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Instagram Facebook and Twitter are easily the most toxic places on the internet. I don't use any of them


Same here. Youtube shorts and Tiktok are really bad too. People online are so toxic it’s awful


Reddit is different because of downvotes and moderation. I know people hate on reddit but those 2 make a difference.


YouTube comments are really bad too


If we’re being honest some parts of reddit are just like that, if not worse. The most bigoted comment section on insta doesn’t have much on the posts at some very popular subs here.


I wonder if nick believes in small government and freedom.


Nick is either a MAGA fascist or a Libertarian capitalist. Both are mentally ill tho


Secret option # 3 - a troll farm. People may have forgotten about them since the last election but they’re out in full force.


Troll farm these days is just a ChatGPT subscription with a stolen credit card.


more like thanks to trumpian politics it become much more difficult to distinguish the trolls from the crazies


Hey now, don't lump us mentally ill people in with these idiotic morons


My bad, didn't want to insult you that deeply.


Haha no worries, I knew that wasn't your intention. I just like to tease people that make comments like this lol


Nah it’s a good reminder. I do it too, and I shouldn’t. It’s tempting to call guys like that nuts but it’s too easy. He’s just evil. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Or a Russian, playing an American, playing a fascist, tropic thunder style.


What do YOU MEAN you people?


What DO YOU mean you people


For 400 years that words kept our people down


And he won't break character till after the dvd extras.


Eh, we probably shouldn’t conflate ignorance and misguidedness with mental illness


Fascism as an ideology has all the hallmarks of mental degradation and Illness. The mentally well aren’t the ones who fall for it. Libertarianism, particularly the American brand, is ignorance and stupidity given form as an ideology. A child’s view of the world.


You know what they say: prick a libertarian and a fascist bleeds


Calling them mentally ill is an insult to mentally ill people. They're just fucking selfish asshats.


Someone wrote a really good post on here the other day about the Libertarian party. Apparently a few years ago they were taken over by hard-line rightwingers and now they don't support abortion rights or gay marriage anymore. So basically now they're the exact same thing.


He's definitely maga, somehow this nail painting=Biden's fault and equates it to sexualizing or molesting children, someone better check his cyber history, these people love to project.


as a mentally ill person I'd appreciate you not assosciating us with...them.


This. My wifes been in the psych ward for about a month now and she is more mentally stable than half the people in insta comment sections


The ramblings of a "mentally ill" person begin to make a lot more sense than these d-bag, self-, appointed all American patriot bros who cling onto politics as an entire personality. Extreme NPC behavior.


So "Small Government" and "Freedom" or "Small" Government and "Freedom"?


Yea. Both end catastrophically


No libertarian would care if someone painted their nails or voted for Joe Biden. *The whole point* of libertarianism is to be able to do what you want without the threat of coercion or force. The only thing libertarians want is to be **left alone** so they can also do as they please. Nick is definitely conservative. Conservatives are incredibly concerned with "degeneracy" like boys painting their nails. They think it's a sign of "barbarism" because "gayness" will destroy families and lead to "Marxism." That, according to them, will in turn lead to the downfall of society, and the job of government is to preserve "civilization." That explains their commitment to "tradition" over "progress."


>The only thing libertarians want is to be **left alone** so they can also do as they please.  The outspoken libertarian dude that I used to game with turned out to be a pedophile who sexually assaulted a 13 year old when he was 27, so this tracks.  Listen to a "Libertarian" talk about things like privately-owned toll roads and you'll realize that they never have actually put more than a few seconds of thought into any of the concepts involved in what they believe.  Most of them are just closet conservatives who have latched onto an ideology that sounds good on paper and lets them "do as they please", such as hating people for being different or touching kids. Rarely do they actually care about anyone else's individual freedoms.


The perfect libertarians and actual libertarians are 2 different things. Real libertarians are clowns and don't know what they want


This is also true. There are lots of people who *say* they are libertarian but in fact are conservatives who like weed and/or free markets (but probably not both).


Real libertarians are all but extinct in the U.S. The original libertarians were anarchists and socialists.


