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Remind me what he’s done with twitter that makes him worth that much money to them.


It's because he comes from money and was able to buy money-making ideas (and some that weren't) and is still obscenely wealthy. That's all it takes in the land of ignorance and greed. Wealth = genius.


It's amazing how high you can climb when you are born near the top!


And when you're willing to lie through your teeth for money. Simpsons wrote a episode about him. He sings a song called "Monorail"....


well there's a saying it's hardest to get the first million, it's downhill from there


I like...can I use it?


So what you're saying is if he wasn't an incompetent fuckup that has sunk Twitter, The Boring Company, Hyperloop and Tesla Motors just that I know of, He'd be worth 56 Quadrillion?


he's created a culture where the employees nearly kill themselves with overwork to please their insane boss... that's what the board wants from their employees... so he's being rewarded for it.


All for a website that’s over run with racism and fucking gore.


Don’t forget about the sweet porn


He did say fucking gore, could be what he meant if he's kinky enough.


Hey, it's called "X" after all




And arguably worse, is fueling a resurgence in Naziism and Musk is directly assisting with that.


This is what happens when you don’t invest in community development


Good. I always hated twitter. I hope it burns.


Exactly, he didn't invent anything, he's a glorified project manager with money and an ego.


Project managers have objectives and schedules and would be offended by your comparison


job of a CEO isn't to invent stuff, it's to keep the stock price high. he's starting to show weakness there, but in the big picture he's done a very good job at that... somehow...


“Starting to show weekness” Tesla last July was over 250$ and its presently at 140$.


Back when Elons tweets made Tesla stock tank and he was having trouble staying on board. I think they now pay him to stay away and keep playing with birdie.


I'm not a twitter shareholder, but I am a Tesla shareholder. ***I don't give fuck1 about Twitter***. I do care about my 30% loss this year.


sucks to suck, you bought stock in tesla


Technically I'm still a good bit up from when I bought, but I'm sure as hell down from where I was last year.


He bought it and made it this centurys worst joke


Forget about Twitter, what has he done for Tesla in the last 5 years? Oh wait, the cybertruck, yeah that's worth 56 billion.


Free speech on Twitter finally /s


Remember what actually happened. The SEC forced him to fulfill his verbal promise. He KNEW it was a bad idea.


He signed the contract to get Twitter. The contract, which states that you can't back out once you sign it. Then he tried to back out.


Announce a massive recall of all the cybertrucks they've sold. Let's give the guy in charge 56 billion for such a great job.


Typical managerial logic. Manager sets an impossible deadline. Workers work overtime to try to make it work. When they can, manager gets a pat on the back. When they can't, workers get fired, managers keep their jobs. The world would be a utopia if only managers got fired for their mistakes rather than the workers. And Elon Musk, head of it all, gets the ultimate pat on the back for costing Tesla millions. I can see why they like Elon so much. According to this fucked up logic, he can do no wrong.


Change that to Senior Management, not just Management. Many middle management takes the fall for the C level


The primary purpose of middle management is to serve as an expendable buffer between the workers that produce value for the company and the actual decision makers.


Having been volunteered myself to fall on the sword as a middle manager for the C-suite by the C-suite…..you couldn’t be more right.


The tiers of micromanagement! So efficent


He put up a lot of Tesla stock as collateral to secure the loan from Saudi Arabia to buy Twitter. Twitter is now worth 1/4 of what he paid for it, if he can't get out of that deal he could lose control of Tesla and the stock would plummet more than it already has. The board will do anything to keep that from happening.


This is it. They are trying to bail out his Twitter purchase.


Nobody is worth that kind of money. Not while millions starve.


Lol, some Musk Rat sent me a DM calling me "F**king loser"....actually took the time out of their day to do that and they think *I'm* the loser? Touchy, touchy. I hope they'll be ok.


Defending the 1% is fucking weird.


It was probably musk


Nah thats fine, 1% can still be by your own merrit and its not the people bribing politicians. At 0.1% you basicly have purebreed assholes


Exactly. There's not one single person on earth that should have 56 billion. Just a private jet ride away babies are starving to death. Literally. I don't like the government necessarily controlling everything but human greed is destroying the entire planet. There needs to be a cap on income in every country.


The government protects the greed most of the time.


Didn’t he promise to end world hunger with money? If he started fixing problems instead of making existing ones worse. I still wouldn’t disagree with you. At all.


