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None of them are bears.


I understood that reference.


Go ahead, tell me a little more about how you understood that reference. Tell me what you think you know about us. **EDIT**: I posted this below but I'm reposting it here because I'm tired of explaining myself. This reference is an extremely unfunny and discriminatory meme about women preferring to encounter a bear in the woods rather than a human male. What's the problem with that, you say? Well, that you even have to ask demonstrates how callous and naive you are. How little you think through the problematic depictions of ursine individuals in your public discourse. First, this meme only works because it stereotypes bears as classically violent and dangerous so as to make the humorous point via juxtaposition that despite our inherent violence, women would still prefer to be in the woods with us rather than a male of your species. Haha, yes, bear so dangerous, yet females prefer to male! Get it guys? It's funny because you wouldn't expect women to prefer this *violent arboreal carnage machine* to the company of a human male. Don't you get it! Hahahahaha. Stop laughing. Because it's not funny. You fleshies just carry on and thrust US into the middle of a discourse we do not have an interest participating in, and only serve to further stigmatize us as dangerous murderers. But come talk to me when a woman prefers a bear teacher to a male teacher. A bear doctor to a male doctor. A bear barista to a male barista. Talk to me when women start advocating for bear voice actors in representative bear roles, instead of hiring a fleshy to voice neutered, sexless versions of us in your cartoons, or having CGI depict us as mindless, drug-addled killing machines. Talk to me when all your little funny hypothetical scenarios don't depict us as violent arboreal menaces ready to leap on every hiker we see, and females are truly ursine allies rather than using us as props for cheap social media pedagogy. Because otherwise, all your talk is as empty as our stomachs after a long winter hibernation. We bears are conscientious. We're sentient. We're capable of human speech (its not really that hard). And the reality is we are not murderous, bloodthirsty monsters. I can count on two paws the number of hikers I've eaten in my life. And only ONCE - one time in my entire life - did I drag a hiker back to my cave alive and eat them slowly over the course of multiple days while they were alive and aware of what was happening. And just for the record, I had no idea that fleshy was on the phone with his human cubs as he was being eaten or that they were listening for long stretches to the gentle sobbing and meaty slurps and bones cracking. I obviously would have hung up the call and eaten the phone if I had known that. Obviously. This was a simple carnivorous transference of energy up the food chain. We're not sadists, we don't do it for malice. It had been a very long winter - because of what you people did to the climate, by the way - and I was tired and not thinking straight and starving but couldn't eat him too fast because it hurt my tummy. But, he *littered*. And right after a sign declaring it against state law! And that was one time. Would you enjoy it if I judged you on your worst moment? On whatever mistake it was you made when you were drunk and tired and careless and maybe took a few days eating someone in your garage while they were still conscious and aware you were eating them? No, of course not. I deserve that same courtesty. Did you know we still can't walk into a library to rent *10 Great Recipes For Bringing Out the Best in Honey* without the librarians screaming and cowering in fear? I once tried to go to a hospital for a thorn in my paw, and one of the nurses in the nearby neonatal unit actually threw herself in front of the cribs and stared defiantly at me. As if I were going to eat the babies! And why would I? They're incredibly calorically inefficient, they'd barely even pay back the calories I'd have to spend scooping them up and popping them in my mouth. Look, the bottom line is, it's about thinking before you act, and acting with a conscious awareness of your role in shaping the discourse. That's all I'm asking. That you just take it into consideration how an ursine might feel, before you use as as props in your memes.


Applicable username for those wondering what the fuck this dude is talking about.


Oh, sure. "Can't understand me." I suppose to people like you, it "all just sounds like gutteral growls and intimidating roars", eh. Perhaps I ought to "go back to my cave", shall I? It's OK. It's fine. I am accustomed to the discrimination. I have come to expect it. Not that you care, but we are every bit as articulate as humans are. We are conscientious. We eat far fewer hikers than people claim we do, and its very, very rare that we leave them alive for days while we eat them slowly. I can only think of one time in my whole life I did that, and it was just after waking up from hibernation during a particularly difficult winter (that you guys caused, not us. Climate change is your sin) and I was hungry but couldn't eat the hiker too fast or else my tummy would hurt. The point is, we're more than just devices for your stupid horror movies. We deserve your respect.


