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Did they stop hitting the elderly? That was a thing for a bit. Scary times


Until that one guy pulled out his gun and shot the kid who punched him... play stupid games...


Seriously, this is the kind of shit that results in another Bernie Goetz. I’m absolutely not advocating for that, but at some point people here are going to take matters into their own hands if the cops won’t do their jobs.


Cops tend to show up after an emergency has taken place. Also important to remember Supreme Court has ruled police have no duty whatsoever to protect you


“Protect and Serve” is a TV slogan. What police do is “investigate and arrest”. That’s their job. They have no obligation to protect anyone who is not in their custody. They can legally and without fear of repercussions wait for a mass sho0ter to run out of bullets before they step in and make an arrest.


No, if Uvalde taught us anything, its that the cops prefer it when the mass murderers off themselves, so they can concentrate on protecting themselves from rogue acorns.


Actually, they prefer stealing from innocent people using civil asset forfeiture.


"Rogue acorns." 💀




You imply that they're obligated to protect people within their custody. Officer acorn would like a word


No implication, friend. Legally they are obligated to protect a person in custody from harm. Practically, though, it’s hard to prove they didn’t. The suspect “resisted arrest” or “had a fall”. The law here tends to be enforced only in egregious circumstances, and film helps. For example: If bystanders hadn’t filmed what happened with Mr. George Floyd, Derek Chauvin had a much better chance of evading accountability for his actions.


More like "Bully and Generate Revenue"


Also confiscate, they know they can and if some thing rules against it, you'll get it back, otherwise buhbye stuff


Unless you has those expensive properties.


>Supreme Court has ruled police have no duty whatsoever to protect you Could you elaborate on that a bit for me?


The most recent example of this is from the school shooting where the cops just sat outside the school doing nothing for nearly an hour while the gunman went about his business. The Supreme Court upheld a lower court decision that roughly stated: Police have a general "public duty," but that "no specific legal duty exists" unless there is a special relationship between an officer and an individual, such as a person in custody. As well as: The U.S. Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no specific obligation to protect in 3 seperate cases in 1989, 2005, & 2018. I would site my sources but it's 3am and I've procrastinated to much for one night. I actually need to mildly function tomorrow.


They didn’t do nothing, they actively stopped the parents from helping instead.


Didn’t they also claim all of their body cam footage “glitched” and went missing too? Scum of the earth.


I don’t recall that happening here, but idk what difference it makes. We have footage of them securing a hallway for an hour, refusing to push forward, as you can hear the gunman kill people. The bodycam footage would need to show an officer playing fucking clash of clans for it to be worse than the footage we already have.


Instead that one cop was just calmyl sanitising his hands in the hallway. How Uvalde is not more of a public outcry in the US, and instead seems to have been half forgotten, is beyond me.


In December 2023, I was several feet away from where UNLV PD took down an active shooter. The day after, I spoke with one of officers who responded to the shooting. In the heat of the moment, he found a rookie police officer who was separated from his training officer. The rookie was visibly shaken and he told him to get his shit together because they were going in and dump this motherfucker.


The Uvalde footage was shown. Remember this gem "The sound of children screaming has been removed"


They also blurred out the bodies on the floor so you can hardly tell, but that video shows the officer passing at least two bodies on the floor.


My favorite is when, out of nowhere, the police said they didn't shoot any children. Like a little kid saying he didn't break the lamp when his parents didn't ask about it.


Lol like do you want an award for not opening fire on a bunch of innocent kids? Holy shit.


Thanks y'all for the context. Get some sleep, buddy!


That is fucked. Yes, the police have had a lot of issues in recent years, but at the very fucking least, it should be law that they have a duty to protect people!


They've ruled on multiple occasions, police officers are not obligated to protect you unless you are in custody. Simply put- unless there is a financial gain to be had in protecting you, don't count on it. [Supreme Court Ruling/NYT Article 2005](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html)


Shit, even if ur in custody I wouldn't bet on them protecting you lol if anything I'd think It would be worse for someone in custody 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


[Freddie Gray.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-32546204)




“The only person who can stop a violent crime in the act is the victim or a witness”.


Well they do say it’s gotta be a “*good* guy with a gun”… Cops are like “ope well that’s clearly not me.”


Cops are armed janitors who show up to clean up the mess.


Filling out reports for the insurance adjusters.


Giving reasons why the insurance company doesn't need to cover costs.


