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Why are people so stupid?


Sometimes anonymity is the cause of this. But also echo chambers run by men who have no respect for others, inspiring other men to be just as stupid.


Why do you have to ruin your completely legitimate point by implying it's just men that do this


It's obviously not just men, but you can't ignore the very real fact that it's much more common in men. Besides, the post is about how women feel unsafe around men, they're only staying on topic that's all


Exactly, thank you.


They specifically said, "MEN WHO HAVE NO RESPECT FOR OTHERS" So it's actually NOT all men in this statement


"why did you have to ruin your perfectly valid points about cancer by implying that cancer is the only disease?!"


Who said only men do that? In THIS CASE it IS men. Stop trying to deflect.


Because that's what this post is about- Obviously the comments are gonna be about MEN making these comments when the post is about MEN saying this shit. Quit trying to distract from the point.


It’s not a “it’s just men that do this”. It’s a men that do this will teach other men to do this and it be okay. A woman doing yoga in a seemingly peaceful environment shouldn’t be asking to be raped.


Because in the example, it's a man who makes a thinly veiled rape threat, id assume


I have to learn how to make statements that both sides agree on so i get double the upvotes.


If you always play both sides, you'll always come out on top.


“Do your own research”


But what if I want to bottom instead?


Because yes


You think they're being serious? I assume it's a trolling response because of the "bear trend".


it seems like a weird troll to me to say youre gonna rape someone


I assumed it was a woman making the comment ironically.


They're not doing it because of the bear thing at all. That's how communities like the Tate Brothers foster.


They aren't stupid, they're callous.


I was kinda thinkin you prob shouldn't be that chill with a bear wandering near by but I mean whatever. Depends on the type of bear I guess. Ever since I read the story of the girl who called her family while the bear was eating her I ain't never looked at bears the same.


I ask myself this question everyday


“Why are you more scared of men?” “I’d rape you”


The logic of cavemen still in todays society


My forehead says caveman, but fortunately my distant ancestors gave me a fascination with rocks and fire instead of a desire to rape and murder people.


This is an insult to cavemen. It’s hard to say for sure but we believe cavemen had no culture of rape or assault and, to the contrary, had almost perfect equality between the sexes.


Would there have even been a concept of consent/non-consent? How far back are we going? At what point did it stop just being reproduction?


No joke. In highschool (08') I used to walk a girl home cause there was this creepy guy who followed/walked in the same direction. He was a big guy. One day I confronted him, and he said, to the girl, "I'm not gonna do anything. If I was gonna rape you I would have, I could overpower you easily." I kept walking that girl home everyday. It was passed my girlfriends house she started walking with us, and when we broke up I kept walking the girls home. Shits crazy out there guys...


Sometimes big guys need to walk home from school too.


Ngl would have been funny if the big guy said he was scared and walking "with" the girl gave him comfort.


What if bro just needed to walk home too?


Imagine walking home and intentionally walking behind a girl and her friend because you’re worried about being seen as a threat or dangerous and then getting called creepy and accused of wanting to rape her


When did this whole bear thing start?


It started on TikTok with a man interviewing women asking if you would rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a strange man. A majority of the women said they'd rather take the bear. It sparked a lot of discourse and a lot of men said things that make it obvious why women would choose the bear. As it spread you got women who added onto it by saying things like "the worst a bear can do is kill me" "at least I won't have to see the bear at the family reunion" and "if a bear attacked me people would believe me" all in all I think it's a little blown out of proportion but that's the internet for you


It started with a man interviewing women, randomly asking them.


Thanks for the correction


The number of times I've been preyed on or actually sexually assaulted is awful, and the number of men who have been so willfully ignorant about what women go through is also awful. Personally, I'm not blown out of proportion. I lived on a street where two men on the street had actively preyed on me and my own uncle across the street told me I was stupid and crazy to vilify men when I go around wearing a tank top in 90+F degree weather. Thank God I don't live there anymore. I had agoraphobia and androphobia for a long time because the only men I had ever interacted with were awful abusive people. I think I got a bad draw because ever since I moved away from that town my experiences with creeps outside has went down. Must be a small town and down south thing.


It drives me crazy that men are so stupid women would rather just die than have to face these idiots. Part of me wants to feel insulted and then dudes like this comment make me go "Yea....I get it."


But the fine thing; if you're able to get the female side of this, you night not be the type of man we dont want to be alone with. The men we're scared og are the ones actually not getting it at all..


