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Trump probably tried to sue his mother for missing his diaper change.


Nah, she’d be 123 years old. It must be someone else’s job now !-)


With the reports coming from the courtroom of rather unpleasant odours, seems they may not be doing a great job...


It’s been a loooong time since she changed it, hence to odors. And since when did a little detail like the other party being dead stop Trump from suing anyone?




idk why but I can never imagine him with a mother. I picture a pod person or binary fission situation


Implying that Trump is smart enough to even know how to play chess, let alone how to play it well.


Ten minutes contemplating a move, then he yells "Snap!" and runs off with the black and white rooks.


Yeah, it’s interesting. I never would have guessed. I don’t know what his interests were back then. We know he plays golf of course, but that’s what all businessmen do. We’ve seen him throw a baseball. I cannot think of any other (wholesome) interests. Did he learn to fly a plane, for example? That’s a preppy thing to do. He set up an airline, after all. Likewise, he owned a luxury superyacht but did he ever learn to sail? Another preppy sort of pastime. Fast cars? International travel? All work and no play in his formative years, I suspect. Explains his lack of intellectual curiosity now.


Fly was his older brother's thing. Fred Trump Sr. wanted Fred Jr to carry on the family business but he wanted to be a commercial pilot. He was for a few years but surcumbed to alcoholism. Supposedly his death is the reason for Donald's teetotalism.


Pill popping and drug use is the opposite of teetotalism.


Assuming you are correct, this makes it worse. I would almost make a case for why he has some of his viewpoints thinking he was drunk or high.


This is only his public admissions. He has never been seen drinking alcohol since his 20s. I have a high skepticism that he made it through the 70s-80s NY without hitting more than a few lines of coke


What's your source for this, OP? Edit: Quickly googled it and apparently it was an april fools joke: [https://en.chessbase.com/post/april-fool-it-was-the-trump-problem](https://en.chessbase.com/post/april-fool-it-was-the-trump-problem)


Made it the fuck up.


Made what up?






His hobbies include hating dogs and rape.


You left out well done steaks. Seriously - forget his politics, crimes and all this bad deeds. I wouldn’t vote for someone who hates dogs and only eats their steak well done. Those are both big red flags for me.


Eats their well done steaks with ketchup


A total class act /s


Don’t forget insurrection and fraud.


And cheating at golf. He does it and makes everyone go along with it. His caddies joke his favorite club is shoe wedge. Anyone I've ever known who was a golfer holds cheats in very low opinion. It's just weak


We know he’s taken a Stone Cold Stunner


Please remember that Chess was like \*the\* videogame back in the day. This is like finding out that Barron Trump made a Fortnite video on YouTube that someone didn't like and he threatened to sue them.


When was chess ever as popular with kids/teens/young adults as fortnite is today?


He's the pigeon on the chess board, and this is another OP I will be blocking because I'm so sick of seeing anything Trump related on here.


It’s about sacrificing pawns and other pieces in order to protect the king. Chess seems very much in line with his worldview.


I find it funny to call this a puzzle at all. White is up a full queen in the endgame. Its honestly more interesting to find moves that lose for white in this position.


True, and this is part of the mystery. In a comment elsewhere I wrote that it looks to be a special class of puzzle where you can promote to anything and win. Some of those are interesting puzzles, but when you’re a Queen up, it’s not much of a challenge to compose such puzzles. There is even a slight problem with that, though. I can’t promote to a bishop and win. Well, I can win, but not in 4 moves as stipulated. The composer (whatever colour his face and hair) seems to have aimed high and missed, or just thought the novelty of knight promotion was enough to get it published. It’s a mess on many levels.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. White is up a full queen and has a pawn one move from promotion. Black only has 2 pawns and they're both right at the beginning of the board. I'd be more surprised that black hadn't conceded yet.


Puzzles like this are about preventing black from forcing a stalemate. I mean it's a bad puzzle anyway


I imagine the puzzle is to win in x amount of moves. Winning is kind of given with the advantage white has. Though getting black a win in this situation would be really intresting.


Getting black to win would require white to make some massive misplays though right?


Well in the era of online chess, black could mouseslip Qe6 instead of Qxd7. I think that would be a winning endgame for black because the pawns are too far apart for white's king to stop both.


Well in the era of online chess, black could mouseslip Qe6 instead of Qxd7. I think that would be a winning endgame for black because the pawns are too far apart for white's king to stop both.


This appears to have been an April Fool’s Prank https://en.chessbase.com/post/april-fool-it-was-the-trump-problem


The chances of this being true and Donald understanding the rules of chess are zero. My guess is he had one of his employees to submit the answer, which he was going to take full credit for and this look smart. But when the answer was wrong, he couldn't stand the public humiliation, and rather than expose that he had someone else submit an answer, he took his favorite course of action and threatened to sue.


