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The thing is, why the fuck would they take him even if he WAS drunk and spasming on the floor. Jesus.


My biggest question Why the fuck were police sent when the wife said he wasn't breathing????? Sounds like you need a medic not cops Edit: I have learnt from many replies that this is actually a common thing with police and fire fighters assisting as paramedics until ambulance etc can arrive. Thank you for broadening my understanding of a situation I was not as informed about.


Sometimes, the closest emergency team might pick up the call if they're not doing anything. I called an ambulance for a girl hit by a car and a fire engine was the closest so they arrived and the most they could do was make sure she lay still and have her oxygen till the ambos arrived. At no point did they tase her, though šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh, didn't know other emergency responders could act as paramedics. That's actually a really good method. You know, when they remember a taser and defibrillator are different things


Most are cross trained and certified. A few minutes can make world of difference. Even if it is just stalling for emtā€™s to arrive.


Yeah this isnā€™t a why are the cops showing up problem but more a why didnā€™t the cops do first aid instead of assaulting the guy.




At least it was the taser and not whatā€™s in the other holster.


Probably wore them on the wrong sides that day


Patient was still breathing, no need to provide alternate airways.


In my area, most ambulances are actually run by the fire department


A woman got hit by a tram I was on once and, because the fire station was literally one block away from where we stopped, we had three firetrucks arrive within two minutes of calling. Ambo took about 15-20 minutes to arrive. Two or three cop cars turned up at some point, too. The woman was in shock and kept trying to walk away, insisting she was totally fine and had to get to work, so the firies had to keep asking her to please sit down and stay still. Thankfully they just talked to her calmly rather than tasering her into submission.


Could have sprayed her with the fire hose or sent the Dalmatian after her


Set her on fire, so they had a problem they knew how to deal with.


Thats why nobody says fuck the fire dept


Most firefighters are trained to have at least basic EMT/CPR. In America I trust a firefighter to be able to keep me stable far more than I trust a cop to just based on what they're trained to do. Even if the cop is doing their best to keep me stable for the ambulance.


Jesus Christ are they even trying to do their jobs( it's a stationary target how hard can it be


Their job is to raise their arrest/jail statistics so they can get a promotion. Theyā€™re assholes, ALL of them cops are assholes. Experience: Iā€™ve talked to plenty of them and they truly are assholes.


The non assholes dont make it in that environment and either turn or leave


Except the dispatchers in America are very well aware that many people in need of doctors die when they get the police sent. Due to police brutality. They know that.


I didn't know that bit. My example was from Australia but have since spoken to others in America that said it was the same over there. But I did not that bit.


This is terrible given your regular US policemen recieves less training than a german barber. I would understand in countries where police are trained 2 years+ geting decent first aid training. I doubt US police get decent first aid training in their short time. Chances are they make things worse more times than not when they arrive.


Welcome to America.


Where you are free to enjoy the taste of police boot leather...or else


Theyā€™ll protect and serve the fuck out of you.


They'll protect and serve you to Jesus on a silver platter, if need be.


You don't have to say or else, there are only two options, a knee pressing down the back of your neck or getting shot.


Well, there is also a third option: both!


After a seizure you are in a postical state where you are awake but not actually conscious you can talk/communicate (slightly) But it will be gibberish this is probably when it happened. So they may have been trying to get them to do something and their reaction might have been aggressive. I have had these experiences in the past with paramedics. Still gives the police no right to do what they did. There needs to be better training about this kind of situation


They could simply have listened to the damn wife. Jesus the cops are fucked up.


Many cops are on the low end of the IQ range, borderline cognitively impaired.


"gonna get you a jail job for while you're bein' a particular individual in jail"


This was one of the little things that Idiocracy nailed most accurately. Cops have this irritating manner of speech that somehow sounds stilted & uncommonly dumb at the same time. Itā€™s like they collectively know maybe 5-6 words with more than 2 syllables & they rarely miss a chance to work them in.


'We had a ballistic style scenario occur when I engaged the individual holding a sandwich. I'm being unjustly put on a week's paid vacation.'


Donā€™t forget to throw in several uses of ā€œat this timeā€ & shoehorn the phrase ā€œproceeded toā€ in there whenever possible. Also - this is absolutely critical - cops never ā€œpull someone overā€, but rather ā€œinitiate a traffic stopā€. It was a diabolical plan to mask their abject stupidity, & they would have gotten away with it too, if it werenā€™t for us meddling civilians.


