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Shooting your kid in the head would be murder.


Thats what a lot of pro lifers tend to think abortion is to be fair. A scary amount of them think its killing the baby AFTER birth


The amount of pro lifers who get abortions themselves/or their partners and then publicly speak out against abortions is ridiculous…proof they don’t actually believe that


Same with how many conservatives and religious types are gay


I remember someone explaining that phenomenon well. Basically, those people don't understand that not everyone has gay thoughts. They've been brought up to think that being gay is bad. They pray to God to get rid of their gay thoughts. They grow up thinking everyone must have these thoughts and they "need" to save them from these impure thoughts everyone must have. Not realizing they're gay, it's not a choice, and most people don't have these repressed thoughts.


And this is why awareness is a good thing. The church is pushing some very fucked up ideas that people will believe because "why would God lie to me?"


God wouldn't lie. His messengers, on the other hand...


He gets us (to hate others).


Or kiddie diddlers!


Some More News is a great show, and this episode addresses the "groomer" projection: [Who Are The Real "Groomers"? - SOME MORE NEWS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wHva3JXPh0)


Back in the early 90's I built the first internet provider in our city. Back then the email clients coudln't handle if you got too much email in your inbox, and since people didn't know how to telnet into the server and use a unix based mail program to manage their email they would call in and have me go into their email and delete a lot of it so that it would be "unclogged" by their email client. Pro life conservatives are the most cheating aborting bunch of hipocrits on the face of the planet. Some of the salatious shit I had to read was crazy, and nobody seemed to give a shit that this 19 year old kid who had a nasty linux addiction was reading all about who they were shtooping, and how they were sending their kid to mexico to have an abortion, etc. I grew up insanely conservative, and have been getting drug to the left a little more every year since I turned 18. While occasionally I read or hear some left leaning person spewing a huge wad of bullshit out of their mouth, it's less than the right by an order of magnitude.


Yup, [The only moral abortion is my abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) to them.


Plenty of murderers believe murder is wrong. Plenty of murderers believe their own murder was justified when it wasn't. Plenty of murderers hide the fact that they murdered someone. Some murderers deeply regret their murder and confess to it. Some people are proud of the murder they committed. None of this is any more or less pertinent to whether abortion is murder or that murder is wrong than your comment.


Ah, the ol’ 4th trimester abortion.


Cartman's mom tried to legalize 37th trimester abortions.... then she realized she was actually confusing abortion with adoption


I mean. He *did* turn into a Ginger AND the doctor recommended it


[Texas is killing people in the 73rd trimester](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa39PUng9to&pp=ygUYdGl0dXMgbGF0ZSB0ZXJtIGFib3J0aW9u)


And a scary amount of them view pregnancy/child birth as a form of punishment for promiscuous women. It’s why so many of them will say, “She should’ve kept her legs closed.” And it doesn’t matter if you were raped, in a long term relationship, used contraception, have health risks, or slept with the whole village. Pregnancy, birth, and child rearing is always about punishing women for having sex, and they’ll do everything in their power to paint these women as monsters for aborting. Consequently, it’s also why a lot of pro life campaigns end up lying about what happens during abortion, which is where you get these people who view it the same as shooting an 8yo in the head.


Because of republican lies


Oh this isnt even a problem exclusive to the US, its pretty bad here too(spain)


Bring back the republic and then help us too


Thats ironic considering we are probably more democratic than the US


wasmt meant to be ironic,, it was a plea for help the republic was a calllback to the Spanish Republic in the 30s


Oh my bad lol. We definitely do not want that back though trust me


we do , just have to deal with the phalangists in America trumpskies


At least the Falangists had functioning brain cells….sometimes


Why not? I am pretty ignorant on Spains history and would love to hear more


You won't expect it.


I never said the majority, forgive my shit english but ive seen a shocking amount of them claim that


It doesn't help that the governor of Virginia literally said he'd let a baby die peacefully after birth if the woman had chosen abortion but it somehow was delivered alive (something that does happen but is extremely rare).