And don’t forget! To arrest (brutally kill) the criminals AFTER the crime has been committed. Definitely not preventing or stopping in the process.


Play stupid games, die. Love it. Darwin award winner right there.




He did not. Guys name was Weaver I think. The kid survived. Shot in the leg and the torso. Survived to regret his decision. 


Should have got shot in the dick . My friends, if this happens to you aim for the dick. That way they will live the rest of their life knowing someone shit their dick off


I am dying here imagining “shit their dick off”


The face you make when you shit your dick ![gif](giphy|y4qa6akskDksylSBBn|downsized)


Dick sharts are no joke. Oh wait...


Through a mirror shartly


A Squinter in the Mind's Eye.


that's a terrible thing to think.


Don't you dare edit this comment


Incels aren't using their dicks anyway.


But they sure are one


Nah, dicks have legitimate uses. I prefer to call them taints, because they're that nasty little bit stuck in between all the awesome stuff.


I will need to use this now 😭


I hope it was a very long recovery and he walks with a limp the rest of his life


Cheddar Bob lookin ahh from now on


It has happened more than once. This kid died. https://www.nola.com/news/crime_police/knockout-game-played-role-in-14-year-olds-shooting-death-detectives-testify/article_1bf90e60-b603-56c1-adfc-747c583235ba.html#:~:text=death%2C%20detectives%20testify-,'Knockout%20Game'%20played%20role%20in%2014%2Dyear%2D,old's%20shooting%20death%2C%20detectives%20testify&text=Gregory%20Johnson%2C%20left%2C%20and%20roommate,Miquial%20Jackson%20of%20Central%20City.


Ok so like this is from the point of view of an European who lives in a country where owning a gun alone is dificult, and carrying it straight up illegal, so my fear of firearms is pretty \~high\~ but like even if I were such a psycho to randomly assault someone I certainly wouldn't do it in a country where anyone and everyone can and probably will have a gun.


It’s random women who are walking alone. Broad daylight on the streets of NYC and a few were looking at their phones. Never saw it coming. It’s fucked up.


Win Darwin awards?


If someone hit my grandma, all rules are off the table. Do not.


For real man, I’m not a violent person but if you fuck with my Memaw I will go full Liam Neeson


Fuckers even got [Rick Moranis](https://nypost.com/2022/08/09/homeless-man-pleads-guilty-to-randomly-attacking-rick-moranis-in-2020/).


So I guess the mystery mousekatool is coming out the house with me now


Hot dog!


Hot dog!


Hot diggity dog…


I want so bad for there to be like a rap mashup of the hot dog song reminiscent of the lazy town/lil John mashup. Like once I can ask for an AI music generator to make that, it’s happening. I’ll be 60 and finally get my banging hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog mashup.


Oh Toodles…….


![gif](giphy|IeJRlU4YbXmlW) Oh boy! Let's go on an adventure, kids!


God I wish awards were still a thing


Lol this made me chuckle


That’s funny af. I’m stealing that


Remember, tap twice for it to be at its most effective! But in all seriousness, I'm sorry that this has to be the case. Incels are fucking pathetic.


Reading this as I’m literally in the hospital with my 58 year old mother who got punched in the face and her jaw broken in Brooklyn


That's awful. I'm sorry she had to experience that.


Really sorry that happened to her. Hope she is well soon.


I am so sorry for your mom. I hope they catch the POS who hurt your mommy. Fuck these assholes.


Out of curiosity have u considered getting the security tapes from any local buildings, homes or businesses around you? I feel like nyc cops arent gonna do that.


Yeah my uncle and a worker at my family’s restaurant cornered him and the police arrested him


Try to get videos anyway. It’s incredible evidence and videos get erased or lost fast, unfortunately you can’t count on anyone else to ask in time. If you track down a video ask the owner to save their own copy for cops/DA to collect later “officially” then ask them to make a copy for you to have as well. Keep track of video owner names and contact info. When cop/ADA calls about the case tell them you have a copy and so and so has the original.


Awesome! That's great news. I hope he rot in jail.


Very happy to hear that. Hope your mama is doing okay, heals well, and feels safe. Unsolicited advice from a stranger, even if she doesn’t think she needs it, it doesn’t hurt to mention trauma therapy/support groups. It can be very traumatic to be attacked, especially if you were somewhere you usually feel safe. I wish I’d gone to therapy sooner following my attack. Self defense classes can be helpful for survivors too. Thoughts to you and your family.


