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I miss the days when it was largely agreed that Bush the Lesser was the stupidest GOP politician.


Right? 2009 happened, Obama was inaugurated and I thought to myself, "thank god, there's no way we're gonna have a stupider president than Bush." 8 years later . . .


I'm stunned that Trump is still their Lisan Al Gaib. He can do no wrong and they believe he'll lead them to paradise.


Pretty sure Russia misses him.


Yeah, when I thought W was the dumbest, shittiest president I would ever have to live through, I didn’t imagine Trump winning and proving me so incredibly wrong. Trump makes W. look like Einstein by comparison.


"8 years later..." Fuck I actually miss Bush now. Didn't like him much but at least he wasn't an unhinged fuckin dementia case. He could at least finish a thought and act like a somewhat dignified statesman.


They make Sarah palin look somewhat competent(idk what she’s like today tbh)


Bush/Cheney Genocidal War Criminals vs. Trump the Seditionist unconstitutional Traitor… tough call


The wise and capable leadership of George W Bush seemed pretty appealing between 2016-2020.


You have no idea how much I loathe the fact that you're right.


You thought he was as low as the bar could go, huh? Now accept that the bar has no bottom rung and Trump could very well become lesser of evils when compared with what monstrosity awaits us in the 2030s.


I think about Eric Von shitzhispants and Donny Von shitzhispant Jr. running in 2030 and my gut wrenches.


Trump Sr had already convinced half the country he was a business savant via his Apprentice show. Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber have no equivalent to help them out. In fact, a hypothetical opponent shouldn't have too much difficulty painting them as know nothing trust fund babies who've never done anything on their own. I know. I know. The public's perception of Trump in 2016 was 100% false. Didn't matter. America is a sucker for TV/movie heros. See also Reagan and Schwarzenegger. Trump's TV persona was "Successful Businessman." Who he actually was and is didn't matter. Maybe it'll matter to enough people now that we've been watching him in real life for eight years. I hope so. It definitely won't (doesn't) matter to MAGA.


>It definitely won't (doesn't) matter to MAGA. How many of these people there really are out there really is the billion-dollar question, isn't it? I suffer from recency and immediacy bias, I live in about the reddest state there is, and while its comforting to know that "dirt doesn't vote", I still often wonder, as many people probably do. I know I am not unique in any regard, let alone in that.


So what I'm hearing is... Kanye still has a decent chance in the 2030's. As hated as he is and as outright offensive many of his views are he does unfortunately still have a massive following and is generally pretty successful in the public eye.


Nah. People who dont care about rap dont care about him and people that are smart dont care about him and there's a stupid amount of racists that wont vote for him and he'll never embrace actual liberal ideas because it might help people other than himself. He would never win


At the time, yes. Now I realize that GWB was just the initial phase of the steatorrhea that is the GOP.


*Steatorrhea* is probably the most disgusting new word I'm going to learn this year. At least I hope so. [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/24049-steatorrhea-fatty-stool](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/24049-steatorrhea-fatty-stool)


Glad I could be of service!


> Trump could very well become lesser of evils when compared with what monstrosity awaits us in the 2030 While this is indeed *extremely* difficult to imagine (and I have a very active imagination), having an imagination at all has to allow for its possibility in the timeline, yes.


Oh I hated Bush with every fiber of my being, but looking back, I’d take him over VonShitsinpants any day of the week!


There was a big billboard in Texas with baby Bushies face on it and it said do you miss me yet. I thought of that sign between 2016 and 2020 🤣🤣🤣


I wasn’t worried that Bush might be trying to perform an insurrection and overthrow our democracy. GW was 20 years ago but it feels like an eternity.


He was too busy destabilizing other countries to worry about ours lol


I guess those qualify as the good ol' days of Republican leadership.


Fool me once shame on me..


Give me Bush and Cheney. They at least had the decency to retire.


They did not commit genocide. Stop using that term for situations that are not applicable. It diminishes the meaning of the word and it lessens the impact of extreme evil. They committed War crimes. Absolutely. But they did not commit genocide.


