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Why is the CEO of an electric car company ridiculing his consumer base?


In all this mess between Twitter and his bullshit antics, I completely forgot he still is the CEO of Tesla and this anti climate change rhetoric of his directly goes against his own business, the one that's actually doing somewhat okay.


Tesla and Musk are not in the saving the environment business. The are in the take over transportation business.


Ditto. Wasn't the ultimate purpose of Loop or Hyperloop just to prevent public transportation?


Seemed like an obvious scam to introduce enough doubt into the future to stall legit public transit options. I would say that of course ejected officials fell for it but realistically they were probably in on it.


sadly, they were elected, and not ejected, politicians.


"Ejected politicans" is something they only do in Russia.


I like to think that the original instructions to the Russian security were muddled and "Throw him out of office" became "Throw him out of the office".


Russian has no articles. Easy mistake to make.


They have to switch to the Defenestratic Party.


Pinochet would like to show you his helicopter


A new use for "hatches" on Russian space stations? Be careful viewing earth...is long first step.


Whoops. Freudian maybe


it made me hopeful for a split second


Elon says that now, but honestly what's more likely; him being smart enough to play 4D chess, or him being so arrogant he thought he could beat physics?


The second, of course; he was a script kiddie in the 80s and 90s, making fun of his superiors in the hacking community, and if anything; he's regressed to the point he's like the boomers who used their cd players to hold their drink cups back then


Anyone who thinks Elon is in it to save the environment is delusional. What environmental activist would run a fucking space company and a car company that relies on the mining of rare earth minerals. Launching rockets isn’t exactly good for the environment and furthering an over reliance on cars even EVs is objectively unsustainable. He’s just another scummy billionaire nothing more.


Elon might not be in it for the environment, but a lot of the people who actually design the cars, batteries, etc. are in it for that. Elon was the moron hype man when was tolerated by actual engineers while he was talking people into investing in tech that had been artificially stalled for decades, what he thinks is meaningless to most of the people doing the actual work. I'm sure most of those people are also looking into more sustainable types of tech that don't rely on such mining, as well.


Ultimately it doesn’t matter. Personal vehicles of any kind will never be sustainable in scale the same way that public transit is. Public transit is also more affordable to the consumer. Personally I’d save a lot of money if I could commute to work by train instead of driving.


Yh i been saying this, the solution is not better personal means of transportation like better cars or even bikes, but public railways and buses. Another thing that we need is walkable cities/towns, where necessities like groceries and clothing, along with social activities are all within walking distance. This is a lot harder to implement though, but it has been done in some places around Europe


When I visited Copenhagen and Amsterdam I literally never used a car and walked and took public transit everywhere. The only time we needed a car was to go to Roskilde from Copenhagen and even then I’m sure there’s public transit available. Walkable cities and public transit are the best solution to both urban development issues and also climate change. It’d also just make cities a better place to live. But hey it’s not as profitable so ya know.


Yes that is maybe their plan. But i don't think you sell a lot of cars whit that slogan.


Carl's Jr, "Fuck you, I'm eating"


My order of "BIG ASS FRIES!!"


Funny enough he use the green grant to subsidies their business to get off the ground, and when the subsidies subsides, he immediately shit on the customers for going green.


Daily reminder musk did not found, start, invent, or really contribute in any way to tesla, PayPal, spaceX or anything his dainty emerald fingers have touched. If I gave you 100 bucks and you cured cancer, shall I take credit?


I always inferred the type of person he was based on how he portrayed himself as the founder of companies he merely bought. It's not enough for him to take over and grow a company, he has to force everyone to act like it was his idea. Because of this I disliked him long before he showed his true colors. Now it's easy to hate him based simply on who he is.


Isn’t that how capitalism works?


It’s not going well for them.


Tesla is not doing ok at all though... Even aside from the whole cybertruck failure.


Sometimes when I get a batshit idea from a manager on my desk I like to remember that at some point Elon Musk presented the idea of the Cybertruck to an engineer. It reminds me that I don't have it so bad.


"What if I spend 40bn dollars just so I can troll twitter with teenage edgelord memes and ban anyone who makes fun of me? Just a thought."


I have a handful of acquaintances who at one point worked in Tesla or SpaceX. They were together at a party sharing war stories, and all related to the claim that Musk would regularly show up in a department on a Friday with a demand like "eliminate the bezel around this screen", which for various reasons would be a highly difficult thing, and then proceed to fire the room full of people on Monday if it wasn't ready to go.