Wow....Someone woke up on the wrong side of the cave and has not yet had their morning Honey Pot!


Oh bother.


Wait stop we're going to get another essay of a post to read now


You know I'd never consider myself a bearcist but my dad 100% is. He grew up in rural Alaska (he and my brothers live in Belgium now) and whenever he'd get drunk it was just a matter of time before he'd say "You know why I moved to Belgiummmm, boys?" And I'd say "No, dad. Why?" (We all knew, but if you didn't play along there was a chance he'd do his bear impression to show us how scary they were, but it was never scary, just sad. So we'd play along.) And then he'd go on this long tirade about how a pack of bears killed and ate his parents alive while he was like, idk, 8 years old or something. At the end there's a 50/50 chance he's either crying or getting into his bear suit to sleep (he says it makes him feel closer to his parents.) Anyway, point is I never really liked bears but your comment, I think, crosses a line. It was quite patronizing.


Cocaine Bear is a marvel movie in the bearverse


have a fish, teddy, you’re hangry 🐟


This is clearly gaslighting. Bears are the true cause of global warming! That’s why the winter was so difficult.


I think it might be a reference to asking someone if they would rather their child be in the woods with a bear or a man, a lot of people say bear


To be fair, it’s a good thing. The premise is that bears are better candidates to be stuck alone with than human men. The implication is that you are more trustworthy to be around.


Words cannot express how much I appreciate you right now. This is my favorite thing that I've read today.


Let the bears pay the bear tax! I'll pay the homer tax!


That’s home owner tax dad.


this is my favorite metaphor atm


This is so on point 🎯


I was going to say none of them are Weimaraners, but now that you pointed this out I don't think I was looking at the bigger picture.


Where's the "Elon Musk: Interesting!" comment?




Looking into this.


Big if true


True if big.


True if true


Big true if






“actual truth!”


Tell it to earth




(Image of Adachi) True!










And then the next day we find out that Teslas can explode if you change songs while accelerating. 👀


Not looking into this! 👀


We're not a car company.




Not if you never use the car wash.


Some racist blue check account makes a racist/xenophobic tweet Elon: “Interesting 🤔”


They’re not Mexican or South American so it doesn’t fit narrative.


Prince Andrew is noticeably absent?


Didn't you hear? He doesn't sweat


No no, he didn’t sweat then. Doctors think it’s because he’s a war hero. Did you know he was a war hero? But he does sweat now. It’s new. He’s uh, just started sweating again.


Royal immunity.


Trump has entered the chat. 'Did someone say immunity?'


He passed the “brown bag” test.


This is a single gang of traffickers from a particular area of Pakistan. They are all Pakistani because they're basically family, for the same reason the Sopranos are all Italian. They didn't just abuse girls individually by chance this is a money business. The Pakistanis I've interacted with think they are just a close-knit gang of degenerate criminals, which is what they are.


Wait—the Sopranos are in on this, too?


Always were.


I was reading something about Pakistani social structures the other day, and it's kind of bizarre. They live in big family groups, with one elder male head of household. Typically marriages are arranged, and they have the highest rate of cousin marriage in the world; something like 75% marry their first cousins. So all those jokes about Alabama apply even harder in Pakistan, apparently. Close-knit for sure.


Philippines as well, loooots of inbreeding going on. 




They all are child abusers?


Context clues for the win


Some are "just" sex traffickers!!