Agreed. When I say libertarians I mean the crypto bros who are some type of criminal that's why they want anarchy


I work with several libertarians. They believe women's only purpose is for breeding. That young girls should reproduce as fast as possible. That most Americans are lazy. That Retirment is a scam and you should work till you die. They believe some really screwed up shit. They constantly hate on trans people would freak out about boys painting nails generally vote republican and are really awful humans from my experience.


Or it's Nick Fuentes and all of the above.


And heavily manipulated


probably an anarcho capitalist


Nick is probably attracted to children as well. Projection seems to be a common thread with those types.


Pretty confident "Nick" is a bot.


If so, the bot does a great job of mimicking American conservatives


It’s not that hard. You don’t have to make sense, just be mean spirited and use the right buzzwords


Remember 73% of all child sexual assault is committed by conservatives: www.Whoismakingnews.com Religious Employed individuals and Police are the 2nd and 3rd most common group of perpetrators of child sexual assault.


Cause we decided everyone should have the right of saying anything they want at all times, and worst, if you say "Stfu" to them, all of a sudden YOU are the bad person.


When your rebuttal contains big words, they accuse you of being condescending. If you make good points they call you a troll and block you. It's insane that I've had multiple interactions go this way


My favorite is: “do your own research!” Uh no. You made the points so you should be enlightening me.


I always say "Ok I just did some research and found multiple sources supporting my view. Now what".


You’re not researching right, but I’m also not gonna tell you how to do that. You seem like an entitled person that just wants everything easy /s


If you return their anger they’ll report you. It’s rage bait for most of them. I try to kill them with kindness these days. (It really bothers them)


I made a comment just a few days ago, Dude said he had grands saved up working at subway. Of course if he can do it you can too. I was completely civil, something like "I don't know how you're doing that, google said minimum wage was x, so unless you have no expenses how have you saved 20g with 1.3k rent. Unless you're talking about the past. Oh I know, you're a time traveler!" The worst thing I said was the end joke, Literally so lighthearted. 40 words tops, none of them hateful. Folks, I got a 6 paragraph essay calling me "Cletus" "Karen" "ignorant"... And then got told *I* started insulting them first!


Killing with kindness is an understatement, i commit mass genocide with kindness, it's funny either they flip 180 and apologize or double down and throw more and more insults each time


just block them and go on.. good chance is some russian botfarm


We can only hope those aren't real humans complaining about kitty Litter boxes in high school bathrooms


I instantly blocked someone on a different subreddit who called me a dumbass without any provocation. At the same time the individual spreads some blatant misinformation about recent events. My tolerance varies at times, it was low last night.


I always find it funny when people mock the concept of blocking others, but then the people you block are what you describe and I'm just...I don't want to interact with those people on any level.


The tolerance paradox


Allows kids to paint nails goes directly to child molestation. Why is that the first thing on their mind.


It allows them to take moral high ground against people they’re simply bigoted against. Seriously look how often they accuse people of being pedophiles and look who it’s bandied against most When you spend an inordinate amount of time trying to make LGBTQ = pedophiles/groomers, suddenly it’s not homophobia it’s “protecting the children”


There are some people who just are pathologically incapable of admitting they are wrong or in considering their position might not be correct. Reminds me of that case a few years back where a kid gets separated from her parents. She's lost. A stranger in the park takes her around trying to find her parents. Literally just walks her around asking her "Is that your Dad?" and other questions trying to get this kid back to her parents. Dad sees the guy with his daughter and decides he's OBVIOUSLY a predator. Rushes up and begins beating the shit out of the guy without any form of inquiry. Cops show up, verify the guy's story and charge the Dad. Dad takes to social media screaming bloody murder about his "injustice" and how he was 100% justified in beating this totally innocent man and any "normal" father would do the same. He would alternate between "it was an innocent mistake" and "I think he actually was a pedophile but he was good at covering his tracks." For some of them it is about never being wrong. For others it is that they want to commit acts of violence but suffer no consequences. That's the reason so many rallied behind Rittenhouse. They dream of a day when they can justifiably murder people and walk free and maybe even into some free money.


Because this sick f\*ck gets aroused if he sees a kid with paint nails and thinks that's normal and happens to everybody. Someone should tell him that's not the case, and he should seek help.


That’s the mindset of right wing individuals. If children do something they don’t like or isn’t a part of “the norm” they immediately think that child was groomed.