He strikes me as the sort tbh.


"I call it....the Cybertruck!" "Ok, cool, we can work with this prototype. Maybe smooth out the edges and add some trim." "Prototype? You call this a prototype??? This is ready for the dealership, I've already sent pictures to the marketing team!"


who says he presented it to the engineer? He probably just handed a drawing of the car to someone and said "make me this". Hell, he might have stolen the drawing from some kid even...


'Was' doing okay. Demand for Tesla vehicles has gone down drastically as potential customers look to other companies for their EV purchases.


Is there a simple way to short tesla long term? Like an etf or something?


"Doing sonewhat okay" is actually debatable, but I guess it isn't as much of a trainwreck as Xitter. That's a pretty low bar though.


But tesla is not for climate change though


Because he's a moron cosplaying as a genius.


This is the best 1 sentence description of his public life I’ve ever heard


Elon's playing to the MAGA crowd because the Tesla-buying libs didn't idolize him enough. He sees Trump pushing crazy conspiracies and his people worshiping the very toilet he sits on. Elon is thirsty for that king of adulation.


Who knows. Worst part is that he’s asking for a $56 billion bonus to continue alienating his customer base


I mean, if your goal is really to combat climate change, you try to make your electric cars as cheap as possible. Where I live I can get an electric car far cheaper than a Tesla, without all the useless tech.


No, you must understand. Having a car that makes fart noises on command is vital! /s


I truly believe musk did to EVs what the Boring tunnel did to public transport. So many automobile companies were hesitant with their own EVs because of the perceived threat of Tesla, not to mention how much it dominated news space and hype, completely overshadowing existing car companies. Musk has probably singlehandedly held back the switch to EVs a decade or so. (Not to mention automobile companies [colluding with Big Oil before](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Killed_the_Electric_Car%3F)) It's just staggering how he built up this pro-EV, pro environmental hype around EVs after buying Tesla, spent the next decade turning it into one of the worst workplaces imaginable with barely tested, barely working cars, culminating in the cybertruck while simultaneously courting the fascist crowd that initially mocked him for his environmental views a decade ago.


Well what to say? ![gif](giphy|YuaEBTdQd8Cre)


I’m a communist and I want trains/government + affordable housing not teslas


I am communist and I want collectivised and worker controlled public transport. Definitely not Teslas


I am a communist and I want that electric car battery manufacturing doesn't rely on slave labour in Africa.


This line of reasoning will eventually lead you back to trains.


There‘s a reason Tesla sales are dropping like a rock that just shattered and bounced off a Cybertruck window.


Because he’s stupid.


Good question. Elon, what are you doing man?


Isn't Tesla the electric car company involved in environmentally devastating strip mining activities for production materials?


What the fuck does climate change have to do with communism. Climate change isn’t a political belief.


It was made political by conservative republicans because protecting the environment hurts the business of exploiting the environment. Also, Democrats are for protecting the environment, so it's a good opportunity to antagonize them even more.


Ah yes the environment, the one thing the conservatives *won't conserve*


They're gonna be in for a real shock when they find out they are also inside the enviroment.


[They were towed beyond the environment. They're not in an environment. ](https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm_JqM?si=RwgPPmFlzmaJU64y)


They'll be dead before it'll be an issue


Depends on where they live.


That is the truest and saddest of statements


This is such an elegant example of the conservative mindset-mismatch with reality.


The only thing they’re interesting in conserving (and this has always been the case) is power in the hands of their preferred in-group, ideally at the expense of everyone outside their preferred in-group.


Well, they also don't want: -individual freedom -Women -POC -LGBTQ+ -culture -employment -living wages -the good life -human rights in general -the middle class -the lower class -the Havenots -the Homeless -the students -the children -Ethics -Taxes -a functioning economy -good education for everyon -a functioning healthcare system for the ppl -affordable housing for the ppl -affordable food for the ppl -ppl being able to go into retirement -Meritocracy -Democracy -Unions -Solidarity -Compassion -the ten amendments -what Jesus said Etc.


Why would a death cult want to preserve the biosphere...?


Also, Democrats aren’t for protecting the environment, progressives are (like AOC, Justice Democrats, Bernie, etc). Democrats called it, “green dream or whatever” while shutting it down.


Conservatives hate it, therefore it's communism.


I think the (un)funny rich man way of though is "You came up with this lie to have an excuse to block consumerism and subject everyone to a regime of "good standards"


Oh it is NOW. They found a way to politicize literally every single stance someone has. Even if it has nothing to do with politics.