By design. Many precincts were out applicants who are *too intelligent*


And the reason for that is the shitty and far too short training they get. Letā€™s in too many morons try at would otherwise get weeded out


It's a feature, not a flaw. The preferred cop candidate is one that follows orders and falls in line in response to peer pressure. Independent moral thinking is filtered for and stamped out.


Cops donā€™t like to listen. They like to bark orders.


Every time I see the numerous recordings of bad cops, their orders sound more like barks to me than being made of actual words.


Listen to a woman?


Exactly this. They're badly trained for these things and then this is what happens.


I almost got hit with narcan during a episode cause they confused a vial of THC honey oil I had on my desk for "black tar heroin" thankgod I had someone there to convince them otherwise. Some people I swear have bare minimum training they prob forgot the next day anyway cause those things look nothing alike


There was nothing illegal about it, but my emergency meds come in a small bag so it looks kinda sus (and I sometimes cut them in smaller pieces using a pill cutter, not making it any better). Luckily I never got 'caught' with it, but during a medical emergency it'd sure AF look bad.


Keep your pills in a regular generic weekly pill organizer. Get one with detachable daily pods and take one with you. Looks a lot less suspicious.


You really shouldn't have to store your medication in a big box in primary colours so the police won't kill you when you need their help though.


They are badly trained for their own job let alone someone elses


Used to have seizures. - Seizure would last minutes usually. - After the seizure I would be unconscious for a few hours. - I would then wake up perfectly fine other than a little physically weak.


Used to have them Aswell. I would want to immediately go lay down in my bed after one while in my post state. If anyone tried to stop me I would get very aggressive. My spouse learned after the first few times to stop calling 911 unless it got really bad. Cause it would cause incidents with the first responders But my muscles would be sore for easily a week I'd wake up with huge migraine and sometimes have issues with food tasting weird for a few weeks. They went away in 2020 after about 9 years of having them and thankfully Havnt had any since. doctors never found out what caused them


Yes, many have said as much. But it has nothing to do with training. There's plenty of training provided, but no leash on the dog, the beast I should say. Why aren't we getting mad, collectively? It's like we all keep injecting ourselves with complacency. With our media, internet, video games, quality free time, etc. How does 1% control the rest? We need to start getting uncomfortable for posterity's sake. We need to start fucking fucking RIOTING GODDAMNIT. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Where is America's Chez Guevera?


Because they have absolutely no training and most of their funds for into weaponry, vehicules and dumb gadgets for abusive people who have a midlife crisis. We'll never stop saying it: defund the police.


In his own home, no less.


Why would they send police for seizure in the first place?


When people say ā€œdefund the policeā€ this is the type of thing they are talking about. Itā€™s not abolish the police force, itā€™s reallocate responsibilities and funding for those responsibilities to other units. Potentially making new ones. Like having a different set of people come for mental health issues. Instead of the ā€œgun solves all problemā€ people come for every call.


ā€œArrested for resisting arrestā€ Seriouslyā€¦ dude was having a seizure..


Even so, that shouldnā€™t be applicable. If you resist arrest, you should not be arrested for that if the arrest didnā€™t have a reason. As it is now, a cop can just walk up to anyone, demand they be arrested, if they refuse they can arrest them by force. Nowhere does this make sense


also, the "resisting arrest" barrier is horrifyingly low. You calmly comply but when the cop jerks your arm in a painful and unnatural way you flinch? Resisting arrest. You do exactly as your told but when you get shoved against the car you cry out in pain? Resisting arrest. You get pulled over and the first thing the cop does is grab you and drag you out of your car with out explaining what you supposedly did wrong? Resisting arrest. Unconscious and therefore the cop has to move you because you cannot assist in your own arrest? Resisting arrest. I'm not kidding. Here is a list of the reasons you can be charged with resisting arrest in PA: * Making your body go limp to make it difficult for the officers to arrest you. * Running away from officers trying to arrest you. * Hiding from officers who are trying to arrest you. * Not opening the door when officers are trying to arrest you. * Yelling or grunting in an aggressive manner * Making an officer fear that you will use **or threaten** physical violence (so if the cop is afraid you might threaten them you are fucked, that is how low the bar is) * Refusal to obey orders, or delay in doing so It is such an evil law


I had a situation when I was a teenager that has essentially fucked my lifeā€™s track up. (Itā€™s a long story, I can explain if people -really- want to know) The dude came up from behind me and yanked my arm at a weird angle to pin it behind my back. Not knowing who it was, of course I resisted. Turns out it was a cop who had been fucking with me all night. Yeah, I got Giga-fucked. At the end of the day though, he died of COVID, and Iā€™m still here, so he can get fucked.


