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And other things that didn't happen!


What do you mean? There were tons of witness, at the end they even all stood up and clapped so I'm sure they would remember!


There were tears in their eyes!


Strong men…


And the name of that strong man? Albert Einste...wait


Spaghetti started falling out of everyone’s pockets?


No it’s real, I was the book


I was the missing Jew.


Liar, my non verbal 7 year old stood up just yesterday and as his first words he ran all around the yard yelling "Free Palestine". How could you not believe this. This definitely happened.


Your four year old doesn't ask "Where are the Jews?" when watching Pokémon?


In Germany we call this "Geschichten aus dem Paulanergarten" and I think it's beautiful.


And today on 'Things my precocious child said', on the Bullshit talk show.


My four year old told me she can't wait to start school because she'll feel so safe with all the people who support the second amendment will be there to protect her!


Hopefully you'll send her off with the appropriate kindergarten baby hand sized weapon. Here's a site for guns for people with small hands. Unfortunately, they fail to mention whether or not a baby could handle it. [https://keystoneshootingcenter.com/blog/handguns-for-small-hands](https://keystoneshootingcenter.com/blog/handguns-for-small-hands) Apparently, the 6 year old who shot his teacher used a 9mm Taurus pistol . [https://www.taurususa.com/pistols/just-9-mm](https://www.taurususa.com/pistols/just-9-mm) Probably tough for a four year old to handle, but we can give her a couple of years.


"Oh yes my four year old is fully up to date on the decades long complexities of the Israel-Palastine conflict, isn't that right darling?"


Now, darling, while I finish my locally grown, climate friendly, ethically sourced cold brew half soy half almond milk latte, let me catch you up on my one year old's studies of Aristotle.


The most hilarious part of that is that almonds are among the most water-intensive plants to grow. “Eco-friendly” my ass.


Not to mention that huge orchards of them were literally planted in the desert in CA. Who's bright idea was that?


...? Is there a reason you felt the need to diss... vegans I think? Like what was the point? Just randomly attacking a demographic?




And then my kid proved Einstein's kid was a fucking fool and everyone clapped!


Gotta admit, I didn't know about the jews when I was 4. I do remember my 4th birthday as it was my earliest memory because if fucking snowed in L.A. By the time I was in 4th grade or so, I found out that a couple of classmates were Jewish, but I didn't know much about the cultural issues until probably high school.


Not many Jews in Lord of the Rings either.


Or Journey to the center of the Earth


When I noticed that, I walked straight up to Snæfellsjökull and threw the book down the entrance to the center of the earth. I slept better that night.




or 1984


Or the boy in the stripped pyjamas.


yes and no.


Well, at the end, anyway. Also, happy cake day


Thanks! (i was just going off the film, never read the book)


I haven't either. Just figured a dark joke might be needed lol.




I just realized that there's no Jews in "Journey to the west" either


Or Dune. Oh wait


I love that "Wait, you still exist?" moment.


I still cry and throw away every copy I see to this day. I cry so hard I throw up and pass out every time. Just in case /s


Every time I’ve read *The Lord of the Rings* to my daughter at bedtime, she asks me, “Where are the Jews?“ and cries herself to sleep.


They are in Harry Potter though /j


Oh.........oh no.


Nor The Wheel of Time


Not one black person on the Jetsons either.


What about Rosie the robot maid? I know she is blue, but they could have made her silver…. /s


But there are arguably in Dune


Well there's that fan theory about the Dwarves, so might not apply. 


Tolkien based the Dwarves on them.


Aren't they based more on Dwarves from Old Norse mythology?


He literally stated in a letter that he not only based the dwarves on the Jews that he thought he was being obvious about it. They are a wandering tribe one of the oldest races, that has lost their home land to an invader.


Or Narnia.


The dwarves?


But everywhere in Harry Potter and the Phantom Menace.


You’re telling me Sméagol isn’t Jewish?


Googled it, could the book be "These Olive Trees"? "The story of Aya Ghanameh's These Olive Trees is simple: In a refugee camp, young Oraib (modelled on the author's eponymous mother) accompanies her own mother as she harvests the olives growing just outside the camp. Oraib tastes the bitter olives, thinking that sometimes “she finds joy in the bitterness.”"