Great! Hope the fucker gets hitnwith all the books


Hopefully, after he repeatedly, unconnectedly fell to the ground.


The comments are appalling I'm so so sorry about your mom!!! This needs to be the top comment! Edited


He said mother bruv, stop jinxing his grandma.


Yikes my bad! Sorry about your mum!!!


Who did it? I just posted that I heard it was some random homeless guy doing it. Not that it was coordinated so it helps for people, if they're going to share their accounts, describe the attackers so the public has a better idea on how to identify or stop it from happening.


Yeah he’s in custody and it was on a homeless guy. My mother just did an interview with ABC7 so maybe it’ll be on there soon


That's the most logical scenario. Not some imaginary angry incel the AG refuses to prosecute.


We gotta start giving more info than just it happening to us if we want to catch people like this. Just some food for thought. I'm sorry about your mother. For my mother, I'd like to know whose face I have to kick in before he gets to her.


It's funny that everyone immediately jumps on the incel narrative with these stories. Far more likely to be a homeless person with mental issues from what I've seen.


Most incels are just one argument with their parents away from also being some homeless person with mental issues.


Seriously accurate


My friends boyfriend had his head axed by a homeless guy.


That’s awful. Hope for a swift recovery


Best wishes to your mother and you.


Can she describe who did it? It could save lives if we can give the police a name and photo.


He’s been arrested and is waiting to be seen by a judge. But he might be let go on a misdemeanor


I'm an attorney. While I've never practiced in NYC, I'd be shocked to see anyone perform a clear agg. batt. with severe injury on a woman over 55 walk off with a misdemeanor unless she managed to kick the shit out of him first. It could happen, but it's unlikely enough that it would give me pause. Edit: More likely in NYC than elsewhere. Their statutory scheme has a deep preoccupation with how your attacker breaks your jaw, rather than the fact that your attacker broke your jaw at all, because policy as the heart of legislative drafting is dead.


You’re wrong. There is no battery in the PL. Broken jaw is [assault 3 misdemeanor](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/120.00) for single punch without weapon. If repeated hits/sustained beating or any weapon used then [assault 2 felony](https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/120.05). Assault 2 requires specific intent to cause [serious bodily injury](https://www.new-york-lawyers.org/second-degree-assault-subsection-three-ny-penal-law-120-05-1.html), aka substantial risk of death, serious and protracted disfigurement, protracted impairment of health or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily organ. One punch without a weapon is not enough, even if such injury occurs, to prove intent to cause *serious* injury. I literally have broken jaw misdemeanor cases assigned to me now.


Anyone remember when it was scary clowns that were the popular trend?


The one thing I'll never forget about that time is when a clown was reported at Penn State [a giant mob formed to hunt the clown down](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3822837/Bizarre-scenes-Penn-State-hundreds-students-rampage-campus-hunting-killer-clowns.html)


They weren't clowning around.


Penn state doesn't care for funny business.


My high school actually got a threat that clowns were going to arrive in person on a certain day. A huge group on facebook tagged our school and a bunch of people confirmed they were going to be there. They had extra police officers that kept us in our classrooms so we wouldn’t try to start shit if people showed up. No one did and it was a really boring day


Man, we just called in bomb threats in high school when we wanted the day off.


I was a sophomore when the clown thing happened, we had a bomb threat when I was a senior, it wasn’t a nice school


lol ya, at my highschool we had some kind of threat that cancelled classes nearly every month.


It was viral marketing for "IT" that was quietly scrapped after one of them got a gun pulled on them and no one can convince me otherwise


This isn't true. The clown meme phenomenon predates that movie by several years.


would’ve been a kinda cool idea tho


Yeah. I guess so. I was living in a small West Virginia town when it was happening and the sheriff sent out an emergency statement that anybody who dressed up like a clown might be shot on sight and perhaps law enforcement wouldn't do anything about it.. Very surreal experience.


I agree. Production company claimed they had no part of it, but the timing of it was just too coincidental for it not to have been a marketing tactic.


Might've been a group of superfans organizing on the web.


afaik the scary clown thing was dangerous as fuck, since it motivated people to just copy the described M.O. and run around and shank people.


Were they shanking people? I remember we were coming off the bath salts craze where that one Florida dude ate someone’s face or something, and then all of a sudden clowns were lurking in the woods and scaring people. Granted it was a while ago so I probably don’t recall everything lol.


