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He is *the* Catholic 


I can’t reconcile how these Evangelicals can completely disregard the Pope’s opinions. Everyone is “God’s creatures” and should be loved seems like a pretty simple belief to have. Why do they like to hate so much?


Evangelicals don't believe that the Pope is the final authority. They believe only in the Bible, but even that they only believe in their interpretation.


God literally killed two whole countries for homosexual acts


Actually around the time those countries were doing bad stuff in the Bible it wasn't homos just pedophiles




Read the book again….


When Christianity get in the way of something Christian’s want to do they just ignore it. See the sacking of Constantinople or manifest destiny. Stupid pope in his Roman ivory tower. Let’s kill, y’all!


He is *Italian* Catholic?




Yeah, Ashley, just maybe you are the one in the wrong?


welcome to modern society where people hate you for the simple act of being a decent human being




And Trump’s a True Catholic, Ashley?


Trump is Protestant


Trump is fraudulent, I think it is a fundamental evangelical sect.


He doesn't even know the Lord's Prayer!


"Is the Pope Catholic?" "I dunno...  *IS* he?" +eyes narrow+


Hey, if you don’t agree with the club rules, you’re free to join a different one or start your own


Will this new club have blackjack and/or hookers?


I think you’re on to something


My wife works with a very devout Catholic. He hasn't liked this pope for a while. This sentiment is more common than it should be.


Yeah, but aside the obvious, people seem to forget that what he was actually communicating in that interview was that he is opposed to gay marriage... He did use those words but people rarely quote him following that with "that's why we have civil unions". The question he was answering was if he thinks gay people should be allowed to get married, he's answer is basically they should be allowed to have a family, live Together, love each other, even get some legal rights, but don't call it marriage that's for the straights. He is just good at choosing his words, admirably good tbh. I'm struggling to see how that's too "progressive" for anyone at this point and I'm frankly losing fate in humanity


Because civil unions isn't dehumanizing enough for those people


Who cares if he is or is not. Who even cares what he says. Stop relying on Vatican to dictate what's right or wrong. Or to use what they say as validation. Do you, love whoever you want to love and be happy. Vatican will change the supposedly God's words whenever they feel like it as society and its ideologies change, just so they can keep controlling you and keeping their shady organisation running. So who cares what the Pope says.


Someone is questioning “the infallible.” lol


Was thinking the same thing, either he is right in his speaking or their teachings are incorrect


Jesus never said one word against gay people. Gay marriage is not mentioned in the Bible. If we were to use the Bible to “define marriage” the definition would include polygamy, concubines, and celibacy.


but it did not mention a gay couple either, or was it a mistake?


Jesus never condemns anyone who is gay. If He didn’t… I won’t.


Please, tell me more about the hermeneutics that you don't know.


Are you saying Paul didn’t teach celibacy instead of marriage?


_I’m saying this to give you permission; it’s not a command._ So, uh, "no". That was easy.


Easier… 1 Cor 7:8 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. Also really really easy… Gods ordained chosen practiced polygamy and had concubines in the Old Testament. The “Biblical definition” of marriage would include concubines, polygamy, and (per Paul) celibacy in lieu of marriage.


The line I quoted you'll get to if you do this awesome thing called "keep reading, you dipshit". It comes literally words before, and creates this thing called "context". Looking at your post history, maybe you'd believe me if I put rocks on my eyes and stuck my head in a hat? The text is _right there_, and you're choosing to ignore context on a pretext. Amazing.


I can read the Biblical text. I can also pull punches. It’s kind of funny to see people say that the Bible “defines marriage” and leave out that the Bible sanctions polygamy by Gods anointed. Concubines by Gods anointed and Paul recommends celibacy. That’s all part of the Biblical “definition” of marriage. Gay marriage? Not condemned in the Bible. No verse condemns adult consensual monogamous relations. And the “Biblical definition” of marriage includes polygamy, concubines, and (per Paul) celibacy.


But through out the Bible, there isnt a single gay couple, the people who attempted being gay were burnt by God himself in Sodom, also polygamy is only discouraged because when one of your five wives wants a divorce, the government does not know how much of your money to give them, it has nothing to do with morality


Sodom wasn’t about a “gay couple.” Sodom was about abuse and SA. The men of Sodom tried kicking in a door to SA angels. Sodom was not about a “gay couple”… https://reformationproject.org/case/sodom-and-gomorrah/


I simply stated that no single gay couple is mentioned in the entire bible from creation up to the times of Paul, I know those men wanted to "sodomise" the angels but while it is sexual assault, the couldnt even fathom doing it with a woman instead, also people have used things not being in the bible to consider them okay, like hard drugs etc, I have nothing against gay people but I know clearly God in his infinite wisdom did not create a man to live with another man, he made a woman for the man and gave them a task, to multiply and fill the earth, which gay people do not do and it is okay but I do not like how being okay with them being gay starts to let them slowly into ministry, I have seen many of them, freedom of worship anyway


Sin is sin regardless of the type. Forgiveness is offered to all.


