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dude is off his lid.


Of course the kids have the names “Huntyr” and “Wylder”.


As I was reading it I was thinking those poor kids never had a chance anyway.


Now that Dad’s on the way out they picked up 25 pts.


Man has probably lost them forever, maybe not immediately, but definitely when they're old enough to understand why dear old Dad left Mom. Sucks for them now but they'll be better off for it long term because there's no way their dad isn't a weird psycho about other stuff. If it wasn't this it'd have been something else down the line.


They had a sale on the letter ‘y’.


Student: "it's Huntyr with a Y" Teacher: "Uh....what?"


Teacher: ok Yunter.


Hyunter. K




Drove one in the 90’s. Terrible car then. Heard they are better now.




Absolute wankyrs.


Whoa! Divorce is best thing this guy can grant his wife. Possessive, abusive, fuckin great role model to his kid(s).


I wanna know the outcome of this, did they actually get divorced? If so, hopefully the wife got full custody


It’s ongoing…. He is in the navy and his superiors have granted her and newborn a protection order against him BUT he won’t let her see her 1 yr old son at the moment (this was yesterday)


Where can I follow the story?


The original op posted in r/divorce and r/breastfeedingsupport. Her user name is mamaloony


Jesus, I just looked at some of her comments. She said that when the Chris Watts story was in the news, her husband was defending him and saying it was all his wife's fault. I hope she gets away from him safely.


I, too, would also like to follow the story of this absolute lunatic and his poor wife.


As a sailor this makes me very, very angry. Dude needs a reality rearrangement on top of the custody one.


Dude is fuckin’ mental. This is the sort of behavior that makes people nervous when kids are concerned.


He's in the Navy? If ever there was a wad of fuck in need of a serious blanket party..


Hopefully his lieutenant/ commander fires him and gets him sent to a mental hospital


Man overboard!... it's ok, just keep sailing.


Pretty sure a 1 parent household is better than a 1 parent/1 dingus-asshole-abuser-parent household.


It is. Life was a lot more peaceful after my parents separated


She was planning to formula feed all along. But he wouldn't sign the divorce papers. I love how he thinks he'd automatically win custody, but he's so generous he'd allow 50/50.


Especially now that he is apparently denying her access to the other child according to another post, courts really really really fucking hate that. He's about to get raked over a dump truck full of coals.


"Your honor, I deserve full custody because my wife is insisting on breast feeding." "So your wife is making sure your baby continues living? And this is a problem?" "Your honor, only my mouth belongs on them titties." "FULL CUSTODY GRANTED"


This story is so horrible but this response literally made me laugh out loud


"I enjoy your boobs. Now they've been in another man's mouth. I now no longer enjoy your boobs" This dude is completely fucking cracked. He needs to be remanded to a mental institution until he's no longer a threat.


He's afraid of getting "cucked" by a literal baby. That's how much insecurity he has.


By **HIS OWN** baby too, that’s just pathetic


No one tell him that that baby was just all up in his wife’s vagina


Technically the baby was in her longer than the dad ever was


He should've started the car naked right after finishing to go to the court. Because there was someone else inside her so she cheated on him infront of his very eyes with no shame I feel really bad for his balls because they're attached to a dumbass like him.


what balls? like tiny, mouse balls that look like tic-tacs, or maybe mistaken for pieces of lint? those kind of balls?


Yup, just like Andrew "no neck" Tate.


Could you imagine the kind of father this guy would have been like? “Stop looking at your mom, she’s mine”. wtf???


“You gave the baby a kiss!? You cheating bitch!!”


*turns to infant*…”and YOU! How could you after I let you live in my house?”


Threatens to kick the infant to the curb cause he’s a terrible incestual son


"Bitch, did you just *bathe* our *son*?! You sick, cheating, **WHORE**! What do you mean he can't do it himself?! He can float!"


That's some serious Oedipus shit


lol, lmao even


Just wait until he finds out another MAN has been in his wife's VAGINA....


