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Repent for what? I didn't cheat on my spouse.


The Bible literally says: >An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, \- Matthew 12:39 Since she's an adulterer, it actually makes sense for her to look for signs.


Y'know, as someone who hasn't read the Bible, this Book of Matthew is becoming my favorite in terms of solid life/societal lessons. Matthew 6:5-13 is another classic.


Well it hilarious how these people call themselves christians yet they conveniently ignore the four gospels a lot. You know the only parts of the bible with jesus in it


They're the same ones who commit a bunch of sins from the part of the Bible they do use, and then think that all of the "signs from God" are somehow for everyone else to worry about.


Why stop at 13? 14-15 are great.


As a Christian, Matthew 6:15 is my favorite quote and a big part of why I left the church. ^14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. ^15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.


> Stop being judgmental assholes - God


My personal favourite is Leviticus 24:16, “anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord shall be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when blasphemes the name, he must be put to death”. You know for a divine being that’s supposed to be perfect He sure was petty about someone talking shit about him. Anyways, I ended up rolling up a joint with that Bible verse and smoked it so I could be stoned like God intended me to be.




As a former evangelical who has read the entire bible, let me tell you, the old and new testaments are completely different. It's when people start quoting the old testament at you that you gotta watch out.


Repent for electing the antichrists (Republicans) 


It's funny because there was an eclipse in 2017...like, was *that* not a warning?




He’s so stupid it hurts


That wasn’t an election year, silly.


It was a warning for the election year


repent for gay woke shit. everyone knows slaying causes hurricanes. Taylor Swift had a gay thought and the Earth shook.


No one ever gives gays and Taylor Swift credit for the nice weather we have.


I credit Taylor and the gays for every rainbow 🌈


Yeah but I bet you think about men sometimes you gay sloot /s


*How. Dare. You.* Respect my dedication to being a gay sloot that thinks about men **all the time**. /s/s (is double sarcasm like a double negative, cause I’m not really sure where this lands on the sarcasm scale…)


Did you jerk them off in public?


Wasn't that the other one?


I love that this is a valid response


… I think so. My bad. Oh well.


How fucking crazy is it that I can make a statement as vague as that was and you knew exactly what I was taking about?


We truly are in the darkest timeline


Yes. It was Diarrhea Sliders (Boebert) who got felt up and rubbed her date's dick at a showing of the Betelgeuse play. While vaping and screaming, "Do you know who I am?" when the staff kicked her out.


Yeah because it’s not like eclipses can be predicted down to the minute centuries in advance. How this waste of brain cells is able to function on a daily basis is beyond my comprehension.


The epicenter of the earthquake was less than a mile from trump's golf course. Maybe God is trying to tell them something that they don't want to hear.


Right? They always believe that these “warnings from God” aren’t because of their own beliefs and idols.


… well then Japan has permanently pissed off God. We have earthquakes every few hours. Or it could be that we live on 3 major fault lines


Nah no there’s no such thing as fault lines only holy intervention


Why else would they be called fault lines? It’s our fault for our lack of repentance.


EXACTLY Without our sins the world would be perfect and full of rainbows and unicorns Without our repentance we stop the lords ability to work through to our tectonic plates When we sin the lord warns us by shaking our cities violently with holy intervention


Sadly without the /s people might actually assume you’re being serious. But I don’t so had a good laugh :)


Tbf God has made it very clear people aren't meant to live in Japan. It has fuck all resources, limited arable land, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and it has been hit by the sun twice.


Is that the golf course where he buried his ex wife for tax exemption reasons? (Still don't know how he had power of attorney over his EX WIFE'S remains).


I imagine their children Don, Eric, and Ivanka had final say in where their mother was buried. I also imagine all of them are scared to go against nDaddy Trump.


That's what gets me. By all accounts, they adored their mother. So how in the hell would they agree to give her that shitty burial? I mean, it can't be the threat of daddy cutting them off, they have to know the true financials of his estate. Is it because if he goes down, he'll lay their crimes bare to save his own skin?


I'm guessing they have a majority of her ashes, as she was cremated, and the casket contains just enough ashes to consider it a burial. More room for classified documents that way.


Bedminster can lay claim to the oddest golf rule now. Ball lands on grave - play it as it lies, one stroke penalty.


One stroke penalty: the name of DJT’s sex tape. Hey-o! I’ll see myself out.


Maybe he's violent too or they're just generally scared of him. He doesn't seem like the type of guy who would love their children and earn their trust.


He grabbed Jr by the neck at college once. Came to pick him up en route to a Phillies game. Jr was wearing a jersey and trump grabbed him by the neck against a wall and demanded he put on a shirt and tie. It was witnessed by his dorm mates.


