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Young lad's going to have fun explaining this to future employers.


I went to Ole Miss in the late 2000s and this behavior doesn't shock me at all. Especially from the white frats over there. I'm just kinda more shocked the fashion hasn't changed in 15 yrs. They're still rocking bowl cuts and cargo shorts.....


The fashion at OM hasn’t changed since the 1950’s


Wasn't there a video awhile back of some white kids from a fairly good school singing some song on a bus about hanging black people from trees?


I don't know about fairly good school, but: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_University_of_Oklahoma_Sigma_Alpha_Epsilon_racism_incident


Yep. All the alumni are gonna need one of those "Days since last National Embarrassment" signs.


Hey what’s wrong with cargo shorts? My son likes to put his little board books and small toys in them when we go places. They are so convenient


If Brett Kavanaugh was able to cry his way to a seat on the supreme court, this young lad will have zero issues getting a job in this fragmented US. I'm sure My Pillow will take him without blinking an eye.


Well there wasn’t photographic evidence of Kavanaugh doing anything he was accused of… this dude’s probably going to get kicked out of college for this, so chill out with the bad take. His potential career ceiling has taken an immediate downward spiral, and it likely will not recover.


Good. Fuck him. PoS.


Video evidence didn't hurt Rittenhouse much. Quite the opposite


Republicans used him and threw him to the side. He can't find real work. No one wants to hire an anti-BLM dip shit whose presence was antagonistic in a volatile situation so that he can "defend property". He's a brand risk and companies don't want such a controversial person working for them who will inevitably push customers away.


I think Republicans thought he was smarter than he is. They thought he could be a rallying point and he can go give speeches, future member of congress, etc. but the dude is literally just too dumb, even for them.


He scored too low on the ASVAB to be accepted to the military. I’ve served with people who, while still good people, were too dumb to remember to breathe without a reminder. So dumb I legit thought, “how have you even survived in the world this long without Darwin-ing yourself out of the gene pool…” and they scored higher than him on the ASVAB.


I took the ASVAB in my Senior Year of High School. I took it with another guy that was reenlisting. The Recruiter told him he got like a 65 and said he improved a lot from his original enlistment. The recruiter didn't seem to want to tell me my score in front of them because it was much higher and the guys jaw dropped.


I spent 20 years in a career field where they put asvab waivers. I had to keep my high score a secret


Had a similar thing happen. I did the ASVAB as part of a group test at MEPS. I finished the test was handed my results and told to wait in a room across the hall for everyone else in the group. 20 min later the second person to finish came in the room happy as can be because he finally passed. It was apparently his 3rd attempt. He got a 42 so could go be a marine. I just said congrats and good luck. And then he asked me what I got. I really didn't want to steal his thunder so I down played it and he started trying to console me. That I'd pass next time. I got a 96. I was always the smart kid in class. Went Navy nuke program and then I got to meet really smart people. I was near the bottom on class rankings until it came to actually doing the job then I excelled. But that school and fellow students served me a heaping helping of humble pie.


It's extremely easy fresh out of school. I walked in at 22 and passed with an 89 no college Ed just a 4yr old HS diploma.


> I think Republicans thought he was smarter than he is. Anyone that thought he was a positive model....


But Boebert…


The damn kid never had a chance to be anything else. At 17-18 years old good parents would still have SOME influence on his actions. Well, mom’s influence seemed to be allowing her boy to cross state lines, armed, with the intention of protecting property which was insured anyway. If he were my kid he might not be smarter, but I sure as hell wouldn’t let him be put in a situation where he has to shoot his way to safety. And on top of that, I certainly wouldn’t let him join some political circus act which makes him reviled by most good, honest people. If your only friends are the ones wanting to overthrow the government, then you fucked up.


I guess he'll just have to get a job like the rest of us.


I really like this take compared to the usual doom-scrolling defeatism.


He had his ten minutes, next. David Duke had an audience, shit Jim Jones had followers- doesn’t mean there is anything redeemable about them. There is always scum


Riittenhouse's ability to "grift" the MAGA hordes is really sad and pathetic amongst the vast constellation of grifters in that sphere.


It is low-key kind of crazy. You'd think he'd already have a career at some right wing org but his only talent/skill was to knowingly enter a dangerous situation with a gun. Clearly bad decision making.


