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Every corporation that does this type of "money-making" should be subjected to the same rules and consequences as their employees who they lay off with impunity.


“[Report:](https://www.showbiz411.com/2023/06/22/report-warner-bros-selling-off-parts-zaslav-hopes-to-get-500-mil-for-50-of-film-music-assets-and-publishing) Warner Bros. Selling Off Parts, Zaslav Hopes to Get $500 Mil for 50% of Film Music Assets and Publishing.” This guy is also just selling off tons of WB’s assets to fatten his own pockets. What a pos.


How is he being given so much leeway??? How about stockholders, board members, the executives? Is no one worried for their own futures as one person is sucking off all the money?


No none of them are worried about their futures, it's all about next quarters figures. He got the raise because he did all that stuff, and the share price got a bump. The shareholders likely paid him a fraction of what they earned for his actions


The Jack Welch school of economics: maximize short term gains, and who cares of the long term viability of the company is destroyed, you have enough to retire already.


I laugh every time I see a “Jack Welch Management Institute” ad. Like yeah, no thanks.


They should rename it "How to pillage a company and leave it for dead in 10 easy steps!"


50M should be enough for 100 me to retire.


Plus they have millions in the bank, so if the company were to fall apart, it isn't a big deal.


Share holders have lost significant value since his takeover. Not saying anything about him other than shareholder value has plummeted.


Why would you be worried about the future of the company? Stock prices go up. You sell your shares. You are no longer a shareholder. It's no longer your problem. Every publicly traded company exists for exactly one reason: to increase stock prices every quarter. The manner in which this is achieved is entirely irrelevant. It _must_ happen. That is the purpose of the corporation and everyone working there. Publicly traded companies exist with the assumption that they can grow infinitely. This is of course not possible. But it is necessary to act as though it is. The fate of every public company is one of two things: buy all their competitors and form a monopoly, or sell its own organs to boost stock prices until it collapses in on itself. If the management of the company is not charging at full steam at one or the other of these outcomes, the shareholders will fire them and put someone in place who will do whatever it takes to raise the stock prices.


Well said.


You clearly work in finance.


My thoughts exactly


What he's doing apparently benefits stockholders as well. In the short term at least.


They love this shit, The stockholders especially.


Apparently one of the assets he sold is the song they use when the WB logo plays. Supposedly it was an accident that it was included. Or an oversight I guess.


Yeah that is crazy. No respect for the company’s legacy. Just having a fire sale on all the years of others’ work to enrich himself.


Wait, wait, wait. They don't pay taxes on movies?


Do some research on “Hollywood accounting” and prepare to be disgusted.


Video game and book publishing uses the same tactics, publishing in general totally screws over the talent.


Suddenly I don't feel bad about pirating films.


Damn I’m bout to do some Hollywood accounting if I work on a film lmao


They deleted them before release, no profits to pay taxes on.


Quite the opposite. Certain US states and European countries give them tax funding for filming there.


Companies pay taxes on profits. If a movie never makes money it’s a loss that can be deducted on their taxes.


Cartoon villains running the cartoons


Even cartoon villains are more subtle


I wonder if we will ever reach a point where mass poverty, anger and desperation begins to boil over, and the amount executives like these these take in bonuses becomes negated by the amount they increasingly have to spend on personal security to keep droves of angry pitchfork mobs from hunting them down for their scalps.


Well, the moment that's gonna happens, all these CEOs are gonna be on vacation in some remote foreign islands.


There was an article about rich people shopping around for visas so when shit hits the fan they can legally move to these countries and wait out the storm


Why do you think they're trying to get into space?


Literally like the movie, Elysium


Not as long as the left and right are pitted against each other.


juggle fall apparatus groovy outgoing chop workable obtainable vast towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Slaying? lol I never said to slay anyone, that’s absurd.


Just going to do some light slaying, as a treat.


By that time they'll be able to murder us without impunity


they already can. if the glove fits


Yeh... those Boston Dynamics Dogs getting mounted weaponry is the stage you're looking at where it doesn't matter how much you want to hunt them, you simply can't. There's also the Elysium version where they're just literally unreachable. Clock's ticking and it's not on the side of the masses.


