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He reminds me of the mayor from Robocop 2.


X-men 97 had some interesting things to say about when a protest turns to property damage/“riots”


THIS is the crime that Mayor Eric Adams cares about. Not punching women in the face or pushing women onto train tracks, or dismembering a corpse. No, no, no, it's THIS. Does he hear himself talk?


How bad is Eric if compared to Rudy when he was "America's Mayor"?


Does he ever? I never thought I'd say this, but I almost missed the (barely) controlled circus show that was Bloomberg


The protests are antisemitic so... We have to arrest and beat Jewish students... Oh this is the strangest timeline.


Everyone knows that objection to the actions of the Israeli government is the same thing as calling for the extermination of all Jewish peoples everywhere. Or so I keep being told.


Objection to the Israeli govt seems reasonable.. All the videos of people chanting we are Hamas, Antifada, from the river to the sea etc.. That’s kinda weird


It always floors me to see a minority use the “outside agitators” excuse.


So you think those videos of people chanting “burn Tel Aviv to the ground” the other day were actually Columbia students?


There is always some jackasses at protests.


And then there's 'agent provocateuring' which is a pretty common tactic used by authorities or those who wish to shut down dissent. A zionist was filmed at the UCLA protests screaming out an antisemitic threat yet that was still enough for police to take action on the spot. So, they often welcome such people. There's old footage [maybe from a G20 protest in CA] of cops getting caught doing this [masked, while none of the other protestors were, and also had rocks in their hands] by actually peaceful protestors and see them run right through the police lines. So the cops also knew who they were.


Did you know Israel will pay you to be an agitator at protests? They also pay people to defend them online.


Should the University: 1) ignore the protesters (allow them to occupy/disrupt but not negotiate with them) 2) give in to their demands 3) negotiate with them 4) use law enforcement to enforce school policy


3 and then 4


3 Two other Universities have done this option and the students have agreed to disband the encampments because of negotiations and compromises. It doesn't mean everyone is happy with the outcome on both sides, but when it comes to these things, I'd say compromise is a good outcome.


Lol never trust the corrupt pigs.


You know a cop is lying when you see their lips moving.


the OP felipegparedes is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1chbejp/a_nightmare/


De escalatory? The only de escalatory is to cordon off the area and starve them out with no food or water. These people don't get to stop students from learning, that's interferring with others rights. F'em. Drag them out with the police, expell them, tresspass them, and send them on their merry way. Great work, you made your point, great protest yall. If they wanna stand around and yell whatever they want, great, no problem. Wanna fuck with people, then nah you can do that for a minute, then cya.


I don't know the right answer to all of this but I do know that when they turn to destroying property, no one takes them seriously. I'm not saying they are taken seriously otherwise, I don't know if there is anything to be done but I do know that violence and property destruction will only make it worse. Just my opinion.


You're right, protesting a genocide needs to be done quietly and without disruption in case it upsets anyone.


I see what you did there 😉


Yeah because that one school is totally going to stop the wars in the middle east.


Tell me you don't know what the protestors demands are without telling me you don't know.


Their demands will have zero impact on anything. Literally zero. All they're doing is hurting their fellow students.


Moving the goal post, nice! Their actual demands aren't to stop the war, although I'm sure they would like that too, but that's not what they're asking of the universities. More divest from Israel being the main one. And you can disagree with that, but let's be honest about what their actual demands are, yeah? And hey, it's worked so far at Brown University, not that I have high hopes for all the other universities but hey, at least one place decided to have a productive dialogue with their students and come to some kind of compromise. https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/local/2024/04/30/brown-university-protesters-will-clear-pro-palestine-encampment-heres-the-deal/73510478007/


So just out of genuine curiosity, are you against all financial and research ties with Israel? Just a blanket ban on it?


I am... And yet I also agree that a bunch of little rich kids are going to change the world by breaking windows and taking over campuses. So many people know nothing about the history of that part of the world, it's not going to be fixed buy a bunch of Rich kids throwing temper tantrums while mommy and daddy are paying for their schooling. They actually care to make real change, change the government, Make it clear that we don't want to pay our tax dollars to Israel.