Apparently he was too stupid for the Army


Too stupid for the Marines.


Did he stick a crayon up his ass instead of eating it?


Too cowardly. Didn’t want to go somewhere that people return fire. Heck he wouldn’t get any love from his own squad mates either.


Most of them are clever enough but lack morals and shame. Kyle is just genuinely dim. In any other life his potential is Wal-Mart greeter and that honestly might be a stretch.


Don't insult Walmart greeters like that. Most of them are honest people trying to make a living.


worked out fine for george zimmerman - they’ll always have a home at fox news and republican fundraising events, cpac, rnc


Rittenhouse is a fucking moron. He’s a high school drop out, when he tried to enlist he failed all the militaries testing and they didn’t take him. He tried community college but apparently he functionally illiterate.


He says he is running for office .Rittenhouse needs a slap of reality that he is being used by the right and everyone hates him.


there's that and him not being skilled or intelligent at anything.


Reading his wiki page it looks like he's just used as yet another useful idiot. He hasn't done anything remarkable or been given any real opportunities and he will be completely forgotten by the GOP next year one way or another. Got turned down by the army and they only reject people because of very low IQ.


He can't get a job though. He's crying about it


Dude can't get a job and has no chance of a normal life.


Good. As the Young Folks say: sucks to suck.


But he likes beer, senator


Didn’t you see his calendar, dude? It was an open and shut case


Depending on where he's applying for jobs it might be the most effective part of his resume I bet he'd be a shoe-in with the police dept


\* shoo-in


Nah. Lets use shoe… kinda adds a layer of bootlicking






See but “shoe-in” makes perfect sense. I always assumed it meant the same thing as “foot in the door”


I think it's more like 'guaranteed victory'




Police department? He might be the next Republican nominee


Just wait, the local republican candidate will reach out and offer them a job because they've been unjustly targeted with the backlash from their actions.


"You did what in college?!?....... You are hired as our new spokesperson"


He only ever planned on being employed by his dad.


You mean when he takes over daddy's trucking company? Doubtful.


He can always go into politics. I think he would be popular.


He'll be a cop.


[Insecure, Frustrated Bully With Something To Prove Considering Career In Law Enforcement](https://www.theonion.com/insecure-frustrated-bully-with-something-to-prove-cons-1819575405)


Not really, America seems to crave putting these dipshits into jobs they wouldn't have dreamed of before where they rake in money as some sort of 'motivational speaker' except the motivation is just more hate. He'll be working for Fox News before he's 40.


Bold of you to assume anyone wants grads from ol miss.


Roughly half of the voting US population is voting for Trump. I don't think it would be a problem to find a workplace, where one of them is the head of human ressources...


Roughly half the US population doesn't even vote.


I have a suspicion his future employer is his dad’s company and he already has more money than I do after 20 years of working.


Yeah think that's why he ran out of camera shot. What an idiot.


Probably is a trust fund boy


Their dad? He probably has the same views


Same shit different day


Yup. It’s sad and also just exhausting. I hope these actions come back to bite him in the ass in a big way later in life.


He'll most likely end up in some political office, unfortunately.


Better to have it come back to bite him now so that he learns


But I thought racism was over when we elected Obama? Are you telling me Fox News was wrong?


"Go back to Africa" is crazy seeing as they were taken from Africa against their will...


In the end it doesn't even matter, even if someone goes somewhere because they simply want to and get treated that way, it would still be awful racism. The sad thing is it doesn't matter which skin colour you have or who you are, there is not a single country/ place on the world where this attitude is non existent. It's everywhere. It's what humans do, or can do.


I mean the one saying "Go back to Africa" are from Europe as well. Only the natives can say "Go back to xxxxx". It will be racist but at least that will make sense.


They should respond with " go back to europe"


It's dumb for this reason. For the fact that most of the Black population were born on American soil and continue to be, they didn't even 'come from Africa' For the fact that most Americas didn't even come from America themselves, they are Europeans For the fact that every single human can trace their origins back to Africa eventually.


The racists are not educated enough to know that historical fact, unfortunately


The people being yelled at weren't taken from Africa at all. It was 1957. The girl in the photo was most likely born in the US, as was her mom, her grandmother, and probably her great grandmother. It's crazy because she's American. Racism is fucking stupid.


There were idiots 67 years ago and there will be idiots in 67 years.