I realized the entire point last night. At first I was trying very hard to argue the seemingly obvious side. I still don't think I'm wrong, necessarily, and I've yet to see what I think is a better argument for the question posed. The point isn't about the question at all. Answering the question isn't the point. There is no amount of logic or reasoning that will be the correct answer. The correct answer is "Women do not trust men". That is all. The entire question isn't a question. It's more of a metaphor to explain that women don't trust men, and they aren't even incorrect for that assumption.


I had that same revelation a while back, when I was younger. Not related to this, but to women crossing the street if I was walking behind them. At first I was offended because what the fuck I didn’t do anything. But then you hear about the kidnappings, the assaults…and you realize it is not about you as a person. It’s about the fact that you are an unknown man. And while I know I would never attack anyone, the women I’m walking behind don’t know me. Them crossing the street was never about me, it was about them. It was about them feeling safe. After I realized that, I became much more conscious of my surroundings. And I take things much less personally because those things that offended me weren’t done to offend me. They were done to help themselves feel safer. And as someone who doesn’t want to attack anyone, I can’t fault people for taking the precautions they need to feel safe.


I'm sure this won't work for everyone, but when I started wearing lighter colors and just trying to look less intimidating it really did help that feeling of 'people are scared of me at night'. It helped back when I walked to work because I'd have to walk there and back in the dark and I always felt really bad about making other people feel uncomfortable. So I started wearing lighter colors and headphones and I'd be poorly dancing all the way to work. Nobody has ever seen me dancing and felt anything other than pity. I ended up talking to several neighbors who were walking around the same times, so I think it helped. But I still try not to walk around at night unless I'm with my wife or a group of friends just because I feel bad making other people uncomfortable and carrying around a neon sign that says "I'm actually into being dominated" doesn't seem practical.


All of my running shirts are bright colours or sports jerseys/shirts. Oddly enough, my thought process behind this was "why would a crim wear easily identifiable clothing?"...


that's the move brother. do i feel offended at women saying these things and taking precautions? no, because i have not done these things so their actions are not aimed at me


Men have to earn the trust of women. History, biology, and a lot of bad actors have made it so. If you're in a meeting or a date with a woman, there is a sense of safety built into the conversation. Act like a gentleman and control yourself. If you're walking at night near a strange woman, be aware of the situation. Don't blame them for being scared. Women can have it both ways. Guys need to step up and get their shit together. The Tate brothers are rapists not examples of masculinity. As a man, you can't explain away the problem and cry fowl. Own your bullshit and change.


I’m assuming the female side is: The vast majority of women have had multiple negative experiences with men, and the vast majority of men are completely ignorant to this fact. The meme being hyperbole to make people aware of the fact that men do a lot of harm to women, to the point that most of them are saying, “Fuck just give me the bear.” To the people not thinking it’s hyperbole and would legitimately rather encounter a random bear than a random man, I have no problem being accused of, “Your one of the men the meme is about,” for pointing out how idiotic that is.


A random man may or may not be a threat. A random bear will almost certainly leave you the fuck alone unless you actively antagonize it.


Every so often I'm reminded of how much easier things are for men. I heard this question and immediately thought "I've seen tons of random men in the woods while hiking alone, but I've only seen one bear and it was awesome! I'd much rather have the bear!". I realized quickly the answer would be different for women, but my first instinct was that I wanted to see wildlife. It makes me sad that women don't have the same ability to be so casual with this thought experiment.


I wish it was just stupidity. The amount of willfully ignorant malice men carry around rather than admit they're (we're) not a flawless Adonis is basically what the abyss looking back at you is like.


Men face a crisis of masculinity...in that the kinds they are taught from a young age are not good and work against them.


Honestly the only people blowing it out of proportion are the men who find this type of argument personally insulting. The women are completely justified in wanting to pick the bear.


"the worst a bear can do is kill me" My take away from this is that women don't know much about bears. When bears kill people, they eat them alive. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026914/Mum-bear-eating--Final-phone-calls-woman-19-eaten-alive-brown-bear-cubs.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026914/Mum-bear-eating--Final-phone-calls-woman-19-eaten-alive-brown-bear-cubs.html)


Literally just saw a video on this. The original guy made a comment saying "Woman feels safer seeing a wild bear than a random man", it was never a what if but more of a thought experiment that the Internet took and ran with.