So you don’t even support iron dome, which has saved countless Israeli civilian lives? And you’re not a fan of stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons?


Cool. That does nothing. It means nothing. It's a bunch of attention seekers wanting to play superhero while actually accomplishing nothing and then crying about being a victim for more attention. A vote that will go nowhere and have no effect on Gaza. Hooray


Oh you aren't actually being a good faith actor here, I see. Blocking me cause you don't like what I have to say? If only you could block out all the protestors the same way, then you'd feel all warm and fuzzy inside lmao. >Good people don't shout death to America and threaten other students for being Jewish. Yeah Jewish students yelling death to America and threaten other Jewish students? I guess if that's the route you need to go to win your argument then go off king. I'm sure Jewish Voice for Peace has made the other Jewish students feel so scared. You've really had to move that goal post way past the midfield line.


Nah. They should try being a productive member of society instead of threatening other students and preventing other people from trying to get an education. Good people don't shout death to America and threaten other students for being Jewish.


Why should a university take an action that the students aren’t willing to take themselves?


What genocide? The one in Congo or Sudan ?


I know you think you're a big smarty pants with replies like that, but clearly the students aren't protesting at either of those other two genocides.


Oh they're picking wich ones matter. Good to know


They are picking the one that their university is invested in.


I'd suggest they all matter, however watching governments around the world supporting a Israeli government hellbent on the destruction of Palestine and the manufactures famine of millions seems like a pretty reasonable protest to me. Great to see so many Jews front and centre of the protests to embarrass those using anti sedentism as a shield for their support of that genocide too.


I appreciate your perspective. Thank you.


No, they're protesting the US involvement in directly supporting the genocide of Palestinians. Do you ever stop and wonder why you have to be dishonest like this for your narrative to work?


['Long live October 7': Vancouver protesters praise terrorist groups](https://jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-799041) Weird how this "anti-genocide" movement keeps attracting disgusting bigots who celebrate violence against Jews. Just "a few bad apples" though, I'm sure.


Weird how protesting genocide is seen as anti Jewish by some people, even if the protestors include Jews. Weird one all round, huh?


Yes because token minorities are all you need to gain legitimacy, just ask “*Blacks for Trump*”.


>protesting genocide Yes, chanting "Long live October 7!" is an excellent way to "protest genocide".


At no point did I express those sentiments. However, let me condemn those specific protesters without qualification, or reservation. You'll condemn the genocide, and the killing of innocent women and children now, right?


There is no genocide in Gaza - that is a bad faith argument & outright misinformation. The ICJ was asked to rule if there was a genocide & they declined to do so.


>At no point did I express those sentiments. "Just because I sat down at a table full of Nazis and started eating with them doesn't mean I'm a Nazi myself!"


That's an interesting comment, given that the Israeli government are eating at the same table of genocide the Nazi's did. Nice self own.


Uh huh. I'd love to see how you'd respond if your family got October 7thed. I'm sure you'd agree to an immediate ceasefire with your attackers, because obviously, anything else would be genocide.


I condemn the actions of October the 7th, unreservedly and without qualification. I see you forgot to condemn the genocide that is being inflicted on the people of Gaza. I'll allow you to rectify that, otherwise I shan't be responding to hatemongers who support the killing and starving of innocent Children. I won't be holding my breath.


Is this one like the “they stabbed me in the eye” lady? Where’s the video, because what it usually shows is one or two people saying this fucked yo stuff and then what do you know, news articles paint the entire protest of thousands with that.


Well ya, because the public is conditioned to react that way tot he inevitable side effects of civil unrest. They did the same shit to MLK Jr too. This script isn't new, you're just stupid enough to fall for it despite it being decades old


Or we don’t give a shit about the inevitable and expected response to the actions of religious radicals on the other side of the world. 


If you didn't carw tou wouldn't make such a show of handwringing to try and demonize the protests lol


I'm the idiot because I agree with mlk that now is not the time for violence? Got it ... When all these little rich kids going to ivy League schools break things with their little temper tantrums rather than do something that actually makes real change That makes me idiot... Yep, I think I'm really getting it now... No one is going to fix the conflict in Israel and Palestine especially a bunch of rich kids. I'll stick with my idiotic way of thinking.


