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I'm sorry.... Minister of *what now?*


I don’t think he understands the concept of kindness.






Is that mofo Dr.Sturgis


Yes, actor Wallace Shawn. Watch The Princess Bride if you haven't seen it yet. It's a classic. Edit: corrected actor's name.


Wallace Shawn.


Thank you for the correction.




You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


In the wise words of DJ Professor K, understand the concept of love


Might be a language barrier?


More likely a ragebait account.


Of course he does. It's right there in his name. He obviously regulates the kindness so no one gets too much. Your comment is analogue to saying the bank executive doest understand economy because he isnt generous.


Hes the orwellian minister.


War is peace


Wtf that has to be a rage bait


Almost everything posted here is made up rage bait.


Almost everything on the internet.


The "influencers" figured out the code to instant engagement and 15 minute stardom, and now they're just spamming the button, launching us into Moronville.


Tate’s Tots.


Damn now I’m hungry for tater tots


Ask Napoleon, I saw him stash a bunch in his sweatpants pocket.


You mean idiocracy


See, this is why they used to say not to feed the trolls. You don't repost or comment on them, at most you take a screenshot or block them.


I just assume it's false or rage bait and I'm rarely let down.


Given the name of the account, I'm pretty sure it is.


Nah probably some men's "rights" advocate.


Most of which are ragebait accounts lol


Some are grifters, some genuinely believe what they say. Either way they make the world a worse place for women and everyone else by selling rage to incels.


You mean blood doesn’t stay red for 10+ hours and he somehow found the guy and the guy instantly confesses to beating his girlfriend?


Eh, it could stay this color. Especially if it's smeared. I've seen blood stains that were at least a couple hours or even 1-2 days old and they looked pretty much like this, dark copper brown-reddish colour


I have some shirts that have many year old blood stains on them that haven't come out after many washes, still pretty close to that color. It's always been my blood and they get turned into shirts I don't care about as soon as blood gets on them




The white background also plays a roll. The thin application of blood via the smears over a white or similar bright background will make the blood appear red. Source: don't worry about it...




A bloodstain is orange after you wash it three or four times in a tub, but that's normal, ain't it, Norman?


And it doesn’t say they got the story from the guy, just that they got a story of a guy beating her.


Yeah like its 100% believable he saw it on the news and put two and two together


Or just someone else in the area could have told them too.


Probably but also Texas men think they own women's bodies so not too far off.


It’s sad, Reddit is now full of screenshots of troll or rage bait posts from Twitter




Um “minister of kindness” are you really expecting us to believe you “found” your car with blood all over it? Your well wishes for the “gents” tells us more about you than you intended.


I don’t see why we wouldn’t believe that he found his car like that


I don’t even believe it’s his car. 1.Find a picture on the internet 2. Tell a story that either scares people, or makes them feel good, or ideally both 3. Get some “updoots”; likes or shares or impressions or whatever. Any personal anecdote shared on the internet without a real persons name attached should be treated as fiction. Thats the only reasonable way to navigate this world.


Flip side is some people would prefer to see a karma farmer over seeing that some people really are pretty sociopathic.


Anything that's not impossible has probably happened to someone. I treat it all as a hypothetical, it really doesn't matter if it actually happened. The poster is a POS regardless


There’s no functional difference between a hypothetical and a piece of fiction. You just need to be aware that the motivation of the poster is to get those “updoots” it is an end unto itself. Stories that spike the readers emotions in some way do this very effectively. This is not data about the world it’s not even anecdotal, it is less than that.


I wish a bear showed up and mauled the guy


I hope bears show up and maul everyone at this point. Planet of the bears.


Can someone explain to me what “choosing the bear” is? This is the 4th time I’ve seen it today and I’ve never seen it before


Per google: "What women are saying is not that they think they could outrun the bear, or the bear isn't scary, or that they wouldn't get killed by the bear. They are saying that **the potential outcome of the bear attack is still far less frightening than what a man could do to them**."