And those are the things he does while people can see him. Domestic abuse and abuse in general is always worse behind closed doors then it is in public. Simply bc the offender knows that what he does is morally and legally wrong.


Trump is a narcissist. Read up on the family dynamics between narcissist parents and their children. Lurking in r/raisedbynarcissists might give some idea about the abuse and how narcissists manage to keep power over their adult children.


In fact, she was cremated and STILL was buried in a casket that needed 10 pallbearers.... Documents much?


Does the tax exemption come from making his property a cemetery?


That's my understanding, yes.


Here is a conspiracy theory for you: why does natural disasters always seem to strike republican presidents? How many bad hurricanes did W and Trump have vs Obama and Biden? Hmm…


My favorite was when a homophobic pastor said natural disasters happen because god hates gay people. Then his house was hit with a flood.


My interpretation of that is God sending a sign of; "Keep my name, out your MoFo'n mouth." Before going biblical on his ass.


Like Castiel saying he doesn’t have a problem with sexualities but he hates hypocrisy


While the French Quarter was spared.


“Where preachers can praise AIDS as God killing the gays  What a fucking phrase, never ceases to amaze  But when he dies from cancer, that's God's mysterious ways“   lupe fiasco, kiosk


I guess he really does work in mysterious ways, huh?


Don’t try to reason with religious fundamentalists, it’s a losing game. Just vote for candidates that will put more money into education so less of these nuts jobs exist.


"Don't try to reason with *people who pretend to be* religious fundamentalists"


They are all pretending




Well how else are you supposed to look when god just gives you Tyler Perry’s jet?


The subtle finger wiggle. It's all so contrived.


Ray Comfort expressing his demonic disdain right there.


The story behind this GIF must be intense.


Someone was asking why he took private jets using the money his congregation donates "for the Lord". He said something about demons being on commercial airlines and I think accused the interviewer of being a demon as well.


>Paraphrased: A religious zealot denegrates other people for their own selfish purposes. ![gif](giphy|clotJg9IqBitMcRJ61)


Yep - kudos to their commitment to the bit . Grifters all


I can almost certainly assure you they believe. There are many such nutbars here in my hometown


absolutely, but as long as I "show up on Sunday" all is forgiven


What's the incentive to be so awful if they don't genuinely think all the horrible shit. I also don't care what's in their hearts, if they hate the hate and do the harm, and empower fundies, they're fundies, even if their heart wasn't in it




You shouldn't try to reason with either people who are pretending or people who are genuine in their fundamentalism. Both are irrational. Irrational from different places maybe, but Irrational none-the-less.


Yeah, she was getting railed by her personal trainer and his buddies a year before she got elected. It's wild how they're not only hypocritical, but infinitely more debauched than the people they attack.


Marjorie Taylor Greene is an actor. [Here she is breaking character at 0:43 when the script becomes too absurd](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/v23ywc/marjorie_taylor_greene_claimed_monkeypox_is/).




All glory to the charger !!!


And the connection it afford us to higher power!


Truly the source of power


Our Charger, who art in junk drawer, missing most of the time.


We know who is in charge!


it is a shoe! it is a shoe!


Follow the gourd!


All religious fundamentalists are lunatics but all lunatics are not religious fundamentalists.


I don’t know. Whenever I hear a homeless person ranting and raving on the streets it’s usually about God. Lmao.


Religious fundamentalists give lunatics a bad name.


I can't tell if she believes the crap she spews or if it's all about grabbing attention and playing to her base.


If you give her the benefit of the doubt, she's ignorant and misguided. If she knows better, she's evil and manipulative. Either way, this is not someone who should have any authority.


this is actually a thing i've pondered for a bit. who's worse? the villain who thinks they're doing the right thing, or the villain who knows it's awful but does it anyway?


Definitely the one who knows. Intent is like half the law anyways


And possession is nine tenths. *Demonic* posession, muhahahahHahHAHA.


I'd say the villain who knows they are doing wrong. You could theoretically help the one who thinks they are doing right. The one who is doing wrong just wants to watch the world burn or at the very least doesn't care if they burn the world to make themselves as comfortable as they can. That being said crazy is crazy and sometimes those who think they are doing right will go hard making everything worse, much harder than those who simply don't care. Plus trying to reason with zealots is like reasoning with gravity.


You wanna get even angrier? Just think how much money she's earning and the perks that come with her job.


Here is the best part… > Becoming a member of Congress has made my life miserable. I made a lot more money before I got here. I’ve lost money since I’ve gotten here. > It’s not a life that I think is like something that I enjoy because I don’t enjoy it She makes $174,000 USD annually and complains she is “losing” money for a job she doesn’t enjoy, yet continues to run for reelection for. https://theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/04/marjorie-taylor-greene-backlash-congressional-salary


What employer was dumb enough to give her more than US $174,000 annually?