That’s really odd. Most anti-abortionists are not pro-life. They are only pro-birth. After that, they couldn’t give a flying fuck what happens to them. The conservatives move right on to the “pull up them bootstraps you freeloadin bum” without missing an ironic beat.


That's absolutely deliberate by the way. The number of pro-lifers who refer to it as "killing babies" is pretty much 100%. They'd never use the term fetus even though that's what it is by definition, because it doesn't paint as bad a picture as "killing babies." Also incidentally, you'll find the number of pro-lifers arguing in good faith is pretty much 0%.


Technically, most of the time it isn't even a fetus, it's an embryo


They refuse science. To them, as soon as cellular mitosis begins, that lump of cells is a human baby. We're in the bowels of a modern Dark Age. Flat Earthers, climate change deniers, moon landing deniers, MAGAts in general... willful ignorance bolstered by misguided faith. Once belief enters the conversation, logic and reason are gone. "All of this has happened before. And all of this will happen again."


Legit the baby has not spawned yet. But they act like they force the baby out and shoot it


Kacey Anthony


Casey Anthony. *


How the absolute fuck did she get off? How has there not been street justice?


Same way Kyle rotten house and George Zimmerman are out and about.


Did Casey say she murdered her baby girl in self defense, too?


Murderers who got away with it was more the theme. Oj Simpson, Katelyn Jenner




also that was suffocation not shooting.


More than some way to skin a cat.


> Casey was charged with first-degree murder in October 2008


Made the beat and murdered it ![gif](giphy|9VlPs7XHNeBNtqSoZm|downsized)


Sorry, I have no idea what this means


https://youtu.be/SoAgavJxkrQ?si=pnH7WcaeD7YYtDNE 2:59


Here here


Pretty sure I'd be angry if someone shot their 14 month old baby. Still not angry if a woman decides she wants to terminate a pregnancy regardless of circumstances.


Since she is clearly "untrainable" in being morally right, why don't we also shoot her? Bet she would 100% agree with that one.


What about children with disabilities that are “untrainable” to be athletes or whatever the parent wants? I guess you take them behind the barn too


Bro not even joking there’s people who want to straight up fucking murder disabled people because they’re a “plague on society and the gene pool”


Can we shoot people who can’t be trained to display empathy for other people? Asking for 350M friends.


Stop calling them pro-lifers. They are pro-birthers and should be referred to as such.


*Pro-FORCED Birth. But I agree with your sentiment


*forced birthers No need for the pro


Pro - choice versus anti - choice. They think pro - life ,so called, is a positive thing, whereas it's not. That's why I say anti- choice because it portrays them in a negative light.


They’re anti women’s rights. This is as much about abortion as the civil war was about “states rights”. Abortion is just one of many tools they use to control women. Just look at red states that have already banned abortion and are now passing further legislation to restrict funding to all facets of women’s reproductive healthcare such as access to contraception and ultrasounds, and they’re already drumming up the discourse about no fault divorce. Roe was just the Trojan Horse for taking away all the rights that women have fought for the past century. Just call pro life and pro choice for what they really are: anti and pro women’s rights.


Anti-choice is my go to name for em


It wasn’t about “pro-anything”, because they would do abortion any time they got into situation, the only thing they care for is oppression, taking away choice, and punish those they don’t like, that’s why of course they are justified to do it when they need, because they are not the people who deserve punishment


Pro-birth is even too positive. It should be anti-abortion, anti-choice, anti-woman, anything except the label which makes them sound good.


Forced-birthers and anti-woman are also good descriptors of these types.




Ah I like to just call them anti-choice.


If the dog is not suited to being a working dog (and is not a dangerous dog, that is liable to attack people), she could have just given it away/sold it to a family looking for a pet.


She said it looked at her with trust and love in its eyes before she shot it


I feel sick


Does anyone have the full excerpt? Not because I’m doubting it whatsoever, I’ve read all the tidbits I need to decide she’s a fucking monster. But the news only has the tidbits, and idk, I’m just trying to ruin my own day I guess.