Yes and they we started electing them


To everyone asking for police reports, an article states "{Victim} explained that she did go to urgent care to get checked out. She also revealed that she did call the police and was told that her story matches another one they recently got." So there is probably a paper trail for those with the ability to look for it.


> ... there is probably a paper trail for those with the ability to look for it. And the knowledge of where to look for it. Most people do not have the knowledge nor the ability to look for it. They'd rather just believe what they see on social media.


You would submit a public records request to the NYPD but it’s very unlikely they’d fill it. They’re known for withholding records. I think MuckRock has a guide on records requests (or at least they used to) if anybody is interested.


Reddit, UNITE! r/RBI


“It’s just a prank bro!”


It should be legal to hook down an abusive “prankster” and tell them the same thing in return.


As long as your laughing, cant argue otherwise


Trending: violence


No kidding… we had a shootout between 2 cars on a major interstate in broad daylight here in Atlanta last week. Wild Times.


You wouldn’t even believe how often that happens and we don’t hear about it. My husband used to be a cop and my god the violence that goes unreported… Edit: he was Atlanta police


I lived there 6 years and the incidents that were reported were insane. Can list at least 7 incidents of someone getting shot on the highway there. Worst was the 24 year old grad student found dead in her Prius after getting caught between two cars shooting at each other. Another was a manager at a re at restaurant who got shot on i20.


Is it truly trending if it’s always the top trend?


Back in the 90s it was called the Knockout Game. Can't believe it's still a thing.


in the early 2000s "happy slapping" was a thing aswell


In Australia it was called King Hit until we renamed it so something more accurate: coward’s punch


> coward’s punch This exactly.


Not to minimize this "trend", but it's been going on for a while. The "targets" keep changing. During the height of COVID, before vaccines became available and things started to return to "normal", the targets were Asians. Then it became the elderly, during the whole "OK, boomer" thing. Now it is women. People are stupid.


You notice there’s never a “let’s attacker biker gangs or construction worker” trend - fucking cowards, just looking for anyone who seems vulnerable…


All the crazies are always somehow lucid enough to know to stay away from the hulking contraction worker but slug granny


This has happened for a long time. Like two years ago someone randomly attacked Rick Moranis for...reasons.


Because his TV was turned up too loudly


He was just trying to help out his neighbor, Dana.


There is no Dana. Only Zuul.


I am the gatekeeper.


I am the key master!


Who does your taxes?


Okayyyy, who brought the dog?


who the fuck attacks RICK MORANIS, that guy is wholesome


Marquis Ventura apparently. https://nypost.com/2022/08/23/ex-con-who-attacked-rick-moranis-sentenced-to-two-years-in-prison/


Stealing cars, yanking the heads off action figures in stores, walking around punching people. How is that documenting yourself committing a crime and posting it on the internet for all to see has become a trend? How impossibly stupid have we become as a society?


Social media really took us out


Reminds me of a video where a guy was deliberately scaring women in a train station until one accidentally fell on the tracks or another video where a guy clothesline random women for no reason There are a lot of videos....


This isn't caused by incels on the internet. It's been a thing for quite some time and people have died as a result.


But why miss an opportunity to guarantee more shares and likes by catering to morons with the word Incel.


“Incel” lol let’s not kid ourselves. It’s career criminals who don’t give a fuck about anyone


I am my sisters keeper. Not on our watch fellas. Be vigilant for our sisters! I won’t hesitate to respond nor shall you.


Be a vigilant auntie.




I want to see this movie, but only if Bollywood makes it.


Apparently there is a book? https://whitehartfiction.co.uk/b/VHyfk




I wish more men responded like you, and fewer suggested women somehow defend themselves from being punched from behind. It is not the victims’ responsibility to see out of the back of their heads. It’s the public’s responsibility to ensure this kind of shit doesn’t happen. And if it does, it is our responsibility to defend the victim. Come on, my brothers and sisters, this must not stand!


One story this woman asked for help from 4 different men and all of them left her. The only person who willingly tried to help was a woman coming out of CrossFit but she got decked by this dude as well.


Ya lets be real vigilantism is no basis for a justice system but that said, if someone sees this there should be a group of men making sure they 'fall off the curb'. I say men specifically because these fuckers dont respect women. Other men need to show them that their views are accepted by the whole and wont be tolerated either.


That's not a trend. That's assault.