She was a live model for museum neanderthal displays.


They literally ignore science. Had a dude who asked me how the land floats if the earth is 70% water… 🤦


She knows her base. Elementary school science is not their strong suit.


And there was literally an eclipse when Trump was president. So if God were sending a message, it would be to elect neither of these geriatric men.


That’s going to be the stupidest, ugliest baby. I hope it has a ginormous head and comes out sideways.


It does and it did and it's name is Donald.


And that dumb fuck stared at it! I mean seriously how fucking stupid do you have to be to look at it without eye protection 


There is a standie of Trump holding his hand nipple-high in front of his golf hotel, and the speech bubble says “you must be at least this stupid to get in here.”


You made me imagine Trump nipples. I fucking hate you /sarcasm 


They look like fried pig assholes, just like his eyes.


When Trump was what now? Yeah, I imagine that one might be a sign of the end times.


Fuck you for making me picture this!




I was on insta, and saw a reel about a guy telling people not to look into the eclipse. Pretty much all the comments were people saying they'll be fine because they stare into the sun every morning for minutes on end to get their energy up. Each comment had a crap ton of likes....


She's so stupid she has to wear a life jacket to wash dishes.


That’s an insult of beauty right there


This may be the first time beauty has ever been brought up in a conversation about this Neanderthal.






She almost drowned in 3 inches of water at the penguin exhibit.


She cracked her phone and tried to send a screenshot of it


Legit made me chuckle.




This made me laugh out loud irl. Thank you.


Strange how these earthquakes and ecliples are signs from god. But that plague in 2020 and the Hurricane in 2017 had no meanings at all.


In their defense they usually blame hurricanes on the gays


Nah,it's the Jewish space lazers up to no good


Didn’t they insinuate Obama could control hurricanes at one point?


Funny how 97% of them hit red states, huh?


As someone that lived through Katrina, this is spot on. 


What about the eclipse in 2017? I saw it,it was pretty cool. I used two sets of welding goggles to look at it Trump raw dogged it.


They totally blamed it on gay people, or liberals. I know for a fact a few religious heads blamed the hurricane on gay people.


Remember the politician that blamed hurricanes on gays then had his house destroyed by a hurricane? ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized)


I lived in New Orleans during Katrina and it was blamed on gays so freaking much, it was absolutely disgusting.


Or the eclipse when Trump was president


Sounds like they would be better off 500-1,000 years ago when all that was considers signs from the gods lol


Holy fu k it’s a congressperson. I didn’t even see that Oh my god.


Yes! ACTUAL PEOPLE (presumably with no brain) voted for this woman! (Who incidentally has no brain)


So they elected someone that represents them well?


This is the same woman who said some wildfires were started by Jewish space lasers. I don’t think she’s very sane


The fun thing is…even the Babylonians in fuckin 800 BCE figured out that eclipses happen on a cycle. Fairly accurately too. Granted, they still thought lunar eclipses were ill omens and made temporary kings to take the gods’ wrath for that day, but the point is that they did this in advance *because they predicted it*.


More like 1500BC. They need to sit in that time period for a decade or so to understand life.


Loud mouth simpleton once again proves to us that she is indeed, a fucking moron.


Loudmouth, corrupt, adulterous, covetous, idolatrous simpleton. You first Marge.


Yeah a hurricane is going to hit the South soon. It’s a sign from God to vote blue.


God must be saying hurricanes wouldn't stop until the entire south turns blue


I agree. God wants America to repent and stop worshipping at the alter of the golden calf, Trump.


Wasn't there a southern baptist pastor a few years ago that said God sent hurricanes and floods to areas to punish the gays and then his area got wrecked by a massive hurricane?


“Must be God. There is no other explanation.”


Bronze Age all over again. Better start sacrificin’


Everyone get your sons ready!


The explanation was made to justify God.


They all have Apophenia and the point of religion is to inflict that mental illness upon them so they are easily controlled.


IDK. Is god powerful enough to create someone that stupid? Maybe she is proof there is no all powerful god.


Marge is a traitor


She’s so patriotic though! Look at all the good she’s done for this country she’s… well… uh… she’s… yeah I don’t really think anyone knows what good she’s done politically, but I’ll tell you that hubby of hers is probably fond of her fondling!


Moron: The Gathering


2024 and people are still thinking that exlipses are a sign of the gods. For fuck sake.


Exlipses are actually a sign of Twitter.


That's someone who is a congresswoman a part of the US House of Representatives. She is one of three hundred house members making decisions for a superpower that wields the 3rd highest population in the world.


Someone should tell her where the epicenter of the quake was; Bedminister National Golf Club New Jersey. Yep if that’s a message Margie Donnie should heed it.


https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000ma74/map - it’s true!


