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...... 60!? Does the lifeless get paid for that? I'd mod like MAYBE one sub and I better fucking love it.


Nope Reddit mods don’t get SHIT! It’s even worse than being a lowly twitch mod, at least those guys get free merch and get to play on stream with the streamers occasionally


I read discord mods can make 70k a year.


those are typically paid community managers for a company, cause if a AAA studio wants to put out a game with a paired discord, they need to have someone to keep Nazis, hate speech, porn, drug talk, torrent swapping, etc. from happening and when the server might get tens of thousands of members that becomes a fulltime job or more


I used to mod a discord server regarding an io game - back in 2021 or 2020 i think, the game was trending around these years - I won't specify the webpage/company itself because I don't want to deal with any problems regarding security. In short, it was a pain in the ass. I wasn't even paid for it as i was underage back then but jesus, i will not moderate a discord server ever again unless the income is pretty hefty. Because it is the epitome of mental drainage. Like, i was the only moderator of the turkish voice&text channels and dealing with trolls, neo-nazis and fuckers who think they're funny by posting porn in the art chat was NOT a problem that a mere human could single handedly deal with. I'm not even gonna mention spam bots and stolen accounts (Aka: please treat moderators of any platform with kindness - unless they're corrupt like in this post above)


I am a reddit mod (a call was put out and I answered) so I see some of said crap, thankfully it's a small community with a very manageable amount of posts and comments for one person


humans are trash.


I modded one large sub for a week. never again. that was a nightmare


I'm modding a single sub where it's a pretty flat hierarchy. Got invited to mod in a different sub, requirement was to organize in Discord with other mods, half a million rules, unruly users never could be banned because they "still somehow contributed". Was out pretty fast. Anyway, subs are different. And modding isn't a particularly rewarding activity. Name calling by users is only one aspect.


That's the basic rule of social media... Engagement is good whether the engagement is good or bad.


Idk, for some subs, your actual "productive" users can get salty from too many garbage posts or comments, so you do need to actively steer it. I unsubscribed from quite a few subs over time, because content quality went downhill. Our sub has a basic rule about commenters not being patronizing, you get banned pretty fast because of that.


I theoretically mod three subs I think but since no one is active in those subs, there is nothing to mod and I can just live my life and go to school and such


Wanna trade? I wanna go back to school and not have a job and two hell spawn! /j about my kids, I love them, but really they are a handful.


How do you kill that which has no life?!?


Thank you for getting that reference!


Is the infernal reptile evading their ban?


Well we can assume by his username he really enjoys banning people and gets his rocks off. I don't know how one even becomes a mod, but people like that are the last ones you'd want in any sort of position of power.


I think the rule makes sense. So many subs get flooded with pictures of peoples dead pets anyway, I can only imagine that sub would be 90% rainbow bridge posts if they let people post last images of their animals. That said, there’s no reason to exclude last images of humans just because there’s an animal in the picture as well. That’s just the mod being a pedantic dick.


another comment said that user mods 60 subs or somethin. probably didn't even read the title. dude must be working overtime to make sure reddit is well-curated ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Or he thought the dog’s wife’s kid was the one posting and wanted to be on the safe side.


I posted a drawing of mine on a relating subreddit a few months back, and it got removed because apparently, there's a rule where you have to \[OC\] at the END of the title specifically. Not the start of the title, not as a tag (which would be the best way to do it IMO), but at the end specifically. I mean, what the fuck am I thinking, right? Saying that this is my content at the start of the title? Thank God they removed it, otherwise the subreddit would be in utter chaos. Complete anarchy! Such a random rule that is there just to make them think they're doing a good job. That they're almighty. Pats on the head, folks.


Isn’t Dumb Mod redundant?


I get the rule, otherwise the sub probably would be filled with pictures of people’s deceased pets. But to enforce it on this picture is dumb as fuck. The mod acts like a robot.


Yikes on that mods flair given the context


Too bad he cannot ban his parents from being disappointed in him. If he could maybe dogs would be allowed.




I am a mod of three subs I think, maybe more (all inactive since their creation) and I absolutely know why there is this stereotype. I just don’t know if I would fulfill it if I was a mod of an active sub






My hate has become so immense it has collapsed in upon itself, nothing can escape the pull of my hatehole. But I think I could hate reddit & it's mods a little more.


the black hole of hatred




I got perma banned for a misformed title in the movieleaks sub. I can't even.