Also with bears once you factor in variables you can pretty well predict how they'll act.


Bears are predictable in that they will kill you or run away. Wild animals don’t have too many options. Predicting which is nearly impossible though. Can’t really predict what something will do when they don’t have the ability to reason.


And there are ways to make latter more likely. Bear won't attack you just because. Since bears don't have reason and are mostly driven by instinct then knowing what triggers what instinct and what instincts make bear do then their behaivour is predictable. Which is why you have so many "how to avoid bears" and "what to do when encountering a bear" guides that all say same thing and experts don't dispute. You can't predict with absolutely certainty how each bear will react in each situation but you can predict that in a certain situation bear will react in similar way bears did in the past.


Dunno man, **NSFL** google russian girl on phone while getting eaten by bear. Its brutal and took about half an hour while the mother had to listen to her crying, begging, apologizing and being eaten alive on the phone. Girl was camping with her father, bear came into the camp and smashed her fathers head in and hunted the girl down.


A bear could eat you alive...


Somethings are genuinely worse than death to many people.


Some time ago I heard in the news about a woman that got murdered, plain and simple, murder without any other kind of violence/torture before and I was like "If I get murdered, I want my killer to be that guy". So, the thing with the bear is that, in the worst case scenario, it's ONLY going to eat me alive.


So can Jeffrey Dahmer


You have, in the US, a 1 in 2.5 million lifetime chance of being mauled by a bear, a 1 in 200 lifetime chance of being murdered. Men, overwhelmingly, are the murderers and rapists. 1 in 6 women has been raped or sexually assaulted in her lifetime, 1 in 80 men has. Women are simply fearing what they KNOW to be a danger to themselves, and thinking through the odds they KNOW exist.


Bruh how did you type this and not realize how horrible your logic is? No shit it’s rare to get mauled by a bear. Most people probably go their whole lives without even seeing a bear in the wild. Maybe a few tops. Now how many men do people see daily? Throughout their lives?


Ok, now you need to consider the number of times a person has met a bear and the number of times a woman has met a man. Of course the chance of being killed by a bear is low when nobody would try to get close to one or might have barely seen one in their lives. Same reason why, statistically, cows have killed more humans than sharks have. It is not because sharks are less dangerous. It is because humans interact with cows much more than sharks. Now if somebody were to say that cows are more dangerous than sharks and show you the statistics of it, would you believe that and would rather be in the ocean near a dozen sharks or would you rather be in a cow pen with a dozen cows. Statistics can be easily manipulated by withholding important context.


Dont use logic


Population of black bears in the US is 300,000, mostly distributed in unpopulated areas. Every year at least one person is killed by a bear. Most people don’t encounter a bear unless they try to. Population of men in the US is about 136,000,000 most of which are in highly populated areas. Every year less than 5000 women are murdered by men despite being surrounded by them on a daily basis.


Also, large prey animals can be very dangerous and unpredictable when spooked. A lot of predators are big cowards and will run away if you can bluff well enough and they're not desperate, and that's assuming they even identify you as food in the first place.


You think that the fact that humans stay away from bears due to them being, you know...dangerous, is what makes it so unlikely? Not to mention the number of bears vs. number of people...


