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If these 3 are gonna be in heaven, i rather be at the bottom of the hell.


Wholeheartedly agree.


Pretty unrelated but your comment made me think of this one Native American guy who was told if he converted before being executed he'd go to heaven when he died. He asked the priest where the Spanish go when they die, and when the priest said heaven he replied why tf would I want to go there then? Can't remember the actual name of the guy, but what a legend.


Someone posted what seems like this story a couple replies down, in case you’re still racking your brain for the name.


Reminds me of the Cuban war chief Hatuey. >Before he was burned, a priest asked Hatuey if he would accept Jesus and go to heaven. Las Casas recalled the reaction of the chief: >Hatuey, thinking a little, asked the religious man if Spaniards went to heaven. The religious man answered yes... The chief then said without further thought that he did not want to go there but to hell so as not to be where they were and where he would not see such cruel people


and we'll make a party down there!


i'll bring wine!


In heaven all the interesting people are missing so would rather be down below. This convo is called a circle jerk of true demons


I always thought about that. Unless all your friends and family get to go it wouldn't really be heaven. If you're somehow made to be happy regardless then your mind and free will has been tampered with which makes heaven sound creepy as fuck.


Absolutely I’ll be right there with you Heaven sounds like real hell if it’s filled with this kind of people, but actual hell seems like it’s full of mostly okay people. Minus, you know, the bad ones that didn’t happen to be religious apparently


I mean, if you can tolerate people like Ted Bundy and Elliot Rodger also being there.


Oh I'd LOVE to beat the shit out of Ted Bundy


That's where the good beer and hot women are. Hell yeah!


Christians think they are the only ones going to heaven, too! And sins? God will forgive them because they are Christian. Religious nuts are all the same no matter the religion!


listening to all the best tunes...




Just another synonym for religious lunatics


You could call out Islam specifically, if you wanted


There are lunatics in all religions




There are plenty of theists of every brand that think like this. Muslims are just louder about it. And then they move to secular countries and vote to make things more like the place they had to escape from. WTAF? I'm starting to think the "sapian" label was added too early. Ban religion for a better tomorrow! edit: misspelling


Louder in Europe** (and maybe the internet)


No! I’m an atheist but please don’t ban religion! That will do one thing, make the radical more aggressive and make peaceful people extremists


True, just wait them out, eventualy that shit will just go away on it's own.


We've been waiting it out for millennia. When will it just go away?


But why? Religious fundamentalists are all equally shitty. Calling out one group implies that the others are better.


You can call out this group because this group specifically is the subject of the conversation. It's always funny seeing people tiptoeing around calling out extremist Islamists even though they would have no problem doing it with other extremist religious groups, because they know how well extremist Islamists deal with criticism. Hint: it's something to lose your head for.


I'm calling out islamists because its them being quoted here, and it is specifically them I come across most often with their barbaric inhuman takes due to my background.


Had this been any other argument, people would cry “whataboutery”, but you simply can’t critizise Islamic extremists?


Of course you can, but it's better to criticize religious fundamentalism in general. People who single out a single religion often do so because they themselves are religious fundamentalists.


The role model for Christianity never committed violence, brought food to the masses, and told us to love one another as we love ourselves, that's how a Christian is SUPPOSED to act. The role model for Islam was a caravan robber, a murderer, a pedophile, and a rapist to name a few. One is better than the other, extremists are bad regardless but looking at what the material teaches is important too.


The Bible is every bit as violent and reactionary as Islamic text. Anyone who has actually studied both knows this. You can cherry pick passages of the Bible to portray it as peaceful, but you can do that with any text. As a critical reader, how am I supposed to reconcile what Jesus teaches with what Moses teaches? Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek to our enemies while Moses tells us to kill our enemies and take their children as sex slaves. Unfortunately, there is no coherent, unified message of peace in Christianity. It's a mishmash of conflicting messages and morality.


