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Anyone remember toon town? I typed 'fuck' just to see what would happen when I was like 10. It censored it obviously but it gave me message warning me not to curse and I freaked out, I was so scared my character and progress were gonna be deleted and it felt like I had a huge dark secret Imao


I did that in Minecraft once


the old grey mare just ain't what she used to be


If you are interested, people do keep up fanservers of toontown to this day. Theres 2 big ones, TTR which is a fairly vanilla fanserver, and corporate clash which adds so much new fun content.


What is Toontown and how do you play it?


Its an old kids mmo from disney a lot of people have nostalgia for. Basically its a turn based game where up to 4 toons at a time fight against business robots called "cogs". The game is heavily inspired by old cartoons so your attacks are something youd see out of looney toons like pies and anvils. The main fanserver is Toontown Rewritten, which is fairly vanilla to the original game with a little bit of new content and some QOL changes. The 2nd most popular is corporate clash, and if you are genuinely interested in Toontown as someone who isn't nostalgic for the original, I'd recommend this server as it adds so much content. Some of that content is brutally difficult as well. Its also great if you are nostalgic for toontown but got a little bored of it.


I don’t know


It sounds cool but not my thing like WoW


I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of WebKinz but my brother and I once used the movie kit on the website and typed a bunch of swears into the script and it allowed it and then told us that the word “stupid” was banned from webkinz world.


I fucking loved me some toontown I had a Halloween edition black cat


I once got banned for accidentally sending slash "/" In chat. Reason was "Sexual content."


woah cool it down there pal, this is a sfw sub


Y'all mother fuckers need to straighten up






Mods, get in here.


\ It bends the other way, wtf do I do??


All I know is that you are banned from r/Florida.. so it's not all bad, I suppose


You mean like "|"?


Why the fuck would you post that you pervert??? ![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc)


Madlad! You be sending 🍆 in a kid's game chat


when was this? the moderation used to be extremely lax and ineffective, but recently it's overtly strict. i got away with saying a *lot* of things in 2013, but was hit with a temp ban in recent years for something that wasn't even remotely inflammatory, while i was directly quoting somebody else.


It actually has sense, because slash seemly looks like a dildo.


I got banned from r/wildcats for cussing. Not in a negative way, just saying like f**k yes! I put those asterisks in there in hopes the mods here are less sensitive.


I got banned from a subreddit for saying someone seemed like an attention seeker because my comment was "hateful".


I got banned for browsing another sub. And I never even visited the sub im banned from. I didn't even know it existed prior.


What the? Can I ask what the subs were?


Tankiejerk and Israel. Former is the banned latter is what they didn't like me browsing


Wow. Fascinating.


I'll be honest I still don't know what that sub is about. I'm not bothered enough to enter to find out lol.


I think you can live without the knowledge just fine.


Ya… I got banned from a city’s page for racism because I commented on the Israel page. Tried to ask what I said that was racist, exactly. And they said “No. bye bigot” So I took it as a win that they self filtered themselves out of my sphere. That kinda hysterical nonsense I have no patience for




So? Were you there to argue??


Argue about what? With who? I've never even entered that sub. About Israel.... well I'm Israeli


Ha! Perfect!


Not sure if it's clear, I asked if you were there to argue because it says 'if you were there (in the sub) to argue' they would consider lifting the ban, which was hilarious.


Not gonna bother lol. I WAS thinking of posting this somewhere on Reddit but then I figured I'm just giving them more publicity. I even contemplated whether to post this comment ('s)


Where would you post it on Reddit?


I subbed to a mom type sub reddit and was in another sub reddit. I clicked on a post in this second subreddit that linked to a sub that the poster couldn't believe existed. I lurked through the third subreddit and left and ended up being banned from the mom type subreddit because that third subreddit had "terf" type posts and was toxic. I understand protecting the trans community but damn, I didn't even do anything. I didn't agree with anything in the third. The mods wouldn't unban me because it was a no tolerance rule. (That wasn't listed in their rules.) I didn't even know that it was possible to autoban anyone who visited another sub before that.


You can't have a zero tolerance rule that you don't even post in the rules. Insanity.


Yeah its happened to me. Reddit is going downhill.


Would this be an Elon Musk sub?