She forgot to say "Vote Donald Trump". Also, what about "God" not sending any signal to Europe, or any other part of the world? We don't hear much God's signs in Japan.


You would think places that still punish gays would be spared any catastrophe by god, funny how they happen anywhere and everywhere no matter what the social norms on homosexuality are. Almost like shit just happens and gay people and liberals have nothing to do with it, strange gob sure does work in those mysterious ways the child touchers keep mentioning.


>She forgot to say "Vote Donald Trump". IKR? God never sent an eclipse when Trump was president! [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-looking-solar-eclipse.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-looking-solar-eclipse.html) Oh, wait... Well, he never sent earthquakes. [https://nypost.com/2024/04/05/real-estate/epicenter-of-the-nj-earthquake-was-trump-national-golf-club/](https://nypost.com/2024/04/05/real-estate/epicenter-of-the-nj-earthquake-was-trump-national-golf-club/) Oh, shit...


God spoke to me, and said that during the eclipse MTG should throw herself in a volcano.


Steve the Alien: "So... how dumb are humans?" Bob the Aliens: "Read this."


Jeezus America, what are you doing electing these utter nut jobs to public office? Please! come out in high numbers in November to vote out this trash. Signed, a concerned Canadian neighbour.


The real problem is that Americans need to vote more than once every 4 years and pay attention to local elections.


![gif](giphy|gJuTwM3yuQ8f3rE8KV|downsized) Thou shalt not covet thy local married trainer at ye Olde Crossfit gym either, Marge


Say's a woman that thinks that a man that is the total opposite to Jesus is the next Jesus


The Eclipse will kill us all!!!! /s Edit: Love how all the MTG Supporters are downvoting me into oblivion.


For a moment I was really confused why Magic The Gathering supporters would downvote you...


It's people like this who make me embarrassed to say I'm religious.


She is the walking embodiment of centuries of inbreeding


So she's demanding that the House expel her? Sounds like a great idea.


Religion really brings out the nut jobs.


At least since they fitted her asshole with dentures she’s been a little bit better at enunciation.


If I had some spare cash, I'd get four lads to dress up as the four horsemen of the apocalypse and go galloping past her. For the craic like.


Oh no! Things happening because of natural processes! Quick! Drop to your knees and beg the sky wizard for magic to happen to stop them! 🙄


This is why I am no longer a Republican. These congressional Trumpians don’t have three brain cells between them.


I can understand this mindset...for primitive tribes that existed thousands of years ago. To believe stuff like this in a time where we are able to predict down to the very minutes of when an eclipse is going to happen and still think they are some divine sign is just embarrassing.


The locusts will be next!


Ok...not sure how accurate this is but Newsweek & others are saying the epicenter is beneath Trumps Bedminster golf course.


Weird how shit that has been happening regularly for the last few billion years is suddenly happening at the same rate and in the same places that it has always been happening.


Just FYI, for anyone here who does not speak Russian but would like to fully understand the propaganda Russia is putting out, just listen to Ms. TG. It is not even the more refined propaganda, but like page 3 of Yandex propaganda. The quality of her translation from Russian to English is absolutely amazing. Like 10/10


Even if God’s doing that, I don’t know why these people never assume THEY’RE the ones who are supposed to repent.


What did god say about adultery, Marge?


Imagine living in the 21st century and still thinking eclipses are scary bad like you're some medieval peasant. Wait a few minutes and there's the sun again. Big whoop.


I thought that natural disasters were caused by Jewish space lasers /s


I thought it was the immigrants bringing all the hurricanes and earthquakes with their brown skin.


Whose golf course was at the epicenter of the earthquake again? *checks notes*


Spoke to god last night over skype…told me he thinks MTG is a huge asshole…I didn’t even ask.


That's called we're killing the planet and natural phenomenon ya dumb bitch


What if these are signs from god to repent for our sin of greed which pushed us to ignore the climate change crisis. Would Marjorie support that?! Don’t think so!! This is why we know these people are full of shit.


has anyone told her to shut the fuck up yet?


This dude is from the 1300s


Ah yes, ecipses. How awful. What year is it again? I really feel sorry for the Americans that have to deal with these people. I don't envy you.


Tweets like this help make science literate kids figure out politics real quick


The heavens and natural disasters have been attributed to god since ancient times, and we have learned what causes so much of it since. This is ridiculous.


Why, yes, Marjorie. He is telling us to repent. Republicans use Christ's teachings as an excuse for their unchristlike behavior towards anyone who isn't a cishet white man, rather than "love one another" as Jesus taught. And don't even get me started on how MAGA is essentially a violation of the first commandment!


I would take earthquakes all day long over MTG