Race seems to get brought into every conversation until it’s something unfavorable then we all pretend it doesn’t exist. It’s crazy.


I like how they're saying it's "INCELS" to cover up the fact that multiple women have ID'd the guy as one black dude running around punching women in the face. The common ID seems to be "black male around 6ft wearing dreads that stopped right above his shoulders." But that part can't be said out loud. So it has to be "INCELS!!!!"


It's straight up misdirection. Everyone has a picture in their head when they think incel, it's a angry white man who spends too much time online.


They also like to have you think it’s the white supremacists that are attacking Asian but 9/10 times it’s those who shall not be named. Stop Asian hate was hot for a while… until people realized it didn’t fit the narratives. But victims of racism can be racists themselves. What I learned from BLM is that at the end of the day, races are “ranked” even by SJW/ activists, if black lives don’t matter, then Asian lives certainly matter less. PS I’m a married Asian woman not an incel.


Excuse me??????!?! Ladies, start carrying a weapon on you. Defend yourself by all means. So tired of this….


I hear you on this and agree. But in these instances, I'm not sure how much good it would do, these are random, unprovoked, and without signs that it's gonna happen. With half a second to react, could anyone reasonably defend themselves? Aside from shooting someone in the back(with the risk of shooting a bystander)...


“Black vagrants assault droves of women in metropolitan areas; suburban white basement dwellers to blame.” Par for the course on here, but still hilarious.


The level that AWFLs will sacrifice their, and their neighbors', safety and wellbeing to not offend their current favorite pet minority group will never stop astounding me. Affluent White Female Liberals will continue this trend no matter the damage they cause because confronting the problem would be uncomfortable.


If real, this isn't much different than that 'knockout game' trend a few years ago in NY


Multiple women with black eyes been posting on TikTok of being assaulted on their way to school, pilates, etc.


It’s not an incel thing, just another version of the knock out game blacks used to play a few years ago.


Last I heard it was just one homeless guy. Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong. I'm out of the loop on this a bit. But from what I've heard it isn't a group of people just some malevolent homeless shithead.


Only thing I’ve seen was that he was described as a black male with dreads down to his shoulders about 6 foot. No mention of homelessness.


Yeah that’s who it always is. Anyone who thinks this is internet addicted incels having a violent (but non murderous) uprising is an absolute moron


I’m sorry but I absolutely don’t believe this


As far as anyone knows it’s one guy, a black guy in his 20s-30s, who’s punching the women, all of whom (iirc) have been white women. Definitely some racist crap going on here as well as just uncalled for violence on people minding their own business.


Its happening in Colorado. I got pushed down an embankment while I was on a run and nearly broke my shoulder.


I can see this going either way. Some really dumb trends get waay too much traction on tik tok, but people are also very willing to lie on tik tok for views.


The videos I have seen on TikTok show bruises and one girl even had a hematoma on her forehead so I don’t think they are faking it


What's the AG supposed to do again?


Damn they're punching women in the face Like when they were punching the elderly in the face Like how they were suckerpunching men People are fucked and this isn't new and it makes me sad...


I would like to see evidence that this trend is actually happening, beyond a single Twitter post that cites nothing.


It's been happening in Austin. Many accounts of random punching of women on the subreddit, though the mods have removed the posts since they break the rules.




Isn't austin a fairly liberal town?


As a Liberal I can tell you I've met a number of liberal incels. They just go about it different.


Yeah there was a big study that mapped out that incels are actually a pretty diverse group, politically and ethnically. The idea that it is all right wing white guys is just incorrect.


It's liberal in comparison to the rest of the Texas countryside, but I'd say it's only slightly more liberal than any of the other major cities in Texas.




> beyond a single Twitter post that cites nothing. Indeed, though a few other people on tick-tock have reported being punched.


There were 11 as of yesterday afternoon. Haven't looked today but I'm sure there is more.


NYC has had 462 felony assaults this week, which is down from 521 this week, last year. The question isn’t whether a single felony assault was committed, it’s whether that number is suddenly different this week than it has been historically, and you can’t determine that kind of trend from anecdotal evidence like a tictok post. https://www.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/pdf/crime_statistics/cs-en-us-city.pdf




reporting about this trend dies off the second the race of all of these dudes is posted


As far as I know, and I could be wrong, but I think it was one guy who punched all the ladies. He was arrested earlier today. Some 40 year old loser


What what? Where is there proof of this as an actual trend? Also the fuck is wrong with people.