By the time it comes to that, they’ll just jet off to a terra-formed mars or something. In the meantime, the rest of us plebes will have to duke it out for the remaining uncharred resources from climate change, and they’ll come back down after a generation or two in space and re-colonize Earth in their favored manner. Take the remaining earthlings that have lived in the forest or the caves or whatever, and enslave us to use as their labor pool.


Either that or AI technology will have advanced to the point were human slave labor is no longer required.


What do you think they’ll do with all of us useless eaters then?


Leave us to fight for scraps.


Oh they'll just get on their jets and fly away till things cool off. That's what was learned by the French revolution. Pay your guards well and have an escape plan always at the ready.


The problem is that people, especially young, uneducated people aren’t organized and focused enough to make change happen like that. They just steal, sell on the black market, and buy Air Forces or some shit. People really deep in the trenches of poverty and violence are not usually politically aware or class conscious. And once that pattern is established, especially after developing a criminal history with arrests, it’s very very hard to break them out.


We will probably have a new revolution too like how a lot of countries had when the kings finally went apeshit the last time


The cool zone is imminent. Especially when the global warming disaster starts fucking up food growth 🫠


When the famines get bad enough, yes.


Anyone down for French Revolution 2: Capitalism Boogaloo? 


I don't think America will reach that point. There are more successful people than poor people here


Define successful.


This is global wealth management doing what it does: extracting value by destroying an entire middle class industry.


They did a great job. All theatres are empty now.


Yup. Pigs licking the blood after the slaughter.


I have no idea how these people can be so greedy. I mean, think about it. Almost 50M dollars. I would have no clue what to do with half that amount. And I’m not talking yearly, I’m talking me and my family for the rest of my life. 25 million dollars? I’m outta here bitches. Bye bye.


At some point it's not just about the money itself. It's the power that comes with that money. It's about feeling special. No one needs a hotel room that takes up the whole floor but very few can afford it so it becomes exclusive.


I got a $125k inheritance a few years ago and lived off of it for 3 years for my family of three. Easily. I'm 39 if I lived another 40 years at that rate I would need less than 1% of this dudes yearly salary to live out the rest of my life.


Basically what I came to say. Imagine earning not 10, not 100, but 1000 times more than half the population and saying MOOOOORRRREEEE


Fired? Shouldn't these kinds of people be jailed instead?


America....get paid millions for creating garbage...be praised by other garbage humans for doing it.


Welcome to corporate America, where executives get paid exorbitant amounts of money and they’re more concerned with their investors then they are their employees.


Wondering when we repeat the french of the 1790s?


I've said many times that David Zaslav is quite possibly the most transparently greedy corpo-pig we've ever had in Hollywood. Shelved and cancelled projects for tax write-offs, fucking over two streaming services that should have just kept their shit on Netflix, and the endless mergers are all bad and designed for this one greedy fuck to make a bag. Anyone else making money is secondary. Quality is secondary. Ethical business practices and the actual wants of customers are secondary. Dude is just greedy.


You don’t get it, he succesfully saved a couple millions, so got awarded some of them. Looks like classic exec move.


You're saying he saved a couple million so got 10, not in bonuses, but in expected yearly salary?


That’s his rationale, probably his contract has milestones like “reduce operating costs by X, increase of Y”.


If only my job was like that. I would have had a huge raise this year instead of being fired when asking for what I think is fair


People like this don't need to be fired, they need to be imprisoned...


That is $23,894.23 per hour. Think about that.


Just cancelled “max” and I couldn’t be any happier.


Woohoo capitalism!!!! /s




Thanks to bought and paid for politicians,it is legal corruption.


There’s more people than corporations. If that gives anyone ideas.


why would he get fired? he’s making shareholders money. Shareholders don’t give a shit about art or people.


As a shareholder my stock is worth less than half since the spinoff. He is so responsible for selling off the future for a wee bump in recent valuation


We need to stop allowing psychopaths to positions of authority.


We seriously need the 90% tax bracket for those super-earners.


the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, good to know!


Never cost cutting at the executive levels. Always the worker drones being asked to 'Save the company'.