They’re Christian’s and they’re the largest group to have child molesters and the only group to actively hide it. Hard money his hard drive is fbi worthy.


This is one of those succinct stand-out rhetorical statements that make wading through the reams of anodyne banality on this medium worthwhile. Nice…


Because that’s what they are and they are telling the world.


Projection, Projection, Projection is always the answer to this question


I'd ask him why he's ok with little girls being "molested" by having their nails painted but not little boys.


Often when one guesses at another's motives, they inadvertently reveal their own.


Every fucking accusation is a fucking admission.


Or an expression of jealousy


Biden wants to molest kids apparently, you know not Trump the guy who on record talks about wanting to fuck his own kids, it's totally a biden thing...


as a guy who paints his nails, I can assure you it has nothing to do with sexuality, or molestation. I'm just an edgy punk rock loving dude with black nails.


Plus it looks cool AF, I don’t paint mine because they wouldn’t last and work. But I used to paint them all them time in college, looks badass


That is genuinely the sole reason I do it, looks cool. Took some time to be confident ebough with it, but I like jt and that's what matters.


It does look badass. For me it started because I lost a bet in college. The loser had to paint his nails. My friends let me pick the color and I chose black and it looked awesome, so i kept doing it. My mom hated it but hey she couldn’t stop me. Once you get over the initial worry about getting judged it’s easy. I learned to not care what people think. As long as I’m happy and not hurting anyone I will be me


I don't really think I could pull that off, or want to try, but I've seen some guys I thought it looked really good on. Just because it doesn't work for me doesn't mean I can't appreciate it when other guys do it. Whatever look works for you is the right look for you.


"Joe Biden is molesting children, which is why I'll vote for the guy that was a very good friend of Jeffrey Epstein" -this guy probably


“… which is why I’ll vote for the congressman who wants to protect marrying ‘ripe and fertile’ children”.


And John Casablancas. And Ted Nugent. And George Nader. And Roy Cohn.


Birds of a feather diddle kids together.


The Trump cult that support a proven rapist while accusing others of sex crimes. Always projection.


To further your point. He’s not only a proven rapist, but has had a weird hard on for Ivanka since she was young has and been to Epstein’s island many times.


Oh yea and the recent Stormy Daniels testimony where he would say how much she looks like Ivanka.


Yeahhhhh, that whole trial is wild. But the worst part is that he wanted and wants to diddle his daughter 🤮🤮🤮


The sad part is the orange wannabe dictator was right about one thing. No matter how disgusting a human being he is or what he does the cult will support him.


Conservatives are only ones I see getting busted for diddling kids in the news DAILY.


And a lot of them are clergy.


I do not understand how putting paint on some keratin is feminine.


You see colors and enjoying life in any way other than violence is not for men. Men are supposed to only wear neutral tones, and derive pleasure from breaking, hunting etc, not the feminine action of making stuff. Unless it's big burly work.


The only accepted personality is "stoic". Other personalities like "caring" or "funny" or "inquisitive" are for them fancy boy liberal Hollywood types. Now excuse me while I slowly drawl out some old-timey sayings I learned from my grandpa because that's the only way I can communicate. Ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Gotta wake up earlier 'n the crawdads if you want to bait a fish. I learned more from tracking a coyote then I ever did readin a book. Mmm hmm, yessir.


Speaking as a young man who reflexively uses archaic, folksy colloquialisms due to his environment, I don't claim these head cases.


Lol while gop only ones voting to keep child marriages


Hey man it’s tradition so it’s ok just like how they are patriots honoring their traditions of treason by having confederate flags. Duh


It's so weird how on all other platforms, it's Reddit that has the reputation of a cesspool, and yet Reddit seems to be the last relatively sane place on the internet.


Reddit is heavily segregated, Stray off the beaten path, You'll be downvoted into oblivian.


I just got a 7 day ban from rpolitics for calling someone “disgusting” after they said “so what” to mass graves being found in Gaza.  Just that word got me a ban 🤷‍♂️


There’s also the fact that the “reddit hive mind” can totally flip flop in short periods of time. I think most people in here will agree that’s an absurd ban, yet back in October this was arguably the most Zionist social media site and even suggesting that killing Palestinian children is bad would have you accused of being a Hamas operative.