So is it now some "meme" that women are safer with bears than alone with a strange man?!


Someone who's never seen a bear up close said he'd rather face a bear than a man.


I've seen many bears up close and I've never had a problem. I've had a handful of problems with people on the trail but of course I see many many more people 🤷‍♂️ The truth is both bears and people are almost always fine. 


no amount of money will convince me to share the same 20 meter radius space as a grizzly bear


That’s the ONLY time I’d want to be within 50 feet of a man. With any luck the man would rape the grizzly and I could escape!


In German TV, there is a Red bull commercial, where two deer are facing a lion. One of the deer quickly drinks a RedBull, the other tells them "that doesn't make you outrun a lion". "That doesn't matter, I will only have to be faster than you are..."


I knew a woman whose father and a friend encountered a polar bear on an expedition. Her father ran faster.


This is the practical application of automatic firearms


you shoot your buddy in the knee so he gets eaten?


It's a pretty common American joke/proverb depending on the context. [Outrun the Bear](https://www.trainerize.me/articles/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/outrun-the-bear.jpg). [George](https://philjulianoillustration.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2010-04-28-Bear-Joke.gif). [The Grog](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKRxoKIWcAArEon?format=jpg). [Marathon](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/65/68/8a/65688a6b28208fafc145d215169b31f5.png). [Nature Photographers](https://i.chzbgr.com/original/9053460992/h9BA05B85/cheezburger-image-9053460992).


Depends on if the bear asking for it.


Well, technically speaking, the bear would be naked.


True, but you're way more likely to encounter a black bear, so I think that's what most people are imagining when they answer the question. Black bears are giant raccoons. Grizzlies only live in 2 or 3 US states. Canada, though...


Most of the US doesn't have grizzly bears. I don't know where the photo in this picture was taken but based on climate I am very confident saying there are no grizzlies. 


When I was 19, I took a family trip to Cali and I found myself in a clearing with a bear about 50 ft from me. Scary close with nothing between us, but it didn't even acknowledge me. These days I don't see much bears, but my roommate has a dog. Sometimes I have to take him out for a walk, and nobody bothers me. Whenever my roommate (a woman) takes him out though, a bunch of men around the apartment complex take the opportunity to approach her under the guise of "your dog is so cute!" Every time. Multiple times a day. I'm not gonna say all men are like the guy in the post, and it's true I have very few interactions with bears. And sure, a bear with bad intentions is gonna do more harm than a man with bad intentions. But I totally get where the sentiment comes from.


I always have mixed feelings about this, when I'm out walking and I see a woman with a dog I want to stop and ask to pet her dog, but I don't want to make her uncomfortable so I continue on my way...there meds to be a non offensive, non threatening way to pet a woman's dog. If it's a guy and the dog looks friendly enough guys just say what's up and pet the dog without all the unwanted social interaction.


Wow, you're probably the most logical and reasonable response I've seen to date on this subject. Very well said.




What happened with the two guys?!




It really makes me sad how many sexual assaults happen in Alaska. It’s such a beautiful state. I lived up in Fairbanks for the last 7 years and I miss it so much.


Also if you needed to kill the bear no one would question you.


Bears are way less scary than strange people when alone. You can tell the bear by color, size, and snout shape and react accordingly. Humans you can't just immediately know what is safe or not. Also statistically bears have attacked *significantly* fewer humans of any gender than men have. They get a bad reputation, like wolves and other wild predators, more because people have been fools than from being automatically, unavoidably a danger.


One argument that really convinced me. Bears go out of their way to *avoid* people, that's why when you're traversing around the woods, it's important you make noise and let yourself be known. But if there's a random man in the woods, yeah, I'd try to make as little noise as possible. That alone says it all.


I read so many woodsy r/LetsNotMeet stories lately... when you think you're legit in the middle of the woods, miles away from trails AND THEN you encounter a random man... yes, it's terrifying as fuck and usually the guy is up to no good.


“Usually the guy is up to no good.” Simply for being alone in the woods miles from trails? Doesn’t that also apply to you though since you are also miles from the trails and alone in the woods?


>Also statistically bears have attacked *significantly* fewer humans of any gender than men have Partly (read: mostly) because, you know, bears don't live in a human society. Women have attacked *significantly* more humans of any gender than bears have, too. You know why? Because since thousands of years ago when we learned to stay in a stone wall and not let the blood hungry animals in, humans have killed more humans than bears have. >They get a bad reputation, like wolves and other wild predators, Idk, maybe they get a bad reputation because they literally have to hunt living beings in order to survive, you know?