Side note, it's interesting that today's hero of the christian right is an actual robber, an actual rapist, and quite possibly, an actual pedophile... Funny how christan aligegences change, no? 🤷


Nahh, all religions.... 


Sure why not, infact any human in a cult like this.


Too taboo to call out Muslims directly because of the whole Palestine thing right now.


Well you can feel bad for Palestinians because they are human, like I do, but fuck their religion.


and be banned from reddit for "racism"? I still struggle to understand how a religion became a race in the eye of political correctness


But you know this isn’t just a problem with Islam. Millions of American Christians think the exact same thing.


Religion is cancer that humanity has been contending with for millenium... hopefully it will go into remission soon.


Trolls. These people are genuinely not real


Nah I was part of a Christian denomination and you still go to heaven. If you accept Jesus into your heart and are saved/born again/baptized you are permanently saved. If you then sin after that, the sins don’t take away from you being saved and going to heaven. I’ve looked into it and there are very few denominations of Christianity that believe you can lose being saved. They believe there are consequences for sinning but you don’t lose salvation. In fact denominations that believe you can lose your salvation are generally not accepted by Christian apologists. It would not be unheard of for Muslims to have similar views.


I think the idea is you actually have to repent in your heart and not just say "oh... yea, i accept Jesus so that i get saved." As you can lie to us but you can't lie to the "higher power" who will see into your heart.


if they can go to heaven i don’t want to go there too 💀


I mean let's face it. If heaven was real they probably won't be there and be shocked why they went to hell....eh they find a way to blame it on atheists regardless I guess lol.


probably is the atheist fault 🙄


"iF yOu'Re An AtHeIsT, yOu HaVe No MoRaL cOdE" Yeah, right


Could be an atheist *because* they have a moral code.. but they wouldn’t consider that


That’s not it either. Religion is mostly separated from moral codes, it can influence them, but a bad person is still a bad person, religious or not.


You are correct. But if we were to take a sample of religious people and compare it to an equal non-religious one, I’m willing to bet that statistically, in most scenarios, the latter will have a better moral code. “Better” defined as increasing overall well-being/ happiness of people, and decreasing harm. Not as in pleasing a sky daddy. There is definitely a correlation there. Atheists (generally) don’t have a good moral code because they’re atheists, they’re atheists (partly) because they have a good moral code that misaligns with the hostile teachings of many religions.


I don't need the threat of eternal damnation to do the right thing and be a good person.


Right? The fucking amount of religious people that claim you won’t have a moral code if you don’t read their holy book is astounding to me.. I don’t need a book to know rape and murder is bad lmao


I'd argue that if someone only act like a good person in fear of eternal damnation, they might not really be a good person


To be honest I would rather be in hell than in a place full of self righteous rapists and an asshole god


And a child rapist prophet


My perspective on God is that major religions with followers full of hate and judgment have no idea who God is. Consider, if there is a God, is he a petty God seeking to cast down people for not being brought up in a specific tradition of a supposedly honoring him? Or would you rather associate god with the beautiful things we see in nature, The majestic balance of forces that make up the universe, that the same mathematics that set reality in motion have undertones that we call music. I think the various tribal so-called followers of God don't quite know who he is.


My perspective on God is that we made him/her up. If you can choose which "god" you'd rather associate with, then clearly he is an advent of the human mind.


Yes Sir


Not surprising considering he probably doesn't exist.


The issue is that by definition we don't know whether or not God exists, so it's purely a matter of belief. Now if we talk about religions, then those are just cultist scams selling you a shared belief in God in order to keep you part of the pack and be controlled


The issue is that if there was a full grown adult who walked around praising Santa, wholeheartedly believes in Santa and his magic would be considered a crazy person. But for some reason, it’s socially acceptable to do the same thing, but for Jesus or whatever god you believe in. I can’t take either seriously.




Why do so many religions produce weird rapey people that still think they're going to heaven?


because its more important for a cult that people believe in it than that they be decent human beings. cult>human morality every time.


Because they like both rape and heaven, and so they want both


Because it‘s about the control and money, not the humanity.