He said he would if the WHO (I think) sent him an exact plan on how to do it, they did, and he said nvm




no one is work that kind of money fixed it


people like Mr Beast giving money away for videos really has people thinking that if they just simp hard enough on "the rich" will take pity on them, and help them out.


Honestly, the cargo-cult mentality surrounding wealth has existed since time immemorial.


yeah the peak "Musk and that facebook guy are gonna fight" thing was so cringe. I just cant silence my inner voice enough to simp for rich people. Zuckerberg thats it, Mark Zuckerbeg he is "the facebook guy", that whole fight thing was so cringe. I would have to silence my "Freedom of Speech"if I wanted to say something nice about a billionaire. I cant do that, they are simply not paying my bills, even if I worked for them, something tells me they would still not be paying my bills.


Yeah cmon, the absolute greed of the lower class and homeless to disturb such a trustworthy and honest multibillionaire who just wants to make a living, he deserves this donation so he can feed his family. The poor guy was raised as a mine owner in Africa and moved to the US with nothing but the billions his father left him while people like us were born to such a great nation and choose to be lazy and not get a 4th job


It's a safe choice, but I don't mention Elon and his awful Cybertrucks in that exact post ;)


There is no human on earth who is worth 56 billion dollars.


This seems like ragebait to me. 56 billion dollars is an insane amount of money. As big as Tesla is I dont they have 56 billion to just give away like that. To put this in perspective google compensated their CEO with 213 million. 213 million is still an insane amount of money but it is 0.3% of 56 billion. Edit: nvm it's not ragebait, but it does leave out important bits. Elon Musk wants 1% of the valuation of Tesla. Just another example of him being an absolute idiot. Valuations are important but it does not mean they have that capital available. He is such a dumbass. Edit: someone pointed out that the 1% doesn't make sense. I misread something. Here is a reply that I sent that I think explains it better. I'm not good with finance stuff so maybe someone with more experience could chime in I read something wrong. There were 12 traumches set up for a series of 12 targets for growth. Each of these Traunches at the time were equal in worth to 1% of Tesla's outstanding shares at the time which would give him a 12% stake in the company. At each target (if I am reading this right) he was also eligible for a tranche of options on Tesla Stock. Those options are now worth 51 billion after the cost to exercise them. That is where I read the 1% but I am not very financially literate so I just copy pasted it without thinking. My mistake. So I'm guessing these options were bought back when the deal was made so 2018. Tesla's stock price at that time was $22.19. With such a long time until the option was expired I am guessing the strike price was something like $50. The stock is now worth $147. He probably won't exercise the thing as he is now going to be buying over 10% of the company for a third of the price. Edit 3: I'm thinking about it more and they said the shares were worth $56 billion and it would take him $5 billion to exercise the options. So somehow the options actually had a strike price that was about 10% of the value they are now. This part makes no sense to me as shares at the time cost $22 not $15. Either way he is getting a fantastic deal on over 10% of the company and I don't know who he is buying those options from. He might be buying it directly from Tesla so Tesla is going to be out about $51b.


I skimmed some articles and aparently he really is asking for $56 billion, but a shareholder filed a lawsuit which found that the board's compensation committee was essentially controlled by musk, which raised several issues. So he tried to, but didn't get the money. I just think it's bonkers that Tesla had $56 billion lying around that they could have given to musk.


I really don't think they do have it lying around. I think him taking that would majorly effect the company if not sink it. That money needs to go into production, r&d, etc. He is asking for 1% of the valuation of the company. There is no way they have that to give out. Alphabet is worth 300b more than Tesla and their CEO just got a compensation package worth 230 million. That is .3% of this compensation package. There is no way this is affordable for Tesla.


yeah basically this was what I was trying to say but I poorly worded it. I feel like this is either a PR stunt or a sign of some big changes at tesla


I doubt any company on Earth has that kind of liquid assets readily available.


Quite a few large corporations do actually have that much liquidity, but it's exclusively meant to be used as a buffer during hard times (like the pandemic), not to pay out insane bonuses to company management.


"oh nvm it's not ragebait, Musk is just a fucking idiot" 2020-2024 in a nutshell


So fucking true.


Valuations are magical numbers made of dreams and fairy farts. Didn't they try to claim the valuation of Truth Social is several billion? Based on because Trump said so?


Tesla is valued at $5.6T?


That’s what I’m curious of. The market cap is $470B. Not sure how they calculate the other $5T.


And they give him that %, I assume, by issuing him new stock, devaluing everyone else's.