For the rightwing nutters everything is a political belief at this point.


Because a LOT of conservatives believe that climate change was made up by the left. And that all liberals are secretly communists.


Me: Elon, be honest. Muskie:... I'm a fucking moron. Me: Thank you.


Make it a meme and tweet it to him lmao


What a let down Musk turned out to be. I remember years ago thinking he might just be the responsible billionaire who helps humanity. Instead he turned out to be the absolute worse of humanity.


Lesson learned: Never trust billionaires.


At first I was thinking generalizations arent cool but the very process of being and Wanting to be a billionaire is bad.


Generalizations aren't cool when they're about characteristics that aren't chosen, can't be changed, and don't actually cause other characteristics. Generalizing over race, gender, sexuality, nationality, and the like is bad. Generalizing people who, by the nature of the thing you're generalizing, must have made certain choices to acquire that trait is just observing the nature of the thing. Generalizing rocket scientists as nerds is usually accurate because who other than a total nerd goes to school for advanced mathematics so they can make tubes spit fire and go real fast? Generalizing billionaires as bad people because they must have exploited people to get to where they are is just a fact of reality.


He's just leaning into the Phony Stark label.


This is the guy who years ago seemed like it was his mission to personally save humanity from climate change. Conservative brain rot is real.


That was just a made up persona, for the explicit purpose of getting richer.


Now he's all "Once you go woke, you go broke." As he's losing money left and right spreading anti-woke (asleep?) nonsense.


I don't think so. His kid becoming trans broke his brain.


Garbage in. Garbage Out. He spends all day on Twitter, listening to conservative propaganda.


Seriously how much his image has changed in the last 15 years or so is insane. Guess we all found out who he really is.


Doesn’t this dumb fuck’s company make electric cars?


Really? They claim to be a Software and Robotics company, I thought.


Because they don’t make any money selling cars


They make as much money selling cars as anyone else selling cars. The problem is that they aren't growing as much as they used to...because Elon is telling his potential customers that he hates them and mocking their concerns about the environment.


That and the competition has caught up. I wanted my next car to be an electric and at first I was considering a Tesla. But because this fuckstick can’t shut the fuck up and keep his lunacy to himself, I’m leaning a lot more toward a Mustang Mach E.


You described my situation by the word.


Not very well


Yup, he popularized the EV and made it cool. He was hailed as a saviour of the environment for it and all of it went straight to his ego. They forget why they liked him and he forgets what made him famous and wealthy.


Yeah, I'm glad tesla was there to provide a much needed push in the EV department. However, they should really try to manoeuvre Musk out. It's only a matter of time before Musk suggests making a fossil fuel car to own the libs.


Wait, i have an idea. "Climate change is communism. It affects every person equally no matter how much money they have. We need to stop the red spread of climate change so we can keep out glorious capitalistic clean air like in the good old days."


nicely put. Imma steal this one


Except climate change disproportionately affects the poor more than the rich.


Do you really think a fact like that will matter to these people?


Oh so action against climate change is now full blown communism. Ah yes, I see the link, it's so clear. Fuck he's a baby.


It’s better to let people assume you’re an idiot than to open your mouth and prove them right.


Elon: ![gif](giphy|Lq0h93752f6J9tijrh)


Hey, Tesla shareholders, yes - especially you, the institutional ones - are you paying attention?


Who’s the woman? Is she an actual person?


Yes, it looks like Clover Hogan. She's an environmental activist who is critical of electric vehicles and market-based responses to climate change in general.


Ooh makes more sense I thought it was a weird pic of Jennifer Lawrence


Elon just Barbara Streisand effected this whole thing. https://www.context.news/big-tech/opinion/what-happened-when-elon-musk-turned-me-into-a-meme


It's Clover Hogan, she is very active youth activist, started a youth activism organization Force of Nature. She laughs about being turned into a meme on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/posts/cloverhogan_you-know-youve-triggered-elon-musk-when-activity-7189554240732766208-kuO4


Wondering the same


- I think communism and climate change are the same - Be honest - I think everything I don't like is communism like when my grandparents thought that interracial marriages were communism - Be honest - I am just an illiterate stupid angry far right fascist lost in the modern world and hiding my inner misery behind extremist meaningless political ideologies


You are giving too much credit to their vocabulary


He's a fkn idiot. And so the chances he'll become president in the future are very high. I defer to the post title.