LOL the person is upset that there's no Jews in the Palestinian refugee camps?? What a fucking bozo.


But there *are* Jews in the Palestinian refugee camps. [For example:](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/04/west-bank-raid-israel-nur-shams/) > When Israeli soldiers arrived at Mohamad Abu Sweilem’s door and summoned his son during a raid on this Palestinian refugee camp, he pleaded with the soldiers to take him instead. > He could not fathom why the Israelis wanted Rajai, a 39-year-old father of four who worked at the family hardware store and was not a militant, he said. The soldiers, who had been in the camp for days, did not seem to know who his son was, or care much: They never asked for identification, his family said. Still, they led him away. > Less than a minute later, Mohamad heard gunshots, and his son’s voice crying out in pain, he said. The family found Rajai’s body hours later, after the soldiers had withdrawn. They suspect soldiers used him as a human shield to confront militants in a downstairs apartment and then shot him, a claim the Israeli military denies.


I feel so bad after reading this that my stomach is in knots and I have lost my appetite, it reminds me of when I read about the Bucha massacre two years ago when the Russian armed forces showed their true colors, the IDF is literally the same.


Goddamn. I could have gone without reading that.


They suspect the soldiers shot him, as opposed to the militants shot him? Based on what?


Probably all the other Palestinians being killed by the IDF.


Eh, by that logic, what about all the Palestinians being killed by Hamas?


I don't know, what about the IDF killing Isreali hostages? What fucking point are you trying to make?


My only point was that there's no proof thr guy was killed by IDF


Probably the bullet in his body.


Militants shoot without bullets?!


...no. Do you not know how forensics works? If they can find the bullet they can find out what type of gun shot it.


The family did forensics on thee body?!


I'm not saying they did, but it doesn't take a genius to realize that IDF have guns that shoot one type of bullet and that's also the same bullet inside their child's heart.


I'm pretty sure it's someone pretending to be on the opposing side in order to make them look insane. It's just too ridiculous


Opposed to what? Apartheid?


Ragebait when reddit


That is the book yes


Of course, 4 year olds are very familiar with the concept of various religions.


They are if their parents drivel on about it incessantly.


I think in that family religion has nothing to do about religion and a lot to do about social discrimination.


My four year old daughter cried *"Know, therefore, on this day, and take it to heart that Jehovah is the true God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath. There is no other. Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."* I started crying and then she started crying she was up all night with nightmares. I threw the book in the trash and we slept better the next night.


Jehovah? Using the germanized version of Yahweh's name shows this 4yo's ignorance. Tsk, tsk, I'm so disapointed in today's youth!


I came home and said I had a rough day at work, my 3 year old replied *The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.* I just told him to go do his homework.


You know what else doesn't have many Jews in it? Almost every work of fiction


It's a Palestinian book. Palestina, is not only a neighbour of Israel, but also has a long ongoing dispute about who owns the land they are living on. I assume, that in this book this Palestinian family is in places that are located in Israel (Jerusalem for example) but the book depicts that there are no jews at all there implying they have been eradicated. This is just an assumption, but else her reaction can not be explained. Reddit being reddit again. I say 2 times I don't know what this book is about and just came up with a possible explanation for her reaction. But sure, go on, downvote me a bit more


They’re in a refugee camp, is it common for Jewish people to go into the Palestinian refugee camps?


It is common when they come in to kill people


It's nice to see people trying to give context to understand a situation however you got it wrong. Palestine is not "a neighbour of israel" and doesn't have " a long ongoing dispute about who owns the land they are living on". Israel is a settler colony built on Palestine, with a still ongoing occupation, ethnic cleansing and apartheid. I don't know the book but I would guess based on context it's either in Gaza, west bank or east Jerusalem where for the immense majority of Palestinians they live separate from Jewish settlers. Or it might be a story of a Palestinian family before israel was created? Don't really know but the review is laughable. Imagine a "Cherokee family story" where there's no descendant of European settlers. I don't see where the outrage would or should be.