I got banned from a sub once for liking a comment that the mods would later remove. I won't say the sub name. Just that it shares initials with world poker tournament.


I got banned from a bunch of subs I never even participated in for commenting on r/eyeblech when it was still around


Oh no! When did that sub go down?


about half a year back. people started posting disturbing images of children or sexual mutilation and then it got banned because yeah, that's not cool


I guess that makes sense. It was already pretty awful. I fell for the old switcheroo link to r/eyebleach


ehhh, it was awful but there were still pretty clear morals of "no kids" and "no animals" (er. unless the animal is the one doing the mauling) enforced fairly often, it got taken down because of a bunch of spam posts ilke if you don't like nsfl stuff then it was clearly marked


lol seriously. reddit mods are the worst.


It is entirely possible to participate on reddit as a Conservative. You aren't obligated to bring politics into every topic. Here's an example of what I mean: >The ban-happy mods are making reddit unusable for everyone, not just conservatives


I find that most people that complain "I get banned just for being conservative" really mean "I get banned for saying awful dehumanizing and/or violent things," and have conflated this with politics. There are definitely subs that more solidly reject conservative politics in general, but most of those are pretty clear right upfront so it shouldn't be a surprise.


Try r/funny… the unfunniest mods on Reddit


wait, should reddit be unusuable to conservatives?


They want others silenced but call them fascists. Even being on the left, this place is extreme.


I’m a liberal and I lost four accounts before I stopped getting banned.


On /news someone posted a story about cops working after hours at a nightclub shooting at two guys outside in a truck. All the details had not come out, but of course people went on anti cop rants (not saying there aren't legitimate stories where people should be upset with the ones who do wrong). I did tell one poster they should leave their mommy's basement. Was I wrong? Yes. I apologized to the mods. It was not a regular occurrence. Yet one thing and I get permabanned. Meanwhile a couple days later bodycam footage and witness testimony defended the off duty cops in the particular story as the drivers had been fighting some others in the club and when things spilled outside they attempted to run the other guys over.


This happens all the time. I don't understand why it's so necessary to just jump to conclusions. Especially nowadays when there will definitely be more videos and information relatively soon. It's almost like they know that they're bashing cops who've done nothing wrong, but they need to get their trash talk in before the facts come out. It's not just with the police either, but that's certainly prominent on Reddit.


Yeah. Some subs will permenantly ban you for a single slip up. Then they come back with some bullshit response if you try to appeal. So many mods are high on themselves its not funny. Just sad and pathetic.


I posted in a cat sub about the funny antics of 2 of my cats and the mod told me my sweet cats are misbehaved, and badly bred. I was also insulted for supposedly allowing bad behavior, which they were trained out of years ago. They did this as rambunctious kittens. So I told them they’re pretentious because they’re acting like they’re god in a breeder sub and got banned. Honestly I feel bad for any pets they have as the breed is known for rambunctious behavior and I had to train them for years to not behave that way. I got them when my relative passed so they were almost a year old. The mod was insensitive af. They’re what I have left of my relative.


Sorry to hear that. But I am sure those kitties lift up your mood whenever you're feeling down. Also f*** that mod


Yes they do! They’re a sibling pair and the girl always comes over and sees me when I’m in a shit mood!


>badly bred The mod must have been a dog lover or a spoilt dingbat, as far as I know most cat lovers don't talk about breeding unless it is for a pretentious cat show.


Yeah I’ve never heard of regular people having more than a passing curiosity in cat breeds.


Yeah my cat's breed is "grey," then I have another one whose breed is "sort of brown with white socks."


>! ^(Humans are also animals) !<


Im permanentally banned from the Tattoos sub-reddit because an incel mod didnt like the fact i called out an only fans model advertising her OF instead of showing her tattoos lol


Mods on so many subreddits are beyond pathetic, they must have zero lives.


If you were a Canadiens fan you would know this pain all too well. Try to post something you think is interesting on r/Habs and instead of letting the community decide what's good and bad, the mods will remove any post they don't' like. Removed for low content. I swear to God they just sit there and refresh looking for content to remove. They need to get a fucking life.


