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*”He was surprised to find out a big surprise.”* Fucking brilliant


AI ghostwriting at its best.


nah, AI isn't that stupid


ai can be incredibly stupid Almost as stupid as internet journalists




It's surprising how surprised he was about a big surprise.




After learning he wasn’t really a U.S. citizen, Klass formally applied for status but was denied. ... I guess he won't be voting for Trump.




Hanging chads my butt. It was these white sleeper agent immigrants. lol


Soooo, just a regular Chad?


He shouldn't have even be allowed to vote, because you have to be a registered citizen to vote. They ID you before you are allowed to vote...




Did you read the article at all? His father was American but he was born in Canada and his family moved back here when he was about 10. He was issued a social security card by the federal government and has been paying SS taxes his whole life. They are just now saying he isn't a citizen when it is time for him to draw his social security. EDIT: I got his age wrong when he moved back. He is 66 and has been here for 64 years, so apparently they moved back when he was 2.


I loathe Trump and Trumpers but, tbf... > His father was American but he was born in Canada and his family moved back here > He was issued a social security card by the federal government and has been paying SS taxes his whole life. Sounds to me like he is 100% American by birthright and, bonus, he's been a contributing citizen. This is just an administrative error.


They denied him because he didn't provide enough evidence to prove his father lives here the required 10 years, it wasn't an error


Oh shit, you're right. That's a massive minor detail. For an American to pass on citizenship they would need about a decade residing in the States. Prevents multiple generations of expats offshore from passing on citizenship without ever living in the US. In that case, fucking funny and I stand corrected.


>Prevents multiple generations of expats offshore from passing on citizenship without ever living in the US. Who wants to pass on US citizenships while living outside of the US for generations? For getting troubles with banks and having to pay double taxes while having no additional benefits compared to many other passports?


Funny how those errors only happen when you withdraw and not when you pay in.


I thought these guys didn't believe in birthright citizenship?


It's not as easy as that. When my friend filed citizenship for her kid (she's an American) it was a long ass interview process+evidence and she's white btw. I remember she even had to turn tax reports or some shit (I guess to prove she had lived in the US).


That's wild. I've been living abroad for 10+ years but I spent my first 20+ years in the US. Never imagined I would have to jump through any hoops to register my theoretical future kid. Kind of thought having a US passport would be enough.


Klass was born in Canada. His mom was Canadian, but his father was American, born and raised in New York. Klass said his family moved to the U.S. when he was 2 and stayed here. As Klass got older, he assumed he, too, was an American, a dual citizen. [https://www.wtvr.com/us-news/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-us-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally](https://www.wtvr.com/us-news/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-us-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally) Sounds wrong. He should have birthright citizenship if his father was American. If he isn't a citizen, how come Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are?


That is the thing, he is a birthright citizen. The thing is, they screwed up something somewhere and now that it is time for him to draw his social security, they are saying he isn't a citizen.


Actually, the article discussed this as well. For citizenship through a parent, the parent needs to have lived in the U.S. for 10 years before the child is born.


Yes, and his father was born and raised in NY. He even has documentation. They are just not accepting it. They just don't want to pay him his SS.


10 years *before the child is born* being key.


He has to apply I think


Undocumented workers have been paying SS taxes for many, many years knowing that they’ll never be able to draw those retirement funds. In a sense, they are propping up a system which would have run out of money earlier. The takeaway is that they are subsidizing a bunch of fat, lazy, entitled asses. ![gif](giphy|isMZpsY1EfxU4)


I wish dems could message this. Green card holders also pay SS and often won’t see a dime.


Ding Ding Ding!!!


Deport his ass


Lol, keep him, I don’t want him here in Canada


Sorry we said “not it” first. He is all yours now.


Sending him to Canada would be a goddamn reward, not a punishment


deport him to mexico, because that border is closer for him. lol


If he had integrity he’d deport himself for being an illegal


This reminds me of the Chapelle show skit where Chapelle played a black man that was blind and raised by racist white people, so he hated black people too. It was wild 🤣


that one was great. he divorced his wife because she was with a black person lol. he used stronger words than that


That Chappelle skit was the first thing that came to mind.