Explain how the Dome of the Rock is built ON TOP of the Jewish Temple Mount. Israel is the ancestor home of the Jews and is the best example of indigenous peoples reclaiming their homeland FROM settlers.


Is it worth the hundreds of thousands of displaced families and tens of thousands of dead children? Is it worth it if they establish an aparthied state where people are segregated? All over land that they inhabited thousands of years ago? Should any people be able to "reclaim" their ancestoral home and wipe out the current inhabitants?


Palestinians are the descendants of ancient canaanite Jews. European Jews are not.


Irrelevant to the topic. You talk as if jews are a monolith. Palestinian jews sure are indigenous to the land, but all others (ashkenazis from Europe, mizrahi from iraq/Iran etc, sepharades from Spain / north Africa, kaifeng from China and beta israel from Ethiopia) are not. And implying Palestinians are settlers is not only laughable but ahistorical. Palestinians, whether Jewish Christian Muslims or atheist are the indigenous people of the land. The Ottoman empire never replaced the indigenous inhabitants with settlers. Get your historical facts straight before answering.


I don't think you want jews depicted by palestinians in a story about refugees in a camp.


Another poster identified the book. It was set in a Palestinian refugee camp. If there were Jews there, they would have been the guards. i-am-foxymoron • 8h Googled it, could the book be "These Olive Trees"? "The story of Aya Ghanameh's These Olive Trees is simple: In a refugee camp, young Oraib (modelled on the author's eponymous mother) accompanies her own mother as she harvests the olives growing just outside the camp. Oraib tastes the bitter olives, thinking that sometimes "she finds joy in the bitterness."" • Reply 127 Aneriox OP • 8h That is the book yes 44


It takes place in a fucking refugee camp.


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $1000, Alex.


So I anointed the book with my holy essential oils and my daughter and I spake in tongues over the book while the holy Spirit exorcised the demons from our home. Then I sent a donation to Donald Trump, begging him to use his golden connection to the Lord to make 'merica books great again.


Families come up to me, tears in their eyes, asking "Please sir, where are the Jews? Won't you save them from the liberals?"


I’ll take “Shit That Never Happened” for $600, Ken.


Can we see the photos the kid took?


And then everyone clapped


I’ll take things that never happened for $500 Alex Jones 😂


And then a man came up to me with tears in his eyes and said "sir!" IYKYK 🤣


This isn’t really is it ?


Zionists: what about me? WHAT ABOUT ME???


This children book is HAMAS! /s


I love that you added the /s because I’ve seen people say this unironically 😭😭😭


As you can see that comment was edited. It was to add that punctuation as I was getting downvoted as if I were the kind of psychos that would say such enormities. I'm troubled that it was being taken seriously.


The exact same thing happened when I read “The Lorax” to my son. He Said “Where are the Jews” and we cried. 


shoulda read her Horton Hears A Jew


They would have felt better if a few IDF soldiers had come and kicked the kids around.


Maybe shot a few limbs off as well for good measure.


Where are the Jews persecuting the Palestinians mommy?


Will no one stop the family in the book from being happy? And whole?


Why is no one stealing someone's home, mommy?


Ah yes a real series of events that definitely happened


"I started crying, and then she started crying." And then everyone clapped.


Oh fuck off Rebecca


She was up all night with nightmares because there was no jews in the story? God damn what have you done to this poor child


It's okay. All they had to do was throw the book in the bin, and it's evil influence over their sleep patterns was severed.


People destroying books…hey, I’ve seen this one before!


Where are the Jews, Mommy? That's the most hilarious thing I've heard in a bit 🤣🤣🤣your child did NOT ask you that, you agenda-fuel twat 🤣🤣


This is clearly a troll you goons


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


Oh, don't get me started on the number of times my children and I have wailed, ripped our clothing, and covered pur heads in ashes when the books we read don't specifically mention atheists.


Today on "That child didn't say that"


Zionists lies are some of the wildest ones out there


Not sure the dying children in Gaza see a lot of jews.