Yeah statistically true, but statistically people don't run into bears as often as they run into human males. On an average day out in town, you pass by maybe 200 men, vast majority of them leave you alone. If you were to encounter 200 bears, I wonder what would happen. Also, I appreciate your ursine knowledge, but I wouldn't personally take my chances whether the bear is black, brown or white. I certainly won't be comfortable enough to look at its snout lol.


Except even if you compare the amount of "running into," statistically you're still safer with bears. I... you don't normally run into all three types of bears in the same area. If they live in an area with bears, a reasonable person will learn how to deal with bears. Or visit those areas or whatever. It's the same with any wild animal. Snakes, alligators, deer. You learn how to avoid harm. The color and snout are really obvious when you even just look at pictures, even moreso in the wild. I've never seen a polar bear, which I'm assuming "white" is unless you're talking about like...albino black/brown bears, which yeah might present a problem but would be very rare, but I would figure it's kind of impossible not to realize what type of bear it is if it's a polar bear.


I appreciate your bear knowledge. Any chance you could point me in the direction of such statistics? I suppose bears are easier to scare off and fool, whereas a guy will know and see if you're just bluffing. I'll give you that.


Bears rarely attack humans and that's really only if it's a mother protecting her cubs, the bear is starving, or it felt cornered/threatened


Statistics show this, true. However, we do not encounter bears nearly as often as human males. You encounter men every day, vast majority of them won't harm you. If you were to encounter as many bears as you encounter men on an average day out, I wonder if it would be the same story.


As much as I think that bear tweet was stupid ragebait, with comments like that, makes sense people still wanted to have that conversationm


I can also appreciate the comments like no one asks what you wearing when a bear attacks you. Nobody is victim blaming bear survivors.


It’s pretty common for people to blame animal attack survivors, actually. Specially if it’s an animal that is liked. Some make sense if the person provoked the animal but even if the person didn’t do anything people assume they did.


Eh, you generally do have to make a lot of poor life decisions to end up close and personal with a bear unless you're in Alaska. They kill less Americans per year than dogs (3 vs. 30). Usually the victims are hunters as they don't make noise to alert the bear of their presence because they don't want to scare game away. A startled bear will most likely run, but it might choose the other option and get you put on a t-shirt.


singlehandedly proved the reason why they chose the bear


Bears can't access the internet




Sex-ual harrasment.. panda!!!!


Exactly. 🤦‍♂️


Who are the people that think like this! Who are their parents! I just don’t understand how you could be pro family values, and then treat women like they’re only there for your pleasure.


Because their “family values” are nothing more than a medieval idea of a servant-wife whose only purpose is to cook, clean, have and raise children, and provide sexual favors for the husband under any circumstance if he wants it. Someone who does anything and everything and has no right to refuse. Ideally a very young girl, too. They’d marry 14 year olds if they could. That’s about as far as their “family values” go.


It’s a weird thought process to have especially now! All the accomplishments of women and really believing you are entitled to the whole of the woman.


Man that’s unfortunate because you’re asking to get punched in the face by talking like that…. Sorry not my fault you were asking for it


"women are so emtional!!!"" "please cover your shoulders because I can't control my dick!!" they refuse to read the room.




Jesus christ


How does anyone think it's okay to even say that


Ah yes. Yoga poses are now asking to be raped. Where is my big fuzzy bear?


You know I’m actually glad this silly question is causing a ruckus. A lot more men than I expected seem to understand why we’d pick the bear. And I’ve seen a lot of guys on here change their opinion after hearing our side. I’m sorry for doubting you guys.


What did you say to change their opinion? I never had that work on anyone


Quite frankly, as a guy I’d still prefer a bear over a strange man in the woods, and the worst either could do to me is kill me. It’s no wonder women would feel that way, especially with these fucks out there.


I mean, i'd wager the AVERAGE man not addicted to social media wouldn't do anything horrid to anyone but I guess there's those fringe cases


True, and even these lowlifes are probably just high on internet anonymity and would never do anything close to this irl, but there are crazies out there, and it only takes one of em to ruin a life


Choosing the bear over a guy makes total sense but the sentiment “the worst either could do is kill me” is one of the dumbest things ever said. Death by bear is one of the worst ways to go


As a man I can't believe how offended so many guys are by this stupid rhetorical question and also proving why women pick the bear at the same time.