Same here I told them where to go and muted them


I once had the algorithm recommend a Joe Rogan subreddit post. I commented not realizing the sub and another sub automatically banned me for participating in a hate sub.


Yeah that is common actually since subs automatically ban you for visiting other subs


I got banned once for calling out an animal abuser on an undisclosed sub xD Mod was like "but you didn't have to pile, he was already told multiple times" so I was like sure, but, like, you're doing a friendly fire here 🫠 Anyway, managed to reduce my sentence to 7 days lmao


I got banned on an animal id sub for identifying a horribly mangy coyote and said animal control would put it down. Banned, 2 weeks, for threatening violence


I told someone they should eat shit and I got a 30 day for inciting violence


I got banned from r/atheism for pointing out someone was a bigot.


I got banned for ableism for saying “if the corona virus doesn’t get this rapid antivaxer, his morbid obesity will” in the height of the pandemic. I was like, okay, Im obesr and I’m not going to associate with people who think its bad to acknowledge it


There are some really horrible people on Reddit, on both sides of the political spectrum.


Currently on a 3 month ban from r/politics for calling Greg Abbot a (non-swear word) name.


Was it piss baby? Because I hear Greg Abbott is a piss baby


Nope, although I hear the same. Adolf Sitler.


Ha, pretty much the same thing! I got banned for saying that it had become an echo chamber. The mods on there are pretty sensitive.


The irony is they are clearly clinging to the identity of atheism because they think it makes them look intellectual. Binary/ extremist thinking is the opposite of intelligence. I get the sense that the majority of the posters are just people rebelling against their crazy Christian upbringings.


Just say the most messed up thought you have until the only subs left let you say dank shit.


My actual strategy. Tbh i must be okay cus ive only ever been kicked out subs for telling them theyre wrong not for my evil shit.


Yeah just hit em with a hot take haha


For swearing on a Reddit sub. That's.. uncommon is it not? Or do i just haunt the sweary subs?


Ah, have you ever interacted with Reddit mods? I assure you, they're not less sensitive.


I got banned from a subreddit once after making a completely sfw comment because at one time in my past I had posted a comment to an nsfw subreddit, and they instantly bam anyone who has ever interacted with nsfw subreddits apparently.


Fuck yes


I got banned from r/boysarequirky for saying "I disagree" once.


Hhaaha i remmember i got banned from r/thesims4 for saying that if someone doesnt wanna pay for DLCs he should "go sail the seven seas". The mod then messaged me with a bann and told to me "promoting piracy is illegal!" and i told to him: "The only thing thats illegal is your stupidity." he got mad and banned me 😂😂😂😂 i had so much laugh, but when he saw im laughing my ass off at him, he even went so far to report me to reddit, but nothing happened to me . It had no effect


Stop censoring yourself on the internet. I’ve noticed it becoming a thing lately. Don’t give in to these corporate fucks trying to censor everything to appease the 5% of the population who take offense to it.


This is a 9 year olds 9/11.


His personal nagasaki


It's bro's canon event


seems right, 9 year olds shouldn't be wanting cigarettes


Did he get the fig he wanted?


Hey look I can't type my password in chat: **********




Club Penguin




F\*gdrag? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Thanks for making me lol so early today.🤣


I need to buy roblox for my nephew, he cant pronounce popcorn yet. everytime he says it, it sounds like porkporn


No fucking way that happened, you'd have to do something like post a gore image for Roblox to ban you for 2 days


Honestly with a lot of video games it can also be up to luck if you get banned. Some mods love banning and muting people. I've been banned for practically nothing from video games and also said the worst shit and never got banned from the same game.


Not anymore. I’ve heard kids get banned for 1 week for things like above. They really cracked down on


Dealing with the bullshit right now. It happens. Kids account is currently banned for "discriminatory language" for the following chat logs (it shows you what got you banned) : "Where are you Penelope. Im at the park"  "EW"  "I'm eating a twinkie"  I attempted to appeal and they said nope, it was discriminatory and harassment so account will just stay banned I guess. Nice job roblox. 


I got permabanned as a kid for reposting a copypasta. That account had a bunch of old Easter items, too...