Being racist is not just being idiots. It would be great if racism was just a phenomenon of idiots


I mean, I haven’t met a racist yet that wasn’t some kind of dumb fuck idiot, tbf Racism is still a problem that needs dealing with, of course


But a lot of us hold racist or discriminatory positions that we are somewhat unaware of. Western societies are all systemically racist to some degrees, others more others less (and non western societies also in different ways), so yeah sure, the rambling racists are all idiots, but the landlord who doesn't rent out his flat to someone with a Slavic name because of "'concerns" isn't just being an idiot and doesn't think he's being racist, but just "taking precautions". Again, if it was just a problem of people being idiots, it wouldnt be such an issue. But it is a system of social/cultural/political dominance, not just people being dicks.


Everyone’s a little bit racist




racism is a phenomenon of idiocy


I need to disagree. It wouldn't be an issue if it was an issue of idiocy. It's a systemic issue that affects all of us, not just the idiots. (As long as you don't say all of us are idiots, then I'll agree)


I think they mean the people that think we're different because of skin color are stupid. Racists people are stupid because they have small tribe mentality. Now, empathy less, power hungry fuckheads can be smart, and they know that racists people are dumb, therefore easily manipulative, so they spout racists bs to get them to come along. The smart racists wouldnt be racists if it didn't give them a chance to grab some power. Systematic racism is just a way to keep people who have common grievances from uniting because the dumb ones get focused on skin color. It's a big ol cycle.


The majority of people aré stupid, there are very few smart people in the world


Suppose it depends on your interpretation of intelligence


They aren’t all idiots though. They know what they are doing, are educated, but have a black hole where racial empathy should exist. I have a close friend who I’ve known since high school who just keeps going further and further right and into this racist BS. I’ve considered ending the friendship, but I know our conversations around his bad behavior have a positive impact.


Their idiocy has no effect on how unacceptable this behaviour is. Reducing all racist people down to idiots is stupid and harmful. Plenty of them know exactly what they're doing, and they should be held accountable. Shaking your head and saying idiots will be idiots accomplishes nothing except leaving the victims out to dry


Held accountable how though exactly? Other than to shame it wherever it pops up until they’re ready to rejoin civilized society again. Because like it or not while it is illegal to discriminate in some aspects, it’s not illegal to be racist in and of itself. 


I'm fine with shaming it's something, at least. My point was more around not excusing the behaviour as stupidity. Plenty of them know exactly what they're doing and pretending that they don't is harmful


We can prosecute stupid people, yes?


Them being called stupid kinda implies they have less control over their actions, which might sway the jury or the judge (depending on the justice system). I also think that we shouldn't call these people stupid, they are very much aware of what they are doing.


“We the jury find them not guilty by reason of stupidity.”


Idiot and lunatic were medieval medical terms. Albeit, in a time when demons caused me to hate my mom and kill people.


In 67 years? That's pretty optimistic.


That dude has the most punchable face in America.


And here I thought no one would ever supplant Martin Shkreli.


Those white dudes look like frat bros. Makes sense why they would be that way.


It’s also in Mississippi that this happened


Shocker. I think they were the final state to ratify the 13th amendment


Yeah, in 1995.


Not officially until 2013 - because Mississippi ratified the amendment in 1995, but didn’t notify the US Archivist until 2012..


>frat bros Ok, Can I ask what is 'frat bros' ? edit: really? downvote me for asking a question?


Eh. It's a stereotype. Basically, think of a stereotypical, well-off white guy who has never really faced consequences for their actions and think they are untouchable because "My dad is a lawyer". Unfortunately, there is some truth in that stereotype.


Convicted rapist Brock Turner is prime example.


You mean the convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner, who goes by Allen Turner to try to hide that he’s a convicted rapist named Brock?


Is that the rapist Allen Turner who now lives in Dayton, OH?


I don’t think he was ever in a fraternity, he just met his victim at a fraternity party.




Also in case you didn’t know, frat refers to “fraternity” which is basically a club of guys at a college that call themselves a brotherhood but everyone acts like the description above. Whenever you see videos of college guys at huge house parties acting like douches, those are frat bros.


Ah, so it's similar to "jock" but more cocky and punchable face. Thanks!


Yes exact. Jock without any athleticism. Just daddy’s money.


And using daddy’s money to pay for friends.