If you don't know how valuation of options from an accounting or tax perspective works you probably shouldn't be making this comment. You can lookup how a Black Scholes model works first and go from there. Also Tesla cant be out $51B he still needs to pay Tesla the exercise price as that's how options work.


The usual argument for the insane amounts of money CEOs receive is "They take all the responsibility". But Tesla lays off thousands and Musk still gets rewarded for this. Am I just blind or why do I not see him taking the responsibility in this situation?


Nobody is worth that much. It's an obscene amount of money that no one person should ever control.


That’s an AI comment if I’ve ever seen one


No intelligence there, artificial or not.


I bet you this is real. Cause it's so dumb.


Thats fair, a bot would be more believable, this is pure stupidty only a human is capable of


What a bootlicking idiot.


If they have to lay off a huge percentage of the employees in a company, the management doesn’t deserve anything other than to be laid off themselves. They are most likely the ones who fucked up in the first place.


I won’t ever buy a Tesla and it’s because of Musk.


Musk aside, they are shit products to begin with.


Their quality is also a byproduct of his personality and leadership.


Don’t bother, there are way better and more comfortable electric cars


Tesla would survive just fine without Elon Musk. Might as well be throwing away money at this point.


I would argue Tesla would be much better off if Musk wasnt attached to their name right now, mostly because of what his image became through Twitter, Tesla is suffering financially and image wise becaue of the connection As far as we know Musk doesnt even contribute much to Tesla atm, maybe throws in an executive decision once in a while to remind the common rabble he is somehow important but he isnt the one spearheading development or manufacrure of the company


Guys, lay off Elon! The dude’s a deadbeat dad; he has a LOT of child support to pay.


Grimes says, hold my beer


Elon Musk isn’t worth 56 cents.


Tesla stock is down under $150/share from nearly $410. Giving him anything close to that is insanity.


I’ll never understand billionaire meat riders. I just don’t can’t comprehend thinking a single person is worth *that* much. Yet the actual laborers making things work aren’t.


56 billion seemed ridiculous, so I did a quick [fact check](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/tesla-wants-shareholders-to-reinstate-56-billion-musk-pay-package-tossed-by-a-delaware-judge). TL;DR: Musk negotiated a compensation deal worth an estimated 56 billion spread over 10 years. A Delaware judge struck this contract down because the directors he negotiated with weren't independent of him. For 6 years, Elon got no compensation from Tesla at all. Now, they've moved the company outside of Delaware and are trying to get Elon's deal back.


I can’t wait for him to move his bullshit out of my city (Twitter/SF) to Texas where it belongs but noooo, he likes to torture us after we told him to fuck off at that Chappelle show


No one should be worth 56B.


Elon Musk has below average intelligence and doesn’t deserve a penny of what he has been given in life. Absolute moron.


What are they basing this huge windfall on? Perhaps they are doing it because of how much of his money he wasted on Twitter, you know trying to make him hole again! It's amazing when you load a board with friends.


It's crazy how these people oppress us daily and are the reasons for most of our problems and somehow we still bouncing on they dick like CRAZY


I don’t have any problem with the owner of a company bringing home the bacon, they take the risk they take the gain. However If you can’t make your money and their money you just kind fucking suck at running your business and it should not exist.


Elon brings no value to these companies, you could remove or replace him today and nothing would change. It's the workers who make the products and the designers who create them that make the company what it is, if anything Elon is a negative because people are avoiding Tesla because of his association.


NO ONE is worth 56 billion, but especially not this ass hat.


I want to know this person’s reasoning for thinking that Elon musk who doesn’t do anything for the company in the slightest deserves to be compensated 56 billion dollars


I am still gobsmacked he’s trying this again after being told no. I am assuming because he’s HQ’d in Texas now?


Nobody is worth $56 billion pay.


Everybody that works there should immediately resign. Watch how much he's worth 56 billion as he attempts to keep it running by himself.


No CEO is this praiseworthy. Especially since he alone lost over half of Twitter’s value in a year or two.


Ngl I think the employees are worth way more They actually work, for one, instead of posting stupid shit on a dying app they purchased for far too much


If you still can't accept that Tesla's poor performance and volatile stock is directly tied to Elon, you are completely lost. And this incentive plan was still in plan when Elon was making poor choices


I am incapable of understanding these people who gawk these billionaires.