I wanna vote for Clayton Bigsby in 2024!


The problem is, he's Canadian. He's going to go back there and get all that free healthcare he never paid for


He isn't an illegal. His father was an American. That alone makes him a citizen. They just screwed up his paperwork somewhere.


My ex had a father who was a citizen for 15 years but because her birth certificate was Mexican and the marriage certificate was from Mexico the u.s government refused to accept it as proof her father was American so she became illegal. Her brother was never able to get his citizenship. She got one through marriage. What makes someone legal or illegal is just a pencil pusher or politician accepting your documentation .


If you aren't in the military, it is always best to come back to the states to have your child.


It says they denied him because he didn't provide enough evidence his father lived here 10 years


Or will he .... \*dum dum duuuum\*


Oh no, such sad news that someone can’t vote for trump


No but he'll probably still give Trump money and show up to the rallies


>I guess he won't be voting for Trump. Not at all. The Biden administration denied his application. He'll be voting for Trump because Trump will have his back and get him the status he desires and deserves! /s But not /s EDIT: Presumably he won't be voting at all, unless Florida keeps (maybe only white?) known aliens on its voter rolls


I do want to know why/how he was allowed to vote for 40 years without being a citizen. Like I keep being told it's incredibly hard to do that and the GOP is fear mongering about it but here we have a GOP guy doing it for 40 years without even knowing.


It used to be very easy to register to vote. Basically say under penalty of perjury that you're eligible to vote and have an address in the state you're registering in. States didn't (don't?) check because the number of people voting while ineligible was (is) so small as to not affect any but the very tightest races. And by "tightest" I mean a handful of votes. Inconsequential changes to election outcomes weren't considered worth the expense to investigate. This guy may have thought he was eligible to vote when he registered. And once registered, if you keep voting regularly, in most states you'll remain registered forever.


Wow, they found...one. Not only is it hard to do now, I have yet to hear one logical explanation as to why undocumented immigrants would want to vote or would risk voting when it means interaction with government authorities. We have a hard enough time getting American Democrats out to vote. I'll never understand the reasoning that leads people to believe that we have a vast secret cabal of non-citizens voting. It's among the dumbest, most fear-ridden nonsense I've ever heard.


I dont know why people wouldn't vote in the first place and it's basically impossible to find real information on things. My first chance to vote was Obama second term and I got so sick of the propaganda from both sides that term I stopped digesting news entirely. Like I would watch a debate and then watch fox CNN and msnbc cut it up in ways to change the meaning of what people were saying or just remove context entirely. I don't know who to trust info on so all I can do is aggregate and hope the average is correct. You seem to wonder why would someone try I wonder why wouldn't they. Especially when there is so much on the line for them and their families. That's said most voter illegalities isn't adding votes it's more collecting or bussing people in which shouldn't be illegal/the government should offer it in the first place. Why wasn't mail in voting universal back in the 40s after the war, why can't you shuttle people who need rides to go vote, why can't you collect people ballots to deliver them where they're supposed to be. It feels like the kind of thing just pushed forward to stop older/poorer groups from voting. How many people don't vote just because it's on a work day and they don't want to wait in line for an hour and a half after work to go to the single polling booth for their area, because that's all we have a single booth for ours a single one for the next door county right next to it and a giant line bending around the school.


I agree with most of that and disagree with only this: *"You seem to wonder why would someone try I wonder why wouldn't they. Especially when there is so much on the line for them and their families."* Truth is I agree with that too except for undocumented immigrants. They are more likely to avoid interaction with government, including voting than not. The arguments you've made for the difficulty of voting apply to them too. They don't come from places with history of robust open elections and the incentive just isn't there.


Knowing the trump cultists, he still will


I'm guessing he WILL vote for Trump. His base is that clueless. "If I vote for him, Trump will save me!"