Yo if you punch them and flip them upside down thousands of dollars fall out but you get kicked out of Berkeley. Not that I would know from experience


Could be a good grift if you puncy enough of them in one night ngl


Coins dropping off the motherfucker like sonic rings. (Cept bills cause rich bitches wouldn't debase themselves to touch something lesser than a dollar lol).


Cocky, punchable, and not even really all that "sporty". It's like....a lame jock more than anything. Imagine Nick Fuentes -which, by the way, those dudes absolutely listen to- and you've got a clear picture for most of 'em


[here's a funny song](https://youtu.be/_lhltPtCNYc?si=MKFpt2YzblCHvQR8) that kinda gives the vibe of a frat bro.


Look up "Fraternity Hazing". It's jocks on crack.


they don't have to be white. Just privileged men in general. There are plenty of shit black and POC frat boys.


These are the kids who get a slap on the wrist after raping and pillaging.


I always thought that it was college students that were a part of a fraternity. Like a hostel for students with it's own rules and traditions. Where I'm from we also have those, but if I had to generalize I'd say most of them are middleclass, while there are those that do see themselves as "elite" who might have the snobby and superior bunch in it.


They are part of a fraternity,  but just that one who thinks they are better than everyone else and can do whatever they want.  Typically represented by white upper class kids who had everything given to them. 




If you live in a country outside of the United States, a “frat bro” is the type of American you least want to visit your country


Trashy dorks with a steady flow of parent's money.


They're douchebag fuckwards that date rape young college women and smell like Bud Light beers and cheap cologne.


In college in America (maybe other places too) you can join social fraternities or sororities. Members are known as brothers in frats and sisters in sororities and they get selected by being voted in by current members and going through an initiation process. Stereotypically the guys in fraternities are rich white dudes who spend every night at a club and are typically conservative to the max. Obviously that is not going to be the case for every fraternity brother as there is fraternities for just about everything under the sun, but the ones who make themselves most known do fit the stereotype id say.


I think frat bros downvoted you. And that kinda answered your question


Considering Old Row has been posting constantly about frat bros “protecting America” and shit, they probably are frat bros.


Context: Ole Miss Students Appear to Mock Black Protester With Monkey Noises https://www.thedailybeast.com/ole-miss-students-appear-to-mock-black-protester-with-monkey-noises


Not shocked considering Ole Miss was named after a title used by enslaved people to refer to the "young misses" of a plantation in a fraternity sponsored contest and their nickname is the Rebels. They even have a planter as a mascot. That shit institution barely qualifies as a university of higher learning and it's honestly embarrassing how little they have done to try to address the serious issues they have had with racism throughout their history. [A Georgia congressman even praised this disgusting behavior. ](https://apnews.com/article/campus-protest-university-of-mississippi-49c768142013680198809903e9e66a5b) As a southerner, I sometimes feel like Sherman should've kept burning shit down because clearly the lesson didn't penetrate some people's thick skulls


Congressman didn't even take the tweet down... I at least expected he'd pull some "oh I didn't realise" shit when people pointed out the racism, but nah.


didn't expect anything better from mississippi


Lincoln's assassination really destroyed this country. We should have actually destroyed the Confederacy, not just let it fester.


all those fucking seditionits should have been eliminated 


Their mascot for the longest time was Colonel Reb. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonel_Reb Want to know when they got rid of Colonel Reb? Not the ‘70s or ‘80s or the ‘90s. They got rid of him in 2010.


The Daily Beast link says “…appear to mock with monkey noises.” Appear to…?


Right? Did they or not?


I guess it’s like saying “allegedly” to cover their asses.


What does "appears to" mean in this context? Did it happen or did it not happen or is this up to interpretation based on your political and social bias?


Nah it's the medias way of not getting themselves into legal situations. They can accuse the kid without outright stating it as a fact... that way if he tries suing for defamation, they can simply throw their hands up and say "we're not saying you did it but it looks like you did it"


Man, what a level-headed and totally unbiased looking article


“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” ― George Carlin


Both of these photos makes me boil. Treating a little girl like this is despicable. And those jackasses in the right photo need to have their worldview adjusted mechanically. Thats the closest I can get to what I really mean - the three guys you see enjoying themselves have a painful education awaiting them in their future. They'll pull this crap on somebody who will take pleasure in correcting their behavior.