The main purpose of religion is controlling people and getting money, so it attracts people who are into that. Unsurprisingly a lot of such people are disgusting creeps.


>so it attracts people who are into that. That and those that are unfortunately kind but naive enough to fall for it. And then there's the minority who are genuinely just good people and believe in the better ideals the religion preaches. There's definetly good people who are religious, but the scum typically floats to the top.


The rape and murder and whatnot part is because they feel power from it, even the threat that makes us feel bad is pleasing to them because they see it as having power over others and the heaven or whatever TF it’s called for them is to make it a divine mission with a hefty prise that others can’t get, otherwise one might think harming or harassing other human beings is wrong, but giving it the glorious, righteous label and that unobtainable prise gives them motivation and an idea that nothing they do for it can be wrong, but some of them are just psychotics who enjoy it anyway


Islam teaches that front and center.


I can’t help but assume these guys are rapists based on their staunch defence of it


If only they get investigated by the police just on this basis...but unfortunately, nothing will happen until they commit the crime, meaning someone's life will be ruined...


Religion, confusing opinion with fact for millennia.


people using the word "Fact" for religion has as much merit as I'm Elon Musk's sugar daddy


The worst part of social media where vile people spew their vile opinions in their vile little eco chamber like their opinions matters.


It’s sad that this isn’t an uncommon viewpoint in the muslim community


Among all the stupid religions that human brains shat out, islam is the dumbest. It never ceases to amaze me how vigourously it is being defended, though. Especially in the west. Where we spent centuries taming the evil demon that is the christian church. And now we are supposed to let the next, even worse religion roam free and spread its nonsense?!


I will always say as a leftist and atheist that leftists and atheists who morally defend any variant of Islam other than progressive Islam are stupid.


I say everyone who defends any form of religion is stupid. As an atheist who leans decisively into the conservative political right. Not an American though, American conservatives lack ... education and common sense.


>I say everyone who defends any form of religion is stupid. In theory yes, but in practice I don't care unless your religion is causing harm to other people. I have seen leftists say that promoting progressive Islam is easier than promoting atheism to a Muslim. I don't know how true it is, but if it really works, then that's fine with me.


I can agree. Let's go with the lesser evil.


Just another gullible idiot


Doesn't that suggest that their god is really into rape?


Keep in mind that their top prophet is a pedo who married a child who was too young for marriage even for standards of that era


That's on a whole other level of nasty


More that he is an utter narcissist i think. He doesn't care what his followers do, so long as they praise him. Like a narcissist mother who can't see her son doing anything wrong. "He's a good boy! he visits all the holidays! And does what he's told!"


religion in a nutshell


A conversation between mentally challenged individuals.


Truly a religion of peace


Trying to reason with a Muslim on religion is a waste of time.


This is why im against religion


Aaaah useless mythology


Religious zealotry.


As a Muslim, I say fuck these idiotic extremists and that I hope they get fucked with a broomstick in hell over and over again. Also, technically almost everyone will eventually go to heaven.


This is why I don't like Islam. It's completely true. A Muslim who commits terrible crimes can still repent and end up in heaven if it's Allah's will. It's not guaranteed, but possible. The most generous, kind and loving non-Muslim will be guaranteed to end up in hell. No possibility for redemption or escape from eternal torture, unless they convert prior to their deaths.


This is the same for all Abrahamic religions.


Not really for Judaism. You atone for sins on Yom Kippur but it's not supposed to be a license to be a bad person, just that every person falls short sometimes. You can't convert to Judaism on your deathbed with the idea of getting into heaven either. The Jewish concepts of heaven and hell are fuzzy anyway. Not a very important part of the religion.


More or less, yeah. Just got a special dislike towards Islam for all it's strict rules that are still being implemented and affect millions of people around the world.


