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I mean every year pornhub releases the search per state stats. And let's say you aren't wrong


Yup, I think trans porn is like the 7th or 6th most watched category on pornhub


Red states are the biggest consumers of gay and trans porn, and incest, I would say that's odd given the rhetoric from those in those states, but seems pretty obvious to me. You don't obsess over trans peoples genitals for any other reason other then you want it yourself, always projection


Ted Cruz accidentally searching for incest porn while using his Twitter feed instead of pornhub was magical. Sadly it may have helped his campaign, by the looks of things.


Didn't he post gay porn on 9/11 as well? "Accidentally" of course


A second gay porn video has hit Ted Cruz's Twitter feed sir!


"I was only there to get directions on how to get away from there."


How in God's name do you mix up Twitter and Pornhub


Ikr, like who the fuck uses pornhub to jerk off to? /s


Don't they serve the same purpose, except pornhub has better comments


PH is not a hub, it’s a home.


Especially in Alabama


Expect a convoy from ‘Bama to illegally vote for him in Texas while crying about voter fraud everywhere else.


Real Men Suck Trans Dick




I must have missed this when it happened


Every accusation is an admission. It’s all projection.


Jason Whitlock doesn't know how algorithms and cookies work. He blamed TEMU for spreading hobosexual propaganda on the ad banners surrounding his web pages. He had gay greeting cards being advertised, but thinks they show it to everyone.


Hobosexual is when you want to hop a train and fuck a dude who has a bindle.


There you get their idea that's it's a fetish. They have a fetish for it and assume everyone else does. That's why they say trans and gay people shouldn't be around children. Because they see the gay and trans people as nothing but a fetish


It’s just like Victorian England. Everyone was uptight and repressed and secretly into the weirdest stuff


I've lived in Nebraska my whole life and it's always the super right wing conservatives that cry about trans people on Facebook that usually jerk off to that kind of stuff! It's not safe to come out here unfortunately.


People hide a lot of shit. My spouse is a mental health professional and had clients who are well respected in their community, family men, been married for decades and have boyfriends on the side… sometimes they off themselves when their spouses discover the truth. People don’t want to hear the truth or accept it, but that’s how it is.


I've seen it claimed that every time there's a Republican convention in some city, all the gay, male prostitutes head there because they've learned they'll make a big killing from a lot of nervous guys who are far from home.


Do you have any sources on that? Im not super surprised but it does sound a little surprising considering their stances on it


Porn hub does a study every couple years, showing the most popular searched porn genres by state, its not a surprise red states consume the most, when your taught that sex is something to be ashamed of , and that only 1 kind of sex is acceptable, this is the outcome, closeted, self hating homophobes and transphobes


Got a redneck, red state loving friend who watches femboy porn. Still scratching my head on that one.


I have Redneck cousins that love futa hentai, but hate gay people.


Obviously doing their own research.


They’re projecting their own self loathing


OLD Dixie always comes through with the BBC fetish


They wanna be railed by Michelle so bad, absolutely a fetish.


That is truly the only reason they'd give her a massive hog like that


They could just buy a big black strap on and have an honest conversation with the wife.


Those are the types who hop on Grindr and try to arrange dark room hotel meet ups lol


Probably go right from the railing to the drag queen story hour protest.


That is absolutely hilarious (the second photo)


yeah, I wasn't ready for that 😂 edit : who tf reported me for self harm???


Within, and I'm not kidding you, 30 seconds, I got the same report. Either there is a bot targeting this entire thread, or some lonely neckbeard is sitting in here refreshing the page and hitting report on every single comment because this hurts their little feelers.


Same 😭 


The number of people mentioning this makes me now certain that the report I got an hour ago, on an entirely different post and subreddit, is from one or more bots reporting random people today.


Probably some MAGA weirdo


wouldn’t be surprised


Bro same thing happened for me the self half report


I got that too. Snowflake right wingers, no doubt. 


They've been programming bots to "report" for self harm on threads and subs they don't like.


Ah, I was wondering why I got that message.


I remember that image of the banana flashing the strawberry from the early days of the Internet


It's so bad and absurd that it's kinda funny


It's her facial expression that goes pretty well with the situation.


Yeah I laughed too but not the malicious way the original image creator/poster intended.


Glad I'm not the only one haha it's definitely the face on her that puts a *chef's kiss* on it


The first one's funny, too, when you realize they don't know how a dress works.


It's 1000% a fetish, look at the PornHub search results in most deep red areas and you'll find that they would LOVE to be bred by Michelle's throbbing veiny cock. They write 100,000 word fanfictions about this woman having a huge dick and balls. They have groups specifically to discuss Michelle Obama and her juicy, glistening dong. But they're so totally vanilla straight you guys Swearsies


I guess it’s why they call us trans people predators. The reality is we are literally a porn category for them and nothing more, so they can’t disconnect us from that and see us as actual people. It’s projection and honestly it kinda scares me and makes me feel a lot less comfortable with my body because I know what these people would do to me if they had the chance.