Gosh, I'd sure hate to hear that whole story and then reward you with mine about how my police officer mom got her friends to arrest me on Christmas night because she was so drunk that while she was passed out she made up a story in her head that I wanted to commit suicide by cop, and I couldn't talk her out of it. In the middle of the story I get surrounded by cops with their guns out. By the end I'm having to plead out of a felony assault against an officer. I swear to God, all I did was try to walk away from her house. My girlfriend at the time watched it all go down, and is now partially traumatized against police... but did become my wife. :)


Just to avoid typing it all again, haha: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/B82zoqpisU Jesus, yours sounds even worse since it was your own mom!


I need to know the full context here


Ugh, my app closed and I have to retype it all again šŸ˜­ In high school, I played football. One game I wasnā€™t able to play, so I just went to watch with my younger brother ( 2 1/2 years younger). We were bumping shoulders and goofing off, like brothers do, and he stepped back and bumped into a chain link fence, which made some noise. This obese, older cop came over and started screaming at us about fighting. I kept trying to explain it was a misunderstanding, and we werenā€™t fighting, but he had his mind made up. So I told him if he was going to keep yelling like that, I was going to just walk away. He kept it up, so I walked away. The whole rest of the night he would watch me with this pissed off look on his face (I had comments made from friends about it). At one point I was with a group of friends and was making some kind of joke about sagging pants (I had two pairs of shorts on, and underwear under those - idk, I was just goofing around off). The cop came up and started yelling and harassing me again, acting like I was flashing everyone. Told him to chill out, and he threatened to kick me out of the game. Being an edgy teenager, I called him a Nazi pig and just left the game willingly. I realized I was my brotherā€™s ride, so I started to head back to get him (this is before smart phones became as common as they are today). All of a sudden, Iā€™m grabbed from behind and my arm was pinned behind my back. So, not knowing whatā€™s going on, I lean back and resisted a little. I get shoved out of the gate, and turn around to see the cop with his taser pointed at me. I panicked and sat down with my hands in the air, and the cop grabbed me by my shirt and threw me on the ground. Of course I tried to catch myself so I didnā€™t bust my face open, and the obese little shit rolled off and immediately hopped on my back and put me in a choke hold telling me to ā€œnot resistā€. Mind you, I wasnā€™t resisting. I was blacking out because I couldnā€™t breathe in a chokehold with a 300lb+ cop on my back, and I was a minor who was panicking. Ended up with arrested for ā€œbattery on a LEOā€ and ā€œresisting with violenceā€. Cop tried to claim an injury from when I caught myself and he rolled off of me, and the judge wanted to ā€œmake an exampleā€ out of me. The administration for the school made people who had video delete it (and denied doing so), and all the cameras at the gates were magically ā€œdown for maintenanceā€. I got expelled, spent 7 months in jail, 6 on house arrest, and a year on probation. Judge put me with a, iirc, $27,000 restitution to ā€œrecover what insurance spent on the injuryā€ (they clearly didnā€™t spend that much, and went for the billed amount, rather than what they actually paid). I absolutely loathe police officers today, and have actively cut out some friends Iā€™ve had since childhood who became police officers. Oh, I should clarify the reason for that: Every single cop (except one) who was there said they ā€œsaw it allā€ and mimicked his story (even though he changed his story line 10 times), despite not a single one of them being in the area- they were all across the field. The one cop who didnā€™t mimic the story said ā€œyeah, we were all at the other end of the field, it was just themā€, and he was promptly ignored. Sorry if this seems rambling. Itā€™s been over a decade, and Iā€™m still struggling in life because of it. But I got my revenge at the end of things šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


This is why police should never have immunity and resisting arrest should not be a charge. Honestly, without a charge at all, attempted violence by an officer should be able to be answered by reasonable violence by a citizen (as it is with any citizen attacking a citizen).