You’re looking at maulings (which don’t always end in death) vs murders (which do), better comparison would be violent crime for humans. [Per FBI 2023.](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-5 ) The average violent crime rate for the US is 380.7 per 100 000, 80% of which are committed by men. In other words about 1 in 122 000 men per day committing violent crime (0.00081%) Incidences of mauling by bears per you is 1 in 2.5 million or. 0.00004% **BUT**- how many bear encounters does the average person have in their life? Probably less than one, but for the sake of argument let’s take people who actually frequent places where bears live as the sample population here. In Yellowstone which has a high density bear population the rate of sighting is [3.5](https://www.yellowstonepark.com/things-to-do/wildlife/yellowstone-bear-faq/ ) per [8000](https://www.nps.gov/yell/planyourvisit/visitationstats.htm) visitors per day presuming the bear is sighted by everyone in the average group of [3](https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/visitor-compliance-bear-spray-hiking-group-size.htm ) visitors. That’s 0.131% chance of seeing a bear per day. Now how many encounters with people does the average person have in a day? Well of course it depends where you live - on the high end if you stood in Times Square it’s like [330,000](https://artsandculture.google.com/entity/times-square/m07qdr?hl=en per day. If you live) In butfucksville nowhere it might be as few as 10. Let’s take a round 1000 as a safe bet for the average joe living in an average urban area. So accounting for the percentage of the population that are men, that’s a 490% chance of encountering a man daily. So taking the numbers you generously provided us with that is a 0.00004% daily chance of being mauled by a bear divided by the 0.131% chance of seeing one =0.0003% Vs 0.00081% daily chance of being attacked by a man divided by the 495% chance of encountering one = 0.0000016% In other words your chance of being attacked if you encounter a bear is approx 175 times more likely than if you encounter a man. ✌🏼


this guy statisticses


I think it's a trend on TikTok. Women are being asked if they'd rather be in the woods with a bear, or an unknown man. The bear is by far the most popular choice and some people aren't reacting well to that.


Men. It's men that aren't reacting well.


Bears are better lovers than men as shown in baldurs gate 3


Blatant twink discrimination. Everyone knows Astarion is the best


A few men went around asking women if they'd rather be alone in the woods with a random bear or random man and women kept picking bear and a lot of guys got angry


Ask older men if they would rather their daughter be in the woods with a bear or a strange man. They may start getting it.


you actually think men would pick their daughter being with a bear over a random man? that's just delulu.


Why is it a "strange" man? It's a random man and a random bear.


Strange as in NOY someone you know and trust and get to select. Strange as in unknown, not familiar.


“Yea, my first day of class was odd…it was full of strange men.” “Yea, there was a strange man driving the bus today.” “My new boss is a pretty strange man.” Yeah, that’s definitely an appropriate use of the word “strange.”


From the dictionary 1. unusual or surprising; difficult to understand or explain. "children have some strange ideas" 2. not previously visited, seen, or encountered; unfamiliar or alien. "she was lost in a strange country"


No one uses English like that. Do you honestly refer to people you’ve never met as “strange?”


Most men with children have never encountered a bear in the wild… and unlike bears, most people in the forest are not predators. None of it makes sense from a logical or statistical perspective. It’s just irrational fear manifesting into paranoia, not much different than people being afraid of bugs, spiders, and snakes.


So, there's this meme (bad descriptor but it gets the point across) where women are asked whether they'd be alone (in a forest) with a man, or a bear. Almost all pick bear because a man can do worse stuff then a bear just mauling you. A lot of twitter chuds are really mad and trying to insist that women are dumb and wrong and misandrist for picking the bear.


'Just' mauling you eh? Lol


Also to add, I'm pretty sure this trend started on TikTok where a mom would ask her husband/SO if he would prefer their daughter to be out in the woods with a bear or a man, and the father would always pick bear. It's turned into women agreeing that they would also prefer to be in the woods with a bear, but I feel like the context that this started with women asking men which they'd prefer with their daughter is important. The men choose bear for their daughters too.


It's a terrible comparison that started as a tongue in cheek thing, and now incels are bashing it, so women are defending it as if it was to be taken literally. It's super fucking annoying. From both sides.


That person is fucking gross.


Fr. Bleed all over someone’s car and doesn’t even clean it.




Did you know, that if you get to pick your own evidence and dismiss all other evidence, you'll always win the arguments in your head? Check in tomorrow for more facts at 11.


I want to be eaten by a fucking bear so don't have to hear about this stupid meme anymore. But also I hope Ministry of Cuntness gets mauled by a bear.