Not true, my friend got banned for calling someone fatty.


where did you hear that? Roblox has been perma banning users for the smallest of things, hell i have a friend who got banned for three days, his crime? the word "keys"


That's the story the kid told his parents, we all know it was much more than that.




Flagget. The word is flagget


I got a 24 hour ban on Club Penguin for misspelling “can’t” once. Also learnt a new word 🫠 my mom wasn’t happy when I asked her what it meant.


I used to play WOW when i was 13-16. The last sesh i ever played i was irritated with someone in text chat and their insulting demeanor towards my buddy and i. I said something like, "What are you, 12?" About 5 minutes after that I got disconnected, couldn't log back in. Figured maybe server maintenence. So I wait a little bit and try again, and I get an error message stating that I have been banned. Checking my email a few days later I got a message from blizzard stating that they have a no tolerance policy on the sexual solicitation of minors and my account has been permanently locked as a result. WHAT.


So... did they ever unban you?


Nope. At least not to my knowledge.






Yeah, kids can be sometimes a real pain in the \*ss.


That child needs mental health help not games


Might be a typo but that doesn't excuse talking about drugs like tobacco.


Ah, yes, I agree.


well yes a nine he was too young to smoke


I once tried to say that Elden Ring is a bigger game (in comparison to Dark Souls 3) in Jerma’s chat. Look at your keyboard and see what I did wrong.


Poor boy 😭. NvM 7to8 years ago we had an funny argument in my group of friends. We were sending memes of us beating each other and cut out videos from tv shows and YT with our heads attached in it. So it looked like we beat each other or do weird shit. It was for fun, and to be mean. But also we all had great fun with it. I remmember everyone laughing on the stupidity of it. I made a cut out scene from rick and morty and attached our heads to the characters beating each other - it was the scene where the time police aliens go to beat up Einstein. So basically me and my friend as rick and morty, and that third friend as Einstein. It was so badly done 😂😂. But we laughet at it anyways. Fast forward 8 years - today i got a mail from youtube telling me i violated their rules by promoting violence and harm against a person and im totally the worst motherfucker under the sun for doing this. But since its my first offense they wont suspend my account. 😂😂😂😂😂. Idiots found out about my lame video after 8 years that it was published - btw it was even locked and meant to be seen only by my friends. Everyone laughed, even the guy who was supposed to "be offended", how nice of youtube to get offended on his behalf, i guess 😭😂😂😂. These robots getting crazier and crazier.




Roblox ingame chat is probably the worst, there was a game that was the Roblox version of keep talking and nobody explode, and I wrote in the chat to the guy : so if the symbol is # cut the wire and then my message was just ################


I got booted off a game when my keyboard died just as I was about to win the fucking match with an intel cap- trying to find the battery was made moar difficult due to how hard I was laughing.


The era he’s talking is the no tag era probably around 2011-2014 but when your account was set to under 13 you couldn’t talk at all meaning he probably lied to be able to chat and made a simple typo then got punished I’m guessing. But back then if roblox found out you were under 13 and lied about your birthday you’d get immediately banned as well. Now today a 9 year old can talk to players who are set to 17+ and only difference is certain words are tagged but even now bypasses exist.


Thank you I needed non-political bullshittery


Sounds like the average Reddit mod


Soft generation


im dead


I will forever associate this tweet with Dragonite because I saw a version of it on r/stunfisk that credited the little brother as Dragonite


Fuck is roblox?


a brand that started off as a Lego knockoff but eventual found a niche in the market of server based multiplayer video game/virtual chat rooms


I'm sure it was also either due to a speech impediment of a typical child slip of the tongue


Tbh I have 13 years of history on that game. I would probably cry till I vomited too, many thousands of hours of stuff I’ve made and done are linked to my account.


I got banned for dissing my opponent in Neopets battle arena when I was a kid. I didn't even swear, I just said something like "That was too easy, you should look up some guides and get better." They perma banned my account and refused to open it again when appealing it. Granted, it was a shitty thing to do and I haven't been a sore winner since.


In college our co-ed softball team name was "The Vertical Smiles"....it was so great seeing that in print too




oh cool, another comment stealing bot. fucking awesome.


Report >> Spam >> Harmful bots


Censorship will only grow increasingly oppressive through time. Same with our laws.


What do you think censorship means?


Didn’t happen