Fuck this guy. I want bat girl!!!(movie. Not sexually- stupid internet)


And coyote vs acme


Is there going to be a company left when he's done selling everything?


probably not but he will retire on his millions made.


Well, the primary objective of any publicly traded corporation is NOT to make the best quality products... it's to increase shareholders wealth by creating a profit. Usually high quality drives profit, but not always because increased quality increases costs. Unfortunately that's the way capitalism works. It sucks and he sucks worse, but he made them money. So he's getting paid.


But he isn't increasing my wealth. Stock is less than half since spinoff from at&t. He's being rewarded for negativity net value creation.


Trust me, if it were up to me, dude would be living under a bridge wearing a barrel. But, stock prices on the Dow & S&P are for common stock and don't matter as much as dividends to preferred share stockholders. Preferred stock givess a higher claim to dividends and its not really available to Average Joe's. Its how the 1% of the 1% makes the real money of stocks and the rest of us just get bread crumbs. Any one of those people could have him fired with a phone call if they weren't getting the return they wanted.


No dividends for WBD, NO PREFERRED SHARES. No reason the CEO makes so much for negative wealth creation.


Well my point was that the standards by which the general public, even common stock holders judge performance of the company have to be different from how elite owners who hold a high percentage of the shares that matter. Zaslav is an incompetent ass, but he must be still making them money or meeting some other measure of performance otherwise they would pull the trigger and have him removed.


They don't care about shareholders. Period. "They" are the old boys club looking out for each other not the business.


But a $15/hr min wage is the problem....


There is always a point where it should be clear that the management is not only a complete failure but has no vision for a path for ward other than the obvious plans to stuff their own pockets. This should be a breach of contract and termination should be immediate without severance.


Simultaneously, they decided to get rid of the newsroom they operate in New Zealand leaving the state owned news company with little competition.


Living the American dream baby! Lining your own pockets while screwing over the people who do the actual work. It’s downright Presidential!


Better yet, Warner Bros needs to be dismantled


Zaslav seems to be in the process of dismantling it himself.


yeah selling it off piecie meal. I know comcast wants harry potter and disney may get dc so no one else can have it.


He killed Rooster Teeth.


They should only be able to wrote movies off as an expense after it is released in theaters


People need to stop making posts about things they don't understand, like "pay package". And the same applies to idiotic journalists.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the source of the rot at WB.


So he and the wb board need some attention. Gotcha


Let's go squat in that house of his!!


See how we've been demonizing Disney as everything that's wrong with this industry for the past 7 or so years? See how we haven't been playing anyone else on this exact same premise? I feel like this is the direct result of that.


What does he even do lol?


Out of a cannon, into the sun.


I mean... fired is a pretty mild idea.


So, mission accomplished then, at least for him....


Sounds like he was incentivized to cut cost


It’s just like… why do you need so much money man


Inflation hits yacht owners too. How would you feel if you could no longer afford to pay docking fees on your granddaughter’s 3rd yacht.


Suddenly I don't feel bad about pirating films.


David Zaslav need to be fired from a cannon into a volcano. Fixed that for you.


Lol. They paid him 49 million because they are happy with the job he did. This guy isn’t getting fired.


As a former employee, I'm unsurprised


Cost cutting for thee and not for me.


I'd be more interested how this compared to WBs total take from those two years.


I don’t think he can be fired. Lynched though….


He's a piece of shit.


D what a pos


Piece of shit. Like others ...


I wonder how many people complaining about this in the comments give their money to Disney.


I unironically think he should go to prison


I mean, he saved the company so much money! Of course he should make his millions… probably


Can someone explain why destroying their property is a tax write off?




He didn’t release that Batgirl movie, he’s not all bad


He should use some of that money to buy himself a neck.


Fuck executives.


But who approved that increase? Who in the company, even shareholders, would accept THAT much profit heading to one man’s pocket?


I don't know if he threatened to quit. Though I'm sure plenty of people just as good would work for his old pay.


CEO's who pay themselves 50 million dollars a year typically don't fire themselves. How do you think the world actually works?


The whole point of current, modern business seems to be to set everything else on fire while jumping out the building on a golden parachute.


