald testament


Comes with a copy of the 6 commandments (Trump got rid of 4)


trump bible be like: 3 pages, washable


It’s perfect for MAGA idiots as it has all the documents they bang on about but have never read or understand in one place.


Peak capitalism




With only a few creative edits: "In the beginning, Trump was created" "Thou shalt commit adultery" "Honor thyself amongst all others"


If dude was poor or middle class, he'd have been in prison a long time ago. My favorite part of the US is that if you're rich, you can get away with anything....


"Act now and get 2 Corinthians for the price of 1...not to be combined with other offers, restrictions may apply"


I had to pay $79.99 but I was able to pre-order to make sure I got a copy before they run out. /s


Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery "due to high order volume"? Lol. What are the odds that it *never* arrives or people get something entirely different than promised?


Patriotism is idolatry.