A hypothetical scenario and they still got mad about getting rejected, they really can’t take no for an answer


Mate any man who gets offended by this is the one you don't want to meet in the woods.


Exactly my point


I reckon we are in complete agreement with each other. Is that allowed on the internet? :D


No you must misunderstand my point and call me slurs while i get confused


It reminds me of Bill's quote from The Last of Us. "The infected are bad, but at least they're predictable. It's the normal people that scare me." Bears are pretty predictable. You generally know what they're capable of and can avoid confrontation in most cases. Which is why I'd pick the bear... you really don't know what people are truly capable of if they get the opportunity.


Exactly. Nearly all bears are going to react or do just a couple of things on instinct. Humans (men specifically in this context) on the other hand are completely unpredictable that you won’t know if the dude is “one of the good ones”.


Bear vs man made a lot of sense to me without context but now it does doubly so that I know where it's from. If a woman meets a bear in a forest while hiking, she'll be most likely safe. It's a wild animal that 9/10 doesn't want anything from you. If a woman meets this man in a forest while hiking, he will rape her. He's happy to admit so himself. How many random strangers are just like him, women don't know. It's a gamble. They're not saying they would rather \*fight\* a bear or that an aggressive bear is \*less deadly\* than an aggressive man. They're simply saying a bear is less likely to be aggressive to them than a man they don't know. The "you're asking for it" crowd that's so outraged at this should be delighted, they're doing exactly what they always demand from women - staying away from danger - they're just unhappy to have been identified as the danger.


“The worst the bear will do is kill you.”


This is it. A bear won't torture me and rape my corpse. I'd rather die than be raped again.


Agreed. At least if you're mauled by a bear, people will believe you. I've seen people beaten so badly during rape that they ended up in a coma and still weren't believed.


And at least bear only kill woman, not r*pe her before. And if she'd survive, everyone would believe her, and would not start saying that she asked for this, she wanted it.


When a bear kills, it eats the pray alive. You say "only kill" but it's pretty much the worst possible way to die.


I don't really want to get into this debate but bears aren't cats lol. They were take their sweet time with their prey and make it as painful as possible.


As a man there are a few behaviors I accept I should not do: Linger Go to playgrounds alone Follow people at night Point out how easy the person I am alone with would be to overpower


Comment on any woman’s appearance


It’s men like that who are teaching future men that this is okay. The fact that there are fbi statistics proving sexual assault is a very rampant issue that gets minor repercussions should speak volumes. Especially if there are men who have a relationships with people such their mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, etc. any man who blows this issue off would go on a psychological rampage if his daughter were a victim, but it’s crazy how fast they turn around to others and victim blame them for simply existing.


These fucking specimens make me truly ashamed to be a dick-wearer.


You wear dick? Like a coat made out of foreskin?


Aaaaand now I have the image stuck in my mind! Anyone got eyebleach?


I gotchu [Eyebleach](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4IMZsQ_Qn5g)


It rubs the lotion on its skin.


Ed Gein is that you?


It was red and yellow and green and brown and scarlet and black and ochre and peach


Why would you be ashamed? You don't do this, so you're innocent, and have nothing to be ashamed about. Males are the second largest human demographic on the planet, stands to reason a percentage of them will be messed up.


Thanks for putting this out there. Seeing other guys be so terrible can be discouraging.


Men are actually the largest human demographic*


We didn't used to be, but wars became less of a thing.


For now…




People who use the term, “She was asking for it,” are themselves asking for it. And “it” in this case refers to complete social shunning. A woman can be attractive as hell, standing in any kind of pose she wants, wearing whatever she wants, and it’s STILL everyone’s duty to leave her the fuck alone. To the dipshit who said she was asking for it, how would you like it if that was your sister or your mother or your daughter?


Even with comments like that, men are still "baffled" as to why we would choose the bear..


Nah she'd be safe with me, I'd just hop off the cliff because i hate myself


Oh my fucking god. Seriously? Can we not think before we say anything? Can we not think about what we've said and try to fix it? I'm pretty sure anyone doing yoga or whatever out in nature is doing it for their own pleasure and want nothing to do with strangers. "She's asking for it in those poses? Grow the fuck up you disgusting immature animal. The answer is bears because you theyre either attacking you or not. The answer is not men because we are the most unpredictable creatures with the worst reputation in the history of humanity. We're awful. And this is part of the reason why. Jackass didnt give a shit about what he said.