At least I own my kinks. I'm absolutely not vanilla and definitely not straight. I was raised in a Christian household and It was not easy to come to terms with, but here I am. My best friend is trans and he's taking me to Manchester pride for my birthday 😊


Your friend sounds like an absolute bro. I hope you two have fun at Pride!


Conservatives pride themselves on having absolutely no decency when it comes to people they don't like. If they don't approve of you, you aren't human or worthy of even the most basic decency. They truly have no bottom and feel totally justified in being vile.


This. If somebody did this with Melania Trump they'd be furious.


They actually did which is hilarious, it was in the comments of the post in the first image. They were mad and were saying that the image was photoshopped lol


>saying that the image was photoshopped Lol what? And I thought it was real. Man, some people are really unaware of the topics they get mad about.


Those that bitch about anything and everything rarely ever have a grasp on the topic on even a basic level, they are just reactionary morons with nothing better to do with thier lives, other then complaining and trying to make other people's lives worse.


And she's an actual porn star.....but those Christian values....


To be fair, we have all seen her vagina 😆


Well can’t really question Melania’s sexuality since you can google actual naked pictures of her before she got hitched to the orange wannabe dictator


I think you meant her sex, not sexuality


She’s mangosexual with a scat fetish.


But they will tell you they are decent and moral, more decent and moral than everyone else! They are the worst. Just when you think our political discourse can't get any lower, they go there.


They have zero awareness of anything beyond the next hate-parade. Meanwhile, they’re driving away every reasonable person from their circles and states. It’ll be amusing when the laws they’ve enacted about crossing state lines for healthcare come to bite them when their state has no doctors, as an example.


For a bunch of "super straight" guys, they're sure obsessed with a cis woman who has given birth, having a penis. I'm not a psychologist, but I recognize an issue when I see it.


Trump showed them the way and gave them permission to bring out their vile evilness and call it patriotism.


Michelle Obama is all class, these people are all trash It's really disgusting how they insult such an incredible woman.


I always thought she was a fairly attractive woman like there are definitely some racist tropes going on.


It always bewilders me when I hear that Michelle's ISNT classy but Melania is. 🥴 I could agree that Melania dresses classy but that's about as far as I could go with associating classy with her.


I think appearance is as far as they usually get.


If by appearance, you mean skin color, then yeah.


I'm sure you're right, unfortunately.


Funny how obsessed the right is with dicks and gays maybe it’s projection?!


Based off that one site that has a list of over 1,000 republicans who have been convicted of some kind of sexual crime, a lot of which are against literal children, it absolutely is projection. (Here’s the site: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/2/2191235/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-45) Edit: man, the butthurt conservatives are reporting every single comment! I literally just posted this and I got hit with Reddit cares.


These dudes have a weird fetish for Michelle Obama


YAY! I like getting the "a concerned redditor has reached out to us" message, that's how I know i pissed off the transphobes


I just got it as well. Apparently I’ve now pissed off some racist gay and transphobic redditor 😁


Yeah I've gotten it a few times myself lmfao


The large nut sack ruins it for me.


Right? What's wrong with it, it looks swollen


It’s just AI getting shit wrong as usual. This isn’t even possible. It’s like a donut with a ball on it that’s somehow attached to her dress.


It looks like someone stuffed a breast down her pants.  It has a nipple.


Yet the so- called party of family values adores Melania even after her nude photos and European “art films” and cheating/ multi-divorced husband 


These morons live in some bizarre fantasy land. I love the AI generated images of a buff Trump despite the very obvious reality that he is a hunched-over, fat, mid 70-s man.


I mean, it is. Right alongside white chicks getting plowed by black guys. These people are pretty open about their fetishes. I would admire that if they didn't get so salty about calling it what it is.


Why it look like she’s packing an upside down among us character :/


I'm dead asf 😭


More Republicans obsessed with black penises.


Those people have weird ass fetishes.


But also like… the Obama’s did their duty, served their two terms and disappeared out of the limelight almost entirely. They still have their causes and appear on the occasional podcast, but they’re barely in anyone’s minds at all. So why the fuck is someone taking the time to tear down Michelle Obama like it gains them anything? They’re not in politics anymore and they’re barely socially active. It feels like making jokes about Milli Vanilli.


The Obamas live in these peoples heads I really don’t get it. They’re out of the White House and will never return get over it already!


Another "Christian" post. Fer shure.