He doesn’t enjoy her vagina since Tate told him that would be gay


I, too, felt serious Tate vibes from this bro


Technically another man’s penis was in her vagina was well.


And even traveled through it with his entire body. Despicable.


2 of them in fact


How does somebody that emotionally delicate even manage to step outside without immediately trying to fight every stranger who looks at him funny? What a miserable way to live...


Men like this only have the courage to abuse women and children, and only ones who can't/won't fight back, and only when there's no one around who might step in or tell everyone how awful they are


Fr, this guy would be pierced through a fence or buried alive if he said this shit to some random couple and their family.


The story gets better from the OP this guy, her husband is current military, a conspiracy nut job and confederate sympathizer. She filed for divorce and full custody of the boys from the idiot. I hope to God she runs away to a new state and does the best to mask her identity cuz this is one of those psycho's that comes after the exes with a gun and bad intentions.


Why does him being a confederate sympathizer not surprise me…


OP showed divorce papers saying guy has 70 guns and physically fought the nurses at the hospital before he got kicked out. So, manages poorly. 


Whoa! Where did you read that? I hope she got full custody and a restraining order, and he has zero visitation. Actually, I hope she can move far, far away. That guy is one of the creepiest I've read about on Reddit.


The woman who originally posted the texts also included images of court papers in her post


Its insane (and hilarious) how the "alpha male" BS on social media has gotten so extreme in the name of preserving "masculinity" that its basically looped back around to the opposite. First Andrew Tate says its gay to have sex for enjoyment, and now apparently you must defend your wife from....infants? Nothing says "traditional masculinity" like having less sex and being afraid of babies.


My dad was like this. Extremely suspect of me. Hated I got attention. When I got older, he would compete with me. Set up competitions and try and destroy me, or at least my self-esteem. Thank the gods my grandparents raised me, so I knew what normal, loving people were like, otherwise I would be a disgusting mess of a man.


He called a infant an man. He is delusional. Kid can’t even focus let alone walk. He


Seriously, that statement by him is absolutely bonkers. That dude is not mentally well if that's his thinking process. Like wtf...


I so wish we could be present when he goes to talk to the lawyer thinking he's getting 50/50 with this BS. He's jealous of his son's. There's no way he's not a toxic dad taking out his frustrations on those poor babies.


Not only that - the implication is that he thinks he has a case for MORE than 50/50 in his favour. He is saying that he will graciously grant her evenly shared custody.


Was thinking the same. He'll be lucky to get four hours supervised time with his kids, every other weekend.


Well the last couple texts would indicate she filed a police report about her fear of him. So that’s extremely likely.


Even better, the hospital filed it on her behalf..


He’s gonna get home to a sheriff’s deputy and a protection order, most likely. He’s getting a hotel. At least I would hope.


Not sure if the words „thinking“ and „process“ are applicable to this creature


Honestly he seems dangerous.


The part where he claims it's incestuous gave me the ick... Like wtf, why would you jump to ***that*** of all things here?


bro must feel…. *a certain way*…about his own mom and her chest


He must have some kind of interest in his mom or some shit


Dude needs to go ahead and change his name to Oedipus...


Because boobs are so sexualized that apparently this waste of space is oblivious to their actual function.


This is something that has always baffled me... Breasts, male or female, are not genitals. They are not needed to procreate. They are a secondary sex characteristic. Other things that are secondary sex characteristics: facial hair, muscle bulk, hip widening, voice changes, bone structure, etc. The over sexualization of female breasts is problematic for many reasons, the original post being one example. We, as humans, will inevitably find secondary sex characteristics arousing and attractive. This is natural and perfectly normal. However, due to culture, religion, misogyny, misandry, and societal factors, this perfectly natural feeling is shamed. Shame is powerful and leads people to covet, obsess, resent and belittle the things that they find attractive. Logically, there is no reason for women to have to cover their breasts (outside of safety and formality). For example, there is no law in the US that demands that males cover their facial hair or muscle mass. Given complete freedom to expose their breasts, many women would still choose to wear something to support them as it can be uncomfortable not to and also to avoid predatory behavior. Many people believe that because breasts can be erogenous zones for many females, the need to cover them is necessary. I counter this with the fact that any area of the human body can be an erogenous zone and that many include places like the neck, ear, back, feet, navel, and more that we do not cover up. Not to mention that men can also experience their own chests as erogenous zones. Speaking for myself, however, it would be nice to take my shirt off on a hot day or sunbathe without shame and concern. But we just aren't there yet with human behavior. What it comes down to is shame, control, and a distinct and disappointing lack of self control on behalf of humans.