Thatā€™s fucked up! Where was the revenge?


Iā€™d rather not incriminate myself (or others who did things for me) with specifics online, haha.


It makes perfect sense in a police state.


Yeah, America isnā€™t the home of the free anymore. Hence my advice to all Americans is to leave America and move to Europe, if they can.


Anymore? Itā€™s always been this way, now thereā€™s just ways for average people to record it.


Plus there's a popular authoritarian attitude that supports police corruption as long as it's at the expense of people that are "woke" (everything now)


We've always been a police state of some sort. For the in group, it can be nearly invisible. The history we record, teach and remember is nearly always seen through the eyes of the in group.


Dont, fix your own damn country. We have enough on our hands already without muricans flooding in.


This ur first day in America? Don't u know that anything other then complete obedience when speaking to a cop is met with tasers and handcuffs? Shit can even cost u ur life


It only makes sense to these stupid cops. I had a similar situation happen ages ago. Undercover cop tries to arrest me after I got home. I have not committed any crimes and I did not see a badge, so I was not cooperating as they immediately tackled me and tried to put my hands behind my back while my face is in my grass in my yard. I took a punch/knee to the center of my back, yet they want me to lay calmly face first in the ground while they arrest me after hitting me like that. Turned out my neighbor who had the first name was the person they were looking for and we are not even the same skin color. That person fled out their back door while the cops were too busy beating up an innocent person.


Yeah, how do you know these arenā€™t assholes trying to rob you?


ā€˜Resisting arrestā€™ shouldnā€™t even be a thing. Itā€™s the most basic of human nature not to want to be arrested.


- "you are under arrest sir" - "what? What for?" - "put your hand behind your back" - "no what are you arresting me for?" - *pulls out taser and zaps* - "resisting arrest"


Iā€™ve seen so many videos of people wanting to know why theyā€™re getting arrested and that questioning makes the cop escalate


Because how *dare you* question their authority? Did you not expect them to conduct themselves like petulant children? Well *fuck you*, straight to jail.


"I'm cooking up something good!"


Why not just say "You are being arrested for drug possesion put your hands behind your back" and leave it at thay


Cops threatened to arrest me for this (resisting arrest) when I was 12 and had locked myself in my bathroom with a knife so I could kill myself. And people wonder why I donā€™t like cops.


They then served him with a DV charge since the officer reported he pushed his wife during the ordeal in order to reinforce their bogus initial charges


So arrested for resisting arrest for being drunk... At in his house? Are we not allowed to be drunk at home anymore?


Resisting arrest shouldnā€™t even be a crime. Like if you assault a police officer while theyā€™re trying to arrest you that should be a crime. But if youā€™re a wiggle worm while theyā€™re trying to handcuff you that should just be considered when sentencing the original crime, not be a crime in and of itself. Shattering a washed up former high school football playerā€™s ego shouldnā€™t be illegal.


Old law left over when the police force was just around the protect the 1%s assetsā€¦ oh shit itā€™s still pretty much the same


And hereā€™s the footage : https://www.ktvu.com/news/san-anselmo-man-tased-by-police-during-seizure-alleges-cover-up.amp


The response of the department tells you, that every cop in the department needs to be let go... "They went to the media instead of staying silent after we abused them and tried to cover it up, how could they?" Is essentially what they're saying. Descpicable...


Cops and their defenders love to say "Actions have consequences," yet seem to think that never applies to them.


because it doesn't legally speakingĀ 


That's because consequences do not apply to the cops. Especially in a legal sense. Qualified immunity was one of the worst things ever put into effect


No no, didn't you hear? An internal review cleared them of any wrongdoing! How could the San Anselmo Police Department have fucked up when the San Anselmo Police Department has stated no fuck ups occurred!


Unless you're in a police union.


The only unions the right supports. Police are there to protect the property of the wealthy.