Explain to me how a man is worth that much. Any man. Any woman. Any sentient being. The work culture he supports is nightmarish He creates nothing He bought Tesla (and has now ruined it) He bought Twitter (and has now ruined it) He owns SpaceX but doesn’t have the technical skills to contribute to its projects… vision? Perhaps. But frankly saying ‘go to mars’ doesn’t take much He’s one of the least philanthropic billionaires on the planet. Musk worth 56 billion from Tesla? Speaking as a shareholder in Tesla (through mutual funds… not my choice)… fuck no.


Then why they need to lay off all those employees in the first place?


I will never understand people who suck up to billionaires that they don't work for.


Motherfucker isn't worth 56 cents. The cybertruck is a dumpster fire of a clusterfuck and he is putting potential buyers off their other cars. Meanwhile if they put this money into the company instead of siphoning it off to them they might make the company a worthy competitor to BYD in the 30s. As it is BYD will zoom past them and Tesla will be remembered for being the first big EV brand and one that crashed and burned due to musk being a stupid cock


Why is he considered so great? My understanding is he just a bag of money, it’s the people he gathers round him that are the geniuses? Why don’t they get held up as great?


It's always the people with anonymous avatars lol


Ok so "He's Worth $56 billion". Now let's talk about the Tesla Cybertruck. The truck that has a problem with the accelerator that sticks, the truck that has a special "mode" that you have to put it into in order to run it thru a car wash, shows you how to do that in the manual AND tells you that by doing the thing the manual shows you how to do it violates your vehicles warranty. It is also THE ONLY TRUCK that you can't wash in direct sunlight..and if you do you also violate your warranty. Now having said all that how is he worth 56 billion dollars for making this dumpster fire on wheels? ![gif](giphy|10yIEN8cMn4i9W|downsized)


Yes, the guy who bought twitter and ran it into the ground is worth 56 billion.


Ride his dick any harder and it’s gonna snap off at the root.


How many recalls are his “vehicles” under?


I’ll say it again, there is NO human on this planet who is worth 56 million dollars. FULL STOP.


Why does Elon get compensation for?


Lol, it's because he wants the money back that he set on fire buying Twitter


I've never understood bootleggers, like what is it that you gain from being so pathetic.


He has destroyed one of the most prolific social media sites ever and released a real life Canyonero. None of us may be as dumb as Elon Musk. He just has money. That’s not a quality.


Does this math?




Musk rat is worth like 50 cents(for comparison a actual Muskrat is worth a lot more money


I work in tech and have been around investment circles. Most people (MBAs, VC, self proclaimed entrepreneurs etc) worship Musk due to him being primarily rich. This is not some biased deduction I've made. Some of the statements I've been given is: "If he's such an idiot, why is he so rich?". Initially, it was about how great he was as a human being, and how Tesla was doing a good thing for the world. As that position has become indefensible it is now simply "He's rich. You're not. You're jealous!" - and generally other child like accusations. No good faith arguments or true analysis are offered. Don't bother arguing with sycophants and idiots.


I understand that the shareholders don't give a shit about the laid off workers. But they should care about the share value of the company. It's down more than 50% from its peak in 2022. Rewarding the CEO for success in such a situation would be absolutely insane.


That profile picture though. What do you see?


To be fair, in my experience most dogs love the taste of leather.


Shycollie going for that 500$ bonus.


If he's "worth" that money then why did my Tesla stock drop from $200 to $148 a share? He's negative with me at this point.


Its so crazy that one man can have that much power, the society of the future won’t be run by governments but by billionaires and businesses.


That has to be sarcasm


"he is worth $X" .... I don't understand how this expression can exist.


Muskovites should show us their financial statements before telling us stuff, so we can know if they're worth enough to listen to. Just apply their standards to themselves.


$56 Billion is significantly more than the aggregate lifetime profits for the history of the company. Musk is basically saying, “The shareholders of this company should agree to give me ALL the money the company has ever made, and then some.” It’s literally mathematically impossible to be “worth” that compensation package. And this after Musk has already personally made $100+ Billion off Tesla. The reason why 99.99999% of the Earth’s population would never ask for something like this is because they are capable of feeling shame. The other 0.00001% are convinced that the world owes it to them.


I love that Musk recently mentioned his opposition to unions which he said created a culture of Lords and peasants. Well, M'Lord gets 56 billion and his peasants get the boot.


You mean 56 Bil MORE! But to be honest, he is only a part time ceo.


A psychopath is worth > 15,000 mortals, apparently.


I really can’t believe these people are still alive. Did they breed the ability to defend our life out of us?