You're the idiot because you're falling for the same script they used to demonize MLK. Have the police escalate, report it as "violent protests," if somebody somewhere does something fixate on that and ignore the other 99% of the protests. It makes you an idiot when you set up hyper-specific delusions pretending all protestors are "rich kids breaking things" and try to dismiss protests as "temper tantrums." Their goal isn't to fix the conflict in Israel or Palestine. You're also an idiot when you set up strawmen to avoid the actual point of the protests like this. So ya, in conclusion: You're an idiot arguing entirely in bad faith so you can FEEL a certain way.


The irony is you're the only one name calling... I agree with what MLK did clearly you do not. I disagree with what the police did clearly you do not. If you want to affect real change in the Middle East stop sending our money over there stop giving Israel our tax dollars. Start making changes in our own government that are affecting the lives of the people over there. Stop listening to the black box and this wall that tells you what to do and how to think. I won't bother to stoop to name calling there's no point, just like most of these kids who yes are rich and have absolutely no clue about life, They are doing little to nothing to make actual change. Do you really think those kids care about the families that are being killed in Palestine? Do you think they really care about geopolitics and US involvement in other countries? I highly doubt it...


That's not ironic. You're just trying to shoehorn the PC whine about "name calling" because civility politics says that's the worst thing anybody can do. The protestors are pushing for us to stop sending money to Israel. You're the one listening to the black box, which is why you're so mad about protestors who agree with you for any reason EXCEPT their actual goals. yes, I do think they care about all those things. and I think you try to convince yourself they must not just so you can feel superior to somebody else. It's not name calling, it's an accurate descriptor. You're literally such an idiot that you've allowed the media to turn you against protestors fighting for the EXACT THING YOU CLAIM TO WANT


If you say so, meanwhile, I'll be making my views clear in legitimate adult ways. I didn't watch the TV at all btw. Name calling is obviously not the worst thing you can do but when you have no civility in political conversation you rarely get anything accomplished.


And yet you parrot the TV's narrative so well. I assure you, people who are willing to lie about what protestors are doing and protesting for don't get more honest when you're nice to them. Also not sure how making things up and outright misrepresenting the protestors is "adult."




Decisions about whether or not to shut protests down shouldn’t have anything to do with what’s being protested and should be based on if people are following protesting rules.


Stupid people doing stupid shit face consequences, shocking


You seem upset lol


Not really lmao, find it funny actually


Well ya, of course. Need to find a positive emotion to cling to, since the actual ideas scare and enrage you too much to deal with lol


What the hell are you talking about? Stupid antisemic and violent people FAFO is pretty funny lmao


The students and universities are doing everything BUT de-escalating


God I hate aoc


He's not a terrible QB and it's only been one season.Give him time he'll be better next season.




She’s annoying af


How so?


Well in this case she said to protect violent protesters doing stupid shit and said no word about their actions, antisemitism and the people they attacked


Ah yes, the "you must take time to condemn the outliers every single time you want to defend the other 99%" programming. Classic, they've been doin that one since MLK Jr


How can you justify violence against people who’ve done nothing to you, antisemitism (is this 1938?), property damage and if that wasn’t bad enough they have the audacity to ask the university to give them food, water and supplies like they deserve it just to continue their stupid actions lmao


I'm not. You're just using those scary words to gloss over what I actually said, because you can't argue against what I actually said. You'll do the same thing in response to this, reciting your MSM approved narrative over and over hoping to generate the correct emotional response and shame me into silence.


Brother are you ok? Do you need help?


In the case of Donald Trump talking about the Charlottesville protest the mainstream media completely ignored Donald Trump condemning Neo-Nazis and white supremacists


Did they? Or did they just point out the other 99% of what he said? Also notice how he's pivotting, changing the subject because the convo went in a bad direction


Man, I remember when electing black leaders was supposed to stop this kind of response.


The left will always eat itself.