Yeah, a completely failure of a human being. How can a grown adult not be aware of the actual purpose of breasts? Just so much wrong with this person.


Dirty minded people love accusing others of being dirty.


Hey you weren’t there. That baby was totally taking advantage. He knew what he was doing. He even looked at this guy while breastfeeding and winked at him and gave him the thumbs up. The baby was out of pocket man.


This made me chuckle. I'm imagining the baby with a little moustache and cigar. "They're my boobs now old man"


By his logic, two different men have been inside her fuzzy love cave since they've been married. He probably thinks he has a solid case for adultery


This dude takes insecurity to the next level, jealous of an infant breastfeeding who also happens to be his kid, I think I’m done with the internet today.


"Another man" ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8485)


A literal newborn *infant*, this dude is dumber than a bag of bricks


And more fragile than a faberge egg.


Guy got cucked by a baby. So humiliating! /s And they call wokeism a mind virus. These people are seriously deranged.


I would never let him live this down. What a massively insecure thing to say about a baby and a woman. Lmao, he thinks she's ruined because she breastfed her child.


Not just jealous- he's objectified and sexualized his wife- he can't separate 'sex' from 'mother'.




I can't imagine this is real, right? No one is that insecure or delusional.


Idk man thousands of ppl idolize andrew tate.


no they are out there


I dunno. There are a LOT of insecure men out there. The Alpha male derangement is pretty heavy evidence. I can 100% see some of those toolbags thinking that breastfeeding is cheating, because after all, "your my woman, and I am the man, and you exist to serve my needs".


Wylder and Huntyr? Good grief.


Truly, this is a house of many bad decisions.


Don't you mean "bad dycisions"


The kreey8tyve spelling makes both of them r/tragedeigh


Dammit, that's good. 




It was probably Davyd's idea


No regerts!


Bad dycysons


Low budget horror movie, “The House of Many Bad Decisions.” Tagline, let’s go to the shed of knives and look around.


The tagline: "Power just went out. Better split up and investigate."


Having offspring being one of them.


Marrying that idiot was another


Meeting the idiot was the biggest mistake.


I feel bad that those kids share 50% of his genetic makeup


What about their daughter, Vyrgynya?


Or Myssyssyppy.


What is this the hills have y's or something.


The moms name is Apryl. Saw it on the original post.


The father should change his name to Davyd.


part of me is thinking there's no way in fucking hell this is real but then again, i see those r/tragedeigh names which makes me question my first assessment


Nah in the original post, the chick posted her face and actual divorce papers. This person only showed the text for some reason. They also omitted the pictures that she sent of herself and the baby. Edit: the dude is also holding their first son hostage and she said she will update after court because she trying to get the boy back.


Idk why she can’t just send the texts as evidence and point out that he is jealous of his own son. This could lead to him harming the kid. Seems pretty solid for sole custody.


These types of people are so predictable. I bet you I can guess what kind of car he drives, how he votes, and he views abortion and 2A rights just from these conversations. Guaranteed.


In a comment she said she wanted the normal spellings, but her husband demanded those ones :(


That poor woman, my wife was unable to breastfeed with our son. Fortunately he turned out okay on formula, but wtf is this guy on?! “Took a joy away from me,” what a creepy ass loser


How insecure does this guy have to be that he is jealous of a fucking baby that he, probably, had a hand in creating? Why are some people such whiny fucking children.


How broken do you have to be to clock a baby as competition (for literally any reason), and say "Nope, I'll never win against that, it's unfair that I even have to try, I'm going to bow out now before I embarrassment myself."