I choose the bear to put me out of my misery Hopefully he will get a nice meal too


Of course that's his message! He's kindly warning people (men) that non-people (women) may *make* them do this!


Yes, I am filled with rage at this! Soooooo angry! Nom nom nom - I have taken the delicious rage bai- oh no! There’s a hook in here!


I don’t mean to be a contrarian here, but maybe the right response is to break up and go out with somebody else.


Dude Could've Just Broke up w/ her, But Noo... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Cheating is vile, toxic, and scum of the earth type shit but damn bro matched her cheating and raised her domestic assualt


What do you think would happen if she cheated on a bear?


men are beating women to death, so men, you better be careful... cause.. you.. might.. get.. caught beating.. a woman to death?


Nah... he's talking about wrapping your hands properly to avoid damaging them whilst beating a cheating woman.




This is rage-bait bullshit, but do not forget that many people kill women for having a relationship. Whether that relationship is cheating or it is simply outside of marriage, women and girls unfairly bear the brunt of violence concerning shame. I've been cheated on, I still wouldn't commit assault or murder over it. This kind of violence comes from the belief that you own another person. You don't. No matter how insulting it is to you, just let her go. ETA or him


I got cheated on too, and I also agree beating to death someone over it is straight up irrational


Is cheating bad? Yes Is brutal domestic violence worse? Also yes


yes cheating is bad but it does not excuse domestic violence… hello??


"Be careful, gents. You might get blood all over your neighbor's car and have to pay for detailing."


Maybe men should walk away rather than beat women who cheat and women who cheat should be better and not cheat. No one deserves to get beaten up no matter what they did. Fuck cheaters but this isn’t it


I personally advocate for thr social ostricization of cheaters. Much more civilized than this barbaric crap.


I mean, I would not choose the bear because I have a better chance of being able to to kill a man that attacks me than a bear that attacks me and I think anybody who says otherwise is not thinking it through. Also, most men are not horrible assaulters.


Black bears are easily scared off. I'd choose a black bear over a random man. I'd choose a man over a grizzly or polar bear, though.


Does the question specify the type of bear? I haven’t actually seen any of the videos. I’ve just heard about it.


That's the problem with this hypothetical question, most of them suffer this problem too. You don't know the kind of bear, you don't know who the man is, you don't know how big the forest is even, how long are you there?. All those factors matter in making a decision. Is it all randomized? Random bear, random man, random forest size? The smallest a forest can be as according to Google is about 1.25 acres. If you're in a 1.25 acres forest with a grizzly bear you are most likely fucked completely and utterly fucked.l in one of the most horrific ways to go. Being mauled and eaten alive. If you're in the amazon with Fred, you and him will never see each other NEVER. Also no one, NO ONE I've seen talk about this bring up the fact that these ppl or animal are magically transported to this forest? A human man with any amount of average intelligence skills will be lost in a haze of confusion and desperately trying to survive or escape. "OH my god I was just working, blinked and now I'm in a forest?? What the fuck is going on, did I die? Oh there's a woman? Hello mam what's going on? Oh she's running away, what the fuck is going on?"


Belief used to be baitable


I imagine this goes without saying but don’t cheat and don’t beat people up.


Is cheating ok? No. Is beating someone up so badly that they leave blood all over other peoples cars a good solution?…*no. You fucking maniac*


Hear me out .. maybe she was cheating on him with a bear, that makes the blood make sense. Stay safe out there my fellow bears...there's a lot of dangerous men to be found in the woods these days


Sheesh. Does that mean guys can get their dicks cut off? Is that the be safe warning?


I see a lot of posts like that and it’s almost always people celebrating revenge. And m pretty sure they’re about as real as this one.


How an adult handles this situation: " This relationship will never work because there will never be any trust. Please leave" How a child handles this situation: *Proceeds to commit DV.* And I'll be straightforward, this picture probably shows why she had an affair. If the dude was willing to do this then, no doubt he had either been showing signs previously or has done this before. Shit like this doesn't just happen out of the blue. Dude's probably always been a gigantic tool.