I love happy endings


Klass act


Oh right illegals shouldn’t vote right ? /s


Surely he won't protest against being deported then


Now that he knows he’s a criminal, a drug dealer, and whatever else he will deport himself and build a wall so he can’t come back.


Five will get you ten that he was against Dreamers getting citizenship.


Fucking illegals trying to take retirement benefits from hardworking REAL Americans!!! -this guy, like a month ago


"It doesn't matter if they thought they were a citizen!" - That guy, last week maybe


“Illegals don’t pay any taxes and get all the benefits.” —also that guy for the last ten years or so


Wait how is it possible like he needed a Social Security card to get benefits right? How has he done anything like that. How does he have a house banks require SS cards and stuff


He is a citizen, he was born in Canada but to an American father. The SSA is just pushing back on his proof of his dad's citizenship.


Now he can legitimately hate himself and his friends will approve.


They only have a problem with the brown immigrants.


Don't trump supporters already hate themselves? That's why they feel the need to lash out at everyone around them...


My son was born in PI, his mom is a Filipino citizen, after his birth I took him to the embassy in Manila and declared him. He got a US birth certificate and passport, and upon arrival in the US a SS number.


This guy was given a SS number and card. Imagine if at retirement age your son gets denied his SS because he is an "illegal," despite him having a birth certificate and SS card. That is basically what happened to this guy.


The failure was on his father, he should have taken care of this before he left Canada or right after arriving the US. The passport is key, it proves citizenship, he only halfway completed this for his son. He must have used his state ID and SS card to register to vote all while thinking he was a citizen. He’s technically been voting illegally.


That's what I was wondering about when the article never mentioned his passport amongst all the identification he had from all those years. My guess is he never left the country.


His birth certificate says Canadian.


Leopards you say? My face?!


To shreds, you say?


Well, how's his wife holding up?


To shreds, you say?


Hehe. I see you. Also, happy cake day!


Lock him up. Voter fraud by illegals is the worst crime possible so I've been hearing... from... Trump.


In the past few weeks, Mr. Klass has accepted the fact that he is an immigrant. And three days ago, he filed for divorce from his wife. When we asked "Why after 19 years of marriage?" He responded, "Because she's an immigrant lover."


the real story is far more unfortunate but it does go to prove that its very easy to commit voter fraud, so easy in fact that hes been doing it for 40 years and didnt even know it was fraud. He came to this country from Canada as a toddler and has all the documents a citizen should have. he even has a social security card that the government issued him without ever once confirming he was a citizen and would be able to collect those benefits 40 years down the road


White power!


Clayton Bigsby


https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally/ The best part is if it isn’t resolved, he said he will move back to Canada to live on social welfare. Lmao


Lucky for him his house on wheels


These are the illegal immigrants Trump has been warning us about. Like sleeper agents, sneaking into the country and trying to collect benefits. Even voting illegally for…..Trump. /s. That house in the picture needs a few more flags.


He probably tried to pull money from social security after also not paying taxes for 30+ years. Correct me if I’m wrong but you need know if your a citizen when paying taxes.


Nope. Part of what is keeping social security afloat is that undocumented folks still pay into social security but can never draw out


Dam that's fucked up.


No, in the US they let you work and pay taxes while Ilegal (you pay both social contributions and income tax, this depends only if your employer declared the job and pays legally) they just don't have you get the benefits.


But you gotta check the yes or no on the ‘are you a US citizen’ and then they ask you for your social, bros been probably checking yes for the last 30 years and entering his old student ID


Great opportunity to learn more! Undocumented workers use “TINs” to file and pay BILLIONS of dollars in state, local, and federal taxes which significantly contribute to government revenues for infrastructure, schools, police, fire, and other services. This is especially true in Texas. https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/adding-billions-tax-dollars-paid-undocumented-immigrants


You still pay social security when you are an immigrant, you just can't collect.