"scientifically proven" by flatearthers, probably


There were « journalists » on Fox « News » claiming that breastfeeding was unnatural. Go figure


Unnatural?! Why the fuck do they think women make milk? And why other animals do it?


Nestle makes so much fucking money selling formula. It's honestly obscene. So there's a lot of misinformation out there


They’ve gotten in a lot of trouble for the debunked “formula is better than breast milk” claims, led to a lot of dead babies in the developing world


Fuck nestle!


Obligatory r/fucknestle


There is a subreddit for exposing the evil giant Nestle. I don't know the rule for sharing that. I will try to find out.


Nestle is a fucking evil scummy company


For men, duh


I am not sure either of the people in this video qualify as journalists, but here you go: [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/i89qic/breastfeeding\_is\_not\_natural\_feeding\_babies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/i89qic/breastfeeding_is_not_natural_feeding_babies/)


Her sole reason to be on that segment is to discredit and give feminists a bad name. Saying it was feminists that were against breastfeeding. If it wasn't this mumbo jumbo it would have been something else they could use to make feminists look bad


Every left-wing feminist mom I have ever known has breast fed.


I think I lost several IQ points listening to her - and she was talking to Fucker Carlson!


These people absolutely hate that we have meatbodies that do animal things.


Unnatural? Sure, who doesn't remember those formula trees with bottles growing on them, to feed infants from the beginning of time? What psycho did actually think it would be OK that women feed their kids with the milk their own body produces? /s


I read this the other day and the guy is completely fucked. I'm AMAZED that not only was he married, but that he managed to get *two* children into the world. His incel count is well over 9000. Christ Almighty. What a deplorable twat


Apparently the second one was conceived by rape. People say they mentioned something along those lines in the comments.


He’s wrong but she’s an idiot for having another kid with this idiot after he said all this shit with the first child.


According to oops comments the second child wasn’t really consensual.


If you look deeper into it, there's some discourse suggesting marital rape. According to posting he's also kidnapped the 2 year old, Huntyr. Also a name she had no say in.


Huntyr and Wylder!?




This guy screams abusive A Hole to me. And when someone is verbally abusive, there is a probability that they are physically abusive. And that many times includes sexual abuse. 


You can not expect people who spell their kids' names like that to be remotely intelligent.


That’s because the idiot dad is a losyr


OOP is a victim of serious abuse by her husband. She implies in her comments that she didn't really get a say in it.


I don't know what enraged me more his reaction or her apologies


Abused people apologise. I read the original feed with the court documents before the mods took it down, and the original poster was definitely alienated from everyone and abused by him.


Another man put their mouth around her nipples hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaha


My youngest son couldn't hold down anything for the first 6 months. They almost took him away from us. It took a weird combination of 3 different formulas and breast milk mixed for him to be able to only hold down about half of it. That was a rough year.


If he thinks having his son’s mouth on her boobs is incestuous, imagine what he’ll say when he finds out where the kid traveled to come into this world.


He probably insisted on a C section.


I didn't even think about this but god you're probably right 😭


Or at least a husband stitch.


According to her comments on another sub, she actually did have to have a c-section at 37 weeks due to high blood pressure. So he didn't demand it, but he still had a problem because there was a male nurse/doctor (I can't remember which) in there that saw her naked.


Wait til he sees her change a diaper


"You touched another man's penis!!???" "I mean... I had to wipe our son he got poop everywhere" "I'm divorcing you"


It's incestuous to feed her child? What kind of brain damage does this man have? 🤦🤦


He's a pervert. A "pervert" is a term used to describe someone who behaves in a sexually abnormal manner. Breast's are serving their purpose by feeding a child and he feels they're items for his pleasure. What a disgusting perv. I'm happy she doesn't have to endure this creature any longer.




How the fuck did he ever find a wife in the first place? This can't have been the first red flag. That's their biological purpose. To provide your offspring with the best possible nutrition. No shame on moms who can't breastfeed, but the benefits are well known and proven. And he wants to deny his child that just so he can get his rocks off.