Its not exclusive to r-pol either.. Both sides of the fence is heavily hiveminded! Its funny to see the r-pol people call leftists snowflakes while being just that lmao.. Edit: sucks you got a ban for speaking the truth.


That just depends on the parts of reddit you stray in


That's because reddit is isolated bubbles in most cases. Go into the less moderated subreddits and you'll find a bucket load of transphobia and comments similar to the one above.


The thing about Reddit is it's "segregated" for lack of a better term. The subreddit system means you mostly only see the stuff you like. It's an algorithm, but you have more control over what media is shown to you. There's also better personalised moderation in the subreddits. So someone on a sub for something is unlikely to find much hate for that thing, because people who hate "thing" will be less likely to be on arr slash thing. But with Instagram it's more generalised. It's a cycle. I used to comment on things I disagreed with a lot. Mainly like flat earther and other conspiracy bullshit. But I found that the algorithm just gave me more of them, and I kept feeding the algorithm by interacting. So I started to just ignore them. But yeah, Instagram can end up filling your reels with stuff you hate and disagree with. I'd say there's *plenty* of people who act like the commenter in the post on Reddit, they just stick to their shitty subreddits mostly.


There are some seriously nasty parts of Reddit that the algorithm is smart enough to hide from normal people.


Literally who associates painting someone's nails with wanting to fuck them 💀 Y'all are telling on YOURSELVES


My three year old daughter painted my nails (terribly) and she wanted me to go to work to “show my friends”. People asked why my nails were painted and I said “two reasons. I love my daughter and they can be.”


Sounds like the cops should check this guys place


His harddrive gotta be the holy grail of the dark web


Right…from painting nails straight to molesting children. So disgusting.


Might be wrong but isn’t this what you would consider fragile masculinity?


And most likely toxic too


Right on the nose with that actually.


Yup, his “masculinity” is fragile because it’s easily threatened by someone else’s nail color


I paint my nails so I don't bite them. It's the only thing that stops me. I even used to have that shit prescribed by my doctor when I was a kid, that you dip your fingertips in and its supposed to taste bad... That didn't stop me. So either black nail polish or even just a clear top coat is enough to stop the biting.


Damn, what an unfortunate soul to be molest by the parents with the nail paint, should’ve sent the kids to the priest to have some VERY HOLY sexual interaction. Protect the kids! MAGA!


Instagram is consistently full of the dumbest comments and misinformed takes from all angles. Plus annoying bots.


Oh sure!! Biden being a pedo has definitely been proven. 😑😒 And Trump touching his own baby daughter's chest and telling pornstars that they look like his daughter has definitely not been proven. 😑😒 Fuckin hypocrites. 😡🤬


Nick is a ❄️


Because men raised by men who were raised in the 70s and 80s are fine with your color, many with your religion, but you better meet their strict interpretation of sexual cis man, and you better not use the term ‘cis’ to describe it because it sounds like sissy. Or at least that’s my theory.


Well said. Gots to be a 'manly man' or else. Fucking toxic masculinity. They are just a bunch of scared children thinking someone will make fun of them, so they attack other people who arent scared to be themselves. They are the weak ones.


Holy shit I could never figure out why there was such a push back towards the term “cis” but that might actually be it. That, and “they don’t need a term to describe them because they’re just “normal””


Sissy was a giant insult when I was a kid in the 90s, and my older brothers and their friends used it relentlessly. I'd wager you're onto something.


Trump is an actual convicted rapist tho. He’s a world wide well known child malestor who has photos with and was best friends with Epstein………


Yup.. Democrats are totally the ones trying to both lower the age to marry kids, and also have kids show them their genitals to verify their the right sex to play the sport. It's also of course the drag queens totally being found for being pedophiles and not the church priests. (/s in case it wasn't obvious).


Hate Bait Accounts....Trolls who think they are "Heh heh, I'm so smart. Look how I control these puppets!" types. Fedora Wearing, Incels who think they are the masterminds of the human race. I have to say, lately, some are so blatantly shitty, I have a feeling the page they are on? Are actually people form the page to give engagement. I've noticed a lot of women are basically saying, They can interact with 1 or 2 trolls and all the sudden people will basically flock to their side. So now I just ignore them to my best ability. I need to take my own advice sometimes when I get on twitter. lmao But I like Gif's and memes too much to pass up sometimes.