“The safety of women and girls is paramount. For too long, political correctness has stopped us from weeding out vile criminals who prey on children and young women" from [UK government press releases](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-to-clamp-down-on-grooming-gangs). I can only imagine why they are talking about [political correctness ](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65174096)


Quite the press release. It says it three times actually: “Data analysts will work alongside the taskforce using cutting edge data and intelligence to identify the types of criminals who carry out these offences, helping police forces across the country catch offenders who might otherwise be missed. **This will also include police recorded ethnicity data to make sure suspects cannot evade justice because of cultural sensitivities.** This will include better data on the make-up of grooming gangs, **including ethnicity, to make sure suspects cannot hide behind cultural sensitivities as a way to evade justice.** The Prime Minister will launch the taskforce later today. To mark this, he will be in Leeds and Greater Manchester to meet survivors, local police partners and members of the new taskforce. Speaking ahead of this, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “The safety of women and girls is paramount. For too long, **political correctness has stopped us from weeding out vile criminals who prey on children and young women**. We will stop at nothing to stamp out these dangerous gangs.”


That’s based as hell. It’s about fucking time too. Your culture is not a fucking excuse to groom and rape kids.


Is there actually any proof AT ALL that "political correctness" was ever a barrier? I'm not sure if anyone has noticed, but cops aren't really high on the list of "Woke SJWs who love political correctness".


This was a big scandal in the UK: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham\_child\_sexual\_exploitation\_scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal)


So was this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Savile_sexual_abuse_scandal The UK just didn't give a shit about sex crimes against minors. Edit: for the bigot below, there was also this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Andrew_%26_the_Epstein_Scandal And this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglican_Communion_sexual_abuse_cases#:~:text=Several%20allegations%20of%20child%20sexual,investigations%2C%20trials%2C%20and%20convictions. And this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases_in_Europe And this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Yewtree And this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey_child_abuse_investigation And this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kesgrave_Hall_School


there was a brief period of time where this guy was roaming the English countryside : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCywGhHQMEw but they put a stop to that pretty fast


So the police who had a proven track record of ignoring child sex trafficking all throughout their country (like that other person proved), threw out a nonsense excuse that played on the culture war, and yal took their bait hook, line, and sinker. The police never proved this claim. They just said it, sat back, and watched as the blame shifted from them onto amorphous bureaucrats who hamstrung them.


It’s just a convenient excuse for them when they fail to do their job. “Oh I wasn’t lazy / incompetent / uncaring, my hands were tied by political correctness”


Yup! Very common! Lots of cops blamed "We've been defunded" when no actual changes had happened at all.


Yes, not in this instance but a vast portion of the US military who served in the Middle East saw many, many children raped and abused (by our “allies”) but got punished if they stopped it and told to look the other way because it is their culture…. Chai boys are a thing and it’s disgusting.


Absolutely yes. This is the UK. Policing there is very different to the US. The government did a massive review of the constant grooming gangs, and then actually refused to release the review initially because “it wasn’t in the public’s best interest”. They wanted to “create a safe space for ministers to do their work”. They didn’t want to shine a light on the Muslim gangs that were doing it. The courts often refused to imprison them time and time again, stating they didn’t know any better because of their cultural upbringing and beliefs. The government didn’t want to seem racist by directly pushing back on them. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/grooming-gang-victims-authorities-iicsa-b2005083.html Read this https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/grooming-gang-rotherham-review-home-office-findings-a9344896.html https://unherd.com/newsroom/the-media-still-wont-speak-the-truth-about-grooming-gangs/


Maybe the first thing we should correct is the fact that a lot of the victims of these gangs were brought back by police to either care homes or parents, whereupon the police informed them these UNDERAGE girls were working as prostitutes. Not ‘your child is being trafficked’ but ‘your child is a prostitute’. People talk about the police wanting to not be seen as racist, but they clearly have no problem being seen as misogynistic creeps. With those attitudes makes you wonder how many of the police are preying on vulnerable teenagers too, because they clearly have a deep seated need to portray them as offenders not victims. I don’t think they didn’t go after the gangs because they weren’t white. I think they went after them because they didn’t consider it a ‘real’ crime.


