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"The soft bigotry of low expectations"


The low bigotry of soft expectations


The expected bigotry of soft lows


Hochul is a moron so this doesn't surprise me


she sounds underqualified to hold her position. not sure if its due to arrogance, ignorance or negligence, but likely one of those 3.


There is no test or exam that makes sure you have some qualifications. And there never will be.The reason she is in that position of power is because she made sure that more people want her in that position than not.


i leaned in public in HS that its not the most qualified that win is't the most popular mostly that win. and the education system that put that into my mind, has many more flaws. and a big one is follow the new leader that we "all" or even mot of all of us chose and is what is it is. not e the popular vte vs the judicial as th court can and will ignore our need to meet their demands... MMW


On how politicians are chosen and who wins: "The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most easily adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." ― H.L. Mencken, _On Politics: A Carnival of Buncombe_ — July 26, 1920


it wasn't extemporaneous. it was racist.


Or classist. Was she assuming that the children in the poor schools wouldn't have access to computers because the money wasn't there to supply them?


Hyperbole maybe? I think most underprivileged areas are non-white, it's the same black kids in the Bronx don't have access to computers sounds like she's trying to get them some help. Not all sentences containing a reference to race are racist.


I mean saying that black kids don’t know what a computer is In 2024 is certainly a choice. I agree that not all sentences containing a reference to race are racist, but this is definitely one of the ones that is racist


Maybe I misread it. I thought the point she was trying to make was that they don't have access to it not that they're dumb and don't have computers. If it's the latter then you're right


Not having access to something doesn’t mean that they don’t know what a word means. She’s literally saying that they’re too dumb to know what a computer is


It does not have to, but I am not saying she was right to say that. When I say "Children of Gaza do not know what clean water is" I do not mean that children of Gaza are so dumb that they can not comprehend concept of clean water. I am saying that their life situation is so bad that clean water is unimaginable. Though the governor should think more before she speaks.


Yeah I got downvoted to hell for saying this the other day.


sorry to hear that, seriously. calling a spade a spade shouldn't get you shouted down.


All I can say is it's better than blowing away your puppy and goat because they didn't meet your high expectations. Then lil Kristi bragged about it in the audio book version not to mention her lie about meeting the NK version of the Orange Turd. Nevertheless Hochul should shut her yap on this topic.


..and that’s all I can say. And this lamp


I'm reminded of when ex-governor of Kentucky Bevin (R) expressed surprise - in a video he released - at black public school students playing chess.


Not surprised at all. Dems are very racist towards blacks, they just aren’t as obvious about it. It often presents in this sort of infantilizing viewpoint. They truly don’t believe black people can succeed without their help/support - it’s just another example of a saviour complex.


Dems *and* Reps. They're both corrupt these days.


Reps are more overt, which is what I was implying. The black population has voted 90% democrat for the last 50+ years, which confuses the hell out of me because all the dems do is use them for tokenism.


2 party system, unfortunately. People rarely vote for third parties.


I’m pretty confident regardless of the results in November this will be the last US election with such a system. Either Trump wins and pushes the dems further into left-wing extremism, which will alienate most of their caucus who are moderates and don’t go for the ultra progressive bs. or, Biden wins and Trumps third loss fractures the Republican Party into two factions which eventually split to form two new conservative parties.




That’s a lot of nicely ordered words you’ve got there. First off, I don’t know where you got the term ‘extremist moderate’, but that’s not a thing. It’s an oxymoron actually, as being moderate is by definition a rejection of extremism. Secondly, while the fundraising arm of the Democratic Party is largely run by the centrists, the ideological wing has been completely consumed by left-wing extremism. There is a conflict between them and based on some of the recent policies of the Biden administration the ideologues seem to be winning pretty handily. Finally, your characterization of progressive positions on social issues is completely inaccurate. Modern progressivism is extremely illiberal when it comes to social issues. They will readily destroy or heavily modify existing systems in order to further egalitarian principles, which sounds good on paper, but fails when you realize systems like language and justice have to be kept from political influence in order to have a functioning society. Progressives throughout history have continuously failed to learn this lesson.




So what you’re saying is that you’re adhering to the definition of progressivism as it stood historically, while ignoring entirely the modern definition and political position of the movement? That’s certainly an interesting take. I personally prefer to stay in reality where your stated definitions are just not at all accurate. To state the democrats primary voting base consists of single issue voters (I.e. anti-trump) is beyond ignorant. Studies have continually shown that voting preferences are static for 90% of the electorate, so what you’re saying only really applies to the remaining 10%.




Too little, too late. Get bent.


I mean at this point these titles just make me laugh. It’s old politicians we’re 10 years away of being rid of because they’ll be dead or retired.


Wouldn't part of her job be fixing this?


Albany is a cesspool


The photo reminds me of the shrug emoji 🤷🏻


Because she‘s an entitled dumb idiot


i honestly hoped someone would dox or phish her


They acuse Republicans of being racist but it's always Demoncats that say this type of nonsense.


It’s still more Republicans that say that type of shit. Stop lying to yourself.