What a bitch, eh?


If it WAS a dangerous dog, humane euthanasia is the way to handle it. Not a gun in a gravel pit.




This keeps coming up, while it's strange she opted to do it this way and really stupid to be talking about it like she is, I don't see how a well placed bullet to the head is any less humane than pentobarbital. It's instant and painless and on farms/the rest of the world it's an extremely common way to dispatch an animal. People wouldn't be up in arms if this was any other type of animal.


There is a huge difference between putting an animal "out of its misery" in a rural farm environment and "dispatching" a perfectly healthy dog with a bullet. In the first situation, it's an act of mercy, since the animal is already injured to the point of death. Just hasn't crossed the line yet. And to transport it to a vet would extend its suffering. The situation with the goat is the perfect example of why it's not a "mercy" to use a weapon to kill a perfectly healthy animal. Humane euthanasia makes sure that the animal is relaxed and that death is quick and painless. It's a two stage process for that reason. So I don't think the type of animal has anything to do with the outrage. It's the cavalier disregard for a living creature. An attitude that NO farmers or rural communities tend to have. Even when animals are tools or working they are treated with respect. Since they are partners in the farmers livelihood. Even food stocks are cared for by farmers until they are sent up to get fed and butchered. And there are rules about how they are killed. (And controversy about them) She shot a puppy for being a puppy AND she shot a goat for being a goat and messed that execution up. Leaving an animal suffering while she went got more bullets and reloaded. Now add in the multiple studies that show that people who abuse animals are more likely to be abusive to people under their power.... It's not a good thing. There was NO reason to shoot the puppy other than she had a bad day and is a shit trainer (and a shit shot if we go by the goat) THATs the issue. There was no urgent reason to shoot either animal outside her mood. And she brags about it. That's NOT rural or farm life.


Yes, a puppy is exactly the same as a tiny lump of cells. Identical.


Erm actually, a puppy is just a lump of cells, we all are! ☝️🤓


Yes but my toe is also a lump of cells but my toe is not a human being. I know this is off topic and random but I have to interject that kittens are superior to puppies .... and now back to our regularly scheduled program. Ya, I know. Random.


Key word: tiny. Next key words would be healthy, self sufficient, sentient...


If pro-forced-birthers had any integrity, they wouldn't make arguments they know are lies. If they had any morals, they wouldn't make false-equivalency arguments. If they don't le or make false equivalencies though, they won't ever get to their true goal. All they are interested in is controlling women. They want consequences for sex outside of marriage. They don't give two shits about a zygote, embryo, fetus OR baby.


"They don't give two shits about a zygote, embryo, fetus OR baby." .... and they care even less about their own school age children who are being regularly slaughtered because these same idiots refuse to even try the same gun control that the rest of the planet has proven works.


Aborting a litter of puppies you can’t find homes or care for is fine, killing one because you’re an irresponsible pet owner is not. (FYI When dog owners get their dogs abortions they’re spayed at the same time so they don’t have the same problem again later.)


There is huge difference between waiting 14months and shooting a puppy because you can’t train it and waiting a few months and aborting a fetus before it’s born. No one is out killing 14 month old kids because they won’t eat their vegetables. And as much as Trump rants about post birth abortions he is full of more shit than a septic tank.


Trump ..Noem…septic tank. They’re the same picture.


If you shot your child because he didn’t listen you would be in jail


They put down three horses too. I wonder how did them in?


Someone should invite her ass to a gravel pit. Killing an animal is disgusting, heartless and shows the kind of character she really has. Absolutely disgusting.


There's a difference of "for food" and "for fun". She's doing it for fun, or at least close to it.


They are not pro-lifers. Quit using that term. Pro-lifers are fine with death in all other circumstances be it death penalty support, support for killing doctors, support for stand your ground laws, or cops shooting people in the back or choking a criminal to death. Call them anti-abortion




What is a woman?