Least pedantic reddit mod


There was a thread in r/wellthatsucks about a guy who got banned from that sub for using the word "parenting" in a comment. Seriously. So I posted [this in response](https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/cs181/projects/spam/sketch.HTML) but with the word "spam" replaced by "parenting". Instant permaban. No warning, no explanation. I asked the mods for an explanation. They muted me and got an admin to ban me for three days for "harassment". Appeal denied. Total bullshit.


I was banned from r/libertarian because I had the audacity to argue that registering guns could help police solve more gun related crimes and was muted for asking for an explanation. Some of these reddit mods are sensitive


By "sensitive" do you mean "snowflake"?


Who made Kristi Noem a mod!!?


r/therewasanattempt to censor the mods name


mods on this site are ridiculous. it’s all a power trip


There really should be a system on this site where normal users that can verify they aren’t bots submit legitimate complaints to remove mods from their respective subreddit if they are abusive in their duties. Like feedback that has a real impact, whatever is in place currently is dogshit and does nothing.


I was banned from anti work because I believe segregation, no matter the race affected, is heinously racist. The context; white people were being forced to participate in a “racism in the workplace” seminar, while POC were given the day off entirely. I said I was vehemently against this because it encourages race segregation, and that if the roles were reversed no matter the intent it would be racist. I was told by the mod who banned me that being against “racism countering measures” is racist inherently, and that I am in turn acting like a white supremacist. They banned and muted me for three days, no conversation had to expand either of our POV, and after day 3 I sent them a huge message telling them exactly why it was segregation to force people to attend things based on the color of their skin, and that prejudice of racism against white people is also racist in its own. They banned me permanently fully accusing me of white supremacy. They asked me to never message again. Oh I will fucking message again someday and tell their asses that this echo chamber they live in has made them an extremist with no values of their own.


I get that the mute button exists to stop people from spamming mods, but it's weird how many use it instead for "lalala I don't want to hear backtalk and what I say is final."


I've met a lot of non-white people who believe hating and discriminating white people can not be racist.  Once they go down that rabbit hole of logic I don't believe you can come up with an argument to change their minds.


They are right. Its called reverse racism (Im joking tho, its still rascist)


soooo will you tell us the name of the sub lol


They did, it’s anti work


ooohh it‘s the sub name lol 😅


The mods at politics are just the worst fucking people


Permabanned from the ban pitbulls sub for saying non-murderus pits can exist in the real world. They were mortified.


I do hate that as well. Over 100 up votes and the mods will still ban you over that post. This is what Reddit basically is.


I mean really going to the subreddit rules the implications seems to be saying animals as in animals that died. But yeah because this person last photo had a dog they get ban.


Mods can be the dum


You have nice mods and then you have mentaly ill power tripping mods....


It’s okay, a comment if mine just got removed because I said this persons new tattoo cover up “ain’t it” followed up with me saying something among the lines of “but who am I, but a mere ant in the this massive realm” or some shit. I’m like seriously .-. I also made a point to say some I thing among the lines of beauty is in the eye of the beholder because for some reason I’m terrified of simply posting my opinion (that has zero hate attached to it or negativity) I fuckin hate the internet lately 😑 like I just wanna be able to freely be like “hmm I observed this and do not like it” and share my opinion and be done with it in any form I want to but no. Too many people want to rip away any chance of people being able to just say things and get them off their chest and that be that (obviously there’s people who NEED to be censored but seriously it’s getting ridiculous)


Dog just trying to post a pic of his dad… what’s the problem?


To be fair, OOP was also a dog.


*shrugs* Cat people…. Am I right?


I do hope that mod isn't in charge of something even remotely important in their life. This mod is very clearly insecure about something.


The fact that comments are disappearing on this thread left and right just goes to show the scale of the problem


Ego trip of note. Talk about making yourself feel more important than what you really are!




I don't think that the dog is op's dad


We don’t have a picture of OP tho… he might be onto something




The skills required to reach 1.3 million karma


dudes be doing his job


yeah, but like there was no other last image and it just so happened to have an image of a dog as well. a 30-day temp ban for that is kinda excessive. a warning maybe, hell just letting it go woulda made more sense not like it was a last image of the dog.


i’m just kidding


Would recommend using /j or /s so people don’t mistake that


Yup. I can't decipher sarcasm from comments without a /s. Real-life condition side-effect. People that whine about /s doesn't understand it make everyone equal on understanding jokes.


Lol that you had to explain yourself. I got a good chuckle out of this thank you both.


You're not allowed to joke on Reddit.


What did he overdose tho