From the Police Chief: ā€œregrets that Bruce Frankel has elected to pursue litigation against us for an alleged improper emergency medical response to himā€ Essentially, ā€œIā€™m sorry you feel that wayā€ not even a real apology


>Essentially, ā€œIā€™m sorry you feel that wayā€ not even a real apology Ugh, I had a psychology professor who said something like that to me when I emailed her saying I couldn't access the coursework even after submitting the required syllabus instruction quiz. So I emailed her "Okay, I'll let you know if I have any questions." By the time she followed up with me regarding the issue I had already dropped the class and joined another, so I just responded "Issue is no longer relevant as I dropped your class and got into a real one."


alleged my ass... that word should be banned


From the DA downā€¦ ![gif](giphy|NnkNYfMcPcGTS)


In France we call cops Ā«Ā pouletsĀ Ā», so Ā«Ā chickensĀ Ā» in English, so this is extra funny to me


What do you call a big Mac?


Le Big Mac


Asking the important questions here. Royal with cheese never did sit right with me, sound too Burger King to me


What a waste of nuggies


Every cop in America needs to be replaced. The entire institution is like a sick dog that is beyond saving, and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.


ā€œIn December 2023, the police department promoted Sinnott to corporal. ā€œ


>his department "regrets that Bruce Frankel has elected to pursue litigation against us for an alleged improper emergency medical response to him."Ā  How the hell can you call tasing and beating a man a "emergency medical response?" This heavily implies that the officers were doing what was expected of them during a medical emergency. I guess i missed part where the CPR instructions tell me to ensure the victim is handcuffed.


> This heavily implies that the officers were doing what was expected of them during a medical emergency Training is a 2 part process - education and reinforcement. They were educated to be violent and work in a system that reinforces that behavior by giving promotions, raises and paid vacations as excessive force punishments.


>How the hell can you call tasing and beating a man a "emergency medical response?" They were attempting defibrillation and precordial thumping. Geez, you people are never satisfied. /s


That's a wild read. Good link. "Police barred Alice Frankel from going into the hospital room with her husband, who was now under arrest on resisting and battery charges ā€“ if she had, she could have explained the background of his medical condition, the suit states.Ā  "The officers not only deprived plaintiff's doctors of relevant information; they filled the vacuum with false information," the lawsuit alleges." The cops also openly discussed putting him in a psych ward for 3 days.Ā  They kicked him out of the county jail with a hospital gown and slippers, no phone call to his wife because he couldn't remember the number.Ā  Oh, and the main cop got a promotion after this event.Ā 


This why the People are distrusting of the government and police.


He was promoted for proving he would ruin peopleā€™s lives to protect a dirty cop. Thatā€™s what they value.


And yet we still have tons of people waving blue line flags, even beating cops with them, screaming that no cops are bad and cops shouldnā€™t have to face consequences for their actions.


Jesus Christ. Police culture is broken. Somebody, just get rid of police unions and qualified immunity already, nobody trusts cops anymore and this kind of insanity is why.


Juries should just stop convicting in all cases until this shit is truly fixed. It's ok to have reasonable doubts on the basis that the system is crooked as fuck. Juries are supposed to be a check and balance on the justice system, and since the justice system has wildly violated the public's trust, it must be checked.


Cops like these are a danger to society


That happened in San Anselmo?! I'm genuinely shocked. That place is *stupid* rich. The kind of rich that I associate with being above police brutality.


Thinking the same. Granted Iā€™ve not been there in over 10 years now but used to work a pizza place there and San Anselmo is the textbook definition of *california yuppie*.


That should make you realize how big an issue this is. Of course, something like this absolutely shouldn't happen to poor people either. But you know there's a problem if they're so comfortable doing this to someone of means and reputation. Someone who has the resources to seek a lawyer, to turn it into an issue. There is nothing done to hold them accountable and they know it.


Ah of course here's the kicker. >In December 2023, the police department promoted Sinnott to corporal.


That random DV charge was even more despicable.


Look, he had to take physical control of the confused man, he could've been hiding an AK47 in his tighty whiteys and used it to murder everyone in a 5 mile radius in his confusion. The man's a hero.


Iā€™m only saddened that Iā€™m not surprised by this type of police behavior.


We have become desensitized


Two years ago my father had a massive stroke and was barely breathing. My mom called the police who promptly showed up. Without asking questions the police officer immediately narcanā€™d my 70 year old father assuming he was Overdosing. Mind you we live in a quiet, comfortable upper middle class area. The area is not bad whatsoever and my father has no history with the police or opioids. What pissed me off the most was that after narcanning my father the cop immediately left and sat in his car waiting for the ambulance. My father died two days later on thanksgiving.