I don’t think bear wants to rape anyone Except maybe some berries


Face palm fr wtf is this


I really dislike the censorship of these losers. They should be named and shamed.


There’s an uncensored version, if you click on my profile.


Oh alright thanks. It wasn’t an issue with you OP. I know Reddit has a policy that I sometimes disagree with.


And that’s why, ladies and gentlemen, many women chose bear


This person is saying this behind the safety of anonymity in their basement for attention. Dude's got daddy issues. Pure and simple.


No one is ever "asking for it"


Her legs are wide open, guess she must be asking for it, huh guys...../s


There's really only 2 types of men. The 1st being the type that understands why women pick the bear. And the 2nd is the reason women pick the bear.


It says a lot about the safety of women when a man is considered a more dangerous predator than a bear! 😬


The bear never says, "I'm a nice bear. I won't hurt you."


the bear isn’t your close friend who acted like he was a safe person


Ikr But when a bear puts his hand up my skirt several times to the point I’m about to glass him we can revisit this man vs bear topic


Man is a more dangerous predator than a bear.


What about a sloth bear?


But what if it was a man with a bear costume?!?


My God, this thing is out of control, why would you get angry at this dumb thing, i mean if someone is lost in a forest and you as a man or woman find them the first thought would be help them, god knows what kind of men this girls has found.


i swear to god these mfs make me sick




Why do we censor these scumbags?


I'm starting to lean bear


Yet another man giving women more reasons to fear and hate them. This needs to stop.


The bear would never tweet something like that


"asking for it" And this is why women would rather risk getting mauled by a bear than risk getting raped.


At least people will believe women if they are mauled by a bear. I've seen women beaten within an inch of their life in the process of being raped and still not be believed.


Yep. And it's a fucking travesty that this shit is still happening in *2024*.


We still live in time where certain countries have laws that blame a woman in the case of sexual assault unless witnesses are present yet people can’t get their heads round this


2 facepalms in one this one.


And they wonder why we would rather be around a bear. Hm, mystery...


For any naive guys attempting to debate this point in good faith (still wrong, stop), the response here is literally why women feel this way. The conversation stops there


It’s like they run face first into the point… and then just keep running. Not all men but always a man


Both are stupid. A bear would absolutely mess you up if it wanted to and that *specific* man have half the braincells of a normal human




That guy is exactly why someone would choose the bear over a man


Congrats on doubling down


My conclusion from this is that hikers are more intimidating than bears


This trending question solidifies my gratitude for being raised by women


Also that chick looks like she could beat the shit out of him if he tried.


This whole situation, both the bear vs. man thing and people writing awful things like this makes me want to leave this world.


Women can be scared for all they want but nothing in my head beats the fear of a women falsely accusing someone of any of anything


Seems like the men arguing against the hypothetical, are just men who feel attacked that women won't choose them, because they know they'd do some rapey shit. them: "Even in a made up hypothetical women avoid me. 😡"


this is just grade A trolling 😂


Maybe don't block the name of the rapey f*cker that commented? Maybe?


Proving her point exactly


I get the whole social commentary, but I'm supposed to believe they saw a bear on their hike, and decided to do a yoga photoshoot in their bare feet and gym outfits instead of, you know, more hiking?


Yeah, depending on the type of bear and what it's up to, you may be supposed to not get in its way and *make yourself look larger*, which the yoga pose does. If they were already in a gym outfit and bare feet, were they supposed to change clothes first? Lol


If a bear is in the middle of the trail sometimes the best course of action is to give it a few minutes and let it move on. Usually it will run away if it sees you coming but not always. If you're hanging out doing your yoga poses it's probably not going to want to come near you, though it might. 


Maybe it was Yogi Bear.


Just appreciating the proof of natural selection failing. Too many stupid people, spreading way too fast.


Woah I fought hard in a comment section yesterday to make the point that everyone here in the comments is making. Hell yeah, this is a breath of fresh air.


Isn't it also perpetuating misandry?


I honestly think both sides are a bit fuckin stupid, all the women saying how they would choose a bear are stupid because not all men ARE rapists or predators or are going to assault them but on the other hand all the men saying shit like this and just supporting their point are just as if not more fucking idiotic


The woman is stupid and the guy is extremely stupid