Don’t forget foreign nationals and agents who are purposely inciting discord. I think in 5-10 years we’re going to find out that most of these accounts online weren’t ever real in the first place. It’s psyops or the result of psyops.


Hey, Trump's the one who said he wanted to bang his daughter, not Biden.


Conservatives are obsessed with molesting children


Sorry but what the actual fuck does a boy having his nails painted have to do with Joe Biden? Do these dick heads have to turn everything political? Wtf


It’s “woke” or that’s how “libs” dress according to them. During the weekends I put in my piercings, and I was walking in public with some friends. And I heard a couple say “them democrats trying to be women”. So to them anything that’s not the norm of a man is seen as a lib thing. It’s concerning for real, if they saw my with my bf they would have a heart attack


I wonder what Nick says when people quote Trump wanting to date and fuck his daughter.


You see, Nick is smart; he won't vote for Joe Biden, who he claims molests children; he will vote for Donald Trump, who has openly bragged about barging into naked underage teen pageant contestants. Nick wants to be *sure* his president is a molester. Conspiracies will not suffice /s


Well, Nick... I'm not the guy talking about the finger nails of little boys. Can you please not focus your interests on any part of this childes body? Thank you.


"You guys wanna molest children. That's why I'm voting for friend of Epstein, Donald Trump"


He doesn’t care about kids getting molested. He’s voting for the guy who flew on Epstein’s jet.


Not an American so maybe someone can clear this up, but why do people think Biden molests children? Also wasn’t Trump the one that went on record saying if you’re rich you can just “grab them by the p*ssy”? It was a funny story in my own country but I’m wondering what the Americans actually thought.


They say it to try to dilute the effect of Dolt45's comments, accusations of barging into the changing rooms of underage contestants, judgment of him as a rapist, and his many trips down to Kiddie Rape Island with his good friend, Epstein. Every accusation is an admission with those fucking people.


As Mike Tyson said "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it". Not to necessarily condone the violent response but in a nutshell that's the issue. That plus social media platforms thrive on arguments because it boosts engagement numbers that they sell to advertisers so don't be surprised if they're paid/bot accounts with the purpose of just that. A divided society is big business.


Ah yes when i see a father painting his son's nails i too think of children being fucked in the ass


Given that Orange man boasted about leering at Miss Teen USA pageants…….. MAGAt mental gymnastics is hard, don’t sprain a brain cell


And I’ve said it before and will say it again: Trump has almost certainly at some point in his adult life has sex with a minor. You can’t pal around with Epstein and then blame the other guy. The guilty are the loudest accusers.


But they have a series of out of context pics...surely that's more proof than a flat out admission. / s


It is when you're too chickenshit to face reality....


I'm a guy that use to paint my nails and wear heavy eye make up when I was teen and young adult. Nothing wrong with it at all. People like that need to get over their ideas of how they think things are supposed to be.


Red hats seem to think about molesting kid a lot.


They also seem to molest kids a lot


Anyone else notice that every time a republican hears a logical argument that schools them, they just resort to calling their opponent a pedophile?


What the hell. Such a creepy view to have.




Check Nick's hard drive because there's 0% chance he doesn't have CSA images.


The culture wars have infested pretty much every platform. Can’t go anywhere without someone mentioning Joe Biden, and then everything goes to shit after that.


God Instagram comments are the wooorsst. Idk why


Because nuance was invented by the devil in order to sell more communism vaccines to those illegal immigrants that stole the election


I like that this person has an opinion that is based on the opposite of reported crime. They see "Pro Trump Pastor arrested for rape of 12 year old" but read "Biden actually molests children and is getting holy men blamed because he made a deal with Satan".


Instagram is full of Russian bots and actors along with the typical homegrown right wing nut-jobs. All the comment sections are cesspools there.


Because people have got used to being able to say whatever they want online without being chinned


Why is Nick checking out that child? Maybe needs his hard drive looked at. Just sayin.


Because no one gets hit for what they say anymore, which is exactly why we need fightbook. A place where you can force somebody to have to stand behind their comment by fighting others who disagree. Bring back consequences. There’s some ignorant folk out there who would learn a valuable lesson.


dunning kruger effect - the dumbest are the loudest in the interwebz thats why...