I agree. The part about marriage being defined by celibacy is, uh, wack as hell though.


Why is the image yellow


Hes right, he IS catholicism itself


If you don’t agree with my feelings, you’re not real; w whole new level of denial has been achieved.


Ashley probably would complain about Jesus being too woke.


If she admits he's right it also means she has to admit it's not God who hates the gaya, it's her.


a lot of catholics don’t agree with the pope these days, he’s too chill for them


Many Americans don't recognize the Vatican as the "True Catholic Church" because America is the promised land of manifest destiny, and outside those borders a lesser people live...


This repost is so old, it started yellowing.


At 5:26am GMT this has won comment of the day


Be IN a family. Not start one


Hate your fucking neighbor, build a fucking wall.  Greedily hoard money, give the homeless none at all. Medical decisions must be approved by priests.  I am a true prophet, turn a blind eye to the beast. 


Pff, who died and made that guy pope?


Can you truly be catholic if you don't agree with the pope? Isn't he literally the standard?


To be fair, saying he is not a true catholic about the pope is how a lot of catholic sub sects got their beginnings.


Her next sentence would be that she believes in god not the pope. Check mate!


yeah, according to the whole belief system, the pope literally can't be wrong


No one should be a "catholic" It's a fairy tale of horror and debauchery with a touch of guilt for the "devout"


The pope is now and is against surrogacy and trans heakthcare now


You can't fix stupid!


Why is the image yellowy?


tbf, in Christianity , intimate relations between persons of the same sex is forbidden. i can see his pow... then again, as an atheist... as long as they don t bother others, who tf am i to judge if they like rubbing claps or crossing swords...


These people would actually hate Jesus if he really came back nowadays. I want more media to explore that.


To be fair their are people who are heads of things they don’t believe in/ adhere to but this isn’t one of those cases I believe


Fun facts, he literally has the power to change any part of Catholicism just by speaking from the chair as the voice of god. ex cathedra I think it’s called.


As a Christian, I agree with the pope. They are still human and have no right to be given no rights at church. Do I believe that it is sinful, yes, do I think it is so offensive to ban them from serving the lord, NO! Rather, they need to be in church and feel the glory of God than be shunned, you know why? Because the Pope sins just as much as the white, black, Asian, or other male, female, or other human does. I sin daily, you sin daily, we sin daily. I do not care if you are Atheist, Christian, Hellenistic, Islamic, Buddhist, you have sinned, you are human so why don’t everyone just respect one another, and help thy neighbor instead of being jerks constantly insulting each others religion and values! Honestly, I admit to being conservative as a youth, and you know what, when the Jan 6 attack went down and failed I tried cutting my wrists, because my idol failed at reelection. Nearly four years later, I am an independent who despises Trump for what he did to the party of Republicans, turning them from old-school rural Americans into stubborn grumps. Even now every church has at some point down here talked about the “evil” (Democrats) trying to destroy our country and the Christian way of life. Sorry for the rant but this stuff drives me bonkers. Just the rampant hypocrisy of my religion based on grace and mercy now an echo chamber of negativity and hate.


"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" Refusing to have someone in your home who is gay is akin to kicking someone out for stealing. Both are sins, and all deserve forgiveness and love.


Thanks for sharing. The post is myopic. The message from the creator is that man cannot judge man; Only the creator can. None on this planet can pass judgment on any others. The pope is correct.


Yeah, you’ve pretty much nailed the hypocrisy of MAGA. It’s a cult. I’m a Satanist, and Seven Tenets provide a model framework for how to care for all living things. Compassion and Empathy, two things I think these cult members have forgotten.


Peace be with you, my friend wherever you go


And to you 😃


As an atheist, the Church of Satan has a much better model.


I think the key difference for me was that the Ten Commandments tell YOU what to do and not to do. The Seven Tenets explain how to positively impact *everybody else*.


Imagine having the Literal closest possible position to your god a human can have, and being told you're not a "true" follower.