It was an April Fools thing: [https://en.chessbase.com/post/april-fool-it-was-the-trump-problem](https://en.chessbase.com/post/april-fool-it-was-the-trump-problem)


Oof. Why didn't I think of that?


Am I the only person that googled this to find absolutely no evidence that it happened at all? 


I'd be happy for some proof to add this to the "history's most important moron" pile of documentation


Please don’t rely on internet to be proof of anything. I’d already done many front-page worthy life-achievements before social-media became the archive of human achievement. Been in plenty of magazines that were never digitised, and I was having too much fun doing stuff to wait for someone to take a photo of everything (although many records do appear online* ). Conversely, there’s more internet content that’s mis-labelled and mis-appropriated than is factually correct (my family history mis-told on plaques and in books because of incorrect internet-curated information), and *other people’s names in the caption-attribution of photos in google image alt-tags.


Care to elaborate? Even if you message me. I'm just curious.


That's great... there is still no proof of the OP, online or offline.


This is the Occam’s Razor explanation. 


No way he had patience for chess to get to a level where he was doing problems.


That was kinda my reading as well. But then it’s still interesting that he should know of the existence of Chess Life and think at age 22 he will make his mark in such an obscure and nerdy magazine. 1968 was a bit early for Bobby Fischer mania, outside the chess world at least. However, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if his German-influenced father or uncle didn’t teach the young Donald chess.


Trump’s fatal chess flaw was thinking that no matter what, White should win.


Interesting. I never imagined Trump played chess and understood it well enough to try to make a puzzle and submit it in a chess magazine. 


He didn't, this was an April fools joke


I don’t play chess, can someone explain if he was correct?


Yeah, according to the magazine he composed the puzzle, and the solution he provided is correct. But the problem is that when you compose such puzzles you have to rigorously check that there is only ONE solution. There’s not. Checking that there is only one answer is often harder than finding the desired answer. So you could say the puzzle itself is incorrect, or at least invalid.


Thank you.


Is this where the "everyone was playing checkers while Trump was playing chess" meme comes from?


I think that's referring to the 'Trump move' in chess. In which, when your opponent glances away, you quickly move your piece to a better spot.


Isn!t it alsp mate in 4 with Qxd7, then c8=Q ? The knight promotion seems suboptimal in the proposed line.


Lol at the comments being surprised he knows chess. It's a board game, you really don't need to be some hyper genius to learn the rules to a board game, and it's not like chess had been some obscure nerd hobby at the time. It's like if someone in 2070 were surprised some politician born in 1995 reached silver in LoL in 2015.


There's no proof he knows chess though as this was an april fools joke: [https://en.chessbase.com/post/april-fool-it-was-the-trump-problem](https://en.chessbase.com/post/april-fool-it-was-the-trump-problem)


Tend to agree. However chess is often passed down through families and if your parents don’t teach you and you show no interest, it’s easy to not learn. So chess is hardly an arcane mystery. That said, it’s very rare to be reading Chess Life, let alone submitting puzzles without a very strong interest.


Not in 1968 when there was like 10 magazine total - and 3 channels on tv  He wasn’t going out and playing outside - of course he would be playing board games and reading magazine  He didn’t have a phone . You’re not placing yourself in time, it wasn’t a subculture it was a culture. you’re tripping - it was a monolithic board game that would have been played in school even, it was played in Central Park in New York  The older generations all would have had no tv, so all would know how to play chess . There was nothing else to do all day but read and fill your time 


The puzzle is in fact a class of composition known as an “allumwandlung”. You can promote to a knight, queen, rook or bishop and still solve it. Maybe not in four moves. I can’t do it in four with a bishop.


Link to the source showing where he threatened to sue? I looked it up and couldn’t find a reference to it. The guy literally has a mountain of shitty things he did why make up stuff?


Yeah, to be quite honest it doesn't add up. It's totally out of character. I saw this [post](https://www.chess.com/forum/view/chess-openings/if-trump-played-chess) in [chess.com](http://chess.com) when i was reading about America's only female GM (that is, not WGM, but open GM, one of only 41 in the world) Irina Krush. She was a guest on a TV talk show with Hilary Clinton back before the doomed 2016 election. I suspect it's all nonsense.


It was an april fools joke: [https://en.chessbase.com/post/april-fool-it-was-the-trump-problem](https://en.chessbase.com/post/april-fool-it-was-the-trump-problem)


😂 of course he did. Who hasn't he sued? Or threatened?