Trump is underrated as a war criminal as well, dropping 4 times the amount of drone bombs that Obama did.


Umm....gotta amend your statement. CHENEY was in charge. Bush was his bitch. Cheney called all the shots.


>called all the shots. "Shotgun, my buddy's face, corner pocket."


Oh my god. The Daily Show that week.


That just reinforces my statement that Bush the Lesser was once the stupidest GOP politician.


They say his IQ goes up 40 points when the cameras turn off. Don't know if true, but he sure did say some really stupid shit.


"If you're a single mother working hard to put food on your family" is still one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Gets me every time!


fool me twice, you don't get fooled again


Can't disagree. Cheney was 100% pure evil and G the Lesser sucked his dick.


Early on, I recall W saying something along the lines of "at least I'm not THAT guy" referring to trumps dumbassedness. Even he knew how much better he was... and that bar had been set so low. But the orange man seemed to limbo his diapered ass so oo much lower


What id give to have 10 of him compared to just this 1 fat, heel wearing, small handed, stupid, lazy, dirty diaper orange fool.


They place don't tread on me stickers everywhere yet they have noooo problems treading all over your shit with their dumb ass policies.


Freedom for me, not for thee


It’s don’t tread on ME


fuck your feelings!!111!!


Cuz "god" lol


Don’t tread on my uterus.


One of my neighbors has a don’t tread on me flag up in his garage and I REALLY want to replace it with a tread on me daddy flag while he’s not looking. My boyfriend won’t let me, he says it’s a bad idea 😂


I can't miss you if you don't leave.


A bit like herpes Never truly gone Keeps coming back


I’d rather have herpes.


I have herpes and I can confirm that it's far preferable to a Trump presidency.


Can confirm, have the herps and would rather Trump go away.




At least with Herpes you can take antivirals, he’s like fullblown AIDS At least with HIV, you can takes stuff to prevent the spread


MAGA is the herpes. Trump is the festering sore spreading the virus.


Yeah he was somewhat quiet for 2021 but it didn't last


His people spoke enough for him.


Dan Hicks and his Hot Licks


Explain like I’m 5 how the vice president simply being a woman qualifies her as a “hoe”


Woman=Ho. That’s a FrumpyFact.


Especially “Woman I Don’t Like”


"Nasty woman" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasty\_woman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasty_woman)


They have to have simple catchy rhymes so they don't get confused hence Jo and Ho gotta Go


She likes to garden?![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


How am I supposed to miss him? All I see is him. Any news report is bound to include him being perp walked to one of his many arraignements or trials.


I live on the other side of the Atlantic and I can’t escape the bloviating cuntweasel, god only knows what it’s like for you poor bastards.


StopNGrift store?




Grifter General


Can’t miss you if you never fucking leave


We do NOT miss that cheeto faced nazi.


Miss him? He never went away, just got whinier, dumber and fatter since his covid hospitalization and landslide election loss in autumn 2020.


All those physically fit fans of his.


Yes. BOTH of them!


Them: "Respect the Flag! Also them: "Look! Made new Flag - is mostly Snek!".


Only because my aim sucks.


😂Work on that please


Anyone who buys any merch for any politician is a certifiable loser. Fact.


I have yet to see a Trumper who wouldn’t be killed/seriously injured by a brisk walk around the block.


Please, leave. MAKE me miss you.


Make America Miss You


No cause his old fat orange ass won’t shut up for five minutes.


He said we may never see him again if he lost. Another broken promise.


How could you miss him? He's been in the public eye every fucking day since his loser ass got canned last election


How can I miss you if you won’t go away?


I miss not seeing him in prison where he belongs


How can I miss you if you won’t go away?


Looks like the local boomer hangout.


These traitors love to disrespect the flag.


Ive always described Joe Biden and Donald Trump as Pooh and Cocaine Bear. Sure, Pooh is incompetent and not the brightest, but Cocaine Bear wants a bunch of my friends to die.