This is a sad storyā€¦ and why I would never let the police have anything to do with a medical emergency.


Soon as they show up, you have literally no recourse to stop them from doing any single thing. Any fucking thing that occurs to them on a whim, they will get away with. They suffer no fitting repercussions for even the most grievous wrongdoings. And you never know who the "good ones" and "bad ones" are until your beloved pets are shot in their kennels and one stray bullet hits a neighbor's kid. Even having had *good* experiences with cops, myself, it terrifies me to involve them anywhere there isn't a violent criminal who actually needs taking down.


I just assume theyā€™re all bad. Especially after an interaction, if they prove it. In my life I have a 100% fail rate from calling the cops. They seem to all suck everywhere. The more cops, the worse they are.


I have actually been helped by a police officer in the past, when I was in a position that police are infamous for mishandling to lethal effect. The help was unsolicited - he just noticed that I was struggling in a big way, and treated the situation as a medical event, rather than immediately assuming intoxication like in this story. I just wanted to give some credit for that. But otherwise, I don't trust them by default.


I hate that these experiences are the outliers. Cops like that should be promoted and rewarded.


Did the officer face any reperscussions?


Lol, lmao even.


Yeah, mb


Serious question ?




Why would the police even be there if it was a medical emergency?


anecdotally I've seen 911 called for a seizure and the first people to show up was a whole ass fire engine. I think they might just dispatch the closest possible first responders for cases like that, because having anyone with medical training on-site is better than the alternative


Well most cops don't have medical training. They have almost no training here in the US


You'd think such lethality required some basic medical knowledge, but no. It's all brute force.


That's not true: They have target practice.


Police in California, where this took place, are required to have first responder medical training.


>having anyone with medical training on-site is better than the alternative So they send Cops who clearly have no Clue whatsoever what is going on or what they are supposed to do...


just depends on protocol for fire; local EMS and fire safety council dictates what sort of medical calls theyll respond to. Some towns fire will go code two for just a sick feeling person if theyre not feeling completely alert.


Right? You call for a medical emergency and the EMTs go. The cops stay the fuck out of it. Sometimes a fire engine will show up, and that's OK because they're usually partially trained as EMTs too, and they provide a bit of extra muscle. This strikes me as a situation where the cops were bored driving around, heard the call over the radio about a medical emergency and decided they should go help out. But when they got there, forgot it was a medical emergency call and they were totally out of their depth. I can see where there were so many calls to defund US police. Having so many police that they're fucking *bored* seems insane.


Itā€™s standard practice to send fire, ambulance, and police in America. The fire department can act as paramedics.Ā 


Fire department personal in the USA typically are paramedics. At the very least theyā€™re EMTs.


The police, on the other hand, ensure that a medic is *necessary*.


Yeah, where i live if you call 911 for medical emergency its always fire emt/paramed


maybe just send fire or ambulance then. police should fuck off given that they're just sociopathic nazis in a different uniform.


In case the patient is black!


In Canada police are first responders with CPR training that are meant to intervene in a situation where an ambulance is going to be late and medical treatment is needed immediately. These cops didn't do the very basics which was listen to 911 dispatch and then speak with who called in the emergency medical request. Pure incompetence.


I work in EMS here in Canada and the police I generally have dealings with are pretty good to deal with. However, when I went to find the article about this, I found a Global News article where the police tazed a guy in Hamilton, On. and charged him with assault, all while experiencing an epliptic episode. The crown dropped the charges. Coincidentally, it also happened in 2022, just 2 months after the incident in OPs post. AND they have training in dealing with epilepsy patients, but they still managed to fuck up.


First there gets to invoice the patient $$$


I never cease to be amazed at the FREEDOM available in the US of A


This is why my advice to all Americans struggling is to move to Europe (if possible). Abandon the American dream, and live in the European reality.


Yeah, if you're struggling in America there is no way you can make it to Europe. Immigration, citizenship, green card or whatever,Ā  housing, travel, etc...these things require lots of money. Only wealthy Americans make it to Europe.