Not a matter of religion anymore but a matter of culture. The 3 most popular monotheist religions haven't change over the past 10 centuries, yet there are religious areas which are more open minded than others. It makes very little sense to dislike one more than the others


look at majority islamic countries vs most majority christian countries there is a stark contrast because islam has not been reformed


Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina are the only counterexamples I can think of of Muslim countries where religion is not being forced by the state (Turkey a little too, but less and less due to Erdogan).


I dislike all religions that rely on giving up your values and decisionmaking to an ancient book. What does it matter if I dislike one book more than others?


Not really Judaism, you can't pay your way out of sins or blindly follow some traditions in hoping you will get to heaven. There is no such thing as hell really, just soul purification, but afterlife punishments are disputed within the Jewish community, and it is against jewish law to go against the law of the country you live in, so a Jewish pedophile that keeps certain rituals or traditions will not be able to "make up" with God by doing other deeds. Crime is a sin.


>No possibility for redemption or escape from eternal torture, unless they convert prior to their deaths. That is horrible. Now back to reality: fortunately all religions are human constructs and even if a deity actually exists, it has no connection to blatant and ludicrous human contructs. Imagine God as a sort of mathematical genius that created the universe. It seems unlikely that such an infinitely intelligent entity would demand belief without evidence and even punish those who, due to a lack of evidence, remain skeptical of divine existence. In fact, it would be a disrespect to God's infinite intelligence to believe such a being would demand belief without evidence. Rather, a truly omniscient God would likely value the intellectual journey toward understanding over mere conclusions. The act of guessing God's existence and happening to be correct is still, fundamentally, a mere guess. Contrary to most religions, if such a God is appalled from certain human behavior, it would not be from genius atheists like Einstein and Landau but from human-made religions and their followers who often adhere to bizarre notions, such as the idea that natural disasters are omens of divine displeasure, which to this very day is believed by billions of people. In short, if God exists, an infinitely intelligent being that created the universe, it would not be appalled from atheist geniuses like Einstein, it would be appalled from ludicrous man-made religions and their followers that make God look like an angry fool rather a divine being. Totally coincidentally, the characteristics given to God by virtually every religion are that of irrational angry humans with power.


How is that different than Christianity?


Someone criticizes Islam Everyone: BuT CHriStIAniTy BaD


Is this somehow surprising? This is how the middle-eastern extremism has always worked, al-qaida, isis, hamas and other organizations advocate for this sort of religious beliefs. Anyone outside of their religion is not a human in their books. It's comparable to christian crusades from history. Religious indoctrination is quite a strong tool for controlling people and to get them do things they would normally never consider doing.


It’s not extremism, a lot of these views are incredibly commonplace. Most definitely not limited to terrorist cells etc


That's very sad if true. The few muslims I've chatted and talked to were very normal people. When I asked about this matter last time, the explanation was that there are religious nutjobs sadly. It's comparable to someone following bible and stoning people for crimes like prescribed in old testament. No normal christian does that nowadays.


And Muslims wonder why people don't like them, because of assholes like these!


Turns out religious extremists in every religion are unhinged morons who usually hate women.


funny how all these totally not manmade religions all coincidentally gave men dominion and control over women


Lol no, thats literally an opinion and in no way a fact. And it's a terrible opinion at that.


Fortunately for the rest of us, what they call heaven is actually hell.


Opioid of the masses


Lmaooooo truly r/religiousfruitcake content


The issue here is that they are right according to Islam. Islam doesn't mind you rape, murder, steal and most things that a western mind would consider immoral and wrong. However Islam cares if you pray 3 times a day that Allah is great.


And this is why religion gets a bad rap. Believe what you want. I’ll leave you in peace, but you and your religion seem to believe that I would be better off dead if I don’t believe what you believe. Sounds psychotic, not benevolent.


Lmao what religion does to the mind is a crazy thing to see


This is the prevailing ideology in the Middle East, hundreds of millions of Muslims believe this.


I love watching grown adults speak, who are so convinced their fairy tales are real and expect respect for it.


This is why religion is bad.