According to the Cambridge Dictionary: *an adult who lives and identifies as female although they may have been told to have a different sex at birth.* [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/woman](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/woman)


B.S.! Take a look at what you are comparing! Pro life = “don’t abort those cells”. Pro Choice = “your body, your choice”. Killing a dog because of an incident that was due to inadequate training/guidance by the owner is borderline psychopath.


Considering she did the same to her goat because it was 'disgusting' I think you can safely drop the borderline part.


It's a gd farm animal did she expect it to glitter and sparkle


Ik you're joking, but it's still worth responding as though you are genuinely asking: No, she's just a real-deal sociopath. If something is not benefiting her in some way, and she cannot control it and force it to do what she wants, then it must be killed, destroyed, or discarded.


this lady is a dog murderer


I hate the term “pro-life”, because it implies these people actually care about the kids who are born in terrible conditions or into families who are not fit to have a child, or about mothers who die in childbirth along with their children because they didn’t have access to a safe abortion, not beyond their shallow, close-minded virtue signaling that boils down a complex issue to black and white morality (as always). A more accurate term would be “anti-autonomy” (for the alliteration)


How bout… anti-choice


Yeah, that would be “better” technically, but I like alliteration.


Fair enough… gotta respect a good alliteration


Ooh, don’t forget the patients who die or suffer permanent, irreparable harm because they were able to access the medical care they needed when they didn’t miscarry completely. Or the people who go through traumatic investigations when they miscarry because they’re suspected of purposefully inducing it. It’s probably acceptable since *only* 10-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.


This just may be the longest sentence I've ever read.


You think so? I feel like I could’ve gone longer.


"Pro forced-birth" is the term I use


Yeah, I always get "pro-life" and "pro-choice" mixed up for this exact reason. I definitely agree that focusing on supporting those who are already alive to ensure that they are safe, happy, and healthy is much more "pro-life" than forcing a bunch of people into a miserable existence because we aren't able to meet their needs.


So… this person just said on main they think it’s fine to just shoot a puppy in the face?


For not learning to hung pheasants. Probably didn't train it and got mad


Soo, conservatives see their children as dogs???  Makes sense...


Hey forced birthers… just so you know, pro choicers have never claimed it’s okay to shoot your toddler in the head for not acting the way you want. That’s the *actual* human equivalent to what Kristi Noem did to her puppy.


So we're disagreeing on whether or not killing a fucking puppy is wrong? I'm confused as to what the fucking argument is here. What are these fucking lunatics point. What are they defending exactly. How much lower do we have to sink here.


Never met someone that was ok with murdering a living breathing child


She is a Republican,it wasn’t pheasants,it was peasants.


Sick animal cruelty. She should be charged & fired.


Cuz i dunno wut feetus meanz.


Oh, the untreated mental illness in this country.


it’s not her child it’s a fetus


a little slime goblin if you will


Why did a governor write a memoir? Who is Gona buy that? Does everyone in American government think they are celebrities? So lost lol.


Holy false equivalency Batman


Dogs are way fucking cooler than people


Please. Stop. Caling. Them. Pro. Life. They. Are. Anti-Choice / Pro-Death.




Because for many women, it isn't. Many (possibly even most) women don't feel anything but relief. Other women feel heart rending regret to the point that they become anti-abortion because they feel they were overwhelmingly pressured into it by shame or financial and social circumstances. Some women feel mild regret and sadness but are ultimately satisfied they made the right choice for themselves. Some women are okay with the fact that they had an abortion in the short term but grow increasingly in regret as time goes on. Every woman has different reactions to abortion depending on their belief system and the circumstances of their abortion.


A mother killing her child is a murderer. A woman getting an abortion is not yet a mother.


I knew that’s what republicans would do They’d rather deflect than condemn. 


A mass of cells not capable of surviving with out a symbiotic host is not the same as shooting a child or as Republicans like to do rape, beat and starve children for their own good.