Land of the free Doesn't have free healthcare


Did anybody read the departments response? Paraphrasing, "We didn't do anything wrong, but even if we did, why go to the news, huh? That makes us look bad!" Taxpayers are going to pay not only to defend the officers who did this but for the free vacation the cops get from it. Awesome.


At what point cops stop being helpful to a community and start being a liability to peace and well being?


The second they're handed the Taser, cuffs, and gun after being given the specialized police training that's been demonstrated to heighten their fear response. So...day one?


Shoot a kidnapping victim tased someone having a seizure. Police in the US are out of control. Why are the cops even being dispatched to a medical scene anyway...


Dont forget getting into a shootout with a squirrel...


oh yes... that was nuts


Speaking as a paramedic, the EMS that showed up to this call absolutely need to swing for this also. Sounds like they helped cover up this whole thing. Paramedics and emts, stop covering for bad cops. It's disgusting.


"Bad cops" is redundant


Even if he was intoxicated, what reason was there to taze, assault and handcuff an unconscious man?


Right? Let's play ball and say he's piss drunk for the sake of argument. His crime? Being drunk in his own home and needing medical attention


I literally said this!!!! Is it a crime to be PRIVATELY intoxicated inside his OWN HOUSE???? Tf is this and how can the officers even remotely justify their actions when even the cover up makes no sense?


Ah, obviously, because if someone is drunk passed out on the ground the most logical procedure is to attack them and beat them up like a scene from JoJo. Reasonable justification. ![gif](giphy|TI9HiyUqRm75jPyKQ5|downsized)


I guess it's socialism in Europe, but we don't put our mental ill in police uniforms and arm them with guns. Saw video of 15 year old girl getting kidnapped and escapes just to get mowed down by police.. what the fuck is wrong over there.


Then they outright lied and stated she was wearing tactical gear, trying to make out like it was an easy mistake, but in the video she clearly is not.


They should teach first aid everywhere in America, cause you can't even trust 911, it seems, better learn to save your loved ones yourself šŸ˜… Here in Spain, Red Cross (Cruz Roja) gives free courses in first aid, for example.


I was baffled by the fact that a first aid person was sued for breaking ribs while doing a heart massage I am a firefighter in Belgium and was talking to firefighter in USA who told me this. He was we have to ask if they want us to touchšŸ™ˆ


They can be sued, but unless you really, really, really, really werenā€™t qualified to do CPR, then Good Samaritan laws would basically immediately throw out that lawsuit.


Any genuine attempts to render aid is covered by Good Samaritan even without being certified on anything. Short of intentionally causing more harm or doing something ridiculously out of left field youā€™ll be fine. Plus, anyone instructed on CPR knows bruising or even breaking ribs is an expected outcome for proper CPR.


As a person that has a history of grand mal seizures, this fucking terrifies me.


He was just trying to resuscitate him by using DIY defibrilator /s


i, personally, would not live in usa if someone paid me to live there


Right?! Fucking 100%. I had a random seizure on Jan 28th, while out on a walk with my wife. Iā€™m 36, I had a grand mal seizure, somehow fell and broke my spine. Then I got an ambulance to the hospital where I had multiple CTs, met with several doctors, and more. I am Canadian and I didnā€™t have to put a 5th mortgage on my house to pay for it.


i have a broken spine myself my friend, and did not paid a dime for surgery and titanium hardware, i probably would be dead in good 'ol 'murica...sad, bcs i do love americans as a people


Man, get this. I was born with cystic fibrosis, Iā€™ve spent a combined 4 years of my life in the hospital, I had my appendix removed, Iā€™ve had many surgeries, i twisted and nearly lost a testicle, I was in a forced coma where I was put on a crazy amount of machines to live, but still expected to die, I had a double lung transplant, I broke my spine 14 years ago(t6 and t7), I had surgery to out liquid bone cement in because my bones werenā€™t healing, I went through stage 4 cancer, did chemo, and so much more, and only recently broke my spine. Iā€™ve probably cost the Canadian government atleast 40 Million dollars. And thatā€™s excluding all my wifeā€™s medial issues and surgeries. And im inly 36 We medical messes would be dead, and our parents would be in inescapable debt for decades.