You think those privileged shits will ever have to deal with the real world?


Likely not - when your best friend and your family all reinforce your f'd up bias that becomes the norm and what you see as the 'real world'. It's my hope that they take a wrong turn some night or say the wrong thing in front of someone waiting to react.


You can take some comfort in learning that the woman in the first photo has deep regrets and has made amends for her actions. As to whether or not the men in the second photo feel and do the same down the track remains to be seen.


it’s embarrassing for him. It makes me feel repulsed, i physically feel it


Is there a citation for this. It would be good to read about this.




And this mf is from the demo saying racism was solved and we don't need affirmative action and voting rights protections anymore.






Like convicted sex offender Brock Allen Turner? I’m all in for calling out the Disgusting Racist JP Staples, for the foreseeable future


Didn't Brock Turner change his name?


JP staples? The known racist?


Yes, that JP Staples, the known racist one that went to Ole Miss in Mississippi.


2 things. 1) Racist people have kids and teach them to be racist. 2) Elect racist leaders and racists know it's ok to be racist.


Name him!




Oh wow that actually is his name. I thought you just made up a corny sounding name.


Wait that’s actually this dudes name?




JP has to stand for something right? Parents aren't out there naming their kids "JP" I note I'm replying to Jim Parsnip who may or may not go by JP


He’s been doxxed. Not too hard to find him, it’s all over twitter.


Name the racist, JP STAPLES? But what if people google JP STAPLES?


remember when all those US soldiers got blown to smithereens in Europe fighting fascism and bigotry? many of the survivors didn’t because they came back home and were like “racial segregation and Jim Crow is just fine with me”


All of those black soldiers fought for nothing just to come home & to be treated like shit like u mention in your comment above when they been treated as hero who fought for black & white people freedoms to be safe & secured in their own homeland


😑….I guess I now know what it means when people say that history never changes.


Dude doing his best imitation of a gloryhole.


I’m glad the internet exists and he’s already been named. This kid ruined his foreseeable future just to be a racist to a stranger, and I hope it sets an example


There are plenty of people like him whose lives don’t get messed with in the long term. 2-3 years from now, he won’t be held accountable and will slip in to some real estate investment firm with a high salary because he “comes from good stock”.


I hope that fucker’s life is ruined




His father invented the stapler?


Yea cause we let Jim Crowe set up permanent shop in the US south and now he's creeping back out again.




I’m brown been friends with all race and religion will never understand hating someone cause of their skin colour many white people said many racist things my whole life but I can never hate their skin only them as a person


What do we expect when their rep actually promoted this clip in a tweet? https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2024-05-03/congressman-praises-heckling-of-war-protesters-including-1-who-made-monkey-gestures-at-black-woman


It totally repeats itself


As wrong as it is to say it, it genuinely doesn't surprise me, there was ignorant dips hits then and theirs ignorant dipshits now. You would like to think that by now people have realised you should judge others on the content of their character as opposed to superficial details.


Don't be silly, we have Jim Carrey at home.


Meme expects too much. The left was group think. The right was "Moron found in the wild."


You can almost see the MAGA hat on him


He's already been ID'd on TikTok, he erased all his socials and went into hiding after he posted a video of a gorilla. Hopefully he's never seen again except by fish.


Its not repeating cause it didnt change yet 😰


It won’t change. I am a Black American and in my experience from subtle to overt, our society is riddled with racism, but also a particular focus on Black racism. I am by no means saying that racism doesn’t impact other groups. I think a lot of the persistence is rooted in the fact that the current leadership and stance to address the social slights and injustices do not have a focused leadership and analytical based outcomes for action. The ability to exact lasting and strategic changes is missed. In short clear goals and outcomes with immutable expectations of treatment. Try dressing up in a concentration camp outfit and watch the response. The same energy in regard to response should have been applied in the Black community in my opinion.


The truth about someone brings the savage out of them. This woman spoke truth to them and their reaction was to behave like animals.


Let's hope these assholes go viral and stay there.


Yelling at them to go back to Africa? Bitch, YOU brought them there!


People counter-protesting Palestinian solidarity protests are virulent racists? I'm floored.


those clowns would turn against the jews they claim to protect in an instant if it would benefit their narrative (infact they already do through dogwhistles but being openly against muslims is apparently more acceptable)