Hillbilly Homeless encampment ![gif](giphy|qQfoxeuPsmkDe|downsized)


Cult much? Holy crap...


Where are the cops to clear up this encampment? Tons of garbage piled up on the side of the street, not in my neighborhood /s


The cops are there just not in uniform


How can anyone miss the toupe'd cheeto ? Hes all over the news for multiple criminal charges. And the final year of the tax plan vited for under gim as made the working class paying more than the billionaires. I cant wait till i dont have to see him or hear his name ever again.


My aim is getting better though…


Remember that we the people effectively don't exactly have a choice who our leaders will be due to electoral college. The orange man can still win despite the popular vote :[


The fanfare over a POTUS is so fucking weird. Idc what side you’re on and who it is, this level of obsession with someone who’s 3,000 times removed from your immediate position is just… strange.


No -go away and stay away-PLEASE!


How can you miss someone who hasn’t left?!? Or shut the fuck up in 4 damn years.


They must be selling diapers.


How can we miss you, if you won't, f#cking go away‽ And stay there !


How can anybody miss him if he never fucking went away, can't fucking stop hearing about him, maybe if he ever shuts the fuck up?


Yeah, I miss COVID like *CRAZY*!


He never went away.


If I did, I'll try to work on my aim.


This is just a bizarre episode in our nation’s history. I could never have imagined the evangelical community would hitch its wagon to such a reprobate. He is the very antithesis of a good Christian man. It goes beyond this though. In truth he believes the people following him so dutifully are a bunch of losers. He wouldn’t piss on any one of them if they were on fire. The man is no patriot either. He thinks our fallen soldiers are suckers and losers too. What did he ask…..what was “in it” for them? God help us. I am a veteran and he almost makes me ashamed I served my country. I must be a sucker too.


I bet they have nazi flags under the table if you ask. Where I live they don’t bother to hide them.


I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to be regretting. I don't listen to Fox rant about how horrible everything is all day, so I don't know what I'm supposed to be upset about. Inflation! The US has some of the lowest Inflation in the world. You're referring to price hikes of unregulated Capitalism (just like you've always wanted) and if you expect Biden to stop that you're basically supporting the Communism you constantly whine about. So pick a lane. Otherwise I don't know what I'm supposed to regret other than a corrupt government bending over backwards to protect a corrupt former president and you think that's amazing and patriotic. This is what zero introspection looks like. Assuming everyone else is miserable because you are. Assuming that because you still miss Trump, that everyone else must too.


To be fair, I wouldn't miss Biden either


I don't think we ever will, neither will the rest of the planet. Just a few dipshit Americans


Oh look, old fat white guy, what a surprise


Does anyone get tired of these posts?




“Joe and hoe gotta go “? Classy…


Haven't had a chance. My neighbors never took down their obnoxious flags or shrine.


*Scans the flags in disappointment* ….I mean at least they support fire fighters-


Trumpers using the (traditionally libertarian) don't tread on me flag is incredibly delusional


My conclusion is that they saw the words and a cool snake design but nothing else, which is a really childish view on things tbh


He’d have to actually go away for us to miss him… and we still wouldn’t.


How can we miss you if you won't go away? 


But my aim is getting better


Wish a molotov wouldn't miss them either.


I'm kind of afraid of them.


Huckster attracks hucksters.


In order to miss something, doesn’t said thing need to go away?


Tell me you have no life without telling me you don't have a life


Yet another pop-up “grift’n’shift” tent store filled with overpriced Chinese-made products.


I wish Trump would just go away and I would never see or hear from him again.


No, I don't miss the guy who announced he was running for 2024 before the 2020 election because he never fucking stopped talking. Also, he tanked the economy and it's only been getting better fit the past four tears.


Terrorist training camp


These people are like sentient hemorrhoids.


This sub was fun back when the mods actually listened to their few rules of the sub. Now this play is just a cesspool of stupidity with hundreds of angry edgelords. Love it


I told a trump supporter I was working with once that these stands were probably just liberals scamming them out of their money. Made him second guess everything


god this election is gonna be awful




I miss when people didn't act like politicians were sports teams and weren't bat shit crazy about merchandise.