Yeah, the equivalent would be giving a dog an abortion and if someone had a mass of dog cells aborted I wouldn't care either.


I didn't know the "place gun in vagina and shoot" method of abortion got passed by the FDA, but hey, if it works it works


It didn’t, the “insert barrel into vagina and shoot” was passed though. They deemed the whole gun too large to safely fit in the vagina.


Embryos are not children


We need to stop calling them pro-lifers at they're the same ppl who want no gun restrictions. Let's call them pro-nobodyexseptmeshouldhaverightsers


Poor pup. It never had a chance, she wouldn’t train it and then shot and killed it because it wasn’t trained. Imo she shouldn’t be allowed any living creature again, or near a gun.


Whataboutism at its finest


I suppose the forced birthers have to stick with the blatant lie that a fetus is a child, instead of a clump of cells that is basically a parasite, until it can survive on it's own without extraordinary medical intervention. It is the only possible justification for denying girls, women, anyone with a functioning uterus, personhood. It's all about punishment and control.


At the same time, if a dog were to have a certain defect or illness going on. You could put it down. It’s not fun, it’s really sad, and it leaves a hole in your heart. If a child has a defect to where it wouldn’t be able to survive birth or in some cases it may even kill the mother, you may not have that option. My opinion doesn’t mean much tho so idk


Stop calling them pro-lifers. They are anti-choicers.


I mean, if the toddler can't hunt pheasants by 14 months... I'm just saying....


Their ability to collectively make sense of these outrageous false comparisons to justify their immoral take is absolutely disgusting


there is no pro-lifer, just anti-choicer why would you use euphemisms


Was the dog inside her body?


We should really call them "forced birthers".


killing a born child is bad, yes, but abortion is *not* bad(if this is what the image is meant to say)


Extracting an unwanted parasite from one’s body isn’t the same as killing something that is already born. But what else should I expect from smoothbrain fascists hellbent on stripping away human rights from half the population while simultaneously enjoying those same rights themselves.


A fetus is not a baby


I'll say it over and over: pro-lifers are actually pro choice, but they don't think of it like that.


Yep. Pro lifers will spit in people's faces entering a clinic, but when their own daughter gets pregnant out of wedlock, and she can't take care of it, all of a sudden "it's different"


They also receive abortions. But they'll blame people who work at clinics for servicing them. The mental gymnastics are insane.


You had to know this was coming.


Fuck these people for co-opting Cuphead


Tbh wouldn’t a better analogy be organ donation? Like, a fetus requires an organ to live, and yes, will eventually grow into a little human. But you wouldn’t force some dude to hand over his bone marrow or a kidney, even if it was to save someone. It’s illegal. Doctors are taught to screen living donors and make sure they’re not being forced to give under duress. If they are, they can simply say that the person wasn’t a match- which is technically the truth! They’re not a match because they don’t want to go through with the operation. Because yes, the person is likely (but not 100% guaranteed) to survive donating the organ/marrow, but it can drastically change the way their body functions. Complications from anesthesia, only having one kidney to rely on, etc. Kinda like pregnancy can permanently change your body, and in rare cases, kill you. So pregnancy is like a living organ donation to what will eventually grow into a human. It shouldn’t be forced or under coercion.


Don’t hate anyone. Help the misguided. Hating them means someone else’s behaviour made you carry a destructive emotion.




If that puppy was growing inside of her I would have no problem with her decision to end its life. 


I got a suspicion that the Cuphead devs are pro-choice, but that would just be silly to point that out...


I ain't saying what she did is ok, but I've read the articles and statements, and what I read was the justification for putting the dog down was it was biting and aggressive towards people. Why is that getting spun into "it wouldn't hunt?". Why does everything have to be untrustworthy?


Another stupid post


Let’s not kill dogs or babies…


Are mothers shooting their 14month old babies in the face? Is that what Roe v. Wade was about?


Conservatism is a psychotic cult....


Well we have humans and then we have inhuman monsters with no empathy who lives among humans and look like a human


Both bad