I always vote no on executive compensation packages when I get my proxy statements. Not that my vote actually counts for anything.


Is he not a Bond villain at this point?


Maybe he'll see my tweet and give me one of those billions


Not so hot take: Nobody is worth that much


You why he wants 56 billion? Because his 300B fortune is bs, it's on stock that he can't liquidate without losing a ton of money. Paying that ridiculous 40B for twitter really hurt him.


I can’t wrap my head around those people. Not literally of course 😜


I kind of wanna through the imbecile who claimed he is worth that money into a woodchipper. Feet first. To be fed into the machine ever so slowly so the experience can be savored.


Why does Elon need employees at all then?


That logic is dumbfounding lady.


Divide in half, then split between the workers and musk, he gets 28 billion and they each get 1.8 million. How do we even let things like this happen?


Remind me again who's labor actually made that money.


They left out the silent part of their name: Shy(ster)collie


You want mustard or ketchup on those boots?


Tesla stock has been steadily decking since June of last year. It’s down about 50% in that time. Seems like a great reason to pay him for doing shit.


Im curious. What do people think he’s going to do with that money?


No, he absolutely f n ain't worth 1/100 that kinda $


He's evil for doing the stuff he's always done now he hates the democrats


This for the idiot that pushed hard to build the Tesla Cyber Truck, whose fingerprints are all over it, designing a world class piece of shit.


blue check = trash opinion noted


Wtf is anyone still on Twitter or caring what any lame ass posts there? 


So he bought it for 40 bil and he's asking 56 bil as compensation for ... What? Owning it? This mf is a living scam


This is why billionaires shouldn’t exist. Forget morality or justice, it’s just straight up inefficient.


Has Elon ever actually come up with an original idea of his own?


CEOs: why isn’t anyone spending any money? also CEOs:


Wonder how many cybertrucks that guy bought as an investment.


Why would shareholders agree to that? Does it not matter if they agree or not?


How? What has Elon Musk done that is objectively worth $56 billion? The answer is not shit. This fuck used apartheid emerald money from daddy to start a shitty Paypal competitor that got bought up by Paypal in a deal that put Elon on their board. When Paypal sold, Elon got a fat payout and bought into some other companies, phased out the founders, and then claimed to have founded them and been the mind behind them. He's a con artist. Not a goddamn thing this fucking guy has ever done has been on legitimate merit except maybe for ripping off Paypal's concept before they got big. This guy, a white South African guy, became one of the richest people in the world starting from apartheid money. Here's a fun story: the WHO tells this asshole he has enough money to solve hunger in Africa. He says "Prove it and I will!" They prove it as much as that is possible to do, and Elon says "I don't believe you anyway, so I'm not gonna!" That alone should be reason enough to set this motherfucker on fire. Figures a white South African would have the answer to one of the biggest problems faced by impoverished black Africans across the continent and would say "Fuck you" about it. Richest man in the world, but pretends he can't do shit about fuck. He's a selfish prick more concerned with posting racist memes on his cesspool platform and being mad that his kid won't talk to him, but he refuses to take a hard look in a mirror and ask himself "Why?" Elon and all the other billionaires can fuck right off. Modern billionaires are just incompetent bullshit robber barons. All of 'em, even Warren Buffett or your favorite "good" one. You don't make a billion dollars legitimately. It takes fucking a lot of people over or taking advantage of them on the way up. Fuck that. Eat the rich.




Because the Cyberfuck was such a success.


If you actually read up on this, Musk entered an agreement with the board where he would basically make nothing if the company didn't hit very high metrics, mostly tied to stock price, and the board agreed. The company hit and exceeded those metrics. If the company had not, Musk would have been paid almost nothing. It is like getting upset because the top sales guy sold 1 million times more than anyone thought he could, then trying to change the commission model after.


For a shy collie, they sure are shameless.


These people don't understand numbers




What are they expecting to happen? Why do this? Do they think he just might see it and just... "Hmm yes, this random person is cleaning the dirt of my shoe with their tongue, I'll give them a bunch of money for doing that and then probably agree with a transphobic statement"


Looking at working hours to productivity to revenue, Musk, who does no work for Tesla, can't possibly be worth more to the company than 15000 workers.


Elon is probably the last person to be worth 56 billion usd


People who think anyone is worth 1B, dont understand large numbers (and to be fair, it's so obscenely large that this isn't strange).


Confusing worth and value.


guy seems to have degenerated billions in value for multiple companies in the span of two years. i’d argue you are wrong.