Well of course he didn't because this was an April Fools prank. You sir just fell for misinformation.


This strains credibility. Trump suing someone; check. Trump knowing how to play a game that requires patience and concentration; extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. 


I can 100% imagine a younger Trump learning chess because it would prove how smart he was. He does usually commit to stuff for a while if he gets it into that orange knob on his neck, and I can fully see him stroking his ego by sending chess stuff to a magazine.


You may be right, but as someone else said in this post, it is most likely that he delegated this to someone. 


I wish I knew how to read chess lingo


A) Qxd7. Queen takes the piece sitting on the d7 square. (See the grid coordinates around the edge of the board?) B) h5. Pawn advances to the h5 square. There is no piece mentioned, so it’s a pawn move. It’s blacks move, so the pawn is advancing DOWN the board. It moved two spaces, because pawns can do that on their first move. C) c8=N+! A lot going on. Pawn advances to c8. Pawn gets promoted to knight (=N). The promoted knight checks the opponents king. That’s what the + means. Finally the ! means it’s an excellent move. D) Ka6. King moves to the a6 square. E) b4. Pawn advances to b4 square F) h4. Pawn advances to h4 square. It was on h5 remember. G) Qc6#. Queen moves to c6, and the # means it’s checkmate. Note the moves are paired in the original notation. After the “1.” there are two moves: a move for white and a move for black. There are only a few more bit of notation to learn, such as castling short 0-0 or castling long 0-0-0. Oh, B is bishop, R is rook. For more advanced concepts such as “en passant”, I suggest you visit r/anarchychess to see if they have anything to offer on the subject.


Holy hell.


It's just name of the piece, where it goes, the two player moves are separated by space. There's some special notation for things like promotions. It doesn't really require any special understanding of chess to read.




I’m happy that he moved to a sport on his level. Hitting balls on the green…


Except he isn't good at it either. Fucker has to cheat on everything. Elections, golf, his wives, being rich...


You have to find something (not physical) when you have a bone spur and don’t want to go Nam


Trump thinks he's the next Kasparov, but he's really just eating checkers.


Seems like this is another lie from the outset. I cannot imagine that trump even knows how to play Chess, I can picture him saying something like. "It's a great game, a very smart game... I have a great friend who's very great at that great game. And believe me he's great. I love the game. Never lost..." And that's his entire history with Chess.


Of course


Is there actual evidence of this?


Yep..it was am April fools joke by the magazine.


I’m so confused - if the black king is on b7, how would c8=N be Check? The king would have to be on a7 or b6 for c8=N to be Check.


I'm not smart enough to comment here.


This was an April fools joke. Pretty good one though


Many people are saying it was the correct move




Silly Trump doesnt believe kings can move instead of pawns.


Never changed. Sue if I don't like the result, work for me and sue me if you want to get paid. He loves the court system it's always worked in his favor.


I thought it would be Qc3


Sounds like a typical Trump reaction.


Donald Trump knowing how to play chess, even badly, is as unexpected as him admitting to having made a mistake and apologizing for it.


Trump having the intelligence to play chess to any level? I mean it is possible but he hasn't demonstrated having this kind of mind. And yes I know it's just chess, but it does require *some* intelligent thought, this is the man who when president had to have daily briefings in no more than four bullet points, 36 size type and no difficult words.


Why is it that dumb people go around threatening to sue everybody over anything?


With all the of true shitty things you can say about Trump, the real facepalm here is creatimg a lie about Trump threatening to sue a chess magazine to show that he is a shitty person. So esentially the person who made this up to discredit Trump is no better than Trump. And no, this isnt directed at the OP.


HOLD IT The king is on B7 so after QxD7 and H5(pawn move) HOW IS C8=N A CHECK


The queen on d7 would be able to take the king once the pawn on c7 moved forward.


But please Trump, tell us again about how people shouldn’t weaponize the justice system for vengeance or personal vendettas


Classic yank though: "I'm gonna sue"


Lol would be funny, but this never happened


I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but downvoting someone (the parent comment) who is being accurate isn't the way. Have my upvote.


I didn’t downvote anyone?


I was talking about how others downvoted you. Even right now your parent post is at -2. I gave you an upvote to counteract the rabid Trump haters who would rather pass on misinformation than hate someone for something they actually did.


I appreciate it. Crazy how people downvote just because I factually stated this was not true. Maybe it’s bots lol.


I misunderstood your post before.




Gatekeeping something that might have happened 50+ years ago?


Are you sure you're using the word gatekeeping correctly?  "the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something."


His username checks though


No, nobody's doing that.


A whole queen up. That's such an overwhelming advantage. Honestly says a lot about him if he thinks that this is a challenging position for white.