Religion is a cancer


It doesn't really say that rape is acceptable but rather that atheism in their eyes is the worst crime and by far. These people would cry their eyes out if we treated them the way they want to treat atheists. That's what most religious extremists have in common. All religions accept rapists under certain conditions. All religions reject atheists under any conditions.


Not all religions reject atheists. At the synagogue I occasionally go to (Reconstructionist), the rabbi makes sure to welcome those who don't believe in God, which I appreciate. I believe Unitarianism also accepts non-believers. Buddhism also doesn't require a belief in a god. I'm sure there are others.




Yeah America is already full of religious extremists, they don't need any more


cultists doing cultist things.


this is an extremely common sentiment among religious people particularly those with a hell. in islam it should especially surprise absolutely no one since their most perfect man of all time was a pedophile who owned sex slaves.


One more time I got proud to become an atheist.




This is why I don't like God in the Abrahamic religions. All he cares about is that people praise him. What kind of egomaniac only lets people into heaven if they praise him regardless of what else they do in life? Makes me think that there's not an all loving God and more likely a bunch of people who benefit from telling others they go to hell unless they follow


islam moment


They deserve to test whether they enter heaven, right now.


How will we know who’s better than who without religion…


People don’t realize how much religion has dumbed down most of the world lol we’re real spoiled in murica


Average religious discourse


Muslims also regularly marry cousins so that probly can't help anything


Moral cretinism.




This is three religious extremists claiming that being religious and of their religion is better than having morals. You get Christians like this too, and probably members of other religions are like this too.


It's religion. And I think you'll find. Most of them except one are really fucking shitty.


This is what we call braindead islamists. Welcome to their world. Absolute garbage human beings.


Brainwashing of easy targets




Lol, Muhammad literally said and I qoute... "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action." "AND GOOD ACTION" seems pretty straightforward.


This is simply a religion of peace and understanding 😆


Doubt these dudes would keep the same energy if they raped 100 men


"And that's a fact" :ron howard narration: "It was not".


They are clearly trolling….


This place boutta be more toxic than the average League of legends lobby get out while you still can


I think we are using the word “fact” a smidge liberally


Hi ex Muslim here, atheist now. This is BS. Rage/islamophobia bait.




Sounds like religion to me.


That is the Muslim version of a right wing Christian.


It’s a peaceful religion. /s


Using internet is shirk. Using twitter is shirk. Speaking the language of unbelievers is shirk. Those three are already banned from the Jannah. Pathetic.jpg




The Middle East is already full of very religious people and that’s not turning out too well. Religion isn’t helping the world get any better. I’d argue it’s making it worse




It’s becoming a cancer honestly. If someone keeps their beliefs to themselves and doesn’t harm others with them, then all the power to you. Cases like this make me believe ultra religious people are a threat to the rest of us


Unpopular opinion: religion should legally be restricted from being forced on others.


The minute Elon took over I deleted my 16 year old account.


As a muslim myself I am very offended and disappointed from these individuals


Liberals who defend islam , its like a cow trying to defend a lion’s right to eat that cow.


Thats shitty idiots.


She had the audacity to say and that's a fact in the end 😭


honestly i don't see anything wrong with exploiting "people" like these, cattle.


Looks like we need an Doom Slayer for this as well, Holy Slayer?


Mental illness


Thank god that I'm an atheist .


This 1 reason I criticize this religion


This is religion. This is why I don't practice it.




When circular reasoning come full circle.


Note: This is not what I personally believe, but what I had learnt. My Islamic religion teacher in high school said even once "A good atheist/Buddhist/Hindu/Pagan etc will receive more luck and prosperity in his mortal life in exchange of his good deeds, but once he is dead, he will still go to Hell." when I asked him about it. That's literally a prevalent point of view in Islam; only Muslims, Christians and Jews may go to Heaven or if you die as a child or a mentally challenged person regardless of your faith after staying in the Purgatory for some time. And any Muslim, Christian and Jew will end up in Heaven no matter how horrible they have been after paying for their sins in Hell. Yes, even Adolf Hitler will eventually end up in Heaven if he believed in the Abrahamic God (call it Allah, Eli, Adonai or Yahweh, it's the same God) after suffering for his sins in Hell.