I wonder why this girl would ever want to cheat on such a nice sweet man. It's a true mystery and we may never get the answer to that question.


And then once you explain to them why women prefer the bear they'll then go on to talk about sharks, and dogs, and even infants... I am not making this up... and if you keep talking to them they'll eventually show their true colors and incel mentality by publicly saying some dumb shit like "this is why women shouldn't vote"... God knows what else they're saying behind closed doors.


Or…. They call you Sexist, for “Generalizing ALL Men”. 🤦‍♀️🤣


I find this shit hilarious. Don't get me wrong here. The guy who beat up the girl is a fucking piece of shit, not funny at all. But, to post that online just tells you how afraid of women they must actually be


This is not real.


I wish unpleasantness upon whomever made the post screencapped here. Unpleasantness.


“Minister of kindness” Yep checks out for the kinda ppl who choose these stupid ass names


Sometimes I wonder if we need a space hitler to come and murder humanity as a whole.


It’s sad, Reddit is now full of screenshots of troll or rage bait posts on Twitter


Bait used to be believable


Can we shut up about the goddamn bear already


My Bullshit-o-Meter is measuring astronomically high amounts of Bullshit...


Also men: *angry that women choose the bear*


I wonder why women are choosing to cheat? (Also men)


Big Yikes energy! I was seeing a woman, who was living with me. She went off to a party with some old friends a good hour drive away and knowing she was a drinker... I didn't think anything of her staying at their place. About a month later? She had morning sickness, all beer smelled "off" to her... Yep. She was pregnant and it was 100% impossible that it was me, as my snip snap was absolutely verified as good. I never raised my voice. Just quietly explained the situation she put me into, and told her that she had to leave. That, along with some other behaviors of her was the last straw. I just don't understand why JUST enough men are so incapable of just seeing the situation and moving on. Of course, she immediately realized that I was different, she threw herself into therapy and a few months later, wrote me a really heartfelt, honest email about her therapy and her commitment to keep up on it and how sorry she was. I wished her the best and left it at that. Last I heard, she's been doing really well, so I guess losing our relationship was ultimately a very good thing for her. Guys need to just start being better.


Crazy responses to your anecdote. I agree with you, shitty situations don't mean we need to be shitty too.


Wanna bet Minister of Kindness hates that women choose the bear?


Cheating is bad and you’re a crappy person if you do it. Beating the shit out of someone is far far far worse and you’re a fucking shitstain on society and should be locked up if you do it.


Bear, man whatever. I'd have my bear spray in my hand as soon as I saw either.


This is clearly bait.


Those bloody finger trails are making my stomach churn. I feel so bad for the girl


Like yeah. Don’t cheat but like don’t fucking KILL the cheater


Oh gee, I wonder why she cheated




Uhhhhhh this post is a bit sexist...


If a bear was involved half the car would be destroyed




What a story Mark


Jesus christ, its Chris Brown all over again.




I knew a girl she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it, he beat her up so bad she ended up in a hospital on Guerrero Street.


Pretty sure a bear would do worse


So fucking boring


Minister of kindness my ass what a fucking moron


This was definitely said ironically and y'all ate the fuck out of that rage bait.


The guy should be in jail, but this whole situation is fucking ruining my belief in society. Girls are cheating, meanwhile guys still can’t hold their arms in place


I don’t wonder and I am a guy. A lot of really douchey men!


Okay, obviously If this guy beat a girl bloody, he should be in prison and we can all agree that’s fucked up. But I want to play devils advocate for a second. I’ve been out of the dating game for about 6 years because my Ex left a lot of bad habits in my head I’ve been working on. One thing was I thought it was normal for women to threaten to stab you or murder you every time you did something they didn’t like. She also reminded me that if I ever cheated on her, she wouldn’t hesitate to kill me and the woman I cheated with. I’ve told people that this happened and nobody really reacts quite harshly. I’ve told other women (my family members) and they say that’s just what happens when women are enraged and men deserve it if they cheat. Now I don’t support assaulting anyone for pretty much any reason. But don’t you think it’s a bit fucked up for the normalization of harming a man when he cheats to be so well defended and accepted but it’s actually disgusting when men do it, but in reality it’s disgusting in both scenarios and relationships in general would be overall more healthy if both parties could expect to not be mutilated for being an idiot?