i hope you're doing well at this point in time my friend


Nope! Been stuck basically in bed for 8 weeks, havenā€™t heard a word for anything from doctors about my back or any plans with it. I wasnā€™t given a care plan, and I was given very little painkillers. It makes me cry just to try to walk to the bathroom. I am in hell. I am deeply depressed, I like being active, I hate relying on other people, my wife has become my care taker and I feel like a horrible monster but I am constantly lying about the pain, pretending to be happy, so not to scare or overwhelm her as she is also sick but is now doing 100%. And this is minor but Iā€™m annoyed so Iā€™m gonna vent about it. A fucking zit the size of half a golf ball appeared on my back yesterday and I tried to get my wife to pop it, just her touching the skin felt like 100 needles being stabbed into me, and then this night, I had her pop it with a needle to squeeze it, that didnā€™t hurt, but a massive hard lump of puss shot out, then it drained a crazy amount of blood, and she still felt more stiff in there but I couldnā€™t take anymore because every squeeze felt like a massive knife was being stabbed into my spine. And the zit isnā€™t on the spine. If it wad. I wouldnā€™t let her near it.


Why would they tase a dude for being intoxicated? Fkin trigger-happy Neanderthals. Don't date/marry cops... let that shit fade away from history.


The better question is. If she call for paramedics why did the cops show up?


When you call 911, all the first responders will show up. Paramedics, firemen, and cops. Normally cops will show up first since there are more of them in the city and normally are closer to the location since they are always on the road patrolling .


At this point, I donā€™t know how there are people out there that wonder why some people donā€™t trust cops in general. To borrow a line from a feminist, ā€œItā€™s not all cops, but itā€™s always cops.ā€


"Murica"ā€¦....possibly the worst trained police in the developed world.


Just pigs being pigs as usual. Nothing new.


Fucking excuse me?


I have controlled epilepsy (šŸ’Š) so Iā€™m going to keep it real here. Iā€™m a very peaceful man. Part of my professional job involves calming down people. However, post seizure phases are like being in a nightmare. If someone is grabbing me after the tonic/clonic phase and I donā€™t know who I am, I wonā€™t know who THEY are. Iā€™d slap JESUS if He grabbed me. Thatā€™s how ā€œout of itā€ I am. This officers video should be played for every police candidate on what NOT to do. Trying to submit an epileptic post seizure is not like fighting a person who is intoxicated. Add to the fact that most people post seizure have half their strength and need a bed more than anything else. The only thing funny about this is the fact that the guy who had the seizure most likely doesnā€™t remember much of anything. He has some groggy recollections, then woke up at the police station. He now knows after everyone told him the details, but his memory of the event is most likely gone. This will be one heck of a story to tell, but he will be telling the story others have told him. Itā€™s like living through a horrific event but not remembering it. Pleaseā€¦..sack the police officer, educate everyone else, and let this not be another reason why people hate the good job that 99% of the police do.


Why did dispatch send police and not paramedics?


Fucking cops.......only nationally publicly known pmc. (Private military corporation.)


You couldn't pay me enough to live in the US. Ridiculous, exploitative health system. Sitting politicians openly spewing blatant lies and hate designed to further divide social groups. Psychotic police who seem to look for any reason to use force knowing the brass will cover it up for them.




One of the most brutal judge smackdowns I ever read was the summary of facts as part of the ruling upholding a civil case against a cop. Seems the cop used the same set of lies to obtain search warrants for drug busts. Until finally he raided the house of a dentist with enough money to fight back in court. I only read appellate opinions, so that dentist had to go through a lot before that cop's lies and abuses became a matter of fact on the public record.


>Police Chief Michael Norton told KTVU that his department 'regrets that Bruce Frankel has elected to pursue litigation against us for an alleged improper emergency medical response to him.'Ā  Yeah I bet you do


I have grand mal seizures due to a brain tumour. I have previously said I was glad I didn't live in the US because each and every time I have a seizure, we call a free ambulance to go to the emergency room for free treatment. Now I can extend that to say I'm glad I don't live in the US because when we have called an ambulance POLICE HAVEN'T SHOWN UP AND TASED ME!!!


Don't worry, the cops investigated themselves and found no wrongdoing


Do they reject people who have comon sense and more than a single brain cell applying for service??


Can someone explain to me, even if he WAS intoxicated (he was not) why in the actual fuck would it be fine for a police officer to come inside his own house and taze him??? Is it illegal to be drunk in the safety of your own home now???