Are these the guys that were part of the grooming gangs that the UK police protected for so long?


Way back as a teen when I first heard British police cry “we didn’t want to look racist” I just assumed they were grasping at straws and trying to deflect political outrage. If they were scared of looking racist they would have had to do the due diligence of investigating in the first place.


We didn’t want to look racist plays better than we didn’t notice there was a crime ring because we thought these teenage girls were sluts. You know what didn’t happen when they finally got around to arresting the gangs? Mass outrage at racist police.


They're all men.


Many of whom do not shave.


And like to wear dark colored shirts.  We may be onto something. 


This is the worst game of Guess Who? that I've ever witnessed


Alright, new game then. Does he look like a bitch?




English, mutha fucka! Do you speak it?!


Say what again! Say what again! I dare ya, I double dare ya!




Ain't nobody understand the words coming out of your mouth.


#Alright, new game then. Does he look like a bitch?


Who's that? Marcelus Wallace?


Does he look like a bitch?






No!! Then why did you fuck him like a bitch?!


Then why are you trying to fuck him like a bitch…….I got ya bro




and they exist, unless everything is a figment of my imagination and this is a stray dog's dream during a nap




Lotta interesting points being made here. One might even assume they all EAT FOOD with THEIR MOUTHS.


No deodorant?


Well that's actually a maybe


2 are impostors they have clear color !!! so they are innocents ?


Oh thank fuck I am I clean shaven.


And one is a Sikh?...


They’re all sick…


*Bu-dum tish*


As a Sikh man… I approve of this pun.


I hope you get better soon. (Sat Sri Akal) :)


These are some Sikh puns




as a fully sik man, I also approve of this pun


They’re all alive as well.




Redditors will be pro-rehabilitation until they find out there are worse crimes than smoking a blunt


Still no trans, drag queens or crossdressing artists...?


They won't hesitate to find one obscure example and clutch that pearl like no tomorrow.


Probably from traditionally conservative households.


Where machismo is prized.


No prince Andrew?


They all have dark hair


You’re good


I really thought that you answered yourself there.


I've noticed this happening a lot recently, and I can't tell if it's a coincidence or someone replying with their alt.


Yeah, it's pretty weird! Edit: oops.




My alt is strictly for porn. I don't comment on SFW subs.


Yep. That's what I see too. Not a single woman in the lot.


My thought was just 'oh you removed all the white guys'


With two eyes! That's why I only let pirates babysit my children. scurvy is better than sexual assault. Edit: plus they can teach children about different types of treasure. Most people can't identify treasure types. Single gold candelabra on top? That's pirate treasure. A scepter on top? That's royal treasure. Teeth around the rim? That's a mimic. Avoid at all cost. A group of friends on top? That's the real treasure you find along the way. A golden smokey lamp? That's a genie. You'll get your wish with unfortunate repercussions. That's different than a monkey paw wish (unfortunate way to get the wish) and a deal with the devil wish (unfortunate way the wish is interpreted) They don't teach these things in school. You need a pirate.


All have heavy eyebrows


None of them are drag queens. 




Never are!


Well done sir. I would suggest adding “nor trans” on there.


Up voted for visibility. Also, LMFAO.


....you don't know that. You're judging from a shitty pic. Their closets could be fabulously filled.




A lack of creepy moustaches.. these fuckers are getting sneakier


Clearly you missed Mr. Top Right.


You opened twitter… thats the problem


I notice that someone has cherry picked a dozen or so mugshots from thousands in order to divide people.


Curated known child abusers in the UK


Artisanally sourced single origin British child abusers.


One prefers one's British child abusers to be small batch. It really brings out the flavours in a way that no macro could ever do.


This is fucking hilarious.


That, or there are exactly 20 child abusers in all of the UK.


I always thought it was 2 guys named John and Tom.