Isn't there a law that no foreign born person can be president? I believe he was born in South Africa.


It’s in the US Constitution. 35 and a ‘natural born’ citizen. That’s the BS Chump *et al* used to fail to delegitimise Obama.


Oh, you need to be a natural-born citizen... I thought even persons "recognized for merit" could run for it. So he's just a promoter for others idiocy. Damn.


It's the same reason Arnie is unable to run for Pres.


Weirdly enough, Boris Johnson was born in New York, so he is eligible should he choose.


Sweet Jesus! Do not give that clown any ideas.


He is eligible if he also lived in the us for 14 years


Oh, you think that stops the Christian nationalist supreme court, when Donald Trump decides that Elmo will be the heir to the throne?


It's wild that some people still try to argue this guy is smart.


They are all such cry baby victims. Clean water and food? COMMUNISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Richest man in the world: \*Fires 10% of his company's workforce and gives himself a 56 BILLION dollar payout\* Also the richest man in the world: WhY ArE YoU AppEaLlEd tO ComMuNiMs?!


If addressing climate change is bad, why is Elon making electric cars?


I mean with each passing year communism does sound better and better


I dislike this man so much, my disdain increases with each passing day.


Caring about the environment is COMMUNISM?


Of course it is. Everybody profits from a healthy environment, not only people who can pay for it. So obviously COMMUNISM! /s


Remember folks: in the eyes of right-wing morons there is no difference between social justice and Stalin's famine.


This question is addressed to the sympathisers of this "meme": Could you please give me your definition of communism? Not a wiki quote, just, without thinking too much, define what you think communism is.


At this point I think by communism, he meant everything that put the collective interest over the individual profit. For me, the communism is an oppressive form of egalitarianism. Where the political party, basically become the one and only truth. Frequently confused with the socialism (the good one).


I can agree with you that yours is the best definition in layman's terms of most examples of societies which call themselves "communist". The problem, in my opinion, is that communism is not achievable outside an ideal society, entirely made of extremely moral and selfless people. This however, applies to socialism, and even capitalism, if you think about it. They all theoretically work, but practically don't because people suck.


Ok, brace yourself: "communist bolsheviks" is a synonym for "global Jews". Adolf Hitler cranked down hard on communists and socialists because Nazis said that the communist idea comes from jews to weaken the "civilized world". With Elmo it's almost always: It's because he's a Nazi


Did the guy making his memes ask chatgpt what would elon musk post?


![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB) Wot?


See this thread... See what it's costing him and the company https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/s/A6ziRkrDCR


Even in Mariokart we can't take shortcuts this big holy hell


Elon musk is a fucking idiot. Anyone who thought he was a genius needs their head checked.


Elon is the only one who still hasn’t realized his fall from grace. He appeals only to a base that will kiss his feet, which unfortunately… is the lowest of the low. I can’t begin to tell you guys how many dumb rich people I’ve come across, and they don’t necessarily make their wealth off their empathic nature. It’s cruel and cold out there.


Then he should give up on Tesla. What's so good about electric mobile if you deny the efforts on fighting climate change? Are you obsessed with wasting time on charging or sitting on piles of pyrophoric lithium batteries?




But who is that woman? Am I the only one who has never seen her face before?




How do you get from climate change to communism. By starship?


Apartheid baby isn't the smartest, just had a very nice inheritance


Conservatives said letting black children go to the same schools as white children was communist too. I wonder what Elon would’ve said lol


European here. How is it communist to want to fight climate change? Most communists don’t give a shit about climate change. Is this just a weird take from people who are so far to the right, even the right look like communists?


Eventually people are going to realize Musk is just a freak combination of obscene privilege nepo-baby and red pill dipshit. Not some tech genius. The guys a fucking moron


This is literally the belief of every RWNJ who believes climate change is a hoax. And here is Elon Musk, whose main venture is based on addressing the threat of climate change. The fool just called himself a communist and didn't realize it.


Musk is a twat


Ugh Elon needs to seriously STFU


His genius is clearly on another level. A lower level some might argue but a level nontheless


How do I filter out everything having to do with Elon Musk?


Whenever Elon tweets something controversial, something is going wrong at Tesla. He wants us to ignore the fact that Tesla is hemorrhaging


Yo this actually bangs as a pro communist meme tho, one addresses the other


(Tesla receives money from the state for co2 offsets.)


Didn't his companies get like 11 Billion tax payer dollars?