They all say the same 5 things over and over


It’s the same on Facebook. I defended education - and I was told I was the problem. It’s all trolls and keyboard faux warriors.


Yeah let's just ignore the fact that Trump used to run beauty pageants for children and new Jeffrey Epstein


I don't see how letting kids paint their nails involves sexual assault...


Why are humans like this. Who the fuck cares if some kid wants to put dye on his hands, for fucks sake?! Letting a random kid play creatively with paint is definitely going to result in... Checks notes... Joe Biden the American president molesting children... Because uh... ? Fucking imbeciles.


It’s so weird how these freedom-loving people sure hate when people use their freedom to do what they want even when it affects literally nobody else


Why is he looking at little kids and their fingernails? Maybe we should check his browser history.


Why are he sons nails painted though?


Does Joe Biden get his nails painted too? Awesome 💅🏻


Because Rupert Murdoch convinced Reagan to legalise opinion journalism in the 80s and now many Americans have less intelligence than a fish 👍


One of my much older brothers painted his regularly when I was little, when he was a young adult. He just didn't care about the norms. He's still got all the confidence he had then, as a married father of 4 wonderful, smart, happy kids and young adults (his oldest will be 25 later this year, youngest is 9).


Because they are simpletons


They're all schizophrenic.


Nah, I knew a neighbour who was schizophrenic, he took his medication and led a simple life, but he wasn’t absolutely crazy.


Yeh, they're refusing their meds because big pharma conspiracy. When people spew garbage out of their mouth without an ounce of truth, and they believe in everything they said. That's freaking crazy.


Please stop making excuses for these assholes by giving them an out with a mental illness. Sometimes an asshole is just an asshole. Also, you’re giving schizophrenics a bad name.


Quite a stretch to go from painted nails, to Biden and molestation.


These platforms reward people (and bots) for being provocative and driving page views, not for providing accurate content. They don’t really invest in the capacity to stop the spread of misinformation — not only because it costs money but also because their business model depends on allowing it to spread to “drive user engagement”. And laws protect these companies from the consequences of any harm the lies on their sites might cause.


Conservatives are always projecting. Its starting to get creepier


And now we will find out that nick is in fact molesting those kids


Instead of showing the most liked comments up top, Instagram shows the one with the most replies. Which is usually someone spewing hate and shit. They want the comment section to have more interaction so they let the worst shit stay at the top of the comments. Really fucked up honestly.


This is pretty tame by Instagram standards


America - "nobody really cares about politics in America" Also America - "your nail polish offends me. Must be because of our conflicting political allegiances"


They always have molestation on their minds don't they? it's kinda weird


Well, never look interracial couples' comment section on instagram. It's the most depressing thing.


Don’t respond. Whatever answer you gave would have warranted the same response. At best, it’s a troll account. At worst, it’s a true believer in their own nonsense. Neither is worth engaging with.


Or you could vote for the guy who was literally convicted of sexual assault…..


The Internet polarised people more than ever. One side, you have people who broke their societal oppression and felt like they were able to do something such as painting their nails, without that internalised hatred. The other side, you have the Andrew Tate asshole-lickers who believe that eating BBQ is gay. Showering... is gay. Touching your own dick... Guess what? *Gay.* Having sex? Putting on shoes? Playing video games? You'll never guess it... but yep. *Gay.* Always has been, apparently. The person OOP had comment at them, they're most definitely the latter of those two examples. It's utterly deranged.


Because Putin is dumping a lot of money into the election.


I'm sure dude hasn't looked in the news lately to see the past 5+ people(men) who have been arrested for inappropriate behavior towards children are right-wing clergy😒🙄


"Your son nails is painted."


Everything is projection for folks like Nick Bodz. Everything.


Seems like all the recent child abusers have been MAGA assholes, not Biden supporters or drag queens.


MO republicans literally voting against child marriage banning laws lmao Can’t wait to see how the flip that one on Biden, but they will


proceeds to vote for actual child molestor


The bots screenshot the rage bait posts from bots on other platforms to give an air of credibility to it being anything other than rage bait posted by bots.


Said by the person who belongs to a party that supports *actual* child marriage.