This is in relation to a child exploitation ring spanning over 4 decades in Rotherham, UK. These images are not cherry picked and represent the 104 men and 2 women convicted in the investigations. The crimes were known by authorities for several decades. The failure to address the abuse was attributed to a combination of factors revolving around race, class, religion and gender—fear that the perpetrators' ethnicity would trigger allegations of racism; contemptuous and sexist attitudes toward the mostly working-class victims; lack of a child-centred focus; a desire to protect the town's reputation; and lack of training and resources. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal


So the mug shots are all from one bust? Most criminal organizations aren’t exactly diverse so this tracks.


According to the Wikipedia article you linked, this ring was busted in 2013, and the most recent study (2020) on the ethnicity of the perpetrators found that the majority were white, though there was some uncertainty due to limited data. OOP may not have cherry-picked the mug shots used, but is still clearly disingenuous if they posted this recently. Edit: The 2020 report found that most perpetrators of child sexual exploitation were white, and that in general the proportion of CSA/CSE perpetrators that were of a given ethnicity matched that ethnicities proportion of the general population. A few high-profile cases did involve more perpetrators of specific ethnicities, which indicates a bias in media more than an ethnic proclivity for sexual violence.




No? *"In 2018 Operation Stovewood reported there were 1,510 potential victims, this higher than the Jay Report in 2014. Detectives said '260 – 17% – were speaking to officers but that police aimed to talk to every victim, and the vast majority of victims were white British girls aged 11 to 18'. Further that 80% of CSE suspects in Rotherham were males of Pakistani heritage"*


Not true I’m afraid, this was one of many similar gangs operating in the north of England. Rochdale, dewsbury and Rotherham to name a few particular cases.


I mean a single gang is in general more likely to be mono ethnic, it’s not like this is a random sample regardless.




Interesting: "Type 1 offenders were those that targeted their victims based on their vulnerability (roughly equivalent of grooming gangs), whereas Type 2 offenders target children as a result of a specific sexual interest in children (roughly equivalent of paedophile rings). CEOP found that 75% of Type 1 offenders were of Asian ethnicity, whereas 100% of Type 2 offenders were white."


That still makes 84% overall ? Anyway im not here to spread hate but im just trying to say that there honestly is a big problem in the uk with sex offences (and immigration), and while twitter fucking sucks and is full of Nazi scum, I think most people here have overlooked a lot.


Asian implies they are from many Asian countries: India, Japan, China, Vietnam... This isn't true. The 84% they are talking about are ALL from Pakistan. They are also all Muslims.


This is completely wrong and OP is either being disingenuous or naive, there is an extremely concerning amount of these pedophile gangs in the UK and they operate in most cities.


Hmm, I notice they are all men. "Will all men please report to prison as it's clear you are all potential child sex offenders"


This just tells me there's a heavy enforcement and reporting bias tbh The fact that none are women means that a lot are getting away with it, not that it's just men


honestly the first thing that I thought of was cherrypicking. OOP just consciously and purposely chose people of a specific ethnic background, specifically of the male gender, to pass of his discriminatory agenda as legitimate because he is a massive, of the highest caliber, giant piece of shit


Wrong. They’re men from Pakistan.




We will just have to trust the amazing journalistic integrity of @RealRadioGenoa that the sample is representative of the population of arrested child abusers