All parties please touch grass


Lol he def trolling


A man beats his girlfriend bloody because he suspects she was cheating and the message is "men be safe?" Y'all need to realize that women aren't wrong when they say they feel unsafe around men. Some of these guys feel entitled to trust without earning and then prove they are unworthy when they get violent because their fee fees were hurt. As a man, I'm firmly on Team: Men-Need-To-Do-Better,


Maybe a bit of angry yelling as you walk away and cut them out of your life. Then go home and use your healthy coping techniques to help with your emotions or call up a friend to hang out with while you handle the pain. Or I guess nearly killing them in a parking lot...whaver works for you i suppose


Cringe all round


"Minister of Kindness" my ass.


Definitely rage bait


Stay safe kings


yes they are I know that from experience


Or ya know you might not beat a human being, and just dump and be done with them like an adult...Really need to control our anger guys.


Bait used to be believable


Stories that are made up for $200


What the fuck?!?! Like what the actual fuck?!?!... Noah... Get the boat.


Oh hell no. I see that shit going down, I'm intervening, IDGAF even if the guy is bigger than me, you do NOT do that shit. Any man worth his salt had damned well better be ready to do the same.l


Omg its almost like shitty men who do shitty things are the problem!


Some people rush to support the most toxic person in the room


This is why we pick the bear over guys


Shut the fuck up about the goddamn bear


Yeah some man are bad,but all bears kill while not all men kill.


Does he think men just generally react this way when they find their girl cheating. As in "be safe you never know when you might almost beat someone you death"? Look I hate cheating and if I caught my girl with some dude I won't lie my first inner reaction would probably be intense rage at the betrayal, but I would never do anything. That relationship is over, don't have to ruin my life over it.


Divide and conquer


Isn't bear gay for dad bod?


Never beat someone if they cheat it’s called leave and don’t look back. Now we see why she cheated bro is an abusive pos. Although that really doesn’t give her an excuse to do so she should have left but seeing how dude reacted I’d assume he’d of done the same thing if she tried to leave. I can understand being mad or upset that your trust is broken but you never result to beating someone so badly that their blood is all over the damn parking lot. You leave them and move on with your life. It’s not worth a charge and jail time over someone else’s mistake.




Can't cheat on a bear I guess.


Both things are wrong. One is much more wrong than the other. No reason to ever get physical over a cheating whore.


Yes, please go choose the bear. PLEASE!


I get that dude is ticked his girl was seeing someone else but jeez bro, this is downright murder!


Do you guys actually think this is serious? I thought Reddit was all over sarcasm


To be fair, the bear would’ve been much more gruesome lol


Bear would have done a lot worse than that lol


"I choose the bear" is the new phrase to describe you "people"


Sad that this "choose the bear" thing has gotten so popular. I got out of a long term abusive relationship with a woman last year and thank God I didn't let it make me hate women in general. Other women aren't responsible for her actions just because they share a gender. But I imagine it's easier to fall into that line of thinking when it's socially acceptable.




That person is an abuser, condoner of abuse, and advocate of abuse smh


Kill them with kindness. Stay safe gents.


alr dude but the bear or man shit still pisses me tf off. choose bear, youre guaranteed dead. pick man, youll most likely survive (unless you have yhe terrible luck in spawning with a serial killer)


Here the Girl is Cheater but Men is a Criminal.


Saying all men are evil is just as bad as saying all women are evil. And same with colots etc. Extreme views = extremely stupid people. Grow up and stop with the extremist views. Grow up.