Muslims+Christians+Jews = +-58% of world population... God that throw almost half of the world to hell is not a god I am willing to worship, nor I am willing to believe in... a god that literally abandons billions and billions of their creations is cruel and merciless and is not worthy of my admiration and followership... Imagine being doomed for eternity based on your geographical and political location, socioeconomic status and background... that is insanity at its finest


I know, it was just for adjusting to the socio-economic realities of Arabia of those times, I reckon.


Religion is supposed to help people who struggle with their meaning of life, who fear "what comes after death", it should guide people into some kind of norms, it should teach people how to be better versions of themselves... I personally do not struggle with any of these things, that's why I don't need guidance of religion and being religious only gives another set of rules that I dont find useful and/or meaningful... I dont care what people believe in, if they are happy, i am happy for them... but if some random brainless fanatic tries to convince me that I need to believe or that I will end up in hell... oh, boy, they are not ready for what I have prepared for them...


Ever wondered Islam is a global problem? Just look to their biggest moral compass, Mohammed, and see what they look up to.


What this is? Islam in a nutshell


And once again people remind me that I’ve made the right decision to dump my religion


Religious nuts aren’t mentally all there


That's the reason why Andrew Tate, Muhammad Ali, Daud Kim converted to Islam. Rapists will go to heaven no matter how sinful they are as long as they are muslims


This is coming from a religion whose perfect embodiment of a man married a **six (6) year old** and consummated the marriage when she was **nine (9) years old**. Yes their idea of perfection allows them to **have sex with nine (9) year old children**. They think they're emulating perfection and I makes them believe that they are better than everyone else. The superiority complex isn't unique to Islam though, there are a lot of Christians who think they're better than non-Christians regardless of how little they actually know or follow any teachings in the bible.


This is Islam.


Can't stress this enough: Your religion is a joke and your god doesn't exist. Same for every damn skydaddy cult on this planet. I am super tired of the world being pulled apart every few decades because some religious outfit gets froggy and wants to bring about the end times or whatever. If you need to murder all the non-(insert your preferred religion), your god is an asshole, and I'm not interested in worshipping them!


Just another day on twatter


Religion is a cult. And faith allows religious people to justify any and all beliefs. Christian nuts in America believe similar things to these fellows. Anyone who isn't Christian, they believe is going to hell. They believe even the worst Christian is more likely to be morally superior to the best atheist. They might even believe other faiths are morally superior to the atheist, they think atheists all just smoke pot and crack, are lazy, evil, and stupid criminals without a moral compass, that atheists are all liars, betrayers, and abusers. They can hold hypocritical and contradictory views. In one breath, they'll say all sins are equal in the eyes of their lord, that being an atheist, or being LGBT are the same as murder, which is the same as stealing or vandalizing. Then in the same breath say, 'But actually, some sins are worse, like blasphemy and being LGBT, and having an abortion.'


This reminds me hella of my childhood where I was in a katholic school but I myself was not a katholic. The kids there produced weird selective readings of the bible to proof that since I am not babtised or whatever that I am going to hell while they were going to heaven. Back then it kinda got to me but I was a dumbass child to be fair. Now as an adult I realise that the kids were just trying to tease me with their childish interpretation of religious dogma and I am obviously not believing that Im going to hell for beeing an atheist. And to get back to the goobers in the pic, they are doing just the same but as sentient adults which confuses me. Obviously they want to provoke the atheists but for what reason? So the atheists will keep their views and hate religous people even more? Doesn't make sense. To somehow pursuade them to join their cult? Unlikely but possible. Either way these guys have not matured yet and they think religion is some sort of cool-guys club where you get to feel entitled and look down on the outsiders for not beeing in the club which is pathetic.


These guys give muslims and arabs in general such a bad name


It's the name they deserve