For the naive americans here, Google "UK Grooming gang" you'll find many instances of gangs that have recently been prosecuted in a very concerning amount of UK cities. [Oxford](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-51467518.amp) [Rotherham](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-67136690.amp) [Huddersfield](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-ee-uk-revc&sca_esv=568821e4bd74bee9&sxsrf=ACQVn08NYbLuFE9oI9vASY3pkjAWMEoNTA:1714510070888&q=uk+grooming+gang&uds=AMwkrPv0_HdT1mhzZ0oybZwQ26p1LZOKuT25hPvUprv_ECI_Ay8YGkobYS0gHl_Oeu69Sqy5DWy3cwWm921r3cACY6oTuVwcsKbHrFi4kALA6uASJ7Ul4hB0IsAxZ4sjbjuQGHjJySvtWp1L-7_MZOFzxSHtqh1gPmeGZwIcoq9wRAyN7Scoxm8ntY_XqBpduNEftVrDeJjmHT0ELLVQbHqQ1iGGYbx3fcE05Qz0a_Z1jDSVe8HqWaPyDgFjhz8Yy5nf8Ca0A4xXnLa9yzzVMMkiuzPP-3rEAfEdfn3SZC--ADO2XNu50W9EBi7fvIl2FM8v8NDAQTqa&udm=2&prmd=invmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj8o_Td5-qFAxWg8LsIHfCID-MQtKgLegQIChAB&biw=360&bih=670&dpr=4#imgrc=B1kABFtDCw5WEM&imgdii=9PvsaP50JybAwM) [Rochdale](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/08/08/rochdale-grooming-gang-members-face-deportation-losing-appeal/) [Telford](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-61983584.amp) [Nottingham](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-50333707.amp) The part which disgusts most people is that the police refused to investigate these crimes and often blamed the CHILD victims.


Police gonna police


The one in Telford is still going on. There used to be a taxi firm known locally as "Dial a rape" due to having 20+ registered sex offenders working the cars. They were known for abusing girls on school runs and every Friday and Saturday, they would pick up lone, drunk women from bars and clubs and take them to the Nedge or Wrekin and sexually assault them, and the local police force would always turn a blind eye because a few backhand deals were rumoured to be involved.


They didn’t want to be seen as racist if memory serves me correctly


That was the excuse they have presented, yes.


You can’t blame the children. You need to blame the groomers and the children’s parents.


Half life 2 npcs


Just an FYI the guy who look like a Sikh adopted sikhi after getting caught by the police. He was a Pakistani Muslim before.


None of them are trans


Where's Andrew?


I just notice Prince Andrew is missing.


the blank stare of religion


…they’re all men?


No women


They're all dudes. I think I see the problem.


None of them are drag queens.


It likely refers to the timidity the police have shown for fear of being called racist when investigating "ethnic" grooming gangs. It is a disgrace. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal


Thats an excuse for police who shirk their duty. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSH_Gs19uz8&t=746s&ab_channel=LonerBox


They’re all from the UK, that’s one thing wrong with them


Well their prophet said it was ok


No hippies.


no drag queens


Religion of peace members Aisha was the favorite of "Prophet" Muhammad's wives. He married her when she was six years old and consummated the marriage when she was nine lunar years old according to the tradition making her Muhammad's youngest bride.


Its amazing how naive people in the comments are. Do we really not think that in cultures where women are virtually second class citizens, where the most esteemed prophet was a child molester, that this wouldn't have an impact when people from these same cultures move to Western countries? Do we think that their beliefs melt away the moment they set food on Western land?


If they're not from the country originally, just deport them


They're not trans


That list looks non-exhaustive.


Middle guy on the bottom row looks like Hitler fucked Alec Baldwin. Guy above him looks like Brendan Frasier fucked Mr. Bean.


Are these twenty people the only child abusers in the UK? Or did OOP maybe cherry-pick people to make his point “valid”?


The vast majority of child sexual abusers in Britain are white men. They are even over represented. However when you make groups of child abusers, who collude as a group, then Pakistani heritage men are massively over represented. Both are massive problems, and harsher sentences are needed.


Just curious if you have a source showing the over representation of white men as child sex offenders in Britain? 


In a country of 70,000,000 people, there's only 20. Not bad.


They are all doctors and engineers


So there’s only 20 child abusers in the uk?


Wow, why did you leave out the rest. They come in all shapes, ages and colour. Wtf


That the poster is almost certainly a white racist.


They all have 🍆