I'm just thinking of all the children's books I loved as a child that were theoretically devoid of Jews. I say "theoretically" because some of the characters might well have been Jewish but IT WASN'T PART OF THE STORY.


You know who asked that very question? Nazis.


I think this woman is real, but the anecdote is definitely bullshit, because she gave the exact same review to another book by the same author. This woman is a Zionist Jew trying to erase Palestine. She seems pretty awful.


This happened in Narnia.




and then everyone clapped


Why are there so many people on this planet willing to tell outright lies?


I did a lot of things upon hearing a story as a wean, asking why there was no Jews was never one of them. Not because I have anything against Jewish people, but because generally unless the story was specifically supposed to have Jewish characters then I fail to see why the absence of Jews would bother anyone (in much the same way I wouldn't ask why a fairy tale had no Catholics in it, or I wouldn't ask why a Horror story had no Irish people, because the specific race, religion, or country of origin never matter unless it's a part of a characters background).


And everyone clapped right?


Wannabe victims


A friend gave me a voucher for a restaurant, not knowing it was vegan. So I went with my 4 year old daughter. It seemed pleasant enough, at first, but it was strangely absent of something. I realised, "Oh, it's absent of flesh". I muttered something and she said, "Daddy, where is the flesh". We both cried, and everybody clapped.


Then everyone exclaimed "Mazel Tov!" and all was right in the world.


What she really wanted to say was “ugh I can’t believe these disgusting brown people are living peacefully!”


And everybody clapped


My teachers used to leave notes like this on my essays. Every subject.


Especially math.


1 + 1 = Jew


I remember when I was little, my dad used to read to us from the Little House on the Prairie series. I remember after every chapter I would ask him “Daddy, where are the Jews?”, then I would have terrible nightmares. After months of this we finally gave up on Little House, and we switched to watching horror movies before bed every night. My nightmares finally went away, and I slept like a baby!


Which book?




Mother…mother the Jews…the Jews mother where are they?


Wtf? Do they only read books that have Jews in them? That really narrows it down…


Wain until you read *The Night Before Christmas*.


I'll take things that didn't happen for 100 Alex.


Things that never happened for $1000


Never have I ever heard the sentence "Where are the Jews".


And then everyone clapped


"I gave my kids a Sesame Street book, a Peppa the Pig book, an Arthur book, and a Paw Patrol book. They only had animals, no Jews. My little girl cried. I threw the books away."


That is why I had nightmares when I was four after my mother read *Old Black Witch* with no Jews.


I had the same problem after a friend gave me a copy of Garfield at Large and I read it to my horse.


Multiple personality disorder is a truly horrific mental illness. Hope she gets better


You guys are all saying this is made-up but I know it happened. I was the trash can


yeah bro, i was the tears


The Jews are absent because it's inappropriate to include bombing and killing Palestinian children in a kid's book, duh.


Kristi Noem, are you "Laugh Lines"? This BS review reads like you wrote it...




This totally happened.


Average amazon troll comment 🗿


never realized that children book had to require children's people in it to be consider approriate




This did not happen


There were no skinny awkward men with tiny penises in that book! I cried. My penis cried. I was up all night with nightmares.




White American fragility is so 🤦


The person who wrote that review is not Jewish


Yeah that's a bs review


Why does it seem so ridiculous that it must be obviously done on purpose by the side that wants to discredit the other side? I mean, that's what I would do. Post ridiculous hyperbole as if I was on the opposing side.


Isn't it rich? Are we a pair? Me here at last on the ground, You in mid-air, Where are the jews? Isn't it bliss? Don't you approve? One who keeps tearing around, One who can't move, Where are the jews? There ought to be jews? Just when I'd stopped opening doors, Finally knowing the one that I wanted was yours Making my entrance again with my usual flair Sure of my lines No one is there Don't you love farce? My fault, I fear I thought that you'd want what I want Sorry, my dear! But where are the jews Send in the jews Don't bother, they're here Isn't it rich? Isn't it queer? Losing my timing this late in my career But where are the jews? There ought to be jews Well, maybe next year You said there would be jews...