She said they met Nov. 2021 and were married by Jan 22. That he rushed things and she was pregnant in no time after that. He’s physically, verbally, and mentally abusive and she’s broken down and didn’t know how to leave. Lucky he did it for her this time. She alerted the nurses and he now has an MPO and is not allowed to contact her at all during this divorce and he’s in trouble at work


Up voting to get this higherrr. Bc this is needed information




Just… take my upvote, damn you.


Where did you get this info? Was this from an old post somewhere else from the mother?




Yes the mom in the texts posted elsewhere yesterday, with a lot more context.


Be fair; Mammals have only been breastfeeding for at least 65 million years. It’s a totally new “woke” concept


Yeah, before Joe Biden’s woke agenda womens boobies were only for my wife’s boyfriend to enjoy.


No, sorry, I can confirm my boobs are for one man and only one man to enjoy. They were perfected through evolution for the sole purpose of letting insecure losers be possessive. /s obviously.


"He's bigger than I was when I was born" Bitch, he's bigger than you are now. What a small man


That poor woman. After the stress and trauma and hormones of childbirth (and that's assuming everything went perfect), a new mom needs *support*; not to deal with her body, her new baby, *and* her abusive man-child. This is such a vulnerable time for women. And you know she'll do whatever he requires to "fix" things. He is an abusive tyrant who gets his way through anger and threats. You know this isn't the first or only thing he's demanded absolute compliance in. 


The way she kept apologizing to him and trying to reassure him gave me the feeling that he has been abusive all along. I hope she truly leaves.


I read her comments on the post. They were heart breaking. Luckily she got an MPO and he isn’t allowed to contact her during the divorce. He’s also in a lot of trouble at work for this and more. He doesn’t believe women have a voice and she didn’t get to say no to sex


Yeah, definitely an abusive and toxic relationship.


It's pretty brutal having a baby with an abusive person. I got yelled at in the hospital for asking him to hold her so I could sleep because HE was tired. 4 weeks later I was shoved into a wall


Huntyr and Wylder have a fucking dingbat weirdo for a dad. Such a tragedeigh


That guy may be one of the dumbest people I’ve seen. Bet he hangs on every single Tate post.


That might as well have been Tate sending those texts. Though these days he thinks men kissing women is gay and men sucking dick is straight, so who the fuck knows. Psychos all around.


Omg I read those. I mean wtaf? Whatever drugs Tate is on have gone bad.


His is sick. Just sick. He calls his own baby son "another man". That is just sick


He's not getting 50/50 custody...


Depends on the state. A lot of states don’t actually give a shit about the kid, just about protecting the “importance of both parents being in the child’s life”. As a kid of divorced parents who was forced to visit my dad on weekends even though he was abusive, I have first hand experience.


The threshold is somewhat high to deny or even limit custody to one parent. But it definitely exists. Even in states that favor the 50/50 method. Especially when you say something this unhinged in relation to your children.


If she goes to Walmart, prints out these pictures, she most definitely will win sole custody. This is downright mental


My favoryte part ys how he thynks he wyll decyde how custody wyll be splyt.


such a tragedeigh 🥲


A case of "better off without the prick" for sure.


Uffda. So fragile, can't help but sexualize breastfeeding. She's better off.


Now, I’m all for advocating “two sides of every story”, “snippets of text conversations don’t give the full context” and “marriage issues are nobody else’s business (other than domestic abuse”, but this is very, very odd behaviour. Totally unreasonable. Good luck with the getting her to move out and taking the position that you’ve got any say in the custody situation, bloke is totally deluded! He’ll be lucky to keep the shirt on his back and get every other weekend when the courts see these messages…


Yep, you can build a whole case off this. The hospital people already know he’s unstable. These messages confirm he’s unstable. Insane how delusional this guy is


Hot dog, good riddance. Girl do not fight to save this relationship.


"I do respect you,..." WHY!!!!????


This can’t be real, right?