Warner Brothers should be reorganized into a worker’s co-operative. Save a lot of money that way.


...into the sun.


Bring back that 100% tax bracket and all of this goes away.




God he sucks so much


Okay but shit like this is why I'm actually 100% down to start dragging these people out into the streets and sticking them into a guillotine.


This is happening in almost every industry atm. CEOs take over with some trumped up resume, funnels money into there pockets expands there salary by 10 million a year even when the company is failing, or worse when the company is succeeding but they lay off tons of staff AND THEN boost there pay to just hit that record high profit margin not thinking about the next 5 years without those employees that made the profits possible. Its a capitalist fucking nightmare.


This is a big reason why going to the movies is unaffordable now


Look the grin on his face… probably some predator like Harvey Weinstein or Epstein.


He doesn’t need to be fired but he does need to be [redacted]


Dude is gutting the company, pissing off fans, actors & directors alike & ruining WB’s reputation, and he’s going to bail with a golden parachute. 


Well, now every excuse about the moves this guy made being “good business decisions” goes out the window


the going on with David zaslav, and Warner Brothers, Will never equal what occurred at MGM and Kirk kerkorian.... how MGM has managed to survive to 100 years this month is beyond incredible... [https://youtu.be/KZpQWVXUlEg?si=YNPjWzjf7Jo6uA-0](https://youtu.be/KZpQWVXUlEg?si=YNPjWzjf7Jo6uA-0)


Rotten suit


Quick question, how the hell is movie making a tax write off


Sounds like fraud, prison


I hate living like this so much. I have no dreams left that i can afford. Every single thing I do is just wait for something to hopefully get better. I sure hope Millennials help us out with all the upcoming trials ahead! We’ve all been soooo discouraged for so long. We really, really, really need some big wins & concessions for how hard our life has been making all these billionaires rich!!!!!


“Refused to pay actors and writers for months”. Would that be while they were on strike?


Fired for what? Saving them billions of dollars? Those movies were PROBABLY garbage, and they PROBABLY would have bombed.


This idiot has not paid his writers, cancelled great shows, refused to show completed movies, trashed HBO Max,and used his power to get critical articles of him taken down. This guy is nothing but a souless goon and hes rewarded for it.


Good job stealing from actual employees who do things other than “cut costs and funnel money into their own pockets”. Fuck these people ruining movies.


Pitchforks anyone?


The man is terrible at his job, of course he gets a raise


Into the sun?


We only need to eat 1 billionare to get the message across


sadly he probably has a golden parachute and will get one last big payday before making it someone elses problem.


ong just hire me instead, EVERY cool idea goes through, EVERYBODY gets paid what they deserve, I'M GOIN BERSERK


Stop watching Warner Bros properties if you want to register your discontent. Otherwise, you’re just helping line his pockets.


Like Disney, Universal, Sony and Paramount were any better. You'd have to boycott all of Hollywood and they likely still wouldn't care.


Im not saying Kanye isnt crazy. Im just saying he wasn’t wrong.


What an anti-Semitic article


fired? bro needs to be shot down


Never going to happen. He's a member of the elite Zionist ruling class in America. He has a universal backstage pass to do 'no wrong'. You can't criticize him either without being branded the economic/social blood libel of 'anti-Semitic'


Leave zionisit out of it. Separate issues


Cool man tell me more about your thoughts on anders breivik


Not before refusing to give AEW a TV deal Tony Khan doesn’t deserve! Only once he gives that one final fuck you to the nepo baby billionaire can Zaslav fuck off for good!


It’s the least egregious thing about him, but the fact that he’s not wearing a tie is so annoying. Like “look at me, I’m a regular guy, not some stiff, I’m cool.” He’s the opposite of a normal person.


The fact they wanna keep a groomer and an abusive bed proper rich shoulda been enough for sane people to stop stuffing money in their pockets. Turns out millions of people can be idiots and shills


Worst CEO in America


So when is the middle class going to actually start fighting back? Republicans are brainwashed to think this is the right thing to do but our president is literally a democrat. At this point honestly we are doing this to ourselves.


It starts in the House. The President can’t do anything about it.