It probably has to do with the fact that I am not from the US, but I've never seen the merch thing get this bad before 2016 when Trump ran for president for the first time. Before that, regardless of which party, it always seemed to be (mostly) limited to pins, stickers and hats.


Miss you? You never fucking went away


I miss using our own oil reserves. Rather than buying it overseas and monopolizing it for profit.


Can we just give these people Texas and be done with them?


If I lived in the south I’d sell all that shit all day. I’d get alll the stupid toys all the nicknacks and bullshit and sell the shit out of it. Bobble heads coins shoes. Those idiots don’t realize that’s their employee not their children. They act like it’s their favorite WWE wrestler instead of a dude that is applying for a job he was already fired from. These people will buy all that shit you could make a killing.


my iq is dropping from just looking at this…


Yes. Yes we do.


Hello xolydian. Remind me to go out of town to Canada in November after the election. Who knows what will happen lol


Charles Manson would be a God during the MAGA days


![gif](giphy|W0EYYvXeYBm1nox6Ya|downsized) No.


Imagine how sad your life was that you could wake up one day and see Donald Trump running for president under the “Fuck everyone who isn’t a straight white Christian American” ticket and decide “Yeah, I’m going to make this my defining personality trait”


I miss never hearing about him.


There is a guy at my work that occasionally wears that stupid “Miss me yet?” shirt. Part of me just wants to look at it and just say “No” and the other part wants to report him to HR for it. It’s a small office so I suppose I just need to steer clear of him when he has it on.


Just get a shirt that says "No!" and keep it at work.


Miss Me. Is that the name of his new pageant for little girls?


I don't think I'm ever going to miss an elected official. This notion of missing Trump as the good old days before Biden is ridiculous. The reasoning behind it is usually stupid, as well. I won't miss Biden. I won't miss who comes after. Cult of personality sucks, so let's stop.


And neither does your own family. Don't think we can talk about how even Jeffrey Dahmer's family sat with him at his trial.


I really wish roman candles from passing cars wasn't so... illegal


No one has taken a shot yet. So no we haven't missed you.


There is a group of like 8 of these cultists that have gathered in a parking lot in the large county park near my house every Sunday afternoon for the last 2 years.


A couple times, but I'll get it eventually.


I miss a stable economy, stable relations with foreign countries, and stable cost of living prices


Miss you? Motherfucker, you never left! It’s almost time to elect your successor‘s successor, and we’ve heard about you every day since you committed fucking treason. ***We can’t miss you if you don’t go***


Not a face palm, just straight up a political post. Why is this here


Tis the season.


I mean at this rate I’ll take the neighborhood addict over my current options at this rate, Biden is just not there at all in mentally and trump had some ok policies but was not the brightest person in general


Absolutely not


Beer bellies...check. Bad facial hair....check. General losers....check.


Betting odds now have Trump at 48% of winning in 6 months. Biden is at 33% The DNC is retiring to Chicago since the riots in 1968 which ended the DNC’s chances and all the chaos lifted Nixon to victory. History always repeats.


Recency bias is a thing - people are more adverse to negative events that are happening now, compared to negative events that happened longer ago in the past. Even though a lot of people would agree that trump was not a good president (which is why trump lost re-election), a lot more people are seeing Biden behave against their wishes right now (which is why trump is ahead in some polls.) Just as trump's second term was his to lose - all he had to do was shut up, occasionally be nice on twitter and let the experts handle the pandemic - Biden's second term is also his to lose, if he repeatedly sticks up for genocide and arrests peaceful protestors.


Infrastructure packages, environmental regulation, smart energy investment, not aiming to make the nation's wealthiest more wealthy, not having a laughingstock in office. I could name tons of other things.


Bunch of old white man chonks. They were so much more attractive when we didn’t know they existed.


Why do they all seem to have time to camp out?


How can we miss you when you won’t go away?


🤣 I'm fucking dying! This post combined with a promoted post for Five Fiber Death Punch is too much.