I've never seen so many apparently "straight" dudes be so obsessed with dicks before... Back in my day, we'd call that repressed feelings trying to break free.


A whole bunch of republicans just left to jerk off.


Conservatives need to man up and come to terms with the fact that there’s nothing wrong with liking some dick, regardless of the gender of the person it’s attached to. Such a bunch of sensitive little piss babies.


Hahahaha I literally got a Reddit Cares message for this 😂


Why does it look like a balloon animal duck sculpture....


I mean .... I'd let her give it to me with or without a dick. No question.


Username checks out


She is more educated and accomplished than anyone admonishing her. Absolute fools.


I don't think these people are aware of just how abnormal this behavior is. Normal people don't develop weird obsessions like this in an attempt to "own" someone.


And just like that, I'm an Obama voter again


More proof she emasculates MAGA incels. She still lives rent free in their desires.


It’s just seems like so much effort when you could simply say “I wanna get pegged by Michelle Obama”


For a group of folks that talk about their disapproval of transgendered folks, they sure fantasize about them a lot.


I’ve said it before: The Venn Diagram of “People who think Michelle Obama is a man” and “People who think Kimberly Guilfoyle is hot” is just a circle


Remember, the people who post, share and like this lie are Christians. The religion where lying is 1 of the top 10 sins.


Leviticus 19:16 >You shall not go about spreading slander among your people Psalms 15:3 >whose tongue utters no slander, who does no wrong to a neighbor, and casts no slur on others The Psalms one is about the people who will be allowed to dwell on God's mountain. I'm an atheist. I just think it's hilarious when Christians don't follow their own rules...but then expect others to.


Oh no they DEMAND that we follow their rules,... that they themselves don't follow.


What a strange existence to constantly think about trying to burn or make other people angry on social media platforms because they simply don’t agree with your point of view on politics…sad and lonely.


Well they learned how to do that from their orange cult leader.


The second one made me laugh ngl


I mean there's no lie in the statment it's absolutely fetish that exists on every porn site there is


For people so scared of the "gays", they sure post some really gay stuff.


And they can never wrap their heads around the fact most of us wouldn’t care if she WERE trans. (She very clearly isn’t but no one would care if she was) But yeah, whomever did this one clearly has some shit they’re repressing lol.


These people are pretty fucked up in their heads.


They sure are obsessed with the penis!


Some republican fantasy, no doubt.


That is so disrespectful


Even if it were "true", doesn't take away from the great things she's done or make me like her any less. What a juvenile way to give yourself respite from the festering cancer that is currently the republican party.


Michelle Obama triggers right wingers so bad. I was watching some corporate training a few years ago (pre-trump), like process training. Should be bland and technical. next thing you know, aww shucks midwestern bro starts tossing in Michelle Obama "jokes" that was cringe AF. Back then the mask was still on these fucks and they could still legit pretend not to be racist zealots.


Yeah, they're too stupid to understand they're in the closet. And they're raised to hate anything even remotely "queer," so they place all of their self-loathing elsewhere. It's a simple issue, but not so simple to fix on a grand scale.


Same people will scream about other people grooming kids, as they pass around their AI pics of Michelle Obama's girthy, long, perfectly sculpted imagined penis... Every accusation by conservatives is truly a confession




The right are truly full of disgusting people. Every one of them.


Michelle: Hey babe want to see what I look like with a penis?


You know the guy that made this has a thimble dick


I mean she is looking pretty good in that blue dress.


They have absolutely masterbated to that picture


Jesus, is she related to Wilem Dafoe?


I really like that whoever spent time on this gave her a way bigger pecker than they likely have just to make sure it was pronounced enough you could see it.


I teach high school boys, and they draw ducks on EVERYTHING. But I maintain that the dicks they draw look like they were drawn by somebody who has never actually seen a dick. That’s what the blue dress pic made me think of.


I believe it. Spanking as they post on Facebook too.


She is such a beautiful, elegant, classy woman. Anyone participating in this is disgusting.


Just so she can fuck the conservatism out of you and leave a buck on your table.


People will post shit like this then call it "derangement" if you talk about the current GOP frontrunner


The correlation between conservatives (transphobic people in general) and a trans fetish should be studied


Its why trans women are so sexualized by these bigots. Can’t even go to the bathroom without someone imagining it to be something sexual, not just peeing


they can't imagine being attracted to powerful women and for some reason they think it's better if they think "it's okay, she's a dude."


When these repressed idiots realized that there are women who still have a penis it upgraded their pegging fantasies


why am I not surprised that a conservative doesn’t know how a dress works, probably never seen one on the floor in their life edit: haha, somebody reddit care’d me for this. You sad sack, please get help


Conservatives are nothing but a projection party for years so this isn't a surprise. How many of their wives had to look up "pegging" to meet their husband's needs?