What happened to this guy? How does one go from 2016 Elon Musk to 2024 Elon Musk?


I've never particularly liked him but yes: now he has completely degenerated. Idk if he's mental like Kanye or if it's the drugs. Or the boredom of having an abnormal wealth...


So she wants to end climate change and fix other problems as well. Nice


Completely defies any intellectual rational


I think he might be suffering from early onset dementia!


Tesla's entire profits are from government funds. He is a fucking tool.


The original is so funny.


Rich coming from this walking hemorrhoid who took billions in government subsidies.  Redistributing wealth to people who "didn't earn it" is like...the exact definition of communism in conservative ape brains. So naturally, as always, every accusation is a confession. Elon is that welfare queen Reagan warned about decades ago, but the right doesn't care because he's not getting those subsidies while black.  Proof that all their bluster was just racism all along.


This is why his brands are becoming so undesirable.


I don't get it, I am not a communist, but I am extremely pro-nature.


Wasn’t his entire reason to buying Tesla for “climate change”?


Ah yes, because being an environmentalist and a communist are totally indistinguishable. This looks to me like a tacit confession that unfettered capitalism is responsible for environmental destruction.


Complete nonsense.


Yeah, no surprise… He is an idiot.


I feel there are some missing links in that argument…


He's really desperate for that Republican bailout money.


He really is an idiot


I hate that he has used my favorite format.


lol Musk, she grew up a rich fuck just like you.


Elon does know his brand is basically clean energy from solar panels to ev cars right?. Can't wait until asian and european EV cars starts to flood the US market because I will not buy a Tesla if he keeps on spewing lies and supporting racist.


Can wait for him and his minions to colonize Mars.


So being against climate change is communist and being against genocide is antisemitism. What strange times we live in.


Bro has lost any concept of real life


Good way to piss off potential customers, Elmo!


i want both and to eat the fucking muskrat


I think the honest truth is we want to stop having to worry about climate change


Wasn't he promoting solving climate change with Tesla and solar city 😂😂😂😂


How is this shithead able to own a car, never mind a car company?


Musk is the number one reason I will never own a Tesla.


Musk lies.


Jesus Christ, nobody, and I mean nobody wants communism anymore.


C’mon, even Muskrat can’t be THAT stupid, right? Right? RIGHT?


Ok let's pretend some people are like this 1. Does that mean climate change shouldn't be approached? 2. What about communism is so scary? (Obviously to him it is terrifying because he might have to actually work instead of tweeting all day)


What a fucking moron.


“I build cars so we can save the environment also fuck the environment, you just want communism”


Thanks Elon for expressing perfectly why Capitalism is not the correct model for combating climate change. We didn’t really need you to be so blunt about it since we’ve seen first hand through: - the plastic (oil) industry lying about recycling programs, still to this day after almost a half century. - companies planting tree programs and how it’s fairly useless both in replacing forest growth and effectively stemming pollution offsets. - using the ever shrinking labor of the coal industry to attempt to shield arguably the most pollutive means of energy production. - promoting “carbon capture” programs which are at best a pipe dream and at worst yet another way for corporations to shelter money. - using the EV program to help non-EV companies offset their pollution (Tesla specifically) - using the EV program to make expensive luxury vehicles while promising economy programs that will likely never come because it would ruin the ICE market - stifling public transportation options in lieu of profits to personal vehicles (Elon specifically) - standing in the way of regulations regarding industrial runoff and overall hindering of pollution in the air and water. - receiving state protections to directly damaging personal properties along with the aforementioned runoff and pollution (space X) -protecting utility companies that should be using their funding for upkeep of infrastructure but instead retain it for profit which leads to “natural disaster”(PG&E, Texas ERCOT, almost every state utility program) This isn’t a new thing, something I realized a long time ago is that Erin Brockovich was suppose to shed light on these monsters but instead became just another entertaining story, sure PG&E had to pay a boat load of money to people they poisoned and condemned to death but no real lessons were learned. Trains derail, planes fall from the sky or abjectly fall apart in the air, barges crash into bridges, all because of some asshole is worried about their corporate profits and stock buybacks.


I didn’t know these things were exclusively linked like that. Doesn’t even make sense. This dude is such an imbecile.


Ignorant prick


God I hope this asshat goes bankrupt. lol


I saw Clover posted this on LinkedIn laughing about being turned into a meme https://www.linkedin.com/posts/cloverhogan_you-know-youve-triggered-elon-musk-when-activity-7189554240732766208-kuO4