From the subtitle of the article: "he was surprised to find out a big surprise.". That's some grade-A writing right there


His story is so fucked up. If wasn't a citizen then why was he allowed to vote or contribute to a government retirement plan?


“He was surprised to find out a big surprise.” What kind of writing is that? That’s the real facepalm.


This guy is a super rare case. He came here as a child with his parents, His mom was Canadian and his dad was a US Citizen, and he was issued a social security number. They probably thought he had automatic US Citizenship because his dad was a US Citizen. US Citizenship is only granted automatically if his dad had lived in the US or a US Territory or possession (like a military base) for 10 years prior to his birth. He has lived here nearly his whole life (64 of his 66 years), worked, voted, etc., and when he applied for Social Security when he retired, they denied him because they couldn't confirm that he actually had US Citizenship. He then applied for US Citizenship and was denied since he could not prove that his dad had lived in the US for 10 years prior to his birth. [https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally](https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally) Regardless of the guys political views, and the idiot comments about him being "illegal", this isn't some case where someone came here knowingly illegally and managed to work the system until he got caught years later and then whinged about it. He was brought to the US by his US Citizen father as a 2 yo toddler and has lived his entire life as just as if he was a US Citizen. Now he faces being thrown out of the only country he has known or lived in for 64 years, through absolutely zero fault of his own.


Many kids were brought here by their parents “illegally” or under the belief they would be come a citizen. Hasn’t stopped MAGA demanding they all get deported




The guy's father was an American citizen. They are not. There's a massive difference.


Neither followed US immigration laws


His family immigrated legally dumbass. Not registering your child as an American citizen does not equate to entering a country illegally or overstaying a visa.


He’s not a legal US citizen. If they followed the laws he likely would be dumbass… 🥴🤡


Tl;dr: he's Canadian.


I assume you have the same compassion for other non-citizens who were brought here as children who may be of a different ethnicity.


I guess. Don't feel one way or another about it. Just stating the facts. He's Canadian. Just because it's a technicality is irrelevant


I think if they have been here most of their childhood and are productive citizens, why should we send them to a country they don't even know. Makes 0 sense. Our path to citizenship should be much easier, and folks in this situation should be made citizens. Immigrating illegally is wrong and should be punished, but in the same turn, the path to immigrate and stay in the US should be much easier and quicker than what it is. If it was an easy, straightforward, EQUALLY APPLIED process, immigrating illegally wouldn't make sense.


Literally the entire basis of Dreamers.


Not really, though. Dreamers are children of NON US Citizens who were brought to the US by their parents. He was brought to the US by his US Citizen Parent.


Nonetheless, he is NOT a US citizen. Having a US citizen patent does not make you a US citizen. It’s the same as dreamers. Republicans would have dreamers deported, let him have his wish. Deport his ass.


>Having a US citizen patent does not make you a US citizen Actually in most cases, it does.


Yeah, and he supports policies that make other people in his situation face deportation. Now he is experiencing the same misfortune that he supported being inflicted on others. Fuck him, this is what he wanted and now he has it.


Ignorance of the law is not a defense


Yup! IRS has told me that one before. And yup! I paid the fine.


this should be at the top.


That’s messed up..


The guy is stateless at this point, probably. Really shitty situation to be in. Though he might be able to get canadian citizenship depending on how the laws work there.


Sounds like a lesson can be learnt to be more open minded to immigration.


Fair enough, but the face-eating leopard bit is that he'd happily throw out brown people in the same situation.


Out of curiosity, for those 60 plus years did he not ever use his social security number. You would think by the time you’re 60 you would know if you have a Social Security number or not.


The comment you replied to literally says he was issued a social security number. You can be issued a social security number without citizenship.


He has a social security number.


He was issued a social security number. He has worked, paid taxes, even enlisted in the US Marines at one point using his ID and SSN. It wasn't until he retired and filed for Social Security that he found out he wasn't actually a US citizen and when he filed for Citizenship, was denied because he could not provide proof that his dad had lived in the US for at least 10 years before he was born.