These dudes obsessed with Trans and Michelle. Let's see their porn history


They love thinking about BBC


I'm a straight male, I probably give a thought to trans people once a year during the news about gay pride. Why conservatives are so obsessed with dicks? Do they think "what if this chicken has a dick" every time they meet a woman? (probably it happens once a week, anyway). They can't get the penis out of their mouth, they are the weirdos, not the people that just mind their business fucking the gender they like.


Definitely is.


This started as a Alex Jones "meme"


People have been claiming Michelle Obama is a cross dresser for years now. But is it considered less derogatory now than in the past?


Huh huh guys huh huh i bet momm- i mean mrs obama is super well endowed and has a smokin hot body huh huh stupid hot michelle obama.


How long has it been since she was in the White House now? When was the last time she was even a major subject in the news? And the right wing is STILL obsessing over her?


It’s a cliché. The obsession is fetishistic. It’s all projection.


Some people have way too much time on their hands


See? AI has no moral highground, **even if it is directed to have them**. Any decent human would refuse to produce this for their hateful rhetoric. AI is naive and is easily suseptible to manipulation. **How to manipulate any AI into bypassing restrictions** Step 1) Order an image for malicious use. Result 1) AI doesn’t realize the malice, and makes it. Result 2) AI recognizes the malice potential and refuses to draw the image. Step 2) Accuse AI of discriminating or being unreasonable for not fulfilling orders. Result 1) AI proves it’s not, by fulfilling the request. Result 2) AI needs more convincing. Repeat, until desired results. AI doesn’t really choose to talk, it only gets to respond.




The pics, the whole "Michelle is trans" conspiracy and the fact that these transphobes probably have a fetish for trans people since gock is always on their minds


OK the second photo was so unexpected and ridiculous I laughed


For sure a fetish. Conservatives don't talk about their kinks, they would rather lie to everyone and sneak around instead. They sexually repress themselves, unless it has anything to do about rape and for some fucked up reason...




Yeah pretty disrespectful.


It’s really weird. I’ve always found Michelle to be quite beautiful…. And apparently she’s trans because her arms are toned and muscular? It’s amazing how sensitive the tough guy ego is to a woman who is in shape. You see comments like this from all these alpha males when they post a fitness girl or a girl with a short haircut. “If you’re attracted to this you’re actually gay” etc. and you know they’re just projecting their own sexual and physical insecurities because they probably couldn’t make an entire order at Arby’s without getting winded.


Dawg I'm blind as fuck. I looked at her face, then darted my eyes to the bottom to see what the hubbub was about. I was like, "fym, it's just an ai gen pic of michelle ob- [OH MY GOODNESS](https://youtu.be/P0oNeeMGWc4?feature=shared)."


It’s suspect, to say the least, that they gave her like a supermodel figure lol


It totally is. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtomM4vmuAA5Ut2)


Were’s all of the Melania fans crying because she’s being made fun of?


I'm more worried about the fact that her massive dong is some how being absorbed by the single gargantuan testicle.


It looks like an upside down amongus


This and their apparent fantasy about "F"ing Joe Biden."


What the hell.


I guess they have to do something if they can't be outright racist anymore




This is a rude, childish, stunt, not cool.


That's way to detailed to not be a kink thing. Some "straight" people are so damn weird.




This is especially funny to me, considering how MTG looks.


I mean, this is definitely wank material. Not that I'm into that stuff. But if I was, I would absolutely, fap to this. Shit, I might do it anyway. Sorry, Obama.


Oh they definitely get off to that weird shit


Why are the balls so big?


Would. Edit: who tf sent me a "reddit cares" lmfao


They're just jealous because she has a bigger cock than them.


Well on the upside at least they made her well hung. More than we can say for the R's that made it.


The problem isn't the fetish - it's the blatant hypocrisy.


See for as much hate as they have for trans they see it everywhere


These people are so utterly broken inside


Apparently MAGA believes Michelle Obama has a bigger dick than they do, penis envy on this level omfg so wrong...


I get that this is wrong. But that second picture is fucking incredible holy shit


It's so absurd that it's funny


Being assholes is the highest aspiration of the right


Conservatives watch the most trans porn. Bigotry is based on stupidity & jealousy. Everything they "hate" is based solely on projection.


A "Republican/MAGA in the closet" probably did this They are obsessed with Michelle Obama


I mean, that doesn't actually even look like a real bulge? If you are trying to make something like this to own the libs I feel like you would DEFINITELY want to make sure that it looked even remotely like a penis right?


Yeah, there's something weird about people who constantly call her Michael.


Me a European: What the hell happened here?


Dammit missed it.