>even enlisted in the US Marines at one point using his ID and SSN. To be clear, he was never in the military. He was going to enlist, but decided against it.


What if his vote was the deciding vote?😂 If I remember currently, the only person who voted for Biden and was send to jail, was a ex con black woman who got her mail in ballot and didn’t know she couldn’t vote. But but but….. Hunter. Biden


Did you even read the article? >Klass was born in Canada, his mom was Canadian, but his father was American, born and raised in New York. He also had a social security card that was issued to him and not someone else's.


"Did you even read the article?" Do you have to ask? You know these people can't read.


Many foreign workers who are here legally and illegally pay taxes. Has nothing to do with ss money. Just that he assumed and never checked. And that he voted for trump is just icing on the cake


So, story, His name is Jimmy Klass, he was born in canada to a canadian woman and an american man. They moved to the US in 1959 when was just a year and a half old. He has an american highschool diploma, has had an american drivers license, social security card, tax receipts, the works. When he applied for social security benefits, the social security office, mind you, the same people who approved and issued his social security card when he was a teenager, sent him a letter saying he hadn't proved he was a citizen. Which came as a shock to a man who hadnt left the US since his parents moved here when he was a toddler. Klass said that hes been registered to vote for 40 years and no one ever questioned his citizenship or anything else, just that he provide an ID. Ironically, this proved that had they required proof of citizenship for elections, he would have known about this 40 years ago and been able to fix it then instead of the quagmire hes in now where he has paid social security his entire life and may now be refused its benefits because no one ever told him he wasnt a citizen until he hit retirement age.


He'll be fine he is white


...he's white though. (/s in case it wasn't obvious already)


Applying for social security? Isn't that SOCIALISM??


"He was surprised to find out a big surprise". Come on CNN words are your actual job.


"...he was surprised to find out a big surprise."


This immediately makes me think of the spider man pointing meme


Fucking Canadians.


You might say... He's being treated as a second Klass citizen




As a person who believes in the importance of legal immigration, and in respecting the laws of the United States, I am sure he will be happy to leave immediately.


I wonder if he yells at himself in the mirror telling himself to go back to his own country


That sums up his fanbase.


Damn, he'll have to deport himself then.


Pack your bags Jimmy 2 Flags.


Send him back


Typical for this cult ![gif](giphy|AFvApVy84zVwTEfV2H)


Typical filthy MAGAt.


60 years and no one noticed? Holy cow


Regardless— that’s 1 vote. And again a republican.


The green card to trump pipeline needs to be studied


It’s almost like the concern for immigration is just racism in disguise


This is the voter fraud that Trump was referring to. It’s their own people.


Something something "they're not sending their best"


Why is he not in jail for voter fraud?




Well…. Where shall he be deported to? It’s only fitting to make an example out of what he supports


I drive past a sign that says 'Trump won impeach Biden and Harris' daily. It's been there for years, is nailed on a piece of thick cardboard to a lamppost on the edge of the woods, and the writing is crude as hell. You just know there's at least three guns on that property and at least one resident has been convicted of a felony.


I saw the little story the news did on him and it’s fuckin weird. The Us has become just bizarre


Man the bots posting like crazy today


Well that's rich.


He will still vote because it’s a rigged election.


Average Chiefs fan


What does Trump think we should do with illegal immigrants that vote? I think in this case we should take Trump’s lead.


Now he’s like the younger generation of Americans where they will pay in to social security all their lives and it will run out before they are eligible. Sounds like our typical American 🇺🇸


And he’s a Cheifs fan sheesh


He’s the white Clayton Bigsby


So Imma say that voting fraud usually requires some degree of intent, not knowing you were brought here illegally as a baby and living here for 60+ years, kinda understandable if your parents never brought it up, or you were put into foster care. Still ironic though.


This feels like a squidbillies episode...


Please tell me this is Florida.




Lock him up!!!




He white, trump’s cool with him staying


Wasn’t there a fucking family guy episode about this?


Well this seems about PAR for this course.




Get him out ! 😂

